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                    <h4 style="color:white;"><strong>Benchmark business brokers and support team display:</strong></h4>
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">Steve and Robyn Aird, 20 Jan 2020 - We appointed Glenn Irving of Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations as our broker. We could not have been happier with the result we achieved in the
                          sake of our hardware business. Selling a business is tricky and the regular meetings that were conducted during the contract process kept our sale on track all the way through to the final settlement. We were so happy that
                          we then asked him to sell our commercial property. Glenn Irving and his team brought me a buyer within 2 weeks. Great job and we could not recommend Glenn and his team strongly enough. Glenn Irving receives another Benchmark
                          Business Sales Review. Glenn Irving showed his flair in this area of design and invention by developing his own patents, design registered and trademark products through his own companies, with many unique products being
                          sold in many different countries.&nbsp;This has translated into a solid knowledge of intellectual property processes and asset management. Get to know more about Glenn Irving and his accomplishments by clicking the "View
                          Profile" button below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark Business Sales Testimonials from the "Broker" section above. Glenn Irving is a business broker at Benchmark Business Sales &amp; Valuations.</div>
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">Angela Jankovic&nbsp;, 21 Feb 2019 It is with pleasure to write this reference for Belinda who is assisting me with&nbsp;selling property on the Gold Coast. I have only known Belinda for
                          a few months but can express my appreciation and gratitude towards the way she has assisted me through the process of selling a property. It can be quite daunting at times, but Belinda just knows how to take that pressure
                          off you by her wisdom and knowledge of the industry. Belinda is very efficient when it comes to communication, always keeping me up to date on whatever is transpiring, which is very important to me, thus displaying
                          confidence in her ability in selling property. She is passionate about her industry and the Benchmark slogan of “We value your business, you’ll value our experience” is exactly what Belinda provides. I have no hesitation and
                          recommending Belinda to any prospective client wishing to sell their business/property,&nbsp;requiring the services of a woman whose honesty and integrity are beyond question. Angela Jankovic</div>
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">Gino&nbsp;, 01 Jun 2018 I contacted Benchmark when I was looking for a business to run “under management” and they showed me one that had literally just come onto their books that morning
                          that they thought would be perfect for me. Benchmark walked me through the numbers &amp; provided comparisons too. They took time to educate me about the way to get the best from the salon. Benchmark introduced me to the
                          current owner, who had similar skills &amp; background, which put my mind at ease. I understand that my broker looked at the best businesses for me to run &amp; matched that perfectly. Well Done Benchmark – you nailed the
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">"I enjoyed dealing with John when I was buying a business in Melbourne and he handled it so well that when I went to sell I automatically call him. He quickly ran me through all of the
                          info that I needed to prepare for the sale and then he found a buyer quickly, the sale went smoothly and I got a great price. I'm so glad that I went with Benchmark." -&nbsp;Kiah Perkins | 08 Apr 2019 John Kasapi receives
                          another Benchmark Business Sales Review. John Kasapi specialises in the sale of hair and beauty salons across all states in Australia. He has more than 15 years of experience working in the hair and beauty industry – so he
                          really knows and understands the industry and the marketplace much better than most. Get to know more about John Kasapi&nbsp;and his accomplishments by clicking the "View Profile" button below. Additionally, you can read
                          other Benchmark Business Sales Testimonials from the "Broker" section above. John Kasapi is a business broker at Benchmark Business Sales &amp; Valuations.</div>
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">Lisa Oakes&nbsp;, 08 Apr 2019 I got a phone call out of the blue from Clyde who said that he had a buyer and really wanted me to list my salon so that he could introduce them to my salon,
                          it was all quite random but the timing was perfect because I was scheduled to have surgery early in the new year and would be out of action for months after the surgery. I was a little dubious that there really was a buyer,
                          but I actually received an offer the day after I signed the agreement! Things definitely weren’t all smooth sailing though. The contract period went over the Christmas break and then the buyer had to go overseas for 6 weeks
                          and all the accountants and solicitors were also on holidays! I thought the sale was off however Clyde was very calm and reassured me that the sale would proceed when the buyer was back from overseas, which it did. Now I can
                          focus on my recovery without the stress of running the business, awesome job!</div>
                      <div class="swiper-slide" data-swiper-slide-index="4" style="width: 1370px;">
                        <div class="item content-box centered">Benchmark's Broker Tu Nguyen, has done an exceptional job in selling my Mechanical Business. I would highly recommend Benchmark as a good chose if you are looking to sell your business.
