Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL:
Effective URL:
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On July 13 via api from US — Scanned from NL

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: test

<form name="test" id="test"><input type="hidden" name="formName" value="UnsubscribeForm" id="formName"><!-- Form Perma will be sent only for PermaUrls -->
  <input type="hidden" name="formPerma" value="WdLmkcnYwk6F_1XxLzVvLZp8FzRj4xhqzGFG96VXMCg" id="formPerma"><input type="hidden" name="referrerName" id="referrerName" value="null"><input type="hidden" name="isPaymentForm" value="false"
    id="isPaymentForm"><input type="hidden" name="formType" value="0" id="formType">
  <input type="hidden" id="zf_date_format" datelocale="en-GB" name="date_format" value="dd-MMM-yyyy"><input type="hidden" name="isDocsPublicForm" value="false" id="isDocsPublicForm">
  <input type="hidden" name="formrid" value="" id="formrid">
  <input type="hidden" name="resizeform" value="0" id="resizeform">
  <div id="zf_utmTrack" style="display: none;"></div>
  <div class="templateWrapper" id="formRedirectURL" style="min-height:1070px;">
    <ul class="tempHeadBdr formRelative">
      <li class="tempHeadContBdr"><span id="logo-formheader" class="formLogo" style="display: none"><img id="logo-formheader-img" src=""></span>
        <h2 class="frmTitle"><em>Unsubscribe Form</em></h2>
        <p class="frmDesc">Please fill out the below to opt-out of receiving further marketing communications from AI Global Media Ltd and all related brands.</p>
        <div class="clearBoth"></div>
    <!-- 'FieldElement' class is imported in order to get the key for display name of the component of 'Address' field.
'FormField' class is used to get field type of Zoho CRM field.-->
    <div id="formBodyDiv" class="formRelative subContWrap topAlign"><!-- <button elname="openPopUpSubForm" onclick="openPopUp();event.preventDefault()"> Open subform pop up </button> -->
      <!-- formFieldWrapper class is used to differantiate form fields and subform fields in themes. Direct children (li) are considered as form fields. Dont change the order of class used. -->
      <ul elname="formBodyULName" class="ulNoStyle formFieldWrapper" page_no="1" needpagedata="true">
        <!-- i) Private form, ii) Perma, iii) Shared form, iv) Theme preview, v) Current Theme -->
        <!-- "isVisible"="false": This 'Admin Only' field must not be shown to user. -->
        <!-- "isVisible"="true": Case 1: This is not an 'Admin Only' field. Case 2: This 'Admin Only' field must be shown to user. -->
        <!-- Theme Preview, Current Theme - Admin Only fields will be shown. Formula won't be calculated. Field Rules won't be executed. -->
        <!-- formMetaData.key=Field link name -->
        <!-- Zoho CRM field : "FIELD_LIST" key won't be present. -->
        <li isunique="false" class="tempFrmWrapper date date-time" style="display:none;" tabindex="1" elname="livefield-elem" comptype="16" id="DateTime-li" compname="DateTime" linkname="DateTime" needdata="true" isvisible="false" disableddays="{}"
          startoftheweek="0" timeslots="" mandatory="true" page_no="1" page_link_name="Page" timeformat="1" showlabel="true">
          <label class="labelName">
            <span>Submitted On</span>
            <em class="important">*</em>
          <div class="subFrmFieldsHidden subFrmFieldsHiddenCont" style="display:none" elemname="fieldHiddenDiv"><em><svg class="icon icon-Denied-1-01">
                <use xlink:href="#icon-rules-denied-01"></use>
          <div class="tempContDiv" datelocale="en-GB" elname="dd-M-yy" id="DateTimedateTimeDiv" serverdateformat="dd-MMM-yyyy" isdisable="false" elemname="fieldContentDiv">
              <div class="calendarCont">
                <input name="DateTime" elname="dateTime" id="DateTime-dateTime" onchange="ZFLive.validateFieldConstraint(this);" onfocusout="checkDatePicker(this);" autocomplete="off"
                  onclick="ZFUtil.datetimepicker('dd-MMM-yyyy','dd-M-yy',this,'en-GB', true, '1', '0');" onfocus="ZFUtil.datetimepicker('dd-MMM-yyyy','dd-M-yy',this,'en-GB', true, '1', '0');" type="text" value="13-Jul-2023 01:36 PM" placeholder=""
                <div class="calIconWrapper" elname="imgWrapDiv"><img class="calendarIcon" src="" title="..."></div>
                <div class="clearBoth"></div>
              <label class="formSubInfoText"> dd-MMM-yyyy HH:MM AM/PM </label>
            <p class="errorMessage" elname="error" id="error-DateTime"></p>
            <span style="display:none">
              <script type="module">
                $(function() {
                  var dateformat = $("#DateTimedateTimeDiv").attr("elname"); // No I18N	
                  var dateLocale = $("#DateTimedateTimeDiv").attr("dateLocale"); // No I18N	
                  ZFUtil.datetimepicker('dd-MMM-yyyy', dateformat, $("#DateTime-dateTime"), dateLocale, false, '1', '0'); // No I18N
                  var dateTimeDiv = $("#DateTimedateTimeDiv"); // No I18N
                  var imgElem = $(dateTimeDiv).find('img'); // No I18N
                  $(imgElem).removeClass("ui-datepicker-trigger"); // No I18N
