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Text Content

 * Home
 * Destinations
   * Florence
   * Sienne
   * San Gimignano
   * Chianti
   * Montepulciano
   * Montalcino
   * Arezzo
   * Lucques
   * Volterra
   * Campagne Toscane
 * Cérémonies
   * Mariage Civil
   * Mariage Catholique
   * Mariage Symbolique
   * Mariage Orthodoxe
   * Mariage Juif
   * Mariage Protestant
   * Mariage Indien
   * Renouvellement des vœux
   * La Demande en Mariage
 * Réceptions
   * Villa
   * Château
   * Hôtels de luxe
   * Bourg
 * Notre Agence
   * Services
 * Nos Mariages
   * Témoignages
   * Photo Gallery
 * Blog
 * Contacts





 * Home
 * Destinations
   * Florence
   * Sienne
   * San Gimignano
   * Chianti
   * Montepulciano
   * Montalcino
   * Arezzo
   * Lucques
   * Volterra
   * Campagne Toscane
 * Cérémonies
   * Mariage Civil
   * Mariage Catholique
   * Mariage Symbolique
   * Mariage Orthodoxe
   * Mariage Juif
   * Mariage Protestant
   * Mariage Indien
   * Renouvellement des vœux
   * La Demande en Mariage
 * Réceptions
   * Villa
   * Château
   * Hôtels de luxe
   * Bourg
 * Notre Agence
   * Services
 * Nos Mariages
   * Témoignages
   * Photo Gallery
 * Blog
 * Contacts


Un mariage en Toscane est une occasion de rêve pour tout le monde, et chaque
couple souhaiterait rendre cette journée mémorable pour la vie.
Si vous voulez suivre la tendance contemporaine, vous devriez organiser un
mariage à l’étranger dans une ville charmante : se marier en Toscane, Italie,
est le choix le meilleur que vous pourriez faire ! Organiser votre cérémonie de
mariage dans les bras de la nature toscane est une idée magnifique. En effet,
ici vous trouverez beaucoup de lieux étonnants pour votre mariage, notamment des
villages (borghi), des villas et des châteaux offrant les cadres parfaits pour
rendre cette journée encore plus spéciale. De plus, vos invités aimeraient
profiter de la délicieuse cuisine italienne servie lors de la réception, ainsi
que d’une variété de vins locaux fournis pendant la célébration.
Se marier en Toscane est le rêve de n’importe quel couple venant de partout dans
le monde.

Se marier à Florence
Avez-vous toujours rêvé d’un mariage mémorable dans une ville qui combine des
attractions culturelles et historiques pour créer un événement magique ? Eh
bien, la ville de Florence offre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour réaliser le
mariage idéal, car elle met à disposition des bijoux naturels, des œuvres d’art
éternelles et un héritage culturel sans égal, aussi bien qu’une cuisine
traditionnelle délicieuse et des vins prestigieux.
Brilliant Events peut vous aider à créer des décors de rêve pour une célébration
au cœur de la ville ou même dans la campagne environnante. Peu importe si vous
êtes à la recherche de classe et d’élégance, ou plutôt d’une cérémonie intime et
confidentielle : la diversité des services fournis à Florence répondra à tous
vos besoins. Vous pouvez réserver des châteaux historiques, des demeures
entourées de collines verdoyantes, ainsi que d’autres bâtiments prestigieux
assurant des cadres fonctionnels et confortables pour votre mariage.

Se marier à Sienne
Si vous souhaitez réaliser un mariage de conte de fées dans une atmosphère très
chic, Brilliant Events peut vous aider à trouver le lieu de vos rêves à Sienne.
Il s’agit d’une ville médiévale italienne très pittoresque, dotée de nombreuses
attractions fascinantes. Vous allez adorer les ambiances festives de cette
ville, caractérisée par des cadres culturels et historiques incroyables
éparpillés tout autour. Il y a beaucoup d’endroits enchanteurs et exclusifs qui
vous accueilleront avec leurs services sophistiqués dédiés aux mariages. Depuis
Sienne, vous pourrez profiter des vues imprenables sur les châteaux et la
campagne environnants. Que vous souhaitiez profiter de décors intimes pour vous
marier en Toscane, en Italie, ou plutôt organiser une grande fête pour vos
proches, vous pouvez faire des réservations dans l’une de fabuleuses villas ou
demeures de la ville.


