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POST /#gf_1

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POST /#gf_3

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            class="gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline gfield_consent_label" for="input_3_5_1">On submission of this form you have read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions<span
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                <p><strong>Terms and Conditions</strong></p>
                <p><strong>Welcome to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre. Before signing your Nitro Boxing Membership Agreement please take the time to read the following terms and conditions of your members. We advise you to only sign the membership
                    agreement if you understand and agree with these conditions. The information outlined in these terms and conditions can / will be used in the event of a discrepancy.</strong></p>
                  <li><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong><br> By signing the agreement you are agreeing to have been given a copy of this agreement and agree to abide by the rules of membership. You also acknowledge and agree that you are medically sound
                    to undertake a normal course of exercise, you use the club facilities at your sole risk and responsibility and you are aware that exercise is physically demanding and participation in some activities may pose a risk to your
                    health.&nbsp; This agreement also relates to the member’s authority to Ezypay Pty Ltd to directly debit the nominated bank account or credit card for any installments or fees due under the terms and conditions of this Agreement
                    and DDR overleaf. These terms are stated below.</li>
                  <li><strong>DEFINITIONS</strong><br> In this Agreement unless the contrary intention appears:<p></p>
                      <li>The singular includes the plural and vice versa.</li>
                      <li>A reference to a party includes that party’s legal personal representative heirs and assigns.</li>
                      <li>“Member” includes the parent or guardian of the Member if the Member is under 18 years.</li>
                      <li>”Nitro Boxing” means the Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre named in the form of the agreement</li>
                      <li>“Ezypay” is Ezypay Pty Ltd, Locked Bag 4003, Chatswood, NSW 2057, Phone: 1300 300 553, E-mail: <a href=""></a>&nbsp; All queries and comments about the
                        Services provided under this Agreement should be directed to the Club. All queries and comments about the direct debit billing service should be directed to Ezypay. The Member acknowledges that Ezypay has been engaged by the
                        Club to collect the fees due under this Agreement if paying by way of direct debit, and also acknowledges that all rights of the Club under this Agreement are able to be enforced by Ezypay as if it were the Club without any
                        involvement on the part of the Club or the consent of the Member.</li>
                    <ol type="a">
                      <li><strong>ENTITLEMENTS</strong><br> Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre entitles you to:<p></p>
                          <li>Workout as many times as you wish in a given period.</li>
                          <li>Participate in normally scheduled Group Fitness classes.</li>
                          <li>Use of exercise equipment located on the gym floor and cardiovascular training areas with an exception of the Boxing Ring.</li>
                      <li><strong>OBLIGATIONS</strong><br> Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre requires you to:<p></p>
                          <li>Comply with all club rules. Please ensure that you read, understand and abide by all directions in the Membership Agreement</li>
                          <li>Pay all agreed fees, ensure sufficient fees are available to cover all fees and advise us in advance if your bank account or credit card is closed or changed.</li>
                          <li>Inform us in advance if there is any risk to your health if you participate in fitness services.</li>
                          <li>You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to cancel direct debit facilities in respect of your membership when this agreement expires or is terminated.</li>
                          <li>All entitlements and entry into any Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre is revoked if a member’s account is in arrears in excess of $50.00.</li>
                          <li>If your automatic direct debit reverses or is returned to us by your financial institution Ezypay will attempt to contact you about retrying the debit. If the debit remains outstanding it will be processed within 14 days
                            of the reversal with any reversal and late fees that apply. If you fail to pay us the fees by the due date, we are entitled to refuse you entry to the club. If unpaid fees remain outstanding, and after attempts by us to
                            rectify the arrears your membership may be forwarded to a collection agency for further action.</li>
                      <li><strong>CHANGES TO CONDITIONS</strong><br> Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre membership conditions and memberships fees and charges may change from time to time. We will ensure that, at least 30 days before any proposed change, we
                        provide you with notice of the change in writing or by email to you at the contact addresses on our records. If you do not wish to accept the proposed change you are able to terminate your membership in accordance with
                        paragraph 4. If you do not terminate your membership your membership will be varied and continue in accordance with the change.</li>
                  <li><strong>CANCELLATION / TERMINATION</strong><br> In accordance with QLD Fair Trading (Health and Fitness Industry Code of Practice) your membership is subject to a 48 hour cooling off period.&nbsp; A cancellation request should
                    be directed to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.<p></p>
                    <ol type="a">
                      <li><strong>During Cooling Off Period:</strong><br> In accordance with the Schedule entitled Specific and State based conditions your membership is subject to a cooling off period and may be terminated under the following
                          <li>Nitro Boxing requires a written request to terminate the membership within the timeframe specified as the cooling off period from the signing the membership agreement.</li>
                          <li>Nitro Boxing may request an additional payment to recover costs in relation to any fitness services provided to the member within this period.</li>
                      <li><strong>Outside Cooling Off Period:</strong><br> Your membership may be terminated under the following conditions outside of the cooling off period:<p></p>
                        <ol type="i">
                          <li>Termination by Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre <ol>
                              <li>Nitro Boxing reserves the right to terminate this membership agreement in accordance with the following conditions:</li>
                              <li>Failure to abide by any of the criteria listed in the Rules of Use.</li>
                              <li>Action upon a complaint by either a club member or an employee (or contractor) of Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.</li>
                          <li>Termination of your membership. You must: <ol>
                              <li>Notify Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre in writing.</li>
                              <li>Finalise any outstanding membership and/or collection fees.</li>
                              <li>Without exception, all final debits will consist of no less than the normal debit amount</li>
                              <li>In accordance with Clauses 4 b. iii. 1-3, there will be a period of notice of 30 days unless otherwise specified by the Club between the date of request and the date of actual termination during which any payments
                                due must still be paid in full.</li>
                  <li><strong>DAMAGE &amp; PERSONAL INJURY</strong><br> To the extent permitted by law, Nitro Boxing and Ezypay excludes any liability to the Member in Agreement, tort, statute or in any other way for any injury, damage or loss of any
                    kind whatsoever (including, without limitation, any liability for direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage), sustained by the Member and/or any other person, or for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by the
