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Tim Kunt


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Publication, Show, Software, Game, Blog
Integer Programming, Graph Theory, Cultural History and Theory, Chess

Zuse Institute Berlin, University of the Arts Berlin,
Technical University Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin


The n-Queens Problem in Higher Dimensions

Thesis, Integer Programming, Graph Theory, Chess, Technical University Berlin
How many mutually non-attacking queens can be placed on a d-dimensional
chessboard of size n? We provide a comprehensive overview on theoretical
results, bounds, solution methods and the interconnectivity of the problem
within topics of discrete optimization and combinatorics. 
We present an integer programming formulation and several strengthenings,
achieving a speedup in runtime between 15-70x over all instances.

MSc Thesis at Technical University Berlin, Institute of Mathematics, Discrete
und Algorithmic Mathematics, supervised by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Koch


Dissonance  Within 2023 
with Özcan Ertek, Jung Hsu, Fang Tsai and Erik Anton Reinhardt

Show, Cultural History and Theory
Participatory exhibition at Zwitschermaschine Berlin.


Dall-ix 2023
with Erik Anton Reinhardt

Game, Cultural History and Theory

Historically, intelligence is perceived as human through play, as it is apparent
from human-to-human cultural practice and software benchmarking by having it
compete against itself or human professionals. 
Recently, responses that are not verifiable have led to the perception of
intelligence increasingly shifting towards plausibility instead. We demonstrate
that cultural affirmation is desired, or even necessary, for human plausibility
and, thus, the perception of intelligence. 
Variation on the card game Dixit.


TSP Racer  v1

Game, Integer Programming, Graph Theory, Zuse Institute Berlin
Technical prototype for a racing game, that illustrates the travelling
salesperson problem. The shortest route might not always be the fastest,
prompting the question how searching for the fastest tour could be modeled.

Developed for Long Night of Sciences,  Zuse Institute Berlin


Computing bounds for ranks and qualification of the DPC

Blog, Integer Programming, DotA, Zuse Institute Berlin
The Elimination Problem in sports asks whether a team can still achieve a
particular result given the current standings of the league and its structure. 
In DotA, the major goal of many teams during a season is to qualify for The
International (TI), as its prize money and prestige are unmatched. This
motivates the question to find individual provable bounds for qualification to
TI — in other words: How many points does a certain team need to be qualified
for TI at a given point in time?


More stitches, less riches

Software, University of the Arts Berlin
In More stitches, less riches the dolphin fresco of the Minoan palace of Knossos
continuously extends, applying outpainting methods. Viewers may engage in the
process of restoration, decay and distortion. The work connects the exploitative
management of the archaeological site to the question, whether a similar
distorting effect on the cultural cycle is emergent through generative models.


Politics of Seating 2023
in collaboration with the design project Hybrid Occasions at UdK Fashion

Show, University of the Arts Berlin, Integer Programming
Stage design and seating arrangement for runway shows inevitably impose what
Kondo calls the politics of seating. As desirable seats close to the stage are
allocated with consideration, the importance of the front row exceeds its
functional advantage and becomes a signifier of status. 
The question arises if stage and space can be imagined in ways that level and
amplify the experience for the audience overall, eroding the spatial hierarchies
that produce the politics of seating. 

Choreography and direction for UdK fashion show


Knight’s Yarn
with Lilith Hoffmann

Blog, Chess The knight tour on an infinite chess board is a sequence of knight
moves during which the knight may only visit each square once. Each subsequent
move is determined by choosing the next square closest to the origin.
Eventually, the knight gets trapped when there is no longer a free square to
jump to.
We compute the sequence of moves for a knight on an infinite three-dimensional
chessboard, asking whether the knight also gets trapped, and if so, when?


Non-homogeneous random walks on Elo-rating systems

Thesis, Stochastic Processes, Rating Algorithms, Humboldt University of Berlin
The Elo rating system, a paired comparison model, is widely used in sports,
games, and various other more abstract applications. 
We identify the Elo rating of a single player over time as a spatially
non-homogeneous random walk and provide a recurrence theorem for the rating
process. Further, we discuss a series of practical questions and improvements
regarding the implementation of Elo-type rating systems.

BSc Thesis at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Mathematics, Applied
Financial Mathematics & Applied Stochastic Analysis, supervised by Prof. Dr.
Dörte Kreher


On  Julian Charrière’s Panorama

Blog, Cultural History and Theory, Humboldt University of Berlin
Blog post on Julian Charrière’s Panorama series, exhibited in the 2020 exhibtion
Models of Nature in Contemporary Photography at Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung.


with Johannes Tornow and Ben Steenhuisen

Software, DotA
Analytics software for professional esports teams using descriptive statistics
and data visualization.