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 * Gold: $1,919.60 -3.60 |
 * Silver: $24.17  -0.30 |
 * Platinum: $1,058.40  -22.00 |
 * Palladium: $1,776.05  -37.25 |
 * Rhodium: $12,350.00  0.00 |
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   * Copper: $4.20  0.06
   * US Dollar: 102.32  0.12
   * Dow: 33,933.85  -368.76
   * Oil: $80.15  1.31
   * S&P: 3,990.24  -8.85
   * BTC: 21,158.80  -60.80
   * BCH: 123.11  -1.18
   * ETH: 1,571.99  -13.07
   * LTC: 88.93  2.46
   * DASH: 49.54  0.05
   * Ripple: 0.39  0.00
   * EOS Token: 1.03  -0.01

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Live Silver Price $24.17 -0.30


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All Silver Products

Contents [show]

 * Our Silver Forecast is Bullish
 * U.S. Debt Level Reaching Tipping Point
 * Above Ground Silver Inventories Are Diminishing
 * Silver Mining Production Appears to be Reaching Its Peak
 * Global Silver Demand is High and Getting Higher
 * Silver as an Investment
 * Why You Should Buy Silver
 * Silver Coins
 * Buy Silver Coins
 * American Eagle Coins
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 * Junk Silver
 * Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars
 * Numismatic Coins

 * What is a Silver Bullion Bar?
 * Buy Silver Bars
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 * What are Silver Rounds?
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 * Medallions
 * Investing in Silver vs. Gold
 * Silver Bullion Mints
 * Silver IRA
 * Silver Prices
 * Selling Silver

There are many reasons that investors (beginners and experts) immediately choose
to buy silver more than any other precious metal. For beginners, when the Price
of silver per ounce is so much lower than the Gold price, platinum, and
palladium, they realize they can buy substantially more physical metal for their
dollar. With its much lower price, buying silver bullion is much more appealing
to small or novice investors.

Since this market is small and there is a high use of financial leverage on the
trading exchanges, silver prices are volatile. But its role as both a monetary
and investment metal and a vital industrial metal make it an exciting commodity.
We believe the supply and demand picture is extraordinarily bullish.


12 Month Chart

Historical precedent coupled with current fundamentals point to the likelihood
of an explosive super spike in the silver price and a high price plateau beyond
that. In the last super spike in 1979, the white metal went from $6 per ounce,
to over $49 just 12 months later. In other words, that's an incredible 700%
upsurge over the course of a single year! Today, industrial demand will
continually increase along with its investment benefits. These factors will
cause the price of silver per ounce to reach new highs, or possibly another huge
spike similar to 1980. Let's look at additional factors why we're bullish on the
poor man's gold:


The U.S. is reaching record highs in debt and the tipping point may come sooner
than later. In 1980, the national debt was a mere $930 billion. Today, it's over
$18 trillion officially, with tens of trillions more in "off budget" debts and
obligations accumulated in the last 40 years. The Federal Reserve's balance
sheet now tops $4 trillion, with no end in sight to ultra-accommodative


In 1980, available above ground stockpiles were estimated to be 4 billion
ounces. Today, many estimate these stocks at less than 1 billion ounces. And
annual consumption has exceeded supply in many years. As industry finds new ways
to use silver, the market could experience a long-term supply deficit, and
inventory depletion would then accelerate.


There may be 18 billion ounces of extractable silver left according to the
according to the U.S. Geological Survey. If this is indeed the case, there won't
be enough supply left due to the steady increase in demand. Just last year, the
demand rose to a record 1,081 million ounces according to The Silver Institute's
World Silver Survey 2014. While the demand rises, production has increased less
rapidly. So not only are we running out, the supply is diminishing faster than


Considering the record growth in demand last year, all signs are pointing to a
continuous increase. In 1980, the world population was 4.6 billion. We've since
added another 2.5 billion people. Silver is required in a multitude of
industrial, electrical, consumer, health, and energy-related applications
critical to today's modern economy. (It is the world's best conductor of
electricity and heat, best natural biocide, and best reflector of light.)

Unlike other metals, it is consumed in very small increments, making recycling
very difficult. In other words, once it is used, it is usually gone forever,
practically speaking.

At the same time, it is generally an incidental cost in the products that use it
– such that a dramatic increase in the price will not necessarily cause
substitution. A hint of shortages could cause industry users suddenly to hoard
the metal and drain remaining available inventories.