                          Certainly from my perspective, Tu was committed in finding me a buyer and he did not give up even when the going got tough. Thank you Tu Nguyen for your professional service and the determination you showed in finding the
                          right buyer. - Maurice Donovan Tu Nguyen receives another Benchmark Business Sales Review. Tu sells larger well known National franchise brands as well as businesses within the importing, distribution, wholesale, automotive,
                          coffee roasting, dry cleaning and commercial cleaning industries to name a few… Tu’s strength is communication and completion “getting the job done”, many of Tu’s clients recommend him to their family and friends and
                          Benchmark consistently receives testimonies from Tu’s satisfied clients.&nbsp;Get to know more about Tu Nguyen and his accomplishments by clicking the "View Profile" button below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark
                          Business Sales Testimonials from the "Broker" section above. Tu Nguyen is a business broker at Benchmark Business Sales &amp; Valuations.</div>
                      <div class="swiper-slide" data-swiper-slide-index="5" style="width: 1370px;">
                        <div class="item content-box centered">Seller&nbsp;, 29 Sep 2020 She was the obvious choice when I decided to sell due to family commitments and she stepped up straight away. She had a lot of the paperwork still on file and
                          quickly moved to finding a buyer. The buyer made an offer and I accepted – then Covid-19 hit! Due to the uncertainty the buyer pulled out. Nikki advised that she would return her deposit but would speak to her when
                          everything calmed down. Nikki re-engaged the buyer, the buyer agreed to proceed and Nikki reinstated the contract.&nbsp; The outcome was that my salon sold yesterday and I am delighted. Nikki did an excellent job at keeping
                          the buyer updated and she assessed the timing perfectly to resurrect the deal AND got me a great result too! If I had another broker working on this (with less skill and experience), I am not sure the outcome would have been
                          the same. Delighted!</div>
                      <div class="swiper-slide" data-swiper-slide-index="6" style="width: 1370px;">
                        <div class="item content-box centered">Brad Jones&nbsp;, 11 Jun 2019 Emma&nbsp;was fantastic. She was always available and would do anything to answer questions and really went the extra mile to get the sale through. She is
                          personable and easy to get along with and I would recommend her to anyone and would definitely use her services to sell or buy a business going forward.</div>
                      <div class="swiper-slide" data-swiper-slide-index="7" style="width: 1370px;">
                        <div class="item content-box centered">We have sold a few times using benchmark - they have been excellent, supportive and thorough, throughout the whole process. John's communication is five-star and his knowledge of business
                          a godsend in any tricky selling situation. Annie Thorpe.&nbsp;John Kasapi receives another Benchmark Business Sales Review. John Kasapi specialises in the sale of hair and beauty salons across all states in Australia. He has
                          more than 15 years of experience working in the hair and beauty industry – so he really knows and understands the industry and the marketplace much better than most. Get to know more about&nbsp;John Kasapi and his
                          accomplishments by clicking the "View Profile" button below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark Business Sales Testimonials from the "Broker" section above. John Kasapi is a business broker at Benchmark Business
                          Sales &amp; Valuations.</div>
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">I just took over my store a few weeks ago. I would like to thank Sam, the best broker and his colleagues. They are supportive and helpful. I have a great experience of buying this
                          business with their support. - Van Vu Kieu</div>
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">Steve and Robyn Aird, 20 Jan 2020 - We appointed Glenn Irving of Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations as our broker. We could not have been happier with the result we achieved in the
                          sake of our hardware business. Selling a business is tricky and the regular meetings that were conducted during the contract process kept our sale on track all the way through to the final settlement. We were so happy that
                          we then asked him to sell our commercial property. Glenn Irving and his team brought me a buyer within 2 weeks. Great job and we could not recommend Glenn and his team strongly enough. Glenn Irving receives another Benchmark
                          Business Sales Review. Glenn Irving showed his flair in this area of design and invention by developing his own patents, design registered and trademark products through his own companies, with many unique products being
