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2 Aug 2016

Should you be using version control?

I love this graphic that sums it up perfectly:

Image source

So let's talk about version control. It's something you have to use, right? When
you work with code, especially on a team, it's a necessity. As a professional
developer in most cases when you join a software company you won't even have a
choice, you must use their choice of version control system in order to
contribute to the team. However I would say that even for an amateur or hobbyist
developer that version control is invaluable.

In this article I'll argue the benefits of version control. I'll help you
understand the problems it solves and I'll show you how to use version control
more effectively. I'll also expose the problems it can cause. I'll lay bare the
unresolved problems with version control for the games industry.

I'll cover the particular software packages that I have used. My own experience
goes way back to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe at my first programming job. It was
almost enough to put one off version control! However since then I've
battle-tested a number of other packages from both the traditional model and the
newer distributed model. They all have their strengths and weaknesses and none
are perfect.

Version control is important for your sanity on anything more than the most
simple projects. However there's a world of pain and problems waiting for the

In addition there's an important choice you have to make. Which version control
system should I use? There's no easy answer to that question, indeed there is no
correct answer. You will have to accept something based on your needs. You must
then learn to workaround the inadequacies of the system you have adopted (or
choose a different system and accept its inadequacies instead).

I can help you understand why you should use version control and how you can
make better use of it. Which software you use is far less important than the
fact that you do use version control!


Table of Contents generated with DocToc

 * Contents
 * What is version control?
 * I'm new to development, should I use version control?
 * I'm working alone or on a small project, is it worth using version control?
 * Should I convince my team mates to use it?
 * What if I don't like using version control?
 * I'm not a developer, should I use version control?
 * Why use version control?
 * Traditional or distributed?
   * Traditional version control
     * Pros
     * Cons
   * The distributed model
     * Pros
     * Cons
 * Version control and game development
   * Disciplines and teams
   * Binary assets
   * Process and workflow
   * Release management
 * Version control and Unity
   * Issues
 * Techniques for managing releases
   * Branches
   * Tags
   * Forks
   * Which to use?
 * Using version control effectively
   * Training
   * Version control everything... except anything that can be installed or
   * Code review
   * Test before you commit, don't break the build!
   * Be careful when you synchronize
   * Commit messages
   * It's your diary
   * Make small frequent commits
   * Push frequently
   * Keep a clean copy of your repo
   * Revert changes when you need to
   * Testing
   * Code freezes
   * Branch or fork only when you need to
   * Error recovery and bug investigation
   * Blame
   * Hooks
   * Delete old code
   * Merging
   * Integrate with other tools
 * Version Control Software
   * Subversion (SVN)
   * Alienbrain
   * Perforce
   * Mercurial (HG)
   * Git
   * SourceTree
 * Software to watch
   * Plastic SCM
 * Alternatives to version control
   * Dropbox
   * Google Drive
 * What we use at Real Serious Games
 * Conclusion
 * Resources
 * Reviewers
   * Dylan Ford, Honeyvale Games
   * Jason Stark, Disparity Games
   * Daniel Vicarel
 * Special Thanks
   * Mark Hanford


Do I need to explain what version control is? Maybe not. Many others have
already written extensively on this.

Here's a great visual guide that will help you understand exactly what version
control is. Here's the visual guide to distributed version control.

Here's another good introduction that explains version control concepts.

Put briefly... version control allows you to manage changes over time. It is
most commonly used to track revisions to source code. For game development we
also track projects (eg Unity projects) and revisions to assets. It is like an
undo system on steroids. Made a mistake? No problem, roll back to a previous
revision or backout the offending change.

Changes are contributed to a version control repository by a team of developers.
At any point you can get the current state of the entire repository, that's the
sum of all changes. That's what you use to build the current version of your


Maybe. Consider that you'll need to learn it eventually.

However be careful that you don't get overwhelmed with the learning process.
Before learning version control you should focus on being comfortable with
writing code and making games.

If you are working on a team however... then they might mandate the use of
version control. Or you might all decide it's worth learning version control
together because it is simply the best way to coordinate a development team.


Yes, definitely.

I use it even on small experimental or hobby projects. If I spend more than,
say, an hour on any project. I version control it. It only takes a few minutes
to set up a repository on your existing code. If the project becomes important
or I want to share with the team, then I clone it and put it on the server. This
takes another few minutes.

Of course the bigger the project and the team the more you will get out of
version control. Small projects are great for learning new technologies like
version control. Small projects are easier to manage and there is less pressure.
Any use of new tech will inevitably lead to mistakes and you must plan for that
and be ready to pay the cost. When the project is small we can afford to make
mistakes because in this situation they are easier to rectify.

Modern version control is easy to start using. There's no excuse not to use it.



Well, maybe. If your team is against using version control it might not be worth
the battle, in that case save your energy for better things. It might even be
easier to change your team than to convince them to use version control.

If your team mates are reluctant it could be simply that they just need to
experience the pain of collaborative development without version control before
they are willing to give it a go.

Education is one answer. If your team mates understand the need for version
control they will want to use it. Internalize the arguments presented in this
article and get to work swaying them to your point of view!


That's an easy one. Just don't use it.

Although maybe you just don't like the first version control system you tried?
Well, try a different software package and see if that is more to your liking.
You have the benefit of choice.

Maybe you tried a traditional version control system, but you'd be better off
with a distributed system? Or vice-versa.

Maybe you just aren't ready to use version control. That's ok. Trying using
Dropbox or a USB stick to share your code with team mates. You'll soon
understand why version control is useful.


Yes. Well, maybe.

You can version all sorts of things with version control. It's most effective
with text files, that's because version control systems are usually built for
working with source code. You can also version binary files such as art assets,
spreadsheets and documents, although this works better in some systems than
others. This means you can version control almost any file you can imagine.

If you need to track and maintain versions of files, version control is for you
and you don't need to be a developer to take advantage of it.

Writers can definitely use version control to track revisions of their books.
Whole business models are being based on this, for example GitBook.

Data analysts can also make use of version control. Take a look at the DAT
package for tabular data.


Everyone has something to say on this topic. Here's my list of what version
control can do for you...

Enables a safe workflow

Commit code in small and easily testable increments. If any commit causes a
problem... it can easily be backed out.

Enables experimentation without fear

Experiment or refactor not working for out? Simply revert your work in progress
back to a clean copy.

Messed up your local repository badly? Just delete it and clone a fresh copy
from your master repository.