                    Member, arising from or in connection with this Membership Agreement and/or the services/products provided by Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay, and/or any act or omission of Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay.</li>
                  <li><strong>SUSPENSION</strong><br> Suspensions are available for a minimum period of 2 weeks and a maximum of 4 weeks per year. Please advise staff in person at the club at least 10 days before the period requested and cannot be
                    back dated. A fee of $4.00 per week applies to suspend your membership and is payable in advance on pre-paid memberships and non direct debit clients. Direct debit clients will have their suspension fees directly debited.
                    Membership suspension fees do not contribute to the total minimum membership fee.</li>
                  <li><strong>PAYMENTS BY DIRECT DEBIT</strong><br> If paying by Direct Debit the Member agrees to pay the installment amount at the agreed payment frequency until this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Clause 4 above. Should
                    there be any arrears in payments the Member authorises Ezypay to debit the outstanding balance in order to bring the account up to date.</li>
                  <li><strong>ADMINISTRATION FEE&nbsp;</strong><br> A one-off fee of $40.00 is payable by the Member on signing of this Agreement.</li>
                  <li><strong>PRIVACY</strong><br> A Customer’s “personal information” (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) will only be used by Nitro Boxing or Ezypay to provide you with the services contemplated by this
                    Agreement. Ezypay’ Privacy Statement is to be found on its website</li>
                  <li><strong>CREDIT/DEBT REPORTING AGENCIES</strong><br> If paying by Direct Debit, upon default by the Member in regard to any obligation under this Agreement and failure to remedy the default after notification by Ezypay, the
                    Member authorises Ezypay to notify any debt collection/credit reporting agency of the default. Should this occur then at Ezypay’ sole discretion it may terminate the Agreement at which time the full outstanding balance for the
                    remainder of the minimum term or payments (including any current arrears) shall be due in full.</li>
                  <li><strong>INCREASE IN FEES&nbsp;</strong><br> If paying by Direct Debit, Nitro Boxing / Ezypay may at any time, upon sending written notice to the Member's last known address and giving 14 days notice, increase the installment
                    amount. If the Member wishes to terminate this Agreement as a result of the increase in the installment amount, the Member must notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay in writing within 14 days of the date of the written notice sent by Nitro
                    Boxing / Ezypay.&nbsp; The Agreement will be terminated upon receipt of this notice.&nbsp; If the Member does not notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay of its intention to terminate this Agreement within such specified time period, then
                    this Agreement will remain in force and the increase in the installment amount will be deemed to be accepted by the Member.</li>
                  <li><strong>ENTIRE AGREEMENT</strong><br> This agreement, and the DDR Service Agreement (if paying by Direct Debit) constitute the entire agreement, understanding and arrangement (express and implied) between the Member, Nitro
                    Boxing and Ezypay relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes and cancels any previous agreement, understanding and arrangement relating thereto whether written or oral.</li>
                <p><strong>TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EZYPAY&nbsp;</strong></p>
                <p>Please read the Terms and Conditions of Ezypay on the DIRECT DEBIT REQUEST (DDR)</p>
                <p><strong>Final Declaration</strong></p>
                <p>You warrant, declare and acknowledge that:</p>
                  <li>The information given by you in entering this Direct Debit Request And Customer Contract is correct and will be relied upon by us.</li>
                  <li>You have read this agreement, including the terms and conditions before accepting them below.</li>
                  <li>This agreement will become binding upon all parties once you have ticked in the "I agree" box below and signed.</li>
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                <p><strong>Terms and Conditions</strong></p>
                <p><strong>Welcome to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre. Before signing your Nitro Boxing Membership Agreement please take the time to read the following terms and conditions of your members. We advise you to only sign the membership
                    agreement if you understand and agree with these conditions. The information outlined in these terms and conditions can / will be used in the event of a discrepancy.</strong></p>
                  <li><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong><br> By signing the agreement you are agreeing to have been given a copy of this agreement and agree to abide by the rules of membership. You also acknowledge and agree that you are medically sound
                    to undertake a normal course of exercise, you use the club facilities at your sole risk and responsibility and you are aware that exercise is physically demanding and participation in some activities may pose a risk to your
                    health.&nbsp; This agreement also relates to the member’s authority to Ezypay Pty Ltd to directly debit the nominated bank account or credit card for any installments or fees due under the terms and conditions of this Agreement
                    and DDR overleaf. These terms are stated below.</li>
                  <li><strong>DEFINITIONS</strong><br> In this Agreement unless the contrary intention appears:<p></p>
                      <li>The singular includes the plural and vice versa.</li>
                      <li>A reference to a party includes that party’s legal personal representative heirs and assigns.</li>
                      <li>“Member” includes the parent or guardian of the Member if the Member is under 18 years.</li>
                      <li>”Nitro Boxing” means the Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre named in the form of the agreement</li>
                      <li>“Ezypay” is Ezypay Pty Ltd, Locked Bag 4003, Chatswood, NSW 2057, Phone: 1300 300 553, E-mail: <a href=""></a>&nbsp; All queries and comments about the
                        Services provided under this Agreement should be directed to the Club. All queries and comments about the direct debit billing service should be directed to Ezypay. The Member acknowledges that Ezypay has been engaged by the
                        Club to collect the fees due under this Agreement if paying by way of direct debit, and also acknowledges that all rights of the Club under this Agreement are able to be enforced by Ezypay as if it were the Club without any
                        involvement on the part of the Club or the consent of the Member.</li>
                    <ol type="a">
                      <li><strong>ENTITLEMENTS</strong><br> Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre entitles you to:<p></p>
                          <li>Workout as many times as you wish in a given period.</li>
                          <li>Participate in normally scheduled Group Fitness classes.</li>
                          <li>Use of exercise equipment located on the gym floor and cardiovascular training areas with an exception of the Boxing Ring.</li>
                      <li><strong>OBLIGATIONS</strong><br> Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre requires you to:<p></p>
                          <li>Comply with all club rules. Please ensure that you read, understand and abide by all directions in the Membership Agreement</li>
                          <li>Pay all agreed fees, ensure sufficient fees are available to cover all fees and advise us in advance if your bank account or credit card is closed or changed.</li>
                          <li>Inform us in advance if there is any risk to your health if you participate in fitness services.</li>
                          <li>You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to cancel direct debit facilities in respect of your membership when this agreement expires or is terminated.</li>
                          <li>All entitlements and entry into any Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre is revoked if a member’s account is in arrears in excess of $50.00.</li>
