console-api |
info |
URL: 184)
[063] [freemius_opt_mngr_fs_accounts] FS_Option_Manager->store >> fs_accounts = array (
'id_slug_type_path_map' =>
array (
3752 =>
array (
'slug' => 'oceanwp',
'type' => 'theme',
'path' => 'oceanwp/functions.php',
3757 =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'type' => 'plugin',
'path' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php',
'theme_data' =>
array (
'oceanwp' =>
array (
'plugin_main_file' =>
(object) array(
'path' => 'oceanwp/functions.php',
'is_network_activated' => false,
'install_timestamp' => 1594292519,
'was_plugin_loaded' => true,
'sdk_last_version' => NULL,
'sdk_version' => '',
'sdk_upgrade_mode' => true,
'sdk_downgrade_mode' => false,
'plugin_last_version' => '1.8.5',
'plugin_version' => '1.8.6',
'plugin_upgrade_mode' => true,
'plugin_downgrade_mode' => false,
'connectivity_test' =>
array (
'is_connected' => true,
'host' => '',
'server_ip' => '',
'is_active' => true,
'timestamp' => 1594292519,
'version' => '1.8.5',
'prev_is_premium' => false,
'sticky_optin_added' => true,
'is_extensions_tracking_allowed' => true,
'has_trial_plan' => false,
'install_sync_timestamp' => 1596347487,
'keepalive_timestamp' => 1596347487,
'activation_timestamp' => 1594292575,
'sync_timestamp' => 1596347487,
'is_whitelabeled' => false,
'is_plugin_new_install' => false,
'sync_cron' =>
(object) array(
'version' => '1.8.6',
'blog_id' => 0,
'sdk_version' => '',
'timestamp' => 1596347486,
'on' => true,
'file_slug_map' =>
array (
'oceanwp' => 'oceanwp',
'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'themes' =>
array (
'oceanwp' =>
'parent_plugin_id' => NULL,
'title' => 'OceanWP',
'slug' => 'oceanwp',
'premium_slug' => 'oceanwp-premium',
'type' => 'theme',
'affiliate_moderation' => false,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => NULL,
'file' => 'oceanwp',
'version' => '1.8.6',
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' => NULL,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => '3767',
'bundle_public_key' => 'pk_c334eb1ae413deac41e30bf00b9dc',
'public_key' => 'pk_043077b34f20f5e11334af3c12493',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3752',
'updated' => NULL,
'created' => NULL,
'_is_updated' => false,
'unique_id' => 'ed00cf1321997a3663dd023e454c8952',
'plugin_data' =>
array (
'ocean-elementor-widgets' =>
array (
'plugin_main_file' =>
(object) array(
'path' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php',
'is_network_activated' => false,
'install_timestamp' => 1594292519,
'was_plugin_loaded' => true,
'is_plugin_new_install' => false,
'sdk_last_version' => NULL,
'sdk_version' => '',
'sdk_upgrade_mode' => true,
'sdk_downgrade_mode' => false,
'plugin_last_version' => NULL,
'plugin_version' => '1.2.3',
'plugin_upgrade_mode' => true,
'plugin_downgrade_mode' => false,
'connectivity_test' =>
array (
'is_connected' => true,
'host' => '',
'server_ip' => '',
'is_active' => true,
'timestamp' => 1594292519,
'version' => '1.2.3',
'prev_is_premium' => true,
'is_extensions_tracking_allowed' => true,
'install_sync_timestamp' => 1594292731,
'keepalive_timestamp' => 1594292731,
'has_trial_plan' => false,
'sync_cron' =>
(object) array(
'version' => '1.2.3',
'blog_id' => 0,
'sdk_version' => '',
'timestamp' => 1594292732,
'on' => true,
'beta_data' =>
array (
'is_beta' => false,
'version' => '1.2.5',
'plugins' =>
array (
'ocean-elementor-widgets' =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Elementor Widgets',
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
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'affiliate_moderation' => false,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => NULL,
'file' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php',
'version' => '1.2.3',
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' => NULL,
'is_premium' => true,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_25eeed8cddc1b8bede158756886e8',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3757',
'updated' => NULL,
'created' => NULL,
'_is_updated' => false,
'admin_notices' =>
array (
'oceanwp:theme' =>
array (
'theme_plans' =>
array (
'oceanwp' =>
array (
0 =>
'plugin_id' => 'Mzc1Mg==',
'name' => 'ZnJlZQ==',
'title' => 'RnJlZQ==',
'description' => NULL,
'is_free_localhost' => 'MQ==',
'is_block_features' => 'MQ==',
'license_type' => 'MA==',
'is_https_support' => '',
'trial_period' => NULL,
'is_require_subscription' => '',
'support_kb' => NULL,
'support_forum' => NULL,
'support_email' => NULL,
'support_phone' => NULL,
'support_skype' => NULL,
'is_success_manager' => '',
'is_featured' => '',
'id' => 'NjA0MA==',
'updated' => NULL,
'created' => 'MjAxOS0wNS0wNiAxMTowODoyNw==',
'_is_updated' => false,
'active_plugins' =>
(object) array(
'timestamp' => 1596347487,
'md5' => 'ecf045b83c33f2a50b09cf7432a82359',
'plugins' =>
array (
'acf-plus-nge/plugin.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'acf-plus-nge',
'version' => '1.0.0',
'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields Plus',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'advanced-custom-fields-pro',
'version' => '5.8.12',
'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields PRO',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'classic-editor/classic-editor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'classic-editor',
'version' => '1.5',
'title' => 'Classic Editor',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'custom-post-type-ui/custom-post-type-ui.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'custom-post-type-ui',
'version' => '1.7.4',
'title' => 'Custom Post Type UI',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'elementor/elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'elementor',
'version' => '2.9.13',
'title' => 'Elementor',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'elementor-pro/elementor-pro.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'elementor-pro',
'version' => '2.10.3',
'title' => 'Elementor Pro',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'uk-cookie-consent/uk-cookie-consent.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'uk-cookie-consent',
'version' => '2.3.15',
'title' => 'GDPR Cookie Consent Banner',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'nex-forms/main.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'nex-forms',
'version' => '7.5.21',
'title' => 'NEX-Forms - Ultimate',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'version' => '1.2.3',
'title' => 'Ocean Elementor Widgets',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'ocean-extra/ocean-extra.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-extra',
'version' => '1.6.4',
'title' => 'Ocean Extra',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'page-links-to/page-links-to.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'page-links-to',
'version' => '3.3.3',
'title' => 'Page Links To',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'redirection/redirection.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'redirection',
'version' => '4.8',
'title' => 'Redirection',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'duplicate-post/duplicate-post.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'duplicate-post',
'version' => '3.2.5',
'title' => 'Yoast Duplicate Post',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'wordpress-seo',
'version' => '14.5',
'title' => 'Yoast SEO',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'lenix-elementor-leads-addon/elementor-leads.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'Lenix Elementor Leads addon',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '1.8.1',
'Description' => 'Elementor leads By Lenix.',
'Author' => 'Lenix',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'elementor-leads',
'DomainPath' => '',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'Lenix Elementor Leads addon',
'AuthorName' => 'Lenix',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'lenix-elementor-leads-addon',
'tweaks-for-elementor/tweaks-for-elementor.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'Tweaks for Elementor',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '1.0.1',
'Description' => 'Tweaks for Elementor is simple plugin with few features to disable the default Fonts and CSS files of Elementor and Hello Elementor Theme',
'Author' => 'WPBRO - Dima Minka',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'tweaks-for-elementor',
'DomainPath' => '/languages',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'Tweaks for Elementor',
'AuthorName' => 'WPBRO - Dima Minka',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'tweaks-for-elementor',
'ultimate-elementor/ultimate-elementor.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'Ultimate Addons for Elementor',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '1.25.2',
'Description' => 'Ultimate Addons is a premium extension for Elementor that adds 35+ widgets and works on top of any Elementor Package (Free, Pro). You can use it with any WordPress theme.',
'Author' => 'Brainstorm Force',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'uael',
'DomainPath' => '',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'Ultimate Addons for Elementor',
'AuthorName' => 'Brainstorm Force',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'ultimate-elementor',
'wp-mail-smtp-pro/wp_mail_smtp.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'WP Mail SMTP Pro',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '2.1.1',
'Description' => 'Reconfigures the <code>wp_mail()</code> function to use Gmail/Mailgun/SendGrid/SMTP instead of the default <code>mail()</code> and creates an options page to manage the settings.',
'Author' => 'WPForms',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'wp-mail-smtp',
'DomainPath' => '/assets/languages',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'WP Mail SMTP Pro',
'AuthorName' => 'WPForms',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'wp-mail-smtp-pro',
'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'WP Rocket',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '',
'Description' => 'The best WordPress performance plugin.',
'Author' => 'WP Media',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'rocket',
'DomainPath' => 'languages',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'WP Rocket',
'AuthorName' => 'WP Media',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'wp-rocket',
'events-tracker-for-elementor/events-tracker-for-elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'events-tracker-for-elementor',
'version' => '1.2.6',
'title' => 'Events Tracker for Elementor',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'all_plugins' =>
(object) array(
'timestamp' => 1596347487,
'md5' => 'a9a5b83c8d5fa319a39ffc25d709fbdf',
'plugins' =>
array (
'acf-plus-nge/plugin.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'acf-plus-nge',
'version' => '1.0.0',
'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields Plus',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'advanced-custom-fields-pro',
'version' => '5.8.12',
'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields PRO',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'classic-editor/classic-editor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'classic-editor',
'version' => '1.5',
'title' => 'Classic Editor',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'custom-post-type-ui/custom-post-type-ui.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'custom-post-type-ui',
'version' => '1.7.4',
'title' => 'Custom Post Type UI',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'elementor/elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'elementor',
'version' => '2.9.13',
'title' => 'Elementor',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '2.9.14',
'elementor-pro/elementor-pro.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'elementor-pro',
'version' => '2.10.3',
'title' => 'Elementor Pro',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'uk-cookie-consent/uk-cookie-consent.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'uk-cookie-consent',
'version' => '2.3.15',