Rollback to a previous version

Version control allows rollback. That is the recovery of old versions of your
code. That's why I call it an undo system on steroids.

Does the current version have a nasty bug? Recover a previously working version
of the code.

Did you delete some code that you now need? Recover a copy of the deleted code.

Performance gone to hell? Find a previous version with good performance and that
will help you understand what caused the problem.

Need to reconstruct a previous working version? Say you want to change and
rebuild the PAX demo that you made 2 months ago. Step back in time using version
control, make the changes you need and rebuild the demo.

Isolate a problematic revision

Using version control you can search through previous revision to find the point
where an issue was introduced. This is helpful as finding the source of the
problem is often 90% of the work.

Manage multiple versions

Use branches, forks or tagging to maintain multiple versions of a product. This
is useful when you need to have multiple streams of development progressing in
parallel and not interfering with each other. For example many developers
maintain at least a well tested production version and a work in progress
development version of their code.

Coordinate teamwork

Version control prevents absolute chaos when working in a development team. It
enables collaborative work. Manually sharing and merging code is time-consuming
and error-prone. If you are sharing a collaborative project via Dropbox or a
similar alternative then you are flirting with disaster.

Understand a project's history

Version control allows you to understand the history of a project and what has
happened. You can see who created a file and who last edited it. In fact you can
see the complete history of edits, what has happened to each file since the
beginning of time (as far as the repository is concerned, at least).

Version control allows the history of a code-base to be audited.


All PCs inevitably die. When your PC dies will it take your amazing project with

Using version control means that at minimum you should have a master version of
your project on the server. If your PC dies then you'll only lose your most
recent work that hasn't yet been integrated to the server.

What if your server dies? Well you either need an automated backup of your
server. Or you should consider using a distributed version control system (DVCS)
where cloning the repository to a backup drive is trivial.

Enables continuous-integration and continuous-delivery

Whilst not a focus of this article, continuous-integration (CI) and
continuous-delivery (CD) are very important techniques for scaling up a
development team and automating builds, testing and deployment. Version control
is a crucial enabler for these advanced techniques.


In this section I introduce the two different models of version control. This is
an introduction to the concepts followed by a concise list of the pros/cons of
each as I see it.

For more on this, Atlassian have a nice comparison of the models with lots of
visuals and diagrams.


Traditional version control systems rely upon a centralized server. In this
model multiple clients talk to a shared server to commit changes and work with
the revision history. Clients have what is known as a working copy, that's a
copy of all the files with the accumulation of changes to date. Changes to the
working copy are committed directly to the shared server. Whenever a client
commits a change, that change is immediately available to all other clients.


 * The client-server model is easy for people to understand as client-server
   programs, such as FTP, have been around for a long time.
 * It works well in a traditional office environment. People working together on
   a private LAN where all have convenient access to a server.
 * The software is mature and robust.
 * There's only a single server, so it's easy to remember when your code is,
   although it can still get out of hand if you use a lot of branches.
 * In most software it is possible to lock files for editing. This helps to
   prevents multiple people from editing binary files.
 * Repositories can be partially synchronized. This is useful when you need to
   get a part of a repository, instead of the entire respository.


 * The traditional model less adequate for distributed teams, remote workers and
   outsourced teams. This is because you are dependent on access to the server
   in order to be able to use it. Good internet mitigates this problem.
 * It is inflexible. It is difficult to make copies of the repository. Sure you
   can create as many working copies as you need, but making a complete copy of
   the repository including the history is difficult. It's also not possible to
   merge from repository to repository (at least not easily or without
   additional tools).
 * If you use a traditional repository to house multiple projects it will grow
   and grow as time goes on. Eventually it will become bloated and unwieldy. You
   may have to archive old projects, so there is a larger maintenance cost
   associated with administering traditional version control.


The distributed model of version control is a peer-to-peer system instead of the
client-server approach of the traditional model. Rather than a centralized
server, each node in the distributed network is a full repository. Users make
changes in their working copy and then commit those changes to their local
repository. Changes can then be exchanged (pushed or pulled) with other

Distributed version control is absolutely fantastic for working with code,
however all distributed systems currently have problems with binary assets and
very large projects (although Facebook are working on this for Mercurial).

There has been something of a competition between Mercurial and Git. Personally
I prefer Mercurial, but I also commonly use Git for open-source work.


 * Very effective for distributed teams, remote workers and outsourced teams.
 * Distributed systems are built to work offline and great for when you are
   travelling. Like working in a cafe? Do it, bank up commits while you are
   offline, synchronize with your master repo when you are back in the office.
 * It is very easy to fork (or clone) a repo. This makes backup and archiving
   easy. It makes it easy to work with multiple side-by-side copies of your
 * There is much less risk of losing a repo in the event of a disaster such as
   server melt-down. There will likely be many clones of a repository
   distributed among team members so it's much more difficult to lose your
   repository. With a traditional centralized system, if you lose your central
   repository you lose the history of all your projects.
 * Technically no server is necessary, although for convenience you will
   most-likely designate a particular repository on a particular PC as the
   master repo.
 * Makes for a very flexible workflow. You can easily emulate the traditional
   structure with a master repo and multiple client repos, however you aren't
   limited to this layout.
 * The main distributed systems are open source and free.
 * No need to check out before editing, it figures it out for you (actually SVN
   does this as well, although annoyingly Perforce doesn't).
 * Very easy to ignore files (to be fair SVN also allows this, however in both
   Git and Mercurial the ignore setup is stored in a simple version controlled
   text file).


 * The model is difficult for people to understand and it is hard to explain.
   Even some coders have trouble understanding the concept, try explaining it to
   someone less technical!
 * The support for binary files is woeful! They are not great at dealing with
   binary assets, especially large binary assets. I've noticed there are large
   file extensions but I haven't tried these.
 * Not so great at dealing with large projects (I'm talking about gigabyte
   project sizes).
 * Performance tends to degrade as project size increases.
 * You might end up with many repositories, especially if you churn through
   projects quickly (as we do at Real Serious Games). This can become difficult
   to manage. It can be tricky to remember which projects contains what. This
   can be handled somewhat with good process and documentation.
 * Distributed version control doesn't allow partial syncing. You can't sync
   just part of a project, you must sync the whole project. This makes a lot of
   sense when you understand the nature of the distributed system, but if you
   come from the traditional model you might miss the ability to sync only a
   portion of a very large repository. This is a good reason to keep your
   distributed repos small and lightweight.


