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Submission: On May 12 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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 * Outdoor Sensory Activities for Spring and Summer
 * Object Attachment and Autism
 * Resources for Student Wellness
 * Four Strategies to Improve Toileting Through Interoception
 * How to Establish a Healthy Sleep Routine
 * Are Sensory Spaces for Adults
 * The Four Most Popular Skill-Building OT Tools
 * Making Air Travel a Sensory-Friendly Experience
 * What Is a Sensory Deficit?
 * Flapping or Jumping? How to Cope with Sensory Overload


 * Tips for Mealtimes with Picky Eaters
 * Energize or Calm? How to use color in your sensory room
 * 10+ Resources for Your Family's Special Needs
 * We Now Offer Zero-Interest Financing!
 * #DreamDifferent with Michael Kutcher
 * What is a Sensory Diet?
 * How to Choose the Best Weighted Blanket for Kids and Adults
 * Sensory Survival for Teens

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Enjoy the best selection of sensory tools for sensory processing, ADHD, autism
spectrum disorder, and special needs.

Featured New
Space Explorers
From €‌41.00 - €‌55.00
Space Explorers
97 100

Under Huggers
From €‌27.00
Under Huggers
93 100

Calming Weighted Comforter
From €‌190.00 - €‌300.00
Calming Weighted Comforter
100 100

Balance Trainer and Cards
From €‌105.00 - €‌105.00
Balance Trainer and Cards
100 100

Foam Dome
From €‌63.00
Foam Dome
100 100

Emotion Gel Tiles
Emotion Gel Tiles
0 100

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Magnetic Puzzle Fidget
Magnetic Puzzle Fidget
0 100

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Ribbed Hug Tee, Short and Long Sleeves
From €‌29.00
Ribbed Hug Tee, Short and Long Sleeves
0 100

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Foam Hurdles
Foam Hurdles
0 100

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Foam Zip Ball
Foam Zip Ball
0 100

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Space Explorers
Space Explorers
97 100

Under Huggers
Under Huggers
93 100

Gel Floor Tiles
Gel Floor Tiles
99 100

Fidget Key Chain Balls - Set of 3
Fidget Key Chain Balls - Set of 3
85 100

SensaSoft™ Rocking Half Barrel
SensaSoft™ Rocking Half Barrel
100 100



Stick N' Twist Suction Shapes
Bounce Board
Sensory Pathway Decals
Hot Cold Llama Lap Pad
Cozy Canoe™


Chewies for Kids
Sensory Clothing
Sensory Putty
Weighted Blankets
Wiggle Seats & Sensory Chairs


You can refine your search by selecting one or more of the goals below. Or,
click the arrow....
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Click to select an age group based on your child's developmental age, which can
differ from chronological age.
 * 0-18 Months
 * 18-36 Months
 * 3-5 Years
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5-12 Years

Move the slider to select your budget range.

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The Original Weighted Compression Vest™
From €‌95.00
The Original Weighted Compression Vest™
97 100

Squishy Gel Cushions
From €‌33.00
Squishy Gel Cushions
80 100

Action Sensory Room - Custom Choice

Starting at €‌130.00

Action Sensory Room - Custom Choice
100 100

Soft Plush Weighted Blanket
Soft Plush Weighted Blanket
94 100




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I'm an adult on the autism spectrum....
When I put the vest on, it feels like I'm getting the best hug ever.

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The Chillspa and Action Rooms are helping our students with self regulation,
which then carries over into the classroom learning.
Beverly Bernstein
OROT Educational Director

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We always have a great experience with Fun and Function and refer parents to
your site. Most of all, we love your weighted compression vest since we see the
biggest change when kids wear it.
Melinda Lunn, OTR/L
Cross Therapy Services, Fayetteville, AK

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