lp.auvik.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700::6812:8d61  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://click.auvik.com/t/10798/c/4f85a4b2-5259-43fd-a1ca-6f4e939fbbf8/NB2HI4DTHIXS63DQFZQXK5TJNMXGG33NF52HE6JNMF2XM2LLF...
Effective URL: https://lp.auvik.com/try-auvik/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=auvik&utm_campaign=L-O-AU-E-LeadScored_BDRInitialEmail
Submission: On April 05 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form id="form-tryAuvik" class="trialForm-form dynamicForm tryAuvik color-purple no-location allow-student no-skip">
  <div class="form-item"><input class="requestFirstName form-field" type="text" aria-label="Enter your first name" placeholder="First name" maxlength="100">
    <div class="help-msg firstName-msg"></div>
  <div class="form-item"><input class="requestLastName form-field" type="text" aria-label="Enter your last name" placeholder="Last name" maxlength="100">
    <div class="help-msg lastName-msg"></div>
  <div class="form-item"><input class="requestCompanyName form-field" type="text" aria-label="Enter your company name" placeholder="Company name" maxlength="100">
    <div class="help-msg company-msg"></div>
  <div class="form-item"><input class="requestPhoneNumber form-field" type="tel" aria-label="Enter your phone number" placeholder="Phone number" maxlength="50">
    <div class="help-msg phone-msg"></div>
  <div class="email-wrapper form-item">
    <div class="email-row"><input class="requestEmail form-field" type="email" aria-label="Enter your business email address" placeholder="Business email address" maxlength="100"><img class="loader" src="/forms/images/loading.gif" alt="loading"
    <div class="help-msg email-msg"></div>
  <div class="form-item"><select class="requestCustomerType form-field" name="customerType" aria-label="Select your usage type">
      <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">I am:</option>
      <option value="MSP/VAR">An MSP or IT service provider</option>
      <option value="Corporate IT">In-house corporate IT</option>
      <option value="Home User/Student">A student or home user</option>
    <div class="help-msg customerType-msg"></div>
  <div class="employeeCountWrapper form-item"><input class="requestEmployeeCount form-field ee" type="number" name="employeeCount" aria-label="Enter the number of employees your company has">
    <div class="help-msg employees-msg">How many employees does your company have?</div>
  <div class="studentOrHome" style="display: none;">
    <p><strong class="sad-face-container">Sadness <img class="sad-face" src="/forms/images/sad.png" alt="sad face" data-no-retina=""></strong></p>
    <p>Auvik was built to work in a business environment, so we don’t recommend it for home or lab use.</p>
    <p>But hey — if you’re a student or home user, why not play in our live sandbox instead? You can still see and try all of Auvik’s features but you don’t have to install anything.</p>
    <p><a href="https://www.auvik.com/auvik-demo-open/">Take me to the Sandbox</a></p>
  <div class="formOptionsWrapper form-item" style="display: none;"><select class="requestFormOptions form-field" name="formOptions" aria-label="What would you like to do?">
      <option value="" disabled="" selected="selected">What would you like to do?</option>
      <option value="trial">I want to start my 14-day trial now</option>
      <option value="demo">I want to speak with an Auvik expert first</option>
    <div class="help-msg options-msg"></div>
  <div class="clusterWrapper form-item" style="display: none;"><select class="requestCluster form-field" name="cluster" aria-label="Select your region">
      <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select your region...</option>
      <option value="ca1">Canada</option>
      <option value="us4">United States - East</option>
      <option value="us2">United States - West</option>
      <option value="eu1">European Union - West</option>
      <option value="eu2">European Union - Central</option>
      <option value="au1">Australia</option>
    <div class="help-msg cluster-msg">Please select the region that is closer to you and fulfills data residency preferences.</div>
  <div class="desiredURLWrapper form-item" style="display: none;">
    <div class="url-row">
      <div class="url-field-container"><input class="requestDesiredURL form-field desiredURL" type="text" aria-label="Enter your desired URL" placeholder="Desired URL" autocomplete="username" maxlength="32"><img class="loader"
          src="/forms/images/loading.gif" alt="loading" data-no-retina=""></div>
      <div class="urlSuffix">.my.auvik.com</div>
    <div class="help-msg url-msg"></div>
  <div class="passwords" style="display: none;">
    <div class="form-item passwordWrapper"><input class="requestPassword form-field password" type="password" name="password" aria-label="Enter your password" placeholder="Password" autocomplete="new-password" maxlength="100"></div>
    <div class="form-item passwordConfirmationWrapper"><input class="requestPasswordConfirmation form-field passwordConfirmation" type="password" name="passwordConfirmation" aria-label="Confirm your password" placeholder="Confirm password"
        autocomplete="new-password" maxlength="100"></div>
    <div class="passwordHelp help-msg">Minimum 10 characters including 1 upper case letter, 1 digit, and 1 lower case letter.</div>
  <div class="opt-container form-item t2">
    <div role="group" class="checkbox-container" aria-labelledby="trialForm-tryAuvik-opt-label"><input id="trialForm-tryAuvik-opt-checkbox" class="requestEmailOptInPromotion emailOptInPromotion" name="checkbox" type="checkbox"
        aria-label="opt in agreement"><label id="trialForm-tryAuvik-opt-label" for="trialForm-tryAuvik-opt-checkbox">Yes, I agree to be contacted by Auvik so they can share product and industry resources with me.</label></div>
    <div class="help-msg optin-msg"></div>
  </div><input type="hidden" class="Auvik_UTM_Campaign__c" name="Auvik_UTM_Campaign__c" value="L-O-AU-E-LeadScored_BDRInitialEmail"><input type="hidden" class="Auvik_UTM_Content__c" name="Auvik_UTM_Content__c" value=""><input type="hidden"
    class="Auvik_UTM_Medium__c" name="Auvik_UTM_Medium__c" value="email"><input type="hidden" class="Auvik_UTM_Audience__c" name="Auvik_UTM_Audience__c" value=""><input type="hidden" class="Auvik_UTM_Source__c" name="Auvik_UTM_Source__c"
    value="auvik"><input type="hidden" class="Auvik_UTM_Region__c" name="Auvik_UTM_Region__c" value="DE"><input type="hidden" class="Auvik_UTM_Category__c" name="Auvik_UTM_Category__c" value=""><input type="hidden" class="Auvik_UTM_Convert_URL__c"
    name="Auvik_UTM_Convert_URL__c" value="lp.auvik.com/try-auvik/"><input type="hidden" class="Tracking_Meta__c" name="Tracking_Meta__c" value=""><input type="hidden" class="gacid" name="gacid" value="299101861.1649193430"><input type="hidden"
    class="u_addr" value=""><input type="hidden" class="u_agent" value="chrome"><input type="hidden" class="requestFormID formID" name="formID" value="1210"><input type="hidden" class="requestFormID_s formID_s" name="formID_s"
    value="1210"><input type="hidden" class="requestFormType formType" name="formType" value="trial"><input type="hidden" class="forceOptIn" name="forceOptIn" value="no"><input type="hidden" class="isExtended" name="isExtended" value="yes"><input
    type="hidden" class="successURL" name="successURL" value="/follow-up/?registration=submit-ty">
  <div class="buttonArea"><button class="formSubmitBtn static-text" data-default-text="Start a Trial"><span class="button-text">Start a Trial</span><span class="submit-loader"></span></button><noscript>
      <p class="my-2 text-danger text-center"><strong>Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Please turn it on so you can see and interact with everything on our site.</strong></p>
    <p class="legal-text"><span>By submitting this form, I acknowledge I've reviewed and accepted Auvik's <a target="_blank" href="https://www.auvik.com/privacy-notice/" rel="noreferrer noopener">privacy notice</a>,</span> <span>which details how my
        personal information will be processed, and Auvik's <a target="_blank" href="https://www.auvik.com/terms/" rel="noreferrer noopener">terms of service</a>.</span></p>