                          sold in many different countries.&nbsp;This has translated into a solid knowledge of intellectual property processes and asset management. Get to know more about Glenn Irving and his accomplishments by clicking the "View
                          Profile" button below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark Business Sales Testimonials from the "Broker" section above. Glenn Irving is a business broker at Benchmark Business Sales &amp; Valuations.</div>
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                        <div class="item content-box centered">Angela Jankovic&nbsp;, 21 Feb 2019 It is with pleasure to write this reference for Belinda who is assisting me with&nbsp;selling property on the Gold Coast. I have only known Belinda for
                          a few months but can express my appreciation and gratitude towards the way she has assisted me through the process of selling a property. It can be quite daunting at times, but Belinda just knows how to take that pressure
                          off you by her wisdom and knowledge of the industry. Belinda is very efficient when it comes to communication, always keeping me up to date on whatever is transpiring, which is very important to me, thus displaying
                          confidence in her ability in selling property. She is passionate about her industry and the Benchmark slogan of “We value your business, you’ll value our experience” is exactly what Belinda provides. I have no hesitation and
                          recommending Belinda to any prospective client wishing to sell their business/property,&nbsp;requiring the services of a woman whose honesty and integrity are beyond question. Angela Jankovic</div>
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Business services Catering & Events Children's products & services Cleaning
Coffee, Cafes & Restaurants Convenience, Grocery & Liquor stores Discount &
Variety Stores Education, Coaching & Training Entertainment & Amusement Fashion
Food outlets Garden, pool & outdoor maintenance Gifts & Florists Green & Eco
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Finance Newsagency, Lottery & Post Office Pet products & services Pubs, Bars &
Clubs Real Estate, Property& Relocation Safety & Security Specialty retail
Sport, Fitness & Adventure Takeaway & Casual Dining Telecommunications &
Internet Transport & Storage Vending
Min price $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000
$550,000 $600,000 $650,000 $700,000 $750,000 $800,000 $850,000 $900,000 $950,000
$1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000
Max price $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000
$550,000 $600,000 $650,000 $700,000 $750,000 $800,000 $850,000 $900,000 $950,000
$1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000+


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$65,000 + SAV
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$180,000 + SAV
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There are several benefits that come with engaging a Benchmark
Business Broker when either buying, selling or valuing a business.

 * Massive exposure to generate buyer enquiry.
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 * Australia’s leading business broker firm.
 * Hundreds of exclusive businesses for sale.

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Benchmark Business Brokers must always operate ethically. Always be completely
honest, transparent, and clear. We will conduct business in the best interests
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 * If it’s not right – don’t do it.
 * We don’t take on any business broker – we only want to work with the best.
 * We don’t just take on any business listing – we must be discriminating.


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Steve and Robyn Aird, 20 Jan 2020 - We appointed Glenn Irving of Benchmark
Business Sales and Valuations as our broker. We could not have been happier with
the result we achieved in the sake of our hardware business. Selling a business
is tricky and the regular meetings that were conducted during the contract
process kept our sale on track all the way through to the final settlement. We
were so happy that we then asked him to sell our commercial property. Glenn
Irving and his team brought me a buyer within 2 weeks. Great job and we could
not recommend Glenn and his team strongly enough. Glenn Irving receives another
Benchmark Business Sales Review. Glenn Irving showed his flair in this area of
design and invention by developing his own patents, design registered and
trademark products through his own companies, with many unique products being
sold in many different countries. This has translated into a solid knowledge of
intellectual property processes and asset management. Get to know more about
Glenn Irving and his accomplishments by clicking the "View Profile" button
below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark Business Sales Testimonials
from the "Broker" section above. Glenn Irving is a business broker at Benchmark
Business Sales & Valuations.