Games have unique problems to solve that normal software development projects
don't have to deal with. As a game developer you have some different
requirements from your version control toolset.


To start... people other than coders also work on games. By necessity game teams
combine individuals from the disciplines that are required to construct a game.
Coders often have little trouble using version control (after some experience).
However the other disciplines (artists, designers, producers, QA, etc) can find
these tools complicated and overwhelming, especially when it comes to merging
(something many coders even find difficult).

Good training, education and a commitment to continuous improvement can help the
wider team be successful with version control. If you are a coder you can help
by creating scripts and tools that make version control easier to use for the
other team members, although small studios with precious little resource may
struggle to achieve this. At a minimum coders should always be available to help
team members through version control issues.

Game teams come in many sizes and structures. The smallest teams have 1 or 2
people. The largest teams can have 100s of people collaborating. Version control
systems generally scale well to large teams. There are many huge software
development companies with 1000s of coders using version control. Large teams
are at least a solved problem for version control.


Normal software development projects mostly version control code (eg text
files). Games usually have a mix of both text and binary assets. There's code,
configuration files and various other text assets. Then there are binary assets
such as meshes, textures and levels/scenes.

Most version control systems were designed to handle source code and really
struggle with the massive binary assets that are common in game development. In
particular the distributed version control system really struggle with binary
assets and large projects. Things are changing though, for instance Facebook are
now using and improving Mercurial for their huge code-base.

A key feature of version control is the ability to merge source code that has
been simultaneously edited by multiple programmers. Unfortunately this doesn't
work at all for binary assets! These are not mergeable through version control,
this creates a horrible process bottleneck where only one person can work on a
binary asset at a time. To have multiple people working on a binary assets
causes situations where one person (if not more) must lose the work they have

Some version control systems allow assets to be locked and this is an
acceptable, if not great, answer to this problem. This ensures that only a
single person can edit a binary asset at a time and no one is at risk of losing
their work. Of course this is only possible in traditional systems, the very
nature of the distributed systems prevents locking. Now you could make a plugin
or some other method to roll your own locking system, but that's busy work that
takes you away from actually making games.

If you are unable to lock binary files due to your choice of version control
system you must find another way of dealing with this issue.


One thing you should definitely do is strive to modularize your work to make it
easier to distribute tasks among the team without causing conflicts. Coders do
this already when we make code modules. We split the code up file by file. One
developer can then work on one file, another developer can work on a different
file, and there will be no merges needed so long as the developers are working
on separate files. The more separate modules we create the more likely it is
that developers can work without interfering with each other and the risk of
merge conflicts is minimized. To some extent this approach can also be taken
with assets... Meshes, textures and scenes can all be divided up into modules
(and loaded/streamed at runtime) meaning there is less chance that artists and
designers will overlap in the assets they need to edit.

Another way to deal with this problem is to have a process or work-flow. Many
people use a system I like to call who has the asset? In this system one person
at a time can claim ownership of the asset. In that time only that single person
is allowed to edit the asset. This system is enforced only when the team follows
the rules defined in the process, by this I mean that the team must be
disciplined enough to stick to the rules. Each team member must understand what
assets the others are currently working with and must respectfully restrain
themselves from working on assets that are currently claimed by others. If you
are all in the same room this isn't particularly difficult, just call it out to
the team as you work! Or maybe write it up on a whiteboard to keep track of who
has what. For those in distributed teams you can achieve this via online
communication, something like Slack will do the trick.

You might justifiably be thinking what a horrible process or how did the games
industry get to this point. Yes this is crazy-far from an ideal situation.
Unfortunately sometimes we we are reduced to tactics like this because of our
situation, team or choice of technology and we still need to get the job done
with some shreds of sanity remaining!


Another interesting problem for game developers is that we often go through
projects more quickly than normal software development. Software projects often
last for many years. Games on the other hand can be over quickly, the smallest
games are created in a matter of months. The trend of mobile games combined with
improved technology means that games are being built more quickly than ever
before. This begs the question what do we do when the project has finished? We
need to retire the project and archive it, although it would be good if we could
access the project again later for reference or to pull out code and assets for
a different project. As we'll soon see some version control systems handle this
sort of thing better than others.

Games, like traditional software projects, often need to manage and maintain
multiple releases. At some point you will need development and production
versions of the code. Often, games also have multiple versions being developed
in parallel. For example it's not uncommon to have released an alpha build that
you are taking feedback on, updating and re-releasing. At the same time other
team members are separately working towards the beta version. Then there's that
one person who had to fork the alpha release and hackup a prototype demo to show
at PAX.

You see what I mean. We need multiple versions of a project with multiple people
contributing to each version. Each separate version of the project can't
interfere with each other. Don't take a breath yet, there's more. You also
eventually need to consolidate the changes from all projects into a single
master version. For example you'll have fixed some bugs in the alpha version
that you need to bring forward into the beta version. If you are new to
development this might sound like a complete nightmare. Well it can be. But
these situations that I am describing are only made possible with version
control. It may still seem chaotic and hard to keep track of what is happening
and who is doing what, but with version control you have a means to manage and
control the chaos and guide it in a sensible direction. The tools you have at
your disposal are branching, forking and tagging. Distributed version control
systems excel at managing multiple versions.


Unity has integrations for Perforce and Plastic SCM. These can make your life
easier if you are working with either Perforce or Plastic. Unfortunately there
is no built-in integration for Subversion, Mercurial or Git. The code for these
plugins is open-source and you can find it on Bitbucket. If you look in the code
you can see there is support for SVN! However SVN hasn't yet been included with
Unity. If you search on the asset store you will find various packages that
support Mercurial and Git, although I don't really think it's necessary,
personally I think Mercurial and Git work pretty well with Unity without needing
a plugin.

If you aren't using Unity's version control plugins then you should set Version
Control Mode to Visible Meta Files as mentioned in the Unity manual.

Where possible I also like setting Asset Serialization Mode to Force Text. This
causes assets like project settings, meta files and scenes to be stored as text
files. This is arguable, but the benefit of this is being able to view
differences when committing assets like scenes that normally are stored as
binary and are hence not diffable. This can help you understand the structure of
Unity assets. Unfortunately this setting doesn't scale very well to very large
projects and can cause problems with 3rd party packages from the Asset Store. In
these cases you should set it to Mixed for large projects. Force Text is most
useful for small projects, especially when you are learning about Unity data


Editing scenes and other binary assets

Editing Unity scenes and other binary assets is a massive process bottleneck.
Normally only a single artist or designer can work on these files at the same

Using Force Text (mentioned earlier) can help. This will store your scene files
as text files so it becomes possible to merge them, although merging is rarely
easy and Force Text may not be feasible for large projects. If your version
control system supports file locking then this will help enforce single user
editing of Unity scenes and binary assets.