                          <li>If your automatic direct debit reverses or is returned to us by your financial institution Ezypay will attempt to contact you about retrying the debit. If the debit remains outstanding it will be processed within 14 days
                            of the reversal with any reversal and late fees that apply. If you fail to pay us the fees by the due date, we are entitled to refuse you entry to the club. If unpaid fees remain outstanding, and after attempts by us to
                            rectify the arrears your membership may be forwarded to a collection agency for further action.</li>
                      <li><strong>CHANGES TO CONDITIONS</strong><br> Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre membership conditions and memberships fees and charges may change from time to time. We will ensure that, at least 30 days before any proposed change, we
                        provide you with notice of the change in writing or by email to you at the contact addresses on our records. If you do not wish to accept the proposed change you are able to terminate your membership in accordance with
                        paragraph 4. If you do not terminate your membership your membership will be varied and continue in accordance with the change.</li>
                  <li><strong>CANCELLATION / TERMINATION</strong><br> In accordance with QLD Fair Trading (Health and Fitness Industry Code of Practice) your membership is subject to a 48 hour cooling off period.&nbsp; A cancellation request should
                    be directed to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.<p></p>
                    <ol type="a">
                      <li><strong>During Cooling Off Period:</strong><br> In accordance with the Schedule entitled Specific and State based conditions your membership is subject to a cooling off period and may be terminated under the following
                          <li>Nitro Boxing requires a written request to terminate the membership within the timeframe specified as the cooling off period from the signing the membership agreement.</li>
                          <li>Nitro Boxing may request an additional payment to recover costs in relation to any fitness services provided to the member within this period.</li>
                      <li><strong>Outside Cooling Off Period:</strong><br> Your membership may be terminated under the following conditions outside of the cooling off period:<p></p>
                        <ol type="i">
                          <li>Termination by Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre <ol>
                              <li>Nitro Boxing reserves the right to terminate this membership agreement in accordance with the following conditions:</li>
                              <li>Failure to abide by any of the criteria listed in the Rules of Use.</li>
                              <li>Action upon a complaint by either a club member or an employee (or contractor) of Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.</li>
                          <li>Termination of your membership. You must: <ol>
                              <li>Notify Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre in writing.</li>
                              <li>Finalise any outstanding membership and/or collection fees.</li>
                              <li>Without exception, all final debits will consist of no less than the normal debit amount</li>
                              <li>In accordance with Clauses 4 b. iii. 1-3, there will be a period of notice of 30 days unless otherwise specified by the Club between the date of request and the date of actual termination during which any payments
                                due must still be paid in full.</li>
                  <li><strong>DAMAGE &amp; PERSONAL INJURY</strong><br> To the extent permitted by law, Nitro Boxing and Ezypay excludes any liability to the Member in Agreement, tort, statute or in any other way for any injury, damage or loss of any
                    kind whatsoever (including, without limitation, any liability for direct, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage), sustained by the Member and/or any other person, or for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by the
                    Member, arising from or in connection with this Membership Agreement and/or the services/products provided by Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay, and/or any act or omission of Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay.</li>
                  <li><strong>SUSPENSION</strong><br> Suspensions are available for a minimum period of 2 weeks and a maximum of 4 weeks per year. Please advise staff in person at the club at least 10 days before the period requested and cannot be
                    back dated. A fee of $4.00 per week applies to suspend your membership and is payable in advance on pre-paid memberships and non direct debit clients. Direct debit clients will have their suspension fees directly debited.
                    Membership suspension fees do not contribute to the total minimum membership fee.</li>
                  <li><strong>PAYMENTS BY DIRECT DEBIT</strong><br> If paying by Direct Debit the Member agrees to pay the installment amount at the agreed payment frequency until this Agreement is terminated in accordance with Clause 4 above. Should
                    there be any arrears in payments the Member authorises Ezypay to debit the outstanding balance in order to bring the account up to date.</li>
                  <li><strong>ADMINISTRATION FEE&nbsp;</strong><br> A one-off fee of $40.00 is payable by the Member on signing of this Agreement.</li>
                  <li><strong>PRIVACY</strong><br> A Customer’s “personal information” (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) will only be used by Nitro Boxing or Ezypay to provide you with the services contemplated by this
                    Agreement. Ezypay’ Privacy Statement is to be found on its website</li>
                  <li><strong>CREDIT/DEBT REPORTING AGENCIES</strong><br> If paying by Direct Debit, upon default by the Member in regard to any obligation under this Agreement and failure to remedy the default after notification by Ezypay, the
                    Member authorises Ezypay to notify any debt collection/credit reporting agency of the default. Should this occur then at Ezypay’ sole discretion it may terminate the Agreement at which time the full outstanding balance for the
                    remainder of the minimum term or payments (including any current arrears) shall be due in full.</li>
                  <li><strong>INCREASE IN FEES&nbsp;</strong><br> If paying by Direct Debit, Nitro Boxing / Ezypay may at any time, upon sending written notice to the Member's last known address and giving 14 days notice, increase the installment
                    amount. If the Member wishes to terminate this Agreement as a result of the increase in the installment amount, the Member must notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay in writing within 14 days of the date of the written notice sent by Nitro
                    Boxing / Ezypay.&nbsp; The Agreement will be terminated upon receipt of this notice.&nbsp; If the Member does not notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay of its intention to terminate this Agreement within such specified time period, then
                    this Agreement will remain in force and the increase in the installment amount will be deemed to be accepted by the Member.</li>
                  <li><strong>ENTIRE AGREEMENT</strong><br> This agreement, and the DDR Service Agreement (if paying by Direct Debit) constitute the entire agreement, understanding and arrangement (express and implied) between the Member, Nitro
                    Boxing and Ezypay relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes and cancels any previous agreement, understanding and arrangement relating thereto whether written or oral.</li>
                <p><strong>TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EZYPAY&nbsp;</strong></p>
                <p>Please read the Terms and Conditions of Ezypay on the DIRECT DEBIT REQUEST (DDR)</p>
                <p><strong>Final Declaration</strong></p>
                <p>You warrant, declare and acknowledge that:</p>
                  <li>The information given by you in entering this Direct Debit Request And Customer Contract is correct and will be relied upon by us.</li>
                  <li>You have read this agreement, including the terms and conditions before accepting them below.</li>
                  <li>This agreement will become binding upon all parties once you have ticked in the "I agree" box below and signed.</li>
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07 3359 4993
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Training that Packs a Punch