Brilliant Events

Se marier dans la campagne toscane
La campagne toscane est sans aucun doute l’escapade de mariage la plus charmante
dans l’Italie entière. Ici, plusieurs villas étonnantes se trouvent dans des
destinations pittoresques loin de l’agitation de la ville. Ceux qui souhaitent
réaliser un mariage à l’étranger mémorable trouveront le lieu du mariage le plus
élégant dans la campagne toscane. Que vous planifiiez une cérémonie civile ou
catholique, Brilliant Events vous aidera à disposer les cadres les meilleurs
pour votre journée spéciale. Vos invités adoreront explorer les vignobles
impressionnants et le magnifique paysage naturel lors de la cérémonie. En outre,
les membres du personnel de ces lieux sont prêts à vous servir les recettes
italiennes les plus délicieuses. Vous pouvez réserver votre lieu du mariage à
l’avance et discuter de vos plans de décoration uniques avec l’équipe, de façon
à mettre en place une organisation impeccable.

Mariages civils en Toscane
Une cérémonie civile en Toscane est la solution la meilleure que vous pourriez
trouver, car elle fera de votre mariage à l’étranger un événement remarquable.
Les couples peuvent organiser ce type de cérémonie dans l’une des mairies, des
villas et des demeures incroyables de la Toscane : en effet, ici vous trouverez
de nombreux lieux anciens et historiques où organiser des mariages civils.
L’aspect le meilleur est qu’il n’y a pas de conditions de résidence requises
pour se marier légalement dans la région. Les professionnels de Brilliant Events
peuvent vous aider à réaliser toutes les dispositions nécessaires pour la
cérémonie. Ils vous aideront à gérer les documents prévus, tout en établissant
un lien avec les autorités italiennes. Vous n’avez pas besoin de vous inquiéter
au sujet des formalités : vous n’aurez qu’à réfléchir aux détails spéciaux que
vous souhaitez ajouter à votre cérémonie. Vous pouvez organiser la célébration à
la campagne, ainsi qu’au cœur d’une ville toscane.

Mariages catholiques en Toscane
Ceux qui sont intéressés à organiser un mariage religieux ou catholique en
Toscane doivent commencer la procédure au moins six mois avant la date du
mariage. Sans doute vous savez que le catholicisme est considéré comme la
religion la plus courante en Italie, ce qui fait qu’il est possible de trouver
de nombreuses alternatives pour un mariage catholique mémorable en Toscane.
Brilliant Events peut vous aider à organiser votre mariage dans une église
historique étonnante et à créer les plus beaux cadres pour la cérémonie. Que
vous préfériez tenir une messe ou plutôt profiter d’une atmosphère plus intime,
les châteaux, les villas et les villages dans la campagne toscane vous
fourniront tout service dont vous avez besoin. En outre, vous pouvez choisir de
tenir la cérémonie soit à l’extérieur soit à l’intérieur.


Choisissez votre meilleure agence de planification de mariage

Mariages protestants en Toscane
Si vous comptez tenir un mariage civil en Toscane, Italie, vous devriez penser à
une célébration protestante à un stade ultérieur. Après avoir accompli toutes
les procédures légales dans le pays, vous pouvez demander la présence d’un
prêtre qui effectue le mariage. Il y a beaucoup d’églises dans les villes et les
villages toscans : choisissez la destination la plus attrayante pour jouir d’un
divertissement illimité avec vos proches. De plus, vous pourrez aussi choisir
parmi un large éventail d’églises gothiques ou romanes favorisant une atmosphère
unique. Les experts de Brilliant Events vous assisteront dans la recherche de
l’endroit le meilleur pour un mariage protestant. De plus, ils vous aideront
aussi à mettre en place des préparatifs personnalisés en ce qui concerne
l’éclairage, les repas et les cérémonies. Vos invités vont sans aucun doute
apprécier l’idée de participer à un mariage à l’étranger en Toscane.

Mariages juifs en Toscane
Les cérémonies de mariage juives sont couramment célébrées dans toutes les
villes italiennes, y compris en Toscane. Vous pouvez compter sur l’assistance
des professionnels de Brilliant Events pour créer des préparatifs mémorables
pour votre cérémonie. Il y a beaucoup de villas néoclassiques, de châteaux
médiévaux et de fermes rurales dans la campagne toscane où vous pouvez planifier
un mariage juif sans égal. Vos invités aimeront la possibilité d’admirer
l’architecture environnante et de se plonger dans une telle beauté naturelle. De
plus, il y a beaucoup de vignobles et de jardins à explorer : ici, vous pourrez
recueillir des souvenirs incroyables à chérir pour la vie. Si vous êtes
intéressés à organiser un mariage selon les traditions des juifs réformés,
l’événement ne comprendra que des activités religieuses. Les cérémonies juives
en plein air peuvent être organisées sous une houppa.