'title' => 'GDPR Cookie Consent Banner',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'lenix-elementor-leads-addon/elementor-leads.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'lenix-elementor-leads-addon',
'version' => '1.8.1',
'title' => 'Lenix Elementor Leads addon',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'worker/init.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'worker',
'version' => '4.9.7',
'title' => 'ManageWP - Worker',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'nex-forms/main.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'nex-forms',
'version' => '7.5.21',
'title' => 'NEX-Forms - Ultimate',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '7.6.1',
'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'version' => '1.2.3',
'title' => 'Ocean Elementor Widgets',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'ocean-extra/ocean-extra.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-extra',
'version' => '1.6.4',
'title' => 'Ocean Extra',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'page-links-to/page-links-to.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'page-links-to',
'version' => '3.3.3',
'title' => 'Page Links To',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '3.3.4',
'redirection/redirection.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'redirection',
'version' => '4.8',
'title' => 'Redirection',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'tweaks-for-elementor/tweaks-for-elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'tweaks-for-elementor',
'version' => '1.0.1',
'title' => 'Tweaks for Elementor',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'ultimate-elementor/ultimate-elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'ultimate-elementor',
'version' => '1.25.2',
'title' => 'Ultimate Addons for Elementor',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'wp-mail-smtp-pro/wp_mail_smtp.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'wp-mail-smtp-pro',
'version' => '2.1.1',
'title' => 'WP Mail SMTP Pro',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'wp-rocket',
'version' => '3.6.1',
'title' => 'WP Rocket',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '',
'duplicate-post/duplicate-post.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'duplicate-post',
'version' => '3.2.5',
'title' => 'Yoast Duplicate Post',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'wordpress-seo',
'version' => '14.5',
'title' => 'Yoast SEO',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '14.6.1',
'events-tracker-for-elementor/events-tracker-for-elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'events-tracker-for-elementor',
'version' => '1.2.6',
'title' => 'Events Tracker for Elementor',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'all_themes' =>
(object) array(
'timestamp' => 1596347487,
'md5' => 'ee715b86a92203323331fb207cb5019d',
'themes' =>
array (
'oceanwp' =>
array (
'slug' => 'oceanwp',
'version' => '1.8.6',
'title' => 'OceanWP',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentyeleven' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentyeleven',
'version' => '3.4',
'title' => 'Twenty Eleven',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentyfifteen' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentyfifteen',
'version' => '2.6',
'title' => 'Twenty Fifteen',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentyfourteen' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentyfourteen',
'version' => '2.8',
'title' => 'Twenty Fourteen',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentynineteen' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentynineteen',
'version' => '1.5',
'title' => 'Twenty Nineteen',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentyseventeen' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentyseventeen',
'version' => '2.3',
'title' => 'Twenty Seventeen',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentysixteen' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentysixteen',
'version' => '2.1',
'title' => 'Twenty Sixteen',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentyten' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentyten',
'version' => '3.0',
'title' => 'Twenty Ten',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentythirteen' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentythirteen',
'version' => '3.0',
'title' => 'Twenty Thirteen',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentytwelve' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentytwelve',
'version' => '3.1',
'title' => 'Twenty Twelve',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentytwenty' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentytwenty',
'version' => '1.2',
'title' => 'Twenty Twenty',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'theme_sites' =>
array (
'oceanwp' =>
'site_id' => '39658175',
'plugin_id' => '3752',
'user_id' => '2018878',
'title' => 'NRGene - the leading genomic big data company',
'url' => '',
'version' => '1.8.5',
'language' => 'en-US',
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'platform_version' => '5.4.2',
'sdk_version' => '',
'programming_language_version' => '7.4.7',
'plan_id' => '6040',
'license_id' => NULL,
'trial_plan_id' => NULL,
'trial_ends' => NULL,
'is_premium' => false,
'is_disconnected' => false,
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'public_key' => 'pk_8ccfb18002273a0e9e5c15f861a06',
'secret_key' => 'sk_ai:L*=r]@1>Ft8HIV<RMz;V?2f<EW',
'id' => '5041825',
'updated' => NULL,
'created' => '2020-07-09 11:02:55',
'_is_updated' => false,
'users' =>
array (
2018878 =>
'email' => '',
'first' => 'cdk',
'last' => '-admin',
'is_verified' => true,
'is_beta' => false,
'customer_id' => NULL,
'gross' => 0,
'public_key' => 'pk_53b195f98ba4a6bbba73508faf397',
'secret_key' => 'sk_#K1hOA0)?gZ;Ap}bkb_~m:)XyX@X1',
'id' => '2018878',
'updated' => '2020-07-09 11:02:55',
'created' => '2019-07-17 06:16:14',
'_is_updated' => false,
'addons' =>
array (
3752 =>
array (
0 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Footer Callout',
'slug' => 'ocean-footer-callout',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-footer-callout',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3754',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Display/hide the callout on any page/post</li>
<li>Edit the content and button url on any page/post</li>
<li>Display the page content on the callout</li>
<li>Enable/disable the callout button</li>
<li>Add your own padding top/bottom</li>
<li>Add your own color</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add some important information about your company in your footer.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Display/hide the callout on any page/post',
'selling_point_1' => 'Edit the content and button url on any page/post',
'selling_point_2' => 'Display the page content on the callout',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '821',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:53:40',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:54:10',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_c3ff094ed1cbaf287c6f833d3ba09',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3754',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:52:06',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:24:01',
'_is_updated' => false,
1 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Sticky Header',
'slug' => 'ocean-sticky-header',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-sticky-header',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3755',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Stick manually, perfect for the Custom Header style</li>
<li>Fixed the top bar</li>
<li>Add sticky mobile</li>
<li>Choose between two sticky styles: Shrink or Fixed</li>
<li>Choose between two sticky effects</li>
<li>Enter the height of the header during scroll for the shrink style</li>
<li>Add logo when scrolling</li>
<li>Enter the height of the logo during scroll for the shrink style</li>
<li>Choose the header opacity during scroll</li>
<li>Choose the background and color during scroll</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Attach an eye-catching header at the top of your website pages.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Stick manually, perfect for the Custom Header style',
'selling_point_1' => 'Fixed the top bar',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add sticky mobile',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '829',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:27:06',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:01:04',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_21f01f3d0a79bcd65042e3c332188',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3755',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:55:54',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:27:16',
'_is_updated' => false,
2 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Side Panel',
'slug' => 'ocean-side-panel',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-side-panel',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 3,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3756',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add your widgets into the Side Panel sidebar</li>
<li>Choose your icon for the opening button</li>
<li>Add text for the opening button</li>
<li>Add a custom width for the panel</li>
<li>Display the panel to the left or right</li>
<li>Displace or not the panel</li>
<li>Add an overlay when the panel is opened</li>
<li>Show/Hide the close button of the panel</li>
<li>Change the close button text</li>
<li>Add your own color</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add a responsive side panel with your preferred widgets inside.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add your widgets into the Side Panel sidebar',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose your icon for the opening button',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add text for the opening button',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'id' => '827',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:22:03',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:00:01',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_95ab9dabcffc015befcfaf19dd91e',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3756',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:44:00',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:30:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
3 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Elementor Widgets',
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 7,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3757',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Accordions widget</li>
<li>Advanced Custom Field widget, thanks to Bruno Tritsch for the help</li>
<li>Advanced Heading widget</li>
<li>Animated Heading widget</li>
<li>Banner widget</li>
<li>Brands widget</li>
<li>Business Hours widget</li>
<li>Button Effects widget</li>
<li>Buttons widget</li>
<li>Call To Action widget</li>
<li>Circle Progress widget</li>
<li>Countdown widget</li>
<li>Divider widget, to add a text or an icon in the divider</li>
<li>Flip Box widget</li>
<li>Google Maps widget</li>
<li>Hotspots widget</li>
<li>Image Comparison widget</li>
<li>Image Gallery widget</li>
<li>Info Box widget</li>
<li>Instagram Feed widget</li>
<li>Link Effects widget</li>
<li>Login widget</li>
<li>Lost Password widget</li>
<li>Register widget</li>
<li>Modal widget</li>
<li>Navbar widget</li>
<li>Off Canvas widget</li>
<li>Price List widget</li>
<li>Recipe widget</li>
<li>Scroll Up widget</li>
<li>Switch widget</li>
<li>Table widget</li>
<li>Tabs widget</li>
<li>Team Members widget</li>
<li>Timeline widget</li>
<li>Contact Form 7 widget</li>
<li>Gravity Forms widget</li>
<li>WPForms widget</li>
<li>Caldera Forms widget</li>
<li>Ninja Forms widget</li>
<li>WooCommerce Products widget</li>
<li>WooCommerce Categories widget</li>
<li>WooCommerce Slider widget</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add many new powerful widgets to the popular free page builder - Elementor.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Image Comparison widget',
