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Submitted URL: http://akdigitel.provisioning.blackberry.com/
Effective URL: https://www.blackberry.com/us/en
Submission: On February 22 via api from IT — Scanned from CA
Effective URL: https://www.blackberry.com/us/en
Submission: On February 22 via api from IT — Scanned from CA
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Skip Navigation BlackBerry Logo * PRODUCTS CYBERSECURITY * CylanceGUARD * CylancePROTECT * CylancePROTECT Mobile * CylanceOPTICS * CylanceGATEWAY * CylanceAVERT * Cylance AI EMBEDDED SYSTEMS * QNX Real-time Operating System * QNX Hypervisor * Certicom PKI and Key Management * BlackBerry Jarvis TRANSPORTATION ASSET TRACKING * BlackBerry Radar UNIFIED ENDPOINT MANAGEMENT * BlackBerry UEM * BlackBerry Dynamics Apps * BlackBerry Dynamics Platform * BlackBerry Workspaces * BlackBerry Digital Workplace AUTOMOTIVE * BlackBerry IVY * QNX Acoustics Management Platform * QNX ADAS Platform CONSUMER PRODUCTS * Smartphones CRITICAL EVENT MANAGEMENT * BlackBerry AtHoc * BlackBerry AtHoc for Business SECURE COMMUNICATIONS * SecuSUITE * BBM Enterprise * BlackBerry Spark Suites * Resource Center * Customer Success * SOLUTIONS ENDPOINT SECURITY * Zero Trust * Managed XDR * AI-driven EDR * Antivirus Replacement * Ransomware Protection * Network Defense * VPN Alternative INTERNET OF THINGS * IoT - Healthcare * IoT - Finance UNIFIED ENDPOINT MANAGEMENT * Secure Remote Access * Mobile Productivity * Content Collaboration SECURE COMMUNICATIONS * Secure Voice, Messaging & Conferencing * Critical Event Management SOLUTIONS BY USE CASE * Small & Medium Business REMOTE WORKING * Business Continuity * BYOD EMBEDDED SYSTEMS * Embedded System Security * Functional Safety * Real-time Operating Systems * Events & Webinars * Resource Center * SERVICES ASSESS * Red Team / Attack Simulation * Penetration Testing * Strategic Services * IoT / Embedded * Services Overview DEFEND * Managed XDR * Incident Response * Incident Response Retainer * Compromise Assessment * Digital Forensics IMPLEMENT * Cylance Endpoint Security * Unified Endpoint Management * QNX Professional Services SUPPORT & TRAINING * Technical Support * Product Incident Response (PSIRT) * Technical Training * QNX Product Training * REPORT AN INCIDENT * INDUSTRIES FINANCIAL SERVICES * Banking * Insurance PROFESSIONAL SERVICES * Legal GOVERNMENT * Central Government * Defense & Security * Public Safety & Law Enforcement HEALTHCARE * Healthcare Providers * Life Sciences CONSUMER INDUSTRIES * Retail TRANSPORTATION * Automotive * Railways * Smart Mobility * Transportation & Logistics EDUCATION * K-12 * Universities & Colleges UTILITIES & MANUFACTURING * Energy * Industrial Automation * PARTNERS * Partner Program Overview > SOLUTION PROVIDERS * BlackBerry Solution Providers * MSSP Partners * Alliances OEM PARTNERS * Cylance AI OEM Partners * BlackBerry QNX Partners RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT * BlackBerry Labs ISV PARTNERS * BlackBerry UEM & Dynamics Partners * CylancePROTECT & CylanceOPTICS Partners * BlackBerry AtHoc Partner Program * Partner Apps - BlackBerry Marketplace DEVELOPERS * Enterprise Platform & App Developers * BlackBerry QNX Developer Network * BlackBerry Partner Hub > CLOUD PARTNERS * Google Chrome Enterprise * AWS Marketplace * Azure Marketplace AUTHORIZED TRAINING PARTNERS * BlackBerry ATP Partners * SUPPORT * Support Overview SUPPORT BY PRODUCT * BlackBerry UEM * BlackBerry Spark UEM Suites * BlackBerry Workspaces * BlackBerry 2FA * BlackBerry Enterprise Identity * BBM Enterprise * BlackBerry AtHoc * UEM Cloud * BlackBerry Supported ISV Apps * BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE * CylancePROTECT * CylancePROTECT Mobile for UEM * CylanceOPTICS * CylancePERSONA * CylancePERSONA Desktop * CylancePROTECT Mobile * CylanceGATEWAY * CylanceAVERT SMARTPHONES & APPS * Smartphones * Smartphone Apps * Desktop