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Slide 1 Market + Café
Slide 2 Join our program
Slide 3 Donate to MElly's
Slide 4 Our Summer program is back!

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We are a registered Canadian charity and not-for-profit café. Our mission is to
amplify the inclusion of individuals with intellectual and developmental
disabilities in the workforce and their community. 

Open Tuesday through Friday, from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM, our café invites you to
enjoy a selection of handcrafted hot and cold beverages, freshly baked treats,
and a marketplace brimming with unique gift ideas. We proudly feature products
from disability-owned businesses and emerging snack brands.

The best part? Your donations and purchases at our not-for-profit café will
support advancing opportunities and empowering the dreams of adults with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Behind the scenes, we are running Melly's Interactive Workplace Development
program. Your visit provides real opportunities for each participant to hone and
develop their skills as they work towards gaining the experience they need to
pursue their dream job in the community.

Our vision is clear: to walk into any establishment and see people with
disabilities participating as both staff and customers. 

You can help by visiting, bringing a friend, donating and spreading the word. 

Learn More


Our Interactive Summer Development Program is back and better than ever! Geared
towards students aged 16-21 with an intellectual or developmental disability,
this program is a deep dive into essential skills for personal and professional

Program Details:⁣
- Duration: 9 weeks⁣
- Frequency: 4 sessions per week (Tuesday to Friday)⁣
- Time: Each session runs from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM⁣
What’s Included:⁣
1. Workplace Development:⁣
- Work through 16 interactive modules in our café and market, including
Teamwork, Communication, Food and Beverage Preparation, Customer Service, and
2. Personal Development:⁣
- Grow through engaging activities and role-playing across 16 pillars like
Independence, Conflict Resolution, Leadership, and Work Ethic.
3. Dreams and Goals:⁣
- Set achievable goals with our guided support, and start building your resume
while focusing on future aspirations.
4. Friendship and Fun:⁣
- Enjoy perks like Coffee Bucks for café and market purchases, a café drink
every session, take-home Dream Jars, baking sessions with taste testing, and a
Summer Journal to document your journey. Plus, don’t miss out on our fun-packed
end-of-summer party!
By summer’s end, participants will leave with a comprehensive journal detailing
how they’ll continue to develop their skills at home and school.

Apply here!


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Check us out on social media to stay up to date on the cafe, market and our
Interactive Development Program!




🌟 DID YOU KNOW? 🌟 We roast our own coffee at Melly’s, offering a wide range of
specialty blends! ☕ Light Roast: Nutty and citrus flavours from Brazil ☕ Medium
Roast: Sugar and hazelnut flavours from Colombia ☕ Medium Roast: Honey and brown
sugar flavours from Costa Rica ☕ Medium Roast: Red berry and chocolate flavours
from Peru ☕ Dark Roast: Smooth dark chocolate flavours from Sumatra ☕ Dark
Espresso Roast: Milk chocolate and honey flavours from Guatemala And guess what?
We now SHIP! 🚚 Visit our new online shop for all your Melly’s favourites!
#MellysRoast #SpecialtyCoffee #FreshlyRoasted #CoffeeLovers #shoplocal
July 13 • View on Instagram


Our Summer Program is off to a great start! You’ll see many new faces at Melly’s
this summer. We’re having a lot of fun while diving into workplace training.
Can’t wait to introduce everyone! 👋 We’ve got lots of other things happening
too, like OPENING on Monday’s for the Summer! We’re now open Monday through
Saturday all summer long! ☀️ AND our new summer menu lanuches next week! Many
exciting things happening at Melly’s!
July 10 • View on Instagram


Don’t you agree? 🙊❤️ #morecoffeeplease #inclusionrevolution
July 4 • View on Instagram


Wishing everyone a happy and safe Canada Day Long Weekend! We’re closed until
Tuesday, July 2nd. See you in July!
June 28 • View on Instagram


We’re back at it tomorrow at 7:30am! ☀️ FYI! This will be a short week for us,
we’re closed on Friday for the long weekend. #inclusionrevolution
#morealikethandifferent #coffee #whitby #durhamregion
June 24 • View on Instagram


We’re open until 3pm today and every Saturday. Pop by and say hello 👋 #cafe
#whitby #durhamregion #herestocelebratingallabilities
June 22 • View on Instagram


We have had 2 spots open up for our Interactive Summer Program. If you are
interested, the application is available through the link in our bio or if you
know someone who might be interested, please share away! 🤗 We start July 2nd!
#teensummeractivities #summerprogram #summerdurham #durhamregion
June 21 • View on Instagram


Nothing pairs better with the end of the work week like a baked treat 😉 We’ve
got quite the line up at Melly’s and it’s all baked fresh here. What’s your
favourite? #inclusionmatters #nothingdownaboutit #morealikethandifferent
June 20 • View on Instagram


🌟 Want to help us grow? 🌟⁣ ⁣ There are so many ways you can support Melly’s
and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. ⁣ ⁣ Did you know
we’re a Registered Canadian Charity? 🇨🇦⁣ When you make a donation to Melly’s
either online or in-store, the funds are used to create more opportunities for
people with disabilities. You’ll also receive an official tax receipt and a
thank you card. 💌⁣ ⁣ Or visit us and purchase an item from our market, café, or
one of our delicious baked goods! 🥐 ⁣ All profits go back to our charity,
supporting our vision of seeing people with disabilities out and about,
participating in life as customers, friends employees, and entrepreneurs. ⁣ ⁣
Plus, your visits help our participants apply all the skills they are learning
through Melly’s interactive development program. ⁣ ⁣ You can also help us by
sharing, liking, and commenting online—every interaction helps us shift
perceptions and showcase the many talents and abilities in the disability
community. 🌍⁣ ⁣ #SupportMellys #InclusionMatters #disabilityawareness
June 17 • View on Instagram


