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Submission: On February 06 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

POST /localization

<form method="post" action="/localization" id="HeaderCountryMobileFormNoScriptDrawer" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="localization-form" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="localization"><input type="hidden"
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POST /localization

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            United States
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GET /pages/search-results-page

<form action="/pages/search-results-page" method="get" role="search" class="search search-modal__form">
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POST /cart

<form action="/cart" method="post" id="cart-notification-form" tabarnapp-initialized="true" tbn-core-dam-fallback-cfs="true">
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POST /cart/add

<form method="post" action="/cart/add" id="product-form-installment-template--17112394432752__main" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="installment caption-large" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="product"><input
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POST /cart/add

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Specially formulated to help advance your nerve health with 300mg of Stabilized
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid!

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid is a potent antioxidant that supports healthy blood flow to
carry more oxygen and nutrients to nerves.*

When taken together with Nerve Renew Formula®, you get a whopping 600mg of
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid for FASTER, more effective results.

 * Boost blood flow to your nerves
 * Carry more oxygen and nutrients to nerves
 * Additional 300mg of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
 * Improve circulation and blood vessel dialation

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4.4 star rating 4930 Reviews
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
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Heidi R.
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
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Heidi R.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
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Shirley H.
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
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Shirley H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
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Rosezine H.
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
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Rosezine H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
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Margaret B.
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
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Margaret B.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/14/22
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic Acid has benefits and is a good supplement.
Thank you.
Russ B.
5.0 star rating 04/14/22
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic Acid has benefits and is a good supplement.
Thank you.
Russ B.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/21/22
Works well with Nerve Renew
Works well with Nerve Renew and has helped my legs to calm down and makes life
more bearable.
Ronald y.
5.0 star rating 04/21/22
Works well with Nerve Renew
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
Works well with Nerve Renew and has helped my legs to calm down and makes life
more bearable.
Ronald y.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles) - Special Offer
5.0 star rating 06/02/22
Five years and counting
I’ve used Nerve Renew Optimizer for five years because that is pure R – ALA.
That’s the mechanism that allows for new nerve growth...
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Rayma D.
5.0 star rating 06/02/22
Five years and counting
Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles) - Special Offer
I’ve used Nerve Renew Optimizer for five years because that is pure R – ALA.
That’s the mechanism that allows for new nerve growth...
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Rayma D.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
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Heidi R.
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
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Heidi R.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
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Shirley H.
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
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Shirley H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
Read More
Rosezine H.
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
Read More
Rosezine H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
Read More
Margaret B.
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
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Margaret B.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
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After initially trying Nerve Renew my progress was slow. My nerve health had
been declining for years, and after learning from Dr. Kennedy that the severity
of my nerve health was a factor, I added in the Nerve Repair Optimizer to give
an extra boost. EUREKA!

After only one month on my regimen of Nerve Renew combined with the Optimizer, I
was thrilled when I could begin to feel my fingers! To confirm this I scratched
the pad of each finger with a fingernail on the opposite hand AND I FELT IT ON

I am now hopeful that I will regain feeling in other parts of my body and
hopefully retire my cane and drive my car again. Perhaps I will be able to walk
on the grass or the sand on the beach without falling over - and EVEN PLAY
TENNIS again!

*Results Vary. Not everyone will see results using Nerve Renew. All of our
testimonials are from real customers but your results can vary greatly depending
on many factors.



Your nerves are the vital link between your brain and body.

But as you get older, natural aging processes and lifestyle factors can disrupt
normal nerve function - which can seriously impact on your quality of life.

If you’re dealing with aches, discomfort, tingling, or weakness - you know what
we’re talking about. And while it may feel hopeless, it’s not a lost cause. You
can regenerate healthy nerve tissue, rebuild connections, and fortify your
nerves to restore function & reduce discomfort.

Nerve Renew creates the right environment for this process to happen. With
regular use, you can regain control of your nerve health & enjoy healthy nerve


R-Alpha Lipoic Acid promotes better blood flow to deliver vital oxygen and
nutrients to nerves, and can help balance out nutritional shortages. As a potent
antioxidant, it also neutralizes free radicals - which are harmful toxins in the

In clinical studies, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid has been shown to...





Scientists have recently discovered that patients who took 600mg of R-Alpha
Lipoic Acid per day reported a dramatic increase in nerve health & function.*

When you take Nerve Renew Optimizer® together with Nerve Renew®, you get a
combined 600mg of R-ALA for maximum effect.