 * Investor demand is surging. From 1990 to 2005, investors had been net sellers
   of silver. In 2006, we witnessed what appears to be a major sea change in the
   market. The public again became net buyers. In 2014, demand for American
   Eagles soared to a record-high of more than 44,000,000 coins – a number that
   would surely have been higher if demand had not completely overwhelmed the
   government-run Mint's production capabilities at times. Other government and
   private mints around the world have been cranking out coins, rounds, and bars
   at record-setting levels.
 * The gold / silver ratio is currently around 70, which suggests silver is
   vastly undervalued. The ratio of silver to gold in the earth's crust is
   17.5:1 – and the price ratio has hovered in that range for most of recorded
   history (see graph). If history is any guide, the remaining bull market in
   precious metals could see silver outperform gold by a factor of 4 or more.
 * Save for recent decades, US silver coins have been used as money throughout
   human history and is in the process of reassuming that role. As faith in
   government fiat money (such as Federal Reserve notes) diminishes, savers and
   investors worldwide are embracing gold and silver as a store of value. Savvy
   investors are paying more attention to the declining purchasing power of the
   U.S dollar than ever before.


Is silver a good investment? Wise investors are buying silver to preserve their
wealth for the future. The white metal has become a viable part of a robust
investment profile. Precious metals such as gold bullion are used to accumulate
wealth and hedge against inflation.

Discover the reasons to invest in silver and how this popular commodity can be


Silver is unique because it is considered both a commodity and currency,
depending on how it is used. Precious metals, such as gold and palladium, can be
purchased to guard against inflation. While any investment is a risk, silver has
been used for centuries for a variety of purposes. Industries rely on it, making
it a solid investment choice.

As a vital industrial and monetary metal, it has value around the world,
regardless of economic conditions. It can be sold at current market prices as
needed. As an investor in silver, buy it in basic forms such as bullion, bars,
coins, and rounds to get the most silver for your dollar. Investors typically
purchase it by weight, such the troy ounce, pound, gram or kilo. It is priced by
its weight in .999 fine silver. If an item contains lower purity levels, it may
fetch slightly lower prices per troy ounce of the .999 silver it contains.


Silver bullion coins are possibly the oldest type of coinage in history. The use
of these coins for trade dates back to the drachma used during Greek times. A
collector purchases coins as a hobby and these coins may or may not have value.
These coins can include the Mexican Silver Libertad and the Chinese Silver Panda
coin. Coins sold by weight are purchased to store financial value for the
future. Money Metals recommends investing in coins such as the Austrian
Philharmonic coins, the African Silver Krugerrand, products from the America the
Beautiful Series and the products listed below:


1 Oz Silver American Eagle
1 Oz Canadian Silver Maple Leaf
1 Oz New Zealand Silver Coin


The American Silver Eagle coin is as well-known as the famed gold Krugerrands
minted at the South African Mint. As legal tender coins, they can technically be
used as currency as well as for investment purposes. Buy silver eagles online or
by phone (Call: 1-800-800-1865). The United States government mint American
Eagles as an investment, including American Gold Eagles. They are also
collectibles that can be used as a reward, gift, or incentive. Each American
Eagle contains, at least, one troy oz of 99.9% pure silver. The notable design
on its obverse is based on the “Walking Liberty” half dollar created by Adolph
A. Weinman in 1916. The best way to store Silver Eagles is to use monster boxes.


One of the most common Canadian coins are the Canadian Maple Leaf Silver Coin.
Each year, the Government of Canada issues the Canadian Maple Leaf coin. It is
also legal tender, with a face value in Canada of about 5 Canadian dollars. The
market value is determined based on the current spot price. The standard coin
weighs 1 troy ounce and contains 99.99% silver. The obverse side of the Maple
Leaf features Elizabeth II. The reverse has the Canadian maple leaf.


There are two major types of silver bullion coins from Australia. The Kookaburra
has been produced at the Perth Mint since 1990 and is minted of .999 fine
silver. While the obverse always features Queen Elizabeth II, the reverse
features a different kookaburra bird each year. As a result, these coins may
have a slightly higher collectible value than some other bullion coins. They are
available in four sizes, ranging from one troy ounce to 1 kilogram, with face
values from $1 to $30.

The Australian Kangaroo is minted by the Royal Australian Mint. They have legal
tender value in Australia and the design changes annually, which also gives them
more numismatic value than other bullion coins. Introduced in 1993, the
Australian Kangaroo is a one troy ounce bullion coin. It is issued as both an
un-circulated bullion coin and a so-called “proof” coin, which can be purchased
in proof sets.


Junk silver (aka pre-1965 coins) is an informal term to describe a circulated
90% silver dime, quarter, or half dollar that has the bullion value of the
silver it contains. This type of circulated coin has no collectible or
numismatic value. Beginners and people who are looking to invest on a budget are
often attracted to junk silver.


Morgan dollars are one of the most collected coins in United States history.
These large coins were produced between 1878 and 1904. They are part of
America's westward development, which gives them historical significance. They
were produced again in 1921. There are many varieties, making the Morgan a
challenge for collectors. In 1921, the Silver Peace dollar was released and
produced until 1935. While most Morgan dollars are worth little more than their
actual melt value (despite what rare coin dealers attempt to argue) those that
are in nearly pristine condition can be considered collectible and carry a
premium well above the spot price. These coins represent peace, liberty and
power in America.


