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Vendor Blog TrustRadius 2020 Tech Cares Award Recipients

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September 22nd, 2020 74 min read
Over 100 business technology companies have earned the 2020 Tech Cares award
based on user feedback and TrustRadius community nominations.


TrustRadius today awarded 116 Tech Cares awards to technology companies that
have gone above and beyond to support their clients and communities in 2020 and
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The award also recognizes companies that have
contributed directly to combat the virus, either with their products, knowledge,
or financial support. 

The 2020 Tech Cares award is unique in the software industry because 2020 is a
unique year for tech, and the world at large. While it has been tempting for
businesses to simply survive COVID-19 and the economic devastation that it has
caused, many companies rose to the occasion to meet the needs of those around


These companies were recognized for these actions in either of two ways. First,
their users have highlighted how the organization has acted selflessly and in
support of their customers through the pandemic. This frequently included
offering new capabilities or expertise at steep discounts, or even for free,
during the pandemic. 

We also opened this process to the TrustRadius community, which nominated
companies that would also meet the above criteria for the award. The research
team at TrustRadius individually vetted each nominee to ensure that their
actions met our standard for outstanding conduct and support during the COVID-19

After vetting each potential winner, TrustRadius is proud to announce these 116
recipients of the 2020 Tech Cares award, with words from either their nominator
or synthesized reviewer feedback:

 * 7shifts
 * 8X8 X Series
 * ActiveCampaign
 * ActivTrak
 * AlertMedia
 * Anaplan
 * Apricot Social solutions
 * APS Payroll
 * Articulate
 * Ascentis
 * AT&T FirstNet
 * AtScale
 * Avaya
 * BlackLine
 * Blue Prism
 * BlueJeans
 * Building Engines
 * CarePort Health
 * Ceridian
 * ChurnZero
 * Cisco Webex
 * CitiXsys
 * Condo Control Central
 * Conductor
 * Cornerstone OnDemand
 * Dialpad
 * Drift
 * Druva inSync
 * Emburse
 * eThink Education
 * Everbridge
 * EZ Texting
 * FinancialForce
 * Genbook
 * Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX)
 * Higher Logic

 * Hootsuite
 * Impero Software
 * Impiger Techologies, Inc.
 * INFUSEmedia
 * Intercom
 * Jamf Software
 * Jibble
 * Jobma
 * Jolt
 * JotForm
 * Kaseya
 * Keap
 * Khoros
 * Kissflow
 * KnowBe4
 * Kofax
 * Kustomer
 * LogMeIn Inc.
 * LogRhythm
 * Mailchimp
 * Microsoft
 * MobileIron
 * Modernizing Medicine
 * Namely
 * Netchex
 * Nextech
 * Nice inContact CXone
 * Nintex
 * Nuance Communications, Inc.
 * ON24 
 * PandaDoc
 * PanTerra Networks
 * Passageways
 * PathFactory
 * PatSnap
 * Paychex, Inc.
 * Paypro Workforce Management
 * Prophix Software Inc.
 * Pulse Secure

 * Pure Storage Flash Array
 * Pushnami
 * Qlik
 * Quick Base
 * Renaissance Learning
 * RMS Cloud
 * Robin
 * Sage Intacct
 * SAP Procurement Solutions
 * Sauce Labs
 * Scale Computing
 * SchoolAdmin
 * Simeio
 * Skyward Student Management
 * Slack
 * Sprout Social
 * Syncron
 * SysAid Technologies
 * Taulia Inc.
 * ThoughtSpot
 * TOPdesk
 * Totango
 * Treasure Data
 * TriNet
 * Turbonomic
 * Ultimate Kronos Group
 * UserTesting
 * Vembu Technologies
 * Vena Solutions
 * Vidyard
 * Visier
 * WatchGuard Technologies
 * Wrike
 * Xactly
 * Zerto
 * Zoho CRm
 * Zoom
 * ZoomInfo
 * Zywave


“During COVID, 7Shifts has responded to our evolving needs and instituted health
and safety assessment tools as part of Time & Attendance that have enabled us to
comply efficiently with local jurisdictional guidelines. 7Shifts has become a
valuable and indispensable platform for us.”


8×8 earns this award based on reviewer feedback about outstanding customer
support as operations transitioned during the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to
the communications logistics services 8×8 has provided for COVID-19 testing.


“Accenture has delivered on multiple innovative & outstanding strategies and
ideas to cater to customer and client needs, as well as employee welfare.”


“ActiveCampaign went above and beyond to support customers, with even more
flexible options for turning our service on and off no questions asked,
transitioning all of our live-training content into digital formats to make it
available for all customers, and offering free integration, migration, and 1:1
strategy sessions with our success team to even the lowest paying customers so
they could pivot their online marketing strategy.” 


“ActivTrak responded immediately by helping businesses navigate the complexities
of the post-pandemic workplace. The team immediately launched an online Resource
Center featuring sample work-from-home policies, best practices, training
sessions and webinars, checklists and templates, videos and demos to help
companies more easily manage the transition to a remote workforce environment…
ActivTrak offered a 35 percent off discount to make it more cost-effective for
companies to adopt its technology and successfully manage a remote workforce.”


ADP wins this award based reviewer feedback, particularly for Workforce Now.
Users highlighted how ADP helped SMBs navigate rapidly changing laws, loan
programs, and safety requirements related to COVID-19.


“Before the first official COVID-19 case even appeared in the US, customers
could see emerging COVID-19 hotspots around the world on our threat monitoring
map—and proximity to employees and critical assets. They could also use our
system to monitor the latest local restrictions, CDC health and safety
recommendations, and lockdown orders. Once stay-at-home orders started going
into effect across the country, customers were able to quickly connect with
employees using multi-channel notifications to streamline communication of their
remote work plan and keep essential workers safe through timely updates on
recommendations and wellness checks.”


