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Submitted URL: http://amazon.com/Hope-Novel-Andrew-Ridker-ebook/dp/B0BHY38ZPH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1J6CYYPG2VJRU&keywords=hope+ridker&...
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Hope-Novel-Andrew-Ridker-ebook/dp/B0BHY38ZPH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1J6CYYPG2VJRU&keywords=hope+ridker&...
Submission: On December 05 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Hope-Novel-Andrew-Ridker-ebook/dp/B0BHY38ZPH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1J6CYYPG2VJRU&keywords=hope+ridker&...
Submission: On December 05 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
9 forms found in the DOMName: site-search — GET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss
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trialModeSignIn("STANDARD", true, 1);
return false;
// Todo: To be removed with preorder button migration
var onOneClickPreorderButtonClick = function() {
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if (typeof trialModeSignIn === "function" && false) {
trialModeSignIn("STANDARD", true, 0);
return false;
return true;
// Todo: To be removed with preorder button migration
var onCheckoutPreorderButtonClick = function() {
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if (typeof trialModeSignIn === "function" && false) {
trialModeSignIn("STANDARD", true, 1);
return false;
return true;
// BR checkout use-case. Todo: Work with the team to remove it
var onChangeLinkClick = function() {
$("#change-link").click(function() {
var counter = instrumentation.counter();
if (counter) {
return false;
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// Send csm counter on 'Buy' button click as well preferred payment method buy button click.
P.when('A', 'jQuery', 'accordionInstrumentation', 'ready').execute(function(A, $, instrumentation) {
$('#checkoutButtonId').click(function() {
var counter = instrumentation.counter();
if (counter) {
.buyBoxORDivider>h5 {
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// Fix for TT: https://t.corp.amazon.com/P25461968
// We should NOT freeze the 1-Click button when user returns to the DP page by hitting back buttton
// This is an issue in mshop since the page gets cached in history
currForm.data('submitted', false);
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Claimed Applicable Promotions
Expose a jQuery event trigger here that will show a message about
what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
to avoid confusion.
A.on('kindle_price_block_show_promotions', function(promotionText, numberOfPromotions) {
//Show list of promotions
$('#kindle_applied_promotions').html(promotionText).children().css('textDecoration', 'none');
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//Hide the amount saved and show the popover
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<a id="kindle_promo_message_popover" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button" class="a-popover-trigger a-declarative"> Aktionen werden beim Kauf angewendet <i class="a-icon a-icon-popover"></i></a> </p>
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padding-bottom: 20px;
width: 100%;
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float: right;
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<div class="a-checkbox"><label for="narration-checkbox"><input id="narration-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="" value=""><i class="a-icon a-icon-checkbox"></i><span class="a-label a-checkbox-label"> <span> Füge ein <img id="audible-logo"
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data-a-modal="{"closeButtonLabel":"Schließen","width":"780","name":"add-narration-learn-more","header":"\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/x-locale/common/transparent-pixel._V192234675_.gif\" id=\"ku-headphones\"/> \u003cspan id=\"kindle_narration_modal_title\"> Füge das passende Audible Hörbuch zu deinem Kindle eBook hinzu \u003c\/span>","popoverLabel":"Hörbuch","inlineContent":"\u003cdiv class=\"a-section narration\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base\"> \u003cimg alt=\"Keep the story going\" src=\"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/03/AudibleDE/de_DE/img/partner/amazon/WfV/narration-modal-title_DE.png\" class=\"narration-header\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 narration-left\"> \u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Wechsle \u003c\/span>zwischen Lesen und Hören mit Kindle und Audible. Mit Whispersync for Voice behältst du immer deine aktuelle Position im Buch bei.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Synchronisiere\u003c\/span> dein Buch über verschiedene Geräte hinweg und setze das Lesen oder Hören immer dort fort, wo du aufgehört hast.