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Submitted URL: http://servicecanada.com/0.3567461616359573
Effective URL: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/portfolio/service-canada.html
Submission: On August 07 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

Name: cse-search-boxGET /en/sr/srb.html

<form action="/en/sr/srb.html" method="get" name="cse-search-box" role="search">
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						&quot;streamline&quot;: &quot;true&quot;,
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								&quot;assess&quot;: &quot;/url&quot;,
								&quot;mapping&quot;: [
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					}" id="wb-auto-15">
      <template data-contact-template="" class="wb-init wb-template-inited" id="wb-auto-16">
          <summary>Need urgent help with a problem? Contact us</summary>
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      <p id="gc-pft-prblm-instruction" class="fnt-nrml small">Maximum 300 characters</p>
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/ Gouvernement du Canada


Search Canada.ca



Main Menu
 * Jobs and the workplace
   * Jobs: home
   * Find a job
   * Training
   * Hiring and managing employees
   * Starting a business
   * Workplace standards
   * Pensions and retirement
   * Employment Insurance benefits and leave
   * Most requested
     * View your records of employment
     * Submit a record of employment - employers
     * Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
     * Hire a temporary foreign worker
     * Immigrate as a skilled worker
 * Immigration and citizenship
   * Immigration and citizenship: home
   * My application
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   * Immigrate
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   * Refugees and asylum
   * Enforcement and violations
   * Most requested
     * Sign in to your IRCC account
     * Check your application status
     * Check application processing times
     * Find an application form
     * Pay your fees
     * Find out if you need an eTA or a visa to visit Canada
     * Have questions? Find answers in the Help Centre
 * Travel and tourism
   * Travel and tourism: home
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   * Assistance outside Canada
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   * Most requested
     * Emergency assistance abroad
     * Find out if you need a visa to travel to Canada
     * Apply for an eTA
     * Apply for NEXUS
     * Register as a Canadian abroad
     * Travel insurance
 * Business and industry
   * Business and industry: home
   * Starting a business
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   * R&D and innovation
   * Research and business intelligence
   * Intellectual property and copyright
   * Maintaining your business
   * Protecting your business
   * Insolvency for business
   * Most requested
     * Find a corporation
     * Report your imported goods
     * Search for trademarks
     * Review custom tariffs for importing goods
     * Find a patent
     * Import and export from Canada
     * Name a business
     * Make changes to your corporation (Online Filing Centre)
 * Benefits
   * Benefits: home
   * Employment Insurance benefits and leave
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   * Public pensions
   * Student aid and education planning
   * Housing benefits
   * Disability benefits
   * Benefits by audience
   * Benefits payment dates
   * Benefits finder
   * Notify the government of a death
   * Most requested
     * Apply for Employment Insurance
     * Apply for student loans and grants
     * Sign in to a Government of Canada online account
     * Set up or change direct deposit
     * Submit your EI report
     * Child and family benefits calculators
 * Health
   * Health: home
   * Food and nutrition
   * Diseases and conditions
   * Vaccines and immunization
   * Drug and health products
   * Product safety
   * Health risks and safety
   * Healthy living
   * Indigenous health
   * Health system and services
   * Science, research and data
   * Most requested
     * Canada's food guide
     * Recalls and safety alerts
     * Mental health support: Get help
     * Measles
 * Taxes
   * Taxes: home
   * Income tax
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   * Savings and pension plans
   * Tax credits and benefits for individuals
   * Excise taxes, duties, and levies
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   * Most requested
     * My Account
     * My Business Account
     * Represent a Client
     * File a GST/HST return (NETFILE)
     * Make a payment to the Canada Revenue Agency
     * Find the next benefit payment date
 * Environment and natural resources
   * Environment and natural resources: home
   * Weather, climate and hazards
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     * Local weather forecast
     * Fuel-efficient vehicles
     * Home energy efficiency
     * Species at risk
     * Prepare for severe weather
 * National security and defence
   * National security and defenceDefence: home
   * National security
   * Canadian Armed Forces
   * Defence equipment purchases and upgrades
   * Transportation security
   * Securing the border
   * Cyber security
   * Jobs in national security and defence
   * Services and benefits for the military
   * Most requested
     * Jobs in the Canadian Armed Forces
     * Military ranks
     * Defence equipment
     * Current list of terrorist entities
     * Join the Cadet Program
     * Canada's Defence policy
 * Culture, history and sport
   * Culture, history and sport: home
   * Funding - Culture, history and sport
   * Events, celebrations and commemorations
   * Cultural landmarks and attractions
   * Canadian identity and society
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   * Cultural youth programs
   * Cultural trade and investment
   * Most requested
     * Visit the Canadian Virtual War Memorial
     * Anthems and symbols of Canada
     * Find a CRTC decision
     * Research your family history
     * Search census records
     * Landmarks and attractions in Canada's capital
 * Policing, justice and emergencies
   * Policing, justice and emergencies: home
   * Policing
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   * Emergencies
   * Corrections
   * Parole, record suspension, expungement and clemency
   * Victims of crime
   * Most requested
     * Apply/Renew a firearms licence
     * Get a criminal records check
     * Apply for a criminal record suspension
     * What to do during an emergency
     * Know the law on impaired driving
     * Help solve a crime
 * Transport and infrastructure
   * Transport and infrastructure: home
   * Aviation
   * Marine transportation
   * Road transportation
   * Rail transportation
   * Dangerous goods
   * Infrastructure
   * Most requested
     * Zero-emission vehicles
     * Drone safety
     * What you can't bring on an airplane
     * Register your vessel
     * Child car seat safety
     * Transporting dangerous goods - Regulations
     * Canadian Aviation Regulations
 * Canada and the world
   * Canada and the world: home
   * International offices and emergency contacts
   * Study, work and travel worldwide
   * Information by countries and territories
   * Stories
   * International relations
   * Global issues and international assistance
   * Funding for international initiatives
   * International trade and investment
   * Most requested
     * Find a Canadian scholarship as an international student
     * International treaties signed by Canada
     * Find international study or research opportunities in Canada
     * Contact an embassy or consulate
     * Contact a foreign representative in Canada
     * Authenticate a document
 * Money and finances
   * Money and financesFinance: home
   * Managing your money
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   * Savings and investments
   * Education funding
   * Pensions and retirement
   * Protection from frauds and scams
   * Financial tools and calculators
   * Financial literacy programs
   * Consumer affairs
   * Insolvency
   * Taxes
   * Government finances
   * Business grants and financing
   * Financial and money services regulation
   * Most requested
     * Find a bankruptcy or insolvency record
     * Student loans
     * Set up or change direct deposit
     * Mortgages
     * Credit report and scores
     * Make a budget
     * Rates and contribution limits
 * Science and innovation
   * Science and innovation: home
   * Research funding and awards
   * Science subjects
   * Open data, statistics and archives
   * Research institutes and facilities
   * R&D and innovation
   * Intellectual property and copyright
   * Directory of scientists and research professionals
   * Science education resources
   * Most requested
     * National building codes
     * Official times across Canada
     * Check sunrise and sunset times
     * Grants for technological innovation (IRAP)
     * Federal Science Libraries Network
     * Live view of northern lights cam