“Anaplan launched the Anaplan Helps initiative to assist organizations in
responding to COVID-19. It included a free 90-day trial of the Anaplan platform
to qualified businesses, and access to 29 free downloadable apps on our website
that any organization could use to solve common problems during this crisis –
optimizing allocation of PPE; hospital staffing during the peak of the NY/NJ
outbreak; moving hospital equipment such as ventilators and beds to where they
were needed most; ambulance scheduling; matching volunteers with seniors or
people who needed extra help during lockdown; helping restaurants convert their
business from eat-in to take-out; a data hub for COVID statistics; and much


Social Solutions wins this award for its support of government and non-profit
organizations by making Social Solutions free for these teams. This access has
allowed government and non-profit groups to better respond to COVID-19
conditions, including the pandemic’s effect on human trafficking, abusive
relationships, and other social causes.


As a payroll and HR technology company that develops said technology in-house,
APS’ development team worked hard to create forms, reports, and dashboards for
all of the new payroll legislation that was quickly being passed by Congress.
APS was able to develop dashboards and reports that pulled the necessary data
for employers to apply for PPP loans as well… Then, APS created a special team
that was dedicated entirely to learning and understanding how this new
legislation in response to COVID-19 would impact businesses. This dedicated
COVID-19 Response Team was responsible for helping customers who had questions
about this new legislation and could aid them in using APS’ system to get the
information they needed for loan applications and reporting.


“We know that these uncertain times are putting workers under collective and
individual strain. If we want them to be productive and engaged, we need to
offer tools to help. That’s why we put together this course on coping with that
stress and uncertainty. We’ve given away close to a quarter of a million dollars
in concessions working with our customers on payment terms, extended discounts,
and free access to our tools to make sure they have the training tools they need
to empower their own employees and customers. “


“Timekeeping is extremely accurate with Ascentis. Corrections in one pay period
automatically create adjustments in the current pay period. No more manual
calculations. Ascentis was quick to set up workflows for the new leave laws due
to Covid-19.” Ascentis has also released employee tracking capabilities to
support COVID-19 contact tracing efforts.” 


“The community healthcare organization had 4 days to turn an empty lot into a
space where their providers could function as if they were in a clinic. The
biggest challenge was delivering connectivity. AT&T retail trucks were
positioned in the parking lot testing sites and used as mobile hot spots. Thanks
to the ready connectivity, medical personnel in the temporary clinics have all
the bandwidth they need, serving hundreds of patients a day.”


“AtScale’s overall goal of providing this impactful Insights Marketplace at no
cost is to provide BI professionals with a tool they can use to make challenging
business decisions in today’s highly impacted economy. So far, the feedback has
been incredible from end-users, as they’ve been able to derive amazing insights
into the nature of travel, how workers are returning to the workplace and the
impact of reopening restaurants on local communities. The team is constantly
updating the Data Insights Marketplace with new datasets for analysis.”


“ The Government of Mexico City implemented Avaya contact center solutions for
contact tracing conducting 2,700 tests daily across 117 health centers    Avaya
offered its Avaya Spaces collaboration app for free to educational institutions
and non-profit organizations worldwide. School around the world like the
University of Milan and Anacao Liceo school in Italy, Charter College in South
Africa, Michigan State University, Florida State University, Icon International
School in Ghana, Africa, and hundreds more around the world are using Avaya
Spaces to reliably communicate with parents, students and each other to minimize
learning disruption amid school closures. They can securely share docs,
coordinate work across teams, and assign and track coursework regardless of
where students are located.”


“Realizing that Finance and Accounting (F&A) organizations would face
unprecedented challenges closing their books and conducting audits with the
global lockdown forcing entire teams to work entirely from home for the first
time, BlackLine acted quickly, opening access for customers to its entire
library of premium online educational resources and shortly thereafter unveiled
a ‘Resource Hub for Closing Virtually’ to provide free access to the broader
accounting community.  BlackLine also introduced a Remote Audit solution and
services package that could be quickly deployed to help customers prepare for
remote audits.”


“Blue Prism’s COVID-19 Response Program has initiated dozens of projects, where
donated digital workers and services are assisting workers and organizations on
the front lines of the health emergency, across many sectors. We have made
donated licenses and resources available to healthcare, government, education,
and financial services organizations and non-profits in immediate need of our
technology for public benefit to help fight COVID-19. Launched in mid-March, the
program already encompasses nearly 85 projects across multiple industries. The
program is directly benefiting community organizations across the globe that
have experienced the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.”


BlueJeans wins this award based on reviewer feedback, which highlights how the
company has been instrumental in continued education and Learning From Home
since the pandemic began.


“Now, as occupants re-enter their commercial spaces, and occupancy rates climb
back up to a more stabilized rate, CRE owners and operators are implementing new
procedures and workflows to ensure a safe and responsive reoccupation process
and are increasingly looking for solutions that can handle changing guidelines
and evolving policies.     Building Engines recognized this need for its
customers and the industry as a whole, and decided to offer relevant modules in
its platform at no cost to both customers and prospects. While many CRE owners
and operators already relied on building operations software like Building
Engines’, this offering gives quick access to those property teams that need
software to address and cope with the challenges brought on by the pandemic. The
decision to offer the modules at no cost was made to be sensitive to the fact
that many CRE rent rolls (and therefore revenue) were severely impacted and the
future of their buildings were uncertain.”


“CarePort has established its platform as an indispensable tool for its users
amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As hospitals and nursing homes across the country
reached, or in many cases exceeded, their capacity limits, they were able to
lean on CarePort. Post-acute providers were able to indicate whether or not they
were able to accept COVID-19 positive or pending patients, information that was
surfaced for hospital case managers to see in real-time. With some hospitals
managing surge capacity, knowing which post-acute providers were able to care
for patients freed up much-needed hospital beds. Additionally, in response to
the pressures and resource constraints CarePort customers were facing, the
company quickly and masterfully adjusted to develop COVID-19-specific product
features that enabled real-time communication and efficient processes between
acute and post-acute providers.”


“As the crisis continued to evolve, Ceridian created a variety of tools to help
its customers navigate the ongoing crisis, including the launch of the Dayforce
Safety Monitor. The Dayforce Safety Monitor is designed to give businesses a
better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on their workforce while enabling
fast and accurate communications to employees. Using Dayforce, employees can
report their COVID-19 status and allow their employer to effectively monitor
their location, understand their movement, and identify potential exposure to
coworkers. In addition, up-to-date location-based notifications can inform
employees about important safety information. This new technology is live and
offered free to Dayforce customers.”