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Kaufe\u003c\/span> das Kindle-Buch und erhalte das Audible Hörbuch zum Sonderpreis.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-bold\">Titel\u003c\/span> kaufen und in der Kindle-App (iOS/Android) anhören. \u003cbr>Höre Titel auch auf Fire-Tablets, Kindle-Touch, Kindle-Keyboard, Kindle-eReader mit Bluetooth und in der Audible-App (iOS/Android).\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 narration-right a-span-last\"> \u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/kindle/merch/global/narration-modal-devices._CB485979979_.png\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003chr aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"a-divider-normal\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-section narration-more\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-expander-container a-expander-inline-container\"> \u003ca data-csa-c-func-deps=\"aui-da-a-expander-toggle\" data-csa-c-type=\"widget\" data-csa-interaction-events=\"click\" aria-expanded=\"false\" role=\"button\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\" data-action=\"a-expander-toggle\" class=\"a-expander-header a-declarative a-expander-inline-header a-link-expander\" data-a-expander-toggle=\"{&quot;allowLinkDefault&quot;:true, &quot;expand_prompt&quot;:&quot;&quot;, &quot;collapse_prompt&quot;:&quot;&quot;}\">\u003ci class=\"a-icon a-icon-expand\">\u003c\/i>\u003cspan class=\"a-expander-prompt\"> Mehr erfahren \u003c\/span>\u003c\/a> \u003cdiv aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"a-expander-content a-expander-inline-content a-expander-inner\" style=\"display:none\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6\"> \u003ch4>Was ist ein Audible Hörbuch?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>Ein Audible Hörbuch ist eine vertonte Version deines Buches, die von Audible bereitgestellt wird.\u003c\/p> \n\u003cp>Mit Hörbüchern kannst du deine Bücher auch unterwegs zur Arbeit, während der Hausarbeit oder beim Sport genießen. Egal, wann du keine Zeit zum Lesen hast, kannst du ein Buch hören und dich entspannen.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 a-span-last\"> \u003ch4>Was sind die Vorteile, wenn ich meinen Kindle-eBooks ein Audible-Hörbuch hinzufüge?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>Du kannst nahtlos zwischen Lesen und Hören wechseln \u2013 deine Stelle wird automatisch gespeichert, auch wenn du das Gerät wechselst. Tauche in die Geschichte ein und lass sie lebendig werden, während die Charaktere zum Leben erweckt werden und du in die Bücher eintauchst, die du liebst. \u003c\/p>\n\u003ch4>Wie aktiviere ich das auf meinem Gerät?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>Es ist keine Aktivierung erforderlich. Du kannst sofort mit dem Lesen und Hören beginnen, sobald du ein Audible Hörbuch zu deinem Kindle-Buch hinzufügst.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base\"> \u003chr aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"a-divider-normal\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003ch4>\u003c\/h4>\n \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div>"}"
data-csa-c-id="lxgxwc-jp7rvd-qefz2r-yzr67n"> <a class="a-link-normal" href="#" role="link"> Hörbuch </a> </span> mit Audible-Erzählung hinzu für <span class="a-color-price">12,99 USD</span> </span> </span></label></div>
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P.when('A', 'jQuery').execute(function(A, $) {
var addNarrationBinding = function() {
var isAyceEnabled = 'false';
var addNarrationParam = 'WFV';
if ($("#narration-checkbox").is(':checked')) {
if (isAyceEnabled === 'true') {
} else {
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vertical-align: text-top;
height: 1.2em;
P.when('A', 'ready').execute(function(A) {
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Alle INTERNATIONALE EINKÄUFE BENACHRICHTIGUNG FÜR ÜBERGANG Wir zeigen dir Artikel, die nach Deutschland geliefert werden. Um Artikel anzuzeigen, die in ein anderes Land geliefert werden, ändere bitte deine Versandadresse. FORTFAHREN DIE ADRESSE ÄNDERN Angebote des Tages Wunschlisten Kundenservice Geschenkkarten Verkaufen bei Amazon Kundensupport bei Behinderungen Ein Kindle kaufen Kindle eBooks Kindle Unlimited NEU: Prime Reading Bestseller und mehr Kategorien Kindle Vella Amazon Buchclubs Kindle Buchangebote Kindle Singles eMagazine Inhalte und Geräte verwalten Erweiterte Suche Amazon.com: Hope: A Novel eBook : Ridker, Andrew: Kindle-Shop * Kindle-Shop * › * Kindle eBooks * › * Belletristik Kindle-Preis: 14,99 $ Verkauf durch: Penguin Group (USA) LLC Der Verkaufspreis wurde vom Verlag festgesetzt. Jetzt kaufen mit 1-Click Aktionen werden beim Kauf angewendet