Numismatic coins are different from bullion coins. Bullion investing is premised
on inflation hedge, survival, and building wealth. Conversely, numismatic coins
are supposedly collectible. Numismatic coins are not produced in modern times
and some of them are actually rare, although most coins marketed as “rare” are
not rare at all.

The truly rare coins are valued mostly on their collectible value rather than
the silver content. Only experienced collectors should purchase any form of
numismatic or rare coin, as there are so many scammers out there taking
advantage of novices. Even if you do happen upon a truly rare coin, one should
not expect to be able to sell them quickly or at a profit until much further
into the future. The bid/ask spreads are extremely high – sometime 50% or more.
Do your own research, or better yet, only buy bullion coins, bars, and rounds
that are priced based on their actual metal melt value rather than some highly
subjective numismatic value.


Silver bars are a type of bullion. Many investors decide to add them to their
portfolios. The poured silver is shaped into actual bars that are usually sold
in troy ounces. Sometimes they are sold in gram or fractional ounce sizes, too.
These bars can be purchased in various ways, including online and at local
shops. Do you still need more information on buying fractional silver? Contact
us over the phone and one of our representatives will be happy to go over an
questions you may have and help you better understand before you make a


10 Oz Silver Bars
1 Oz Silver Bars
5 Oz Silver Bars


Bar sizes are typically one-ounce, 5 oz., 10 oz, and 100 oz. There are also
large 1000 ounce bars. Smaller bars actually cost more per ounce because the
fabrication costs are higher per ounce of metal. It is more cost effective for
mints to produce larger bars, and as a result, they cost less per ounce.
However, larger bars may be somewhat difficult to handle or store.

Start your investment small with the 1 oz silver bar or the 5 oz fine silver bar
here. Then work your way up to larger sizes as you get more comfortable with


Silver rounds are coin-shaped but are minted privately. They are commonly
referred to as rounds rather than coins because the word coin refers to
circulating, legal-tender currency issued by the government. Rounds bear a
variety of designs. They can also be engraved to use as gifts or for military
commemoration. They do not have a face value and cannot be used as legal tender.
Usually, they weigh 1 troy ounce and contain 99.9% silver. Buying silver rounds
tend to be a very cost-effective way to accumulate ounces when compared to


1 Oz Walking Liberty Silver Rounds
1 Oz American Silver Buffalo Rounds
Don't Tread On Me 1 Oz Silver Rounds


Money Metals Exchange has commissioned the creation of a proprietary round
design loosely based off of the U.S. Mint’s Walking Liberty silver half dollar
from 1916 to 1947. This 50-cent piece was designed by Adolph A. Weinman. It
depicted Liberty walking toward the sun. Art historians have deemed it to be one
of the most attractive United States coins. A modification of this design has
been used on the obverse of the American Eagle since 1986. Our privately minted
rounds are branded with our company name and do not bear markings that would
create confusion that the round is an actual legal-tender coin. Instead, it is a
lower price way to accumulate attractive-looking silver ounces. Money Metals has
these rounds in one ounce, half-ounce, quarter-ounce, and tenth-ounce sizes.


Buffalo Rounds are also 1 troy ounce and contain .999 pure silver. They
typically feature the design from the American Buffalo Nickel. These attractive
rounds represent a important slice of American history. They also have an image
of the Native Americans. Private mints across the country produce Buffalo rounds
each year.


There is a wide variety of generic rounds minted by private mints across the
world. For example, they are made to celebrate holidays or as commemorative
coins for service providers such as the armed forces. As rounds, they are not
legal tender. Generic rounds general have a weight of 1 troy ounce of 99.9%


Medallion is another word for a round. Medallions can be used to add silver to
an investment portfolio or as collectibles. Some can be custom engraved to
celebrate a certain occasions, such as birthdays, graduations, holidays, and


Market watchers usually keep track of the price of gold along with the S&P 500,
the Dow, and the price of crude oil. An increasing number of market watchers are
keeping an eye on silver, especially since the surge in prices since 2003. Both
silver and gold appear volatile when priced in the volatile U.S. dollar, but
they are important financial insurance and potentially profitable. The initial
cost and ultimate sale price of gold is many multiples higher than silver.
However, silver is accessible to everyone from beginners on a budget to seasoned
investors. Both are key investments that can help hedge against inflation and
financial turmoil. Traders often analyze the gold/silver price ratio. Compared
to gold, silver prices tend to be more volatile.

