abernathyhoug.livejournal.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://abernathyhoug.livejournal.com/profile
Submission: On May 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

GET //www.livejournal.com/rsearch/

<form class="s-header-search__form" action="//www.livejournal.com/rsearch/" method="get" role="search" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="journal" value="abernathyhoug">
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GET //www.livejournal.com/rsearch/

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                                        &quot;forceY&quot;: 10
                                    }" data-tour-title="tour.friendsfeed.title" data-tour-text="tour.friendsfeed.step2.search.tip"><span class="
      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="svgicon flaticon flaticon--search" width="16" height="16">
        <use xlink:href="#flaticon--search"></use>

Name: setreadability_formPOST https://www.livejournal.com/tools/setstylemine.bml

<form method="POST" name="setreadability_form" action="https://www.livejournal.com/tools/setstylemine.bml"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_readability" value="on"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_user" value="">
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Name: setreadability_form_adaptivePOST https://www.livejournal.com/tools/setstylemine.bml

<form method="POST" name="setreadability_form_adaptive" action="https://www.livejournal.com/tools/setstylemine.bml"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_readability" value="on"><input type="hidden" name="Widget[StyleAlwaysMine]_user"
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POST https://www.livejournal.com/login.bml?ret=1

<form action="https://www.livejournal.com/login.bml?ret=1" method="post" class="b-loginform__form pkg lj_login_form ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-maxlength">
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        <input id="user" class="b-loginform-field__input b-loginform-field__input--user ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-maxlength" type="text" tabindex="10" placeholder="Username" value="" name="user" size="18" maxlength="17"
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POST https://www.livejournal.com/identity/login.bml?type=openid&auto_forwhat=user%24abernathyhoug%24%2Fprofile

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Bentley Continental Key Fob Troubleshooting Tips

The Bentley Continental is a truly stunning car to drive. Its brushed-metal
accents the center stack and gorgeous wood and leather decorate its cabin. Its
mighty W12 engine generates 552 break horses of power.

The Continental key fob is encased with rubber to prevent water from damaging
the electronic chip. If it gets submerged by clean water from the tap or rain it
should be fine, however, prolonged exposure to salt water can cause damage to
the chip.

Keyless entry system

The Bentley Continental comes with a keyless entry system that allows you to
lock and unlock your vehicle using remote controls. bentley replacement key is
convenient, and you can save time. There are many reasons why your key fob may
not function properly. One of them is the battery being dead, water damage,
receiver module issues, and signal interference. In some cases a malfunctioning
internal chip could be the cause of the issue.

The key fob is encased with rubber to prevent water from entering the electronic
chips. The key fob can be soaked when exposed to salty or soapy water. This
could damage the chip. It is vital to clean the key fob thoroughly and allow it
to dry completely before putting back the battery. If the key fob does not
function after cleaning and drying it's probably defective and needs

The battery of your Continental key fob is made of metal retaining clips that
hold it in place and complete the circuit. If the clips are loosened or
corroded, it could cause contact issues. You can fix this by looking at the
battery's contacts and ensuring that they are clean. Also, make sure that the
battery is securely installed. If you have a spare Continental key, try it to
see if it works. If the key is faulty you can reprogramme it with an OBDII scan.


The key fob houses a small coin-sized battery. The remote will not work in the
event that the coin battery is dead. It is easy to determine the cause and
replace in just a few minutes. The battery can be damaged by water, and requires
replacing it. The key fob might not work for a number of reasons, including worn
out buttons, defective contacts in the battery, signal interference or an
inactive module. You can reset the system by disconnecting the battery that is
12 volts for a few minutes. This will allow the system to reset itself. First
disconnect the negative cable before re-connecting the positive.

The battery in the Bentley Continental key fob can last for as long as four
years, based on how often you use it. The battery is fixed by steel clips. The
clips must be tight. If they're not tight, the remote won't work properly.

If the Continental key fob is exposed to clean tap water, it must be cleaned
with a paper towel and dried before putting it back into the battery. If the
chip is exposed to soapy or salty water, it could become damaged. In such cases,
a new keyfob will be needed.

Water damage

David believes that there are any major mechanical problems on this Continental.
There is a little surface corrosion that has occurred when the wheels were
exposed to road grit. The boot is roomy and practical with an original warning
triangle strapped to the floor, as well as an extra spare wheel that is
space-saving and the basic Bentley toolkit under the false floor.

The chip in the key fob is protected by rubber seals that should keep it
functioning even when it gets wet. However prolonged exposure to water may
damage the chip, which is why it's best to take your key fob out of your pocket
when you go on kayaking, swimming, rafting, canyoning, or other activities in
which it could get wet.

If your key fob was submerged in ocean or soapy water, you may try to save it.
Use electronic cleaner or isopropyl ethanol to clean the chip. If the key-fob
fails to function after re-cleaning and drying, it might be time to replace it.
If you're in the market for a Bentley Continental key fob, make sure to select
one that's water-resistant and factory-paired with your car.

Fault diagnosis

The Bentley Continental key fob allows you to lock and unlock your car by
pressing. This system is very convenient and offers safety and security when
driving. There are several things that can be wrong with your key fob. The most
frequent causes are dead batteries water damage, or signal interference. There
are some troubleshooting methods you can employ to identify the issue with a key
fob that's not working.

The first thing to check is the battery. Make sure that it is well-placed and
that the metal clips that hold it are properly positioned. If the clips are not
secure and the battery is not have a proper contact and won't work properly. The
clips used to hold them must be free of corrosion and clean.

Another common cause of the key fob not working is an insufficient car battery.
The 12 volt battery inside your Continental must be in a healthy state to
communicate with the remote keyless entry system and the rest of the electronics
onboard. Examine your fuses and, if necessary, recharge the battery.

The Bentley Continental key fob sends an alert to the receiver module which is
inside the ignition barrel. If the signal is lost it will cause the engine to
not start and the alarm will go off. If the Bentley Continental key fob does not
work, you should seek out a professional.


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