Diese Aktionen werden auf diesen Artikel angewendet: Einige Angebote können miteinander kombiniert werden, andere nicht. Für mehr Details lese bitte die Nutzungsbedingungen der jeweiligen Promotion. Füge ein Hörbuch mit Audible-Erzählung hinzu für 12,99 USD Mit dem Kauf dieses Titels erklärst du dich mit den Nutzungsbedingungen von Audible einverstanden. Verkauf und Bereitstellung durch Audible, ein Amazon Unternehmen An Meine Kindle-Bibliothek senden Du hast abonniert! Wir werden deine Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden vorbestellen, sobald sie verfügbar sind. Wenn neue Bücher erscheinen, belasten wir deine Standardzahlungsmethode mit dem niedrigsten Preis, der während des Vorbestellungszeitraums verfügbar ist. Aktualisiere dein Gerät oder deine Zahlungsart, storniere einzelne Vorbestellungen oder dein Abonnement unter Meine Mitgliedschaften & Abos Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Aufgrund eines Fehlers konnten wir dein Abonnement nicht verarbeiten. Bitte aktualisiere die Seite und versuche es erneut. FÜR ANDERE KAUFEN Kaufe und versende dieses eBook an andere Personen. Weitere Informationen KAUFEN UND VERSENDEN VON EBOOKS AN ANDERE PERSONEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menge auswählen Versandoption auswählen und eBooks kaufen Empfänger können auf jedem unterstützten Gerät lesen. Beim Kauf einzelner eBooks sind zusätzliche Geschenkoptionen verfügbar. Weitere Informationen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diese eBooks können nur von Empfängern im gleichen Land eingelöst werden. Einlöse-Links und eBooks können nicht weiterverkauft werden. Weiter Kostenlose Leseprobe senden An Meine Kindle-Bibliothek senden Auf die Liste Hinzugefügt zu Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte versuche es erneut. ES IST EIN FEHLER AUFGETRETEN. Es gab einen Fehler beim Abrufen deines Wunschzettels. Versuche es noch einmal. ES IST EIN FEHLER AUFGETRETEN. Liste nicht verfügbar. Lade die kostenlose Kindle-App herunter und lese deine Kindle-Bücher sofort auf deinem Smartphone, Tablet oder Computer – kein Kindle-Gerät erforderlich. Mit Kindle für Web kannst du sofort in deinem Browser lesen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scanne den folgenden Code mit deiner Mobiltelefonkamera und lade die Kindle-App herunter. Zum Buchclub hinzufügen Deine Buchclubs werden geladen. Beim Laden deiner Buchclubs ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal. Nicht in einem Club? Weitere Informationen Mitglied werden oder Buchclubs erstellen Wählt gemeinsam Bücher aus Verfolge deine Bücher. Bringe deinen Club zu Amazon Buchclubs, gründe einen neuen Buchclub und lade Freunde ein oder finde kostenlos einen Club, der zu dir passt. Amazon Book Clubs erkunden BILD NICHT VERFÜGBAR Keine Abbildung vorhanden für Farbe: * * * * Herunterladen, um dieses Videos wiederzugeben Flash Player Für größere Ansicht Maus über das Bild ziehen * VIDEOS * 360°-ANSICHT * BILDER * Leseprobe lesen Hörprobe Hörprobe 0:00 0:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEM AUTOR FOLGEN Andrew RidkerAndrew Ridker Folgen Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Wiederhole die Anfrage später noch einmal. OK HOPE: A NOVEL KINDLE AUSGABE von Andrew Ridker (Author) Format: Kindle Ausgabe 4,0 4,0 von 5 Sternen 302 Sternebewertungen Alle Formate und Editionen anzeigen Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. Try again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preis Neu ab Gebraucht ab Kindle "Bitte wiederholen" 14,99 $ — — Audible Hörbuch, Ungekürzte Ausgabe "Bitte wiederholen" 0,00 $ Gratis im Audible-Probemonat Gebundenes Buch "Bitte wiederholen" 16,99 $ 17,37 $ 9,67 $ * Kindle 14,99 $ Lies mit kostenfreier App * Hörbuch 0,00 $ Gratis im Audible-Probemonat * Gebundenes Buch 16,99 $ 13 Gebraucht ab 9,67 $ 26 Neu ab 17,37 $ A NEW YORK TIMES EDITORS’ CHOICE “Riotous. . . . Hilarious . . . impeccably written . . . . Intelligent, bighearted, spew-your-gefilte-fish-funny.” —The New York Times Book Review “A writer with this much talent can take his readers anywhere.” —The Washington Post “Painfully funny. . . . This rivals Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s Fleishman is in Trouble in its pitch-perfect portrayal of Jewish American life.