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Text Content
HOLIDAY DEALS Close Menu Search CATEGORIES Anvils Hammers Kilns and Forges Tongs and Pliers Files and Rasps Saws Drills Torches Soldering Supplies Bench Blocks and Bench Pins Safety Gear Measuring Tools Polishing Tools Vices Rolling Mill Machines Metalsmithing Tools ARTICLES Metalsmithing Secrets Revealed Metalwork Difficulty: Perception vs Reality Metalsmithing Explained VIP SHOPPING Loading... Country AUS BEL BRA CAN EGY FRA DEU IND ITA JPN MEX NLD POL SAU SGP ESP SWE TUR ARE GBR USA BRINGING YOU THE BEST PRODUCTS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Online Store Categories Anvils Hammers Kilns and Forges Tongs and Pliers Files and Rasps Saws Drills Torches Soldering Supplies Bench Blocks and Bench Pins Safety Gear Measuring Tools Polishing Tools Vices Rolling Mill Machines Metalsmithing Tools Articles Metalsmithing Secrets Revealed Metalwork Difficulty: Perception vs Reality Metalsmithing Explained VIP Shopping Open Menu Metalsmithing Supplies Search Loading... Country AUS BEL BRA CAN EGY FRA DEU IND ITA JPN MEX NLD POL SAU SGP ESP SWE TUR ARE GBR USA Best Selling Metalsmithing Supplies: AMAZON USA | AMAZON CANADA YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR METALSMITHING TOOLS AND SUPPLIES Equip yourself with high-quality metalsmithing tools designed for precision, durability, and ease of use. Whether you’re crafting jewelry, custom metalwork, or intricate designs, our tools provide everything you need for successful metal shaping, cutting, engraving, and polishing. From hammers and anvils to saws and mandrels, each tool is crafted to enhance your skills and bring your artistic vision to life. Perfect for beginners and experienced metalsmiths alike, our selection supports every step of your creative process, helping you transform raw materials into stunning, handcrafted pieces. Browse Products FEATURED METALSMITHING SUPPLIES AND TOOLS View All Featured Products BLACKSMITH ANVIL: 66 LB PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.12 out of 5 stars 27 reviews CA$211.14 ULTIMATE METALSMITHING KIT PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.9 out of 5 stars 44 reviews CA$239.23 JEWELRY MAKING HAMMERS PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.09 out of 5 stars 12 reviews CA$22.44 PRECIOUS METAL MELTING SET PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.56 out of 5 stars 103 reviews CA$181.52 View All Featured Products BEST SELLING METALSMITHING SUPPLIES AND TOOLS WHAT IS METALSMITHING? METALSMITHING IS THE ART AND CRAFT OF SHAPING AND MANIPULATING METAL INTO VARIOUS FORMS AND OBJECTS. THIS PROCESS INVOLVES A RANGE OF TECHNIQUES AND SKILLS, INCLUDING: Forging: Heating metal and shaping it with hammers and anvils. Forging is often used to create strong, functional pieces like tools, hardware, and architectural elements. Soldering and Welding: Joining pieces of metal together using heat. Soldering involves melting a filler metal to join pieces, while welding typically melts the base metal itself. Casting: Pouring molten metal into a mold to achieve a desired shape. This is commonly used for creating complex shapes and mass-produced items. Cutting and Sawing: Removing parts of the metal to shape it or cut it down to size, often using saws, shears, or cutting torches. Filing and Finishing: Smoothing and refining the metal surface with files, sandpaper, and other abrasives. This step is crucial for achieving a polished, professional look. Engraving and Embossing: Creating designs on the surface of the metal through carving (engraving) or stamping (embossing). METALSMITHING IS A VERSATILE CRAFT USED IN VARIOUS FIELDS SUCH AS JEWELRY MAKING, BLACKSMITHING, SCULPTURE, AND MORE. IT REQUIRES A COMBINATION OF ARTISTIC VISION AND TECHNICAL SKILL, ALLOWING FOR THE CREATION OF BOTH FUNCTIONAL OBJECTS AND DECORATIVE ART. WHAT SUPPLIES AND TOOLS DO YOU NEED FOR METALSMITHING? METALSMITHING REQUIRES A VARIETY OF TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, DEPENDING ON THE SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES AND PROJECTS YOU PLAN TO UNDERTAKE. HERE'S A BASIC LIST: Anvil and Hammer: Essential for forging and shaping metal. Anvils provide a solid surface for work, while different types of hammers (like ball-peen, cross-peen, sledgehammers) are used for various shaping techniques. Forge or Kiln: Used for heating metal. A forge is typically used in blacksmithing, while a kiln can be used for metals that have lower melting points, like silver or gold. Tongs