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Contractors Siding

“I could not have found a better company than Bridgepoint to represent my family
business of over 40 years. Their No. 1 concern was what was best for my family.
They are very experienced and their communication was at the highest level. My
main point of contact during the eight months working together never once sent
me to his voicemail.”


President & Owner
Contractors Siding, Windows & Roofing Supply


Bridgepoint Investment Banking is a market-leading boutique investment bank that
serves clients over their corporate lifecycles by providing capital raising and
M&A advisory solutions. We serve clients globally across a range of focus

Together, Bridgepoint principals have more than 313 years of investment banking
experience, allowing us to provide our clients with Wall Street-quality
experience and deep national and international funding and buyer connectivity.
We have successfully moved more than $333 billion of capital across 359
completed debt, equity and merger and acquisition transactions.

Bridgepoint Investment Banking is a tenacious, creative and results-oriented
boutique investment bank focused on impact and value creation for the companies
we serve. We provide confidential, independent and unconflicted solutions and
strategic advice. We have an unequivocal focus on our clients and their
prosperity. We measure our performance by the long-term success of our clients.

Download our Brochure
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We have advised on 240 capital raising transactions generating $255 billion of
capital for our clients.

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We have advised on 119 M&A transactions moving $78 billion of capital for our

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Years Of Experience


In Transactions


Total Transactions


> “We have worked with Bridgepoint Investment Banking for years and believe they
> provide both very thoughtful advice as well as excellent client service. They
> have a great market niche working with Midwest companies to provide
> sophisticated, strategic counsel and access to capital. They also excel at
> thinking outside of the box to find solutions that match their clients’
> diverse needs.”

Mitch Soiefer
Solar Capital - New York

> “With bulge bracket leverage finance experience and a national network of
> proprietary lending and funder relationships, Bridgepoint is uniquely
> positioned to deliver creative financing solutions to founder-owned companies
> in the Heartland. We enjoy a close relationship with the Bridgepoint team and
> would recommend that any founder seeking capital for liquidity or M&A strongly
> consider Bridgepoint as a strategic partner.”

Jon Ziebarth
TPG Sixth Street Partners - San Francisco

> “I have come to rely on Bridgepoint in helping me/our firm identify special
> opportunities in the Heartland. Their Midwest values and sensibility come
> through when sourcing opportunities and advising during the diligence process.
> I highly regard Bridgepoint as a unique institutional investment bank
> providing real expertise and capital connectivity in the Midwest.”

Dan Needham
Wynnchurch Capital - Chicago

> “The professionals at Bridgepoint are true partners who have deep leverage
> finance experience and expertise that allows them to balance their customer
> needs with the whims of the leverage finance market.” 

Mark Bernier
HIG Whitehorse - Stamford, CT

> “We have worked with Bridgepoint Investment Banking for years and believe they
> provide both very thoughtful advice as well as excellent client service. They
> have a great market niche working with Midwest companies to provide
> sophisticated, strategic counsel and access to capital. They also excel at
> thinking outside of the box to find solutions that match their clients’
> diverse needs.”

Mitch Soiefer
Solar Capital - New York

> “With bulge bracket leverage finance experience and a national network of
> proprietary lending and funder relationships, Bridgepoint is uniquely
> positioned to deliver creative financing solutions to founder-owned companies
> in the Heartland. We enjoy a close relationship with the Bridgepoint team and
> would recommend that any founder seeking capital for liquidity or M&A strongly
> consider Bridgepoint as a strategic partner.”

Jon Ziebarth
TPG Sixth Street Partners - San Francisco

> “I have come to rely on Bridgepoint in helping me/our firm identify special
> opportunities in the Heartland. Their Midwest values and sensibility come
> through when sourcing opportunities and advising during the diligence process.
> I highly regard Bridgepoint as a unique institutional investment bank
> providing real expertise and capital connectivity in the Midwest.”

Dan Needham
Wynnchurch Capital - Chicago

> “The professionals at Bridgepoint are true partners who have deep leverage
> finance experience and expertise that allows them to balance their customer
> needs with the whims of the leverage finance market.” 

Mark Bernier
HIG Whitehorse - Stamford, CT

> “We have worked with Bridgepoint Investment Banking for years and believe they
> provide both very thoughtful advice as well as excellent client service. They
> have a great market niche working with Midwest companies to provide
> sophisticated, strategic counsel and access to capital. They also excel at
> thinking outside of the box to find solutions that match their clients’
> diverse needs.”

Mitch Soiefer
Solar Capital - New York

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Asset-backed facility to support future growth and refinancing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Growth Debt Financing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side advisory on sale to AdaptHealth (NASDAQ: AHCO)
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side Advisory
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Growth Capital Raise
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to support minority shareholder buyout
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to finance acquisition
Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side Advisory
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side Advisory
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to support growth
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Buy-side advisory on acquisition of Cosmetic Specialties International
Buy-side M&A Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to support management acquisition
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
International equipment financing for Teradata (NYSE:TDC)
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side advisory on sale to Patterson Companies (NASDAQ: PDCO)
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Growth Debt Financing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Recapitalization & Growth Capital Raise
Exclusive Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Asset-backed facility to support future growth and refinancing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Growth Debt Financing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side advisory on sale to AdaptHealth (NASDAQ: AHCO)
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side Advisory
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Growth Capital Raise
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to support minority shareholder buyout
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to finance acquisition
Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side Advisory
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side Advisory
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to support growth
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Buy-side advisory on acquisition of Cosmetic Specialties International
Buy-side M&A Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Debt capital raise to support management acquisition
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
International equipment financing for Teradata (NYSE:TDC)
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side advisory on sale to Patterson Companies (NASDAQ: PDCO)
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Growth Debt Financing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Recapitalization & Growth Capital Raise
Exclusive Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Asset-backed facility to support future growth and refinancing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Growth Debt Financing
Sole Financing Arranger
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side advisory on sale to AdaptHealth (NASDAQ: AHCO)
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
Sell-side Advisory
Sole Financial Advisor
Contact the Dealmaker
 * 1
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 * 3
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