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Text Content


 * Home
 * Pricing
 * The Botany At Dairy Farm
   * Developer
   * Project Details
   * Location Map
   * Site Plan
   * Floor Plan
   * Gallery
   * Video
   * E-Brochure
   * Elevation Chart
   * Balance Units Chart
 * Dairy Farm
   * Bukit Panjang URA Master Plan
   * Bukit Panjang URA Master Plan (Chinese)
 * Press
   * New private home sales hit a more than 2-year high amid recession
   * Sim Lian Group is top bidder for Dairy Farm Walk GLS site at $980 psf ppr
   * URA launches Dairy Farm Walk GLS site for tender
   * Property On Track To Double By 2030
 * Financing
   * Stamp Duty
   * Purchase Timeline
   * Payment Scheme
   * Housing Loan Information
   * ——————— Calculators ———————
   * Maximum Loan Eligibility Calculator (TDSR)
   * Progressive Payment Calculator
   * Rental Yield Calculator
 * Book Appointment
 * Contact

 * For Sales Enquiries
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 * For Sales Enquiries
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 * For Sales Enquiries
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 * For Sales Enquiries
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 * For Sales Enquiries
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Last Updated: 22nd May 2023

Latest Unit Sold: For Sale Soon | See the Balance Units Chart (Coming Soon)

Due To COVID-19 & New Safety Management Measures, All The Botany At Dairy Farm
Showflat Viewings Require One Day Advance Notice.


The Botany at Dairy Farm Guide Price

1 Bedroom + Study From $998,000

2 Bedroom From $1.2m

3 Bedroom From $1.7m

4 Bedroom From $2.39m

5 Bedroom From $2.88m

 * * * 22-05-2023: Book an Appointment to view The Botany At Dairy Farm Show
       Flat and get Direct Developer Price + Discounts.
     * 22-05-2023: Check your loan eligibility by calculating at Max Loan
       Eligibility Calculator (TDSR) in this website
     * 02-11-2019: View The Botany At Dairy Farm pricing here with star buy
     * 07-10-2019: Download and view the The Botany At Dairy Farm E-Brochure.


View Past Updates

Showflat Viewing Is Strictly By Appointment Due To Safety Management Measures.
One Day Advance Booking Required.

Book Appointment To View The Botany At Dairy Farm Showflat


 * Date (Opens From 17 Feb 2023)*
   Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
 * Time*
 * Bedroom Size Preference*
   1 Bedroom2 Bedroom3 Bedroom4 Bedroom5 Bedroom
   Select your most preferred bedroom size. You can always change your
   preference later.

 * Name*
 * Email*
 * Mobile*
 * Owns A HDB Now*
   Yes. Already Met MOPYes. MOP Not MetNo
 * Investment Budget*
 * Owns 1 or more residential property right now?*
   YesYes. Need to sell existing property before purchaseNo
 * Comments/Message
   Tell us how we can help you by providing as much details as you can.
 * Acceptance of Privacy Policy*
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The Botany At Dairy Farm at Dairy Farm will be the next upcoming new private
residential condo brought to you by the highly recognized local developer Sim
Lian Group. The Group have been around for more than forty years, building
numerous quality homes in Singapore.

Armed with construction and building expertise, Sim Lian Group has built up a
stellar portfolio and won several awards over the years . They were ranked  the
Top 100 Brands for five consecutive years in Singapore and also listed as a Top
10 Developer in 2015 and 2016 by BCI Asia in Singapore.

Sim Lian Group has delivered more than 22 impressive residential developments in
Singapore to happy home buyers with efficient layouts and high quality finishing
since its incorporation in 1976.

The Group takes pride in creating greater value for its clients and evolving to
keeping up with new challenges today.

Some of The Botany At Dairy Farm Developer’s proven track records include Viz at
Holland, Clover by The Park, Hillion Residences, The Lincoln Residences and A
Treasure Trove among many others.

The Botany At Dairy Farm pricing is not released and is expected to start at an
attractive entry price for keen home buyers and investors.


The Botany At Dairy Farm condo is located along Dairy Farm Walk, at the heart of
Dairy Farm private residential enclave. It is just opposite German European
School and diagonally across the upcoming Dairy Farm mall.

This upcoming new condo in district 23 falls under the Bukit Panjang Master Plan
in Singapore.

This new condo is well served by the matured transportation network that
connects its future residents to the major highways like Bukit Timah Expressway
(BKE) and Pan Island Expressway (PIE) easily.

