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Victory At Sea DVD Set (3 DVD's)


Victory At Sea DVD Set (3 DVD's)
Your Price: $9.99
Compare at: $69.99  (85% off)
SPECIAL: 2 for $15.98 (89% off)
73 Reviews:



  Add to Cart
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Get one for $9.99
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Save $6.00 more and get three for $23.97



Why Buy?

During WW II, the US Navy used film to chronicle its activities more than any
other military force in history. Film techniques had advanced to include
portable cameras and quality film stocks, many of them color. Navy camera crews
were assigned to every battle.  

A few years after the Allied victory, NBC television created Victory At Sea
which cobbled together almost 13,000 hours of footage shot by the major
combatant navies, including Japanese footage.

Narrated by Broadway star Leonard Graves, and set to a famous score by Richard
Rodgers, Victory at Sea provided a firsthand look at every major naval
engagement of the war via the new medium of television... AND HAS NOW MADE ITS

It marked one of the first opportunities for average Americans to have such
major world events beamed directly into their living rooms. It also marked one
of the first attempts to use television to create a comprehensive, public record
of such major happenings. Victory at Sea was considered so important and such a
milestone both in broadcasting and the preservation of history that NBC ran the
entire series without commercial interruption. The series won both an Emmy and a
Peabody award for its excellence in public affairs programming.

Now, all 26 groundbreaking episodes of Victory at Sea have been lovingly
restored, complete with new introductions for each episode. EVERY collector
should add this to their collection.

Originally sold on TV for $199.99, you can get all 26 Original Episodes that
have been Digitally Restored for the unbelievable price of JUST $9.99.  Order
today! > 

Featured in this 26-part series are:

Design for War
The Pacific Boils Over
Sealing the Breach
Midway is East
Mediterranean Mosaic
Rings Around Rabaul
Sea and Sand
Beneath the Southern Cross
The Magnetic North
Suicide for Glory
Design for Peace Conquest of Micronesia
Melanesian Nightmare
Roman Renaissance
Killers and the Kill
The Turkey Shoot
Two if by Sea
The Battle for Leyte Gulf
Return of the Allies
Full Fathom Five
The Fate of Europe
Target Suribachi
The Road to Mandalay

BONUS 3rd DVD INCLUDED With 6 Programs:
America's Wars, Revolutionary War, The Civil War, World War I, WWII: The True
Glory, The Korean War: The First Forty Days in Korea, The Vietnam War: Vietnam!

Testimonials from those that bought this collectible treasure:

Superior historical footage; interesting and informative. Black and white
footage filmed in realtime during the conflict truly amazing. -- N. Cornelius

I have loved the series since watching it as a child on TV with my father and
uncles who had all served in that war. The subject matter and the wonderfully
appropriate musical score strike an emotional chord in me. --J. Brietto

This DVD collection is very good. There are other copies of this on the market
that are very inferior. I know because I bought one. As far as the content goes,
W.W.II is very well documented from Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima. The musical score
by Richard Rogers and the N.B.C. orchestra are half the program. If you're into
W.W.II history this is well worth the money. -- R. Gilson

A must see for anyone interested in an accurate depiction of major events of
World War II. Free from revisionist accounts of this history, Victory at Sea
uses actual footage gained from both sides of the conflict to meld together an
accurate picture of the battles.-- L. Taylor

This is all I hoped it would be.-- L. Wills

This is the finest American World War II Documentary series ever made. -- R.

Review this item!

  Fabulous Collection 
I had seen some of this a long time ago, but having this entire collection is
just wonderful!
8/27/2021 - LINDA M., CA.


  Great colorized edition of a classic 
Excellent piece of history
8/8/2021 - MARION B., MD.


  Victory at Sea 
As a young boy my grandfather and I would religiously watch Victory at Sea. I
loved it. I bought two copies and sent one to my baby brother now a RETIRED NAVY
CAPTAIN USNA graduate. He also loves it. The sound track alone is inspiring Go
4/24/2021 - JOHN O., NY.


