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                        d="M115.033195,118.388455 L91.2071627,96.5364574 L79.5364703,85.8308501 L115.10434,51.1510285 L115.033195,118.388455 Z M8.71587093,120.81181 L21.2794605,109.338158 L54.2603157,79.2157833 C55.9262615,77.6934677 57.967988,76.9334973 60.0068497,76.9358667 C62.0480988,76.9377722 64.0888703,77.7020174 65.7514737,79.2281328 L98.6683459,109.418905 L111.207584,120.919156 L8.71587093,120.81181 Z M4.89551213,118.273509 L4.96665742,51.0360829 L40.4609945,85.7900017 L27.2781066,97.8303069 L4.89551213,118.273509 Z M43.6825869,3.56881028 L111.917127,25.0598216 L101.545671,57.6464 L75.9835032,82.5720023 L68.0486548,75.2933863 C67.3496165,74.6521614 66.5913701,74.1040328 65.789195,73.6499505 C64.0229774,72.6501145 62.0409365,72.1148104 60.012102,72.1124355 C57.985655,72.1105356 56.0021816,72.6415648 54.2340541,73.6380759 C53.430924,74.0902583 52.6717226,74.636962 51.9707744,75.276762 L44.0211239,82.5382786 L24.6008473,63.5223957 L43.6825869,3.56881028 Z M113.071208,43.4311547 L111.414335,43.4292548 L109.612306,48.2968648 L111.132141,48.2982898 L106.385461,52.9274591 L115.43094,24.5064682 C115.696422,23.6728758 115.232306,22.7837104 114.39432,22.5196208 L43.1263167,0.07389666 C42.7242742,-0.0529233911 42.2878528,-0.0153998553 41.9135044,0.177917601 C41.5386785,0.371235057 41.2569623,0.704672045 41.1294738,1.10460644 L22.0563289,61.0306429 L18.8590882,57.9000401 L8.21976384,25.4407568 L33.6047851,17.2064781 L34.7856059,13.492123 L5.72108398,22.9205051 C5.31904147,23.0516 4.98623431,23.333739 4.79476276,23.7084994 C4.60329121,24.0832597 4.56891228,24.5164428 4.70069819,24.9159022 L13.9309639,53.0742284 L8.94458632,48.191419 L9.84989819,48.1923689 L8.38688365,43.321434 L7.01602374,43.3200091 C3.18563776,43.3162092 0.0762543806,46.4026388 0.0724344993,50.215315 L-0.000146768895,118.769865 C-0.00396312686,122.582541 3.09873546,125.67562 6.92912144,125.67942 L112.984306,125.790095 C116.814692,125.794366 119.923598,122.707936 119.927895,118.89526 L120,50.3407101 C120.004293,46.5280339 116.901594,43.4349546 113.071208,43.4311547 L113.071208,43.4311547 Z"
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ROG Phone 7 is a high price but high spec super gaming phone

Asus is back with what it hopes is the very best of gaming mobile phones and
after a road-test this costly unit certainly lives up to the hype with its
amazing display, booming sound and computing power
You aren't deleting your search history properly but there is a way to wipe it

You might think you've deleted your questionable Search history from your
browser, but think again - both YouTube and Google store your Search history
unless you apply a specific setting
You could be getting much faster WiFi speeds with one simple router update trick

Thousands of Brits are making a simple mistake with their routers which means
you might be getting the full Internet speeds you paid for - but there is a
really easy way to speed things up
Elon Musk screenshot appears to reveal his burner Twitter account

Billionaire Elon Musk tweeted a screenshot which appeared to show him signed
into a second Twitter account, while that profile photo pointed to another
account on the platform
Smartphones are eavesdropping as we fall victim to 'sonic snooping', say experts

Experts fear that our smartphones are spying in on our conversations so they can
tailor social media averts towards us, and nearly half of Brits feel they've
been 'sonic snooped'

 1. dailystar frontpage
 2. Tech
 3. Tech News
 4. Scams



Gmail users are being urged to be wary of a new email scam which promises an
'Online Reward Program' - Google has warned that you need to ignore any messages
as it does not hand out prizes

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 * Comments

Ciaran Daly
 * 12:22, 25 APR 2023
 * Updated12:24, 25 APR 2023


Gmail users are being targeted (Image: SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
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Gmail users are at threat from a major new email scam which could strip you of
your passwords and credit card details.

