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Text Content
* All Plans TERM INSURANCE PLANS * HDFC Life Click 2 Protect LifeNew * HDFC Life Saral Jeevan Bima * QuickProtect PlanNew SEE MORE SAVINGS PLANS * HDFC Life Sanchay Plus * HDFC Life Sanchay Fixed Maturity Plan * HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage SEE MORE ULIP PLANS * HDFC Life Click 2 Wealth * HDFC Life Click 2 Invest – Ulip * HDFC Life ProGrowth Plus SEE MORE RETIREMENT - ANNUITY & PENSION PLANS * HDFC Life Systematic Retirement PlanNew * HDFC Life New immediate Annuity Plan * HDFC Life Pension Guaranteed Plan SEE MORE HEALTH PLANS * HDFC Life Cardiac Care * HDFC Life Cancer Care * Click 2 Protect Health SEE MORE CHILD PLANS * HDFC Life YoungStar Udaan * HDFC SL YoungStar Super Premium SEE MORE COMBO PLANS * HDFC Life Sanchay Maximiser GROUP INSURANCE PLANS * HDFC Life Group Poorna Suraksha * HDFC Life Group Credit Protect Plus * HDFC Life Group Term Insurance SEE MORE POS PLANS * HDFC Life guaranteed savings plan HDFC LIFE CLICK 2 PROTECT LIFE PROTECTS YOUR FAMILY AGAINST UNCERTAINTIES Key Features * Option to choose from 3 plan options * Special premium rates for female lives and non-tobacco users * Option to avail cover for Whole of Life* Buy Online Learn More *Available under Life Protect and Income Plus Options only * Claims * Customer Service RESUME APPLICATION PAY PREMIUM All * Webpages * Documents Webpages Documents * HDFC Life ClassicAssure PlusInvestment * HDFC Life ClassicAssure PlusInvestment * HDFC Life ClassicAssure PlusInvestment * Customers * Individual * NRI * Employees * Mail * CRM * Goal * ESS * eSparsh * Partner * Goal * Consultants * Partner Portal-FC FOR ONLINE POLICY PURCHASE (NEW AND ONGOING APPLICATIONS) * CALL (ALL DAYS, FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM, TOLL FREE) 1800-266-9777 * REQUEST CALL BACK (MISSED CALL) 9606112099 * CALL (FOR NRI CUSTOMERS, ALL DAYS, LOCAL CHARGES APPLY) +91-8916613503 * EMAIL buyonline@hdfclife.in * SMS SMS LIFE to 56161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRANCH LOCATOR * LOCATE A BRANCH Click here FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS (ISSUED POLICY) * WHATSAPP +91 8291-890-569 * CALL (MON TO SAT, FROM 10 AM TO 7 PM, LOCAL CHARGES APPLY) 1860-267-9999 * CALL (MON TO SAT, FROM 10 AM TO 7 PM, STD CHARGES APPLY) 022-68446530 * EMAIL service@hdfclife.com * NRI-EMAIL nriservice@hdfclife.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND PERFORMANCE CHECK * CALL (MISSED CALL) 0800-0006–609 Call To Buy-1800-266-9777 FUND PERFORMANCE * NAV * NAV Summary KNOWLEDGE CENTER * Insurance Basics * Tax * Investment * Health * Life * Retirement * Term ABOUT US * Leadership * Vision and Value * Awards * About HDFC Life * CSR Activities * Environment, Social and Governance * Investor Relations * Public Disclosure * Media Center * Futurance * Diversity, Equity and Inclusion TOOLS & CALCULATORS * Income Tax Calculator * Retirement Planner Calculator * Term Insurance Calculator * Ulip Calculator * BMI Calculator * Compound Interest Calculator * See More QUICK LINKS * Contact us * Customer Assistance Guide * Careers * Branch Locator Converse with HDFC Life 3D AI Assistant Avatar Website | Mobile (Download app) DOWNLOAD HDFC LIFE APP Buy plans, track your policy, make renewal payments & monitor fund performance with HDFC Life App, Download Now! I hereby consent to receive policy related communication from HDFC Life or its authorized representatives via Call, SMS, Email & Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) including WhatsApp and agree to waive my registration on NCPR (National Customer Preference Registry) in this regard. GET APP LINK * Customers * Individual * NRI * Employees * Mail * CRM * Goal * ESS * eSparsh * Partner * Goal * Consultants * Partner Portal-FC RESUME APPLICATION PAY PREMIUM WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? * All Plans All Plans * Term Insurance Plans * HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life * HDFC Life Saral Jeevan Bima * QuickProtect Plan * SEE MORE * Savings Plans * HDFC Life Sanchay Plus * HDFC Life Sanchay Fixed Maturity Plan * HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage * SEE MORE * ULIP Plans * HDFC Life Click 2 Wealth * HDFC Life Click 2 Invest – Ulip * HDFC Life ProGrowth Plus * SEE MORE * Retirement - Annuity & Pension Plans * HDFC Life Systematic Retirement Plan * HDFC Life New immediate Annuity Plan * HDFC Life Pension Guaranteed Plan * SEE MORE * Health Plans * HDFC Life Cardiac Care * HDFC Life Cancer Care * Click 2 Protect Health * SEE MORE * Child Plans * HDFC Life YoungStar Udaan * HDFC SL YoungStar Super Premium * SEE MORE * Combo Plans * HDFC Life Sanchay Maximiser * * Group Insurance Plans * HDFC Life Group Poorna Suraksha * HDFC Life Group Credit Protect Plus * HDFC Life Group Term Insurance * SEE MORE * POS Plans * HDFC Life guaranteed savings plan * * Claims * Customer Service * Fund Performance Fund Performance * NAV * NAV Summary * Knowledge Center Knowledge Center * Insurance Basics * Tax * Investment * Health * Life * Retirement * Term * About Us About Us * Leadership * Vision and Value * Awards * About HDFC Life * CSR Activities * Environment, Social and Governance * Investor Relations * Public Disclosure * Media Center * Futurance * Diversity, Equity and Inclusion * Tools & Calculators Tools & Calculators * Income Tax Calculator * Retirement Planner Calculator * Term Insurance Calculator * Ulip Calculator * BMI Calculator * Compound Interest Calculator * See More QUICK LINKS * Contact us * Customer Assistance Guide * Careers * Branch Locator Converse with HDFC Life 3D AI Assistant Avatar Website | Mobile (Download app) DOWNLOAD HDFC LIFE APP I hereby consent to receive policy related communication from HDFC Life or its authorized representatives via Call, SMS, Email & Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) including WhatsApp and agree to waive my registration on NCPR (National Customer Preference Registry) in this regard. Buy plans, track your policy, make renewal payments & monitor fund performance with HDFC Life App, Download Now! GET APP LINK Search 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TERM PLANS SAVINGS PLANS ULIP PLANS IMMEDIATE INCOME PLANS FIXED MATURITY PLANS RETIREMENT PLANS CHILDREN PLANS HEALTH PLANS POS PLANS COMBO PLANS GROUP PLANS I Want To Buy a term planGet guaranteed returnsSave taxPlan for my retirementInvest in ULIP TERM PLANS SAVINGS PLANS ULIP PLANS IMMEDIATE INCOME PLANS FIXED MATURITY PLANS RETIREMENT PLANS CHILDREN PLANS HEALTH PLANS POS PLANS COMBO PLANS GROUP PLANS VIEW ALL PERSONAL DETAILS *Enter first name *Enter mobile number *Current Age Years *Desired Retirement Age Years Educational Qualifications Graduate and above Non Graduate FINANCIAL DETAILS *Annual Income ₹ *Monthly Expenses ₹ Existing Insurance Cover ₹ Liabilities No Liabilities Upto 10 Lacs Upto 20 Lacs Upto 30 Lacs Upto 40 Lacs Upto 50 Lacs I hereby consent to receive policy related / documents / application related communication from HDFC Life or its authorized representatives via Call, SMS, Email & Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) including WhatsApp and agree to waive my registration on NCPR (National Customer Preference Registry) in this regard. CALCULATE Your Required life cover to protect your family’s future is ₹ 0 RECOMMENDED PLAN FOR YOU HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life LEARN MORE The values shown here are only for illustration. The results are generated based on the information provided. It is not intended to be and must not alone be taken as the basis for an investment decision. HOW MUCH LIFE INSURANCE DO YOU NEED? With so many considerations, let us help you to make easy decisions for your life insurance needs. LET US CALCULATE NOT SURE WHICH INSURANCE TO BUY? TALK TO AN ADVISOR RIGHT AWAY We help you to choose best insurance plan based on your needs SCHEDULE A CALL GET A CALL BACK Interested in buying insurance plans, then fill the form below to help us call you back This form is only for exploring insurance plans provided by HDFC Life, for Customer Service queries, please Click Here. Name Contact Number Select your insurance plan Select Plan Type Health Plans Investment Plans Protection Plans Children's Plans Savings Plans Retirement Plans I hereby consent to receive policy related communication from HDFC Life or its authorized representatives via Call, SMS, Email & Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) including WhatsApp and agree to waive my registration on NCPR (National Customer Preference Registry) in this regard. SUBMIT This service is available between 