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Submission: On March 20 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On March 20 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
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Text Content
Skip to content * About us * Working together * Resources * Case studies * Blog * FAQ * Contact us * About us * Working together * Resources * Case studies * Blog * FAQ * Contact us Menu BRIDGE THE TECH GAP Extend your development team A trusted partner for 20+ clients and counting: ABOUT US Headquartered in the Netherlands, with development center situated in Moldova, BackstageIT brings more than 15 years experience in delivering highly differentiated software services to clients across a wide range of industry verticals. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and requirements, and we tailor our services to meet those needs. We create extended teams of developers who will work seamlessly with our Dutch clients’ existing teams to achieve their business goals. We can help you find software developers, QA specialists, DevOps, and project managers. CASE STUDY CASE STUDY CASE STUDY Learn more CORE CLIENTS STARTUPS Startups who have limited resources and need to keep costs lower. Plus, it is hard to find talent in The Netherlands, as big tech companies have a lot more to offer. E-COMMERCE COMPANIES These companies need help developing and maintaining their online platforms, such as websites and mobile applications. ENTERPRISES Large organizations who need external development teams to supplement their internal IT departments and speed up development time. DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCIES These agencies need help developing custom software for their clients. BRIDGE THE TECH GAP. GO INTERNATIONAL YOU TAKE CARE OF THE WORK – WE TAKE CARE OF THE REST. With a large network of talented developers in Moldova and a supporting core team on site, BackstageIT helps software companies find their ideal candidate profiles, engage effectively, and make meaningful hires. Working as an extension of your company, we’ll promote your corporate identity in a way that ensures your team will feel connected to your organization. Want to know more about the process? DOWNLOAD OUR PDF "*" indicates required fields Business e-mail* Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. LET’S SCALE YOUR TEAM 1+ YEARS Minimum collaboration duration 4-8 WEEKS on average until recruiting developers, setting up a team and running 2-26 DEVS average development team size 95/100 employee happiness BLOG Explore featured content about our work, company culture, and expertise on our BLOG. Find us on GET IN TOUCH Copyright 2023 Backstage IT Privacy Policy Cookies CONTACTS Backstage IT B.V. Pollaan 43 7202 BV Zutphen +31 57 57 57 113 INFO * About us * Working together * Resources * Case Studies * Blog * FAQ * Contact CLIENT SPOTLIGHT SJOERD DE KREIJ Co-Founder & CEO at Typetone > "BackstageIT has helped us a lot in finding the right talent for our project. > Because we were and still are a startup working in the AI industry, we needed > a young, flexible professional who would not only understand how AI works but > also be excited about it. Also, another important thing for us was soft > skills, and because of their amazing expertise, we found the perfect candidate > that aligned with our company’s vision. The impressive onboarding experience > and the overall collaboration gave us complete trust to build an even bigger > team with BackstageIT." Notifications