Mariages indiens en Toscane
Il y a d’innombrables choses étonnantes à savoir sur les cérémonies de mariage
indiennes, où chaque événement et rituel a son importance unique. Les
professionnels de Brilliant Events sont prêts à mettre en place des dispositions
spéciales pour réaliser vos rêves. Les espaces intérieurs, aussi bien que les
extérieurs, peuvent accueillir les différents rituels à suivre dans un mariage
indien. Plusieurs spécialistes expérimentés qui se trouvent dans la campagne
toscane sont disponibles pour effectuer les rituels et les poojas pendant votre
mariage. Vous pourrez créer des décorations personnalisées et profiter
d’instants mémorables dans les bras de la nature lors de votre cérémonie
indienne. En outre, il est même possible de combiner des recettes indiennes
spéciales avec des plats italiens typiques pendant la réception. La combination
de l’éclairage, du décor et de l’architecture de ces lieux incarne tout ce dont
vous avez besoin pour une charmante cérémonie de mariage indienne.


Contactez nos experts en planification de mariage

Mariages symboliques en Toscane
Les cérémonies de mariage symboliques offrent les options les plus flexibles
pour les couples qui comptent de se marier en Italie. Vous n’avez pas besoin de
vous inquiéter au sujet des formalités juridiques, puisque la cérémonie peut
être organisée à bref délai. Vous pouvez appeler vos amis et parents pour
profiter d’un moment mémorable ensemble pendant le jour le plus spécial de votre

Les experts de Brilliant Events peuvent vous aider à créer des cadres
personnalisés pour la journée. Vous pouvez planifier le mariage à l’extérieur ou
à l’intérieur des villas, des châteaux ou des villages incroyables de la région.
Certains d’entre vous pourraient même choisir de tenir leurs célébrations dans
la campagne toscane, dans les bras de la nature. Le décor, les repas et la
cérémonie peuvent être adaptés en fonction de vos besoins et de vos souhaits.


Les professionnels de Brilliant Events peuvent vous aider à réserver le lieu qui
convient le mieux à vos besoins.

Vous pouvez également demander des décorations personnalisées pour profiter
d’une expérience de mariage impeccable. En outre, vous pouvez compter sur les
préparatifs les meilleurs pour n’importe quelle célébration de mariage, qu’elle
soit catholique, civile, symbolique, indienne ou juive.





Venise, largement connue sous le nom de « Ville flottante », est le décor idéal
pour les mariages de luxe et la production d'événements. Venise est la ville la
plus romantique du monde en raison de ses canaux enchevêtrés, de ses rues
étroites et labyrinthiques dans lesquelles se perdre et enfin de sa célèbre
architecture. Entrez dans le monde des enchantements de Venise, cette ville
offre une expérience inoubliable aux couples et à leurs invités.




Le lac de Côme est le lac le plus beau et le plus romantique d'Italie. Elle se
renouvelle partout dans le monde pour sa géographie qui offre des paysages
intemporels et étonnants. Le lac de Côme pourrait être la carte postale parfaite
pour votre mariage ou événement à destination, grâce à ses charmantes villes et
villages, ses petits ports paresseux qui vous laisseront, vous et vos invités, à
bout de souffle. Le lac de Côme dépassera certainement vos attentes.




Nichée au cœur de l'Italie, la Toscane est la région italienne connue pour son
panorama à couper le souffle parsemé de collines et de cyprès. La Toscane
respire la chaleur grâce à sa beauté naturelle, son patrimoine culturel et son
excellence culinaire. Partout où vous vous tournez, vous découvrirez des vues
qui pourraient constituer le paysage idéal pour votre mariage à destination ou
la production d'un événement. La Toscane offre de beaux souvenirs que vous et
vos invités chérirez toute votre vie !



La côte amalfitaine est la destination balnéaire la plus romantique avec des
endroits glamour qui pourraient être les endroits parfaits pour votre mariage de
luxe et la production d'événements dans le sud de l'Italie. Vous et vos invités
tomberez amoureux du pittoresque golfe d'Amalfi, des paysages à couper le
souffle, de l'ancienne tradition culinaire mais surtout de l'eau cristalline et
de la mer sans fin.



Grâce à ses belles vues sur la mer, ses sites historiques et sa tradition
culinaire, le sud de l'Italie a beaucoup à offrir. Les paysages pittoresques et
à couper le souffle du sud de l’Italie constituent le décor idéal pour votre
incroyable production de mariage ou d’événement de luxe. Vous et vos invités
vous détendrez et vous perdrez dans la chaleur de la culture italienne.