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “A comedy of (bad) manners. . . . Engaging.” —The Boston Globe A hilarious and heartfelt novel about a seemingly perfect family in an era of waning American optimism, from the acclaimed author of The Altruists The year is 2013 and the Greenspans are the envy of Brookline, Massachusetts, an idyllic (and idealistic) suburb west of Boston. Scott Greenspan is a successful physician with his own cardiology practice. His wife, Deb, is a pillar of the community who spends her free time helping resettle refugees. Their daughter, Maya, works at a distinguished New York publishing house and their son, Gideon, is preparing to follow in his father’s footsteps. They are an exceptional family from an exceptional place, living in exceptional times. But when Scott is caught falsifying blood samples at work, he sets in motion a series of scandals that threatens to shatter his family. Deb leaves him for a female power broker; Maya rekindles a hazardous affair from her youth; and Gideon drops out of college to go on a dangerous journey that will put his principles to the test. From Brookline to Berlin to the battlefields of Syria, Hope follows the Greenspans over the course of one tumultuous year as they question, and compromise, the values that have shaped their lives. But in the midst of their disillusionment, they’ll discover their own capacity for resilience, connection, and, ultimately, hope. Mehr lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous page 1. Länge 432 Seiten 2. Originalsprache EN Englisch 3. Kindle-Funktion Haftnotizen Auf Kindle Scribe 4. Herausgeber Viking 5. Erscheinungstermin 2023 Juli 11 6. Dateigröße 5.6 MB 7. Kindle-Funktion PageFlip Aktiviert 8. Kindle-Funktion Word Wise Aktiviert 9. Kindle-Funktion Verbesserter Schriftsatz Aktiviert 10. Alle Details anzeigen Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KUNDEN, DIE DIESEN ARTIKEL GEKAUFT HABEN, KAUFTEN AUCH Seite 1 von 10 Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 10 Previous page 1. Pete and Alice in Maine: A Novel Caitlin Shetterly 3,7 von 5 Sternen 270 Kindle Ausgabe 11,99$11,99$ 2. Wellness: A Novel (Oprah's Book Club) Nathan Hill 4,1 von 5 Sternen 1.184 Kindle Ausgabe 14,99$14,99$ 3. The Bee Sting: A Novel Paul Murray 3,9 von 5 Sternen 2.181 Kindle Ausgabe Bestseller Nr. 1 in Britische & Irische Literarische Belletristik 14,99$14,99$ 4. How to Love Your Daughter: A Novel Hila Blum 3,9 von 5 Sternen 260 Kindle Ausgabe 14,99$14,99$ 5. Absolution: A Novel Alice McDermott 4,2 von 5 Sternen 610 Kindle Ausgabe 14,99$14,99$ 6. Daughter: A Novel Claudia Dey 4,1 von 5 Sternen 59 Kindle Ausgabe 13,99$13,99$ 7. Little Monsters Adrienne Brodeur 4,1 von 5 Sternen 1.097 Kindle Ausgabe 13,99$13,99$ Next page REZENSIONEN DER REDAKTION REVIEW Praise for Hope “Riotous. . . . Franzen-esque. . . . Hilarious . . . impeccably written. . . . His comic assurance . . . is reminiscent of Meg Wolitzer. . . . Ridker[’s] characters make mistakes, but they pay the price, recover and grow. . . . [T]hey soldier on and try not to lose hope. Just as we hold ours that this talented writer will keep gifting us with his intelligent, bighearted, spew-your-gefilte-fish-funny novels." —Cathi Hanauer, The New York Times Book Review “Absorbing . . . a vivid depiction of modern American life. . . . The novel is at once propulsive and immersive, powered by one tragicomic episode after another, right up until its final tension-filled paragraph. . . . A writer with this much talent can take his readers anywhere.” —Malcolm Forbes, The Washington Post “A comedy of (bad) manners—the tale of a secular Jewish family in Brookline who undermine their own prosperity and happiness with a slew of bad decisions. . . . Engaging reading. . . . As these characters struggle over money and love—what other plots are there? — they stumble, fall, and gradually, tentatively, begin to right themselves.” —The Boston Globe “This comic novel, about a year of crisis for an affluent Jewish family, opens with a dinner party at which each guest is served a meal representing a different socioeconomic background. According to the hostess, Deborah, the matriarch, the purpose of this exercise is ‘to replicate, in a controlled environment, the lottery of birth.’ Yet the control of the family’s own environment becomes a problem after Deborah’s husband, Scott, is caught falsifying data in a clinical trial. . . . Ridker’s tone remains light even as his characters struggle to correct course. Writing about psychiatry’s new interest in the ‘transgenerational transmission of trauma’ in his medical-school application, the son wonders, ‘Who knows what else our parents have unwittingly passed on?’” —The New Yorker “In this biting satire, the well-to-do Greenspan family squirms through one very bad year, from its 80-year-old grandmother siphoning her savings to a teen online paramour, to the patriarch’s alleged medical fraud.” —Keziah Weir, Vanity Fair “Andrew Ridker’s novel Hope had me laughing out loud. . . . A perfect read.” —Zibby Owens, Cup of Joe “As with his first novel, Ridker’s second book betrays an incredible sense of humor. . . . Characters believe they know best while simultaneously doubting their method and fearing being caught; and it is this tension that gives Hope a propulsion not always seen in the family-novel genre. . . . Hope is a novel that thoroughly explores the many contradictions of upper-middle class American life in the twenty-first century.” —Benjamin Selesnick, Jewish Book Council “Ridker’s slashing satire of upper-middle-class life (after The Altruists) turns on the foibles of a seemingly charmed Jewish family in Brookline, Mass. . . . Painfully funny. . . . This rivals Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s Fleishman is in Trouble in its pitch-perfect portrayal of Jewish American life.