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Form analysis 7 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

<form class="my-6 section-x-padding" action="/search" method="get" role="search">
  <div class="flex w-full max-w-xs items-end">
    <label for="sidebar-search" class="visually-hidden">Search</label>
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      <span class="inline-block w-5 h-5"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-search" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
          <path fill-rule="evenodd"
            d="M10.533 17.438a6.968 6.968 0 01-6.96-6.96 6.968 6.968 0 016.96-6.96 6.968 6.968 0 016.96 6.96 6.968 6.968 0 01-6.96 6.96zm6.949-1.314a8.917 8.917 0 002.01-5.646c0-4.941-4.02-8.96-8.96-8.96-4.94 0-8.96 4.019-8.96 8.96 0 4.94 4.02 8.96 8.96 8.96 2.082 0 3.996-.72 5.52-1.916l4.962 4.96 1.415-1.413-4.947-4.945z">
      <span class="visually-hidden">Submit</span>

POST /cart

<form action="/cart" method="post" class="relative overflow-y-auto flex-auto" novalidate="">
  <div class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-gutter bg-border">
    <template x-for="(item, index) in state.items" :key="item.key">
      <div class="flex py-4 section-x-padding transition bg-scheme-background" :class="{ 'opacity-50 cursor-wait': item.updating }" :data-cart-item-index="(index + 1)" :data-cart-item-key="item.key" data-cart-row="">
        <template x-if="!(item.featured_image.url === null)">
          <div class="flex-shrink-0 w-10 md:w-20 mr-4">
            <a :href="item.url" class="block" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">
                      <img class="w-full text-transparent" :src="getSizedImageUrl(item.featured_image.url, '110x')" :srcset="getCartImgSrcset(item.featured_image.url)" :width="item.featured_image.width" :height="item.featured_image.height" :alt="item.product_title" sizes="(min-width: 48em) 5rem, 3.5rem">
                      <pre x-text="item.featured_image.src"></pre>
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          <template x-if="item.variant_title">
            <p class="text-sm" x-text="item.variant_title"></p>
          <template x-if="item.selling_plan_allocation">
            <p class="text-sm" x-text=""></p>
          <template x-for="property in flatProperties(" :key="">
            <p class="text-sm">
              <span x-text=""></span>: <span x-text="property.value"></span>
          <template x-if="item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
            <ul class="lg:hidden mt-1 text-sm text-scheme-accent" aria-label="Discount">
              <template x-for="allocation in item.line_level_discount_allocations">
                <li class="">
                  <span x-text="allocation.discount_application.title"></span>
                  <template x-if="allocation.amount > 0">
                    <span class="whitespace-nowrap">−<span x-html="formatMoney(allocation.amount)"></span></span>
          <div class="flex mt-1 lg:mt-2 items-center">
            <button class="w-6 p-1" data-qty-adjust="minus" @click.prevent="qtyAdjust($event, item)" :aria-label="'Remove one ' + item.title">
              <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-minus" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M20 11v2H4v-2z"></path>
            <input type="text" name="updates[]" class="min-w-0 w-6 py-1 text-center text-sm border-b-text border-current bg-transparent" min="1" aria-label="Quantity" data-qty-input="" pattern="[0-9]*" data-qty-adjust="set"
              @keyup.debounce.1000ms="keyupOnInput($event)" @change="qtyAdjust($event, item)" x-model.number="item.quantity" autocomplete="off">
            <button class="w-6 p-1" data-qty-adjust="plus" @click.prevent="qtyAdjust($event, item)" :aria-label="'Add one ' + item.title">
              <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-plus" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M20 11v2h-7v7h-2v-7H4v-2h7V4h2v7z"></path>
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            <span class="visually-hidden" x-text="item.title"></span>
        <div class="ml-1 text-right">
          <template x-if="item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
              <span class="visually-hidden">Regular price</span>
              <del class="line-through" x-html="formatMoney(item.original_price)"></del>
              <span class="visually-hidden">Sale price</span>
              <span class="" x-html="formatMoney(item.final_line_price)"></span>
          <template x-if="!item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
            <span class="" x-html="formatMoney(item.final_line_price)"></span>
          <template x-if="item.unit_price_measurement">
            <div class="text-xs">
              <span x-html="formatMoney(item.unit_price)"></span> / <span x-text="item.unit_price_measurement.reference_value"></span>
              <span x-text="item.unit_price_measurement.reference_unit"></span>
          <template x-if="item.line_level_discount_allocations.length">
            <ul class="hidden lg:block mt-1 text-sm text-scheme-accent" aria-label="Discount">
              <template x-for="allocation in item.line_level_discount_allocations">
                <li class="">
                  <span x-text="allocation.discount_application.title"></span>
                  <template x-if="allocation.amount > 0">
                    <span class="whitespace-nowrap">−<span x-html="formatMoney(allocation.amount)"></span></span>
  <div class="bottom-0 py-4 section-x-padding bg-scheme-background border-t-grid border-grid-color">
    <div :class="{ 'opacity-50  cursor-wait': updating }">
      <template x-if="state.cart_level_discount_applications.length" x-for="application in state.cart_level_discount_applications">
        <p class="flex justify-between text-scheme-accent">
          <span class="visually-hidden">Discount</span>
          <span x-text="application.title"></span>
          <span class="ml-2" x-html="formatMoney(application.total_allocated_amount)"></span>
      <p class="flex justify-between">
        <span class="ml-2" x-html="formatMoney(state.total_price)"></span>
      <p class="my-2 md:my-4 text-sm accent-links-scheme text-right"> Tax included. <a href="/policies/shipping-policy">Shipping</a> calculated at checkout. </p>
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            :disabled="updating" value="Check out">

