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Reward epoch: 125
Next in: 1d 01h 13m
Total vote power: 7,889,496,608
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AddressNameSuccess rate IQR (6h)Success rate PCT (6h)*Reward rate*Reward rate
(prev)Balance (SGB)Availability (6h) *Total reward (SGB)*Current earnings (SGB)
Current Vote Power Current Delegation % Active Vote Power Active Delegation %Fee
10x04a8b3... NORTSO 73.2% 95.9% 0.169 0.183 173.63 100% 636,531 127,306
300,149,2233.8% 301,776,8943.82% 20%20xb5ecb6... Atlas TSO 72.9% 95.5% 0.209
0.209 205.92 100% 623,335 124,667 316,298,8144.01% 238,137,1093.01%
20%30x0f80af... EvolveFTSO 65.6% 94.1% 0.162 0.189 2,662.53 100% 567,917 113,583
278,033,1273.52% 280,897,6333.55% 20%40xf4213e... Flare Ocean 57.1% 94.4% 0.192
0.222 273.91 100% 530,321 95,457 230,695,9342.92% 226,173,8092.86%
18%50xc9ac8f... Lena Instruments 55% 93% 0.203 0.205 386.21 100% 379,796 75,959
217,085,9082.75% 149,675,7641.89% 20%60xbf61db... AlphaOracle 54.9% 93.8% 0.144
0.177 703.45 100% 514,202 102,840 288,328,4093.65% 286,313,3403.62%
20%70xde4051... Flare Dienst 54.4% 93.9% 0.176 0.186 223.06 100% 519,935 103,987
234,237,9122.97% 236,369,6762.99% 20%80x1b0087... Flare Oracle 54.2% 93.9% 0.141
0.153 3,512.31 100% 501,691 100,352 285,913,3723.62% 285,394,5693.61%
20%90x6c6b35... Solarius 52.7% 92.7% 0.191 0.217 3,393.37 100% 465,430 93,086
188,443,3982.39% 194,806,7062.46% 20%100xccd522... Flare.Space 52.5% 91.9% 0.203
0.212 80.12 100% 503,018 100,603 230,558,8922.92% 198,616,8202.51%
20%110xef4ef2... PRICEKRAKEN 49.1% 93.1% 0.182 0.198 473.26 100% 53,007 10,601
23,373,2960.3% 23,304,3490.29% 20% (15% from 128)120x6d323e... Aureus Ox 49%
91.3% 0.155 0.229 216,046.46 100% 457,424 91,484 215,153,2852.73%
235,883,7552.98% 20%130x5f3c59... FlareFi 48% 93.6% 0.189 0.204 4,651.75 100%
459,293 91,858 178,478,3152.26% 194,052,6852.45% 20%140x69141e... Bifrost Wallet
47.4% 92.6% 0.110 0.134 1,272.42 100% 461,135 92,227 379,256,4504.81%
335,269,4864.24% 20%150x0fa72d... FTSO Plus 46.4% 91.2% 0.175 0.201 512.16 100%
419,027 84,548 178,003,6072.26% 191,147,4722.42% 20%160x633ce0... Flare Beacon
45.8% 92.2% 0.125 0.224 425.76 100% 452,251 81,405 202,348,4662.56%
296,873,2973.75% 18%170x53caed... Use Your Spark 45.7% 91.2% 0.170 0.198
4,894.45 100% 426,918 85,383 150,331,4221.91% 201,442,7162.55% 20%180x1c602a...