Even otherwise sophisticated developers can be bought to their knees by this
issue. The fact is that only a single team member can work on a scene at one
time. I believe this is the single biggest problem that Unity should be fixing.

Modularization can help. Break up large scenes and use streaming to merge them
at runtime. Unity 5.3's new SceneManager can help with this.

Don't alt-tab while syncing

When you are syncing a Unity project from version control be careful you don't
alt-tab to switch back to Unity. If you do this while the sync is in progress
bad things can happen. Imagine this situation: the sync is in progress, your
assets and scenes have been updated, although it hasn't yet updated your meta
files. You alt-tab back to Unity. Unity then thinks you have a bunch of assets
without meta files. So it generates meta files. Meanwhile the version control
sync continues and proceeds getting the meta files, however it doesn't get the
meta files because it's conservative and doesn't want to overwrite the meta
files that were just generated by Unity. Now you open your scene and discover
that links to scripts and prefabs are broken!

This isn't just a contrived case, I have seen it happen on multiple occasions.
The problem grows larger with repository size, the longer it takes to sync a
repository the more chance you have of triggering this behavior.


Branches, tags and forks are three different techniques to manage your releases.
Which you choose depends on your needs and what you are comfortable working


A branch can be thought of as an internal clone of a repository.

When you are working on a repo you will choose which branch to work with. If you
haven't created any branches then you are automatically working with the default
branch. At any time you can create a new branch based on an existing branch,
then you change between branches depending on what you need to work on at any
given time.

Developers branch their code for all sorts of reasons. Commonly a branch is
created for a particular release, and this allows you to maintain a development
version of the repository that is separate to your production code.

I've also known teams to branch for features (they implement a feature in a
separate branch before testing it and then merging it back to the trunk). You
can also branch by task, team and individual.

Jeff Atwood has a good overview of branching and branching strategies.


Tags allow you to label a particular revision. This can be a great way of
associating a revision with a particular releases or milestone. For example once
you finish the PAX Demo you could label the revision with that name. Do this and
you have a way to identify code releases in your revision history.

Tags are simpler to work with than branches but they aren't as powerful. For
example if you wanted to go back and edit PAX Demo and re-release that code you
will find that achieving this with tags is tricky and will likely cause a mess
in your revision history.


Forking or cloning your repository is an alternative to branching.

Where a branch is an internal copy of a repository, a fork is an external copy:
a completely separate repository. A forked repository is related to the original
repository and code changes can easily be merged between them. Anything you can
do with branching you can also do by forking. You can fork separate repositories
for development and production, you can fork separate repositories for features,
tasks and individuals.

Forking can be more flexible than branching. Once you have branched your
repository it remains in your repository and contributes to its size (bloating
the repository). Forks of a repository exist externally and this makes it easier
to safely dispose of them when they are no longer needed. If you find yourself
creating short-lived or many branches you might want to consider using forks

Forks can be easier to understand than branching. After all a fork is simply
another copy of the repository. You can see it in your file system. You can't
see a branch in your file system, branches only exist through the tools provided
by your version control system.


I advocate a balanced approach.

Long lived and highly coupled relationships between repositories should be
represented as branches. Development and production branches are a good example.

Short-lived relationships between repositories should be forks. For example your
PAX Demo will be over in a matter of weeks. You may need to hack your code to
bits, so you'd like to branch. I think forking is a better option here because
you will want to retire the repository in a month or so. It's much easier to
retire a fork than a branch as a fork can easily be deleted from the file system
(or archived to some other folder).

When you have many relationships between repositories you should also consider
forking. For example at Real Serious Games we fork code releases at regular
intervals (every 3-6 months) from our development repository. We number the code
releases starting with release 1. We are now up to release 22. We like to keep
these old code releases because we can archive old code and easily revive it
should a client come back to us and ask for new features. For us having 22
branches bloating our master repository would not be feasible.


Presented here is a my grab-bag of techniques and best practices. These will
help you be more effective at using version control.

Just remember, one person's best practice is another's worst practice. Take this
advice with a grain of salt. I have tried all these tactics and found them to
work well in most circumstances. Rules and process need to be flexible though.
The software development business is complex and we need flexibility. Follow
best practices when you can, throw them out when then you can't or otherwise
adapt them as you see fit.


Make sure everyone is educated on how to use version control. If there is
someone on your team who understands it better than you do, have them teach you.
If you understand it better than your teammate, teach them. Education and
training help solve many of the problems that people have with version control.


Version control any original work that you can't afford to lose. Source code,
configuration files, test scripts, source assets.

Don't commit files that can be generated by a setup or build process!

You should have a project setup script that installs 3rd party packages and
dependencies. You also need a build script that takes care of everything to
create a build from source code and assets. Having these two things makes it
much easier for new developers to get started with a project. It also means that
installed and generated files don't have to be included in your version control.
Including those sort of files in version control bloats out your repository and
makes it slow to copy and synchronize.


Where our process interacts with version control provides us with some natural
points at which to conduct code review.

Prior to committing you should conduct self-review or peer-review. Self-review
is similar to peer-review, only you are reviewing your own code, however you
should pretend you are reviewing someone else's code! That makes it easier to
spot the errors in your code.

Those using branches can perform code review prior to accepting code into a
branch. For example as you merge code into your release candidate branch you can
review it. Or as you merge code into your production branch you can do final
code checks before the code gets into the hands of the public.

If you are using distributed version control you have another opportunity to
review... when you push to the master repository. This is another chance to
ensure that you aren't pushing bad code to your team mates.

Github has a great system that enables remote code review. When you are ready to
integrate your changes back to the master repository you submit a pull-request.
Someone else should review the pull-request and merge it into the master. If any
issues come up during the review the reviewer can annotate the pull-request with
queries and issues that should be addressed.


Make sure you have tested your code thoroughly before you commit to version

Testing and code-review helps prevent issues getting into the master repository.
This is the cheapest time at which to find and fix defects. As code and features
go further along the pipeline and into the hands of our players, defects become
progressively more difficult and expensive to find and fix.


Be aware that at any time the build could be broken!

Code reviews, automated tests, continuous integration and conscientious
developers can all help minimize the occurrence of broken builds, but human
error does happen and sometimes problems can slip through!