'selling_point_1' => 'Instagram Feed widget',
'selling_point_2' => 'Table widget',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'screenshot_3' => '//',
'id' => '820',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:51:31',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:53:49',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_25eeed8cddc1b8bede158756886e8',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3757',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:57:12',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:36:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
4 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Hooks',
'slug' => 'ocean-hooks',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-hooks',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3758',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add different content for the same hook location</li>
<li>Add shortcode</li>
<li>Add PHP code</li>
<li>Add content only for logged in/out users</li>
<li>Display your code on the page/post/taxonomy you want</li>
<li>Display your code on the user role you want</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add your custom content throughout various areas of OceanWP.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add different content for the same hook location',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add shortcode',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add PHP code',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '823',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:02:53',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:54:56',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_bf5672ee85c0032b2b4d7c0a3d244',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3758',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:36',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:39:32',
'_is_updated' => false,
5 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Sticky Footer',
'slug' => 'ocean-sticky-footer',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-sticky-footer',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3759',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add menu in the footer bar</li>
<li>Add text in the footer bar</li>
<li>Choose your own colors</li>
<li>Hide Menu and/or text on mobile screens</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple extension to attach your footer to the bottom of the screen.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add menu in the footer bar',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add text in the footer bar',
'selling_point_2' => 'Choose your own colors',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '828',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:25:54',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:00:32',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_5552f1b8d38d0f09df4b2990b57b2',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3759',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:42:33',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:41:42',
'_is_updated' => false,
6 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Woo Popup',
'slug' => 'ocean-woo-popup',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-woo-popup-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3760',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Select an Elementor template (or a page if you use another page builder) to replace the content of the popup</li>
<li>Control width, height, padding and the border radius</li>
<li>Show/hide and reorganize the elements of the popup</li>
<li>Replace all the texts from the customizer</li>
<li>Choose your own colors</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple extension to display a popup when you click on the Add To Cart button.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Select an Elementor template (or a page if you use another page builder) to replace the content of the popup',
'selling_point_1' => 'Control width, height, padding and the border radius',
'selling_point_2' => 'Show/hide and reorganize the elements of the popup',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '831',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:39:37',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:02:03',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_9414dbc7719b150c20046f728e994',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3760',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 01:28:34',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:53:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
7 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Portfolio',
'slug' => 'ocean-portfolio',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-portfolio',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 4,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3761',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Display your portfolio anywhere you want via a page template or a shortcode</li>
<li>Show/hide the filter bar</li>
<li>Control the filter bar positioning, styling and typography</li>
<li>Control the portfolio items styling like the margin, padding, color, overlay color,
typography, etc...</li>
<li>Add your own images width and height</li>
<li>Display items by author, categories or tags, sort by order and exclude categories</li>
<li>And a lot more...</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A complete extension to display your portfolio and work in a beautiful way.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Display your portfolio anywhere you want via a page template or a shortcode',
'selling_point_1' => 'Show/hide the filter bar',
'selling_point_2' => 'Control the filter bar positioning, styling and typography',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '826',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:20:12',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:56:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_d0109c81ea2f48fdfa29c30d9d20b',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3761',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 01:46:31',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:55:52',
'_is_updated' => false,
8 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean White Label',
'slug' => 'ocean-white-label',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-white-label',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3762',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add your own branding name in the admin pages</li>
<li>Add your own theme name</li>
<li>Add your own theme author</li>
<li>Add your own theme author url</li>
<li>Add your own theme description</li>
<li>Add your own theme screenshot</li>
<li>Remove the White Label box in Theme Panel</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Impress clients by replacing the OceanWP name by your own brand name.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add your own branding name in the admin pages',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add your own theme name, author, author url, description, screenshot',
'selling_point_2' => 'Remove the White Label box in Theme Panel',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '830',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:36:38',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:01:36',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_c9bb8f8d46af4c19cc2b66105accb',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3762',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:11:22',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:57:59',
'_is_updated' => false,
9 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Instagram',
'slug' => 'ocean-instagram',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-instagram',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 1,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3763',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Display your Instagram photos</li>
<li>Choose the column number</li>
<li>Show/hide the likes & comments</li>
<li>Show/hide the captions</li>
<li>Display your username, follow, posts, biograhpy, etc...</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Fetch and customize your Instagram feed to display in a beautiful way.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Display your Instagram photos',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose the column number',
'selling_point_2' => 'Show/hide the likes & comments',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '824',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:11:09',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:55:16',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_60babf307a20c89d435bcd61d54e8',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3763',
'updated' => '2020-12-24 23:16:42',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:00:21',
'_is_updated' => false,
10 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Popup Login',
'slug' => 'ocean-popup-login',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-popup-login',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 6,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3764',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add the login/register link where you want</li>
<li>Style the form</li>
<li>Add a background image in the form</li>
<li>Change the title and description for the form</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A plugin to add a popup login/register form where you want.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add the login/register link where you want',
'selling_point_1' => 'Style the form',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add a background image in the form',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '825',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:12:58',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:55:50',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e0499681c773af2bbac0016bb24ff',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3764',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:48:34',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:02:12',
'_is_updated' => false,
11 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Cookie Notice',
'slug' => 'ocean-cookie-notice',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-cookie-notice',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3765',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add scripts that will be loaded only after the user consent</li>
<li>Choose to reload the page after the cookie accept</li>
<li>Two notice styles</li>
<li>Add your own content</li>
<li>Add your own button text</li>
<li>Choose between a button or a close icon to close the notice</li>
<li>Many styling settings to customize every parts of the notice</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => '
Inform users that you are using cookies to comply with the EU cookie law GDPR regulations.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add scripts that will be loaded only after the user consent',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose to reload the page after the cookie accept',
'selling_point_2' => 'Two notice styles',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'screenshot_3' => '//',
'id' => '817',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:36:09',
'created' => '2019-05-15 10:13:47',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_2ebffcd411ce5f21e543822065b7d',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3765',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:54:05',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:04:05',
'_is_updated' => false,
12 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Full Screen',
'slug' => 'ocean-full-screen',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-full-screen',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3766',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Very easy to use</li>
