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Submission Tags: @phishunt_io
Submission: On August 26 via api from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

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Text Content



To fill out an application, please create an account.
To continue or check on the status of your application, please sign in to your

Thank you for your interest in K9s For Warriors. As you may know, we are an
Assistance Dogs International (ADI) accredited provider of Service Dogs, serving
veterans with service-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic
brain injury (TBI), and/or military sexual trauma (MST).

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and with our generous community of
supporters, K9s For Warriors matches our Warriors with a Service Dog and hosts
the pair at one of our campuses for a 21-day program at no cost to the Warrior.
This program includes on campus and off-site training, bonding time in our
welcoming housing, and useful classes, and it prepares the pair to pass a public
access test, earning ADI certification that the dog is the handler’s Service
Dog. Although a certification is not required by the U.S. laws and regulations
which protect a person’s right to be accompanied by a Service Dog, ADI’s
certification is a nationally recognized indication that a dog has been
individually trained, by a quality organization, to perform specific tasks to
aid a handler with a disability in accordance with the ADA, and it can be

Our team selects dogs based on breed, height, weight, health, and temperament;
houses them on our campuses; and trains them to aid our Warriors. We do not
train Service Dogs in the tasks that would be necessary to aid someone who uses
a wheelchair, mobility scooter, or walker; is substantially visually or hearing
impaired; needs retrieval assistance; or has advanced mobility or medical alert
issues. Also, training your owned pet or a dog from outside our program is not
an option we offer.

We take great pride in providing our Warriors the best possible service, and
your honesty and accuracy in this application is the first step in getting a
“new leash on life!” Although other information may be required, our basic
criteria includes:

 1. Military service with honorable discharge or current honorable service.
 2. Verifiable diagnosis of PTSD, TBI, and/or MST which must be service-related.
 3. Stable living environment, including the financial ability to provide care
    for a Service Dog.
 4. No alcohol or substance abuse and no illegal dependency.
 5. No felony conviction, pending criminal charges, current parole/probation,
    pattern of criminality, or animal abuse.
 6. Residence in the territorial United States and no intention to leave for 60
    days after graduation from our program.
 7. Willingness to rehome pets as required by K9s For Warriors due to, for
    example, conflict or number of dogs.(limit = 3 dogs in the home, including
    your K9s For Warriors Service Dog)
 8. Ability to participate fully for 21 days without a caregiver or assistance
    in activities of daily living.

As I am sure you can imagine, it is ideal that our applicants submit a complete
application rather than sending portions at a time; however, you will have 60
days to submit all required documents, after which we will welcome anyone with
an incomplete application who would still like to apply to do so by restarting
the process. Upon acceptance into the K9s For Warriors Service Dog program,
there will be a waiting period which Warriors use to prepare to be paired with a
Service Dog. During this time, the same team that reviewed your application, the
Warriors Relations Team will be available to help and support you – as we will
continue to be while you are with us for your training and in the years after.

Thank you for your service and for considering K9s For Warriors as your service
dog provider!

Rory Diamond

Chief Executive Officer

K9s For Warriors, Inc.


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