“In light of COVID, we knew companies were going to be bracing for a slowdown in
spending and business, but we saw this as an opportunity to help empower our
audience and customer base of Customer Success professionals. We feel that CSMs
are uniquely positioned to step up and provide business continuity during a
crisis such as this, as well as be able to tend to and protect their customer
base to help sustain the businesses they work for. So we set out to develop
content and programming specifically tailored to Customer Success Leaders and
CSMs to help guide them through this tricky time so their SaaS companies could
be around when this is all said and done. We hosted webinars and published blogs
to serve as trusted resources to help guide them during this time. We also ran a
customer review campaign where we gave a $10 donations to COVID relief efforts
on the customers’ behalf for completed reviews.”


Cisco has earned this award based on reviewer feedback on it’s various Webex
products, which have supported front-line workers across industries. Cisco is
also recognized for providing over $200 million in funding and product to
directly support the fight against COVID-19.


CitiXys has earned this award for its support of the retail industry’s rapid and
unexpected transition to the online-first economy. CitiXys offered free mobile
POS for transitioning businesses in the early stages of the pandemic. 


Condo Control Central was highlighted by reviewers for its excellent customer
support during the pandemic, as well as its efforts to keep end-users aware of
important COVID-19 updates.


“”Especially during COVID, they were able to work with us on billing to ensure
that we didn’t lose their service or support. Their support team, tool, and
overall value is top notch and can’t be matched. Which is why I’m glad I moved
forward with Conductor.”


“The team at Cornerstone banded together to develop Cornerstone Cares, a free
website filled with online learning content including topics like training
healthcare workers to respond to COVID-19, how to be productive while working
from home, and stress management. Cornerstone provided access to this free
critical training to not only Cornerstone users, but also to local and global
communities. Cornerstone clients were given the option to have the new COVID-19
and pandemic planning courses loaded into their LMS portal, otherwise, anyone
could sign up and access the training through Cornerstone Cares.”


Dialpad wins this award based on reviewer feedback, which recognizes the product
as a ‘pandemic-resilient solution,’ as well as Dialpad’s decision to make their
product free to users forced to unexpectedly transition to remote work early in
the pandemic.


Drift wins this ward due to its decision to offer its Video Pro software for
free to all teachers, students, and nonprofit professionals.


Druva wins this award based on its support of new WFH users, offering 6 months
of free Office 365 backup and endpoint protection. This capability has been
instrumental in protecting and securing newly remote workforces.


“Emburse worked with customers to streamline onboarding process, especially for
the organization’s accounts payable automation solution (critical with finance
teams now working from home). Emburse also released the Work from Home Starter
Card package, which allows employers to provide policy-backed Emburse cards to
their employees with no fees.”


“ESET Foundation supported the development of a diagnostic PCR test to detect
the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2. ESET funded the diagnostic kit for COVIS-19 and
donated the first 100,000 tests to the Slovak Republic to state diagnostic
laboratories.  ESET offered its customers additional layers of protection as
Multi-factor authentication and Dynamic Threat Defense to improve their security
against ransomware and targeted attacks which were never seen before and most of
them were COVID-19 cyberthreats. Customers can strengthen their security
immediately and they can pay later.”


“eThink has worked to connect regularly with their internal and external
community of employees, clients, and partners to ensure they have all the
necessary resources to continue to meet their goals regardless of the external
climate. In addition to supporting an influx of new clients needing remote
learning platforms and working with clients around the clock to scale and
completely redesign their sites to support fully-online working and learning,
eThink has created a plethora of resources from webinars to blog posts to eBooks
for clients and the wider community on the transition to and support of remote
work and online learning.”


“Everbridge has helped thousands of organizations, states (MA, FL, CA…) Cities
(NYC, Boston…) to keep their constituents safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.” 


EZ Texting won this award based on reviewer feedback, which demonstrated the
company’s support for mental health providers during the pandemic, as well as EZ
Texting’s decision to give schools and government organizations free use of the
product during the COVID-19 pandemic.


“Leveraging Gainsight and our internal analytics tools to proactively support
our customers through the CV19 crisis and deliver a care package that supported
them in this difficult period.”


“ As a trusted business partner, Genbook launched a campaign to help
entrepreneurs stay on course by generating much needed cash-flow. The campaign,
‘Give Local and #SpreadLoveInstead’, generated over US$180,000 in revenue for
small businesses in the form of gift certificates, purchased via the Genbook app
and through the Genbook marketplace, which gets upwards of 1 million monthly
client visitors. The campaign also urged gift certificate buyers to share their
support and encourage others to support via social media channels.” 


“As the leading convener of healthcare providers and suppliers, GHX is in a
unique position to help healthcare organizations keep pace with heightened
demands during the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this spring, as hospitals and
health systems struggled to secure appropriate PPE and other supplies, GHX
mobilized to reallocate people and budget resources to create the COVID-19
Information Center, a free, comprehensive digital resource to help North
American healthcare organizations access the data and information needed to
serve patients and protect staff.    GHX’s COVID-19 Information Center answers
the call for timely, accurate information and actionable tools with the belief
that knowledge sharing and open access to data are key elements in managing the


“Through hard work from everyone from our product teams to marketing to
strategic services to the executive team, Higher Logic was able to develop a
free solution to support organizations dealing with COVID-19 related event
disruptions. This solution was a completely innovative approach to solve an
untapped market need, disrupt the existing customer delivery model, and help
customers in a time of need.”


“Hootsuite provided free access to the Hootsuite Professional Plan for small
businesses and nonprofits in need, as of March 18, 2020. Organizations impacted
by the crisis were able to gain free access to the company’s professional tool,
helping them stay connected to their customers and communities during a critical
time. In addition to the company’s usual support and fully operational team,
they launched a series of free online workshops on how brands could build better
processes for crisis management.” 