<li>Add your own scrolling speed</li>
<li>Add a side navigation</li>
<li>Change the navigation color</li>
<li>Add tooltips to the navigation</li>
<li>Disable the scrolling effect at the size you want</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple and easy way to create a fullscreen scrolling website.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Very easy to use',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add your own scrolling speed',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add a side navigation',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '822',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:57:28',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:54:33',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e0f5fb19e66d3b97f64adb891fae5',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3766',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:50:31',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:06:43',
'_is_updated' => false,
13 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Pro Demos',
'slug' => 'ocean-pro-demos',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-pro-demos',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' => NULL,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_a34c58ab5e7159d54e88175c1c03f',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3797',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:47:21',
'created' => '2019-05-14 12:39:32',
'_is_updated' => false,
14 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Extra',
'slug' => 'ocean-extra',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-extra-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3806',
'description' => '<ul>
<li style="color: #333;font-weight: 600">Meta Boxes</li>
<li>Change the layout per page/post</li>
<li>Select the sidebar per page/post</li>
<li>Enable/Disable the margins top/bottom</li>
<li>Enable/Disable the title</li>
<li>Add a custom title</li>
<li>Add a subheading for your title</li>
<li>Select the style of your title</li>
<li>Unique options for the different post format</li>
<li>Add gallery image for the gallery post format</li>
<li>And much more...</li>
<li style="color: #333;font-weight: 600;margin-top: 20px">Theme Panel</li>
<li>Enable/Disable the Customizer panels</li>
<li>Activate the licenses of the OceanWP extensions</li>
<li>Enable/Disable all the theme scripts & styles</li>
<li>Import/Export the customizer settings</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => NULL,
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Change the layout per page/post',
'selling_point_1' => 'Select the sidebar per page/post',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add gallery image for the gallery post format',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '832',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:50:27',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:37:18',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_dc69e18411e45b6f22272ac4586b1',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3806',
'updated' => '2019-05-16 07:48:04',
'created' => '2019-05-16 07:48:04',
'_is_updated' => false,
15 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Social Sharing',
'slug' => 'ocean-social-sharing',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-social-sharing-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3807',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add social networks: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Viber, VK, Reddit, Tumblr and Viadeo.</li>
<li>Alter the social sharing buttons.</li>
<li>Choose between three styles.</li>
<li>Add the social names.</li>
<li>Choose the heading position.</li>
<li>Add or edit the social sharing via a child theme.</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple plugin to add social share buttons to your posts.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add social networks: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Viber, VK, Reddit, Tumblr and Viadeo',
'selling_point_1' => 'Alter the social sharing buttons',
'selling_point_2' => 'Choose between three styles',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'screenshot_3' => '//',
'id' => '838',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 08:00:26',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:44:21',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_0aa6121ff893b29efa9a58d6c0ad5',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3807',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:59:28',
'created' => '2019-05-16 07:53:38',
'_is_updated' => false,
16 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Product Sharing',
'slug' => 'ocean-product-sharing',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-product-sharing-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3809',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add social twitter, facebook, pinterest and email sharing</li>
<li>Alter the social sharing buttons</li>
<li>Add or edit the social sharing via a child theme</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple plugin to add social share buttons to your product page, compatible with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add social twitter, facebook, pinterest and email sharing',
'selling_point_1' => 'Alter the social sharing buttons',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add or edit the social sharing via a child theme',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '837',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:55:00',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:43:10',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e8cc3b7980be98f86dc7286572cc0',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3809',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:05',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:00:39',
'_is_updated' => false,
17 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Custom Sidebar',
'slug' => 'ocean-custom-sidebar',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-custom-sidebar-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3810',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Create an unlimited number of sidebars</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Generates an unlimited number of sidebars and place them anywhere you wish. Go to Theme Panel > Sidebars to create your custom sidebars.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Create an unlimited number of sidebars',
'selling_point_1' => NULL,
'selling_point_2' => NULL,
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '833',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:47:46',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:38:20',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e1fc615375e847fd4d955c62b2a34',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3810',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:04',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:04:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
18 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Demo Import',
'slug' => 'ocean-demo-import',
'premium_slug' => 'activity-log-mainwp-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3811',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Import the sample data in one click</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Import the OceanWP demo content, widgets and customizer settings with one click.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Import the sample data in one click',
'selling_point_1' => NULL,
'selling_point_2' => NULL,
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '834',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:48:57',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:39:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_28285e0f391b4955f4460589da147',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3811',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 03:18:05',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:06:15',
'_is_updated' => false,
19 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Posts Slider',
'slug' => 'ocean-posts-slider',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-posts-slider-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3813',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Choose your slider style</li>
<li>Enter the number of posts to display</li>
<li>Select the size of the images</li>
<li>Change the read more text</li>
<li>Enter a margin to add a space between the slider and your content</li>
<li>Enter the transition speed of the slides</li>
<li>Exclude categories of posts</li>
<li>Choose the order and oder by of posts</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Display your latest posts in a beautiful slider with different options.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Choose your slider style',
'selling_point_1' => 'Enter the number of posts to display',
'selling_point_2' => 'Select the size of the images',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '836',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:53:25',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:42:09',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_eae1ef26c136dd8af5ef7a6cf7557',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3813',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:59:25',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:08:26',
'_is_updated' => false,
20 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Modal Window',
'slug' => 'ocean-modal-window',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-modal-window-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3814',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Create as many modals as you want</li>
<li>Choose your custom width</li>
<li>Insert the content you want (shortcodes allowed)</li>
<li>Choose your own colors</li>
<li>Fully responsive</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Insert any content in a modals and place the opening button anywhere to open it.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Create as many modals as you want',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose your custom width',
'selling_point_2' => 'Insert the content you want (shortcodes allowed)',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '835',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:51:54',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:40:03',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_7e254472063a1abd3b7e342930210',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3814',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:11:02',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:10:28',
'_is_updated' => false,
21 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Stick Anything',
'slug' => 'ocean-stick-anything',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-stick-anything-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3815',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Stick one or several elements</li>
<li>Add an offset to add a spacing between the top of the page and your sticky element</li>
<li>Destroy the sticky on the size you want</li>
'short_description' => 'A simple plugin to stick anything you want.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Stick one or several elements',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add an offset to add a spacing between the top of the page and your sticky element',
'selling_point_2' => 'Destroy the sticky on the size you want',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '839',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 08:03:54',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:45:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_f9a790f52e74ee60eb2812ba763dd',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3815',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:07',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:12:51',
'_is_updated' => false,
'sites' =>
array (
'ocean-elementor-widgets' =>