Google has issued an official warning to all Gmail users to be wary of a fake
email impersonating it.

The email looks like it's from Google with all the same branding you'd expect
the tech giant to use, and comes with the subject line 'Online Reward Program'.

READ NEXT: Millions of UK iPhone and Android users at risk of emergency alert

If you open the email it will tell you that you've made the 18.25 billionth
search on Google and to click a link to claim a reward.

Hackers are impersonating the tech giant Google and pretending to offer prizes
to 'lucky users' (Image: Getty Images)



 * Tech expert reassures people who didn't get the emergency alert message



 * Emergency Alert dubbed 'epic fail' as Brits miss out on life-saving message

The email reads: "Congratulations! You are the lucky Google user. Every 10
millionth search is reached worldwide, we will proclaim a lucky user to send out
a thank-you gift. You are the lucky user!

However, there's no gift. Instead, clicking the link will send you to a dodgy
site which can steal your money, identity, and data.

Google has instructed people not to open the email and it's probably wise to
block the sender and report the message as spam.


Google said it doesn't operate a prize scheme and will never ask for details in
this way (Image: SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)



 * UK emergency test alert sparks conspiracies from alien invasion to nuke

Powered by

Microsoft Edge users' Internet history is being tracked by Bing - here's how to
stop it

Delete these AI chat apps from your phone or risk scams, Android and iPhone
users warned


You can now 'print human skin' with Lego thanks to major scientific breakthrough

Artificial intelligence has 'great power' for 'evil', Elon Musk warns US


You could get much faster WiFi speeds with one simple router trick - here's how

Video gamers told to stop committing war crimes and play by 'Rules of War' at


Parrots 'make Internet friends' after being taught to video call other birds on

You aren't deleting your search history properly - here's how to permanently
clear it


Warning for Gmail users to take action as new Google 'reward' scam threat

Teachers 'paying for AI to write kids' school reports'


Swedish company's tiny 'Ikea' flat pack car is eco-friendly bargain – at £8,000

Thousands of Sky, BT, and Virgin broadband users missing out on £200 saving
every year


Emergency alert hits our phones at 3pm Sunday - here is what you need to know

Emergency Alert dubbed 'epic fail' as chaos sees Brits miss out on life-saving


New super-fast Brave browser with 'ultra Incognito mode' is paying users to surf
the web

Google Chrome users warned to check browser for vital update as soon as possible


BREAKING K-Pop ASTRO's Moonbin 'found dead in apartment' aged 25 as tributes
pour in

Sky TV issues official warning to UK customers - take steps now to protect your


Twitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without paying Elon

Brits would 'rather give up booze and dating than good WiFi' according to new


Microsoft Edge users' Internet history is being tracked by Bing - here's how to
stop it

Delete these AI chat apps from your phone or risk scams, Android and iPhone
users warned


You can now 'print human skin' with Lego thanks to major scientific breakthrough

Artificial intelligence has 'great power' for 'evil', Elon Musk warns US


You could get much faster WiFi speeds with one simple router trick - here's how

Video gamers told to stop committing war crimes and play by 'Rules of War' at


Parrots 'make Internet friends' after being taught to video call other birds on

You aren't deleting your search history properly - here's how to permanently
clear it


Warning for Gmail users to take action as new Google 'reward' scam threat

Teachers 'paying for AI to write kids' school reports'


Swedish company's tiny 'Ikea' flat pack car is eco-friendly bargain – at £8,000

Thousands of Sky, BT, and Virgin broadband users missing out on £200 saving
every year


Emergency alert hits our phones at 3pm Sunday - here is what you need to know

Emergency Alert dubbed 'epic fail' as chaos sees Brits miss out on life-saving


New super-fast Brave browser with 'ultra Incognito mode' is paying users to surf
the web

Google Chrome users warned to check browser for vital update as soon as possible


BREAKING K-Pop ASTRO's Moonbin 'found dead in apartment' aged 25 as tributes
pour in