9 AM - 9 PM IST Disclaimer : By submitting your contact details, you agree to HDFC Life's Privacy Policy and authorize HDFC Life and/or its authorized Service Providers to verify the above information and/or contact you to assist you with the purchase. This will override any NCPR registration made by you. Thanks for contacting us. Will get in touch soon. *T&C Apply HDFC LIFE SANCHAY PLUS *T&C Apply A savings plan that takes you closer to your dreams and secures your family’s future. BUY NOW ARN: ED/09/21/25571 ABOUT HDFC LIFE HDFC Life is one of India's leading life insurance company offering a range of individual and group insurance solutions that meet your various needs such as Protection, Pension, Savings & Investment, Health and more. NUMBER OF LIVES INSURED 5.4 CRORE In FY 21-22 ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT 2,04,170 CRS In FY 21-22 BRANCHES 372 Across in India SUM ASSURED 7.2 LAKH CRORE New Business SUPERBRAND FOR THE 8TH TIME IN A ROW SUPERBRAND 2021-22 As per HDFC Life Integrated Annual Report FY 2021 - 2022 SUPERBRAND FOR THE 8TH TIME IN A ROW SUPERBRAND 2021-22 SUM ASSURED 7.2 LAKH CRORE New Business BRANCHES 372 Across in India ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT 2,04,170 CRS In FY 21-22 NUMBER OF LIVES INSURED 5.4 CRORE In FY 21-22 # As per HDFC Life Integrated Annual Report FY 2021 - 2022 WE HAVE HONOURED 98.66 % INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS!* *Individual death claim settlement ratio by number of policies as per audited annual statistics for FY 2021-22. Check last 5 years claims trend. 1 Day Claim Settlement. Know More CLAIM SETTLEMENT RATIO ( Percentage and average claim settlement time ) 2021 - 22 98.66 % Average Claim settlement time: 3.3 days 2020 - 21 98.01 % Average Claim settlement time: 5 days 2019 - 20 99.07 % Average Claim settlement time: 4 days 2018 - 19 99.03 % Average Claim settlement time: 4 days 2017 - 18 97.80 % Average Claim settlement time: 5 days ONE DAY CLAIM SETTLEMENT is available for the following * Cumulative claim amount on all policies up to ₹2 crores * 1 day claim settlement is exclusively available for policies bought online * Claim does not require field investigation * All requisite documents submitted by the nominee before 3 PM on a working day at HDFC Life branches. Intimations beyond 3 PM will be taken up the next business day * HDFC Life will pay an interest on your death claim amount for every day of delay beyond one working day T&C Apply 1. For all claims* fulfilling above mentioned conditions, provided we receive all the required documents, the claim will be processed within one working day and decision will be communicated accordingly. 2. Investigation / Open title / Rival / Court involved Claims are excluded. 3. Policy duration at the time of event is at least >=3 years. 4. Saturday, Sunday, public festivals and non-NAV days (for ULIP) are excluded (not treated as a working day) ^Interest rate would be at 6.25%per annum. #Documentation Details Claim form, Nominee photograph, Pan card copy, Identity and Address proof of nominee. (If nominee is minor, documents of appointee to be submitted). Death certificate issued by competent authority for death registrations. Medical cause of death certificate. Cancelled cheque/copy with the name of nominee/appointee mentioned on it as per the passbook of the nominee/appointee. Past & current complete medical records including discharge/death summary, indoor case papers, investigation reports, consultation notes. In case of an accidental death, additional documents will be required. Post Mortem Report, Panchnama, Police Inquest report, First/Final Information report, Viscera/Chemical Analysis report. HERE'S ALL YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE. We help you to make informed insurance decisions for a lifetime. CHOOSE THE RIGHT TERM INSURANCE PLAN - 7 SIMPLE STEPS CHOOSE THE RIGHT TERM INSURANCE PLAN - 7 SIMPLE STEPS "There are certain factors which must be taken into consideration before purchasing term plan. Read seven basic steps to be taken while choosing a term insurance plan." UNIT LINKED INSURANCE PLANS, MOST PREFERRED INVESTMENT OPTION AMONG INDIANS | HDFC LIFE FINANCIAL PLANNING - IMPORTANCE OF SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT | HDFC LIFE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN - REQUIREMENT & BENEFITS | HDFC LIFE "Health Plans offer financial security to meet health related contingencies. It becomes imperative therefore to have a health insurance plan in place. To Know more about health plans, Visit Now !" HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN - REQUIREMENT & BENEFITS | HDFC LIFE VIEW MORE POPULAR SEARCHES term insurance plan savings plan ulip plan retirement plans health plans child insurance plans group insurance plans long term savings plan fixed maturity plan monthly income advantage plan income tax calculator pension calculator bmi calculator compound interest calculator term insurance calculator income tax tax saving investment options best investment plans benefits of term insurance calculator what is term insurance why to invest in life insurance ulip vs mutual fund tax planning for salaried employees how to choose best child insurance plan tips for buying retirement plan 1 crore term insurance importance of saving short term saving plans types of investment in india investment declaration DISCLAIMER T&C* 1. Provided all due premiums have been paid and the policy is in force. 2. This option is available for entry ages 50 to 60 years. ARN: EU/07/21/24469 To read the complete definitions as stated by IRDAI and displayed across this website, you can refer the specimen policy documents here. POPULAR LINKS * Term insurance * ULIP * Pay Premium * My Account * Fund Performance * Life Insurance Plans PRODUCT LISTING TERM INSURANCE PLANS * HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life * HDFC Life Saral Jeevan Bima VIEW ALL PLANS ULIP PLANS * HDFC Life Click 2 Wealth * HDFC Life Click 2 Invest- Ulip * HDFC Life ProGrowth Plus VIEW ALL PLANS CHILD PLANS * HDFC SL YoungStar Super Premium * HDFC Life YoungStar Udaan VIEW ALL PLANS POS PLANS * HDFC Life Guaranteed Savings Plan RETIREMENT & PENSION PLANS * HDFC Life Pension Guaranteed Plan * HDFC Life New Immediate Annuity Plan * HDFC Life Guaranteed Pension Plan * HDFC Life Click 2 Retire VIEW ALL PLANS SAVINGS PLANS * HDFC Life Sanchay Fixed Maturity Plan * HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage * HDFC Life Sanchay Plus VIEW ALL PLANS HEALTH PLANS * Click 2 Protect Corona Shield * Click 2 Protect Health * HDFC Life Cancer Care * HDFC Life Cardiac Care VIEW ALL PLANS COMBO PRODUCTS * HDFC Life Sanchay Maximiser STAY UPDATED WITH HDFC LIFE SUBMIT I hereby consent to receive policy related communication from HDFC Life or its authorized representatives via Call, SMS, Email & Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) including WhatsApp and agree to waive my registration on NCPR (National Customer Preference Registry) in this regard. 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The name/letters "HDFC" in the name/logo of the company belongs to Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited ("HDFC Limited") and is used by HDFC Life under an agreement entered into with HDFC Limited. For more details on risk factors, associated terms and conditions and exclusions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. AS PER REGULATORY CHANGES, IT IS MANDATORY TO SUBMIT PAN/FORM 60 (IF PAN IS NOT AVAILABLE) FOR YOUR POLICY WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT. PLEASE UPDATE VIA MY ACCOUNT/ SERVICE@HDFCLIFE.COM/ 18602679999 (LOCAL CHARGES APPLY) OR 022-68446530 (STD CHARGES APPLY) / HDFC LIFE BRANCH. IGNORE IF ALREADY SUBMITTED. HDFC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (“HDFC LIFE”). CIN: L65110MH2000PLC128245, IRDAI REG. NO. 101. REGISTERED OFFICE: LODHA EXCELUS, 13TH FLOOR, APOLLO MILLS COMPOUND, N.M. JOSHI MARG, MAHALAXMI, MUMBAI 400 011. TEL NO: (022)67516666. THE NAME/LETTERS "HDFC" IN THE NAME/LOGO OF THE COMPANY BELONGS TO HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED ("HDFC LIMITED") AND IS USED BY HDFC LIFE UNDER AN AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO WITH HDFC LIMITED. FOR MORE DETAILS ON RISK FACTORS, ASSOCIATED TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS PLEASE READ SALES BROCHURE CAREFULLY BEFORE CONCLUDING A SALE. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS PHONE CALLS AND FICTITIOUS/FRAUDULENT OFFERS IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint. 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