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Submission: On July 17 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from GB
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Submission: On July 17 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from GB
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MORE OPTIONSAGREE cost of living crisis Menu * Investing * Mortgages * Retirement * Credit Cards & Loans * * Saving & Banking * Insurance * Household Bills * Economy Save, make, understand money * Investing * Mortgages * Retirement * Credit Cards & Loans * * Saving & Banking * Insurance * Household Bills * Economy Save, make, understand money TOP POSTS ECONOMY THE KING’S SPEECH 2024: ENERGY BILLS, RENTER RIGHTS AND RAIL REFORM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORTGAGES AVERAGE UK HOUSE PRICE JUMPS TO £285K IN MAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUY TO LET LANDLORDS ARE GETTING YOUNGER AS 30-SOMETHINGS EYE PORTFOLIO GROWTH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latest ECONOMY THE KING’S SPEECH 2024: ENERGY BILLS, RENTER RIGHTS AND RAIL REFORM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORTGAGES AVERAGE UK HOUSE PRICE JUMPS TO £285K IN MAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUY TO LET LANDLORDS ARE GETTING YOUNGER AS 30-SOMETHINGS EYE PORTFOLIO GROWTH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECONOMY INFLATION HOLDS AT 2%: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE BASE RATE? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRENDING The King’s Speech 2024: Energy bills, renter rights and rail reform Average UK house price jumps to £285k in May Landlords are getting younger as 30-somethings eye portfolio growth Inflation holds at 2%: What does this mean for the base rate? Nationwide and Santander reveal student account offers Badgers and oil leaks among Britain’s strangest home insurance claims Savings product choice hits highest point since 2012 Amazon Prime Day 2024: How to avoid getting scammed Football fans ramp up supermarket sales as grocery price inflation pulls back Travel insurance complaints soar to highest level since pandemic General election 2024 All the latest news, announcements and analysis on the general election 2024 MORTGAGES Housing market set for post-election revival ECONOMY Five changes for your finances under a Labour Government HOUSEHOLD BILLS Half of voters don’t think living standards will improve under next Govt ECONOMY Election manifesto round-up: What the party leaders have promised HOUSEHOLD BILLS Labour to shelve plans for VAT on private school fees until 2025 FIRST-TIME BUYER Half of voters think Government must work harder to push UK homebuilding HOUSEHOLD BILLS Last day to register to vote: Politics aside, this is why it’s so important for your finances ECONOMY Reform UK unveil plan to make £70bn of tax cuts ECONOMY Labour Party promises ‘economic stability’ and cheaper energy bills in manifesto BUY TO LET Green Party backs NI rise and reforms on renting and capital gains tax in manifesto GET UP-TO-DATE FINANCE AND MONEY NEWS STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX... Your Email Your Name LATEST View All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECONOMY THE KING’S SPEECH 2024: ENERGY BILLS, RENTER RIGHTS AND RAIL REFORM 17/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORTGAGES AVERAGE UK HOUSE PRICE JUMPS TO £285K IN MAY 17/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUY TO LET LANDLORDS ARE GETTING YOUNGER AS 30-SOMETHINGS EYE PORTFOLIO GROWTH 17/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECONOMY INFLATION HOLDS AT 2%: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE BASE RATE? 17/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDIT CARDS & LOANS NATIONWIDE AND SANTANDER REVEAL STUDENT ACCOUNT OFFERS 16/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blog WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO SAVE A LUMP SUM? INSURANCE BADGERS AND OIL LEAKS AMONG BRITAIN’S STRANGEST HOME INSURANCE CLAIMS 16/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS SAVINGS PRODUCT CHOICE HITS HIGHEST POINT SINCE 2012 16/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD BILLS AMAZON PRIME DAY 2024: HOW TO AVOID GETTING SCAMMED 16/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD BILLS FOOTBALL FANS RAMP UP SUPERMARKET SALES AS GROCERY PRICE INFLATION PULLS BACK 16/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE TRAVEL INSURANCE COMPLAINTS SOAR TO HIGHEST LEVEL SINCE PANDEMIC 16/07/2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUIDES View All -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERTS REVEAL THEIR OFF MARKET PROPERTY BUYING AND SELLING TIPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SPENDING TACTICS SAVVY HOMEBUYERS USE TO GET ON THE PROPERTY LADDER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 WAYS TO GET THE BEST MORTGAGE DEAL – FROM