Sky TV issues official warning to UK customers - take steps now to protect your


Twitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without paying Elon

Brits would 'rather give up booze and dating than good WiFi' according to new


Microsoft Edge users' Internet history is being tracked by Bing - here's how to
stop it

Delete these AI chat apps from your phone or risk scams, Android and iPhone
users warned


You can now 'print human skin' with Lego thanks to major scientific breakthrough

Artificial intelligence has 'great power' for 'evil', Elon Musk warns US


You could get much faster WiFi speeds with one simple router trick - here's how

Video gamers told to stop committing war crimes and play by 'Rules of War' at


Parrots 'make Internet friends' after being taught to video call other birds on


In a statement, Google said: "Google does not offer spontaneous prizes in this
format and you will not win a prize by completing the survey or entering your
personal information. Close out of the pop-up window and do not enter your
personal information."

To stay protected, the tech giant advises users to follow three 'golden rules',

 * 'Slow it down' - Scams often tend to create a sense of urgency, but you
   should take time to ask questions and think things through before sending any
   money or personal details
 * 'Spot check' - If the message you're receiving seems unusual or doesn't make
   sense, you should do some extra research to double check everything adds up
 * 'Stop! Don't send' - No legitimate organisation or person will demand payment
   or personal info out of nowhere.


 * The Pope and Beyonce lose their blue Twitter ticks as Musk admits 'trolling'
 * 'Lifechanging' new gadget lets you control your computer with your tongue
 * Elon Musk says it's 'lawsuit time', threatens to sue Microsoft for 'ripping
   off Twitter'
 * Sky TV users have until tonight to switch to 'much cheaper' alternative as
   costs soar
 * Millions of Netflix users urged to change passwords as date set for ban on
   login sharing

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You can find this story in  My Bookmarks.Or by navigating to the user icon in
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More On
 * Google
 * Scams

What's hot
You aren't deleting your search history properly - here's how to permanently
clear it
Your old Gameboy could be worth £22,000 as price of vintage gaming tech
Twitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without paying Elon
What the WhatsApp grey tick means and how to tell if contacts have blocked you
Swedish company's tiny 'Ikea' flat pack car is eco-friendly bargain – at £8,000


 * Tech
 * all

 * Most Read
 * Most Recent

GoogleYou aren't deleting your search history properly - here's how to
permanently clear itYou might think you've deleted your questionable Search
history from your browser, but think again - both YouTube and Google store your
Search history unless you apply a specific setting
Your old Gameboy could be worth £22,000 as price of vintage gaming tech
The Nintendo Gameboy is set to be the most valuable games console in 2028 if
current trends continue over this decade - here's the games consoles that could
be a goldmine in five years
What the WhatsApp grey tick means and how to tell if contacts have blocked you
Sending an important message is nerve-wracking enough without being left on
'read' - here's how to find out whether someone has blocked you or not
Twitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without paying Elon
Twitter users pining for their Blue Ticks since they were removed en-masse on
April 20 appear to have found a rather strange way to reacquire them – but all
is not what it seems
Swedish company's tiny 'Ikea' flat pack car is eco-friendly bargain – at £8,000
A Swedish car company is taking a leaf out of IKEA's book and shipping its
eco-friendly electric car as a flat-pack – allowing incredibly low prices as
well as a smaller carbon footprint
TwitterTwitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without
paying Elon MuskTwitter users pining for their Blue Ticks since they were
removed en-masse on April 20 appear to have found a rather strange way to
reacquire them – but all is not what it seems
Something must be done about AI before it 'terrifies the public', MPs warn
Artificial Intelligence
MPs are wanting countries to agree to the conditions necessary for the safe and
secure testing of advanced Artificial Intelligence after it was claimed the
technology could be rather dangerous
Star Wars Jedi Survivor review: A blockbuster PS5 epic for all the film fans
Developer Respawn is back with a follow-up to its 2019 hit Star Wars: Fallen
Order and they've been able to expand and improve on that core gameplay to
deliver a true blockbuster PS5 and Xbox game
Budding innovators design apps to help substance abuse and plastic pollution
Eleora Ajanaku, 16, and Isi Holdom, 13, win nationwide competition for their app
that tackle substance abuse and plastic pollution
Brits would 'rather give up booze and dating than good WiFi' according to new
Virgin Media
Brits are so obsessed with the Internet that many of us would rather give up
dating, booze, or even pets than go without reliable WiFi - 40% of people have
even shouted at their router
 * Most Read
 * Most Recent

