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Submitted URL: http://el.mouth.com/ls/click?upn=jxa6-2Fa-2Bx1omPJfEMf3l4zl9xjXzU-2BFy2VwxB76kk4u26prAIGQyI5nYTOrtcEHJKnXTXxMj9LVha8...
Effective URL: https://www.mouth.com/products/rosemary-garlic-almonds?utm_campaign=Thanksgiving_Ingredients_Upgrades__Engaged_90_Days...
Submission: On November 22 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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Rosemary Garlic Almonds



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 * $11 for a 2 oz pouch

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Stop and smell the rosemary. These buttery California almonds are coated with
local garlic and flakes of sea salt, and sprinkled with woodsy rosemary fresh
from the garden. They’re also made in small batches, non-GMO and gluten-free,
and crafted without artificial flavors or colors. In a nutshell, an energizing
alternative to sugary, fatty, highly processed snacks. Eat, drink and be


Since they won’t melt, go bad or break, these shelf-stable nuts are ideally
equipped to travel. Spread a little (almond) joy to the world, by tucking
rosemary almonds into Christmas care packages for friends and family around the


Almonds, Egg Whites, Kosher Salt, Garlic Powder, Fresh Rosemary, Black Pepper

 * Contains eggs.



Made in Los Angeles, California

We all get the Sunday scaries sometimes. Whether it’s the final day of vacation
or after a particularly relaxing weekend, no matter how much you love your job,
the life of leisure is always more preferable. A few years ago, Kristy Mangia
was struck with that familiar sense of dread about returning... READ MORE




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