En Italie, il existe les meilleures villes pour organiser des événements
d'entreprise mémorables. Notre pays possède toutes les caractéristiques
nécessaires pour planifier une réunion d'affaires réussie. En effet, de
nombreuses villes italiennes comme Milan, Rome et Venise sont des solutions
parfaites qui allient élégance, accessibilité et réseautage : les cartes
gagnantes pour un événement professionnel que votre entreprise et vos invités
n'oublieront jamais !


     24 Ottobre 2024
     22 Agosto 2024
 * Brilliant Events
   Basato su 71 recensioni
   powered by Facebook
   votaci su
   Miguel Marques
   4 jours
   I highly recommend Brilliant Event for the organization of your wedding
   proposal in Italy. Giada and her team are very... responsive and
   professional!leggi di più
   Pirena Bee
   3 mois
   Highly recommend Brilliant Events for anybody looking into doing their
   weddings in Italy. Giada and team are very... responsive and provided great
   ideas in celebrating our 13th year wedding anniversary.leggi di più
   Dan Willis
   6 mois
   Would 100% recommend Brilliant Events. I planned my engagement with them and
   EVERYTHING went off without a hitch. It... was perfect. Professional,
   responsive, and accommodating. 5 stars.leggi di più
   John Dullaghan
   environ un an
   Highly recommend them for your wedding plans.
   Zack Matunas
   environ un an
   Excellent job by Anna and Romena on my surprise proposal! Coordination was
   amazing and the location was everything we... could have asked for! Highly
   recommend for a special day in Venice !leggi di più
   Cinzia Vendramin
   2 ans
   La professionalità, la capacità di tradurre le idee in realtà e di rendere
   indimenticabili e unici questi momenti... importanti è ciò che rende unica
   Brilliant Wedding! Grazie Linda!leggi di più
   Kelly Mealey
   2 ans
   Amazing wedding planners. We worked with Caterina from across the world to
   plan our 10 year vow renewal. She was always... prompt with all her emails,
   worked with us through everything. Amazing ceremony.leggi di più
   Sarah Halford
   2 ans
   Brilliant Wedding is an understatement when describing our wedding in Venice,
   thanks to Linda and her exceptional team.... It was not only brilliant, it
   was magnificent. The entire wonderful, perfect day happened as if by magic,
   with every detail attended to expertly by Linda and her incredible team to
   make our dreams – and some we hadn’t expected – come true.
   Weddings are notoriously stressful and we anticipated many twists and turns
   but from our first enquiry to the day itself and beyond Brilliant Wedding
   made it a joy, even amid the covid pandemic rollercoaster. Having Linda and
   her team on board was like having a PA, best friend and fairy godmother all
   at once, organising everything with their extensive experience and contacts,
   impeccable taste, creativity and amazing professionalism. Whether you know
   exactly what you want, are overwhelmed by the options or haven’t a clue their
   vision, perception and dedication brings peace of mind as well as a stylish
   Our dedicated planner was Myriam, who was incredibly attentive, responsive,
   friendly, warm and knowledgeable. As we’re in the UK, having someone to
   handle every detail, big and small, on our behalf, was invaluable. When covid
   hit this proved even more vital and Myriam steadied the ship through
   extremely troubled waters with empathy and compassion, reassuring and guiding
   us through what were anxious times for everyone. The constantly moving
   goalposts and even long periods of limbo meant a lot of extra work and
   flexibility, with repeated renegotiations, rearrangements and rebookings with
   suppliers, venues and professionals. However, despite a two-year delay
   because of covid Brilliant Wedding did not charge a penny extra, even though
   the pandemic must have cost them dear in so many ways. In fact, they
   negotiated with all the suppliers and professionals to ensure there were no
   extra costs and everyone involved was so generous with their time, experience
   and spirit to give us an affordable as well as unforgettable day.
   The day itself was like a celebrity wedding without the price tag. Ours was a
   modest budget, yet Brilliant Wedding and the whole entourage of talented,
   world-class professionals they commissioned, from musicians to make-up
   artist, photographer to florist, performed miracles. Everything was
   exquisite, with surprises at every turn and countless extra touches and
   attentions, such that not only were our expectations far exceeded but so too
   were those of our guests – to see their amazement and joy was priceless. We
   were astounded by what we got for our money. We were also overwhelmed by the
   delight expressed by everyone involved; they clearly love their work and
   shared so enthusiastically in our happiness and in making our day so abundant
   with treasured memories.
   We will cherish our experience with Brilliant Wedding. There is no way we
   could have done this without them and we wouldn’t have wanted to – in fact,
   we’re going to miss them!
   Sarah and Chrisleggi di più
   Michael Harris
   2 ans