  Victory At Sea 
Ive watched this show many times when it first came out. I purchased the cd set
because I want my grandchildren to be able to see what The Greatest Generation
did tp protect our heritage.
3/11/2021 - GEORGE M., NV.


  Best ever 
Watched it as a young person
3/2/2021 - ROBERT M., NC.


  Everyone should see these history CDs. 
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome.
2/22/2021 - RICHARD Y., FL.


  The best naval history video ever 
I remember watching this as a boy. It is still the best naval history video
12/22/2020 - IAN S., MS.


  An all time favorite. 
I remember watching this series in the early 60s and really enjoying it,
especially the music. When I saw the complete set here I jumped at the chance to
have it and enjoy it once again.
11/20/2020 - PAULA C., LA.


  Victory At Sea 
We are enjoying Victory at Sea. Brings us back to our youth & watching it with
our parents
9/15/2020 - BOB C., CA.


over all very good
9/14/2020 - MICHAEL F., NY.


  wonderful series-fond memories 
excellent score by rogers
8/6/2020 - ROBERT J., FL.


Saw this in the 50s but dont remember it. Good depiction of what war is really
like. Good score by one of Americas greatest composers.
7/23/2020 - ROGER C., MO.


  This is History 
If you close your eyes and listen to the score you will feel the movement of the
ships. It is a great program to watch.
7/3/2020 - MARK G., ID.


  Great gift idea 
Two friends of mine have already enjoyed viewing theirs, and I havent made time
to look at mine yet.
5/5/2020 - Steven K., ND.


  Great Look Back in Time 
Excellent video/audio quality. Took me back to tv in the 50s.
3/13/2020 - WALTER W., NY.


  Victory at Sea 
Being a retired sailor this was very good as it brought back things forgotten.
3/8/2020 - WILLIAM N., FL.


  great dvds 
good fidelity, colorization, family loved it.
1/7/2020 - JULIE W., TX.


  Americas Industry fighting war on two fronts 
Almost every two front war has been lost and Gallipoli said assault landings
couldnt be won, but America and our Allies did both during WWII. Marines ship
borne soldiers bore the brunt and the casualties putting down Tojo in the west
and Eisenhowers allies in Europe. The U.S. Navy was there for all of it.
10/20/2019 - HAROLD B., OH.


  Victory at Sea DVD 
I bought this as an early Christmas gift for my man. He just loves it. He
remembers watching the episodes on tv when he was a kid. Very good quality. Many
hours of viewing. Something he will watch many times.
10/17/2019 - AUDREY A., CA.


  Victory at Sea DVD Set 
Product was as described and arrived in a short amount of time.
10/17/2019 - R K., VA.


  REAL THING says WW2 sub veteran. 
Series is the real thing says a 25 year WW2 submarine veteran. My dad was there!
6/25/2019 - BILL B., GA.


  Enjoyed Victory At Sea 
I actually just got done watching Victory At Sea , its very informational , I
really had no clue what it was like during WW2 .
3/26/2019 - STEVEN J., MN.


  Classic TV Series 
This series appeared on national TV in the 1960s. It is a fine documentary
covering the war at sea in all theatres. The fine soundtrack became famous on
its own. Pulsetv.com shipped the product promptly.
2/21/2019 - ERNEST K., MN.


  Great Naval War Footage 
This is a great set for the Naval History buff. It tells the history of the
Navys role in WWII. Highly recommended!
11/26/2018 - STEPHEN C., GA.


  Memorable Series 
Remarkable price and excellent quality for a much loved series from my youth.
Shared a second copy with my retired, ex-Navy, cousin who also gives it high
11/20/2018 - DANIEL G., NC.


  Just as I remember them from my youth 
Great memories. Just as I remember theseprograms from the 50s. Great history
11/18/2018 - BRUCE W., MO.


  Victory at Sea 
Great pickup on an old TV series
7/10/2018 - JOHN C., NY.