'site_id' => '39658175',
'plugin_id' => '3757',
'user_id' => '2018878',
'title' => 'NRGene - the leading genomic big data company',
'url' => '',
'version' => '1.2.3',
'language' => 'en-US',
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'platform_version' => '5.4.2',
'sdk_version' => '',
'programming_language_version' => '7.4.7',
'plan_id' => '6076',
'license_id' => '266152',
'trial_plan_id' => NULL,
'trial_ends' => NULL,
'is_premium' => true,
'is_disconnected' => false,
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'public_key' => 'pk_4ebee0a205b6b1c2a274429b9ffd7',
'secret_key' => 'sk_-}?P__e^~TcwC@.U4RF_dCW[F]E9P',
'id' => '5041835',
'updated' => '2020-07-09 11:05:31',
'created' => '2020-07-09 11:05:31',
'_is_updated' => false,
'plans' =>
array (
'ocean-elementor-widgets' =>
array (
0 =>
'plugin_id' => 'Mzc1Nw==',
'name' => 'cHJv',
'title' => 'UHJv',
'description' => NULL,
'is_free_localhost' => 'MQ==',
'is_block_features' => '',
'license_type' => 'MA==',
'is_https_support' => '',
'trial_period' => NULL,
'is_require_subscription' => '',
'support_kb' => 'aHR0cHM6Ly9kb2NzLm9jZWFud3Aub3JnLw==',
'support_forum' => NULL,
'support_email' => 'c3VwcG9ydEBvY2VhbndwLm9yZw==',
'support_phone' => NULL,
'support_skype' => NULL,
'is_success_manager' => '',
'is_featured' => 'MQ==',
'id' => 'NjA3Ng==',
'updated' => 'MjAxOS0wNS0wOCAxNTowNTozMw==',
'created' => 'MjAxOS0wNS0wOCAxNTowNToyMw==',
'_is_updated' => false,
'user_id_license_ids_map' =>
array (
3757 =>
array (
2018878 =>
array (
0 => 266152,
3752 =>
array (
2018878 =>
array (
'all_licenses' =>
array (
3757 =>
array (
0 =>
'plugin_id' => '3757',
'user_id' => '2287300',
'plan_id' => '6076',
'parent_plan_name' => 'pro',
'parent_plan_title' => 'Pro',
'parent_license_id' => '236776',
'pricing_id' => '5343',
'quota' => NULL,
'activated' => 4,
'activated_local' => 0,
'expiration' => '2019-07-25 23:59:59',
'secret_key' => '69524f08fbb740663055789effe14d4e',
'is_whitelabeled' => false,
'is_free_localhost' => true,
'is_block_features' => false,
'is_cancelled' => false,
'id' => '266152',
'updated' => '2020-07-09 11:05:31',
'created' => '2019-12-07 22:39:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
3752 =>
array (
'updates' =>
array (
3752 => NULL,
3757 =>
'version' => '1.2.5',
'url' => '',
'requires_platform_version' => '5.3',
'tested_up_to_version' => '5.6',
'has_free' => false,
'has_premium' => true,
'release_mode' => 'released',
'id' => '24487',
'updated' => 1608879267,
'created' => '2020-12-16 11:55:31',
'_is_updated' => false,
'account_addons' =>
array (
3752 =>
array (
0 => '3754',
1 => '3755',
2 => '3756',
3 => '3757',
4 => '3758',
5 => '3759',
6 => '3760',
7 => '3761',
8 => '3762',
9 => '3763',
10 => '3764',
11 => '3765',
12 => '3766',
13 => '3797',
) (ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/managers/class-fs-option-manager.php 380) [1608880093.7764]
console-api |
info |
URL: 193)
[072] [freemius_opt_mngr_fs_accounts] FS_Option_Manager->store >> fs_accounts = array (
'id_slug_type_path_map' =>
array (
3752 =>
array (
'slug' => 'oceanwp',
'type' => 'theme',
'path' => 'oceanwp/functions.php',
3757 =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'type' => 'plugin',
'path' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php',
'theme_data' =>
array (
'oceanwp' =>
array (
'plugin_main_file' =>
(object) array(
'path' => 'oceanwp/functions.php',
'is_network_activated' => false,
'install_timestamp' => 1594292519,
'was_plugin_loaded' => true,
'sdk_last_version' => NULL,
'sdk_version' => '',
'sdk_upgrade_mode' => true,
'sdk_downgrade_mode' => false,
'plugin_last_version' => '1.8.5',
'plugin_version' => '1.8.6',
'plugin_upgrade_mode' => true,
'plugin_downgrade_mode' => false,
'connectivity_test' =>
array (
'is_connected' => true,
'host' => '',
'server_ip' => '',
'is_active' => true,
'timestamp' => 1594292519,
'version' => '1.8.5',
'prev_is_premium' => false,
'sticky_optin_added' => true,
'is_extensions_tracking_allowed' => true,
'has_trial_plan' => false,
'install_sync_timestamp' => 1596347487,
'keepalive_timestamp' => 1596347487,
'activation_timestamp' => 1594292575,
'sync_timestamp' => 1596347487,
'is_whitelabeled' => false,
'is_plugin_new_install' => false,
'sync_cron' =>
(object) array(
'version' => '1.8.6',
'blog_id' => 0,
'sdk_version' => '',
'timestamp' => 1596347486,
'on' => true,
'install_sync_cron' =>
(object) array(
'version' => '1.8.6',
'blog_id' => 0,
'sdk_version' => '',
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'on' => true,
'file_slug_map' =>
array (
'oceanwp' => 'oceanwp',
'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'themes' =>
array (
'oceanwp' =>
'parent_plugin_id' => NULL,
'title' => 'OceanWP',
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'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => NULL,
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'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' => NULL,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => '3767',
'bundle_public_key' => 'pk_c334eb1ae413deac41e30bf00b9dc',
'public_key' => 'pk_043077b34f20f5e11334af3c12493',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3752',
'updated' => NULL,
'created' => NULL,
'_is_updated' => false,
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'plugin_data' =>
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(object) array(
'path' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php',
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'acf-plus-nge/plugin.php' =>
array (
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'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields Plus',
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'advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php' =>
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'slug' => 'advanced-custom-fields-pro',
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'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields PRO',
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'classic-editor/classic-editor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'classic-editor',
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'custom-post-type-ui/custom-post-type-ui.php' =>
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'title' => 'Custom Post Type UI',
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'elementor/elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'elementor',
'version' => '2.9.13',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'elementor-pro/elementor-pro.php' =>
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'slug' => 'elementor-pro',
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'title' => 'Elementor Pro',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'uk-cookie-consent/uk-cookie-consent.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'uk-cookie-consent',
'version' => '2.3.15',
'title' => 'GDPR Cookie Consent Banner',
'is_active' => true,
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'nex-forms/main.php' =>
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'slug' => 'nex-forms',
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'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php' =>
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'title' => 'Ocean Elementor Widgets',
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'ocean-extra/ocean-extra.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-extra',
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'page-links-to/page-links-to.php' =>
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'title' => 'Page Links To',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
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'title' => 'Redirection',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'duplicate-post/duplicate-post.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'duplicate-post',
'version' => '3.2.5',
'title' => 'Yoast Duplicate Post',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'wordpress-seo',
'version' => '14.5',
'title' => 'Yoast SEO',
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'lenix-elementor-leads-addon/elementor-leads.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'Lenix Elementor Leads addon',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '1.8.1',
'Description' => 'Elementor leads By Lenix.',
'Author' => 'Lenix',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'elementor-leads',
'DomainPath' => '',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'Lenix Elementor Leads addon',
'AuthorName' => 'Lenix',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'lenix-elementor-leads-addon',
'tweaks-for-elementor/tweaks-for-elementor.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'Tweaks for Elementor',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '1.0.1',
'Description' => 'Tweaks for Elementor is simple plugin with few features to disable the default Fonts and CSS files of Elementor and Hello Elementor Theme',
'Author' => 'WPBRO - Dima Minka',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'tweaks-for-elementor',
'DomainPath' => '/languages',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'Tweaks for Elementor',
'AuthorName' => 'WPBRO - Dima Minka',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'tweaks-for-elementor',
'ultimate-elementor/ultimate-elementor.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'Ultimate Addons for Elementor',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '1.25.2',
'Description' => 'Ultimate Addons is a premium extension for Elementor that adds 35+ widgets and works on top of any Elementor Package (Free, Pro). You can use it with any WordPress theme.',
'Author' => 'Brainstorm Force',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'uael',
'DomainPath' => '',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'Ultimate Addons for Elementor',
'AuthorName' => 'Brainstorm Force',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'ultimate-elementor',
'wp-mail-smtp-pro/wp_mail_smtp.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'WP Mail SMTP Pro',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '2.1.1',
'Description' => 'Reconfigures the <code>wp_mail()</code> function to use Gmail/Mailgun/SendGrid/SMTP instead of the default <code>mail()</code> and creates an options page to manage the settings.',
'Author' => 'WPForms',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'wp-mail-smtp',
'DomainPath' => '/assets/languages',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'WP Mail SMTP Pro',
'AuthorName' => 'WPForms',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'wp-mail-smtp-pro',
'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' =>
array (
'Name' => 'WP Rocket',
'PluginURI' => '',
'Version' => '',
'Description' => 'The best WordPress performance plugin.',
'Author' => 'WP Media',
'AuthorURI' => '',
'TextDomain' => 'rocket',
'DomainPath' => 'languages',
'Network' => false,
'RequiresWP' => '',
'RequiresPHP' => '',
'Title' => 'WP Rocket',
'AuthorName' => 'WP Media',
'is_active' => true,
'slug' => 'wp-rocket',
'events-tracker-for-elementor/events-tracker-for-elementor.php' =>
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'title' => 'Events Tracker for Elementor',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'all_plugins' =>
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'md5' => 'a9a5b83c8d5fa319a39ffc25d709fbdf',
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array (
'slug' => 'acf-plus-nge',
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'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields Plus',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'advanced-custom-fields-pro',
'version' => '5.8.12',
'title' => 'Advanced Custom Fields PRO',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'classic-editor/classic-editor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'classic-editor',
'version' => '1.5',
'title' => 'Classic Editor',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'custom-post-type-ui/custom-post-type-ui.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'custom-post-type-ui',
'version' => '1.7.4',
