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Remember you won’t pay tax on any money your ISA makes. T&Cs apply. Investments can fall and rise in value. Tax rules can change and individual effects vary. Investment ISA Cash ISA Info BANK OF ENGLAND BASE RATE CHANGE 2022 Do you have savings, a mortgage or a credit card with us? If so, find out what the recent rise in the base rate means for you. MEET YOUR NEW ACCOUNT Make money work for you by opening an account in a few simple steps. If the account’s just for you and you’re over 18, you can use our app1. Get the app OUR PRODUCTS BANK Current accounts Switch to us Barclays Blue Rewards Savings accounts BORROW Personal loan Top up an existing loan Credit cards Overdrafts INSURE Home insurance Life insurance Travel insurance Phone & gadget insurance MORTGAGE Mortgage calculators Agreement in principle First-time home buyers All mortgages WAYS TO BANK WITH US THE BARCLAYS APP Take control of your money Check your balance, send money and earn rewards on your mobile with the Barclays app.1 Get the app BANK ONLINE Online Banking gives you quick, secure and convenient access to your accounts. Register now BANKING FROM HOME The handy way to manage your money. Here's how to take care of your money online and with our app – it's safe, secure and simple to use. How to bank from home SUPPORTING THE NEEDS OF ALL OUR CUSTOMERS Find out how we support personal current account holders who have additional needs and those in difficult circumstances. How we can help YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN NEWS AND MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Start enjoying your favourite magazines and newspapers today. Subscribe through the Barclays app and save 25% on The Telegraph and 10% on Readly. Explore subscriptions PAY IN A CHEQUE WITHOUT PAYING US A VISIT All you need is your smartphone We’re always looking for innovative ways to make your life easier. Getting to a branch in opening hours isn’t always possible, so we’re pleased to tell you there’s a more convenient way to pay in cheques – anytime, anywhere. Pay in a cheque MANAGE YOUR DEBT By consolidating your debts, you’ll get fixed personalised repayments and it’ll be easier to manage your finances. Browse our range of options to see what suits your needs. Subject to application, financial circumstances and borrowing history. Explore ways to borrow COLLECT LOYALTY REWARDS IN YOUR BARCLAYS APP Leave your loyalty cards at home and earn loyalty points and rewards automatically when you pay with your Barclays cards at participating retailers. Explore loyalty cards INDEPENDENT SERVICE QUALITY SURVEY RESULTS PERSONAL CURRENT ACCOUNTS An independent survey asked customers if they would recommend their personal current account provider to friends and family. GREAT BRITAIN View full results for Great Britain NORTHERN IRELAND View full results for Northern Ireland The Financial Conduct Authority also requires us to publish information about service. The requirement to publish the Financial Conduct Authority Service Quality Information for personal current accounts can be found here. IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. You must have a Barclays or Barclaycard account, have a mobile number and be aged 16 or over to use the Barclays app. Terms and conditions apply.Return to reference - * Current accounts * Savings accounts * ISAs * Loans * Mortgages * Mortgage calculator * Insurance * Credit cards * Home and contents insurance * Help and FAQs * Switch to Barclays * How to report fraud * Protect yourself from scams * Important information * Accessibility * Privacy policy * Cookies * Security * Careers * Find a branch * Service status * Send us a message * Find us on Twitter Barclays Bank UK PLC and Barclays Bank PLC are each authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Barclays Insurance Services Company Limited and Barclays Investment Solutions Limited are each authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office for all: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP COOKIES We would like to collect data from your device while you use this website. We do this using cookies. You can find out more in our cookie policy. Collecting this data helps us provide the best experience for you, keeps your account secure, helps us provide social media features and allows us to personalise advert and service message content. Please select 'Accept all' to consent to us collecting your data in this way. To see other data collection options, select 'Preferences'. Preferences Accept All