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Loving and hilarious. . . . Ridker may have written the novel of early-21st-century liberal idealism.” —Shelf Awareness (starred review) “A portrait of a tumultuous year in the life of a Jewish family in the suburbs of Boston in 2013. It takes us from Brookline to Berlin to Syria as a seemingly exceptional family undergoes a series of scandals — and ultimately, as the title suggests, finds hope.” —Nylon, “July 2023’s Must-Read Book Releases” “A funny, incisive, and keen novel of family, citizenship, and the fundamental American promise. . . . Sweeping yet intimate. Ridker’s distinctive talent is his eye for both realism and comedy.” —Sanjena Sathian, author of Gold Diggers “Hope shows us a family in freefall in the Obama-era suburbs and asks us to imagine the component parts of redemption. Leaping from nonmonogamy to research scammery, from Jewishness to Big Publishing, from filial love to filial hatred, Ridker has given us a delightful novel: capacious, mordant, bustling, and wise.” —Sarah Thankam Mathews, author of National Book Award finalist All This Could Be Different “Few writers working today can be called ‘laugh-out-loud hilarious’ without hyperbole. With Andrew Ridker, it’s no exaggeration. Ridker sees his characters with utter clarity, even as they make mistakes and grope for unreachable futures. This fidelity to life—to flawed humanity—is the source of the humor in his work, ultimately, and what makes his novels not just entertaining, but profound and moving. Hope is a wise, deeply funny book about the American dream and all its delusions and false summits.” —Lee Cole, author of Groundskeeping “A brilliantly perceptive portrait of an American Jewish family, aching for connection and meaning, while everything they hoped for themselves is falling apart. Andrew Ridker’s ability to capture the subtle and intimate, while simultaneously widening the lens to observe his characters in the greater historical moment, is astonishing. He’s also one of the funniest writers I’ve ever read.” —Hanna Halperin, author of Something Wild and I Could Live Here Forever “This is a novel full of hope and heartbreak, just like life. If a novel is meant to tell us what it means to be alive, then Hope tells what it means to live and love in the contemporary moment. Andrew Ridker is remarkably observant, equal parts ruthlessness and compassion. One of the triumphs of the book is that no one is denied their humanity. Amidst the downsizing of hope in evidence everywhere, this witty novel's main gift is its large-hearted humanism.” —Amitava Kumar, author of A Time Outside This Time “In Hope, Andrew Ridker reinvigorates the family novel with wit and grace. Roaming fluidly across a broad canvas, Ridker finds the humanity in each of his characters, even (especially!) at their most exasperating and self-destructive. It was such a pleasure to spend time with a book of such warmth and intelligence.” —Andrew Martin, author of Early Work and Cool for America “Andrew Ridker has once again proven himself an incredibly talented writer of our generation. His brilliant, funny, and heartfelt second novel, Hope, reminds us that while we all have to follow our own paths, family will almost always be there. I love this novel.” —De’Shawn Charles Winslow, author of In West Millsand Decent People “[A] wry second novel. . . . Ridker keeps these varied plots spinning nimbly, neatly balancing broad satire with a hint of compassion for characters whose lives are spinning wildly out of control. Readers who like their family drama with a sharp edge and a generous helping of moral dilemmas will be satisfied with this one." —Margaret Quamme, Booklist “Set in a Jewish community in 2013 Brookline, a wealthy suburb of Boston, Hope follows the Greenspans, a privileged family who seems to have everything going for them. . . . Over the course of one year, we get to watch as each family member goes off on radically different paths than expected in this witty, incisive dark comedy.” —Zibby Owens, GoodMorningAmerica.