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At Benadryl, we are committed to reducing your allergy and cold symptoms so you
and your families can get back to living your life. For over 75 years, we have a
been a trusted staple in medicine cabinets around the world.


Item NaN of 1



Adult Oral
Adult Topical
Kid’s Products

Best Sellers

BENADRYL® Allergy Plus Congestion for Sinus Pressure & Nasal Congestion Relief

Children’s BENADRYL® Allergy Relief Liquid Medicine with Diphenhydramine HCl

BENADRYL® Extra Strength Topical Analgesic Spray for Skin Itch & Rash Relief

BENADRYL® Allergy Antihistamine Dye-Free LIQUI-GELS® with Diphenhydramine HCl 25
 * 1
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Related Content


Find The Right Dose



Is It A Cold Or Allergies?



Allergy sufferers have immune systems that mean well, but are a little
over-reactive, releasing chemicals like histamine to get rid of normally
harmless substances called allergens.



Allergy sufferers have immune systems that mean well, but are a little
over-reactive, releasing chemicals like histamine to get rid of normally
harmless substances called allergens.



If you have a little one who appears to be experiencing symptoms, talk to your


Kid’s Allergies

Typically, children under age 3 don’t have allergies. If you have a little one
who appears to be experiencing symptoms, talk to your pediatrician.



Our brains should know better, but we can’t resist the urge to scratch an itch.
Scientists are still scratching their heads trying to figure out exactly why.


Itchy Skin

Our brains should know better, but we can’t resist the urge to scratch an itch.
Scientists are still scratching their heads trying to figure out exactly why.



Have Questions?



Safety Is Our Top Priority


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Safety Is Our Top Priority


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