GET /search

<form action="/search" method="get" class="input-group search" role="search">
  <label for="search-logo_center_menu_left-desktop" class="hidden">Submit</label>
  <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
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      <span class="inline-block w-5 h-5 align-middle"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-search" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
          <path fill-rule="evenodd"
            d="M10.533 17.438a6.968 6.968 0 01-6.96-6.96 6.968 6.968 0 016.96-6.96 6.968 6.968 0 016.96 6.96 6.968 6.968 0 01-6.96 6.96zm6.949-1.314a8.917 8.917 0 002.01-5.646c0-4.941-4.02-8.96-8.96-8.96-4.94 0-8.96 4.019-8.96 8.96 0 4.94 4.02 8.96 8.96 8.96 2.082 0 3.996-.72 5.52-1.916l4.962 4.96 1.415-1.413-4.947-4.945z">
      <span class="visually-hidden">Submit</span>
    <input x-ref="searchInput" id="search-logo_center_menu_left-desktop" type="text" name="q" value="" placeholder="Search" class="placeholder-current font-body w-full block bg-transparent" aria-label="Search" data-search-input="">
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      <span class="inline-block w-5 h-5 align-middle"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon fill-current icon-close" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
          <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18.364 4.222l1.414 1.414L13.414 12l6.364 6.364-1.414 1.414L12 13.414l-6.364 6.364-1.414-1.414L10.586 12 4.222 5.636l1.414-1.414L12 10.586z"></path>