Not forgetting the existence of Cashew and Hillview MRT stations as well as
Pending and Petir LRT stations that are only a short stroll away. There are also
several buses services right outside that brings you to other parts of Singapore

For retail therapy, the shopping malls close to The Botany at Dairy Farm are
Dairy Farm mall, Westmall, Hillion Mall, Bukit Panjang Plaza which are only a
short drive away. For food lovers, Railway Mall and Cheong Chin Nam Rd have a
wide variety of food options and open till late.

Families in search of good primary schools can consider Bukit Panjang Pri
School, Zhenghua Pri School and CHIJ Our Lady Queen of Peace that are just
within 1km radius to the condo.

Nestled in a tranquil estate known for its greenery, The Botany At Dairy Farm
Singapore is near to two Nature Reserves and several parks in Singapore.

Know more amenities offered by referring to our The Botany At Dairy Farm
location map.


Interested to view The Botany At Dairy Farm showflat? We recommend you secure
your viewing appointment on this official portal. Alternatively, do give us a
call at our Sales Hotline 61009963 at least one day in advance before making
your way down to The Botany At Dairy Farm showroom.

Advance notice is highly preferred as the show flat may be closed periodically
on weekdays for sanitizing, regular showroom maintenance or developer’s private

You can be assured that you will definitely get to enjoy the best direct
Developer prices should you register an appointment with us here via our online
appointment booking form. Our experienced and friendly sales consultants will
contact you within 2 hours during working hours to confirm with you the viewing
slot booked.

Email confirmation will be sent once you have booked your showflat viewing
appointment. Please do not book again in case of duplicates.

You will be glad to know that no commission is payable by the intended purchaser
if you buy your choice unit through this official website.

Meanwhile, please take note that all the balance units released for sale are
available and is on a first-come first-sold basis at The Botany At Dairy Farm

If you are keen to proceed reserving your selected choice unit with us via phone
and online submission form, we would like to highlight to you that the maximum
reservation period is up to 2 hours only. All unit reservations requested are
subject to developer’s approval.

Book An Appointment To Get Direct Developer Price
Book an Appointment

The Botany At Dairy Farm is a brand new luxury condominium nestled in the
tranquil Dairy Farm residential estate, under Bt Panjang in District 23 of

This new Dairy Farm condo comprises of 385 residential apartments with full
condo facilities. There will be highly efficient layouts from 1+Study, 2, 3, 4
to 5 bedroom types suited for singles, families and investors.

The Botany At Dairy Farm is well served by the existing mature transport network
which are just short distances away. Residents at this new condo will also
expect major transformation and rejuvenation to the Upper Bukit Timah stretch
after the completion of the Beauty World Integrated Hub only 7 minutes drive

Residents with own transport at The Botany At Dairy Farm Singapore get easy
access to two major highways, the Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE) and the
Pan-Island Expressway (PIE), makes reaching other parts of Singapore

Dairy Farm residential estate is a popular choice for nature lovers as it is
surrounded by many nature parks and residents get to enjoy lots of fresh air
among the lush greenery.

Hence, nature lovers will be thrilled to know that The Botany At Dairy Farm is
well located between Singapore’s two popular nature parks, namely the Dairy Farm
Nature Park and Bukit Batok Nature Park.

Additionally, just a short 5 minutes drive will bring you to Bukit Bukit Town
Park, which is well-known for Singapore’s Little Guilin. It is a popular hot
spot for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts.

Nature parks aside, residing at The Botany at Dairy Farm condo gives you a many
shopping and dining options nearby.

You can head to Railway Mall or Chin Cheong Nam Rd for meals, groceries or even
late night foot massages. Prefer shopping malls? There are Dairy Farm mall, West
Mall, Bukit Timah Plaza or Bukit Panjang Plaza for you to choose from.

 * Potential investors and home buyers can view and download The Botany At Dairy
   Farm Floor Plan and The Botany At Dairy Farm E-Brochure here.

Book An Appointment to view The Botany At Dairy Farm ShowFlat & get VVIP
Discounts (Limited Time), Direct Developer Price, & Hardcopy
E-Brochure. Guaranteed with Best Price Possible.


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Developer: Dairy Farm Walk Development Pte Ltd

Address:  Dairy Farm Walk

Total Units: 385 units

Tenure: 99 Years Lease

Site Area: 15,663.2sqm

Expected TOP:  TBA



 * The Botany At Dairy Farm
 * Developer
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The Botany At Dairy Farm

+65 6100-9963

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Copyright © 2023 | The Botany At Dairy Farm | Dairy Farm Walk Development Pte
Ltd | +65 6100 9963

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