Software Downloads ENTERPRISE SUPPORT SERVICES * BlackBerry Technical Support * BlackBerry Enterprise Consulting * Training & Accreditation PRODUCT INFORMATION * Documentation and Manuals PORTALS & RESOURCES * myAccount & Admin Portal * BlackBerry Software Lifecycle * Knowledge Base * Cylance Smart AV Support * BlackBerry QNX Support * BlackBerry Radar Support * Developer Network * BlackBerry QNX Developer Network * Help Blog * BlackBerry Support Videos * Contact Us * BLOG BLOGS Gamaredon Targets Ukraine Government The State of Cyber Insurance 2022 [Research] Car of the Year, SDVs of the Future BlackBerry Blog Recent News * Register for Updates * Contact Sales * Contact Us * Under Attack? * PRODUCTS * Cybersecurity * CybersecurityCylanceGUARDCylancePROTECTCylancePROTECT MobileCylanceOPTICSCylanceGATEWAYCylanceAVERTCylance AI Embedded Systems * Embedded SystemsQNX Real-time Operating SystemQNX HypervisorCerticom PKI and Key ManagementBlackBerry Jarvis Transportation Asset Tracking * Transportation Asset TrackingBlackBerry Radar Unified Endpoint Management * Unified Endpoint ManagementBlackBerry UEMBlackBerry Dynamics AppsBlackBerry Dynamics PlatformBlackBerry WorkspacesBlackBerry Digital Workplace Automotive * AutomotiveBlackBerry IVYQNX Acoustics Management PlatformQNX ADAS Platform Consumer Products * Consumer ProductsSmartphones Critical Event Management * Critical Event ManagementBlackBerry AtHocBlackBerry AtHoc for Business Secure Communications * Secure CommunicationsSecuSUITEBBM Enterprise * BlackBerry Spark SuitesResource CenterCustomer Success BlackBerry Spark SuitesResource CenterCustomer Success * SOLUTIONS * Endpoint Security * Endpoint SecurityZero TrustManaged XDRAI-driven EDRAntivirus ReplacementRansomware ProtectionNetwork DefenseVPN Alternative Internet of Things * Internet of ThingsIoT - HealthcareIoT - Finance Unified Endpoint Management * Unified Endpoint ManagementSecure Remote AccessMobile ProductivityContent Collaboration Secure Communications * Secure CommunicationsSecure Voice, Messaging & ConferencingCritical Event Management Solutions by Use Case * Solutions by Use CaseSmall & Medium Business Remote Working * Remote WorkingBusiness ContinuityBYOD Embedded Systems * Embedded Systems Embedded System SecurityFunctional SafetyReal-time Operating Systems * Events & WebinarsResource Center Events & WebinarsResource Center * SERVICES * * Assess * Red Team / Attack SimulationPenetration TestingStrategic ServicesIoT / Embedded * Services Overview * * * * Defend * Managed XDRIncident ResponseIncident Response RetainerCompromise AssessmentDigital Forensics * * * * Implement * Cylance Endpoint SecurityUnified Endpoint ManagementQNX Professional Services Support & Training * Technical SupportProduct Incident Response (PSIRT)Technical TrainingQNX Product Training * REPORT AN INCIDENT Services OverviewREPORT AN INCIDENT * INDUSTRIES * Financial Services * BankingInsurance Professional Services * Legal Government * Central GovernmentDefense & SecurityPublic Safety & Law Enforcement Healthcare * Healthcare ProvidersLife Sciences Consumer Industries * Retail Transportation * AutomotiveRailwaysSmart MobilityTransportation & Logistics Education * K-12Universities & Colleges Utilities & Manufacturing * EnergyIndustrial Automation * PARTNERS * * Partner Program Overview > Solution Providers * BlackBerry Solution ProvidersMSSP PartnersAlliances OEM Partners * Cylance AI OEM PartnersBlackBerry QNX Partners Research and Development * BlackBerry Labs ISV Partners * BlackBerry UEM & Dynamics PartnersCylancePROTECT & CylanceOPTICS PartnersBlackBerry AtHoc Partner ProgramPartner Apps - BlackBerry Marketplace Developers * Enterprise Platform & App DevelopersBlackBerry QNX Developer Network * BlackBerry Partner Hub > Cloud Partners * Google Chrome EnterpriseAWS MarketplaceAzure Marketplace Authorized Training Partners * BlackBerry ATP Partners Partner Program Overview >BlackBerry Partner Hub > * SUPPORT * * Support Overview Support by Product * BlackBerry UEMBlackBerry Spark UEM SuitesBlackBerry WorkspacesBlackBerry 2FABlackBerry Enterprise IdentityBBM EnterpriseBlackBerry AtHocUEM CloudBlackBerry Supported ISV AppsBlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGECylancePROTECTCylancePROTECT Mobile for UEMCylanceOPTICSCylancePERSONACylancePERSONA DesktopCylancePROTECT MobileCylanceGATEWAYCylanceAVERT Smartphones & Apps * SmartphonesSmartphone AppsDesktop Software Downloads Enterprise Support Services * BlackBerry Technical SupportBlackBerry Enterprise ConsultingTraining & Accreditation Product Information * Documentation and Manuals Portals & Resources * myAccount & Admin PortalBlackBerry Software LifecycleKnowledge BaseCylance Smart AV SupportBlackBerry QNX SupportBlackBerry Radar SupportDeveloper NetworkBlackBerry QNX Developer NetworkHelp BlogBlackBerry Support Videos * Contact Us Support OverviewContact Us * BLOG * * * * * BlackBerry Publishes Inaugural Quarterly Threat Intelligence Report Read Now CYBERSECURITY FOR ALL. CRITICAL EVENT MANAGEMENT. SECURE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. BLACKBERRY IS INTELLIGENT SECURITY. EVERYWHERE. CYBERSECURITY Malware | Ransomware | Insider Threats CRITICAL EVENT MANAGEMENT Cyberattacks | IT Outages | Disruptions | Safety INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) Automotive | Embedded Systems | Smart Cities WE’VE NEVER BEEN MORE CONNECTED. OR MORE VULNERABLE. Cybersecurity has failed to keep up, because it fails to look ahead. Our intelligent security pairs artificial intelligence with machine learning to proactively protect your system from cyberthreats. It’s time to protect, prevent and respond. Cyber Suite Spark Suite ALWAYS-ON. ALWAYS PROTECTED. In times of crisis, mobility and secure communications are essential. Our critical event management solutions are built on our trusted reputation of absolute reliability. We don’t just keep communications safe—we keep people safe. BlackBerry AtHoc FOR WHERE YOU ARE NOW. AND WHERE YOU GO NEXT. Mission-critical systems can’t afford to fail. We’re protecting the Internet of Things which includes over 500 million endpoints—like robotic neurosurgical devices and over 215 million vehicles. As the number of users, devices and endpoints grow, so does the need for intelligent security. BlackBerry QNX SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION Report Global Threat Intelligence Report, January 2023 Get the Report Report Midmarket Game Plan: Shore Up Security and Resilience with Managed XDR Get the Report Event BlackBerry Security Summit 2022: All Sessions Available on Demand Watch Now Report Forrester Total Economic Impact of CylancePROTECT from BlackBerry Get the Report LATEST NEWS * LATEST NEWS * DarkBit ransomware targets Israel with command-line options and optimized encryption routines. * Previously unknown threat actor NewsPenguin targets Pakistan with advanced espionage tool. * ESXiArgs ransomware targets unpatched VMware ESXi servers, exploiting two-year-old RCE vulnerability. * BlackBerry chosen as sole vendor placed in upper right quadrant of Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Unified Endpoint Management Tools report. | Under Attack? THREAT REPORT: DARKBIT DarkBit ransomware targets Israel with command-line options and optimized encryption routines. Learn More THREAT ALERT: NEWSPENGUIN Previously unknown threat actor NewsPenguin targets Pakistan with advanced espionage tool. Learn More THREAT REPORT: ESXIARGS RANSOMWARE ESXiArgs ransomware targets unpatched VMware ESXi servers, exploiting two-year-old RCE vulnerability. Learn More CUSTOMERS’ CHOICE 2023 FOR UEM BlackBerry chosen as sole vendor placed in upper right quadrant of Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Unified Endpoint Management Tools report. 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