GET /search

<form action="/search" method="get" class="input-group search" role="search">
  <label for="search-logo_center_menu_left-mobile" class="hidden">Submit</label>
  <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add" id="product-form-template--16081448566975__main" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="shopify-product-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" data-product-form="" data-product-handle="body-sculpt-kit"
  data-enable-history-state="true" x-ref="productForm"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="product"><input type="hidden" name="utf8" value="✓">
  <div class="no-js hidden">
    <label class="block mt-theme" for="variant_template--16081448566975__main">Variant</label>
    <select x-ref="singleVariantSelector" name="id" id="variant_template--16081448566975__main" class="mt-2 appearance-none rounded-none bg-scheme-background text-scheme-text border-b-grid py-1 border-scheme-text text-scheme-text pr-6">
      <option x-bind:selected="currentVariantId === 38157588529343" value="38157588529343" selected="selected"> Default Title </option>
  <div class="add-to-cart-container mt-8 lg:w-3/4"><button id="addToCartButton" @click="$store.drawer.cartOpener = $event.currentTarget"
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      :class="{ 'opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed': !currentVariantAvailable }" :disabled="!currentVariantAvailable || loading" style="display:none!important;visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:-10000px;">
      <span class="no-js"> Sold out </span>
      <template x-if="current_variant">
          <template x-if="currentVariantAvailable">
            <span>Add to cart</span>
          <template x-if="!currentVariantAvailable">
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        <template x-if="currentVariantAvailable">
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        <span>Add to cart</span>
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      <template x-if="!current_variant">
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      type="submit" :class="{ 'opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed': !currentVariantAvailable }" :disabled="!currentVariantAvailable || loading">
      <span class="no-js"> Sold out </span>
      <template x-if="current_variant">
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        <span>Add to cart</span>
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      <template x-if="!current_variant">
        <span> Unavailable</span>
  <input type="hidden" name="product-id" value="4707267608662"><input type="hidden" name="section-id" value="template--16081448566975__main">

POST /contact#Contact-footer

<form method="post" action="/contact#Contact-footer" id="Contact-footer" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="contact-form"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="customer"><input type="hidden" name="utf8" value="✓">
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POST /localization

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              <span class="md-form__select__span">Canada</span>
          <ul id="orbeCountryList" role="list" class="md-form__select__country__list " hidden="">
            <li tabindex="-1" data-name="Argentina" data-country="AR" style="display: list-item;">
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                            <span class="md-form__select__span">Austria / Österreich</span>
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                        <div class="md-form__select__country__list-link-wrapper">
                            <span class="md-form__select__span">CHINA / 中国大陆</span>
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                            <span class="md-form__select__span">Canada</span>
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                            <span class="md-form__select__span">Danmark</span>
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                            <span class="md-form__select__span">Deutschland / Germany</span>
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                            <span class="md-form__select__span">España</span>
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                            <span class="md-form__select__span">Finland</span>
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                            <span class="md-form__select__span">France</span>
            <li tabindex="-1" data-name="Greece / Ελλαδα" data-country="GR" style="display: list-item;">
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                        <div class="md-form__select__country__list-link-wrapper">
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Experience Clinically Proven Biotyspa's signature body lymphatic sculpting
drainage designed by Deborah Levy, founder and therapist, using Biotyspa's
innovative & original Body Sculpt Cup with soap-free hyaluronic acid enriched
Hydrating Shower Gel. The stimulating massage encourages the movement and
elimination of fluid, toxins and water retention. Complete the ritual with the
Firming Body Oil, made from a dynamic blend of organic oils combined with coffee
extract. The oil encourages lipolysis and firmer skin, while restoring softness
and elasticity.


Experience Clinically Proven Biotyspa's signature body lymphatic sculpting
drainage designed by Deborah Levy, founder and therapist, using Biotyspa's
innovative & original Body Sculpt Cup with soap-free hyaluronic acid enriched
Hydrating Shower Gel. The stimulating massage encourages the movement and
elimination of fluid, toxins and water retention. Complete the ritual with the
Firming Body Oil, made from a dynamic blend of organic oils combined with coffee
extract. The oil encourages lipolysis and firmer skin, while restoring softness
and elasticity.