“Impero launched a free safeguarding solution that all schools could use in
early April to meet the needs of schools when they were forced to close. The
software, Impero Backdrop, allows all schools to have a digital safeguarding
system in place, irrespective of budget constraints. Impero Backdrop is free,
forever – no catch, no agenda and no bills down the line. It is the UK’s only
free safeguarding software for schools.”


“Impiger’s new solution People1.io was offered as Free-Trial for organizations
who are not used to remote working, who has challenges managing the remote work
force. People.io is meant for employees who wanted to manage their work remotely
and manage all different organizational touchpoints as one go! The uniqueness of
this solution is its Mobile App available in Android, iOS.”


INFUSEmedia earns this award based on its support of SMB revenue operations,
including its 100 Free Leads program, which was extended to meet the massive
demand from struggling companies. 


“Intercom acted upon our social responsibility. We are offering our platform for
free to any group fighting COVID-19 and its impact on society. Some examples of
how our customers are using Intercom to fight COVID-19 include: Healthcare
startup Solv has partnered with MultiCare, Washington’s largest community-based
health system, to implement chatbots that allow individuals to self-assess their
risk of having contracted the virus.” 


“Jamf pivoted with customers in March by providing many of our services for
free. We also launched a new workflow for healthcare organizations to help
providers stay safe and isolated patients stay connected, called Virtual Visits.
For our education customers, we then launched Learn Anywhere – a complete ed
tech solution that empowered learning whether students were 10 feet away or 10
miles away from their teachers.”


“In March, Jibble had written and released an Emergency Remote Working Kit, a
handy guide for companies who were struggling to adjust to working from home. It
contains management tips and apps that could be useful in increasing
communication. We also provided all our paid plans for free to hospitals
treating patients with COVID-19 and schools affected by the pandemic. Jibble is
being used now by the NHS and other hospitals who treat patients with the
coronavirus, aiding the hospitals to run smoothly and focus their resources on
saving lives.”


“To help companies during the COVID 19 pandemic, Jobma decided that any users
whose accounts were expiring were automatically renewed through the end of the
year at no cost to them, i.e. Free. They also offered free additional Interview
credits worth $50 to any organization that was in locations that were severely
impacted by COVID (example, Italy, US, India etc). They also provided additional
hours customer support (beyond business hours) to ensure trouble free interviews
by adding more people to our support team.”


Jolt wins this award based on reviewer feedback, which described how the company
has provided financial leniency to customers in the restaurant industry who are
struggling to stay afloat. The company has also provided a range of support
materials and resources to help restaurants adapt to the COVID-19 environment.


“JotForm launched our Coronavirus Responder Program, which offered free,
unlimited, HIPAA-compliant JotForm accounts to eligible first responders,
healthcare workers, and government and nonprofit organizations that want to help
their communities. We’ve had over 10,000 organizations accepted into the program
and getting our form services for free.”


Kaseya quickly developed and launched a program called Kaseya Cares, a more than
$10.5 million emergency response program that has provided assistance to
Kaseya’s MSP customers around the world through government relief navigation,
business guidance through free access to Kaseya’s Powered Services and direct
financial assistance. Kaseya Cares’ government relief navigation brings to bear
the full weight of Kaseya’s legal, financial and technological expertise to help
MSPs take advantage of government relief programs around the globe, while also
scouring for any additional grants and funding sources.”


“In response to the COVID-19 crisis, Keap established the Keep Going Fund. A
$200,000 fund that businesses could apply for to assist with whatever financial
needs they or their business was needing. We received approximately 2,300
applications. 200 $500 grants were awarded in the first round and 100 $1,000
grants in the second round, totaling $200,000 to small businesses in need.”


“When shelter-in-place orders and social distancing were enforced, Khoros
Communities empowered Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) to quickly
expand its educational program and platform, Anesthesia Toolbox, to all U.S.
anesthesiology residency programs so all trainees and professionals could
continue to learn and practice remotely. OHSU’s community successfully managed a
32% increase in total users and a 30% increase in daily community usage by
enrolled users at existing institutions.”


“Two weeks into the lockdown, in April, a bunch of folks in our product team got
together and came up with the idea of providing an app and a tracker for COVID19
and remote work respectively. And within a week’s time, both were launched and
offered free for any organisation to use! The COVID-19 self-assessment tracker
is an app that enables large enterprises to check their employees periodically
for symptoms. It sends employees a list of risk assessment questions (suggested
by the CDC) that help determine an individual’s symptoms and identify
appropriate medical care. The Remote Work Readiness Survey is an app that helps
businesses understand the feasibility of allowing employees to work remotely. We
wanted to equip organisations across the world to battle the pandemic by keeping
track of their employee’s health and work conditions. Identifying symptoms early
helps enterprises diagnose, treat, and prevent their employees from the worst
impact while keeping a primary focus on the overall business continuity.” 


KnowBe4 has won this award based directly on reviewer feedback, which highlights
the company’s efforts to keep customers aware of COVID-related phishing threats
and enabling them with tools to navigate these emerging threats.


“On May 6 Kofax announced a charitable initiative in recognition of
International Nurses Day in which it donated 15 percent of all proceeds from the
direct sale of Kofax Power PDF™, its industry-leading document productivity
software, through June 30 to the International Committee of the Red Cross.   
Kofax recognized that during this unprecedented time, nurses face incredible
challenges while fighting COVID-19 on the front lines of hospitals and clinics
around the world. Therefore, they took the time to honor International Nurses
Day and say ‘thank you’ by giving back to support the crucial mission that we’re
on together.“


“Within days of COVID-19’s breaking news in New York, Kustomer immediately took
action for their customers. We knew that customer support was going to get hit
hard with people looking for orders, wanting to cancel orders, taking to online
ordering for certain products, so we got ahead to help support our own
customers. Kustomer started offering free upgrades to our Ultimate Package. This
upgrade helped them manage their influx in customer inquiries.”


LogMeIn has earned this award in part based on its reviewers, which have praised
the company’s support and response to COVID-19, as well as the company’s
decision to offer its products for free during the pandemic to healthcare
providers, educational institutions, municipalities, and non-profits.