                  $(imgElem).addClass("calendarIcon"); // No I18N
                  $(imgElem).mousedown(function(e) {
                  //$(imgElem).attr("title","");	// Hovering on date picker icon displays the Date field's label
                  $(imgElem).removeAttr("alt"); // No I18N
                  When spacing is applied for input fields in Themes, calendar icon needs to vertical aligned with input.
                  For that img element should be placed inside a div.
                  var imgWrapDiv = $('<div class="calIconWrapper" elname="imgWrapDiv"></div>');
                  //The below class add to set z-index 
                  if (false == true) {
                    $("#DateTime-dateTime").datepicker().datepicker('disable'); //No I18N
        <li isunique="false" class="tempFrmWrapper email small" elname="livefield-elem" comptype="9" id="Email-li" needdata="true" compname="Email" linkname="Email" isvisible="true" mandatory="true" page_no="1" page_link_name="Page" showlabel="true"
          domain_option="0" need_reconf="false">
          <label class="labelName">
            <span>Email to Unsubscribe</span>
            <em class="important">*</em>
          <div class="subFrmFieldsHidden subFrmFieldsHiddenCont" style="display:none" elemname="fieldHiddenDiv"><em><svg class="icon icon-Denied-1-01">
                <use xlink:href="#icon-rules-denied-01"></use>
          <div class="tempContDiv" elemname="fieldContentDiv">
            <span elname="livefield-email-elem"><input inputmode="email" onfocusout="ZFLive.validateFieldConstraint(this);" autocomplete="off" type="text" maxlength="255" name="Email" value="" placeholder="">
              <p class="errorMessage" elname="error" id="error-Email"></p>
            <p class="instruction instrSpace" elname="hint" id="hint-Email"> Please provide the email address you wish to unsubscribe. You can check the email footer to ensure you are submitting the address we have on record for you.</p>
          <div class="clearBoth"></div>
        <li class="tempFrmWrapper decesion  " style="display:none;" elname="livefield-elem" comptype="18" needdata="true" id="DecisionBox-li" compname="DecisionBox" linkname="DecisionBox" isvisible="false" mandatory="false" page_no="1"
          page_link_name="Page" choice_type="checkbox">
          <div class="subFrmFieldsHidden subFrmFieldsHiddenCont" style="display:none" elemname="fieldHiddenDiv"><em><svg class="icon icon-Denied-1-01">
                <use xlink:href="#icon-rules-denied-01"></use>
          <div class="tempContDiv customCheckBox" elemname="fieldContentDiv">
            <input onmousedown="event.preventDefault();" type="checkbox" checked="true" id="DecisionBox" name="DecisionBox" onchange="ZFLive.hideClosestFieldElemErrorDiv(this);">
            <label class="labelName cusChoiceLabel" for="DecisionBox">
              <div class="checker"></div><span elname="display_name" class="cusChoiceSpanWrap"> Opt Out </span>
            <p class="errorMessage" elname="error" id="error-DecisionBox"></p>
          <div class="clearBoth"></div>
        <li class="zfcheckbox tempFrmWrapper oneColumns " minchoices="1" maxchoices="3" elname="livefield-elem" comptype="14" needdata="true" id="Checkbox-li" compname="Checkbox" linkname="Checkbox" isvisible="true" mandatory="false" page_no="1"
          page_link_name="Page" choice_type="checkbox">
          <label class="labelName"><span>Reason for Unsubscribe</span>
          <div class="subFrmFieldsHidden subFrmFieldsHiddenCont" style="display:none" elemname="fieldHiddenDiv"><em><svg class="icon icon-Denied-1-01">
                <use xlink:href="#icon-rules-denied-01"></use>
          <div class="tempContDiv" elemname="fieldContentDiv">
            <div class="overflow customCheckBox">
              <span class="multiAttType cusChoiceSpan"> <input onmousedown="event.preventDefault();" type="checkbox" id="Checkbox_1" class="checkBoxType" name="Checkbox" elname="Checkbox" value="I'm not interested" textassign_val="" formula_val=""
                <label for="Checkbox_1" class="checkChoice cusChoiceLabel">
                  <div class="checker"></div><em class="cusChoiceEm">I'm not interested</em>
                </label> </span>
              <span class="multiAttType cusChoiceSpan"> <input onmousedown="event.preventDefault();" type="checkbox" id="Checkbox_2" class="checkBoxType" name="Checkbox" elname="Checkbox" value="The content in the email is not relevant to me"
                  textassign_val="" formula_val="" onchange="ZFLive.hideClosestFieldElemErrorDiv(this); 
                <label for="Checkbox_2" class="checkChoice cusChoiceLabel">
                  <div class="checker"></div><em class="cusChoiceEm">The content in the email is not relevant to me</em>
                </label> </span>
              <span class="multiAttType cusChoiceSpan"> <input onmousedown="event.preventDefault();" type="checkbox" id="Checkbox_3" class="checkBoxType" name="Checkbox" elname="Checkbox" value="I am not the relevant point of contact for my company"
                  textassign_val="" formula_val="" onchange="ZFLive.hideClosestFieldElemErrorDiv(this); 
                <label for="Checkbox_3" class="checkChoice cusChoiceLabel">
                  <div class="checker"></div><em class="cusChoiceEm">I am not the relevant point of contact for my company</em>
                </label> </span>
              <span class="multiAttType cusChoiceSpan"> <input onmousedown="event.preventDefault();" type="checkbox" id="Checkbox_4" class="checkBoxType" name="Checkbox" elname="Checkbox" value="You're sending me too many emails" textassign_val=""
                  formula_val="" onchange="ZFLive.hideClosestFieldElemErrorDiv(this); 
                <label for="Checkbox_4" class="checkChoice cusChoiceLabel">
                  <div class="checker"></div><em class="cusChoiceEm">You're sending me too many emails</em>
                </label> </span>
              <div class="clearBoth"></div>
            <p class="errorMessage" elname="error" id="error-Checkbox"></p>
            <p class="instruction" elname="hint" id="hint-Checkbox"> This is optional but we would appreciate any feedback you can provide.</p>
          <div class="clearBoth"></div>
        <!--To exclude Html field in rules we are setting comptype as 0 for Html field. That is Html field will not be included in any condition. -->
        <li tabindex="1" id="HtmlText-li" class="tempFrmWrapper note" elname="livefield-elem" compname="HtmlText" comptype="0" page_no="1" page_link_name="Page"><label class="descFld">
            <div class="align-center" style="text-align: center">Please allow two working days from submission to process this request, after which you will receive no further marketing communications from us.&nbsp; Should you have any further
              queries relating to your request or the processing of your data, please reach out to us at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>&nbsp;and we will be
              happy to help.<br></div>
          <div class="clearBoth"></div>
    <ul elname="footer" class="footerWrapper formRelative" page_no="1" page_count="1" page_link_name="Page">
      <li style="overflow:visible; position: relative;" class="btnAllign fmFooter" id="formAccess" elname="0">
        <div class="pageFotDef">
          <div class="alignSubmit">
            <div class="formRelative inlineBlock submitBtnCont"><button class="fmSmtButton submitColor submitWrapper fmSmtButtom" elname="submit" value="submit">
        <div class="clearBoth"></div>
    <!-- Uncomment the following Code to enable automation location based value filling for GeoLocation Fields -->
    <!-- Set the mapquestURL from -->
    <!--   -->
    <!--Div to show error for unconfirmed users -->
    <div id="errorDiv" style="display:none" class="errorMsgWrapper">
      <div class="flLeft errorIcon"></div>
      <div class="errorMsgCont">
        <h2>Error Occurred</h2>
        <span id="errorMsgSpan">You haven't verified your email yet, click<a href="javascript:;" onclick="ZFUtil.resendMail('0');"> here </a> to receive a verification email.</span>
      <div class="clearBoth"></div>
  </div><!-- 'formRedirectURL' ends -->
  <div id="popupdiv" class="dim-div2 dim-div6" style="display:none;">
    <div id="imageChoiceDiv-cont" class="popUpOuter imageTypeZoom">
      <div class="popUpInnerWrapper">
        <div class="popupHeader removeBdr"><a class="flRight ppDeleteIcon" onclick="ZFLive.hideZoomedImage();" href="javascript:;"></a>
          <div class="clearBoth"></div>
        <div class="popupMainCont"><img src="" style="display: none;">
          <audio src="" controls="" style="display: none;"></audio>
          <video src="" controls="" style="display: none;"></video>
          <p class="mediaPlayerErorMgs" elname="mediaPlayerError" style="display: none;color: white">This file format is not supported by your browser for preview.</p>

Text Content


   Please fill out the below to opt-out of receiving further marketing
   communications from AI Global Media Ltd and all related brands.

 * Submitted On *
   dd-MMM-yyyy HH:MM AM/PM

 * Email to Unsubscribe *
   Please provide the email address you wish to unsubscribe. You can check the
   email footer to ensure you are submitting the address we have on record for
 * N/A
   Opt Out
 * Reason for Unsubscribe
   I'm not interested
   The content in the email is not relevant to me
   I am not the relevant point of contact for my company
   You're sending me too many emails
   This is optional but we would appreciate any feedback you can provide.
 * Please allow two working days from submission to process this request, after
   which you will receive no further marketing communications from us.  Should
   you have any further queries relating to your request or the processing of
   your data, please reach out to us at and we will
   be happy to help.

 * Submit


You haven't verified your email yet, click here to receive a verification email.

This file format is not supported by your browser for preview.


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Verification mail sent.


Email Link to


Please enter a valid email address to configure Zoho Sign settings.

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 * Done


-- : -- : --