Learn More


We offer a free day pass or free personal training session.
To apply for these passes, simply enter your details here.

FREE Gym Day Pass!
FREE PT Session!


We offer a free day pass or free personal training session. To apply for these
passes, simply enter your details here.

FREE Gym Day Pass!
FREE PT Session!


At Nitro Boxing, we like to think of ourselves as the friendliest boxing gym in
Australia. No, really! Our focus isn’t just on helping our clients to build
their bodies, but to build their confidence and self-esteem too.

We have a unique training facility, and affordable pricing. Our membership
passes are just $25 a week, which also includes access to our gym facilities.
Those who wish to attend a casual class or gym session can also do so for $17.


Nitro Boxing was founded by husband and wife team Blair and Rebecca Studley.
Blair has previously won both the Queensland Light Heavy Weight Boxing and
Kickboxing titles, and has trained with many world champions. The way we train
at Nitro Boxing has been developed by Blair, who has incorporated his expertise
with his extensive qualifications as a gym and fitness instructor.

To find out more about who we are, check out our About Us page.

More About Us


We offer a range of different fitness opportunities for those looking to get
more in shape, work on their confidence or build self-esteem. At Nitro Boxing,
we offer fitness classes, personal training, and gym facilities, so there’s
plenty of options for everyone!


Nitro Boxing provides training that packs a punch! We have three tiers of
personal training available. These are:

 * Personal trainers
 * Senior trainer
 * Head coach


Interested in trying something new in a group setting? Or maybe you wish to get
healthy and socialise with like-minded individuals? At Nitro Boxing, we offer a
range of fitness classes for different interests and skill levels.
Some examples of classes we are currently running are:


Ideal for beginners, Boxing 101 teaches the fundamentals. It can also be great
for those with a little more experience who are looking to perfect the basics.
This class runs for a varying length of time (depending on the week), and
includes both pad and bag work and Plyometric exercises, giving you a full body


For all those warriors! The Spartan is a 45-minute strength and conditioning
circuit class that will see attendees challenge themselves to complete the given
AMRAP (as many reps as possible). The AMRAP time period changes from 10 to 20 to
30 minutes, depending on the day, along with the equipment used. You might find
yourself using sandbags and kettlebells, or battle ropes and truck tyres. These
workouts change from session to session to keep your body guessing!


Short for Nitro Old School Boxing, this session is designed for those who wish
to do the training of a professional boxer, without the same amount of bruises!
The class begins with road work or skipping, transitioning into bag work, pad
work, foot work, and head movement drills. After this, it’s time to choose a
partner for some catching and slipping drills, before ending with an ab and core
workout. This session is designed to capture the essence of the oldest Olympic


To see what we’re currently running and when, check out our Timetable page to
find out our current class times.

Classes & Training


Want to work out at our unique training facility? Nitro Boxing have a heap of
equipment available to use, for boxing, building endurance, and training various
muscle groups. If you’d like to give our gym a try, why not sign up for a free
Day Pass, and see what you think before committing!


At Nitro Boxing, you’ll be trained by the best in the business.

Our gym encompasses a variety of different training opportunities that come
together to deliver a unique experience for members. With Nitro Boxing:

 * You’ll experience fun while in a results-driven environment
 * You can receive advice and coaching from experts in Express Training
 * You’ll receive training in a completely supportive, non-egocentric
 * You don’t need to be fit or have a certain level of experience to begin
 * You’ll be encouraged to maintain focus and drive
 * You’ll be given access to a wealth of industry knowledge and experience.

If you want to experience the difference of Nitro Boxing, come along to a class
or book a personal training session today.

Free Gym Day Pass!
Free PT Session!


"I tried for a day pass last Tuesday. I loved the intensity workouts that last
for 30 minutes. I felt my core, lower and upper body on the next following day.
No doubt I have to signed up on the next day. A lot of classes to join too. And
best of all, staff are very friendly and welcoming!"


"Such friendly staff and members, Never have I felt embarrassed or that I didn't
belong. Nitro staff and members embrace you as a friend, and really encourage
you to be the best version of yourself. Highly recommend joining and getting
involved in PT sessions. Thanks to these guys, I've lost 25kg, still a way to
go, but with there support I know, I've got this!"