and Pliers: For holding and manipulating hot metal. Tongs are typically used in forging, while pliers are useful in more detailed work like jewelry making. Files and Rasps: For smoothing and shaping metal. They come in various shapes and sizes for different applications. Saws: A jeweler's saw or metal cutting saws are used for cutting metal. These can range from manual hand saws to powered band saws. Drills: For making holes in metal. Both hand drills and power drills can be used, along with various drill bits. Torches: For soldering and welding. This can include a simple handheld torch for small-scale jewelry work or larger torches for bigger projects. Soldering Supplies: Including solder (metal alloy that melts to join pieces together), flux (to clean and prevent oxidation), and a soldering block or surface. Bench Block and Bench Pin: For supporting work while sawing, filing, or hammering. Safety Gear: Including goggles, gloves, aprons, and ear protection. Measuring and Marking Tools: Such as rulers, calipers, and scribes for precise work. Polishing Tools: Like sandpaper, polishing wheels, and buffing compounds to finish the metal surface. Vise: To securely hold metal in place while working on it. THIS LIST COVERS BASIC TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, BUT THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CAN VARY GREATLY DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF METALSMITHING YOU ARE DOING. FOR EXAMPLE, JEWELRY MAKING MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TOOLS LIKE RING MANDRELS, BEZEL SETTERS, AND STONE SETTING TOOLS. WHAT DO METALSMITHS MAKE? METALSMITHS CREATE A WIDE RANGE OF ITEMS, SHOWCASING BOTH FUNCTIONAL AND ARTISTIC ASPECTS. THEIR CREATIONS CAN BE CATEGORIZED INTO SEVERAL BROAD AREAS: Jewelry: One of the most common products of metalsmithing. Metalsmiths craft rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and brooches, often incorporating techniques like soldering, setting stones, and engraving. Sculpture and Artistic Pieces: Metalsmiths create sculptures, wall pieces, and other artistic objects. These can range from abstract art to more representational forms, using various metals and finishing techniques. Functional Objects and Tools: This includes handcrafted knives, utensils, hardware like hinges and latches, and custom-made tools. Metalsmiths often combine functionality with aesthetic appeal in these items. Architectural Elements: Metalsmiths can produce items like gates, railings, grilles, and decorative panels for buildings. These elements often require large-scale forging and welding skills. Armor and Historical Replicas: Some metalsmiths specialize in creating historically accurate or inspired pieces, such as armor, helmets, and replicas of ancient metalwork. Musical Instruments: Certain musical instruments or parts of them, like brass instruments or steel drums, can be crafted or repaired by metalsmiths. Household and Decorative Items: This includes items like candle holders, vases, bowls, and furniture components that are both functional and decorative. Custom Commissions: Many metalsmiths work on custom projects, creating unique pieces based on individual client specifications. THE SCOPE OF WHAT METALSMITHS MAKE IS VAST AND VARIES GREATLY DEPENDING ON THEIR SKILLS, INTERESTS, AND THE DEMAND OF THEIR CLIENTELE. Mcusta Seki Japan Higonokami Knives SAVE WITH OUR SPECIAL OFFERS Check out our best offers and discounts on top-quality items. Our offers change regularly, so make sure you don't miss out! View Special Offers METALSMITHING TOOLS FOR SALE All of our stores: Keto Diets Explained Buy TMG Supplements Japanese Whetstone Sharpening Stones Inukshuk Statues | Higonokami Knives | Handgun Sight Pusher Tools | Mono Pusher Chronographs | GoldSmithing | Inuit Art Carvings | Metal Smithing Supplies | Vintage Gifts | Replica Gramophone Players | Rock Grinder Polishers | Lapidary Equipment For Sale | Reverse Draw Crossbows | Home Distillery Kits | Survival Gear | Grimsmo Watches | Grimsmo Coffee | Saga Collectibles | Unique Winegifts | Eco-Home FOOTER CATEGORIES * Anvils * Hammers * Kilns and Forges * Tongs and Pliers * Files and Rasps * Saws * Categories ARTICLES * Metalsmithing Secrets Revealed * Metalwork Difficulty: Perception vs Reality * Metalsmithing Explained * All Articles Affiliate disclosure: When you click links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network and Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon. © 2024 All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy Terms of Use