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T-shirts and more apparel created and sold by Eric Bischoff
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 1.  Bischoff Position
     All Merchandise is owned by Ad Free Cares
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 2.  83 Weeks Thrasher Logo
     All Merchandise is owned by Ad Free Cares
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 3.  Mucker Futher
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 4.  Most Intelligent Listener
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 5.  Google The Internet
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
     Learn More
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 6.  Execution of Elocution
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 7.  Know What You Don't Know
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
     Learn More
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 8.  Nobody Gives A Sh*t
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 9.  Heat Is Life
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
     Learn More
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 10. Better Than Different Than
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 11. SARSA
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 12. Finlay Was The Fourth Horseman
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 13. Nothing Means Anything
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 14. 83 Meats Grill Team
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 15. I'm Proud I Don't Get It
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 16. I Forgot The Question
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
     Learn More
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 17. 83 Meats
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 18. Premier C-String Announcer
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 19. Glizzy King
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 20. Doesn't Work For Me Brother
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 21. Conrad Equals Ratings
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 22. Stories Drive Money
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 23. Deep In The Weeds
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 24. Belts Should Mean Something
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 25. Fired October/Main Event April
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 26. Jarring
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 27. I Hate Conrad Thompson
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 28. Yes. I Am A Model
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 29. Sesame Street Death Match
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 30. Peripheral Media
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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 31. Eric's Perfect Day
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
     Learn More
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 32. Too Fat for a Lambo
     All Merchandise is owned by 83 Weeks With Eric Bischoff
     All t-shirts unless otherwise noted are 100% preshrunk cotton
     All garments are made to order, please check size chart before ordering
     Made in Chicago of imported fabric or material
     Washing Instructions: Turn shirt inside out. Wash on gentle, cold water. No
     bleach, Dry with low setting or hang dry for best results.
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