 * Clinically proven
 * Australian made skincare
 * Natural & organic
 * Vegan & cruelty free


Biotyspa Clinical Study
20 people, 21 days

 * 100% found the treatment to be effective in improving skin elasticity
 * 95% found the treatment to be effective in improving skin firmness
 * 95% noticed their skin were smoother after 3 weeks of treatment
 * 85% found the texture of the skin appears visibly improved

See the full Clinical Study

Biotyspa Clinical Study
20 people, 21 days

 * 100% found the treatment to be effective in improving skin elasticity
 * 95% found the treatment to be effective in improving skin firmness
 * 95% noticed their skin were smoother after 3 weeks of treatment
 * 85% found the texture of the skin appears visibly improved

See the full Clinical Study


Set includes:
x1 Body Sculpt Cup
x1 Hydrating Shower Gel 100ml
x1 Firming Body Oil 100ml

Set includes:
x1 Body Sculpt Cup
x1 Hydrating Shower Gel 100ml
x1 Firming Body Oil 100ml


Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil*, Canola Oil*, Macadamia Integrifolia
(Macadamia) Seed Oil*, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract*, Persea Gratissima
(Avocado) Oil*, Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Kernel Oil*, Simmondsia Chinensis
(Jojoba) Seed Oil*, Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Fruit Oil*, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis
(Sweet Almond) Oil*, Argania Spinosa (Argan) Kernel Oil*, Tocopherol, Juniperus
Communis Fruit Oil, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil*, Pelargonium Graveolens
(Geranium) Flower Oil*, Eucalyptus Dives Leaf/Twig Oil*, Rosmarinus Officinalis
(Rosemary) Leaf Oil*, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil*, Limonene^,
Linalool^, Citral^, Geraniol^, Citronellol^. *Certified Organic ^Constituents of
Essential Oils.

Aloe Vera Juice*, Coco-Betaine (coconut derived surfactant), Purified Water,
Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate (coconut derived mild surfactant), Sodium Cocoyl
Isethionate (coconut derived mild surfactant), Gluconolactone (and) Sodium
Benzoate , Glycerin*, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (bergamot) Peel Oil, Citrus
paradisi (grapefruit) Peel Oil, Citrus aurantium amara (petitgrain) Leaf/Twig
Oil, Vetiveria Zizanioides (vetiver) Root Oil, Santalum Spicata (Australian
sandalwood) Wood Oil, Cucumis Sativus (cucumber) Juice, Hyaluronic Acid.
*Certified organic.

100% medical grade silicone

Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil*, Canola Oil*, Macadamia Integrifolia
(Macadamia) Seed Oil*, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract*, Persea Gratissima
(Avocado) Oil*, Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Kernel Oil*, Simmondsia Chinensis
(Jojoba) Seed Oil*, Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Fruit Oil*, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis
(Sweet Almond) Oil*, Argania Spinosa (Argan) Kernel Oil*, Tocopherol, Juniperus
Communis Fruit Oil, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil*, Pelargonium Graveolens
(Geranium) Flower Oil*, Eucalyptus Dives Leaf/Twig Oil*, Rosmarinus Officinalis
(Rosemary) Leaf Oil*, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil*, Limonene^,
Linalool^, Citral^, Geraniol^, Citronellol^. *Certified Organic ^Constituents of
Essential Oils.

Aloe Vera Juice*, Coco-Betaine (coconut derived surfactant), Purified Water,
Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate (coconut derived mild surfactant), Sodium Cocoyl
Isethionate (coconut derived mild surfactant), Gluconolactone (and) Sodium
Benzoate , Glycerin*, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (bergamot) Peel Oil, Citrus
paradisi (grapefruit) Peel Oil, Citrus aurantium amara (petitgrain) Leaf/Twig
Oil, Vetiveria Zizanioides (vetiver) Root Oil, Santalum Spicata (Australian
sandalwood) Wood Oil, Cucumis Sativus (cucumber) Juice, Hyaluronic Acid.
*Certified organic.