'title' => 'Custom Post Type UI',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'elementor/elementor.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'elementor',
'version' => '2.9.13',
'title' => 'Elementor',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '2.9.14',
'elementor-pro/elementor-pro.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'elementor-pro',
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'title' => 'Elementor Pro',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'uk-cookie-consent/uk-cookie-consent.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'uk-cookie-consent',
'version' => '2.3.15',
'title' => 'GDPR Cookie Consent Banner',
'is_active' => false,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'lenix-elementor-leads-addon/elementor-leads.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'lenix-elementor-leads-addon',
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'title' => 'Lenix Elementor Leads addon',
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'worker/init.php' =>
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'nex-forms/main.php' =>
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'Version' => '7.6.1',
'ocean-elementor-widgets/ocean-elementor-widgets.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'version' => '1.2.3',
'title' => 'Ocean Elementor Widgets',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'ocean-extra/ocean-extra.php' =>
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'slug' => 'ocean-extra',
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'page-links-to/page-links-to.php' =>
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'ultimate-elementor/ultimate-elementor.php' =>
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'wp-mail-smtp-pro/wp_mail_smtp.php' =>
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'slug' => 'wp-mail-smtp-pro',
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'wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php' =>
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'slug' => 'wp-rocket',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '',
'duplicate-post/duplicate-post.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'duplicate-post',
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'title' => 'Yoast Duplicate Post',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php' =>
array (
'slug' => 'wordpress-seo',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'Version' => '14.6.1',
'events-tracker-for-elementor/events-tracker-for-elementor.php' =>
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'title' => 'Events Tracker for Elementor',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
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'slug' => 'twentyeleven',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentyfifteen' =>
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'title' => 'Twenty Fifteen',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
'twentyfourteen' =>
array (
'slug' => 'twentyfourteen',
'version' => '2.8',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
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array (
'slug' => 'twentysixteen',
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'title' => 'Twenty Sixteen',
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'is_uninstalled' => false,
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'oceanwp' =>
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2018878 =>
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'updated' => '2020-07-09 11:02:55',
'created' => '2019-07-17 06:16:14',
'_is_updated' => false,
'addons' =>
array (
3752 =>
array (
0 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Footer Callout',
'slug' => 'ocean-footer-callout',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-footer-callout',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3754',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Display/hide the callout on any page/post</li>
<li>Edit the content and button url on any page/post</li>
<li>Display the page content on the callout</li>
<li>Enable/disable the callout button</li>
<li>Add your own padding top/bottom</li>
<li>Add your own color</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add some important information about your company in your footer.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Display/hide the callout on any page/post',
'selling_point_1' => 'Edit the content and button url on any page/post',
'selling_point_2' => 'Display the page content on the callout',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '821',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:53:40',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:54:10',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_c3ff094ed1cbaf287c6f833d3ba09',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3754',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:52:06',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:24:01',
'_is_updated' => false,
1 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Sticky Header',
'slug' => 'ocean-sticky-header',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-sticky-header',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3755',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Stick manually, perfect for the Custom Header style</li>
<li>Fixed the top bar</li>
<li>Add sticky mobile</li>
<li>Choose between two sticky styles: Shrink or Fixed</li>
<li>Choose between two sticky effects</li>
<li>Enter the height of the header during scroll for the shrink style</li>
<li>Add logo when scrolling</li>
<li>Enter the height of the logo during scroll for the shrink style</li>
<li>Choose the header opacity during scroll</li>
<li>Choose the background and color during scroll</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Attach an eye-catching header at the top of your website pages.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Stick manually, perfect for the Custom Header style',
'selling_point_1' => 'Fixed the top bar',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add sticky mobile',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '829',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:27:06',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:01:04',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_21f01f3d0a79bcd65042e3c332188',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3755',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:55:54',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:27:16',
'_is_updated' => false,
2 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Side Panel',
'slug' => 'ocean-side-panel',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-side-panel',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 3,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3756',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add your widgets into the Side Panel sidebar</li>
<li>Choose your icon for the opening button</li>
<li>Add text for the opening button</li>
<li>Add a custom width for the panel</li>
<li>Display the panel to the left or right</li>
<li>Displace or not the panel</li>
<li>Add an overlay when the panel is opened</li>
<li>Show/Hide the close button of the panel</li>
<li>Change the close button text</li>
<li>Add your own color</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add a responsive side panel with your preferred widgets inside.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add your widgets into the Side Panel sidebar',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose your icon for the opening button',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add text for the opening button',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'id' => '827',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:22:03',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:00:01',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_95ab9dabcffc015befcfaf19dd91e',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3756',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:44:00',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:30:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
3 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Elementor Widgets',
'slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-elementor-widgets',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 7,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3757',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Accordions widget</li>
<li>Advanced Custom Field widget, thanks to Bruno Tritsch for the help</li>
<li>Advanced Heading widget</li>
<li>Animated Heading widget</li>
<li>Banner widget</li>
<li>Brands widget</li>
<li>Business Hours widget</li>
<li>Button Effects widget</li>
<li>Buttons widget</li>
<li>Call To Action widget</li>
<li>Circle Progress widget</li>
<li>Countdown widget</li>
<li>Divider widget, to add a text or an icon in the divider</li>
<li>Flip Box widget</li>
<li>Google Maps widget</li>
<li>Hotspots widget</li>
<li>Image Comparison widget</li>
<li>Image Gallery widget</li>
<li>Info Box widget</li>
<li>Instagram Feed widget</li>
<li>Link Effects widget</li>
<li>Login widget</li>
<li>Lost Password widget</li>
<li>Register widget</li>
<li>Modal widget</li>
<li>Navbar widget</li>
<li>Off Canvas widget</li>
<li>Price List widget</li>
<li>Recipe widget</li>
<li>Scroll Up widget</li>
<li>Switch widget</li>
<li>Table widget</li>
<li>Tabs widget</li>
<li>Team Members widget</li>
<li>Timeline widget</li>
<li>Contact Form 7 widget</li>
<li>Gravity Forms widget</li>
<li>WPForms widget</li>
<li>Caldera Forms widget</li>
<li>Ninja Forms widget</li>
<li>WooCommerce Products widget</li>
<li>WooCommerce Categories widget</li>
<li>WooCommerce Slider widget</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add many new powerful widgets to the popular free page builder - Elementor.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Image Comparison widget',
'selling_point_1' => 'Instagram Feed widget',
'selling_point_2' => 'Table widget',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'screenshot_3' => '//',
'id' => '820',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:51:31',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:53:49',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_25eeed8cddc1b8bede158756886e8',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3757',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:57:12',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:36:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
4 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Hooks',
'slug' => 'ocean-hooks',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-hooks',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3758',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add different content for the same hook location</li>
<li>Add shortcode</li>
<li>Add PHP code</li>
<li>Add content only for logged in/out users</li>
<li>Display your code on the page/post/taxonomy you want</li>
<li>Display your code on the user role you want</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Add your custom content throughout various areas of OceanWP.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add different content for the same hook location',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add shortcode',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add PHP code',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '823',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:02:53',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:54:56',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_bf5672ee85c0032b2b4d7c0a3d244',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3758',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:36',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:39:32',
'_is_updated' => false,
5 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Sticky Footer',
'slug' => 'ocean-sticky-footer',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-sticky-footer',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3759',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add menu in the footer bar</li>