  Victory at Sea DVDs 
I watched the original shows when I was a small child. They are still excellent
today. These DVDs give a view of what really happened during WWII. I recommend
to any one who is a student of history.
6/14/2018 - GUY O., CT.


  Walking down memory lane. . . . . . . 
50 years ago when I was in Navy bootcamp Camp Nimitz, San Diego we watched these
films. Gave pride in country. Have seen them randomly since but Im now overjoyed
that I can watch them whenever I want and take a stroll down Memory Lane. Thank
you PulseTV. Good Job
5/1/2018 - NATHAN C., OK.


  Victory at Sea 
Was an all time favorite of ours going back many years. Great, good quality
reproduction and true to original.
4/29/2018 - WILLIAM G., FL.


  great WW II history 
very good history of war in the pacific.
4/13/2018 - ROBERT C., FL.


  A Hit! 
Remembered watching them as a youngster l. Great to see them again!
3/22/2018 - H C., MA.


After 60 plus years this series still accurately tells the history of WWII.
Richard Rogers score stands alone as a major American classic.
3/22/2018 - VERNON T., FL.


3/15/2018 - LARRY E., IL.


  Victory at Sea 
Brings back memories when I was younger and watched these movies on the TV. Now
I have the whole series I can watch when and where I want to. I am making a list
of Air Craft Carrier numbers and names from WWII.
2/27/2018 - Herman K., LA.


  Victory at Sea 
It was all I expected it to be and then some. I have the full series now.
2/20/2018 - Herman K., LA.


  Excellent Series, price and quality fantastic! 
I really enjoyed watching this series again.The third bonus DVD is also very
interesting and informative. I also ordered Secrets of War, World War 2 Diaries
and another WW2 2 DVD set. The prices for these high quality DVD collections is
extraordinary. Ill be ordering other items from Pulse TV. Really fortunate to
have accidentally found this website. Looks to be full of genuine great deals
and products.So far, very pleased with Pulse TV.
12/9/2017 - Greg O., MO.


  Victory at Sea.... Classic Valor 
Great set of dvds. Great topic. I wish everyone of our younger generation could
see how there freedom was won and kept free for them by the brave men and women
of my generation.
7/14/2017 - Bruce, VT.


  Good -- but did not meet expectations 
Anyway you look at it, Victory At Sea is magnificent and has certainly become a
WWII classic. However, I was disappointed in this product. I thought I was
ordering a digitized version of the original, but video quality only fair, I
have the original, quite evident this is a copy. It sure beats nothing but not
the original. Price good, Service excellent. Will remain a customer? Yes! -
7/14/2017 - WAYNE B., MO.


  Victory At Sea 3 DVDs 
Fantastic movie that really grabs a persons attention. Somewhat of a nail-biter.
Highly recommended!!
7/14/2017 - BILL C., IL.


  Victory at Sea 
A wonderful gift for the history buff!
7/14/2017 - Richard R., WA.


  Great Series 
This series was good when it aired on TV. As a WW2 buff, I love the dvd with all
the episodes on it. I would highly recommend this to everyone. - DAVID BLAESS,
7/14/2017 - DAVID B., MI.


  Victory at Sea DVD set 
I bought this set for my 91-year-old Navy veteran father. He loves it and will
keep him entertained for hours. The excellent price was definitely a factor in
purchasing this - Pat Kellen, DE
7/14/2017 - Pat K., DE.


  Victory at Sea DVD 
Enjoyed episodes Ive watched so far. Only negative is poor quality of
7/14/2017 - Joe C., IL.


  Victory At Sea DVD 
Many young people in the U.S. dont understand what WWII was about and how the
U.S. countered the loss of our fight Navy after the Japanese bombed the ships at
Pearl Harbor Hawaii. Surface ship warfare and submarine actions are shown in
detail. Great educational record for all Americans.
7/14/2017 - Kory F., AL.


  Great History of World War II 
Great Memories of watching Victory at Sea with my father who was in the Navy in
the South Pacific in World War II. Victory at Sea series should be part of
American History classes for your new generation of kids so they can appreciate
what our service man and woman and those who gave the ultimate and why we should
appreciate the freedoms we have and our Flag that represents that freedom!
7/14/2017 - THOMAS D., CA.