EmmerdaleEmmerdale spoilers: Chloe baby loss horror, Faye identity exposed and
Tom heartacheEmmerdale's Chloe is forced to rush to hospital with baby Reuben
when she realises her baby could be in danger, Mary finds out who Faye really is
and the King family face an awkward encounter
I'm A Celeb's Helen Flanagan branded 'bimbo with big boobs' in first jungle
I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here
EXCLUSIVE: I'm A Celebrity... South Africa star Helen Flanagan was "stereotyped"
as a "bimbo" during her first time on the show in 2012 but is coming back to
"prove a point"
Art-lovers baffled as 150-year-old painting 'seems to show woman using an
Time Travel
Believers in time travel are in for a treat when taking a look at The Expected
One by Ferdinand George Waldmüller, with the piece from the 1860s appearing to
show someone using an iPhone
Martin Tyler urged to retire after 'racist' comment about Son Heung-min
Commentator Martin Tyler became embroiled in controversy as he came under fire
for likening Son Heung-min's foul on Cody Gakpo to martial arts during Spurs'
defeat to Liverpool
'Boys teased me in school over mum being on Babestation – but now call me on
EXCLUSIVE: Babestation beauty McKenzie Bleu spoke with Daily Star about joining
the saucy TV company after turning 18 to follow in the footsteps of her mum Levi
World Snooker ChampionshipWorld Snooker Championship stars only ended drinking
contest after 42 pints eachStories from snooker's heyday often paint pictures of
a manic scene fuelled by alcohol and cigarette smoke, but one star stands out
from the pack when it comes to tales of tolerance
Teenager dies after falling and 'impaling eye on goal post' in freak PE accident
United States
Brayden Bahme, 16, died during a PE lesson at his school when he tripped while
running, somehow impaling his eye on a goal post, with tributes pouring in for
the tragic teen
Alleged cowboy builder 'with seven different names' added to 'UK's Most Wanted'
Builder Steven Fidler has been added to the 'UK's Most Wanted' list by
Crimestoppers in connection with a series of frauds, with the organisation
alleging he fleeced customers out of thousands of pounds
Country music’s sexiest songs – D***ed Down in Dallas to Girls with Big T***ies
When you think about songs to romp in the bedroom to, the country and western
genre might not be what first pops to mind – but plenty of artists are pushing
the boundaries
'I walked around naked at Playboy Mansion parties – but was shunned when I left'
Former Playboy Mansion 'paint girl' Tiffany Lang has revealed she was "shunned
for everything" for her past, where she attended "a million parties" at Hugh
Hefner's infamous party pad
ROG Phone 7 is a high price but high spec super gaming phone

Asus is back with what it hopes is the very best of gaming mobile phones and
after a road-test this costly unit certainly lives up to the hype with its
amazing display, booming sound and computing power
You aren't deleting your search history properly but there is a way to wipe it

You might think you've deleted your questionable Search history from your
browser, but think again - both YouTube and Google store your Search history
unless you apply a specific setting
You could be getting much faster WiFi speeds with one simple router update trick

Thousands of Brits are making a simple mistake with their routers which means
you might be getting the full Internet speeds you paid for - but there is a
really easy way to speed things up
Elon Musk screenshot appears to reveal his burner Twitter account

Billionaire Elon Musk tweeted a screenshot which appeared to show him signed
into a second Twitter account, while that profile photo pointed to another
account on the platform

Smartphones are eavesdropping as we fall victim to 'sonic snooping', say experts

Experts fear that our smartphones are spying in on our conversations so they can
tailor social media averts towards us, and nearly half of Brits feel they've
been 'sonic snooped'

Delete these AI chat apps from your phone, Android and iPhone users warned

Smartphone users have been issued with an urgent warning telling them to avoid
fake AI chat apps which impersonate ChatGPT - many of them are 'outright scams'
according to one expert
Your old Gameboy could be worth £22,000 as price of vintage tech skyrockets

The Nintendo Gameboy is set to be the most valuable games console in 2028 if
current trends continue over this decade - here's the games consoles that could
be a goldmine in five years
Twitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without paying Musk