⭐️🌟 TOMORROW ⭐️ 🌟 We’re so excited to be OPEN ON SATURDAY AND….
@bucandlesbyjacob is joining us. If you’ve tried these candles, then you will
understand the excitement. Come out and meet this talented entrepreneur tomorrow
at Melly’s! He’ll be bringing all of his candles, what a great time to shop.
Jacob’s life includes travelling all across Canada with his candles as he builds
his business and it also includes Down Syndrome! He’s an incredible example of
how important disability representation is in business and entrepreneurship.
There are so many ways someone can build a life that works for them and where
they can use their talent and ability to provide a service or product that
people love! In you’re in the Whitby area tomorrow, please come visit for
coffee, snacks and candles! 💕 #morealikethandifferent #nothingdownaboutit
#herestocelebratingallabilities #disabilitypride
June 14 • View on Instagram


⁣ 🌟 When you visit CrossFit Oshawa’s website, you’ll see: “We all start
somewhere. Where you start doesn’t matter, it’s where you’re going that counts.”
🌟⁣ That kind of inspiring thinking is second nature to Kev, the owner of CFO. ⁣
⁣ We believe Quadre and Kev were always destined to meet. 🤝 ⁣ Quadre is
dedicated to self-improvement and always seeks ways to be better. He understands
that it’s about starting and taking one step at a time to reach your goals. 🚀⁣
⁣ When we first met Quadre, he dreamed of working at a gym. Shortly after, we
were introduced to Kev, who came to Melly’s to meet Quadre in person. Now, over
a year later, Quadre continues to work at CFO, assisting coaches and organizing
the gym for athletes. 🏋️‍♂️⁣ ⁣ We’re incredibly grateful for leaders like Kev,
who do so much good for their community and ensure everyone is included. ⁣ Last
year, we participated in a CFO event, bringing Melly’s Café to the gym. Watching
people of all abilities working out and celebrating together was everything we
envisioned for Melly’s. 🌈⁣ ⁣ We’re so proud of Quadre’s hard work and
determination to find a job he loves and become a great team member who everyone
counts on. He’s also an incredible advocate for people with Autism and inspires
others as he pushes forward.⁣ ⁣ Thank you to our Business Inclusion Partners for
helping show what’s possible with inclusive hiring. ⁣ ⁣ #InclusionMatters
#CommunityStrong #fitnessforall
June 11 • View on Instagram


🫐 + 🥥 = an A+ drink. Every two weeks, someone from Melly’s creates a Drink of
the Week. Jasmine’s drink is fresh, fruity, creamy and a little bit tropical. We
Love it! #disabilitytiktok #morealikethandifferent #coffeetime
June 9 • View on Instagram


Through our Café and Market, we offer the community a place to celebrate the
participants in our development program and enjoy handcrafted drinks and food.

Our Workplace delivers Melly's Interactive Development Program.

An individualized, immersive experience built for the life-long learning and
development of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


Development • Hands-on Experience • Friendship • Purpose • Belonging

Our hands-on program delivers 16 modules on workplace skills and 16 pillars on
personal development, supporting the fundamental growth and skill-building
required to pursue employment in the community.

We are located in downtown Whitby, accessible by public transit.


Learn More Here


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- $30.00 CAD 40 - $40.00 CAD 50 - $50.00 CAD 75 - $75.00 CAD 100 - $100.00 CAD
200 - $200.00 CAD 250 - $250.00 CAD 500 - $500.00 CAD 1000 - $1,000.00 CAD 2000
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Melly's Market is a shoppable community experience filled with local goods and
supplies. Most of our shoppable products will be made in-house by our team. We
also showcase products by small businesses that we love like BU Candles, Simon's
Soapbox and The Granola Kid!

Our goal is to elevate and promote the many skills, talents and passions of
people of all abilities and provide a space for the community to shop and
support them.

The best part - all profits go back into creating more opportunities for the
disability community!

Learn more


Our not-for-profit café is a space to enjoy items prepared by our team of adults
with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

We serve great coffee, snacks and marketplace items, all prepared by individuals
in your community. 

Your support of our café is bigger than you can imagine. Each visit elevates and
supports the well-being and growth of each member of our team. 

We look forward to serving you!



- Melly


Melanie is 33 and starts each morning with a cafe mocha. She makes her breakfast
and then goes about her day, doing a little cleaning, some yoga, watching tv and
making more meals as required.

Her life also includes Down Syndrome.

She dreams of a life she sees her sister and brothers living; working, going
places, and friends.

Right now, for many adults living with intellectual and developmental
disabilities, it is only a dream.

We want to change that!

Melly's Workplace delivers a development program that provides hands-on
experience and belonging to develop skills, advance opportunities and empower
life's dreams and decisions.

We respectfully acknowledge that we are situated on the treaty & traditional
territory of the Mississauga of Scugog Islands First Nation of the Mississauga
Nation, on whose land we live, work and play. May we honour the knowledge and
understanding of Indigenous stewards of these ancestral lands and ensure that
the voices of the First Peoples are represented in our mission, training, and

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We are located at 1022 BROCK STREET South in Whitby, Ontario.

Questions? Email us!


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