EDPFTSO 42.9% 93.4% 0.184 0.235 173.60 100% 192,819 38,563 100,199,7621.27%
83,767,3591.06% 20%190x58cd43... Envision 42.7% 91.9% 0.190 0.219 2,630.34 100%
198,644 29,945 128,936,4161.63% 88,929,5321.12% 15%200x2d7bf5... A-FTSO 39.9%
93% 0.079 0.097 122.68 100% 394,749 78,952 406,426,9225.15% 401,983,3055.08%
20%210x0708a4... FTSO London 38.7% 91.7% 0.156 0.194 975.17 100% 197,371 39,475
91,987,8471.17% 101,287,0461.28% 20%220xa174d4... Ivy Oracle 38.3% 89.6% 0.157
0.219 976.83 100% 390,485 78,097 144,744,0281.83% 198,721,9232.51%
20%230x499017... FTSO AU 32.6% 90.6% 0.152 0.184 248.20 98.3% 273,159 54,631
149,087,3351.89% 143,969,9451.82% 20%240xd9200c... WitterFTSO 26.6% 89.9% 0.127
0.148 4,224.11 100% 71,087 14,217 34,033,7010.43% 44,746,7450.57%
20%250x92d6c2... Oracle Daemon 25.6% 85.9% 0.120 0.121 2,452.36 100% 147,984
29,596 96,780,1461.23% 99,061,1921.25% 20%260x2de2c7... Aternety 25.2% 83.1%
0.118 0.148 4,794.84 96.6% 32,945 6,589 22,404,3950.28% 22,364,9940.28%
20%270xca60cd... Defi Oracles 24.2% 69.8% 0.144 0.173 587.98 78.8% 304,449
60,889 145,181,4641.84% 169,403,5652.14% 20%280xfb9197... LightFTSO 17.5% 73.4%
0.099 0.117 2,204.78 100% 25,383 5,076 20,682,6800.26% 20,517,3240.26%
20%290x6bf25c... sToadz FTSO 15.4% 73.8% 0.085 0.106 891.70 100% 83,457 16,691
78,193,2040.99% 78,720,1591% 20%300x833dde... Flaris 15.3% 65.8% 0.055 0.091
365.59 96.4% 13,713 2,756 20,112,9160.25% 20,115,2310.25% 20%310x819eab... HEWG
14.8% 75.3% 0.087 0.098 256.79 100% 23,115 4,627 21,319,1620.27% 21,330,1560.27%
20%320xa467ac... HONO-TSO 14.3% 67.6% 0.078 0.097 11,747.54 100% 20,035 4,007
20,490,3310.26% 20,479,6010.26% 20%330x9565d8... AFOracle 13.7% 59.2% 0.081
0.083 801.79 100% 24,279 5,269 24,181,0740.31% 24,023,8770.3% 20%340x0d3852...
Bushido FTSO 12.8% 62% 0.084 0.093 7,274.99 100% 21,202 4,240 20,308,5270.26%
20,308,5160.26% 20%350x86ec5c... ACDTftso 12.6% 66.6% 0.074 0.092 67.80 100%
18,666 3,733 20,079,9670.25% 20,073,3240.25% 20%360x351497... Ugly Kitty 12%
62.5% 0.060 0.075 93.04 100% 15,634 3,126 21,012,7980.27% 20,920,2670.26%
20%370x0501b6... Aimlezz 11.1% 53.7% 0.045 0.068 69.87 91.5% 11,196 2,239
20,010,1990.25% 20,010,1920.25% 20%380x7c255e... FTSOCAN 10.2% 41.9% 0.057 0.065
155.15 100% 15,513 3,103 21,759,3620.28% 21,747,6560.28% 20%390x14d699... HT
Markets FTSO 9.4% 48.2% 0.060 0.070 923.50 100% 41,114 8,222 55,275,5790.7%
55,264,9950.7% 20%400x04bd68... Tailwind FTSO 9.2% 51.3% 0.056 0.059 330.64 100%
14,069 2,821 20,094,7370.25% 20,091,7060.25% 20%410x3ed7b2... Oracle Beast FTSO
9.1% 33.6% 0.027 0 966.99 100% 6,967 1,393 20,460,4180.26% 20,460,4740.26%
20%420x4eb408... TempestFTSO 8.7% 62.6% 0.065 0.066 117.87 100% 16,610 3,322
20,439,8600.26% 20,436,2730.26% 20%430x739492... Sun-Dara 8.3% 38.7% 0.050 0.061
973.74 98.3% 22,658 4,885 33,929,4740.43% 36,367,2260.46% 20%440x9225db... Flare
Portal 8% 44.7% 0.058 0.055 143.47 96.6% 15,041 3,008 20,765,3720.26%
20,608,6730.26% 20%450x769530... SolidiFi FTSO 7.7% 43.2% 0.043 0.051 100.31
100% 11,848 2,371 20,507,7380.26% 21,887,3450.28% 20%460xe70d53... Scintilla
7.7% 39.2% 0.047 0.059 456.03 100% 12,647 2,529 21,715,8000.28% 21,695,8530.27%
20%470x78a99a... Wonderftso 6.5% 42.9% 0.043 0.033 6,136.91 100% 10,793 2,160
20,258,3030.26% 20,258,2310.26% 20%480x2d3bde... Xdrops Oracle 6% 36.1% 0.053
0.060 821.46 95% 14,194 2,839 21,113,7030.27% 21,525,4020.27% 20%490xb53d69...