When you synchronize with the work of others be ready to stop normal work and
fix problems. There will be times when you are become blocked because the build
is broken. When this happens, just jump in and get it fixed. Save the
retrospective for later, after the build is fixed.

Mistakes happen. Be aware that when you synchronize you are potentially merging
problems into your local repository. Do this at a time that best suits you! Then
be prepared to deal with any problems that arise so you can get on with your


Your commit messages are a form of communication. You are sending a message to
your team mates or even to your future self! Be nice to your colleagues. Be nice
to your future self. Make sure that your commit messages are meaningful.

As with code comments, the most important thing for commit messages is
explaining the intent of the code change. Explain the why rather than the how.
In the same way that your code comments shouldn't just explain what you can
easily see from reading the code, your commit comments shouldn't just explain
what you can easily read by examining the changeset. More important than
explaining how the code works... and so many coders seem to fail at this... is
to explain the thinking behind the change. Explain why the change was needed and
what value it it adds.

Does the change fix a bug? Explain the bug and explain how the change fixes the

At some point, maybe when you are trying to figure when a particular bug was
added, you will have to go back and look at an old code revision. When that
happens you will be very happy that you wrote meaningful commit messages.

You should also relate commit messages to your process and systems. If you are
completing a task from your task tracking system, be sure to include the task
number in your commit message. Same for bugs. When you fix a bug include the bug
number in your commit message.


I like to think of version control as my diary.

Forgot what you did last week? Forgot what you were doing yesterday? Have a look
at your version control history.

When I write commit messages I write them like they are journal entries, ready
for someone else to read. Tell a complete story with your commit messages. If
you can imagine how someone else will read that story, you will write a better


Make small commits, make them frequently.

Small commits are easier to test because there is less to test. They are easier
to code review and issues will be spotted more quickly. Many small and
well-tested code changes adds up to vastly more stable code. This massively
reduces the risk that unknown issues will build up and take you by surprise
later. Once you have a humming workflow making frequent small and reliable
commits your work will quickly add up to big things. And it will all be working
at the end! It's the worst thing discovering nasty issues right before you need
to do an important build.

Large commits can hide many issues. What's worse is that those issues can be
tangled up together which serves to amplify the problems. Small commits, by
their nature, will have few lurking issues and those issues will be easier to
detect. There will be less issues and because of this they won't be tangled up
together, this again makes them easier to spot and unwind.

Each commit should do one thing, it should be a logical unit and all code
changes should be related. Have you heard of the single responsibility
principle? We should aim for something similar when committing code. All changes
that are a part of a commit should be highly related to each other.
You should definitely separate your commits for behavior changes, refactors and
performance optimization. When problems are combined (because you combined them
in a large commit) the problems they cause will be more difficult to deal with.

If you are fixing a bug. Make sure the fix is one commit on it's own.

If you are adding a feature, just commit that feature. Don't try and sneak in
unnecessary refactoring and formatting changes. Many features will actually
require multiple commits, usually though it is not difficult to decompose a
large feature into multiple logical units.

If you have trouble making small commits it may be because you aren't planning
your work effectively. Complex changes should be planned out and executed in a
series of small but related commits. This can be difficult if you are still new
to development and you may not have even been aware of the need for it. Work on
improving your planning skills, practice deconstructing your work into smaller
commits, you'll improve with practice. Small concise commits are a mark of skill
and experience.

As with all such guidelines, don't take this too far! Don't break up a large
commit just because you want it to look like you are making small commits! Don't
make small commits happen artificially just to fit the process. I've seen less
experienced coders with massive commits ready to go... then divide it up into
small commits so that they satisfy the process. This is just hiding a big commit
as a bunch of small commits and doesn't really solve anything. Invariably some
of the small commits end up being difficult to explain on their own or just
broken. Look for these warning alarms when doing code reviews.

If you need to do a large commit, then just do it. Sometimes we have to make
large commits, although generally we should prefer not to. When you must do
this, set aside some time for reflection. Ask yourself was there another way
that the big change could have been a series of smaller commits? Self reflection
is very important for us to grow and become more experienced.


This an extension to make small frequent commits for those that use distributed
version control.

Push frequently to your master repository. Push every day where possible. The
longer you wait to integrate your work with the team the more difficult merging
will become and the more likely it will be that you will break the build.

Long periods without pushing your code increases the risk that your computer
will crash and you will lose work. This doesn't happen often, but it can and
does happen. It will happen to you at some time in your programming career. How
much work will you lose? Push your code frequently and you minimize the work
lost if this ever happens to you. If you need some motivation... think of
missing an important deadline because you lost your work. Think of what your
team mates or boss will think if this happens. Pushing daily (or possibly using
an automated backup system) is the only protection you have.

If you are working on an experimental or uncertain feature and you don't want to
risk pushing to the master repository, simply fork the master repo and push to
that. Of course you have to be using a distributed system to do this.


It's often worthwhile maintaining two copies of your code on your development
workstation. You have one copy for development. You can use the other copy for
testing or comparing your changes to the baseline. You can do this with both
traditional and distributed version control. With traditional code you just get
a new copy of the server repository to a different working directory, although
in my experience this is easier with SVN than it is with Perforce. If you are
using distributed version control then it is even easier. Just make a separate
clone of the master repository.

Having multiple copies of a repository is easier and more effective with
distributed version control. Here's an example. Make your changes in your
development copy. Test, review and commit your changes. Now push your changes to
your clean copy (which will no longer be clean of course). Now test your changes
in your clean repo. Do your tests still pass? Code often breaks when you push it
to the master repo. Maybe you forgot to import or commit a file? Pushing to a
separate clean repo and testing there prevents these kinds of issues being
forced on your team mates. Once you have rectified any issues in your clean repo
you are now safe to push the changes to your master repo.

Having a clean copy is good when you have a bug in your development repo. You
can have two repos side-by-side for comparison. This can help you better
understand the changes you have made. It's great for understanding if a bug was
just created now or if it was already there. When you have a clean copy you can
test questions like this. Run your tests again in the clean copy and you will
quickly find out if you have introduced a bug just now or if it was pre-existing
in the code.


Have some experimental code changes that haven't panned out? You've been working
on code and you've hit a problem. You continue to brute force your way through
the problem. If you commit this problematic code you may spend weeks mopping up
the issues. You may have already experienced a situation like this. Refactoring,
especially without the safety net of automated tests, can result in horribly
broken code that manifests bugs for months afterward.