100% medical grade silicone


For the best results, we recommend to use the Body Sculpt Kit daily AM or PM for
3 weeks (21 days) at the recommended intensity, then maintain every two days.
Use the Body Sculpt Cup for 3 minutes only per area, don't go too hard, it
shouldn't bruise. Results come from the consistency, not the intensity.


Watch the video tutorial to know how to use the Body Sculpt Kit.

For the best results, we recommend to use the Body Sculpt Kit daily AM or PM for
3 weeks (21 days) at the recommended intensity, then maintain every two days.
Use the Body Sculpt Cup for 3 minutes only per area, don't go too hard, it
shouldn't bruise. Results come from the consistency, not the intensity.


Watch the video tutorial to know how to use the Body Sculpt Kit.



TRUSTED BY 25,000+

 * @kourtneykardash

 * @ailieway

 * @cameron.nutall

 * @alanahhallam


BIOTYSPA Body Sculpt ritual is backed up by science and clinically proven to be
effective on microcirculation, improvement of skin firmness and skin elasticity.


   70% found the treatment effective in reducing the orange peel skin / visible
   (Biotyspa Clinical Study, 21 days, 20 people)

   95% noticed their skin was smoother after 3 weeks of treatment
   (Biotyspa Clinical Study, 21 days, 20 people)

   +5.2% improvement of skin firmness clinically recorded
   (Biotyspa Clinical Study, 21 days, 20 people)

   +4.2% improvement of skin elasticity clinically recorded
   (Biotyspa Clinical Study, 21 days, 20 people)


   Biotyspa Body Sculpt Cup has been designed in Australia by Biotyspa's
   development team to reflect Deborah's lymphatic sculpting technique. Only
   Biotyspa's production tooling can produce the Body Sculpt Cup.

   Using 100% medical grade soft silicone material, Biotyspa's cup has been
   specifically designed and tested to avoid a suction too strong and to not
   damage the skin. The dots indicate how to position the fingers for a perfect

   The edge profile has been designed and developped to be fully round in order
   to avoid skin rashness, without altering the suction.

   An ergonomic profile to be held firmly in the hand in order to move easily on
   the body, even on the tricky areas such as the back of the leg.



Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
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 * Tori
   Verified Buyer
   Rated 5 out of 5 stars
   It works!
   Honestly, I was sceptical about how this would work for me - but I started
   seeing results after using for a week. Admittedly I’ve also increased my
   strength training and spin classes - but the combo of movement and daily use
   has been unbelievable. Cellulite gone. I couldn’t be happier. Will definitely
   be re-purchasing when this lot runs out. So thrilled to find this wonderful
   Read More
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   Yes, this review was helpful. 0 people voted yesNo, this review was not
   helpful 0 people voted no
 * Rachel
   Verified Buyer
   Rated 5 out of 5 stars
   Actually works
   I’ve been so impressed with this kit. It’s the only thing that has reduced
   the appearance of cellulite on my thighs. It was uncomfortable at first but
   if you stick at it consistently, just 5 mins in the shower daily, it really
   does work. Now I use it a few times a week and my legs look and feel so much
   better. Roll on summer - I’ll feel much better at the pool/beach!
   Read More
   Was this helpful?
   Yes, this review was helpful. 0 people voted yesNo, this review was not
   helpful 0 people voted no
 * Ailie S.
   Verified Reviewer
   Rated 5 out of 5 stars
   A postpartum must have
   I started using this kit when I was 10 weeks postpartum (cesarean birth) so I
   hadn’t been moving around much at all and I was feeling quite loose all over.
   Especially my stomach (obviously.)
   After about 2 weeks of using this product and seeing results so quickly I was
   hooked. My baby is only 5 months old and I’m feeling bikini season ready
   Read More
   Was this helpful?
   Yes, this review was helpful. 0 people voted yesNo, this review was not
   helpful 0 people voted no
 * Ciara
   Rated 3 out of 5 stars
   I wanted to love it
   I really wanted to love this but unfortunately no matter how hard I try the
   suction cup will not suction!!
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   Yes, this review was helpful. 0 people voted yesNo, this review was not
   helpful 0 people voted no
 * MW
   Verified Buyer
   Rated 5 out of 5 stars
   Best little beauty item in my bathroom!
   After reading reviews and watching the 'how to' videos I finally bought the
   Bioty Spa kit and love it.
   I have been using once a day for the past 3 weeks, and I am now seeing a
   positive difference in my skin texture. The first two days of using the cup
   was really trial and error, on the third day I had little bruises all over my
   thighs, the following day I didn't use the suction but still went through the
   circular + zigzag routine on each area... day 6 all the bruising was gone.
   Bioty Spa is a routine and a commitment - stick with it, you will only keep
   noticing the benefits of smoother, firmer skin. This is a gradual detox,
   drink plenty of water and remember strong suction pressure does not equal
   better results, it's the daily gentle movement that brings good blood
   circulation back to these stubborn areas. You don't necessarily need to use
   with Bioty's wash + oil (similar natural products work too), but these are
   divine. I will use forever.
   Read More
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Q. Can I use the Body Sculpt Kit when I'm pregnant?