   We started working with Linda, of Brilliant Wedding Venice, in 2021 having
   had a recommendation from a local contact in... Venice. Initially we asked
   her to help us navigate the challenges of a religious wedding in Venice, but
   Linda was incredibly proactive and would repeatedly go above and beyond to
   help us not only with the religious aspects but also with everything else
   needed for the wedding.
   For example, Linda was able to help us find solutions and assist us with from
   flowers to transport to stationery, plus much more besides including many
   things we didn’t even know we needed to think about. We can’t thank her
   enough for making the lead-up to the wedding as straightforward as it could
   possibly be and helping us navigate successfully all the challenges of a
   destination wedding (we are both from the UK and not Italian speaking).
   Linda obviously speaks excellent English and communicates clearly and
   frequently. She was very happy to have calls with us whenever we needed them,
   in addition to countless emails to make sure everything was perfectly
   arranged for the big day. We felt that everything was completely under
   control and there was mercifully no ‘last minute rush’ as it was all
   organised so carefully.
   On the wedding day itself, Linda and her team made sure that we were able to
   enjoy the day fully and not worry about a single aspect of the organisation
   or staff or suppliers, or our guests’ comfort, she made sure that we could
   enjoy the day to the absolute fullest, and there was not a single mishap or
   problem all day! We were delighted, so thank you so much! leggi di più
   Nina Lebedeva
   3 ans
   Our wedding decision was rather quick and despite the tough timing, the whole
   team did everything possible to make it... happen and to make it a fairytale.
   Anna was responding immediately, giving the options, bringing new ideas,
   helping to choose and decide, being really creative. On the wedding day,
   everything went perfect: all the stuff was on time and prepared, very helpful
   and agile, the quality of service was above expectations. Laura, Anna and the
   whole team of professionals were with us and made the day amazing. We were
   very lucky to have Brilliant Wedding Venice as our Wedding planner.leggi di
   Bin Ren
   3 ans
   Che posso dire, VERAMENTE BRAVI. Grazie a tutti Linda, Laure e Damiano che mi
   avete organizzato tutto. Questo ricordo... me lo porterò per sempre. Continua
   così ragazzi.leggi di più
   Cassidi Summers
   3 ans
   Anna created the most magical wedding experience we could have imagined. She
   was very thoughtful in her planning, and... ensured every aspect was covered.
   Venice is known as the most romantic city in the world, and Anna at Brilliant
   Wedding Venice made our wedding a true dream. She made this a completely
   stress free day for us both. The makeup artist and hair stylist was
   personable and did a fantastic job. The quality of the photography was top
   notch. When planning the details of our trip to Venice, Anna was responsive
   and helpful with lodging and whatever questions I had throughout the planning
   of our trip. If you want an affordable and unforgettable wedding experience
   in Venice, we highly recommend the services of Brillant Wedding.leggi di più
   Veronica de Matteis
   3 ans
   Il 4 Luglio 2021 è stato un giorno semplicemente magico ma senza il prezioso
   supporto di Linda siamo certi che il... risultato non sarebbe stato lo
   Ci saremmo dovuti sposare nel 2020 ma, come tanti, abbiamo dovuto rinviare
   per per ben due volte causa pandemia,immaginate lo stress!
   Linda e’ stata eccezionale ..con la sua professionalità , la sua pazienza e
   l’amore per il suo lavoro , è riuscita a concretizzare il nostro sogno
   ,sostenendoci in ogni passo.
   Era tutto curato in ogni dettaglio, tutto preciso, perfetto.
   Porteremo per sempre nel cuore L’ affetto sincero di Linda e del suo staff.
   Veronica e Antonioleggi di più
   Andrea Riggio
   4 ans
   In un periodo del genere sono riusciti ad organizzare una proposta di
   matrimonio impeccabile. Professionalità e... disponibilità.leggi di più
   Sam Baker
   4 ans
   My proposal plans fell through 3 days before the proposal date after over 10
   months of planning. I was absolutely... devastated and desperate to somehow
   sort something that would still be nice for my partner. After stumbling
   across this company, I contacted Laura who got straight on the case! By the
   next day she had sorted everything out and I now had a new proposal plan in
   place ahead of the date a couple of days later. Throughout this process Laura
   was UNBELIEVABLY accommodating, helping to work around my budget and making
   sure every detail was sorted out as soon as possible. Communication was clear
   throughout and I did not feel once any nerves as it was clear everything was
   sorted for me (I just had to hope she said yes!!!). The proposal itself
   naturally went incredibly smoothly and I have had hundreds of people reach
   out to me to comment on how incredible the proposal was. I couldn’t recommend
   these guys any more. I will be forever thankful to Laura and shall be telling