Coding is often about finding the right path forward. Some paths are clearly
better than others and there are some directions that are just plain wrong. If
you are heading in the wrong direction you can't just continue pushing forward
and code your way out of it. When you recognize a problem with your current
direction, stop digging a deeper hole for yourself!

Don't be afraid to revert changes when they aren't going well! If there are
obvious problems or something doesn't feel right, simply revert your code, take
some time to think, then come at the problem from a different angle. You are
already doing small commits... so the amount of work you will lose will be

Another alternative is to stash or shelve your changes until you figure out how
to solve the problem. Also when you plan to refactor or make experimental
changes consider forking or branching so that you can keep your potentially
broken changes from affecting your team mates.


Version control can help with testing. Consider having a separate repository
just for recording the results of your output testing (check it out in the
Techniques section of the Testing article). When you run your tests you can use
your version control system to diff the changes to understand if behavior has
changed or something has broken.


There will be times in your development lifecycle when you will want to freeze
the code-base.

For example, say you've just released a version of your game to production or
maybe you've passed a significant milestone. You need to preserve a version of
the game at this point. Inevitably you will have to update and release that
build again. At the same time your developers must be able to move forward with
work in progress for a future release. You need to keep these streams of work
separate so that your developers (who are working as hard and fast as they can)
don't break the previously working production build.

If your version control system supports this, use it to enforce the code freeze.
Particular version control systems, especially traditional systems, may support
configurable read/write permissions. If that's the case remove write permissions
during a code freeze. With distributed version control a simple technique is to
rename your frozen repo. Rename the repo to something obvious like Frozen
Milestone 2. This prevents your developers from accidentally pushing to the
frozen code-base.

Of course you also need a work in progress copy of the code-base for developers
to continue their work. Distributed version control makes this trivial. You
simply fork or clone the frozen repository and continue the work in progress
with the new repo.


Remember that each branch or fork that you create requires space in your head to
remember what is going on. Keep things simple. Only branch or fork when you have
a justifiable reason for doing so or when you have system that makes it easy to
understand the purpose of each branch or fork.

If you must have many branches or forks, document the purpose of each so that
you don't struggle to remember.


Have you ever accidentally released a significant bug to production code? Has
your boss hovered while you desperately try to debug the problem?

Version control can help here, it provides a convenient way out for new problems
that have been exposed to your users. Simply rollback or backout to remove the
updated and broken code. Revert your users back to a working version as quickly
as possible. Then, only when things are back to normal, take the time out to
assess what went wrong and investigate the problem.

Is your current revision horribly broken and you have no idea why? Identify the
revision that caused the issue you will find the issue is much easier to fix.
Often the most difficult part of fixing a bug is finding the code that causes
it. I'm sure you've had the experience where it takes days to find the source of
an issue and then only 5 minutes to fix the single line of code that was
responsible. If you can locate the revision where an issue was introduced it
will be significantly easier for you to understand the problem. Understanding
the problem is usually much more difficult than fixing the problem.

To find the cause of a bug we must locate it in the code. If you search the
entire code-base it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Anything you
can do to narrow down the search space will help. Often this means using your
understanding of the code and some intuition to target particular code modules
that you suspect are related to the issue. But also consider this, if you narrow
down the search space to a single revision, then your search will be extremely
well targeted. The code you must search to find the bug is vastly reduced,
especially when you do small commits. This automatically puts you closer to
finding the bug. In many cases the cause of the bug will be immediately obvious
when you inspect the offending code revision.

The raises the question: how do we find the revision that introduced the bug?
The technique you are looking for is called bisection. This is like a binary
search applied to your code-base. You have a sequence of code revisions, the
latest revision is broken, some past revision is ok: You must search for the
revision in-between where the bug was introduced. Of course you can do this
manually with any version control system, although this can take significant
time and patience, sometimes however even the manual approach is worthwhile,
because for the most horrible bugs it still may be the fastest route to the
cause of the problem.

Fortunately modern distributed version control systems provide built-in tools
for bisection. You'll find it quite amazing once you understand what this means.
Bisect tools can significantly speed up your manual process. They also offer the
potential for an automated bisection. To build that you will need to have
invested in an automated build and test process, that's not cheap but it has
many other advantages. In this case the advantage is that we can run a fully
automated bisection process. Let it do it's job and when you come back to your
workstation it will tell you the revision when the code was broken. To me this
feels very much like having superpowers. If you can achieve this your team mates
will bow to your god-like coding powers.


Blame is occasionally useful when you need to identify the programmer that last
modified a line of code. Normally I promote shared responsibility of code and a
culture without blame. Regardless, sometimes you need to know who was
responsible for a particular line of code. This is most helpful in larger
companies with many developers, say in a situation where you need to understand
a code module you haven't edited before. Blame will let you know who last edited
the code you are looking at. Now you can find them to ask what is going on with
their code.


Version control hooks can be very useful. Use them to detect when someone has
pushed to a repository. For example you might want to send a notification when
someone has pushed changes to the master repo. Or trigger an automated build and
test. More advanced: trigger a server restart when you push to repo on a cloud
VM. This is a useful technique for simple server deployments.


Don't be afraid to delete old code. Better to delete it rather than comment it
out and have it vying for brainspace when you are reading through code. If you
need that code again (most times you won't) you can easily recover it from the
version control history.

Don't leave commented-out code in place when it should be deleted. I guarantee
that in the future someone (probably your future-self) will have to figure out
what to do with that code. Do them/yourself a favor and just delete it now at a
time when you best understand that code.

If you do have a justifiable reason for leaving in commented-out code...
document that code with comments and state the reason why you must leave the
code in place.


Don't be afraid of merging. If you work with other programmers you will at some
point have to merge your code. Sometimes merges go bad and it can be very
difficult to resolve them. It's worthwhile learning how to be confident at
merging. Create an example repository and practice, practice, practice. Make
sure you try a few different types of merge software, not all were created equal
and you may find some easier to understand than others.
Don't ever attempt to merge binary files.

Don't ever attempt to merge generated text files. You can simply regenerate such
files, so there is no need to waste your precious brain resources trying to
merge them (note: generated files probably shouldn't be in version control

Keep your code clean and well organized. Well-separated code modules mean that
coders are more likely to be working on separate modules, so there is less
chance their work will overlap and therefore less chance of needing to merge.


Integrate version control with other tools where possible. Visual Studio 2015
has built in Git integration which is very useful. There are Visual Studio
extensions for various other version control systems.