A. We do not recommend our Body Sculpt Kit during pregnancy as it is designed
for detoxing, which you should not be doing whilst pregnant.


Q. What's the difference between the Body Sculpt Cup and the Body Sculpt Kit?

A. The Body Sculpt Cup is our best seller and a good first step in targeting
water retention and cellulite and improve circulation however it can not be used
by itself. The Body Sculpt Kit incorporates our top three body products - our
massage duo (cup and shower gel) and a leave on treating product (firming body
oil) - that help to detox the body, firm the skin and achieve better results,


Q. Can I use my own shower gel with the Body Sculpt Cup?

A. Our soap-free Hydrating Shower Gel was specially designed to make using the
cup easier while simultaneously enhancing results. Made from a blend of
nourishing and hydrating oils and extracts, including Aloe Vera and Argan oil,
our shower gel enables the cup to glide easily over the skin and in doing so
reduces discomfort.


Q. What should I do if bruises appear after using the cup?

A. Light bruising may occur after massaging with the cup, especially for the
first time. If bruising does occurs, stop using the cup until the bruises have
disappeared and ensure you do not apply too much suction when you resume using
the cup.


Q. How often should I massage with the Body Sculpt Cup?

A. We recommend using the cup daily for the first 3 weeks and then 2-3 times a
week for maintenance.


Q. How long do you need to massage with the Body Sculpt Cup?

A. We recommend using the cup for 5-7 minutes on each targeted area, for example
on each thigh for the suggested amount of time.



01. All our boxes and inserts are made using FSC-certified 100% recycled paper
02. Fold and place in home recycling after use



01. Bottle is made from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic and can be
placed in home recycling
02. Dispose of cap and insert plug
03. Carefully wash recycled bottle
04. Place bottle in home recycling


01. Always use the Biotyspa Body Sculpt Cup with the Biotyspa Hydrating Shower
Gel or Biotyspa Firming Body Oil.
02. The Body Sculpt Cup is designed to be used on legs, thighs, butt and
03. Massage once a day for 5-7 minutes per zone only, not less, not more.
04. Light bruises may occur after the first uses, if so adjust the cup pressure
to a lighter pressure. Remember, it shouldn’t hurt. If bruising does occurs,
stop using the cup until the bruises have disappeared and ensure you do not
apply too much suction when you resume using the cup.
05. Do not use the Body Sculpt Cup on the face, breast or any mucous membrane.
06. Do not use the Body Sculpt Cup if you have any sunburn, injury, varicose
veins, spider veins or deep vein thrombosis.
07. The Body Sculpt Cup is not recommended during pregnancy.
08. Any concerns, seek medical advice.
09. Keep out of reach of children.
10. Results can vary from one person to another.

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