Twitter users pining for their Blue Ticks since they were removed en-masse on
April 20 appear to have found a rather strange way to reacquire them – but all
is not what it seems
Swedish company's tiny 'Ikea' flat pack car is eco-friendly bargain – at £8,000

A Swedish car company is taking a leaf out of IKEA's book and shipping its
eco-friendly electric car as a flat-pack – allowing incredibly low prices as
well as a smaller carbon footprint

Chilling AI scam cloned 'kidnapped' girl's voice in call to mum to demand ransom

From just a few clips of 15-year-old Brie DeStefano's voice, crooks used AI to
recreate her voice so accurately that it fooled her mother who says 'I never
doubted for one second it was her'

Up Next
You aren't deleting your search history properly - here's how to permanently
clear it
 * Tech
 * all

 * Most Read
 * Most Recent

GoogleYou aren't deleting your search history properly - here's how to
permanently clear itYou might think you've deleted your questionable Search
history from your browser, but think again - both YouTube and Google store your
Search history unless you apply a specific setting
Your old Gameboy could be worth £22,000 as price of vintage gaming tech
The Nintendo Gameboy is set to be the most valuable games console in 2028 if
current trends continue over this decade - here's the games consoles that could
be a goldmine in five years
What the WhatsApp grey tick means and how to tell if contacts have blocked you
Sending an important message is nerve-wracking enough without being left on
'read' - here's how to find out whether someone has blocked you or not
Twitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without paying Elon
Twitter users pining for their Blue Ticks since they were removed en-masse on
April 20 appear to have found a rather strange way to reacquire them – but all
is not what it seems
Swedish company's tiny 'Ikea' flat pack car is eco-friendly bargain – at £8,000
A Swedish car company is taking a leaf out of IKEA's book and shipping its
eco-friendly electric car as a flat-pack – allowing incredibly low prices as
well as a smaller carbon footprint
TwitterTwitter users think they've found how to get blue ticks back without
paying Elon MuskTwitter users pining for their Blue Ticks since they were
removed en-masse on April 20 appear to have found a rather strange way to
reacquire them – but all is not what it seems
Something must be done about AI before it 'terrifies the public', MPs warn
Artificial Intelligence
MPs are wanting countries to agree to the conditions necessary for the safe and
secure testing of advanced Artificial Intelligence after it was claimed the
technology could be rather dangerous
Star Wars Jedi Survivor review: A blockbuster PS5 epic for all the film fans
Developer Respawn is back with a follow-up to its 2019 hit Star Wars: Fallen
Order and they've been able to expand and improve on that core gameplay to
deliver a true blockbuster PS5 and Xbox game
Budding innovators design apps to help substance abuse and plastic pollution
Eleora Ajanaku, 16, and Isi Holdom, 13, win nationwide competition for their app
that tackle substance abuse and plastic pollution
Brits would 'rather give up booze and dating than good WiFi' according to new
Virgin Media
Brits are so obsessed with the Internet that many of us would rather give up
dating, booze, or even pets than go without reliable WiFi - 40% of people have
even shouted at their router
 * Most Read
 * Most Recent