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR Andrew Ridker’s debut novel, The Altruists, was a New York Times Editors’ Choice, a Paris Review Staff Pick, and a People Book of the Week. It was translated into more than a dozen languages. He is the editor of Privacy Policy: The Anthology of Surveillance Poetics and his writing has appeared in The New York Times, Esquire, Le Monde, and Bookforum, among other publications. He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUKTINFORMATION * ASIN : B0BHY38ZPH * Herausgeber : Viking (11. Juli 2023) * Erscheinungstermin : 11. Juli 2023 * Sprache : Englisch * Dateigröße : 5725 KB * Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert * Screenreader : Unterstützt * Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert * X-Ray : Aktiviert * Word Wise : Aktiviert * Haftnotizen : Auf Kindle Scribe * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 432 Seiten * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 56,554 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle-Shop) * Nr. 76 in Literarische Sagen * Nr. 82 in Jüdische Literatur (Kindle-Shop) * Nr. 144 in Jüdische Literatur (Bücher) * Kundenrezensionen: 4,0 4,0 von 5 Sternen 302 Sternebewertungen Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. VIDEOS Hilf anderen, mehr über dieses Produkt zu erfahren, indem du ein Video hochlädst! Ihr Video hochladen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATIONEN ZUM AUTOR Folge Autoren, um Neuigkeiten zu Veröffentlichungen und verbesserte Empfehlungen zu erhalten. Folgen ANDREW RIDKER Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Andrew Ridker's first novel, The Altruists, was published in eighteen countries. The Altruists was a New York Times Editors’ Choice, a Paris Review staff pick, an Amazon Editors’ Pick, and the People Book of the Week. It won the Friends of American Writers Award and was longlisted for the Prix du Meilleur livre étranger and the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize. He is the editor of Privacy Policy: The Anthology of Surveillance Poetics and his writing has appeared in The New York Times, Le Monde, Bookforum, The Paris Review Daily, Guernica, Boston Review, and elsewhere He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Mehr lesenWeniger lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIE BEWERTEST DU HEUTE DEINE ERFAHRUNG BEIM KAUF VON BÜCHERN AUF AMAZON? 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Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Kundenbewertungen bei Amazon funktionieren. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bildergalerie anzeigen Amazon Customer 5,0 von 5 Sternen Bilder in dieser Rezension REZENSIONEN FILTERN NACH * Deutsch * Englisch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Rezensionen sortieren nach Spitzenrezensionen Neueste zuerst Spitzenrezensionen SPITZENBEWERTUNGEN AUS USA Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen DERZEIT TRITT EIN PROBLEM BEIM FILTERN DER REZENSIONEN AUF. BITTE VERSUCHE ES SPÄTER ERNEUT. carilynp 5,0 von 5 Sternen I loved everything about this novel from the sharply observed characters to the brilliant humor. Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 6. August 2023 Verifizierter Kauf I loved everything about this novel. The title, the cover, the family, the drama, the satire. The Greenspans have it all. Until a fracture turns into a bigger crack, which tears through the structure that was once their well-functioning family. Set ten years ago, when Obama was president, this is a story told from each of the four members’ perspectives, about an upper-middle class Jewish family from Brookline, Massachusetts, who are in the in-between. Harvard educated cardiologist Scott needs extra money to pay for his elderly mother Marjorie’s care. She’s given hers away. But that’s another story. In a moment of weakness, he foolishly decides to falsify tests in a drug trial for some bank. So begins his fall from grace. His wife Deb, who helps resettle refugees through her synagogue, suggests they open their marriage, and she starts seeing a woman. Maya, their just out of college daughter, started her first job at a publishing house in Manhattan where she’s run into a former college professor, a man with whom she had an affair. Following in his father’s footsteps is their son Gideon who’s pre-med at Columbia. Marjorie, “who lived to shock,” stole the show for me. Along with the sharply observed characters and brilliant humor. Weiterlesen Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen shereadbookblog 4,0 von 5 Sternen Well written Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 11. Juli 2023 It is 2013 and the Greenspans live comfortably in Brookline Massachusetts. Scott is a physician, Deb, a former dancer, is now active in her synagogue resettling refugees, son Gideon is on the path to medical