 1. Canada.ca


Service Canada provides Canadians with a single point of access to a wide range
of government services and benefits.


Retirement Hub: Explore our new retirement planning tool! Beta

My Service Canada Account

Sign in to your account to access services for:

 * Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)
 * Employment Insurance (EI)
 * Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
 * Canada Pension Plan Disability
 * Old Age Security (OAS)
 * Social Insurance Number (SIN)
 * Canada Apprentice Loan


 * Submit your EI report with the Internet Reporting service
 * Benefits payment dates
 * Records of employment (ROE)
 * Direct deposit
 * Job Bank
 * Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
 * Forms
 * Get Passport Program statistics



If you have used BGRS or SIRVA Canada relocation services, your personal
information may have been compromised. Learn about what precautionary measures
are available to you.


Apply for benefits if you lose your job, are sick or injured, give birth or
become a parent, are a fisher or take care of someone who’s ill. Find out how to
submit an EI report.


Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Retirement


Apply for a SIN, what to do in case of loss or theft of a SIN and information
for employees and employers.


Applying for a passport, processing times, service locations, and find out what
to do if your passport is lost, stolen or damaged.


Quarterly tax-free credit to offset some or all of the GST or HST paid by lower
income Canadians.


Taxable cash grant and how to apply.


File a claim for unpaid wages or other monies when your employer declares
bankruptcy or is subject to a receivership.


Find federal, provincial and territorial programs and services in one convenient


Provide your feedback on our web pages, tools and products to help us improve
our services.


Expands services within communities to increase awareness of and access to
Service Canada's programs and services.


A list of services offered by Service Canada.


 * Ask us to call you by using eServiceCanada
 * Call us
 * Visit us


Do not come to a Service Canada Centre if you:

 * have symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty breathing
 * have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days
 * have been instructed by local public health authorities to self-isolate due
   to travel or contact history

Continue: Find an open Service Canada Office


 * Mandate
 * Programs
 * Transparency
 * Social media terms and conditions
 * Fraud Awareness and Reporting
 * Programs and policy development



 * Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Contributors Tables
 * Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Maximum Monthly Rates of New Benefits
 * Benefits Paid in Countries with which Canada has concluded a Social Security
 * Monthly Seasonal Adjusted Unemployment Rates by EI Economic Region

All related datasets


 * The Honourable Terry Beech
   Minister of Citizens' Services

 * Cliff Groen
   Associate Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development and Chief
   Operating Officer for Service Canada


 * X
 * YouTube
 * LinkedIn
 * Facebook


 * Minister Boissonnault announces new measures to address fraud in Canada’s
   Temporary Foreign Worker Program
   2024-08-06 08:47

More: Employment and Social Development Canada news


Dental coverage

Learn about the Canadian Dental Care Plan.

Video: My Service Canada Account

Find out how to access your pension and EI services and benefits online today!



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Need urgent help with a problem? Contact us

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You will not receive a reply. Don't include personal information (telephone,
email, SIN, financial, medical, or work details).

Maximum 300 characters


Thank you for your feedback.

Date modified: 2024-07-02



 * All contacts
 * Departments and agencies
 * About government


 * Jobs
 * Immigration and citizenship
 * Travel and tourism
 * Business
 * Benefits
 * Health
 * Taxes
 * Environment and natural resources
 * National security and defence
 * Culture, history and sport
 * Policing, justice and emergencies
 * Transport and infrastructure
 * Canada and the world
 * Money and finance
 * Science and innovation
 * Indigenous peoples
 * Veterans and military
 * Youth


 * Social media
 * Mobile applications
 * About Canada.ca
 * Terms and conditions
 * Privacy