uGaenn 5.6% 29.7% 0.034 0.044 488.95 55.6% 9,565 1,981 22,271,5500.28%
22,267,1360.28% 20%500xb6ded9... True FTSO 5.2% 30.4% 0.034 0.047 117.76 100%
8,439 1,710 20,097,0000.25% 20,146,7020.25% 20%510x4f7f5f... FlareFTSO 4.7%
33.6% 0.031 0.030 340.33 100% 10,460 2,092 26,863,5110.34% 26,957,0580.34%
20%520xb9b735... FTSO UK 4.2% 20.5% 0.027 0.004 3,782.23 100% 9,877 0
28,080,6210.36% 29,198,710 0 20%530xaf31ca... African Proofs 3.8% 23.6% 0.021
0.023 72.80 100% 5,285 1,057 20,073,8140.25% 20,074,9510.25% 20%540x35d731...
4DadsFTSO 3.6% 28.7% 0.048 0.057 7,647.58 98.3% 12,884 2,576 21,620,5570.27%
21,501,1620.27% 20%550x3012c7... Sparkles FTSO 2.8% 17.3% 0.053 0.062 442.76
100% 16,104 3,220 24,161,3080.31% 24,119,2450.31% 20%560x010a16... FTSO EU 0.9%
9.7% 0.060 0.085 1,038.79 62.7% 33,244 6,861 44,247,7780.56% 44,367,8700.56%
20%570x4619ae... Knot Nodes 0.4% 1.4% 0.125 0.172 232.41 1.7% 30,201 4,650
20,584,3710.26% 20,583,6740.26% 15%580x15bc48... SSDS 0 0 0 0 862.58 0 0 0
17,6700% 51,350 0 20%590x263fec... SignalChamp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,9070% 1,907 0
20%600x285430... Dione 0 0 0 0 27,454.61 0 0 0 20,120,2820.26% 20,103,852 0
20%610x2c2935... TheGrungies 0 0 0.101 0.153 2,211.62 0 28,410 5,682
22,575,3640.29% 22,487,7510.28% 20%620x32fe8a... FTSO GG 0 0 0 0 331.57 0 0 0
82,0020% 85,452 0 20%630x33ddae... FTSOExpress 0 0 0.009 0.017 156.68 0 2,630
526 22,746,8880.29% 22,745,0240.29% 20%640x399a2d... MyFTSO 0 0 0 0 3.25 0 0 0
2,8100% 2,810 0 20%650x664e07... InGen.FTSO 0 0 0 0 100.61 0 0 0 20,016,7430.25%
20,020,770 0 20%660x889fd8... CFN 0 0 0 0 19.42 0 0 0 103,9310% 103,836 0
20%670xa9a143... Starlink Oracle 0 0 0 0 353.41 0 0 0 811,9620.01% 829,809 0
20%680xbadf00... 0 0 0 0 100.09 0 0 0 73,0630% 72,783 0
20%690xdd2799... FTSO Wales 0 0 0 0 2.19 0 0 0 49,6400% 49,619 0
20%700xe304af... Mickey B Fresh 0 0 0 0.020 37,891.83 0 0 0 24,229,1500.31%
24,309,329 0 20%710xecefe8... 1FTSO 0 0 0 0 178.12 0 0 0 622,6410.01% 622,641 0

Showing 1 to 71 of 71 entries