If you use Perforce or PlasticSCM and Unity, make sure you look up Unity version
control integration.

Where possibly integrate your version control with your continuous integration
and continuous delivery systems.


This section is a stock-take of the version control software that I have used
and my thoughts on each.

Please seek Wikipedia for a full comparison of version control software.


A widely used open-source/free traditional version control system. If you want
to use the traditional model and you don't want to pay for a proprietary
solution, this is the option you want to use.

It's quite mature and reasonably easy to get started with. I've used this at
several companies and it can handle massive repository and many branches.

It's support for binary or large assets is ok.

SVN has a file locking system which can help when you want to prevent multiple
people working on the same file at the same time, however this isn't really
built into the process as you don't have to check out a file before editing it.
In many ways this is good because you can modify files and SVN will figure out
for you want have you have changed, but it's bad for file locking because it
makes it the user's responsibility to check if a file is locked before changing
it. This makes room for user error and means multiple users can edit a binary
file, even when it is locked, when the users comes to submit they will find that
they must lose their changes if someone else already has the file locked.


It has been more than 10 years since I used Alienbrain. I found it to be a very
robust solution with great support for large binary files and large projects.
Alienbrain is built for the entertainment industry and is mostly used by digital
artists. It has great integration and support for art tools like 3ds max and
Photoshop. It also has good API and is very customizable. Unfortunately it is
very expensive which puts it out of range for all except the largest studios.


I've used Perforce at various companies. It is something of a standard in the
professional industry. It is robust and fairly reliable. It can support massive
teams and thousands of branches. It has great performance and it deals well with
binary assets and large projects. Unity has built-in support for working with

However, there are a some serious downsides to Perforce. Occasionally we
encounter unusual bad behavior that isn't reproducible. Our build server
sometimes churns out bad builds. It's usually easy to fix by doing a Force get
of the assets and a rebuild. We can't be sure if Perforce or Unity is the real
culprit here, but this means that I can't say for sure that Perforce is 100%
rock solid.

We often seem to battle against random Perforce issues, its arcane API, or its
awkward and outdated interfaces. Yes version control can be complicated, it can
be tough to understand, however Perforce sometimes seems to go out of its way to
make things worse for us. I sometyimes wonder why Perforce is used as much as it
is. Of course there are many valid reasons to use Perforce, but personally I
have found it difficult to recommend, especially to small studios. It does solve
some problems very well, though so whether it's worth considering really depends
on your situation.

Due to the rising popularity of the distributed model, Perforce have moved to to
take part in the revolution. I haven't tried using this new aspect of Perforce
so I can't comment on it, I mention it just because it is interesting to note
that Perforce have taken notice of the distributed movement.

One thing that really annoys me about Perforce is that you have to check out a
file before editing it. When using Subversion and the distributed systems you
simply start editing your code or assets and the software figures out for you
what has changed. This is one thing that makes Perforce seem incredibly
old-fashioned. Of course the check out before edit model actually works best for
binary assets (because it allows these files to be locked - a useful feature of
Perforce), but for every other reason it's an unnecessary frustration.

One thing that's great about Perforce and I've mentioned this already, is just
how fast it is. Trying syncing a 1 GB project from the repository to your
workstation. Perforce will chomp it's way through this faster that it would take
to copy a 1 GB file over the same network using your operating system. You end
up wondering did it really get all the files?

I have no idea how Perforce can copy files so quickly, it seems like magic. The
flip side of this equation is that Perforce is incredibly stupid. I've already
mentioned that Perforce can't figure out what you have changed, you have to
check out before editing. Of course you can use the Reconcile offline changes
feature, but that's painfully slow on a large project. There's also the caching
system that makes Perforce very fast to copy files. That's great for
performance, but it means Perforce doesn't keep up to date with what's actually
currently in your working directory. For example you can delete part of your
working directory then do a Get latest and nothing will come down. As far as
Perforce is concerned you are still completely up to date! That's because
Perforce isn't checking your working directory for it's state, it's checking its
cache and it's cache is out of date.

Like I said Perforce is not smart. Also Perforce doesn't adequately clean up
deleted files from the working copy. This is a painful problem when some deleted
DLL gets left in a project and causes a build to fail. Due to Unity's bad error
messages relating to DLL problems you might not even be able to find out which
DLL is causing the problem! The standard way to do deal with this is by deleting
the project and doing a force get in Perforce. (Force get must be used to
override Perforce's cache which prevents Perforce from understanding that you
have deleted part of your working copy, again stupid Perforce.) Now the force
get will complete reasonably quickly, Perforce is fast at that sort of thing,
but now you have to reimport the entire project into Unity which could take an
hour or more (for a large project). This is all because Perforce doesn't
properly clean up its working directory when files have been deleted.

So to summarise. Perforce solves some problems very well. It's fast, it deals
well with binary files and large projects. It allows files to be locked which
stops multiple people from editing binary files.

However there it also causes plenty of problems. Perforce is old, their tools
are complicated, slow and buggy. You'll have to workaround various issues with
your workflow and the maintenance cost for keeping it working chews through time
and resource. Answers on how to solve problems with Perforce can be hard to come
by and although it's easy to get started with it is extremely difficult and
time-consuming to master.

Perforce offers a massive amount of control and flexibility, this is good but to
make use of it you'll have to deal with their commands and APIs which can be
inconsistent and difficult to work with. The outputs of Perforce commands can be
tricky to parse.

If you must work with Perforce please check our open-source NodeJS API. We
believe this is a simpler abstraction over the Perforce API. If it doesn't do
exactly what you want, please contribute on Github.


Distributed version control is a fantastic way to manage code. This applies
whether you are a solo developer or a team. When I first started using
distributed version control I loved that I could bank up commits whilst
commuting to work on the train. Then when I arrived home in the evening I could
push all my work to the master repository on my NAS box. Distributed version
control has also worked well for the development team at Real Serious Games, I
talk more about that soon.

I like Mercurial because it's simple, at least I believe it is simpler than Git.
It's very reliable and it's easy to setup and use.

If you are looking to get started with Mercurial there is a great tutorial
online by Joel Spolsky. The official tutorial is also good.

If you get into Mercurial, make sure you check out The Definitive Guide.

BitBucket is a great online hosting solution for Mercurial and integrates well
with Atlassian's other tools.


Git is another distributed version control and is the main alternative to
Mercurial. Git is the most popular DVCS, especially in the open source space.
Git and DVCS generally have been catapulted into our consciousness driven by the
rise and rise of GitHub.

