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* Home * About Us * The Director * Trust Board * Finances * Internet * Offices * Prayer * Contact Us * Contacts * Donate * Articles * Articles by Rodney W. Francis * Articles by Others * Barnabas Bulletins * Archives * Faith Messages * Testimonies * Good News * Prayer Support Letter * Events * Resources * Books * Booklets * Manuals * Bible Courses * Online Questions From John's Gospel * Youtube * Checkout * Audio Messages * Rodneys Funeral * * * * * * * * * * * * WELCOME to the Website of The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry. May you be inspired, encouraged and challenged by what you read. The GFM Ministry has been in operation for over 58 years and continues to grow in its spiritual influence in many countries of the world. Our Message is simple: JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE TODAY to meet your every need through the power of the Holy Spirit! He is only a sincere prayer away! Reach out to Him and find in Him the real answers you need for your daily living. The GFM Ministry is focused on releasing the Holy Spirit Ministry through the five-fold ministry gifts (Ephesians 4:11-16) and the nine Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1-11), Gospel literature through books, booklets, manuals, Gospel Tracts, 3 Bible Correspondence Courses (free). Living for, and Serving Jesus is very exciting indeed, and we invite you to seek Him while He may be found. The best is yet to come for those who will believe the promises of God! We have Rodney's Books in PDF format that can be freely downloaded (see Resources) God Bless YOU! Jean Francis GOD CAN TURN YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES AROUND! In the Book of Esther (4:14) Mordecai puts the question to Queen Esther to take the initiative and go in to present herself before the king. It was a time of real discouragement for the Jews, as they had just found out a great plotting was against them to annihilate ("completely destroy") them. It seemed that wickedness was prevailing. Mordecai challenged Esther with these words: "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14 ). The big issue we Christians have to settle is the one of knowing who we are. Knowing that WE HAVE come to the kingdom for such a time as this. A huge source of encouragement is in knowing who we are and that we have been raised up of God for such a time as this! YOU were born for the NOW! Don't be silent about this. Discouragement always increases when we doubt who we are as "Kingdom Kids." A negative, life-threatening situation was turned into a positive victory because Esther believed she held the answer in her own hand and actions. Her actions not only turned a negative, discouraging set of circumstances around for her and her family personally, but it impacted the whole nation! Her actions brought life instead of death! "Death and life are in the power of the tongue . . . " (Proverbs 18:21). Oh, the power of encouragement when one knows who they are in God and knows they are in His Kingdom right now by His divine favour and purpose! So speak that out positively - again and again. Right now, regardless of your circumstances, rise up in the knowledge of who you are! Reach out to others - encourage them! See yourself as being in the right place at the right time with the right message (of encouragement) for the right person (or people). GOD HAS INVESTED IN YOU AND HE THINKS YOU'RE WONDERFUL!! In fact YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS TO HIM HE GAVE HIS VERY BEST in order for you to have relationship with Him throughout time and all eternity! Encourage others and encourage yourself. Remember David (1 Samuel 30:6)? When no one else encouraged him, HE ENCOURAGED HIMSELF! And that's another message in itself. ~ By Rodney W. Francis 24th January 2023 Dear Supporters and Prayer Warriors of The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, Greetings and blessings in the mighty name of Jesus. We are writing to express our sincere gratitude for the support and prayers that you have offered to The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry over many years. Your generosity and dedication have helped us to make a positive impact in the lives of many individuals and communities throughout the World. As you may already know, the “Gospel Faith Messenger” charity is closing down today, 24th January 2023. This decision was not an easy one to make, but we believe it is what needed to be done after the passing of our beloved founder director Rodney W. Francis. We are incredibly grateful for the time and resources that you have given to this mission, and we are honoured to have had you partner with us. Thank you for your love, support and prayers. May God bless you, for sacrifices you have made, the time you have dedicated, the resources you have provided and the prayers you have prayed. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed and we are forever grateful. We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to use you to make a difference in the world, and we ask that you continue to pray for the people who have received from this ministry and the volunteer workers. We will also keep you in our prayers as we move forward. With heartfelt appreciation, Jean Francis (On behalf of The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry). Print ANOTHER GFM PUBLICATION... The Dunamis Power Of God! (Booklet) GOOD NEWS! Do You Care? By Rodney W. Francis Friend, I want to challenge you. Do you care about your life? Do you ever stop and think where you ... Read more... LATEST ARTICLES * God Cares For Us * 0251 ~ How Well Do You Know Jesus? * Knowing Our Inheritance * 0250 ~ Being Opened By God MOST READ * 003 - The "Dunamis" Power Of God! * John On The Island Of Patmos * Dreams And Visions * A Wounded Spirit "The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry. PO Box 57, Paraparaumu 5254, New Zealand. Email gfm@gospel.org.nz Powered by Warp Theme Framework * Home * About Us * The Director * Trust Board * Finances * Internet * Offices * Prayer * Contact Us * Contacts * Donate * Articles * Articles by Rodney W. Francis * Articles by Others * Barnabas Bulletins * Archives * Faith Messages * Testimonies * Good News * Prayer Support Letter * Events * Resources * Books * Booklets * Manuals * Bible Courses * Online Questions From John's Gospel * Youtube * Checkout * Audio Messages * Rodneys Funeral