R-Alpha Lipoic Acid


Most Effective

Most Effective


Naturally Occuring

Naturally Occuring


Binds w/ Key Enzymes

Binds w/ Key Enzymes





10x Stronger than regular ALA as antioxidant

10x Stronger than regular ALA as antioxidant

S-Alpha Lipoic Acid


Less Effective

Less Effective





Unable to bind w/ key enzymes

Unable to bind w/ key enzymes





Less effective as an antioxidant

Less effective as an antioxidant

Not all forms of Alpha Lipoic Acid are created equally. Most nerve supplements
use a form of Alpha Lipoic Acid known as S-ALA. Created in a lab, it’s cheaper
to produce - but that comes at a cost.

Researchers have found that S-ALA is not as easily absorbed into your body, and
may even inhibit the nerve- supportive properties of natural Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Which is why we use only naturally sourced R-Alpha Lipoic Acid in our products -
so you’re getting the most potent and proven form.

And we’ve taken it one step further...

Alpha Lipoic Acid is an extremely unstable molecule. Exposure to heat causes it
to quickly degrade and lose its potency.

For that reason, the Alpha Lipoic Acid in our supplements undergoes a complex
stabilization process to ensure that by the time it reaches you, it will have
the same potency as the day it was produced...

So you get peace of mind knowing your nerves will get the full benefit of its
powerful properties. you get a combined 600mg of R-ALA for maximum effect.

Review Title
Review Content
Real Reviews From Real Customers
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4.4 star rating 4930 Reviews
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
Read More
Heidi R.
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
Read More
Heidi R.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
Read More
Shirley H.
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
Read More
Shirley H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
Read More
Rosezine H.
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
Read More
Rosezine H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
Read More
Margaret B.
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
Read More
Margaret B.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/14/22
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic Acid has benefits and is a good supplement.
Thank you.
Russ B.
5.0 star rating 04/14/22
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
My Doctor confirms R-alpha Lipoic Acid has benefits and is a good supplement.
Thank you.
Russ B.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/21/22
Works well with Nerve Renew
Works well with Nerve Renew and has helped my legs to calm down and makes life
more bearable.
Ronald y.
5.0 star rating 04/21/22
Works well with Nerve Renew
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
Works well with Nerve Renew and has helped my legs to calm down and makes life
more bearable.
Ronald y.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles) - Special Offer
5.0 star rating 06/02/22
Five years and counting
I’ve used Nerve Renew Optimizer for five years because that is pure R – ALA.
That’s the mechanism that allows for new nerve growth...
Read More
Rayma D.
5.0 star rating 06/02/22
Five years and counting
Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles) - Special Offer
I’ve used Nerve Renew Optimizer for five years because that is pure R – ALA.
That’s the mechanism that allows for new nerve growth...
Read More
Rayma D.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
Read More
Heidi R.
5.0 star rating 06/23/22
Better and better every day!
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I am been using the Nerve Renew Optimizer for almost a month along with the
Nerve Renew and I have seen a substantial improvement ...
Read More
Heidi R.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
5.0 star rating 07/15/22
Really helpful
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
The feelings in my fingers is coming back!
Yasir K.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
Read More
Shirley H.
5.0 star rating 09/21/22
This product greatly helped to
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This product greatly helped to reduce discomfort in my feet. Previously had been
using alpha lipoic acid and it was just okay but ...
Read More
Shirley H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
Read More
Rosezine H.
5.0 star rating 12/01/22
Nerve Renew Optimizer Works
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
This is an excellent product and helps to improve my nerve health and help to
relieve any discomfort I made be experiencing. I jus...
Read More
Rosezine H.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
Read More
Margaret B.
5.0 star rating 11/25/20
I have been taking this
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
I have been taking this product for a couple of months now and I think that it
is helping with the burning and the lack of circula...
Read More
Margaret B.
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
5.0 star rating 04/14/21
Best kind of R-ALA
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
Best kind of R-ALA
Gary L.
Powered by


Have you been burned by one of those “fly by night” supplements that pop-up
online, promise amazing results, then disappear after they’ve taken your money?

We’re not one of them. We’ve built a solid reputation over our 10 years in
business, have an A+ rating with the BBB, and are NOT going to disappear on you.

We believe people should come before profits - which is why every product we
sell is backed by our one-year guarantee. You have an entire year from the date
of your purchase to get a prompt refund (minus shipping & handling) on your most
recent order - no questions asked.

Simply contact our US-based customer support team for a prompt, courteous

*Results Vary. Not everyone will see results using Nerve Renew. All of our
testimonials are from real customers but your results can vary greatly depending
on many factors.


Frequently Asked Questions


Nerve Renew® is our complete nerve support supplement with 10 proven ingredients
to help you support optimal nerve health.