"Just wanted to express my gratitude to the team at Nitro Boxing. I’ve been
training here for approximately 8 months now and have gained many personal
victories both in the ring and with my fitness goals. I feel very privileged to
have met each one of you and have learnt many valuable life lessons along the
way. You all display the true meaning of hard work, teamwork, compassion and
respect. Nitro has a really supportive environment, great atmosphere and a fun
mixture of classes that can cater to any level!
I couldn’t recommend it highly enough ;)"


"I’m only new and always felt super intimidated in a gym. But nitro is
different. These guys are so welcoming and genuine!! Highly recommended. They
are really encouraging. The 1 on 1 sessions are great! You will leave with
everything sweating :D"


"Awesome trainers, very experienced , make the workout interesting constantly
changing it up and teach you lots of skills at the same time. You have to be
careful though, you are going to get attached to Nitro, because you will become
a part of an amazing team."


"During my 45-kilo weight loss I've been to many gyms but Nitro by far is the
best gym I've ever signed up to. I look forward to training cause I know that
I'll definitely be sweating the trainers are very skilled and very kind + the
culture of Nitro is friendly - definitely an atmosphere that I require when I
train. cardio at a weight gym is not exciting however cardio with Nitro
definitely gives me that extra push, best part is... I'm gaining boxing skills
while training. Highly recommend joining the team"


"Highly recommend this place! Words cannot describe the positive impact coming
here has had on my teenage son. This without a doubt is the friendliest boxing
gym. Issac has pushed my son out of his comfort zone in a positive but firm way
to the point it has been life changing for him. This fitness centre is a must to
check out!"


"I can't rate this gym high enough. After 2 years of training here I am fitter
and stronger than ever before. The trainers are a quality bunch! Thanks, Nitro,
for always challenging me to push harder."


"Awesome business run by awesome and completely genuine trainers. A great place
for the serious; the intermediates and the beginners. An all round 'family
friendly' gym that makes you feel good about what you can achieve!"


"I tried for a day pass last Tuesday. I loved the intensity workouts that last
for 30 minutes. I felt my core, lower and upper body on the next following day.
No doubt I have to signed up on the next day. A lot of classes to join too. And
best of all, staff are very friendly and welcoming!"


"Such friendly staff and members, Never have I felt embarrassed or that I didn't
belong. Nitro staff and members embrace you as a friend, and really encourage
you to be the best version of yourself. Highly recommend joining and getting
involved in PT sessions. Thanks to these guys, I've lost 25kg, still a way to
go, but with there support I know, I've got this!"


"Just wanted to express my gratitude to the team at Nitro Boxing. I’ve been
training here for approximately 8 months now and have gained many personal
victories both in the ring and with my fitness goals. I feel very privileged to
have met each one of you and have learnt many valuable life lessons along the
way. You all display the true meaning of hard work, teamwork, compassion and
respect. Nitro has a really supportive environment, great atmosphere and a fun
mixture of classes that can cater to any level!
I couldn’t recommend it highly enough ;)"


"I’m only new and always felt super intimidated in a gym. But nitro is
different. These guys are so welcoming and genuine!! Highly recommended. They
are really encouraging. The 1 on 1 sessions are great! You will leave with
everything sweating :D"


"Awesome trainers, very experienced , make the workout interesting constantly
changing it up and teach you lots of skills at the same time. You have to be
careful though, you are going to get attached to Nitro, because you will become
a part of an amazing team."


"During my 45-kilo weight loss I've been to many gyms but Nitro by far is the
best gym I've ever signed up to. I look forward to training cause I know that
I'll definitely be sweating the trainers are very skilled and very kind + the
culture of Nitro is friendly - definitely an atmosphere that I require when I
train. cardio at a weight gym is not exciting however cardio with Nitro
definitely gives me that extra push, best part is... I'm gaining boxing skills
while training. Highly recommend joining the team"


"Highly recommend this place! Words cannot describe the positive impact coming
here has had on my teenage son. This without a doubt is the friendliest boxing
gym. Issac has pushed my son out of his comfort zone in a positive but firm way
to the point it has been life changing for him. This fitness centre is a must to
check out!"


"I can't rate this gym high enough. After 2 years of training here I am fitter
and stronger than ever before. The trainers are a quality bunch! Thanks, Nitro,
for always challenging me to push harder."


"Awesome business run by awesome and completely genuine trainers. A great place
for the serious; the intermediates and the beginners. An all round 'family
friendly' gym that makes you feel good about what you can achieve!"


"I tried for a day pass last Tuesday. I loved the intensity workouts that last
for 30 minutes. I felt my core, lower and upper body on the next following day.
No doubt I have to signed up on the next day. A lot of classes to join too. And
best of all, staff are very friendly and welcoming!"









Membership is only $25 per week on Direct Debit. There is a one off admin fee of


Membership allows you access to all classes (excludes kids boxing) and the gym
during opening hours.


We are a non contract gym. We just require 30 days notice for cancellation.


We recommend that you have your own. We sell gloves, hand pads and wraps in our
Nitro Store.


For hygeine reasons we do not hire these items but for first timers you are able
to buy inners from the Nitro store and we will let you use some of ours.


14 – 16 years old require parent permission. Parents will be required to sign a
permission form.



We have a large grassed area that you can park in. Enter through the large
double gates next to the Auto Electrician and follow the building around and you
will find the area.



As our sessions are booked out just for you we require 24 hours notice for
cancellation so our trainers can have time to fill the time slot.


Our 10 packs of Personal Training are required to be used in a 12 week timeframe
to ensure you are getting the best results from your investment.



A towel (we also offer towel hire), water bottle (water is available for sale
also) and boxing gloves & pads.


If you are interested in learning to box properly, we recommend Personal
training so you can be taught in a one on one environment focusing on boxing


We do train people to fight only once they have completed an inhouse Nitro fight
night, where they will then be selected to join our Nitro Fight team.


Still want to find out more about us and how we can help? Give us a call on (07)
3359 4993, send us an online message, or pop into our gym in Chermside to have a
chat with our friendly staff!