THE EXPERTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP TIPS FOR SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS APPLYING FOR A MORTGAGE EDITOR'S TIPS GO QUICKLY: £5 OFF £30 LIDL CODE TO CELEBRATE ENGLAND’S FOOTBALL SUCCESS View All 10 CAPITAL GAINS TAX TIPS TO SAVE YOU CASH View All THESE SIMPLE CAR MAINTENANCE CHECKS COULD SAVE YOU £1,000S View All GRANDPARENT PROVIDING CHILDCARE? JOIN 120,000 OTHERS CLAIMING PENSION BOOST View All YOURMONEY.COM AWARDS: HOW WE PICK OUR PERSONAL FINANCE AND INVESTMENT WINNERS View 2024 Investment and Personal Finance award winners YOURMONEY.COM AWARDS: HOW WE PICK OUR PERSONAL FINANCE AND INVESTMENT WINNERS View 2024 Investment and Personal Finance award winners Spring Budget 2024 All the latest news, announcements and analysis on Jeremy Hunt's and the Conservative Government's Spring Budget 2024 BLOG BLOG: Will the UK ISA benefit investors? HOUSEHOLD BILLS National Insurance cuts: How will it impact your pay? ECONOMY National Insurance cuts: Why did Hunt make them and who wins? ECONOMY Budget 2024: 10 key takeaways EXPERIENCED INVESTOR Budget 2024: A UK ISA and British Savings Bond from NS&I HOUSEHOLD BILLS Budget 2024: Hunt confirms National Insurance cut of 2p HOUSEHOLD BILLS Budget 2024: Major shake-up to ‘unfair’ High Income Child Benefit Charge unveiled ECONOMY Budget 2024: Fuel and alcohol duty freeze continues ECONOMY Budget 2024: Bank of England base rate expected to fall BUY TO LET Budget 2024: Govt scraps tax advantage for short-term let landlords Mortgage wars All the latest news on mortgage rates CREDIT CARDS & LOANS Consumer borrowing jumps while mortgage approvals dip BUY TO LET Spending on rent and mortgages rises in April, bucking Q1 trend FIRST-TIME BUYER Four key points to know about mortgage cashback deals FIRST-TIME BUYER Two thirds of first-time buyers team up to get on the ladder BUY TO LET Government hints at radical plans for 99% mortgages BUY TO LET House prices rise for third month in a row but set to fall in 2024 MORTGAGES Saga to offer ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ mortgages CREDIT CARDS & LOANS Fifth of adults have missed a bill payment in the past 12 months MORTGAGES Number of homes for sale reaches six-year high MORTGAGES Experts warn house prices will fall by up to 10 per cent next year but market crash unlikely Blog Commentary and blogs from experts across the personal finance and investment industry BLOG BLOG: Tackling the gender pension gap through our investments MONEY TIPS BLOG: Eight things to know about ISAs INVESTING BLOG: Digging deeper: Unearthing hidden investment opportunities BLOG BLOG: Last-minute picks: Eight funds for your ISA BLOG BLOG: Three themes for your Junior ISA BLOG BLOG: How to financially prepare for the transition into retirement BLOG BLOG: Why invest in a 5% cash savings world? BLOG BLOG: Tapping into the January investment sales BLOG BLOG: Five financial tips to keep your goals on track in 2024 BLOG BLOG: How not to outlive your retirement savings Savings All the latest savings and banking news NEWS Savings product choice hits highest point since 2012 NEWS Savers ‘short-changed’ on closed easy access accounts ECONOMY Consumer confidence in finances grows for third month in a row HOUSEHOLD BILLS ‘Significant number’ dip into savings every month to afford bills MONEY TIPS BLOG: Eight things to know about ISAs EXPERIENCED INVESTOR Residents in North West England most likely to save and invest FIRST-TIME BUYER Lifetime ISA deal with ‘market-leading interest’ launched FIRST-TIME BUYER Chancellor urged to reform Lifetime and Help to Buy ISAs CREDIT CARDS & LOANS Brits increase savings and cut borrowing, says Bank of England NEWS Skipton offers 5.5% savings rate – but beware of catches Retirement All the latest pensions and retirement news MORTGAGES Half a million pensioners still haven’t paid off their mortgage NEWS Renting in retirement? You’ll need savings of £400,000 to cover the cost NEWS Over 400,000 social care workers are not paid real Living Wage MORTGAGES Quarter of retirees financially struggling despite paying off mortgage NEWS State pension ‘knowledge gap’: Key retirement points to know FIRST-TIME BUYER Ultra-long mortgages threaten retirement plans NEWS Nearly two-thirds of workers retire before state pension age NEWS Savers set ‘for national crisis’ with £50bn in lost pension pots NEWS Ethnicity and gender pension gap: Opt-outs due to ‘lack of trust’ NEWS Emergency tax code chaos: Pensioners forced to reclaim £50,000 from HMRC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWSLETTER Your Email Your Name YOURMONEY.COM * About Us * Contact Us USEFUL LINKS * Your Mortgage * Mortgage Solutions * Specialist Lending Solutions * Terms and Conditions * Privacy Policy * Accessibility PART OF AE3 MEDIA LIMITED © AE3 Media Ltd, 21 Great Winchester Street, London, EC2N 2JA, Company Registration number 8938488. 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