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FortiGuard Labs Threat Research


By Geri Revay and Hossein Jazi | May 22, 2023

Affected platforms: Windows
Impacted parties: Windows Users
Impact: Allows remote code execution and persistent access to the host
(backdoor) and the rest of the network (proxy)
Severity level: Medium

At Fortinet, we monitor suspicious executables that make use of open-source
tools and frameworks. One of the things that we keep an eye out for is tools
that use the Donut project. Donut is a position-independent shellcode that loads
.NET Assemblies, PE files, and other Windows payloads from memory and runs them
with parameters. During our daily threat-hunting process in early February, we
encountered a kernel driver that used the Donut tool and caught our attention
for further analysis.  

The sample that triggered our rule was a driver called WinTapix.sys (which is
why we named it WINTAPIX). Since it uses Donut, we decided to analyze it
further. It turned out to be a very interesting sample that we believe is being
used in targeted attacks against countries in the Middle East.

This captured sample was compiled in May 2020 but was only uploaded to Virus
Total in February of this year. Pivoting from this sample, we found another
variant of this driver with the same name that was compiled around the same
time, but it was uploaded to Virus Total in September 2022. Pivoting again from
the used certificates, we found another variant of the WINTAPIX driver with the
SRVNET2.SYS name. This sample was compiled in June 2021 and was first observed
in the wild in December 2021. 

Based on the information we have collected so far, we now believe that this
driver has been active in the wild since at least mid-2020 and, to the best of
our knowledge, has not been reported before.

Observed telemetry shows that 65% of the lookups for this driver were from Saudi
Arabia, indicating it was a primary target. This same telemetry shows a
considerable increase in the number of lookups for this driver in August and
September 2022 and again in February and March 2023. This may indicate that the
actor(s) behind this driver was operating major campaigns on these dates.

However, we still do not have enough information about how this driver has been
distributed and who was behind these operations. Based on the victimology, we
suspect an Iranian threat actor developed this driver. Observed telemetry shows
that while this driver has primarily targeted Saudi Arabia, it has also been
detected in Jordan, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, which are the classic
targets of Iranian threat actors.

Since Iranian threat actors are known to exploit Exchange servers to deploy
additional malware, it is also possible that this driver has been employed
alongside Exchange attacks. To that point, the compilation time of the drivers
is also aligned with times when Iranian threat actors were exploiting Exchange
server vulnerabilities. 

The attribution process of this driver is still ongoing, and we will provide
additional info when we have a better idea about the identity of the threat
actor or group.

In this blog post, we provide a comprehensive analysis of this driver.


We analyzed the sample with the SHA-256 hash of
8578bff36e3b02cc71495b647db88c67c3c5ca710b5a2bd539148550595d0330, also known as
Wintapix.sys. As the file extension suggests, this is a Windows Kernel Driver.
Figure 1 shows some of its attributes.

Figure 1. Attributes of Wintapix.sys.

Its digital signature is invalid, meaning the threat actor might first need to
load a vulnerable (but legitimate) driver and exploit that to load the
Wintapix.sys. But once the driver is loaded, the following execution chain runs:

 1. Wintapix.sys is loaded in the kernel.
 2. Wintapix.sys injects an embedded shellcode into a suitable process local
    system privilege.
 3. The injected shellcode loads and executes an encrypted .NET payload.

We will look at these artifacts in more detail in the rest of the analysis.

Figure 2. Process of unpacking the final payload.


Wintapix.sys is partially protected by VMProtect, a software protection tool
that uses virtualization to protect software applications from reverse
engineering and unauthorized usage. It transforms the original executable file
into a virtualized code executed in a protected environment, making it difficult
to analyze and tamper with.

However, not all functions in the driver are protected, including the code that
creates the next stage of the attack, which is the focus of the analysis.