Many customers enjoy healthier nerves using only Nerve Renew®. However - if you
aren’t getting the results you desire from Nerve Renew® alone - we recommend
adding Nerve Renew Optimizer® to your daily supplement regimen. This booster
supplement gives your nerves an additional 300mg of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, a
potent antioxidant that has been shown to accelerate nerve health and support
proper nerve function.


The ingredients in Nerve Renew® and Nerve Renew Optimizer® are designed to
support your nerves - regardless of their current condition. The vitamins,
antioxidants, and herbs in our products support healthy nerve function by
nourishing nerves, supporting healthy nerve communication, building nerve
insulation, and promoting healthy blood flow.


The ingredients in our nerve supplements get to work from day one to set the
stage for nerve health.. Every person is different. While some may notice
results within 1-2 weeks, we’ve found that the majority of customers get the
best results after approximately 4-6 months.

Because this process takes time, we recommend taking Nerve Renew® for at least 3
months. We offer additional support with our Nerve Renew Optimizer®, which gives
you an additional daily dose of 300mg of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid.  

When taken along with Nerve Renew®, you’ll get a total of 600mg of R-ALA - the
same amount that studies have shown to be most effective.


Multiple clinical trials using the same ingredients in Nerve Renew® and Nerve
Renew Optimizer® have them to be well tolerated with no negative side effects.
If you experience any discomfort when taking our supplements, you may start with
a lower dosage to build tolerance - working your way up to a full dosage over
1-2 weeks.


The medical community considers all of the ingredients in Nerve Renew® and Nerve
Renew Optimizer® to be safe and well-tolerated.

Each ingredient is well-regarded in published clinical studies and peer-reviewed
research papers. In addition to the supporting evidence offered by the numerous
studies and research papers, each ingredient in our formula was reviewed and
approved by our Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Don Kennedy.

For additional information, review some of the Clinical Studies on the
ingredients used in our formulas.


There have been numerous clinical studies using the same ingredients found in
Nerve Renew® and Nerve Renew Optimizer®. Multiple studies have shown these
ingredients to be safe, well-tolerated, and effective.

For additional information, review some of the Clinical Studies on the
ingredients used in our formulas.


Nerve Renew was founded in 2010 by Wes Jones.

After watching his father’s quality of life degrade due to poor nerve health,
Wes grew frustrated with the lack of safe and effective options available. After
over a year of researching ways to help his dad, Wes created the first bottle of
Nerve Renew with the help of trusted experts.

In the 10 years since, Nerve Renew has helped over 380,000 customers across the
globe improve their nerve health when nothing else worked.

Our outstanding customer service, research-backed products, and expert resources
have helped us earn an A+ rating with the BBB and a solid reputation among
customers as a trusted source for quality products and service.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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4.3 star rating

4.3 star rating 590 Reviews, 16 Q&As

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Julie T.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Nerve Pain

Review by Julie T. on 21 Feb 2023 review stating Nerve Pain
It made the difference! Nerve pain gone!
On Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles)
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2023 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Julie T. on 21 Feb 2023
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John M.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

I am on my second

Review by John M. on 11 Feb 2023 review stating I am on my second
I am on my second order of Nerve Renew and Optimizer. I can already tell a
difference in the lessening of discomfort so that must mean the product is
working. I will continue to use both products in the foreseeable future. Having
tried several other products these appear to be working much better. Glad I
found out about them.
On Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles)
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John M. on 11 Feb 2023 twitter twitter Share Review by John M. on 11 Feb 2023
LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by John M. on 11 Feb 2023
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Mark D.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Excellent product!!

Review by Mark D. on 28 Jan 2023 review stating Excellent product!!
Excellent product!!
On Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles)
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Mark D. on 28 Jan 2023 twitter twitter Share Review by Mark D. on 28 Jan 2023
LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Mark D. on 28 Jan 2023
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Ashley A.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Extra but an add on

Review by Ashley A. on 27 Jan 2023 review stating Extra but an add on
I had bought this for my dad after a lot of research to find something that
could work he had a lot of pain due to the onset of neuropathy and really shut
But i got the nerve renew bottle along with the optimiser and i think after a
month or more, he was able to get pain relief and a lot of his life back. I
don't know if it's a full tim...Read MoreRead more about I had bought this for
my dad after a

e cure after 3 months as i couldn't yet buy another dose but from all the
medicines and naturopathic options, this was the first time there was some
result finally.
Even the customer service and technical folks were really good to help out with
issues and details as i used a freight forwarder to send it outside the US. Read
LessRead less about I had bought this for my dad after a

On Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles)
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by Ashley A. on 27 Jan 2023 twitter twitter Share Review by Ashley A. on 27 Jan
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connie h.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