   our grandkids about the superhero that saved my wedding proposal (and indeed
   ended up making it 10x better than the original plan in the space of 24
   hours!!!)leggi di più
   Georgia Miceli
   4 ans
   I got engaged in Venice on the 11th August 2020, a day I will truly never
   forget. Laura helped my fiancé create the... most magical, unforgettable
   moment, that will stay with me forever. My fiancé only had just over a week
   to plan this engagement, as we had changed our holiday to Venice last minute
   due to Covid. Laura made sure everything was sorted and went seamlessly with
   just a few days to spare. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect proposal.
   It was so thoughtful. The pictures were also incredible!! I could have never
   dreamt they would have looked like that. A massive thank you to Laura and our
   wonderful photographer, could not recommend this team enough leggi di più
   Devin Thomas
   4 ans
   I would highly recommended Brilliant Wedding. The staff is impeccable and
   they made my wedding proposal beautiful. They... made sure I had everything I
   needed for the proposal.leggi di più
   Tnerolf Rellio
   4 ans
   Grand merci à Myriam et son équipe pour l’organisation, le respect de nos
   voeux, le suivi du projet et son... professionnalisme. Même pour un mariage
   en intimité, votre prestation a été au Top, plein d'attentions et de
   gentillesse, on peut vous accorder une confiance totale.
   Céline et Florent, mariés avec des masques, à Venise.leggi di più
   Antonio Corbisiero
   5 ans
   Staff impeccabile e persone meravigliose!!! Proposta di matrimonio curata nei
   minimi dettagli grazie a dei... professionisti esemplari...grazie a loro la
   proposta di matrimonio è stata a dir poco Meravigliosa...Consiglio vivamente
   di rivolgersi a loro per l'organizzazione di un evento in quanto lo
   renderanno a tutti gli effetti Unico e Speciale in ogni sua sfumatura...Top
   del Top!!! Grazie a tutti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!leggi di più
   Felipe Godoy de Carvalho
   5 ans
   I am very satisfied with Brilliant Wedding Venice!
   They organized the wedding proposal in Venice exactly the way I... wanted it
   to be.
   I strongly recommend their services for this special moment... you won't
   regret it!!leggi di più
   Isha Arora
   5 ans
   We found Laura and Brilliant Wedding Service when we were searching online
   for a wedding planner to plan our wedding in... Venice from the U.S. We are
   so glad we found them! Laura took care of everything -- connecting us to
   vendors, listening to all our requests, and making sure it all executed well.
   We had 2 ceremonies and we were very nervous about how it would execute
   planning all the way from U.S. Laura took care of everything! Even during the
   planning process, she was always available and responsive, and so attentive
   to our needs. We are so thankful for Brilliant Wedding Venice!!leggi di più
   David Lima
   5 ans
   They prepared everything perfectly. The photographer was amazing. Very
   professional and she managed to capture so many... wonderful and sweet
   moments in a way that we didn't even feel she was there. Thank you so much!
   It was a day we will never forget!leggi di più
   Jenny Robertson
   6 ans
   Our wedding in Venice was a dream come true and we could not have achieved
   this without Linda from Brilliant Wedding.... Linda came highly recommended
   by the Hotel Baglioni Luna. Linda was AMAZING...she took care of every detail
   to ensure our special days were just the way we wanted them to be. Her
   photographer was fantastic and has given us many beautiful photos to look
   back on to remember our special time in Venice. Linda also helped us navigate
   the Italian legalities... which is no mean feat.... all with great care and
   dedication. She really understood us and what we wanted. She ended up
   organising both a symbolic ceremony and a civil ceremony so that our dream
   wedding in Venice could also be recognised as legal in Australia!! We can't
   thank Linda enough for everything she did and highly recommend her.leggi di
   Tutto Inutile
   6 ans
   Thousand thanks to the whole team of Brilliant wedding! They did a fantastic
   job helping my friend to plan his wedding... proposal. They found a beautiful
   lonely terrace, wich was perfect for the proposal (right at sunset).
   Everything was perfectly organized: The transportation, the setting, the
   candles, the photographer and the videomaker... it was just amazing!leggi di
   Isabelle Janvier
   6 ans
   Un grand merci à toute l'équipe! Myriam, Laura et Linda ont été formidables
   tant pour leur grande disponibilité, que... pour leur efficacité. Elles sont
   à l'écoute de nos souhaits et font tout pour les réaliser. Organisation au
   top! Cérémonie civile, bénédiction, diner, soirée, tout était réussi. Nous
   recommandons vivement Brilliant Wedding Venice. Cette journée est
   inoubliable! Merci à vous trois!leggi di più
   Judith Leyva
   6 ans
   Venice is a romantic city where whatever proposal is perfect. My proposal was
   unforgettable but our opinion about... Brilliant Wedding was not that we