Wintapix.sys is essentially a loader. Thus, its primary purpose is to produce
and execute the next stage of the attack. This is done using a shellcode.
Interestingly, the shellcode (Figure 3) is hardcoded in the binary without any

Figure 3. Shellcode hardcoded in Wintapix.sys.

This defeats the purpose of protecting most of the binary with VMProtect since
most Anti-Virus engines can identify the embedded shellcode.

To inject the shellcode, the driver must first find a suitable target process.
The requirements for the target process are as follows:

 * The process runs with a Local System account.
 * The process is 32-bit.
 * The process name is not on the block list, which is ‘wininit.exe, csrss.exe,
   smss.exe, services.exe, winlogon.exe, and lsass.exe.’

Figure 4. Checking the process name block list.

Once a suitable process is found, it is opened with ZwOpenProcess(), and memory
is allocated in the target process’s memory with ZwAllocateVirtualMemory().
Finally, NtWriteVirtualMemory() injects the embedded shellcode into the target
process (Figure 5). The address of NtWriteVirtualMemory() is recovered in
runtime, helping to hide the function call from static analyzers.

Figure 5. Injecting into the target process with NtWriteVirtualMemory().


Another important function of Wintapix.sys is to set up persistence. This is
first done by creating register keys at the following places:

 * \\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WinTapix
 * \\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SafeBoot\\Minimal\\WinTapix.sys
 * \\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SafeBoot\\Network\\WinTapix.sys

The service for the driver is then created, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Creating a service for the driver.

Interestingly, the driver is set to load in Safe Boot. Safe Boot, also known as
Safe Mode, is a diagnostic startup mode in Windows that launches the system with
minimal drivers and services. It is designed to help users troubleshoot and
resolve software or driver-related issues that might prevent the system from
starting normally. Loading the driver in Safe Boot also adds another layer of
persistence to the mix.

All created registry keys are monitored using the ZwNotifyChangeKey(). This
Windows kernel-mode function allows monitoring changes to a specified registry
key. The function notifies the caller of any changes to the registry key by
signaling the event or invoking the APC (asynchronous procedure call) routine.
This makes it useful for applications that need to react to registry
modifications in real time. This allows the malware to reset itself in the
registry after it has been removed.

It also starts a new thread with PsCreateSystemThread() to monitor the file
location of Wintapix.sys. It uses NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile() to monitor
changes in the file. Should Wintapix.sys be deleted, it will write it back to
the same location.

Figure 7. Monitoring changes of the file on disk.


Fortunately, the embedded shellcode can be dumped from Wintapix.sys and analyzed
separately. It quickly revealed that the shellcode was created using the Donut

Donut allows you to convert any .NET assembly or shellcode file into
position-independent shellcode, which can then be injected into a target process
using techniques like process hollowing or thread hijacking. The generated
shellcode is self-contained and does not rely on any external dependencies. This
means that the primary goal in our analysis should be to extract the next attack
stage, which should be a .NET assembly.

The .NET payload can be extracted from the Donut shellcode by identifying and
breaking the decryption function in a debugger. After decryption runs, the .NET
assembly can be dumped from memory.


Once the payload is saved into a file, we analyzed it as a stand-alone .NET
executable. Of course, one of the advantages of .NET binaries (from a reverse
engineering point of view) is that they can be easily decompiled into source
code. This, of course, is a tremendous help in understanding the binary’s goals
and capabilities. Detect It Easy (Figure 8), however, tells us that this
executable has been protected by multiple obfuscators, particularly Smart
Assembly and Eazfuscator. Because of this, the deobfuscator tools did not help
much, and we just had to live with the challenge.

Figure 8. Detect It Easy shows multiple obfuscators applied on the .NET payload


The program's main function first decodes two arrays using the GetListUrls()
function (Figure 9), suggesting that the results contain URLs.