school, and daughter Maya works for a publishing company. But then Scott, needing extra money, is found to have falsified blood samples in a research study. Deb leaves him for her female lover, Gideon drops out of school and ends up in the Middle East, and Maya gets involved with a former teacher with whom she had a crush and loses her job. This is well written, told from various POVs. There is humor and the author does capture the times and the lifestyles of people of a certain socioeconomic strata. While the book held my attention, I just didn’t engage with any of the characters. Weiterlesen Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen avid reader 3,0 von 5 Sternen Amusing, but off the mark Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 1. August 2023 Verifizierter Kauf Hope: A Novel is of the same genre as The Nanny Diaries in that it is a satirical story of society in a particular time and place. In this case, the heart of the novel is based in Brookline, Massachusetts. Unlike The Nanny Diaries, Hope: A Novel does not have a true hero or heroine; all of the main characters are subject to the author's critique, and all will suffer for their own and each others' poor decisions, even as there is some glimmer of hope for absolution on account of their good decisions. One criticism: Although much of the novel resonates, it seems that the author's understanding of charter schools (genuinely a hot topic in Massachusetts) is rooted in charter school operations outside of Massachusetts where for-profit charter schools are not permitted. Weiterlesen 4 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Jennymps 5,0 von 5 Sternen Hope Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 22. Juli 2023 Verifizierter Kauf This book starts with biting wit along with laugh out loud observations and what follows is the story of a family. A mother, father, daughter and son, dealing with different traumas and each finding their own way to heal and survive. Great writing and astute characterizations. Weiterlesen 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen kathleen g 4,0 von 5 Sternen an unhappy family Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 11. Juli 2023 The Greenspan family- Scott, Deb, Gideon and Maya - tell their story and what happens to them over the course of a tumultuous year. It's almost a trickle down (or cross ways) novel where one act influences all the rest but each of the main characters has their chance to tell their own part. Scott makes the very unwise decision to falsify patient bloodwork in order to get the money he needs to help his mother, who has lost hers to a scammer. Deb convinces him that they should have an open marriage and then takes off with her female lover after he's caught. Gideon is meant to be pre-med but ends up in the military while Maya loses her job and flails around. It was very bad year for these privileged people; Ridker has a knack with unhappy families and knows when to add a touch of humor. That said this would have benefited from trimming- it's too long. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. Good storytelling. Weiterlesen Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen M. Cohn 5,0 von 5 Sternen Well written, engaging book by my favorite author. Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 20. August 2023 Verifizierter Kauf Perfect book for book club, I highly recommend this book and this author. Weiterlesen Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Jane 3,0 von 5 Sternen Disappointing Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 8. August 2023 Verifizierter Kauf Loved the first half of the book. Lost me towards the end, as it became to convoluted with Gideon traveling to Israel. Weiterlesen 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Wilson 5,0 von 5 Sternen Hilarious romp Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 14. Juli 2023 Verifizierter Kauf The character feel so realistic and yet the situations they put themselves in are so hilarious - is this real life ? I couldn’t put this down- highly recommend if you’re looking for a laugh . Weiterlesen 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weitere Rezensionen ansehen Seitenanfang Info zu diesem Artikel Rezensionen Ein Problem melden Enthält dieser Artikel unangemessenen Inhalt? Bericht Glaubst du, dass dieser Artikel gegen ein Urheberrecht verstößt? Bericht Liegen bei diesem Artikel Qualitäts- oder Formatierungsprobleme vor? Bericht Deine zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen › Browserverlauf anzeigen oder bearbeiten Nachdem du Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen hast, findest du hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. 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