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* Home * 1 Pixel Gap * 1 Pixel Gap * About * Asia Life * Best Prices For You * Blog Shortcode * Bookings for Teachers * Buttons & Icons * Cart * Checkout * Children & Teens Programs * Class Schedule * Clients * Columns * Contact forms * Contacts * Counters & Progress Bars * Custom HTML, CSS, JS * Dividers * DK * Embedded * FAQ * Featured Blocks * Features * Gallery * Google Maps * Horizontal * Icon Boxes * Icon Lists * Images * IUMP – Reset Password * Kids Programs Registration Form * Large Gap * Large Gap * Liability Waiver * Live Class Subscription * Login * LogOut * Masonry Blog * My account * My Account * My Account * News * No Gap * No Gap * Notice Boxes * Oi Vietnam * Online Classes Schedule * Online Yoga * Our Facilities * Our Rates * Our Team * Portfolio Shortcode * Posts or Projects Slider * Pre-recorded Videos * Pricing * Profiles * Puzzle * Quotes * Rates * Register * Register for an account * Registration * Registration Forms * Reiki Terms and Conditions * Reiki with Andrea * Sample Page * Schedule * School Programs * Sidebars * Sliders * Social Sharing * Special Headings * Standard * Standard Blog * Subscription Plan * Summer Camp – Sign Up * Summer Camp Schedule * Tables * Tabs & Tours * Term of Service * Terms and Conditions * Timeline * Timeline Blog * Timetable for WordPress * Timetable for WordPress sample 2 * Timetable for WordPress sample 3 * Timetable for WordPress sample 4 * Timetable for WordPress sample 5 * Toggles & Accordions * Tweets * Vertical * Visitor Inside * Vitamin Bar * Yoga Joy Saigon is Going Online * You are being redirected here * 1 Pixel Gap * 1 Pixel Gap * About * Asia Life * Best Prices For You * Blog Shortcode * Bookings for Teachers * Buttons & Icons * Cart * Checkout * Children & Teens Programs * Class Schedule * Clients * Columns * Contact forms * Contacts * Counters & Progress Bars * Custom HTML, CSS, JS * Dividers * DK * Embedded * FAQ * Featured Blocks * Features * Gallery * Google Maps * Home * Horizontal * Icon Boxes * Icon Lists * Images * IUMP – Reset Password * Kids Programs Registration Form * Large Gap * Large Gap * Liability Waiver * Live Class Subscription * Login * LogOut * Masonry Blog * My account * My Account * My Account * News * No Gap * No Gap * Notice Boxes * Oi Vietnam * Online Classes Schedule * Online Yoga * Our Facilities * Our Rates * Our Team * Portfolio Shortcode * Posts or Projects Slider * Pre-recorded Videos * Pricing * Profiles * Puzzle * Quotes * Rates * Register * Register for an account * Registration * Registration Forms * Reiki Terms and Conditions * Reiki with Andrea * Sample Page * Schedule * School Programs * Sidebars * Sliders * Social Sharing * Special Headings * Standard * Standard Blog * Subscription Plan * Summer Camp – Sign Up * Summer Camp Schedule * Tables * Tabs & Tours * Term of Service * Terms and Conditions * Timeline * Timeline Blog * Timetable for WordPress * Timetable for WordPress sample 2 * Timetable for WordPress sample 3 * Timetable for WordPress sample 4 * Timetable for WordPress sample 5 * Toggles & Accordions * Tweets * Vertical * Visitor Inside * Vitamin Bar * Yoga Joy Saigon is Going Online * You are being redirected here [cmsms_row data_width=”fullwidth” data_color=”default” data_padding_top=”80″ data_padding_bottom=”0″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″] [cmsms_slider slider_plugin=”rev” slider_rev=”home-main”] [/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_merge=”true” data_color=”default” data_bg_color=”#ffffff” data_padding_top=”20″ data_padding_bottom=”20″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″] [cmsms_divider width=”long” height=”0″ style=”solid” position=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”0″ animation_delay=”0″] [cmsms_heading type=”h1″ font_family=”Poiret+One:400″ font_weight=”normal” font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]School Programs[/cmsms_heading][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_color=”default” data_bg_color=”#ffffff” data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsms_column data_width=”2/3″][cmsms_featured_block text_width=”80″ text_position=”left” text_align=”left” top_padding=”0″ bottom_padding=”0″ animation_delay=”0″] Yoga Joy Saigon is proud to offer a program for the community of students and teachers at your school. The program is grounded in science-based exploration of the body, mind and the self. We use mindfulness and yoga to improve and enhance learning, health and personal responsibility. Yoga is the oldest form of mind-body exercise; it integrates the mind, body and breath, developing physical health and mental clarity. The lessons support children in their intrinsic drive to acquire knowledge, skills and proficiency for active learning to take place. By developing self-awareness and self-confidence, the students and teachers will learn lifelong skills for wellness and problem solving, that we all need to for heath & well-being. [/cmsms_featured_block][cmsms_button button_link=”/school-programs/” button_target=”self” button_text_align=”center” button_style=”cmsms_but_bg_hover” button_font_family=”Poiret+One:400″ button_font_weight=”bold” button_font_style=”normal” button_padding_hor=”20″ button_icon=”cmsms-icon-arrow-right” button_border_style=”solid” button_border_radius=”50px” animation_delay=”0″]Learn more[/cmsms_button][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/3″][cmsms_image align=”center” animation_delay=”0″]7536||full[/cmsms_image][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_merge=”true” data_color=”default” data_bg_img=”7196||full” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″] [cmsms_divider width=”long” height=”0″ style=”solid” position=”center” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″] [cmsms_heading type=”h2″ font_family=”Poiret+One:400″ font_weight=”200″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” color=”#ffffff” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”50″ animation_delay=”0″ classes=”/our-classes/”]What people say about us[/cmsms_heading][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_merge=”true” data_color=”default” data_bg_img=”7196||full” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_padding_top=”20″ data_padding_bottom=”20″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/4″][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/4″][cmsms_text animation_delay=”0″] [/cmsms_text][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/4″][cmsms_text animation_delay=”0″] [/cmsms_text][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/4″][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_color=”default” data_bg_img=”7196||full” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsms_quotes mode=”slider_full” speed_full=”5″ animation=”fadeIn” animation_delay=”0″][cmsms_quote image=”7455||full” name=”Khanh Pham” subtitle=”Kids Club Saigon Director”] Kids Club Saigon is absolutely in love with Yoga Joy! Yoga has been a highlight of our early childhood program this year, thanks to Ms Alison who brings positive energy and mindfulness to our young children through weekly yoga sessions. The sessions are usually centered around an interesting topic, so the children are learning concepts and vocabulary as they practice yoga. [/cmsms_quote][cmsms_quote name=”Tammy” subtitle=”Parent”] “Layla loves yoga so much with Ms Alison! She always comes home and shows us her new yoga moves! She has become a lot more flexible and confident since starting yoga. She even puts her hands together, does a bow and says ‘Namaste.” a great blessing to see Layla enjoy yoga so much with Ms Alison! [/cmsms_quote][cmsms_quote name=”Manisha” subtitle=”Parent”] “Awesome” and “excellent” with kids are words that can best describe Ms. Alison. I know this by experiencing her as a yoga teacher to my 5 year old daughter who is bursting with energy every time she comes from Alison’s class. The excitement, curiosity and interest to learn more from the class is exceptional for my daughter! I wish I had someone like Alison when I was young. [/cmsms_quote][/cmsms_quotes][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_padding_bottom=”60″ data_padding_top=”60″ data_bg_color=”#abd1c6″ data_color=”fifth” data_width=”boxed”][cmsms_column data_width=”2/3″][cmsms_heading type=”h1″ font_family=”Poiret+One:400″ font_weight=”normal” font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Need more information?[/cmsms_heading][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/3″][cmsms_button button_link=”” button_target=”self” button_text_align=”center” button_style=”cmsms_but_bg_hover” button_font_size=”20″ button_line_height=”40″ button_font_weight=”normal” button_font_style=”normal” button_icon=”cmsms-icon-comment-3″ button_border_width=”1″ button_border_style=”solid” button_border_radius=”20px” button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_border_color=”#ffffff” button_bg_color_h=”#ffffff” button_text_color_h=”#959595″ button_border_color_h=”#ffffff” animation_delay=”200″]Contact us[/cmsms_button][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_padding_bottom=”30″ data_padding_top=”30″ data_color=”fifth” data_width=”boxed”][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsms_image align=”center” animation_delay=”0″][/cmsms_image][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_merge=”true” data_color=”default” data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”40″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsms_heading type=”h1″ font_size=”50″ line_height=”70″ tablet_check=”true” tablet_font_size=”26″ tablet_line_height=”30″ font_weight=”300″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”right” color=”#cd7399″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ animation_delay=”0″]Center your body and mind.[/cmsms_heading][cmsms_heading type=”h1″ font_size=”54″ line_height=”60″ tablet_check=”true” tablet_font_size=”26″ tablet_line_height=”38″ font_weight=”300″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”right” color=”#4482e0″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ animation_delay=”0″]Stretch the possibilities.[/cmsms_heading][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_padding_bottom=”0″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.9″ data_bg_parallax=”true” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_img=”6621||full” data_color=”default” data_width=”boxed”][cmsms_column data_width=”1/3″][cmsms_image align=”center” animation_delay=”0″][/cmsms_image][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/3″][cmsms_image align=”center” animation_delay=”0″][/cmsms_image][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column data_width=”1/3″][cmsms_text animation_delay=”0″] MARY SHELDON. KUNDALINI TRAINER [/cmsms_text][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_padding_bottom=”50″ data_padding_top=”50″ data_bg_color=”#ffffff” data_color=”default” data_width=”boxed”][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″] [cmsms_divider width=”long” height=”0″ style=”solid” position=”center” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″] [cmsms_gallery layout=”gallery” gallery_type=”masonry” image_size_gallery=”full” gallery_columns=”4″ gallery_links=”lightbox” animation_delay=”0″]8133|×150.jpg,8122|×150.jpg,8120|×150.jpg,8087|×150.jpg,8072|×150.jpg[/cmsms_gallery][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row][cmsms_row data_width=”boxed” data_color=”fifth” data_bg_color=”#50748a” data_bg_img=”6618||full” data_bg_position=”bottom center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax=”true” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.9″ data_padding_top=”80″ data_padding_bottom=”80″][cmsms_column data_width=”1/2″][cmsms_heading type=”h3″ font_family=”Poiret+One:400″ font_size=”30″ font_weight=”normal” font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” color=”#ffffff” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″ animation_delay=”0″]Contact Info[/cmsms_heading][cmsms_heading type=”h4″ font_family=”Lato:300,400,700,300italic,400italic,700italic” font_size=”20″ font_weight=”200″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” color=”#ffffff” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”12″ animation_delay=”0″][/cmsms_heading][cmsms_heading type=”h4″ font_family=”Lato:300,400,700,300italic,400italic,700italic” font_weight=”200″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” color=”#ffffff” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”12″ animation_delay=”0″]Whatsapp/Zalo: +1 (617) 946 6556[/cmsms_heading][/cmsms_column][cmsms_column 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