Figure 9. Resolving encoded strings

The array called ‘input’ contains the following decoded values:



The array called ‘input2’ contains the following values:



These values are used to construct URLs. However, the malware is looking for
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) characteristics to build them.
This means that this malware only targets IIS servers. On machines without IIS
installed, it will simply crash. Given the IIS characteristics shown in Figure
10, the malware extracts the sites hosted by the IIS server. And using that and
the strings listed above, it constructs a list of URL templates that it will
listen on.

Figure 10. Building a list of URL templates.

These URL lists are used in the two main functionalities of the payload:

 * Backdoor
 * Proxy


The list named ‘input2’ is used for the backdoor functionality. It starts an
HTTP listener on these URLs and uses the Program.HandleRequest() function to
handle any incoming requests, which then refers to
RequestHandler.Execute()(Figure 11).

Figure 11. Evaluating incoming requests in RequestHandler.Execute().

Let’s start from the end. If the incoming request contains the string
‘wOxhuoSBgpGcnLQZxipa’, then the string ‘UsEPTIkCRUwarKZfRnyjcG13DFA’ is sent
back. This seems to be a kind of heartbeat implementation.


If the request has a ‘Jet’ or ‘<space>Ver’ parameter, their values are
base64-decoded and used to build a command using cmd /c <command>. This is then
passed to the RunCommand() function, which executes them with Process.start().
Their output will be sent back in the response to the request.

And finally, if the request has a body, then the RunData() function (Figure 12)
is called.

Figure 12. RunData() function.

RunData() decrypts the body of the request and, depending on the message type,
implements the following actions:

 * Command Execution: as before, it executes the commands in the request body
 * File Upload: writes the file content from the request into a file on the
 * File Download: sends the requested file in the HTTP response


Encryption is implemented for both incoming and outgoing messages. The attribute
PrivateKey (Figure 13) suggests that it implements some kind of asymmetric
encryption algorithm. However, after looking further into the code, we
discovered that calling it a ‘PrivateKey’ is just an exaggeration. In reality,
there is nothing asymmetric about it, the program implements a simple XOR
encoding (Figure 14) as decryption and encryption using the ‘PrivateKey’ as a

Figure 13. 'PrivateKey' used for encryption and decryption.

Figure 14. XOR based decryption function.


The values from the list ‘input’ are used to start proxy listeners with
Proxy.HandleRequest() on those URLs. This part of the program can handle a
variety of data streams. If it’s just data, it will act as a simple proxy,
sending and receiving data between the two sides of the proxy.

However, it can also accept RDP configuration data (Figure 15).

Figure 15. Parsing the RDPConfig.

Using this RDP data, it can open a connection to the target RPD server and proxy
it to the threat actor.


This blog provided a detailed analysis of a driver named WinTapix, which we
identified in early Feb of this year. The driver uses a Donut open-source
payload to inject its shell code. It seems to be primarily targeting Saudi
Arabia. The attribution process of this driver is still ongoing, but based on
the victims, we assess with low confidence that this is a work of an Iranian
threat actor.


Fortinet customers are already protected from these APT and cyber-crime
campaigns through FortiGuard’s AntiVirus, FortiMail, and FortiClient services,
as follows:

 The following (AV) signatures detect the malicious documents mentioned in this


FortiEDR natively detects and blocks the malicious executables identified in the
report based on their behavior. The following image shows how FortiEDR detects
the suspicious driver load and flags the driver as malicious.

If you think this or any other cybersecurity threat has impacted your
organization, contact our Global FortiGuard Incident Response Team.










Injected Shellcode


.Net payload




The following MITRE ATT&CK overlay contains TTPs associated with the deployment,
installation and execution of the WinTapix driver and assocaited backdoor
identified by FortiGuard Labs.


In this section we are releasing the attack flow of Wintapix driver. The attack
flow shows the actions that have been executed by this Driver based on Mitre

Attack Flow is a language that explains how threat actors combine and sequence
various techniques and toolsets to accomplish their objectives.  This language
can help defenders to move from tracking individual adversary behaviors to
monitoring the series of actions that adversaries utilize to achieve their




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