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    * Classes
    * Personal Training
    * Membership

 * Are you a current member?*
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 * Name
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




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Monday - Thursday: 5:30am - 7:30pm
Friday: 5:30am - 7:00pm
Saturday: 6:30am - 10:30am
Sunday and Public Holidays: CLOSED


Address: 538 Rode Road,
Chermside, QLD. 4032
Parking at rear of building (opposite the Prince Charles and St Vincent's
Private Northside Hospitals).

Phone: (07) 3359 4993

 * © Copyright 2024 Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Privacy Policy
 * Made with by CKP Creative

© Copyright 2024 Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre

 * Terms and Conditions
 * Privacy Policy

Made with by CKP Creative

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Sign up here!

 * Full Name*
   First Last
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 * Address*
 * *
   On submission of this form you have read and agreed to our Terms and

 * Terms and Conditions
   Welcome to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre. Before signing your Nitro Boxing
   Membership Agreement please take the time to read the following terms and
   conditions of your members. We advise you to only sign the membership
   agreement if you understand and agree with these conditions. The information
   outlined in these terms and conditions can / will be used in the event of a
        By signing the agreement you are agreeing to have been given a copy of
        this agreement and agree to abide by the rules of membership. You also
        acknowledge and agree that you are medically sound to undertake a normal
        course of exercise, you use the club facilities at your sole risk and
        responsibility and you are aware that exercise is physically demanding
        and participation in some activities may pose a risk to your health. 
        This agreement also relates to the member’s authority to Ezypay Pty Ltd
        to directly debit the nominated bank account or credit card for any
        installments or fees due under the terms and conditions of this
        Agreement and DDR overleaf. These terms are stated below.
        In this Agreement unless the contrary intention appears:
        1. The singular includes the plural and vice versa.
        2. A reference to a party includes that party’s legal personal
           representative heirs and assigns.
        3. “Member” includes the parent or guardian of the Member if the Member
           is under 18 years.
        4. ”Nitro Boxing” means the Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre named in the
           form of the agreement
        5. “Ezypay” is Ezypay Pty Ltd, Locked Bag 4003, Chatswood, NSW 2057,
           Phone: 1300 300 553, E-mail:  All
           queries and comments about the Services provided under this Agreement
           should be directed to the Club. All queries and comments about the
           direct debit billing service should be directed to Ezypay. The Member
           acknowledges that Ezypay has been engaged by the Club to collect the
           fees due under this Agreement if paying by way of direct debit, and
           also acknowledges that all rights of the Club under this Agreement
           are able to be enforced by Ezypay as if it were the Club without any
           involvement on the part of the Club or the consent of the Member.
           Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre entitles you to:
           1. Workout as many times as you wish in a given period.
           2. Participate in normally scheduled Group Fitness classes.
           3. Use of exercise equipment located on the gym floor and
              cardiovascular training areas with an exception of the Boxing
        b. OBLIGATIONS
           Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre requires you to:
           1. Comply with all club rules. Please ensure that you read,
              understand and abide by all directions in the Membership Agreement
           2. Pay all agreed fees, ensure sufficient fees are available to cover
              all fees and advise us in advance if your bank account or credit
              card is closed or changed.
           3. Inform us in advance if there is any risk to your health if you
              participate in fitness services.
           4. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to cancel direct
              debit facilities in respect of your membership when this agreement
              expires or is terminated.
           1. All entitlements and entry into any Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre is
              revoked if a member’s account is in arrears in excess of $50.00.
           2. If your automatic direct debit reverses or is returned to us by
              your financial institution Ezypay will attempt to contact you
              about retrying the debit. If the debit remains outstanding it will
              be processed within 14 days of the reversal with any reversal and
              late fees that apply. If you fail to pay us the fees by the due
              date, we are entitled to refuse you entry to the club. If unpaid
              fees remain outstanding, and after attempts by us to rectify the
              arrears your membership may be forwarded to a collection agency
              for further action.
           Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre membership conditions and memberships
           fees and charges may change from time to time. We will ensure that,
           at least 30 days before any proposed change, we provide you with
           notice of the change in writing or by email to you at the contact
           addresses on our records. If you do not wish to accept the proposed
           change you are able to terminate your membership in accordance with
           paragraph 4. If you do not terminate your membership your membership
           will be varied and continue in accordance with the change.
        In accordance with QLD Fair Trading (Health and Fitness Industry Code of
        Practice) your membership is subject to a 48 hour cooling off period.  A
        cancellation request should be directed to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.
        a. During Cooling Off Period:
           In accordance with the Schedule entitled Specific and State based
           conditions your membership is subject to a cooling off period and may
           be terminated under the following conditions:
           1. Nitro Boxing requires a written request to terminate the
              membership within the timeframe specified as the cooling off
              period from the signing the membership agreement.
           2. Nitro Boxing may request an additional payment to recover costs in
              relation to any fitness services provided to the member within
              this period.
        b. Outside Cooling Off Period:
           Your membership may be terminated under the following conditions
           outside of the cooling off period:
           i.  Termination by Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre
               1. Nitro Boxing reserves the right to terminate this membership
                  agreement in accordance with the following conditions:
               2. Failure to abide by any of the criteria listed in the Rules of
               3. Action upon a complaint by either a club member or an employee
                  (or contractor) of Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.
           ii. Termination of your membership. You must:
               1. Notify Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre in writing.
               2. Finalise any outstanding membership and/or collection fees.
               3. Without exception, all final debits will consist of no less
                  than the normal debit amount
               4. In accordance with Clauses 4 b. iii. 1-3, there will be a
                  period of notice of 30 days unless otherwise specified by the
                  Club between the date of request and the date of actual
                  termination during which any payments due must still be paid
                  in full.
        To the extent permitted by law, Nitro Boxing and Ezypay excludes any
        liability to the Member in Agreement, tort, statute or in any other way
        for any injury, damage or loss of any kind whatsoever (including,
        without limitation, any liability for direct, indirect, special or
        consequential loss or damage), sustained by the Member and/or any other
        person, or for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by the Member,
        arising from or in connection with this Membership Agreement and/or the
        services/products provided by Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay, and/or any act
        or omission of Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay.
        Suspensions are available for a minimum period of 2 weeks and a maximum
        of 4 weeks per year. Please advise staff in person at the club at least
        10 days before the period requested and cannot be back dated. A fee of
        $4.00 per week applies to suspend your membership and is payable in
        advance on pre-paid memberships and non direct debit clients. Direct
        debit clients will have their suspension fees directly debited.
        Membership suspension fees do not contribute to the total minimum
        membership fee.
        If paying by Direct Debit the Member agrees to pay the installment
        amount at the agreed payment frequency until this Agreement is
        terminated in accordance with Clause 4 above. Should there be any
        arrears in payments the Member authorises Ezypay to debit the
        outstanding balance in order to bring the account up to date.
        A one-off fee of $40.00 is payable by the Member on signing of this
    9.  PRIVACY
        A Customer’s “personal information” (as that term is defined in the
        Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) will only be used by Nitro Boxing or Ezypay to
        provide you with the services contemplated by this Agreement. Ezypay’
        Privacy Statement is to be found on its website
        If paying by Direct Debit, upon default by the Member in regard to any
        obligation under this Agreement and failure to remedy the default after
        notification by Ezypay, the Member authorises Ezypay to notify any debt
        collection/credit reporting agency of the default. Should this occur
        then at Ezypay’ sole discretion it may terminate the Agreement at which
        time the full outstanding balance for the remainder of the minimum term
        or payments (including any current arrears) shall be due in full.
        If paying by Direct Debit, Nitro Boxing / Ezypay may at any time, upon
        sending written notice to the Member's last known address and giving 14
        days notice, increase the installment amount. If the Member wishes to
        terminate this Agreement as a result of the increase in the installment
        amount, the Member must notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay in writing within
        14 days of the date of the written notice sent by Nitro Boxing /
        Ezypay.  The Agreement will be terminated upon receipt of this notice. 
        If the Member does not notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay of its intention to
        terminate this Agreement within such specified time period, then this
        Agreement will remain in force and the increase in the installment
        amount will be deemed to be accepted by the Member.
        This agreement, and the DDR Service Agreement (if paying by Direct
        Debit) constitute the entire agreement, understanding and arrangement
        (express and implied) between the Member, Nitro Boxing and Ezypay
        relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes and
        cancels any previous agreement, understanding and arrangement relating
        thereto whether written or oral.
   Please read the Terms and Conditions of Ezypay on the DIRECT DEBIT REQUEST
   Final Declaration
   You warrant, declare and acknowledge that:
    1. The information given by you in entering this Direct Debit Request And
       Customer Contract is correct and will be relied upon by us.
    2. You have read this agreement, including the terms and conditions before
       accepting them below.
    3. This agreement will become binding upon all parties once you have ticked
       in the "I agree" box below and signed.
 * Signature*
   Reset to re-sign.
 *  * Join our Newsletter Email "Nitro News"