For those who prefer not to hold actual silver or gold, precious metals can be
purchased through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) but this should not be considered
as safe as owning actual bullion directly because of the counterparty risk
involved in ETFs. Silver is an especially attractive investment option because
it is used for many traditional industrial purposes, ranging from electrical
appliances to solar panels and even clothing. Gold has a few industrial uses but
is usually considered a luxury purchase, such as gold jewelry. Owning both of
these precious metals is a good way to balance an investment portfolio. You can
start off wit U.S. Mint gold coins, then work your way up to ther forms of gold


Bullion mints manufacture coins, rounds, and bars. The history of coins ties in
closely with the history of mints. The first coins were hammered and production
was slow and difficult. Now these sophisticated industrial facilities can
produce hundreds of millions of coins, bars, and rounds. The minted silver coins
are used for investment and currency purposes.

Money Metals Exchange offers silver from only the best recognized mints in the

 * United States Mint
 * Austrian Mint
 * Johnson Matthey
 * New Zealand Mint
 * British Royal Mint
 * Perth Mint
 * Royal Canadian Mint
 * Royal Mint
 * Sunshine Mint
 * Mexican Mint


By simply opening up a new plan with a self-directed IRA provider, you own
physical silver inside of your retirement account. Precious metals can be
purchased in various types of IRA plans including Simplified Employee Pension
plans (SEPs), Roth plans, and more. Keep in mind, you cannot add coins you
already own to the IRA. And so-called “collectible” coins cannot be purchased or
held by your IRA. Otherwise, account holders can deposit funds and direct the
custodian to buy any bullion product. American Eagles and shares of silver
miners are also allowed. A silver IRA is also a tax sheltered method to get
direct exposure to the precious metals. To learn more about gold and silver
IRAs, contact Money Metals Exchange at 1-800-800-1865.


Supply and demand drive the price of silver, much like other commodities. Prices
tend to be volatile when viewed through the lens of the volatile U.S. dollar.
Investors typically check the COMEX to access indices for prices and the NASDAQ
in the am and pm, to determine the current value of silver. When it comes to
silver, the spot price is what matters. This is the price it can be exchanged
and delivered at that exact moment. Investors should always verify the spot
price before trying to buy, sell, or trade silver, as it is constantly changing.
It is important to use trusted, verifiable resources such as MoneyMetals.com
before any contracts are signed and approved.


Just as is the case with large amounts of cash, it can be dangerous to drive or
walk around and carry large amounts of silver. While you can get fast money at a
reputable local shop, often you wind up taking a lower price because they tend
to lowball unsuspecting people and they may not have the sophistication needed
to dispose of the metals quickly. One of the safest and best ways to get a good
price when selling silver bullion is to work with a reputable national dealer
such as Money Metals Exchange. Wherever you choose to sell, be sure to obtain a
firm price commitment before handing over possession of the metal. Transactions
can be instantly conducted in a secure online environment, in person, or over
the phone to seal the deal.

When you are ready to flip your precious metals items for a profit, be sure you
know their value. Verify the metal content before negotiating a sale. It might
be marked or stamped with a number, such as 999, which means 99.9 percent
silver. Check the latest market updates to ensure you are getting the best
possible price. Sellers might need to barter to get what the silver is worth.
Compare prices and premiums before making a final decision.

You can make an excellent financial decision by deciding to invest in physical
silver. Whether you want to buy or you have silver for sale, reach out to Money
Metals Exchange to get dedicated customer service and the most competitive
pricing. Learn more about investing in silver and what a great choice it can be.
Ordering is easy and secure. Connect with us today and start investing in your
future wealth and financial security!

To speak to one or our in-house experts about silver, or if you have any other
questions, you can get in touch with Money Metals by calling us at

About the Author:

Stefan Gleason is President of Money Metals Exchange, the national precious
metals company named 2015 "Dealer of the Year" in the United States by an
independent global ratings group. A graduate of the University of Florida,
Gleason is a seasoned business leader, investor, political strategist, and
grassroots activist. Gleason has frequently appeared on national television
networks such as CNN, FoxNews, and CNBC, and his writings have appeared in
hundreds of publications such as the Wall Street Journal, TheStreet.com, Seeking
Alpha, Detroit News, Washington Times, and National Review.

Precious Metals

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   * Silver Coins
   * Silver Rounds
   * Silver Bars
   * Silver Bullets
   * Silver Predator Series
   * Silver Walking Liberties
   * Silver US Mint Eagles
   * Silver Statues
   * Silver Building Blocks
   * Silver Fractionals
   * Silver US Coins
   * Silver America the Beautiful
   * Silver Canadian Coins
   * Silver Buffalo Rounds
   * Silver Australian Coins
   * Silver British Coins
   * Silver British Beasts
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 * Gold
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   * Gold Rounds
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   * Gold Pre-1933
   * Gold Eagle Coins
   * Gold Eagle Proof Coins
   * Gold Chinese Pandas
   * Gold Kangaroos
   * Gold British Coins
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   * Gold US Coins
   * Gold Canadian Coins
   * Gold Maple Leafs
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