Angela Jankovic , 21 Feb 2019 It is with pleasure to write this reference for
Belinda who is assisting me with selling property on the Gold Coast. I have only
known Belinda for a few months but can express my appreciation and gratitude
towards the way she has assisted me through the process of selling a property.
It can be quite daunting at times, but Belinda just knows how to take that
pressure off you by her wisdom and knowledge of the industry. Belinda is very
efficient when it comes to communication, always keeping me up to date on
whatever is transpiring, which is very important to me, thus displaying
confidence in her ability in selling property. She is passionate about her
industry and the Benchmark slogan of “We value your business, you’ll value our
experience” is exactly what Belinda provides. I have no hesitation and
recommending Belinda to any prospective client wishing to sell their
business/property, requiring the services of a woman whose honesty and integrity
are beyond question. Angela Jankovic
Gino , 01 Jun 2018 I contacted Benchmark when I was looking for a business to
run “under management” and they showed me one that had literally just come onto
their books that morning that they thought would be perfect for me. Benchmark
walked me through the numbers & provided comparisons too. They took time to
educate me about the way to get the best from the salon. Benchmark introduced me
to the current owner, who had similar skills & background, which put my mind at
ease. I understand that my broker looked at the best businesses for me to run &
matched that perfectly. Well Done Benchmark – you nailed the brief!
"I enjoyed dealing with John when I was buying a business in Melbourne and he
handled it so well that when I went to sell I automatically call him. He quickly
ran me through all of the info that I needed to prepare for the sale and then he
found a buyer quickly, the sale went smoothly and I got a great price. I'm so
glad that I went with Benchmark." - Kiah Perkins | 08 Apr 2019 John Kasapi
receives another Benchmark Business Sales Review. John Kasapi specialises in the
sale of hair and beauty salons across all states in Australia. He has more than
15 years of experience working in the hair and beauty industry – so he really
knows and understands the industry and the marketplace much better than most.
Get to know more about John Kasapi and his accomplishments by clicking the "View
Profile" button below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark Business Sales
Testimonials from the "Broker" section above. John Kasapi is a business broker
at Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations.
Lisa Oakes , 08 Apr 2019 I got a phone call out of the blue from Clyde who said
that he had a buyer and really wanted me to list my salon so that he could
introduce them to my salon, it was all quite random but the timing was perfect
because I was scheduled to have surgery early in the new year and would be out
of action for months after the surgery. I was a little dubious that there really
was a buyer, but I actually received an offer the day after I signed the
agreement! Things definitely weren’t all smooth sailing though. The contract
period went over the Christmas break and then the buyer had to go overseas for 6
weeks and all the accountants and solicitors were also on holidays! I thought
the sale was off however Clyde was very calm and reassured me that the sale
would proceed when the buyer was back from overseas, which it did. Now I can
focus on my recovery without the stress of running the business, awesome job!
Benchmark's Broker Tu Nguyen, has done an exceptional job in selling my
Mechanical Business. I would highly recommend Benchmark as a good chose if you
are looking to sell your business. Certainly from my perspective, Tu was
committed in finding me a buyer and he did not give up even when the going got
tough. Thank you Tu Nguyen for your professional service and the determination
you showed in finding the right buyer. - Maurice Donovan Tu Nguyen receives
another Benchmark Business Sales Review. Tu sells larger well known National
franchise brands as well as businesses within the importing, distribution,
wholesale, automotive, coffee roasting, dry cleaning and commercial cleaning
industries to name a few… Tu’s strength is communication and completion “getting
the job done”, many of Tu’s clients recommend him to their family and friends
and Benchmark consistently receives testimonies from Tu’s satisfied clients. Get
to know more about Tu Nguyen and his accomplishments by clicking the "View
Profile" button below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark Business Sales
Testimonials from the "Broker" section above. Tu Nguyen is a business broker at
Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations.