<li>Add text in the footer bar</li>
<li>Choose your own colors</li>
<li>Hide Menu and/or text on mobile screens</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple extension to attach your footer to the bottom of the screen.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add menu in the footer bar',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add text in the footer bar',
'selling_point_2' => 'Choose your own colors',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '828',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:25:54',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:00:32',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_5552f1b8d38d0f09df4b2990b57b2',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3759',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:42:33',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:41:42',
'_is_updated' => false,
6 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Woo Popup',
'slug' => 'ocean-woo-popup',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-woo-popup-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3760',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Select an Elementor template (or a page if you use another page builder) to replace the content of the popup</li>
<li>Control width, height, padding and the border radius</li>
<li>Show/hide and reorganize the elements of the popup</li>
<li>Replace all the texts from the customizer</li>
<li>Choose your own colors</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple extension to display a popup when you click on the Add To Cart button.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Select an Elementor template (or a page if you use another page builder) to replace the content of the popup',
'selling_point_1' => 'Control width, height, padding and the border radius',
'selling_point_2' => 'Show/hide and reorganize the elements of the popup',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '831',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:39:37',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:02:03',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_9414dbc7719b150c20046f728e994',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3760',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 01:28:34',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:53:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
7 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Portfolio',
'slug' => 'ocean-portfolio',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-portfolio',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 4,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3761',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Display your portfolio anywhere you want via a page template or a shortcode</li>
<li>Show/hide the filter bar</li>
<li>Control the filter bar positioning, styling and typography</li>
<li>Control the portfolio items styling like the margin, padding, color, overlay color,
typography, etc...</li>
<li>Add your own images width and height</li>
<li>Display items by author, categories or tags, sort by order and exclude categories</li>
<li>And a lot more...</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A complete extension to display your portfolio and work in a beautiful way.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Display your portfolio anywhere you want via a page template or a shortcode',
'selling_point_1' => 'Show/hide the filter bar',
'selling_point_2' => 'Control the filter bar positioning, styling and typography',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '826',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:20:12',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:56:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_d0109c81ea2f48fdfa29c30d9d20b',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3761',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 01:46:31',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:55:52',
'_is_updated' => false,
8 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean White Label',
'slug' => 'ocean-white-label',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-white-label',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3762',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add your own branding name in the admin pages</li>
<li>Add your own theme name</li>
<li>Add your own theme author</li>
<li>Add your own theme author url</li>
<li>Add your own theme description</li>
<li>Add your own theme screenshot</li>
<li>Remove the White Label box in Theme Panel</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Impress clients by replacing the OceanWP name by your own brand name.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add your own branding name in the admin pages',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add your own theme name, author, author url, description, screenshot',
'selling_point_2' => 'Remove the White Label box in Theme Panel',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '830',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:36:38',
'created' => '2019-05-16 05:01:36',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_c9bb8f8d46af4c19cc2b66105accb',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3762',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:11:22',
'created' => '2019-05-06 13:57:59',
'_is_updated' => false,
9 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Instagram',
'slug' => 'ocean-instagram',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-instagram',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 1,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3763',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Display your Instagram photos</li>
<li>Choose the column number</li>
<li>Show/hide the likes & comments</li>
<li>Show/hide the captions</li>
<li>Display your username, follow, posts, biograhpy, etc...</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Fetch and customize your Instagram feed to display in a beautiful way.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Display your Instagram photos',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose the column number',
'selling_point_2' => 'Show/hide the likes & comments',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '824',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:11:09',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:55:16',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_60babf307a20c89d435bcd61d54e8',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3763',
'updated' => '2020-12-24 23:16:42',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:00:21',
'_is_updated' => false,
10 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Popup Login',
'slug' => 'ocean-popup-login',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-popup-login',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 6,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3764',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add the login/register link where you want</li>
<li>Style the form</li>
<li>Add a background image in the form</li>
<li>Change the title and description for the form</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A plugin to add a popup login/register form where you want.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add the login/register link where you want',
'selling_point_1' => 'Style the form',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add a background image in the form',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '825',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:12:58',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:55:50',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e0499681c773af2bbac0016bb24ff',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3764',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:48:34',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:02:12',
'_is_updated' => false,
11 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Cookie Notice',
'slug' => 'ocean-cookie-notice',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-cookie-notice',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3765',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add scripts that will be loaded only after the user consent</li>
<li>Choose to reload the page after the cookie accept</li>
<li>Two notice styles</li>
<li>Add your own content</li>
<li>Add your own button text</li>
<li>Choose between a button or a close icon to close the notice</li>
<li>Many styling settings to customize every parts of the notice</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => '
Inform users that you are using cookies to comply with the EU cookie law GDPR regulations.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add scripts that will be loaded only after the user consent',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose to reload the page after the cookie accept',
'selling_point_2' => 'Two notice styles',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'screenshot_3' => '//',
'id' => '817',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:36:09',
'created' => '2019-05-15 10:13:47',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_2ebffcd411ce5f21e543822065b7d',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3765',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:54:05',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:04:05',
'_is_updated' => false,
12 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Full Screen',
'slug' => 'ocean-full-screen',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-full-screen',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3766',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Very easy to use</li>
<li>Add your own scrolling speed</li>
<li>Add a side navigation</li>
<li>Change the navigation color</li>
<li>Add tooltips to the navigation</li>
<li>Disable the scrolling effect at the size you want</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple and easy way to create a fullscreen scrolling website.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Very easy to use',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add your own scrolling speed',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add a side navigation',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '822',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 06:57:28',
'created' => '2019-05-16 04:54:33',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e0f5fb19e66d3b97f64adb891fae5',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3766',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:50:31',
'created' => '2019-05-06 14:06:43',
'_is_updated' => false,
13 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Pro Demos',
'slug' => 'ocean-pro-demos',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-pro-demos',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 2,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' => NULL,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_a34c58ab5e7159d54e88175c1c03f',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3797',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:47:21',
'created' => '2019-05-14 12:39:32',
'_is_updated' => false,
14 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Extra',
'slug' => 'ocean-extra',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-extra-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3806',
'description' => '<ul>
<li style="color: #333;font-weight: 600">Meta Boxes</li>
<li>Change the layout per page/post</li>
<li>Select the sidebar per page/post</li>
<li>Enable/Disable the margins top/bottom</li>
<li>Enable/Disable the title</li>
<li>Add a custom title</li>
<li>Add a subheading for your title</li>
<li>Select the style of your title</li>
<li>Unique options for the different post format</li>
<li>Add gallery image for the gallery post format</li>
<li>And much more...</li>
<li style="color: #333;font-weight: 600;margin-top: 20px">Theme Panel</li>
<li>Enable/Disable the Customizer panels</li>