I think the Optimizer does

Review by connie h. on 22 Jan 2023 review stating I think the Optimizer does
I think the Optimizer does help with my Nerve health. It is a good supplement to
the Nerve Renew product.
On Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles)
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by connie h. on 22 Jan 2023 twitter twitter Share Review by connie h. on 22 Jan
2023 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by connie h. on 22 Jan 2023
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Carol S.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating


Review by Carol S. on 21 Jan 2023 review stating Optimizer
It totally helps my legs feel better and relieves the tingling in my legs
On Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles)
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by Carol S. on 21 Jan 2023 twitter twitter Share Review by Carol S. on 21 Jan
2023 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Carol S. on 21 Jan 2023
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Gunner M.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Along with Nerve Renew, works

Review by Gunner M. on 29 Dec 2022 review stating Along with Nerve Renew, works
Along with Nerve Renew, works to increase the effectiveness of the reduction in
discomfort and sensitivity in my feet. There has been no increase in the area
affected since starting to use this product over 7 years ago. I have been a Type
2 diabetic for over 18 years and can say that since using this product, I have
had less discomfort and increas...Read MoreRead more about Along with Nerve
Renew, works to

ed feeling and sensation in my feet. Read LessRead less about Along with Nerve
Renew, works to

On Nerve Renew Optimizer (3 Bottles)
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Richard S.
Verified Reviewer

Q: Have been using Nerve Regen for a year with no results. Will your product

Answers (1)

Marsha - Customer Service Manager
A: We have an 80% success rate when taken for at least 4 months. If you have
additional questions please reach out to one of our specialists at 888-840-7142.
Was this answer helpful?



John E.
Verified Reviewer

Q: Should I take NerveRenew and Nerve Renew Optimizer along with Lyrica which my
neurologist has prescribed for me?

Answers (1)

Marsha - Customer Service Manager
A: Please take Nerve Renew either one hour before or after the Lyrica to assure
you get the full absorption of the nutrients. As your symptoms start to subside
you can speak with your Doctor and wean off of the Lyrica.
Was this answer helpful?



Verified Reviewer

Q: Can I take Nerve Renew Optimizer at bedtime, with my magnesium supplement?
Thank you

Answers (1)

Marsha - Customer Service Manager
A: Yes, the Nerve Optimizer can be taken at bedtime with magnesium.
Was this answer helpful?



Verified Reviewer

Q: I take my magnesium supplement at bedtime. Could I take Nerve Renew at this
time, also? I take levothyroxine, and calcium supplements twice daily, and have
a balancing act trying to keep everything 4 hours apart from each other.

Answers (1)

Marsha - Customer Service Manager
A: Its best to take the 2nd Nerve Renew Capsule around your evening dinner meal
and not prior to bed because the B12 can give you energy.
Was this answer helpful?



Kenny L.
Verified Reviewer

Q: Does this help with the nerves in the head after brain surgery I have
numbness and tingle in the left side of face

Answers (1)

Marsha - Customer Service Manager
A: Nerve Renew helps to provide the nutrients to the myelin sheath to help
relieve tingling, burning and numbness. If you would like to speak with a
specialist regarding your specific symptoms please call 888-840-7142.
Was this answer helpful?



Verified Reviewer

Q: How ca I get both the special

Answers (1)

Marsha - Customer Service Manager
A: Hi Ronny, If you are having trouble ordering the special online please call
Was this answer helpful?



Verified Reviewer

Q: I have read in Dr. David Brownstein's books on iodine and on hypothyroidism
(which I've had for 30 yrs) that Alpha Lipoic Acid could have a negative effect
on Levothyroxin medicine and that additional thyroid tests should be done. Do
you have any information regarding the safe range of taking ALA is on
hypothyroidism ?

Answers (1)

Marsha - Customer Service Manager
A: Typically R-ALA can be taken when you are on Thyroid Medication but you would
want to take it 4 hours away from your medication. As for recommended dosage you
would want to consult your physician
Was this answer helpful?



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Keith in Robstown, Texas bought Nerve Renew ~ Advanced Nerve Support Open
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our emails.


*Results Vary. Not everyone will see results using Nerve Renew. All of our
testimonials are from real customers but your results can vary greatly depending
on many factors.

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© 2024, Nerve Renew
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Nerve Renew (1 Bottle)
Price $69.00
Nerve Renew (3 Bottles)
Sale price $147.00 Original price $207.00
Nerve Renew Optimizer (1 Bottle)
Price $33.00
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David in Downers Grove, Illinois bought Nerve Renew ~ Advanced Nerve Support
about 57 minutes ago

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