EmmerdaleEmmerdale spoilers: Chloe baby loss horror, Faye identity exposed and
Tom heartacheEmmerdale's Chloe is forced to rush to hospital with baby Reuben
when she realises her baby could be in danger, Mary finds out who Faye really is
and the King family face an awkward encounter
I'm A Celeb's Helen Flanagan branded 'bimbo with big boobs' in first jungle
I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here
EXCLUSIVE: I'm A Celebrity... South Africa star Helen Flanagan was "stereotyped"
as a "bimbo" during her first time on the show in 2012 but is coming back to
"prove a point"
Art-lovers baffled as 150-year-old painting 'seems to show woman using an
Time Travel
Believers in time travel are in for a treat when taking a look at The Expected
One by Ferdinand George Waldmüller, with the piece from the 1860s appearing to
show someone using an iPhone
Martin Tyler urged to retire after 'racist' comment about Son Heung-min
Commentator Martin Tyler became embroiled in controversy as he came under fire
for likening Son Heung-min's foul on Cody Gakpo to martial arts during Spurs'
defeat to Liverpool
'Boys teased me in school over mum being on Babestation – but now call me on
EXCLUSIVE: Babestation beauty McKenzie Bleu spoke with Daily Star about joining
the saucy TV company after turning 18 to follow in the footsteps of her mum Levi
World Snooker ChampionshipWorld Snooker Championship stars only ended drinking
contest after 42 pints eachStories from snooker's heyday often paint pictures of
a manic scene fuelled by alcohol and cigarette smoke, but one star stands out
from the pack when it comes to tales of tolerance
Teenager dies after falling and 'impaling eye on goal post' in freak PE accident
United States
Brayden Bahme, 16, died during a PE lesson at his school when he tripped while
running, somehow impaling his eye on a goal post, with tributes pouring in for
the tragic teen
Alleged cowboy builder 'with seven different names' added to 'UK's Most Wanted'
Builder Steven Fidler has been added to the 'UK's Most Wanted' list by
Crimestoppers in connection with a series of frauds, with the organisation
alleging he fleeced customers out of thousands of pounds
Country music’s sexiest songs – D***ed Down in Dallas to Girls with Big T***ies
When you think about songs to romp in the bedroom to, the country and western
genre might not be what first pops to mind – but plenty of artists are pushing
the boundaries
'I walked around naked at Playboy Mansion parties – but was shunned when I left'
Former Playboy Mansion 'paint girl' Tiffany Lang has revealed she was "shunned
for everything" for her past, where she attended "a million parties" at Hugh
Hefner's infamous party pad
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Man stabbed to death outside Cornwall nightclub named as rugby player
Breaking News
A man stabbed to death outside a nightclub in Cornwall has been named as rugby
player Michael Allen. He died in the early hours of Sunday morning near Eclipse
nightclub in Bodmin
World Snooker Championship stars only ended drinking contest after 42 pints each
World Snooker Championship
Stories from snooker's heyday often paint pictures of a manic scene fuelled by
alcohol and cigarette smoke, but one star stands out from the pack when it comes
to tales of tolerance
'I walked around naked at Playboy Mansion parties – but was shunned when I left'
Former Playboy Mansion 'paint girl' Tiffany Lang has revealed she was "shunned
for everything" for her past, where she attended "a million parties" at Hugh
Hefner's infamous party pad
Prostitute 'stabs client in the penis in furious row over 80p sex session'
A sex worker reportedly stabbed a customer's penis in a dispute over an 80p
payment. The alleged horrifying incident took place in Malawi and the suspect
was identified as Patricia Wyson
Bloke watches American Pie sex scene with gran – and her reaction has viewers
Kaelin Maddison went viral on social media after sharing his gran's awkward
reaction to Jim's sex scene with Natalie in the movie American Pie 2, after
sitting down to watch it with her
Mia Khalifa returns to sleepy UK seaside town that she says is 'better than
Mia Khalifa
Former Pornhub star Mia Khalifa appears to be back in the UK and has wasted no
time making her way to her favourite spot, a sleepy seaside town she loves in
EastEnders Heather Trott star's weight loss as she credits £7 hobby for
EastEnders Heather Trott star Cheryl Fergison continues to show off her
jaw-dropping weight loss and revealed a £7 activity has helped with her
incredible transformation
Country music’s sexiest songs – D***ed Down in Dallas to Girls with Big T***ies
When you think about songs to romp in the bedroom to, the country and western
genre might not be what first pops to mind – but plenty of artists are pushing
the boundaries
Martin Tyler urged to retire after 'racist' comment about Son Heung-min
Commentator Martin Tyler became embroiled in controversy as he came under fire
for likening Son Heung-min's foul on Cody Gakpo to martial arts during Spurs'
defeat to Liverpool
I'm A Celeb's Nicola McLean was given 'special XL harness' for GG boobs in ITV
I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here
EXCLUSIVE: I'm A Celeb star Nicola McLean has revealed she was given a special
extra large harness to complete her ITV trials when she starred on the show back
in 2008
Lottery conman who forged £2.5m winning ticket could soon have £700k home taken
National Lottery
Edward Putman, 57, managed to swindle £2.5million after forging a
jackpot-winning lottery ticket and now faces losing his home after not paying
back what he was meant to

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