<li>Activate the licenses of the OceanWP extensions</li>
<li>Enable/Disable all the theme scripts & styles</li>
<li>Import/Export the customizer settings</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => NULL,
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Change the layout per page/post',
'selling_point_1' => 'Select the sidebar per page/post',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add gallery image for the gallery post format',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '832',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:50:27',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:37:18',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_dc69e18411e45b6f22272ac4586b1',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3806',
'updated' => '2019-05-16 07:48:04',
'created' => '2019-05-16 07:48:04',
'_is_updated' => false,
15 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Social Sharing',
'slug' => 'ocean-social-sharing',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-social-sharing-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3807',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add social networks: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Viber, VK, Reddit, Tumblr and Viadeo.</li>
<li>Alter the social sharing buttons.</li>
<li>Choose between three styles.</li>
<li>Add the social names.</li>
<li>Choose the heading position.</li>
<li>Add or edit the social sharing via a child theme.</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple plugin to add social share buttons to your posts.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add social networks: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Viber, VK, Reddit, Tumblr and Viadeo',
'selling_point_1' => 'Alter the social sharing buttons',
'selling_point_2' => 'Choose between three styles',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'screenshot_3' => '//',
'id' => '838',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 08:00:26',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:44:21',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_0aa6121ff893b29efa9a58d6c0ad5',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3807',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:59:28',
'created' => '2019-05-16 07:53:38',
'_is_updated' => false,
16 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Product Sharing',
'slug' => 'ocean-product-sharing',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-product-sharing-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3809',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Add social twitter, facebook, pinterest and email sharing</li>
<li>Alter the social sharing buttons</li>
<li>Add or edit the social sharing via a child theme</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'A simple plugin to add social share buttons to your product page, compatible with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Add social twitter, facebook, pinterest and email sharing',
'selling_point_1' => 'Alter the social sharing buttons',
'selling_point_2' => 'Add or edit the social sharing via a child theme',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '837',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:55:00',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:43:10',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e8cc3b7980be98f86dc7286572cc0',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3809',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:05',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:00:39',
'_is_updated' => false,
17 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Custom Sidebar',
'slug' => 'ocean-custom-sidebar',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-custom-sidebar-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3810',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Create an unlimited number of sidebars</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Generates an unlimited number of sidebars and place them anywhere you wish. Go to Theme Panel > Sidebars to create your custom sidebars.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Create an unlimited number of sidebars',
'selling_point_1' => NULL,
'selling_point_2' => NULL,
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '833',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:47:46',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:38:20',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_e1fc615375e847fd4d955c62b2a34',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3810',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:04',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:04:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
18 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Demo Import',
'slug' => 'ocean-demo-import',
'premium_slug' => 'activity-log-mainwp-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3811',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Import the sample data in one click</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Import the OceanWP demo content, widgets and customizer settings with one click.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Import the sample data in one click',
'selling_point_1' => NULL,
'selling_point_2' => NULL,
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '834',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:48:57',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:39:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_28285e0f391b4955f4460589da147',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3811',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 03:18:05',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:06:15',
'_is_updated' => false,
19 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Posts Slider',
'slug' => 'ocean-posts-slider',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-posts-slider-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3813',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Choose your slider style</li>
<li>Enter the number of posts to display</li>
<li>Select the size of the images</li>
<li>Change the read more text</li>
<li>Enter a margin to add a space between the slider and your content</li>
<li>Enter the transition speed of the slides</li>
<li>Exclude categories of posts</li>
<li>Choose the order and oder by of posts</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Display your latest posts in a beautiful slider with different options.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Choose your slider style',
'selling_point_1' => 'Enter the number of posts to display',
'selling_point_2' => 'Select the size of the images',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '836',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:53:25',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:42:09',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_eae1ef26c136dd8af5ef7a6cf7557',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3813',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:59:25',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:08:26',
'_is_updated' => false,
20 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Modal Window',
'slug' => 'ocean-modal-window',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-modal-window-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3814',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Create as many modals as you want</li>
<li>Choose your custom width</li>
<li>Insert the content you want (shortcodes allowed)</li>
<li>Choose your own colors</li>
<li>Fully responsive</li> </ul>',
'short_description' => 'Insert any content in a modals and place the opening button anywhere to open it.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Create as many modals as you want',
'selling_point_1' => 'Choose your custom width',
'selling_point_2' => 'Insert the content you want (shortcodes allowed)',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_1' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '835',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 07:51:54',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:40:03',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_7e254472063a1abd3b7e342930210',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3814',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:11:02',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:10:28',
'_is_updated' => false,
21 =>
'parent_plugin_id' => '3752',
'title' => 'Ocean Stick Anything',
'slug' => 'ocean-stick-anything',
'premium_slug' => 'ocean-stick-anything-premium',
'type' => 'plugin',
'affiliate_moderation' => NULL,
'is_wp_org_compliant' => true,
'premium_releases_count' => 0,
'file' => NULL,
'version' => NULL,
'auto_update' => NULL,
'info' =>
'plugin_id' => '3815',
'description' => '<ul>
<li>Stick one or several elements</li>
<li>Add an offset to add a spacing between the top of the page and your sticky element</li>
<li>Destroy the sticky on the size you want</li>
'short_description' => 'A simple plugin to stick anything you want.',
'banner_url' => '//',
'card_banner_url' => '//',
'selling_point_0' => 'Stick one or several elements',
'selling_point_1' => 'Add an offset to add a spacing between the top of the page and your sticky element',
'selling_point_2' => 'Destroy the sticky on the size you want',
'screenshots' =>
(object) array(
'screenshot_0' => '//',
'screenshot_2' => '//',
'id' => '839',
'updated' => '2019-08-04 08:03:54',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:45:08',
'_is_updated' => false,
'is_premium' => false,
'premium_suffix' => '(Premium)',
'is_live' => true,
'bundle_id' => NULL,
'bundle_public_key' => NULL,
'public_key' => 'pk_f9a790f52e74ee60eb2812ba763dd',
'secret_key' => NULL,
'id' => '3815',
'updated' => '2020-12-25 06:49:07',
'created' => '2019-05-16 08:12:51',
'_is_updated' => false,
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'sdk_version' => '',
'programming_language_version' => '7.4.7',
'plan_id' => '6076',
'license_id' => '266152',
'trial_plan_id' => NULL,
'trial_ends' => NULL,
'is_premium' => true,
'is_disconnected' => false,
'is_active' => true,
'is_uninstalled' => false,
'public_key' => 'pk_4ebee0a205b6b1c2a274429b9ffd7',
'secret_key' => 'sk_-}?P__e^~TcwC@.U4RF_dCW[F]E9P',
'id' => '5041835',
'updated' => '2020-07-09 11:05:31',
'created' => '2020-07-09 11:05:31',
'_is_updated' => false,
'plans' =>
array (
'ocean-elementor-widgets' =>
array (
0 =>
'plugin_id' => 'Mzc1Nw==',
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'title' => 'UHJv',
'description' => NULL,
'is_free_localhost' => 'MQ==',
'is_block_features' => '',
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'is_https_support' => '',
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'is_require_subscription' => '',
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3757 =>
array (
2018878 =>
array (
0 => 266152,
3752 =>
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2018878 =>
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3757 =>
array (
0 =>
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'parent_plan_title' => 'Pro',
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'pricing_id' => '5343',
'quota' => NULL,
'activated' => 4,
'activated_local' => 0,
'expiration' => '2019-07-25 23:59:59',
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'is_whitelabeled' => false,
'is_free_localhost' => true,
'is_block_features' => false,
'is_cancelled' => false,
'id' => '266152',
'updated' => '2020-07-09 11:05:31',
'created' => '2019-12-07 22:39:11',
'_is_updated' => false,
3752 =>
array (
'updates' =>
array (
3752 => NULL,
3757 =>
'version' => '1.2.5',
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'created' => '2020-12-16 11:55:31',
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array (
0 => '3754',
1 => '3755',
2 => '3756',
3 => '3757',
4 => '3758',
5 => '3759',
6 => '3760',
7 => '3761',
8 => '3762',
9 => '3763',
10 => '3764',
11 => '3765',
12 => '3766',
13 => '3797',
) (ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/managers/class-fs-option-manager.php 380) [1608880093.7831]