“LogRhythm has provided for local communities through two philanthropic groups:
the LoGiving Committee and the LogRhythm Community Fund.    LoGiving Committee
Initiatives  LogRhythm’s LoGiving Committee is a group of LogRhythm employees
dedicated to giving back, driven by a passionate belief that LogRhythm has a
responsibility to enrich communities through financial support, global community
outreach and education.     Due to the financial strain of COVID-19 impacting
many non-profit organizations, the LoGiving Committee established a relief fund
and nominated organizations to offer financial assistance to. Furthermore,
LogRhythm quickly took action to help ease some of the financial challenges face
by security and IT professionals, temporarily offering LogRhythm Cloud on a
monthly basis. The promotion allows organizations to address key remote
workforce security cases without needing to establish a long-term contract.


“Mailchimp rallied around helping small business customers around the world and
local communities.  Mailchimp provided $10M relief fund (including free support
to emergency services and support groups), invested $500k in local communities,
and provided support in many other ways including creating inspiring content via
Courier and Mailchimp Presents, as well as supporting employees and more.  Most
recently, Mailchimp created a $1M Integration fund to help developers whose jobs
may have been impacted by COVID19 as a way for them to earn some extra cash.”


Microsoft wins this award due to its commitment to supporting remote education
and provide technical support and collaboration for nonprofits and governments
in the fight against COVID-19, particularly via Microsoft Power BI.


“MobileIron played a role in helping families stay secure and connected with
their loved ones during COVID-19 as part of the Life Lines project. We worked
with our global partners Google, Samsung and BT to quickly configure tablets
with secure video conferencing capabilities and deploy them to Guy’s Hospital,
St Thomas’ Hospital and King’s College Hospital within three working days.
Today, thousands of these devices are being used to help families stay connected
with their loved ones being treated in intensive care units (ICUs) across the
UK. We offered unlimited use of our unified endpoint management (UEM) platform
through June 15, 2020 to help organizations secure their digital workplaces as
they quickly implemented or expanded work from home programs. Under the offer,
any organization could enroll an unlimited number of new users and devices –
including those running macOS, Android, iOS, and Windows 10 – in our MobileIron
UEM platform and access Platinum features, such as Tunnel and Help@Work.”


“Modernizing Medicine, launched not one, but two fully integrated audio and
video telehealth solutions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic including modmed®
Telehealth and gTelehealth™ to help accomplish this. The goal and motivation was
to help provide both some business continuity to practices and continuity of
care for patients as many practices had to close their doors. The product
foundation was set for the one product line, but there was a need to quickly
deliver the solution to our clients. The telehealth solution was offered at no
additional charge to clients during the global health crisis.”


Namely earns this award based on reviewer feedback, which demonstrates how
Namely’s expertise on new legislation like the CARES act has been essential for
SMB customers, among a host of other resources that the company has provided for


“They very quickly got the FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act)
Portal up and running.  As well as the other items surrounding COVID and


“In a matter of weeks, all Nextech clients were given access to the new
Telehealth solution, free of charge. On top of that, they also focused their
efforts on a number of their preexisting solutions that could assist clients in
going contactless, with as many processes as possible, such as a patient portal
with new remote check-in and virtual waiting room feature as well as


NICE inContact was nominated for this award because of its rapid actions to help
companies transition to all-remote workforces within 48 hours with a
temporarily-free, rapid-response ‘CXone@home’ offering.


“March 2020 Nintex quickly formulated a response aimed at helping its customers
and partners to successfully navigate their many new challenges. By making key
resources freely available, organizations were rapidly empowered to get even
more value from their Nintex investment, as well as leverage the Nintex Process
Platform to build solutions that helped address the new challenges they were
facing. One of the first resources Nintex made available was free instructor-led
training. Nintex also created and released over 20 COVID-19-related process
accelerators in the Nintex Process Accelerator Gallery. The process accelerators
are process templates that organizations can use to rapidly automate a broad
range of business processes with Nintex.”


“At the onset of the pandemic, Nuance took a slightly different approach
compared to other organizations; rather than immediately pushing out their
current software offerings for free, Nuance decided to first understand the
needs of their customers and industries they serve to then take proactive
measures to address those needs. After making these assessments, Nuance’s
healthcare and enterprise divisions created a comprehensive list of no-cost
solutions that would enable organizations to adapt to the challenges presented
by the pandemic. They also fast-tracked the development of new, innovative
features that would enhance their current software’s capabilities to tackle
newly emerging issues the pandemic had created. In the healthcare space, for
example, Nebraska Medicine asked Nuance to create a solution that could be
securely deployed via the cloud and enable doctors to capture the patient
stories accurately while under extraordinary pressure.”


ON24 has won this award based on reviewer feedback, which highlights the
company’s exceptional customer support when navigating extremely high usage. The
company is also recognized for donating $50,000 to the COVID Solidarity Response


PandaDoc earns this Tech Cares award for releasing a new free eSign plan to help
sales teams and broader organizations go fully remote at the outset of the


PanTerra wins a Tech Cares award by supporting its customers with free upgrades
to its full UCaaS platform. 


“To help frontline teams during the crisis, we offered unrestricted access to
our OnBoard virtual board management solution for five months to nonprofits and
select government bodies. We made a similar offer of unrestricted access to AGB
OnBoard, a rebranded OnBoard for higher education. To help other frontline
teams, we offered unrestricted access to our OnSemble employee intranet solution
to healthcare services and select government bodies.”


“PathFactory launched Virtual Event Experiences (VEX) in response to customer
feedback early in the pandemic as marketers scrambled to adapt to an all-virtual
event landscape. VEX provides attendees with a rich user experience for live or
pre-recorded events, allowing visitors to seamlessly move between sessions,
binge-consume related content assets while watching video, and engage through
chat and comments. PathFactory also made its technology available to DC Central
Kitchen, a non-profit and social enterprise based in Washington, D.C., free of
charge to share its COVID-19 updates.”