   expected due to prices. We thought in a spectacular video like in their
   website and incredible pictures since prices are really expensive, however
   pictures and video were pretty normal. Anyway, we are grateful with Linda and
   with the company.
   Regards.leggi di più
   Jack Legate
   6 ans
   One word for this company and their services - INSANE! I had the pleasure of
   arranging the most incredible proposal... package with Linda from Brilliant
   Wedding Venice. Her communication and updates were on point from the off. She
   helped consolidate each of my ideas and formed them into an experience myself
   & my better half will never forget. I would highly recommend utilising their
   services as it really is worth every single penny that you invest with them.
   Thanks again for everything Linda - now, let's plan a Wedding! Abbi
   Rockallleggi di più
   YuriyVita Gushchenskov
   6 ans
   Our wedding was like a fairy tale thanks to Laura who organised everything
   for us! We could not imagine how all would... work together communicating
   mainly by email and phone. However in the end it was just a truly wonderful
   day which we and our guests will remember all our lives.
   We will you Laura and your team a lot of happy and easy going couples so that
   you can enjoy every work day :)leggi di più
   Carolyna Tornero Messina
   6 ans
   Wow What can I say, They are wonderful. We planned this all via email so it
   was a little scary but they were AWESOME!... from Linda who set it all up
   with great communication and Stella who put the plan in place the day of and
   the beautiful pictures from the photographer. Rest easy if you use them they
   are Great!leggi di più
   Véronique Gomet Bar
   6 ans
   Mariage parfait, organisation au top pour un moment d’émotion au maximum.
   Tout était organisé et prévu. Merci encore à... toute l’équipe brillant
   Nicolas et Véroniqueleggi di più
   Lori Bramblett
   6 ans
   Highly recommend Brilliant Wedding to anyone who is planning a wedding or
   engagement. We used Linda's services to plan... our son's engagement. Being
   based in the US, planning a proposal in a difference country is incredibly
   difficult. Venice is a very popular tourist destination and we were worried
   about crowd control, perfect location, and the set up. Linda provided us
   wonderful recommendations, took care of the reservations, and scheduled the
   photographer/violinist. Everything went beautifully and we have memories that
   will last a lifetime. Wonderful company!leggi di più
   Prianka Gilmour
   6 ans
   Linda did a fabulous job of planning the most magical proposal in Venice!
   Nicolas ( my fiancé!!) had been planning the... proposal 4 months in advance,
   and everything he planned, from the rose petals to the gondala to the
   violinist to the camera and video team and all, was all executed perfectly
   because of Linda. It’s a moment that will be with Nicolas and I forever -
   thank you!!!!leggi di più
   Mark Dodson
   6 ans
   Thank you, Laura! Our wedding was breathtaking. It was the wedding of our
   dreams and then some. After two months our... guests are still talking about
   how amazing everything was. We've always heard stories of how stressful
   weddings are for the bride and groom but honestly ours was the least
   stressful day of our trip (traveling with so many people is not easy!). Laura
   had every detail figured out, and quickly took care of anything else that
   popped up last minute.
   We emailed a lot with Laura, choosing the venue, colors, menu, etc... She
   gave us so many more great ideas that we would have never thought about like
   a boat tour for our guests while we did our photos and authentic Venetian
   masks for everyone.
   We're so thankful we found Brilliant Wedding and Laura, we couldn't have done
   it without them.leggi di più
   Palo Švancara
   6 ans
   Laura, your name is Brilliant... and your services are brilliant as well.
   Thanks you and all your team for ... unforgetable moments.leggi di più
   Luis Avila
   6 ans
   Brilliant Wedding and Laura are the best! Thank you for helping me organize
   the perfect wedding proposal! I live in... Washington DC and planning a
   proposal in Venice was very challenging until I contacted Laura. She was very
   helpful, patient, and full of creative amazing ideas! Thanks to Laura, my
   fiance and I have the most amazing memories, pictures, and video to remember
   our proposal! Thank you!!!!!leggi di più
   Giacomo Fabris
   6 ans
   Christian Santiago
   6 ans
   I want to thank everyone from Brilliant Wedding as they exceeded my
   expectations with my proposal in Venice. They are... extremely professional
   and very easy to work with. Coming from the US and not knowing the area and
   basically relying on Brilliant Wedding to plan everything for one of the most
   important days of my life was intimidating. They blew it out of the water and
   planned the perfect proposal! Thank you Brilliant Wedding. I recommend them
   to anyone.leggi di più
   Jonathan William Chen
   7 ans
   The proposal that Linda helped plan turned out absolutely incredible. Being
   from Seattle, Washington and having to... coordinate everything via email and