Text Content


With Auvik, it’s at your fingertips.

Auvik saves you loads of time, money, and headaches with automated network
discovery, documentation, monitoring, and config backups.

The best part? Remote access means you won’t even need to leave your seat to do


 * Instantly see everything on the network, across all sites, in a single
   dashboard—to know exactly what you’re dealing with.
 * Proactively manage & monitor multi-vendor network gear—to catch issues before
   they affect the business.
 * Quickly identify & troubleshoot what’s causing network issues—to shorten time
   to resolution.
 * Automatically back up configs every time there’s a change, & instantly
   restore—to easily bring things back to the way they were.


Use Auvik free for 14 days.

I am:An MSP or IT service providerIn-house corporate ITA student or home user

How many employees does your company have?


Auvik was built to work in a business environment, so we don’t recommend it for
home or lab use.

But hey — if you’re a student or home user, why not play in our live sandbox
instead? You can still see and try all of Auvik’s features but you don’t have to
install anything.

Take me to the Sandbox

What would you like to do?I want to start my 14-day trial nowI want to speak
with an Auvik expert first

Select your region...CanadaUnited States - EastUnited States - WestEuropean
Union - WestEuropean Union - CentralAustralia
Please select the region that is closer to you and fulfills data residency

Minimum 10 characters including 1 upper case letter, 1 digit, and 1 lower case
Yes, I agree to be contacted by Auvik so they can share product and industry
resources with me.

Start a Trial

Hi! Looks like you have JavaScript disabled. Please turn it on so you can see
and interact with everything on our site.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge I've reviewed and accepted Auvik's
privacy notice, which details how my personal information will be processed, and
Auvik's terms of service.



© 2022 Auvik Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Auvik is a trademark of Auvik
Networks Inc., registered in the United States of America and certain other
countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Reference to them does not imply association or endorsement.


Dive into our sandbox to demo Auvik on your own right now.

Yes,Take Me There

No, I don't manage networks

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best browsing experience. We may
need some personal information through the chat to set up demos or trials. For
more information, see our privacy policy.I UNDERSTAND