“Our software analyzes information across research reports, journals, patents,
scientific data bases and more, and packages it into a singular narrative to
help customers quickly obtain cross-domain knowledge on any technology or
innovation area, to determine where their idea/invention fits. This information
is vital in helping IP, R&D and innovation professionals vet their ideas and
determine the validity of their inventions. Innovation was, and still very much
is, the key to overcoming COVID-19. Until a viable vaccine is found, life
sciences innovation is very much needed. During the pandemic, we’ve also seen a
number of companies pivot their business models to manufacture personal
protective equipment to aid in the fight against COVID-19, using other
companies’ patents to obtain the blueprints for their designs. With our product
being an enabler of innovation and source of patent intelligence information, we
knew in the early days of the outbreak there was something special we could be
doing to support these businesses and the researchers and scientists working
tirelessly to find a vaccine. We decided to offer all of PatSnap’s products for
free to the public for a period of 3 months (March to June). We offered free
additional licenses to our customers and enabled free access to non-customers.
During this time, we had over 10,000 users worldwide sign up for free access to
our platform.”


“As a result of COVID-19, payroll has become about much more than time capture
and calculations of net pay. It’s a lifeline to keep businesses afloat. Payroll
today is about the implementation of tools that leverage payroll data to
optimize cash management and apply for/seek forgiveness for PPP loans. To date,
Paychex has furnished 500K PPP reports for customers and helped them secure $28B
in PPP loans. Paychex also released the Getting Back to Business information hub
– businesses, their employees, and their customers need to take new safety
precautions such as social distancing and increased cleaning. Plus, with
changing laws and regulations, every business will need to re-evaluate its
operations. These resources, including a comprehensive e-book, help business
owners identify what to plan for, with details about staffing considerations,
workplace safety and privacy considerations, supporting employees as they return
to work, and more.” 


“We’ve provided a hub of the latest information surrounding COVID-19 that we’ve
continued to update in real time and we developed custom reports to help guide
our clients through new programs such as the Paycheck Protection Program,
Payroll Tax Credits and how to support and manage a remote workforce.  We
immediately began to offer services that would assist in our client’s success by
supporting their employees through telemedicine, mindfulness and wellness
programs (given free to all Paypro employees).  We also waived frees for our
paperless paycheck offering which allowed clients to immediately take advantage
and get their employees paid by direct deposit or card so that there was no
lapse in payment due to mail deliveries being slowed or extra exposure by
multiple touch-points of a check.”


“Prophix has made extended payment plans, allowed customers to transfer funds to
pay for other Prophix services, and on a case-by-case basis, withdrawing from
net new deals that were established. The flexibility provided for these
instances has been received very well by our customers who’ve been severely
affected by the pandemic. On the community front, Prophix has donated $43,000 to
date to assist with social injustice causes – BLM – and to the Nanny Alliance


“The Pulse Cares program is designed to expedite sales and service response to
ensure customer business resiliency. Since being introduced earlier this year,
Pulse Secure has provided temporary licenses to over 1,500 enterprise accounts
that needed immediate support to eliminate deployment delay during their
procurement of permanent licenses. The Pulse Cares program also offered
organizations Pulse vADC temporary licenses for up to a 90-day duration to
enable enterprises to increase application performance for WFH productivity and
the launch of new online applications and online services.”


Pure Storage earns this award based on reviewer feedback, which highlights how
the company has acted as a partner with customers to support them through recent
financial challenges.


“We decided to make our platform completely free for 6 months. When COVID hit,
some of our employees asked that we increase our monetary donations to impacted
organizations. We’re on track to donate almost $100,000 this year, with our most
contributions supporting the Central Texas Food Bank, Dell Medical School
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, and the Austin Justice Coalition.” 


“Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers faced shortages of the
personal protective equipment (PPE) required to keep themselves and patients
safe. To better allocate these limited supplies, Qlik partnered with healthcare
solutions provider WellSky to create a COVID-19 heat map that estimated where
the next surge in demand would appear before it happened. WellSky and Qlik’s
heat map technology used clinical staff zip code data supplied by client
agencies to compare staff locations against confirmed COVID-19 cases across the
U.S. By layering and blending this data, WellSky customers (home-based care
agencies) were able to glean new insight into the PPE supply chain and foresee
where staff may need increased access to PPE and ensure those supplies were
delivered to the places where they were needed most, protecting medical and care
workers, and residents in home care assisted living centers across the


“Quick Base unveiled a comprehensive program designed to provide critical
support to companies navigating business disruption. The program continues to
offer free access to organizations on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis
with templates for the most common emergency response applications, as well as
expert onboarding, support, community resources and additional tools for
organizations doing important work every day. As a result, more than 425
organizations have created more than 1,000 apps to manage key processes, such as
tracking assets, coordinating resources, maintaining compliance, managing
equipment, collecting infection data and more. Further, to assist small
businesses that have been particularly hard hit by COVID-19, Quick Base launched
its COVID-19 Small Business Loan Accelerator in April. This free,
publicly-available online diagnostic tool helped thousands of small business
owners quickly evaluate their eligibility for financial assistance programs
offered by the Small Business Administration under the CARES Act.”


“We revised our company website to accommodate educators, no matter what their
teaching environment looks like. We also created a landing page dedicated to
helping educators to identify and close learning gaps. Finally, we offered free
access to our products to help educator get books into the hands of their


“In response to the severe impact lockdown had on the hospitality industry, RMS
Cloud was one of the first to step up and offer hardship fee relief to
properties (i.e. hotels, motels, services apartments and campgrounds) facing
significant financial challenges. RMS Cloud put profit aside and focused on
keeping their clients in business. The empathy they showed helped, even in a
small way, hundreds of properties remain in business during a time of such


Robin earns this award based directly on reviewer feedback, which highlights how
Robin has exceeded expectations when helping customers plan to safely return to
the office, including proactively connecting clients to improve COVID-19
planning and contingencies.


Sage wins this award based on reviewer feedback, which highlights how Sage has
offered plaftorm features that enabled finance departments to quickly adapt to
and track PPP funding and allocations. Sage has also offered a range of
resources around best practices and policy adjustments during the COVID-19


“We are offering open access to this cloud-based solution, with no fees through
December 31, 2020. By opening access to SAP Ariba Discovery and eliminating the
supplier response fee, we are seeking to remove barriers to help accelerate
connections between buyers and suppliers so they can more quickly fulfil
immediate supply needs during this time.” 