  Victory At Sea 
Very interesting history of US conflicts during the War.
7/14/2017 - STEVEN H., IL.


  Great Series bad copy 
I was very excited when this item came for sale...too bad the video quality was
so poor...a very bad copy. Very much inferior to the VHS set that Ive had from
the Time-Life series offered many years ago. Nevertheless, a classic thats worth
a watch.
7/14/2017 - PAUL A., VA.


  Victory At Sea 
Ive been waiting years for this volume to come out at an affordable price and
here it is. Ive been watching it ever since I received it. An epic series.
7/14/2017 - MICHAEL H., NV.


  Good product 
Fast delivery and good price.
7/14/2017 - Greg F., MN.


  Victory At Sea 
Ive been waiting years for this volume to come out at an affordable price and
here it is. Ive been watching it ever since I received it. An epic series.
3/1/2017 - MICHAEL H., NV.


  Great Series bad copy 
I was very excited when this item came for sale...too bad the video quality was
so poor...a very bad copy. Very much inferior to the VHS set that Ive had from
the Time-Life series offered many years ago. Nevertheless, a classic thats worth
a watch.
2/16/2017 - PAUL A., VA.


  Victory At Sea 
Very interesting history of US conflicts during the War.
1/25/2017 - STEVEN H., IL.


  Victory at Sea 
I purchased this video for my husband Paul. He is almost done with the first of
3 disks. So far he has enjoyed it. So happy I got this for him!!!


  Victory At Sea DVD 
Many young people in the U.S. dont understand what WWII was about and how the
U.S. countered the loss of our fight Navy after the Japanese bombed the ships at
Pearl Harbor Hawaii. Surface ship warfare and submarine actions are shown in
detail. Great educational record for all Americans.
1/18/2017 - LA.


  Great History of World War II. 
Great Memories of watching Victory at Sea with my father who was in the Navy in
the South Pacific in World War II. Victory at Sea series should be part of
American History classes for your new generation of kids so they can appreciate
what our service man and woman and those who gave the ultimate and why we should
appreciate the freedoms we have and our Flag that represents that freedom!
1/18/2017 - THOMAS D., CA.


  Victory at Sea DVD 
Enjoyed episodes Ive watched so far. Only negative is poor quality of


  Victory at Sea DVD set 
I bought this set for my 91-year-old Navy veteran father. He loves it and will
keep him entertained for hours. The excellent price was definitely a factor in
purchasing this
1/4/2017 - Pat K., DE.


  Victory at Sea 
A wonderful gift for the history buff!
11/30/2016 - RICHARD R., AZ.


  Great Series 
This series was good when it aired on TV. As a WW2 buff, I love the dvd with all
the episodes on it. I would highly recommend this to everyone.
11/30/2016 - DAVID B., MI.


  Vietory At Sea 3 DVDs 
Fantastic movie that really grabs a persons attention. Somewhat of a nail-biter.
Highly recommended!!
11/9/2016 - BILL C., IL.


  Good -- but did not meet expectations 
Anyway you look at it, Victory At Sea is magnificent and has certainly become a
WWII classic. However, I was disappointed in this product. I thought I was
ordering a digitized version of the original, but video quality only fair, I
have the original, quite evident this is a copy. It sure beats nothing but not
the original. Price good, Service excellent. Will remain a customer? Yes!
10/11/2016 - WAYNE B., MO.


  Victory at Sea DVD 
Quality is better than one purchased from another source but not pristine.


  Victory at Sea.... Classic Valor 
Great set of dvds. Great topic. I wish everyone of our younger generation could
see how there freedom was won and kept free for them by the brave men and women
of my generation.
9/16/2016 - Bruce


  Victory at Sea 
Just wonderful memories of when my Dad and I sat and watched this perogram on TV
together when I was a kid.
9/13/2016 - WM GARY K., AR.