   WhatsApp was an incredibly nerve racking experience. I really had high
   expectations and had to put absolute trust into Linda. She delivered above
   and beyond... I would highly recommend reaching out to them and trusting
   their process! Thank you so much, Linda!!leggi di più
   Nathy De Haro-Marmigere
   7 ans
   parfait tout est parfait
   les organisateurs sont plus que parfait
   le palais est magnifique
   merci a tous
   Maria Zanon
   7 ans
   Eric Tom
   7 ans
   Laura was absolutely fantastic. Coming from Hawaii and working with a 12 hour
   time difference, she made sure there was... nothing to worry about. My
   wedding proposal could not have gone any better. 10 stars if I could give it
   to her. She was that spectacular. Awesome job from you and your team.leggi di
   Mijail Castillo
   7 ans
   One of the best days of my life, was due to Laura's help with the
   complicitness of a beautiful city like Venice, thank... you for going the
   extra mile and helping people who love each other create great memories! I
   would highly recommend Laura to help you organize your proposal, she will
   guide you through the best options and help you find ways to make it unique.
   #feeltheloveleggi di più
   Giovanni Maria Mancini
   7 ans
   As we are based in Milano, having a wedding planner with a deep experience of
   Venice and of its difficult features was... vital, and Linda of Brillian
   Wedding demonstrated to be the best in this.
   Thanks to her we had a fast, precise and efficient coordination of all the
   involved suppliers and activities in Venice. Thanks to Linda we understood
   the particular local rules and features, exploiting the best of them (e.g. In
   Venice it is not possible to throw rice outside of the church, so instead
   Linda proposed to free butterflies!!! Amazing result).
   After one week we keep receiving messages from our guests saying that our
   wedding was the best they had ever attended, and this would never happen
   without Brilliant Wedding! Thank you once again!leggi di più
   Brittany Scanniello
   7 ans
   Linda from Brilliant Wedding is wonderful! The day of, she surpassed our
   expectations with how beautiful, organized and... smoothly everything came
   together. Her organization, vendor recommendations and planning was superb!
   Our day was perfect and we owe a lot of that to Linda - Thank you!leggi di
   Yvonne Robbins
   7 ans
   Laura from Brilliant Wedding is absolutely amazing. We put all of our trust
   in Laura and she planned everything for us... from start to finish for the
   best day of our lives. We travelled across from the UK for a day that
   involved private boats and a gondola on the Grand Canal, a ceremony at the
   Palazzo Cavalli (Town Hall in Venice) and then food, drink and a party shared
   with our thirty guests, which will leave us with fantastic memories for the
   rest of our lives. Ourselves and our guests were blown away by the day's
   events and the attention to detail from the time that Laura had invested in
   making our day perfect. The photographer, Laure, was recommended to us by
   Laura and again, she was also awesome. At one point, we were running along
   the beach and in the sea at Cavallino Treporto in our wedding clothes...
   amazing! We cannot thank Laura enough for everything you have done for us to
   make our day truly perfect. Thank you! Yvonne and Mark xleggi di più
   Robin A Wauthion Masini
   8 ans
   Laura, I will like to thank you for the organization of the proposal! We
   loved it, everything was just perfect, the... arrangement was excellent! It
   was a magical moment for us. Brilliant Wedding pays attention to every single
   detail and makes everything just right, Highly recommended.leggi di più
   Nicole Zinato
   8 ans
   Monica Berno
   8 ans
   Incredibilmente bello... Da sogno...
   Mai vista un lochesion da sogno così,compliments
   Սրբուհի Սաքունց
   8 ans
   I can't thank enough Brilliant Wedding team for pulling together an
   outstanding wedding organization for that very... special and important day
   of my life. Their extensive experience in planning weddings and pinpointing
   all the relevant details are truly impressive and incredible. I admire their
   understanding, commitment, and gentle approach of dealing with every request.
   I highly recommend Linda and Laura for organizing the perfect wedding.
   Absolutely brilliant!!!leggi di più
   Dani Jilly
   8 ans
   My wedding was in Venice in June 2016. From the first contact until to my
   wedding day, the organisation by Linda was... fantastic. She really knows
   what you want and what you are looking for. She showed me all possible
   locations, gave me ideas concerning decoration, flowers and singers for the
   ceremony in the church. Every detail was perfect and nothing was missing. It
   is really difficult to say it in words but it was the best decision to choose
   Linda for my wedding. I will never forget this experience and our special
   day, in particular all the time we spend together for the preparations.
   Thank you for your work and your effort!leggi di più
   Altre recensioni


Tel: +39 041 887 66 49 - E-mail: brilliantweddingstuscany@gmail.com - P.IVA: