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Diet & Lifestyle


September 10th, 2021
Fact Checked
Written by Laura Dan, BSc, NDTR
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Dr. Peter Woznik, ND, MSc
Blog Diet & Lifestyle
Surprising Effects And Sources of Caffeine: Why It ...

Do you feel like you need a cup of coffee or tea to start your day? 90% of
adults in North America consume caffeine daily, (11) and nearly 80% of American
adults consume 200 to 300 mg of caffeine per day—that’s equal to about two to
three cups of coffee. (10) As a natural stimulant, caffeine can give you a boost
of energy. But are you aware of the other effects caffeine has on the body?
Continue reading to learn more about sources of caffeine and how much can cause
different effects.


Coffee is a source of naturally occurring caffeine.



Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in many foods and beverages,
including dark chocolate, coffee, and black and green tea. (28) Caffeine can
also be produced synthetically and added to foods, drinks, and medications. Best
known for its stimulating effects on the central nervous system, caffeine is the
most widely consumed psychoactive drug worldwide. (24)


Naturally occurring sources of caffeine include:

 * Cacao pods (used to make chocolate)
 * Coffee beans
 * Kola nut (traditionally used to flavor soft drinks)
 * Tea leaves (28)

Synthetic forms of caffeine are now commonplace in many commercially produced
items, including:

 * Energy-boosting gums and foods
 * Energy drinks
 * Over-the-counter medications (e.g., pain relievers, cold medicine)
 * Soft drinks (28)


Caffeine is found in many foods and beverages. (26)



Caffeine affects the body in multiple ways, some positive and some negative.
Short-term effects of caffeine include:

 * Boosts metabolic rate and may encourage fat loss (1)(30)
 * Can interfere with calcium absorption (5)
 * Can increase cortisol (stress hormone) secretion (14)
 * Increases blood pressure (14)
 * Stimulates your central nervous system, providing short-term energy and
   increased alertness (28)

> Did you know? Research has demonstrated that doses of 250 mg of caffeine
> contribute to feelings of increased stimulation, alertness, and concentration.
> (31)


Some individuals may be more sensitive to caffeine than others; that’s because
everyone metabolizes caffeine differently. When you ingest caffeine, caffeine is
quickly absorbed into your bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. The rate
at which you metabolize caffeine is determined by caffeine’s half-life, which
refers to the time required for a concentration of a substance to reduce by
half. The mean half-life of caffeine in healthy individuals is approximately
five hours; (12) however, the half-life can vary between two to ten hours. (18)
For instance, if you drank a cup of coffee containing 100 mg of caffeine with
the mean half-life, you’d still have 50 mg of caffeine circulating in your body
after five hours. In contrast, individuals who metabolize caffeine at a slower
rate may have 50 mg of caffeine in their system for up to ten hours.
Furthermore, the more caffeine you consume, the longer it takes to clear it from
your body. (12)


Various factors influence how you metabolize caffeine, including:

 * Alcohol consumption: 50 g of alcohol per day increases caffeine half-life by
   72% and reduces clearance by 36%, causing caffeine to remain in the body for
   a longer period of time. (17)
 * Diet: Certain foods can prolong or speed up caffeine clearance. Grapefruit
   juice decreases caffeine clearance by 23% and extends caffeine half-life by
   31%, whereas Brassica vegetables (e.g., broccoli, kale, cauliflower) and
   large quantities of vitamin C may increase caffeine clearance. (17)
 * Certain medications: Oral contraceptives and some heart medications (e.g.,
   anti-arrhythmic drugs, calcium antagonists) can increase caffeine half-life.
 * Sex and hormones: Caffeine clearance may be slower during the luteal phase of
   a woman’s menstrual cycle due to high progesterone levels; although, the
   half-life of caffeine doesn’t differ between the follicular and luteal
   phases. Caffeine metabolism may also slow down during pregnancy, particularly
   during the third trimester. (17)
 * Smoking: Smoking has been shown to increase caffeine clearance. (17)


Your genes also influence how quickly you process caffeine. Scientists have
discovered that a specific gene, CYP1A2, determines how you metabolize caffeine.
You inherit two copies of this gene—one from each parent. These copies can be
either “slow” or “fast” versions of the CYP1A2 gene. Individuals with the
CYP1A2*1F polymorphism (one slow and one fast copy) are considered “slow”
caffeine metabolizers, meaning that they need less coffee to feel the same
stimulating effects. In contrast, individuals who are homozygous ( two copies of
the CYP1A2 gene) are “fast” caffeine metabolizers and are less sensitive to the
stimulating effects of caffeine. (7)(9)


Certain factors can influence how you metabolize caffeine.



Some populations are vulnerable to the effects of caffeine and therefore should
limit or avoid caffeinated foods and beverages. Outlined below are some of the
conditions and populations that should use caution with caffeine.


Because caffeine can raise blood pressure, pregnant women should limit caffeine
for the duration of their pregnancy. Caffeine can also cross the placenta, which
poses an issue to the fetus as they don’t have the enzymes needed to metabolize
caffeine. (19)

Some research indicates that caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriage;
however, other studies have demonstrated conflicting results. According to a
2015 meta-analysis, the risk of miscarriage rose by 19% for every increase of
150 mg per day of caffeine and by 8% for every increase of two cups of coffee
per day. (13) However, an earlier study noted that caffeine had no significant
impact on miscarriage rates. (23)

Despite conflicting evidence, the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists recommends that pregnant mothers limit their caffeine to no more
than 200 mg per day. (2) Breastfeeding moms are also advised to limit their
caffeine intake to no more than 300 mg per day since caffeine can be passed from
breast milk to the baby. Side effects of caffeine exposure in infants include
irritability, poor sleep, and fussiness. (3)


Caffeine has been shown to interfere with healthy growth and development in
children and, therefore, is generally not recommended for kids under the age of
12. (25) A 2020 systematic review concluded that caffeine has some positive and
negative effects on children. For example, caffeine has been shown to improve
attention performance. However, caffeine can also disrupt children’s sleep
cycles, which can have detrimental effects on their weight and development and
even predispose them to depression and anxiety. (25)


Excess caffeine has been shown to increase blood pressure. One study
demonstrated that caffeine may exert more significant effects on blood pressure
in individuals at risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). (10) If you have
high blood pressure or if you’re currently prescribed any heart medications that
can interact with caffeine, it’s best to ask your integrative healthcare
practitioner about minimizing your intake of caffeinated foods and beverages.


The stimulating effects of caffeine can contribute to or worsen insomnia, a
condition characterized by habitual sleeplessness. (4) According to a 2016
systematic review, caffeine prolonged sleep latency (time to fall asleep),
reduced total sleep time, and worsened sleep quality. The review also found that
older adults are more sensitive to the sleep-disrupting effects of caffeine than
younger adults. (6)

To avoid sleep disruption, consider working with your integrative healthcare
practitioner to see when your caffeine cut-off time should be for optimal sleep.
A cut-off time between 12 to 2 p.m. may be ideal for many people; however, you
may need to avoid caffeine earlier in the day if you notice that caffeine
negatively affects your sleep. (18)


Decaffeinated (decaf) beverages are a suitable alternative for some individuals
who should limit or avoid caffeine. Despite its name, decaf coffee may still
contain small amounts of caffeine. The average cup of decaf coffee contains 2 to
15 mg of caffeine; that’s significantly less caffeine than the 80 to 100 mg
found in a typical cup of coffee. (27)

Have you ever wondered how decaf coffee is made? For decades, coffee producers
have used toxic and harmful chemical solvents to decaffeinate coffee.
Thankfully, manufacturers have switched to safer and more natural substances.
Today’s method of choice involves the use of an organic solvent called ethyl
acetate, a compound found in some fruits. Other manufacturers may use liquid
carbon dioxide (CO2) to extract caffeine from coffee beans and tea leaves. (29)

Two methods of decaffeination that don’t require the use of organic solvents
include the Swiss Water Process (SWP) and French Water Process (FWP) techniques.
Both techniques remove caffeine by first soaking coffee beans or tea leaves in
hot water. After allowing the beans or leaves to soak in water, the remaining
liquid is filtered through a natural or carbon filter, then reintroduced to the
beans or tea leaves. These methods effectively remove most caffeine from tea
leaves and coffee beans but still yield a rich flavor. (29)


Opt for healthier sources of caffeine such as unsweetened coffee and tea rather
than sugar-sweetened soft drinks and energy drinks.



Caffeine has dose-dependent effects, meaning the effects of caffeine increase
with larger doses. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that doses
of 400  mg per day or less are not typically associated with harmful effects in
healthy adults; however, doses of caffeine exceeding 400 mg may exert negative
health effects. It’s important to note that some people may be more or less
sensitive to caffeine, depending on how quickly they metabolize it. (27)


You might have consumed too much caffeine if you experience any of the following
side effects:

 * Agitation
 * Anxiety
 * Headache
 * Insomnia
 * Jitters
 * Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
 * Rapid heartbeat (27)(28)(31)


Low to moderate doses of caffeine are generally regarded as safe for most
individuals; however, long-term caffeine consumption, particularly when consumed
at high doses, (15) may contribute to some health concerns, including:

 * Caffeine dependency (15)
 * Delayed conception and decreased fecundity (physiological potential to bear
   children) (24)
 * Exacerbated symptoms of overactive bladder, including increased urgency and
   frequency of urination (24)
 * Increased incidence of caffeine-induced insomnia (4)(8)
 * Increased risk of osteoporosis due to impaired calcium absorption (20)


Caffeine withdrawal can occur in individuals who abruptly abstain from caffeine
consumption, leading to symptoms such as headache, fatigue, irritability,
depressed mood, decreased alertness and energy, and poor concentration. Caffeine
withdrawal symptoms can begin around 12 to 24 hours after cessation, peak around
20 to 51 hours, and last up to two to nine days. (22) If you plan to eliminate
caffeine, it’s best to do so gradually over several days to prevent any adverse
effects of withdrawal. (22)


Caffeine is a naturally occurring and synthetic stimulant that’s found in
coffee, tea, dark chocolate, and other foods and beverages. Specific
populations, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women, young children, and
individuals with chronic insomnia or heart conditions, should limit or avoid
caffeine. For many healthy adults, 400 mg or less of caffeine per day is safe.
If you’re a patient, consult your integrative healthcare provider if you have
concerns about caffeine.


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 17. Nehlig, A. (2018). Interindividual differences in caffeine metabolism and
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 21. Reyes, C., & Cornelis, M. (2018). Caffeine in the diet: Country-Level
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 23. Savitz, D. A., Chan, R. L., Herring, A. H., Howards, P. P., & Hartmann, K.
     E. (2008). Caffeine and miscarriage risk. Epidemiology, 19(1), 55–62.
 24. Temple, J. L., Bernard, C., Lipshultz, S. E., Czachor, J. D., Westphal, J.
     A., & Mestre, M. A. (2017). The safety of ingested caffeine: A
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 26. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). FoodData central.
 27. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2018). Spilling the beans: How much
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 29. Vuong, Q. V., & Roach, P. D. (2013). Caffeine in green tea: Its removal and
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 30. Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S., Lejeune, M. P., & Kovacs, E. M. R. (2005).
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