  Great series 
I remember watching the original tv series - I even had a few episodes on DVDs
but the quality had deteriorated - this was a great find. Very pleased.
8/24/2016 - Ray E., CA.


Since I have the VHS edition of Victory at Sea and I watched it on TV back in
the 50s this is the climax to all those.


  Victory at Sea 
Watched this series as a boy and never forgot it. Great DVD set of the original
series. Have watched it twice and am still fascinated by the photography and
narration. A must buy set if you have any interest in war.
7/25/2016 - CLIFFORD T., NC.


Remember watching these every week with our Dad, he served in the US Navy during
WW II. As same as was on TV in the 50s.
7/11/2016 - JOSEPH T B., IL.


  Victory at Sea 
This is a great way to learn history. Most of what we learned in school about
WWI was anout Europe. Never realized what our men in the Pacific went through.
7/6/2016 - Betty C.


  Victory at Sea one of the greatest documentaries 
WWII...one of the most horrific wars in history fought on land in the air and on
and under the sea. The score was written by Richard Rogers and can almost by
itself transport the viewer to the time and place of the actual conflict. The
documentary shows the actual course of the war at sea in 26 segments of half an
hour. Done tastefully and yet without trying to minimize the horror of armed
combat, this is one of the most honored documentary series in history. I saw
most of the series as a pre teen and have wanted to view it again for years. As
a Vietnam veteran I have seen wartime, and understand how important our badly
damaged sea power was to our ultimate victory by our greatest generation and the
price paid for this victory by all sides
5/25/2016 - Eugene E., MN.


  Victory At Sea 
Great series. Excellent quality, both sound and video, and nicely packaged. A
great buy at the price. One of the two sets I bought are a Christmas present for
a younger friend who was not yet born during WWII.
5/9/2016 - DONALD R., FL.


  Victory At Sea 
I frirst saw The TV series as a young teenager in the 1950s. the accounts of our
brave military has stuck with me today as a 74 year old. This is a film series
well worth buying and the shows music will forever hunt one. A remarkable TV
show with remarkable music. One will not be disappointed.
7/5/2014 - BETTY L. G., TX.


Review this item!

I am so excited that we have the original Victory At Sea back on our site.

This has always been a top seller and I'm sure we will sell out fast for three

1. The low, low price of $9.99 for this three-disc collector's set edition,
which used to sell for $199.99.

2. Victory at Sea, a 26-episode series represented one of the most ambitious
documentary undertakings of early network television.

3. This new collection include a third DVD with 6 bonus programs!

Yes.. you get all of this for $9.99... but it gets better if you want to buy
more. You can actually save an additional $4.00 and get two collection for
$15.98. Perfect gift for any history or WWII buff.

About Victory At Sea:
The series premiered on the last Sunday of October 1952, and subsequent episodes
played each Sunday afternoon through May 1953. Each half-hour installment dealt
with some aspect of World War II naval warfare and highlighted each of the sea
war's major campaigns.

One point I want to make... this is THE version to own. It's Digitally
Re-mastered and Digitally Restored. Don't be fooled with lower price, lower
quality versions. This is the best version available. More details are below.

Considered the most influential documentary in television history, Victory At
Sea, in the words of Harper's Weekly, "created a new art form." The 26 half-hour
episodes were culled from over 13,000 hours of footage shot by the U.S.,
British, German and Japanese navies during World War II.

Original 26 Episodes Digitally Restored and Re-mastered on two (2) DVDs, plus
RARE footage from: * Iwo Jima * Okinawa * Guadalcanal * Mediterranean

Remember you do get a bonus third DVD with the following 6 Programs:
America's Wars, Revolutionary War, The Civil War, World War I, WWII: The True
Glory, The Korean War: The First Forty Days in Korea, The Vietnam War: Vietnam!

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Home  >  DVDsHistory & Politics

Victory At Sea DVD Set (3 DVD's)

Victory at Sea, a 26-episode series on World War II, represented one of the most
ambitious documentary undertakings of early network television. Plus bonus DVD
with 6 additional programs.

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