Seller , 29 Sep 2020 She was the obvious choice when I decided to sell due to
family commitments and she stepped up straight away. She had a lot of the
paperwork still on file and quickly moved to finding a buyer. The buyer made an
offer and I accepted – then Covid-19 hit! Due to the uncertainty the buyer
pulled out. Nikki advised that she would return her deposit but would speak to
her when everything calmed down. Nikki re-engaged the buyer, the buyer agreed to
proceed and Nikki reinstated the contract.  The outcome was that my salon sold
yesterday and I am delighted. Nikki did an excellent job at keeping the buyer
updated and she assessed the timing perfectly to resurrect the deal AND got me a
great result too! If I had another broker working on this (with less skill and
experience), I am not sure the outcome would have been the same. Delighted!
Brad Jones , 11 Jun 2019 Emma was fantastic. She was always available and would
do anything to answer questions and really went the extra mile to get the sale
through. She is personable and easy to get along with and I would recommend her
to anyone and would definitely use her services to sell or buy a business going
We have sold a few times using benchmark - they have been excellent, supportive
and thorough, throughout the whole process. John's communication is five-star
and his knowledge of business a godsend in any tricky selling situation. Annie
Thorpe. John Kasapi receives another Benchmark Business Sales Review. John
Kasapi specialises in the sale of hair and beauty salons across all states in
Australia. He has more than 15 years of experience working in the hair and
beauty industry – so he really knows and understands the industry and the
marketplace much better than most. Get to know more about John Kasapi and his
accomplishments by clicking the "View Profile" button below. Additionally, you
can read other Benchmark Business Sales Testimonials from the "Broker" section
above. John Kasapi is a business broker at Benchmark Business Sales &
I just took over my store a few weeks ago. I would like to thank Sam, the best
broker and his colleagues. They are supportive and helpful. I have a great
experience of buying this business with their support. - Van Vu Kieu
Steve and Robyn Aird, 20 Jan 2020 - We appointed Glenn Irving of Benchmark
Business Sales and Valuations as our broker. We could not have been happier with
the result we achieved in the sake of our hardware business. Selling a business
is tricky and the regular meetings that were conducted during the contract
process kept our sale on track all the way through to the final settlement. We
were so happy that we then asked him to sell our commercial property. Glenn
Irving and his team brought me a buyer within 2 weeks. Great job and we could
not recommend Glenn and his team strongly enough. Glenn Irving receives another
Benchmark Business Sales Review. Glenn Irving showed his flair in this area of
design and invention by developing his own patents, design registered and
trademark products through his own companies, with many unique products being
sold in many different countries. This has translated into a solid knowledge of
intellectual property processes and asset management. Get to know more about
Glenn Irving and his accomplishments by clicking the "View Profile" button
below. Additionally, you can read other Benchmark Business Sales Testimonials
from the "Broker" section above. Glenn Irving is a business broker at Benchmark
Business Sales & Valuations.
Angela Jankovic , 21 Feb 2019 It is with pleasure to write this reference for
Belinda who is assisting me with selling property on the Gold Coast. I have only
known Belinda for a few months but can express my appreciation and gratitude
towards the way she has assisted me through the process of selling a property.
It can be quite daunting at times, but Belinda just knows how to take that
pressure off you by her wisdom and knowledge of the industry. Belinda is very
efficient when it comes to communication, always keeping me up to date on
whatever is transpiring, which is very important to me, thus displaying
confidence in her ability in selling property. She is passionate about her
industry and the Benchmark slogan of “We value your business, you’ll value our
experience” is exactly what Belinda provides. I have no hesitation and
recommending Belinda to any prospective client wishing to sell their
business/property, requiring the services of a woman whose honesty and integrity
are beyond question. Angela Jankovic

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Brisbane Office : 1015 Wynnum Road Cannon Hill QLD 4170 #2400134
Gold Coast Office : 166 Ashmore Road Benowa QLD 4217 #2400134
Sydney : 5 Alexander Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 #10102861
Melbourne Office : 80 Market Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 #069906L
Adelaide Office : Suite 24, 213 Greenhill Road Eastwood SA 5063 #RLA261927
Darwin Office : Darwin NT #RBL1177
Perth : Unit 7, 8 Clive Street West Perth WA 6005 #76781

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