Open in urlscan Pro
2620:1ec:29::60  Public Scan

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Submission: On April 07 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: recipientForm

<form name="recipientForm" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-min ng-valid-step ng-valid-pattern">
  <div ng-show="recipientForm.$error.max" style="margin: 0 0 20px; padding: 10px 20px; background-color: #FFCAC4 !important; border: 1px solid #b41f1b !important; color: #000 !important;" class="ng-hide">One or more of the amounts entered exceeds a
    maximum donation limit.</div>
  <!-- MOBILE -->
  <!-- ngIf: -->
  <!-- DESKTOP -->
  <!-- ngIf: ! -->
  <div class="list-template-wrapper desktop ng-scope" ng-if="!">
    <div class="main-content">
      <!-- GRID -->
      <ul class="recipients  medium">
        <!-- ngRepeat: recipient in vm.recipients | orderBy: 'order' | filter: vm.recipientFilter | as: this: 'vm.filteredRecipients' -->
      <!-- TERMS -->
      <div class="contribution-terms ng-isolate-scope ng-hide" terms="vm.contributionTerms" ng-show="vm.contributionTerms &amp;&amp; vm.user.paymentAuthorizationSaved" expressdonate="vm.user.paymentAuthorizationSaved">
        <p class="ng-binding">By clicking on the “Donate” button you confirm that the following statements are true and accurate: </p> <!-- ngRepeat: term in htmlTerms track by $index --> <!-- ngRepeat: term in textTerms track by $index -->
        <p class="de-terms">I understand that my payment is being made to Democracy Engine, who accepts the responsibility of distributing the funds to my designated recipient(s). My card or bank statement will show a payment to “Democracy Engine”
          and if there are any issues or discrepancies with the payment or I wish to revoke the payment, I can contact Democracy Engine at</p>
    <div class="contextual-content">
      <!-- DONATION SUMMARY -->
      <section class="cart" ng-class="vm.contributingRecipients().length > 0 ? 'actionable': ''">
        <!-- ngIf: vm.contributingRecipients().length -->
        <!-- ngIf: vm.contributingRecipients().length -->
        <!-- ngIf: !vm.user.paymentAuthorizationSaved --><button type="button" ng-if="!vm.user.paymentAuthorizationSaved" ng-click="vm.continueToPayment()" ng-disabled="vm.contributingRecipients().length == 0"
          ng-class="vm.contributingRecipients().length == 0 ? 'disabled' : ''" class="ng-scope disabled" disabled="disabled">Continue</button><!-- end ngIf: !vm.user.paymentAuthorizationSaved -->
        <!-- ngIf: vm.user.paymentAuthorizationSaved -->
        <!-- ngIf: vm.user.paymentAuthorizationSaved -->
        <!-- ngIf: vm.contributingRecipients().length -->
      <!-- SPLIT IT -->
      <section class="split-it ng-isolate-scope" get-recipients="vm.getFilteredRecipients" button-text="Split">
          <h1>Split It</h1>
          <p>Divide amount equally</p>
        <div class="currency-input"><input type="number" step="any" ng-model="splitAmount" min="1" id="split-amount" limit-currency-decimals="" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-min ng-valid-step"></div> <button
          ng-click="splitAmountEvenly()" ng-disabled="splitAmount <= 0" class="ng-binding">Split</button>
      <!-- MAX OUT -->
      <section class="max-out ng-isolate-scope" get-recipients="vm.getFilteredRecipients" threshold-amount="5000.00">
          <h1>Donate the max to each</h1>
        </header> <button ng-click="maxOut()">Max Out</button>
  </div><!-- end ngIf: ! -->
  <div style="display: none;">
    <payment-processing-dialog control="vm.paymentProcessingDialog" class="ng-isolate-scope"></payment-processing-dialog>
    <recipient-profile-dialog control="vm.recipientProfileDialog" suggested-donation-amounts="[ ]" class="ng-isolate-scope">

Text Content

 * Sign In
 * Register


One or more of the amounts entered exceeds a maximum donation limit.

By clicking on the “Donate” button you confirm that the following statements are
true and accurate:

I understand that my payment is being made to Democracy Engine, who accepts the
responsibility of distributing the funds to my designated recipient(s). My card
or bank statement will show a payment to “Democracy Engine” and if there are any
issues or discrepancies with the payment or I wish to revoke the payment, I can
contact Democracy Engine at



Divide amount equally



Max Out

Confirm Maximum Donation

One recipient on this page has either no maximum or a large maximum donation
limit (i.e. more than $5,000).

Donate $ to this recipient.

recipients on this page have either no maximum or a large maximum donation limit
(i.e. more than $5,000).

Donate $ to each of them.

OK Cancel