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Submitted URL: https://taxrebateserviceupdate.com/
Effective URL: https://www.govt.nz/
Submission: On July 17 via automatic, source urlscan-observe — Scanned from GB
Effective URL: https://www.govt.nz/
Submission: On July 17 via automatic, source urlscan-observe — Scanned from GB
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1 forms found in the DOMhttps://www.govt.nz/search
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Text Content
Skip to main content Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa / Search Govt.nz KIA ORA. GOVT.NZ IS YOUR GUIDE TO FINDING AND USING GOVERNMENT SERVICES. KIA ORA. GOVT.NZ IS YOUR GUIDE TO FINDING AND USING GOVERNMENT SERVICES. Your browser currently has JavaScript turned off, which means that www.govt.nz might not display properly on your device. It's easy to turn JavaScript on - find out how to enable JavaScript in your browser. IMMIGRATION AND VISAS Travelling to or currently in NZ, customs, border security, refugees TAX, BENEFITS AND FINANCE IRD numbers, benefits, superannuation, SuperGold, KiwiSaver EDUCATION School holidays, school zones, student loans, scholarships WORK Public holidays, minimum wage, annual, sick, domestic violence and other leave, changing jobs PASSPORTS, CITIZENSHIP AND IDENTITY Birth certificates, citizenship, passports, changing name or gender LEAVING NZ Moving to Australia, working overseas, emergency help HEALTH Community services card, food safety, dental care, help at home FAMILY AND WHĀNAU Having a baby, marriage, divorce, bereavement, financial help CONSUMER RIGHTS AND COMPLAINTS Credit records, consumer rights, complaints, debt, privacy HOUSING AND PROPERTY Buying, renting, selling, building, rates, renovating, insulation TRANSPORT Licences, registration, fines, tickets, buying, selling, WOF, car seat LAW, CRIME AND JUSTICE Statutory declarations, pay a fine, human rights, criminal records RECREATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT Daylight saving, freedom camping, natural resources, fishing, hunting ENGAGING WITH GOVERNMENT NZ Government, consultations, voting, Parliament, complaints HISTORY, CULTURE AND HERITAGE Family history, Te Reo, Treaty of Waitangi, military history MORE ON GOVT.NZ GOVERNMENT A-Z Contact details and information for all government departments and organisations. BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES You can find out all about Births, Deaths and Marriages on Govt.nz. HISTORICAL TREATY OF WAITANGI SETTLEMENTS Get information on historical Treaty settlements and search for settlement documents. 2023 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 2023 school term dates for New Zealand primary, intermediate and secondary schools. CONSULTATIONS ACROSS GOVERNMENT Find out about central and local government consultations happening across the country. GET A MARRIAGE LICENCE ONLINE You can apply online if you live in NZ, or will arrive in NZ more than 3 working days before you get married. NEW GOVERNMENT SERVICES AND TOOLS TE HOKINGA Ā WAIRUA END OF LIFE SERVICE Find out what to do when someone dies, and record, share and discuss your own end of life wishes. [L1] DATA.GOVT.NZ You can access and reuse data from across government on data.govt.nz. [L2] SMARTSTART Whether you’re trying for a baby, are pregnant or raising a child, access information and services all in one place. [L3] LINKS 1. https://endoflife.services.govt.nz/welcome 2. https://www.data.govt.nz 3. https://smartstart.services.govt.nz/ CONTACT NZ GOVERNMENT * A-Z of government agencies * If you're not sure who to contact ABOUT THIS WEBSITE * About Govt.nz * The scope of Govt.nz * Feedback about Govt.nz USING THIS WEBSITE * Terms of use * Privacy * Copyright Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa / Date printed 17 July 2023