 * Name
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Sign up here!

 * Full Name*
   First Last
 * Phone*
 * Email*
 * Address*
 * *
   On submission of this form you have read and agreed to our Terms and

 * Terms and Conditions
   Welcome to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre. Before signing your Nitro Boxing
   Membership Agreement please take the time to read the following terms and
   conditions of your members. We advise you to only sign the membership
   agreement if you understand and agree with these conditions. The information
   outlined in these terms and conditions can / will be used in the event of a
        By signing the agreement you are agreeing to have been given a copy of
        this agreement and agree to abide by the rules of membership. You also
        acknowledge and agree that you are medically sound to undertake a normal
        course of exercise, you use the club facilities at your sole risk and
        responsibility and you are aware that exercise is physically demanding
        and participation in some activities may pose a risk to your health. 
        This agreement also relates to the member’s authority to Ezypay Pty Ltd
        to directly debit the nominated bank account or credit card for any
        installments or fees due under the terms and conditions of this
        Agreement and DDR overleaf. These terms are stated below.
        In this Agreement unless the contrary intention appears:
        1. The singular includes the plural and vice versa.
        2. A reference to a party includes that party’s legal personal
           representative heirs and assigns.
        3. “Member” includes the parent or guardian of the Member if the Member
           is under 18 years.
        4. ”Nitro Boxing” means the Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre named in the
           form of the agreement
        5. “Ezypay” is Ezypay Pty Ltd, Locked Bag 4003, Chatswood, NSW 2057,
           Phone: 1300 300 553, E-mail:  All
           queries and comments about the Services provided under this Agreement
           should be directed to the Club. All queries and comments about the
           direct debit billing service should be directed to Ezypay. The Member
           acknowledges that Ezypay has been engaged by the Club to collect the
           fees due under this Agreement if paying by way of direct debit, and
           also acknowledges that all rights of the Club under this Agreement
           are able to be enforced by Ezypay as if it were the Club without any
           involvement on the part of the Club or the consent of the Member.
           Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre entitles you to:
           1. Workout as many times as you wish in a given period.
           2. Participate in normally scheduled Group Fitness classes.
           3. Use of exercise equipment located on the gym floor and
              cardiovascular training areas with an exception of the Boxing
        b. OBLIGATIONS
           Membership at Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre requires you to:
           1. Comply with all club rules. Please ensure that you read,
              understand and abide by all directions in the Membership Agreement
           2. Pay all agreed fees, ensure sufficient fees are available to cover
              all fees and advise us in advance if your bank account or credit
              card is closed or changed.
           3. Inform us in advance if there is any risk to your health if you
              participate in fitness services.
           4. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to cancel direct
              debit facilities in respect of your membership when this agreement
              expires or is terminated.
           1. All entitlements and entry into any Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre is
              revoked if a member’s account is in arrears in excess of $50.00.
           2. If your automatic direct debit reverses or is returned to us by
              your financial institution Ezypay will attempt to contact you
              about retrying the debit. If the debit remains outstanding it will
              be processed within 14 days of the reversal with any reversal and
              late fees that apply. If you fail to pay us the fees by the due
              date, we are entitled to refuse you entry to the club. If unpaid
              fees remain outstanding, and after attempts by us to rectify the
              arrears your membership may be forwarded to a collection agency
              for further action.
           Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre membership conditions and memberships
           fees and charges may change from time to time. We will ensure that,
           at least 30 days before any proposed change, we provide you with
           notice of the change in writing or by email to you at the contact
           addresses on our records. If you do not wish to accept the proposed
           change you are able to terminate your membership in accordance with
           paragraph 4. If you do not terminate your membership your membership
           will be varied and continue in accordance with the change.
        In accordance with QLD Fair Trading (Health and Fitness Industry Code of
        Practice) your membership is subject to a 48 hour cooling off period.  A
        cancellation request should be directed to Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.
        a. During Cooling Off Period:
           In accordance with the Schedule entitled Specific and State based
           conditions your membership is subject to a cooling off period and may
           be terminated under the following conditions:
           1. Nitro Boxing requires a written request to terminate the
              membership within the timeframe specified as the cooling off
              period from the signing the membership agreement.
           2. Nitro Boxing may request an additional payment to recover costs in
              relation to any fitness services provided to the member within
              this period.
        b. Outside Cooling Off Period:
           Your membership may be terminated under the following conditions
           outside of the cooling off period:
           i.  Termination by Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre
               1. Nitro Boxing reserves the right to terminate this membership
                  agreement in accordance with the following conditions:
               2. Failure to abide by any of the criteria listed in the Rules of
               3. Action upon a complaint by either a club member or an employee
                  (or contractor) of Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre.
           ii. Termination of your membership. You must:
               1. Notify Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre in writing.
               2. Finalise any outstanding membership and/or collection fees.
               3. Without exception, all final debits will consist of no less
                  than the normal debit amount
               4. In accordance with Clauses 4 b. iii. 1-3, there will be a
                  period of notice of 30 days unless otherwise specified by the
                  Club between the date of request and the date of actual
                  termination during which any payments due must still be paid
                  in full.
        To the extent permitted by law, Nitro Boxing and Ezypay excludes any
        liability to the Member in Agreement, tort, statute or in any other way
        for any injury, damage or loss of any kind whatsoever (including,
        without limitation, any liability for direct, indirect, special or
        consequential loss or damage), sustained by the Member and/or any other
        person, or for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by the Member,
        arising from or in connection with this Membership Agreement and/or the
        services/products provided by Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay, and/or any act
        or omission of Nitro Boxing and/or Ezypay.
        Suspensions are available for a minimum period of 2 weeks and a maximum
        of 4 weeks per year. Please advise staff in person at the club at least
        10 days before the period requested and cannot be back dated. A fee of
        $4.00 per week applies to suspend your membership and is payable in
        advance on pre-paid memberships and non direct debit clients. Direct
        debit clients will have their suspension fees directly debited.
        Membership suspension fees do not contribute to the total minimum
        membership fee.
        If paying by Direct Debit the Member agrees to pay the installment
        amount at the agreed payment frequency until this Agreement is
        terminated in accordance with Clause 4 above. Should there be any
        arrears in payments the Member authorises Ezypay to debit the
        outstanding balance in order to bring the account up to date.
        A one-off fee of $40.00 is payable by the Member on signing of this
    9.  PRIVACY
        A Customer’s “personal information” (as that term is defined in the
        Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) will only be used by Nitro Boxing or Ezypay to
        provide you with the services contemplated by this Agreement. Ezypay’
        Privacy Statement is to be found on its website
        If paying by Direct Debit, upon default by the Member in regard to any
        obligation under this Agreement and failure to remedy the default after
        notification by Ezypay, the Member authorises Ezypay to notify any debt
        collection/credit reporting agency of the default. Should this occur
        then at Ezypay’ sole discretion it may terminate the Agreement at which
        time the full outstanding balance for the remainder of the minimum term
        or payments (including any current arrears) shall be due in full.
        If paying by Direct Debit, Nitro Boxing / Ezypay may at any time, upon
        sending written notice to the Member's last known address and giving 14
        days notice, increase the installment amount. If the Member wishes to
        terminate this Agreement as a result of the increase in the installment
        amount, the Member must notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay in writing within
        14 days of the date of the written notice sent by Nitro Boxing /
        Ezypay.  The Agreement will be terminated upon receipt of this notice. 
        If the Member does not notify Nitro Boxing / Ezypay of its intention to
        terminate this Agreement within such specified time period, then this
        Agreement will remain in force and the increase in the installment
        amount will be deemed to be accepted by the Member.
        This agreement, and the DDR Service Agreement (if paying by Direct
        Debit) constitute the entire agreement, understanding and arrangement
        (express and implied) between the Member, Nitro Boxing and Ezypay
        relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes and
        cancels any previous agreement, understanding and arrangement relating
        thereto whether written or oral.
   Please read the Terms and Conditions of Ezypay on the DIRECT DEBIT REQUEST
   Final Declaration
   You warrant, declare and acknowledge that:
    1. The information given by you in entering this Direct Debit Request And
       Customer Contract is correct and will be relied upon by us.
    2. You have read this agreement, including the terms and conditions before
       accepting them below.
    3. This agreement will become binding upon all parties once you have ticked
       in the "I agree" box below and signed.
 * Signature*
   Reset to re-sign.
 *  * Join our Newsletter Email "Nitro News"

 * Comments
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.