I use Git (both personally and at Real Serious Games) through my open source
development on GitHub. In most respects it's very similar to Mercurial. GitHub
generally makes it very easy to administer a Git repo. Git though is actually
quite complex and flexible. This can be useful if you want to build an extremely
customized development workflow, although I prefer Mercurial because I prefer a
VCS to just work without requiring any setup or customization. Like I said
though if you use GitHub that makes Git quite simple to use and in fact if you
are using something like SourceTree then you rarely have to even care whether
you are working in Mercurial or Git.

Here's something to help get you started with Git.

Git also has a great reference manual.

GitHub is a great hosting platform and is free for public (open-source)
repositories. Bitbucket can also be used to host Git repositories, unlike GitHub
though Bitbucket offers free private repositories.


I thought it was worth mentioning SourceTree. This is a tool from Atlassian that
can be used as a UI for both Mercurial and Git. It smooths over the (few real)
differences between these packages, to the point that you rarely have to care
which type of repository you are actually using.

Unfortunately, as of this writing, the most recent versions of SourceTree have
been a massive bug-fest. Personally I have stuck with version 1.6.25 until
things improve, you can easily install this version via Chocolatey.


These are some software packages that I'm very interested in. If anyone has
experience with these and has a story to tell please contact me.


Plastic SCM is a relative new comer to the VCS scene and I am following it with
much interest. They are targeting the games and entertainment industries.
Plastic SCM aims to be some intersection of traditional and distributed models.

Unity has built-in support for Plastic SCM, this is a massive endorsement for
this package, but is it deserved?


This article wouldn't be complete with mentioning alternatives to version
control for collaborative work.


Dropbox is a fantastic way to share work in simple collaborative environments.
It's a convenient way to share assets and documents with your team. It's a great
way to share builds with your play-testers.

However, there are plenty of potential problems:

 * Don't use it as your primary copy of data. If you do that you risk having a
   team mate accidentally delete your work.
 * Dropbox doesn't handle conflicts well and it has no way to merge simultaneous
   work that has been done on a file.
 * Dropbox sucks up internet bandwidth. This is ok on a LAN and you can limit
   it. This is bad when you are on a mobile data connection.

In addition Dropbox doesn't track versions and so you can't recover old
revisions (unless you pay for the very expensive Pro version). If you find
yourself wanting to track versions then you should really be using a proper
version control system and not Dropbox.

Don't ever ever combine Dropbox with a version control system. In the past I
tried putting a Mercurial repository in Dropbox, that ended in a corrupted
repository. The problem is the way Dropbox deals with conflicts. This means that
if two people attempt to work with repository at the same time there is very
high likelihood that the repository will be destroyed by Dropbox's conflict
resolution. You have to be very very careful if you want to work this way and
there is every chance that it will end in tears. This can happen even if you are
a solo developer!


I regularly use Google Drive for personal and collaborative work on documents,
spreadsheets, forms and presentations. It's great for that sort of stuff,
although I couldn't imaging using it for sharing code or working on a software
project. One thing that is very cool is that you can create scripts to automate
and customize your Google Drive workflow, that's the only time I work on code
that's stored in Google Drive. It comes with a basic IDE/code-editor which makes
for a terrible development experience, but I'm not complaining, it's very cool
that it is possible to script Google Drive and that this service is free!

Google Drive can also be used in a similar way to Dropbox and that comes with
same sorts of problems I've already mentioned.


Our needs at Real Serious Games are quite unique. Our work is fast-paced and
demanding. The techniques and technologies that win at RSG are the ones that
tend to be the simplest and provide the most benefit for the least headaches.
When things get in the way of our ability to deliver a product, one of two
things happen: We make it work, somehow or someway, otherwise we get rid of it.

We use Mercurial for our long-term internal code-base and it works pretty well.

We use Git and GitHub for our interaction with the open-source world. Possibly
one day we will completely convert to using Git for all our code.

For our Unity projects and art assets we use Perforce. This is because Perforce
is easy to explain to our less-technical staff and it is easier for them to
understand. It's also because Perforce is generally fast and works well with
binary assets and large projects. Perforce allows partial-syncing of projects.
Perforce allows us to lock binary files, which stops multiple people working on
them simultaneously which prevents merge issues. We have plenty of issues with
Perforce that we must deal with, however at this point in time its benefits
still outweigh its disadvantages.

We have put some effort into our open-source scripting API for Perforce. If you
are using Perforce this might also help you.


In this article I've talked at length about version control. Why it's useful.
How it's essential for development, especially in collaborative teams. Also how
it relates to game development. I've reviewed the software packages that I have
experience with and I have shown what we currently use at Real Serious Games.

Both the traditional and distributed models of version control have strengths
and weaknesses. You really need to understand what's important to you and your
team before you make a decision. Which ever decision you take you will need to
deal with problems, because no matter which version control software you choose,
it will cause you some problems.

Of course there are many unresolved issues. Most distributed VCSs have poor
support for binary files and large projects. Is this just because they are new
and don't yet have the maturity? Maybe. It could also be because the nature of
distributed model makes it difficult to solve those problems. I am not sure.

I can only hope that the distributed systems eventually rectify these problems,
because distributed systems are amazing and they really are the way of the
future. Yet these unresolved problems make life difficult for game developers.
Maybe someone reading this article will rise to the challenge and start work on
a new open-source distributed system that perfectly fits the needs of game
developers? Will it be you?


Wikpedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_control

Intro to version control:

Visual guide:

Distributed visual guide:

Git vs Mercurial:

Mercurial tutorial: http://hginit.com/
Mercurial reference: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/

Git tutorial: http://gitimmersion.com/
Git reference: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2

Subversion reference:

Perforce: https://www.perforce.com/our-customers/game-development

AlienBrain: http://www.nxn-software.com/

Plastic SCM: https://www.plasticscm.com/version-control-for-games.html

Comparison: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_version_control_software



Dylan is a programmer/designer and soon to release his first game, Alchemy
Punch. He's also pretty excited about the game you're working on, so tell him
about it!


Jason Stark is a 20-year veteran of the games industry and a 23-year veteran of
raising children. He has one games studio, four daughters, not much hair and
even less time. His studio, Disparity Games, consists of him, his wife and
whatever daughters happen to be available at the time. They have spent the last
year releasing Ninja Pizza Girl and still aren't done yet.




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Software craftsman and author


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