“Sauce Labs has been proactive about offering flexible payment, licensing, and
consumption terms to companies who circumstances have been adversely impacted.
The company has also made efforts to extend that same level of care and
generosity to the broader technology community. Shortly after the start of the
pandemic, the company announced a program to offer free and reduced-cost testing
for organizations innovating to address COVID-19. The program gives qualified
organizations access to thousands of browser, OS, and emulator/simulator
combinations, five concurrent sessions for testing in parallel, and unlimited
testing minutes, as well as real devices for live testing on mobile devices.” 


“Scale Computing took immediate action when companies were forced into
work-from-home / work-from-anywhere scenarios to provide a VDI and remote-work
solution for their customers.    Leveraging virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)
technology, Scale Computing packaged two virtual machine images customers can
download for free, and put together a how-to video and trained technical support
staff to assist them in deploying the remote work technology solution. The VDI
Connection Broker, Gateway, and Agent provide easy, intuitive configuration and
management for the Scale Computing HC3 environment, whether using remote access,
only on-premise access, or a combination of both. No additional devices or
services are needed to get organizations up and running quickly.”


“SchoolAdmin was nominated for this award based on its rapid actions and product
developments to help schools move online while maintaining the academic
experience for students, in addition to support materials to guide school
administrators through the transition to virtual learning.”


“New Brunswick has launched a new web portal where citizens can access their
COVID-19 test results using a Digital Identity – as soon as the tests have been
processed, usually within 24 to 48 hours. Previously, they had to wait for a
call from a public health official.  Simeio Solutions Canada worked with
MyHealthNB to provide citizens with secure access to personal healthcare
information, protecting their privacy when accessing personal lab test results
for COVID-19 from their computer or mobile device.  Simeio Identity as a Service
solution was quickly deployed in just 18 days from receiving the initial


“When COVID-19 hit this past spring, Skyward partnered with a local organization
to purchase five 3-D printers to make 3,500 face shields for frontline workers.
Doctors, nurses, and first responders throughout Portage County received
high-quality face shields quickly, with the 3-D printers working around the
clock until all shields were made. Skyward offered its learning management
system, the Course Learning Center (CLC), free through the end of the 2019–2020
school year. This tool integrates directly with districts’ Skyward student
information system and allows districts to create a virtual learning space
complete with areas to turn in homework, grade assignments, facilitate
discussion, and more.”


Slack earns this award based on it’s decision to make its paid services free to
nonprofits during the pandemic. Reviewers in the medical field demonstrate how
they are reaping the benefits of these services, and Slack’s support.


“Sprout Social wins this award for their support of PR and marketing teams
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company led with knowledge, expertise, and by
example on how to appropriately respond to the crisis on social media, and
helped other companies use social channels to communicate critical information
with empathy.”


“When COVID-19 hit as a company we evaluated what capabilities in our products
we could offer free of charge to our customers that directly supported their
immediate needs.  We pivoted much of our content strategy to focus on COVID
resources and offered blogs, webinars and services for our customers to rapidly
implement these free capabilities. We also ran social campaigns that recognized
and honored the ‘hero’s in the industry supporting COVID19 relief programs.”


“SysAid donated 15,000 TeamViewer remote control licenses – over a period of
several months – to help customers better deal with remote support needs. We
also quickly got started with a ‘COVID-19 Resources Center for IT service
management.’  Then, at the end of May/early-June 2020, SysAid launched its free
“Worksafe App,” in order to simplify daily self-reporting of location and health
status, while automatically alerting management to potential corona exposure at


“Taulia has supported its customers during the pandemic by offering three cash
analytics solutions, at no charge (ended August 31, 2020) to help our customers
execute their working capital strategies. These three solutions were given to
help customers forecast their cash, maintain a healthy supply chain, and manage


ThoughtSpot earns this award based on reviewer feedback, which highlights how
the company has provided responsive features to COVID-19 that enable more
accurate and effective decision-making during the pandemic. ThoughtSpot has also
released free dashboards and resources for public COVID-19 data tracking and


“Temporary arrangements for customers were made to use TOPdesk chat and
SelfServicePortal functionalities for free during these months to help them stay
connected    – An international COVID hackathon war organized to inspire and
fast track creation of new services, prototypes or creative solutions to the
problems of today. We’ve helped the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health
and the Environment) to set up a system using Knowledge Management to manage and
automate all national incoming COVID questions which saves them a tremendous
amount of time during the very busy and stressful COVID times. This was the only
way in which RIVM could handle the flow of questions from citizens; without
this, those questions would mostly remain unanswered.” 


“Totango has worked with customers and the overall customer success community
extensively to provide resources during this pandemic. Their Forever Free
edition of the platform gives businesses a way to have a CS tool without any
cost, which is critical in unknown economic times. They also released a COVID 19
toolkit, available to all customers (including free subscribers) to assist with
handling their business needs, which contained email campaigns, metrics
dashboards, and several followup procedures for the customers to ensure they
were meeting the needs of their base.” 


“They have gone above and beyond, especially during negotiations and contract
signing due to COVID-related issues. But, never skipped a beat with us and
worked diligently on good faith.”


Employers and their workforces have been rocked by the pandemic and economic
uncertainty, putting many small businesses in particular at risk. TriNet’s
reviewers have highlighted how TriNet responded with HR expertise and knowledge
support during COVID-19. The HR solutions provider leveraged specialized advice
and a Business Resiliency and Preparedness Center to assist SMBs with new
regulations, government resources, and safety compliance.


“Our Training Team delivered more than $550,000 of free training during March
alone via live remote classes. We have continued to provide free, remote
training as demand has accelerated in the last few months. Turbonomic launched a
“Demo to Donate” Program – we pledged to donate a total of $10,000 to five
selected charities that are helping those impacted by coronavirus. For each demo
that our sales team scheduled, Turbonomic designated $100 on behalf of the
customer to a charity of their choice.”


The Ultimate Kronos Group wins this award based directly on reviewer feedback,
which highlights how the company strives to rapidly deploy new capabilities in
response to COVID-19 to meet these new challenges, such as new government
regulations and resources.


“In April we announced Marketing Insight (4), a solution designed to help
marketers get fast feedback on any campaign from their target audience. Knowing
the sensitivities of consumers and their reactions to messaging during the
pandemic, marketers were faced with the challenge of ‘knowing what to say and
how to say it’, and concerned that their message or campaign could be
interpreted incorrectly or an audience may take offense to it. Realizing there
was a heightened need for marketers to validate a campaign concept or message,
we quickly decided to make Marketing Insight available, earlier than planned,
for those companies concerned about marketing and messaging during a pandemic.
Not only did we launch the product early to help companies of all sizes get fast
feedback, but we also offered it for free, as a 30-day trial, which is currently
still available.”


“We have provided constant support for all small businesses. Our free version
covers the needs of most small and some medium businesses and we provide free
support for them.”


“we discovered an opportunity to put our customers’ insights into practice in
our product, and that’s why we developed Agile Planning Templates—product
plug-ins to help customers plan during these uncertain times, covering rolling
forecasting, scenario modelling and cashflow management. These templates were
offered to Vena customers at no charge. As finance and operations teams faced
seismic uncertainty and took on an increasingly strategic role to drive
organizational agility, we continued to leverage our product to support them
through these difficult times by launching our Vena Agile Planning and Quick
Start. The package, which provides a four-month, free subscription to the Vena
FP&A platform, includes meaningful cost savings on a quick start implementation
solution for integrated agile business planning and budget orchestration,
helping professionals plan confidently through change.As well as the Quick Start
Package, Vena also invited business leaders to connect with a Vena FP&A Expert
for free one-on-one Power Hours where they could discuss some of the challenges
they were facing as they planned for their business.”


Vidyard earns this award based on its decision to launch new free video tools to
help newly remote employees stay connected. Reviewers demonstrate how impactful
these tools have been during the remote work transition.


“In the first six weeks of crisis, the company launched an entirely new product
capability to support employee health and safety, to all Visier customers free
of charge. In addition, Visier ran weekly webinars and roundtables for HR
professionals to discuss challenges and strategies to tackle Covid-19. The
company pulled together a resource page for easy access to all information
available. Visier also has 10 million employee records, and began tracking data
trends month over month for everyone to better understand how Covid was
impacting the workforce.”


WatchGuard Technologies earns this award due to its support for workforces
transitioning to remote work. It emphasized enabling workers to work remotely
while maintaining network and business security. 


“Wrike offered a generous six-month trial of Wrike Professional, as a way to
help workers sustain their productivity from their new makeshift offices. The
trial package was open to all customers, even those who had previously signed up
in the past, and would offer additional features, such as Gantt Charts,
dashboard views, filters, additional integrations, and more. In addition, Wrike
published a COVID-19 resource page that would enable employees to better
navigate the remote work landscape.”


“Xactly quickly launched a free trial of Xactly Alignstar, our territories
management solution, to help organizations in need respond to changes in
resources, headcount, etc.     In addition, we’ve helped our clients to weather
the storm of the pandemic more easily through the use of our holistic SPM
platform and our flagship product Incent.” 


“In response to the COVID19 outbreak, Zerto offered its platform for free to
organizations on the frontline of the pandemic. This includes healthcare, state
and local governments, food supply, and other essential service organizations.
Zerto’s offering included free Zerto licences for the protection of up to 50
virtual machines, free premium support, implementation assistance, online
training, and free on-demand educational labs.”


Zoho earns this award based on reviewer feedback, which highlights the company’s
stalwart customer support throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Zoho is also
recognized for its product support of government agencies working on COVID-19
relief efforts.


Zoom wins this award based on its actions to make its video conferencing tools
more accessible, including lifting time caps on free accounts and providing a
plethora of trainings and resources to educators and learners who were forced
into Learning and Teaching From Home with little to no warning. This
accessibility has enabled educators to continue their important work.


“ZoomInfo donated 1,000 masks each to Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in
Vancouver, Wash and Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Boston. To take things a
step further, ZoomInfo gave more than $100,000 to local food banks, including
the Clark County Food Bank and the Greater Boston Food Bank.    Most recently,
ZoomInfo collaborated with TentCraft on the donation of four customized tents to
the chambers of commerce in Vancouver, Wash., and Waltham, Mass., the
communities in which ZoomInfo’s two largest offices are located.”


“Zywave launched its COVID-19 Resource Center, a website that provided a
completely free, comprehensive, curated collection of our most impactful,
relevant, and useful content pieces relating to the pandemic to serve insurance
professionals and their clients. These resources served multiple purposes. The
helped educate insurance professionals on the latest legislation and guidelines
surrounding COVID-19, and they also provided insurance professionals with tools,
resources, and educational pieces they could pass along to their clients—other
businesses /employers—and the employers could pass along to their staff.”

> “2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unique challenges to many
> businesses and people within the TrustRadius community and globally. It’s also
> given many the opportunity to demonstrate their service to those same
> communities,” said Megan Headley, Vice President of Research at TrustRadius.
> “We’ve seen reviewers praise a wide array of products and software vendors for
> how they have supported users through the pandemic, including a rapid
> transition to remote work, navigating challenging financial circumstances, and
> setting users’ minds at ease. In an environment that has emphasized hardship
> and loss for much of this year, it’s affirming to see how members of our
> community and industry strive to lend a helping hand where they can.” 
> Megan Headley, Vice President of Research at TrustRadius


TrustRadius is the fastest growing, most trusted customer voice and insights
platform that helps tech buyers make great decisions and helps technology
vendors acquire and retain great customers. Each month, over 1 million B2B
technology buyers use verified reviews and ratings on TrustRadius.com to make
informed purchasing decisions. Headquartered in Austin, TX, TrustRadius was
founded by successful entrepreneurs and is backed by Next Coast Ventures,
Mayfield Fund, and LiveOak Venture Partners.

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John is a Research Associate at TrustRadius, focusing on content development and
buyer-guided research. His goal is to support and enable better software buying
decisions, with an eye towards helping people from all backgrounds navigate the
world of business software. He has a BA in Politics from Centre College.

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