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Submission: On November 10 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Submission: On November 10 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
8 forms found in the DOMGET https://wetflyswing.com/
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POST https://app.convertkit.com/forms/2068816/subscriptions
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<p><strong><span style="font-size:24px"><span style="color:#ffffff">Monthly Subscription <br>of Fly Tying Goodness </span></span></strong></p>
<p><strong><span style="font-size:32px">Smitty's Fly Box</span></strong></p>
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Text Content
* Start Here * Podcast * The Wet Fly Swing Podcast (450+ Episodes) * The Great Lakes Dude Podcast with Jeff Liskay * The Littoral Zone Podcast with Phil Rowley * The Traveled Podcast Presented by Yellowstone Teton Territory * Events * Win the Stillwater School with Phil Rowley * Steelhead School with Jeff Liskay and Rick Kustich * Skeena Spey School with Brian Niska * School of Fishing * Euro Nymphing School with Pete Erickson * Categories * Techniques * Dry Fly Fishing * Nymphing * Streamers * Wet Fly Fishing * Knots * Reading Water * Hatches and Bugs * Caddis * Casting * Perfecting the Cast * Spey * Destinations * Travel * Saltwater * Alaska * Ecuador * Great Lakes * Great Lakes Steelhead with Jeff Liskay * Streamer Fishing for Steelhead with Russ Maddin * Mexico * Montana * Fly Tying * Fly Tying Tools * Tying Tools with McFly Angler * Nymphs * Top Nymphs – Fly Fish Food * Gear * Fly Lines * Fly Reels * Fly Rods * Choosing a Fly Rod for Trout – Red Truck Fly Fishing * Accessories * Boats * Kayaks * WFS 248 – Choosing a Kayak * Rod Building * Fish Species * Aripaima * Bass * Panfish * Redfish * Steelhead * Trout * Walleye * Stillwater * Chironomids and Kamloops with Brian Chan * Drift Boats * Brands * Orvis * Fly Fishing Art with Derek DeYoung * Fly Shops * Oregon * Caddis Fly Shop * Authors * David Van Wie – Famous Fly Fishing Rivers * Larry Dahlberg and the Hunt for Big Fish * Resources * About * Contact Search Wet Fly Swing * LOG IN Welcome! Log into your account Forgot your password? Recover your password * Start Here * Podcast * The Wet Fly Swing Podcast (450+ Episodes) * The Great Lakes Dude Podcast with Jeff Liskay * The Littoral Zone Podcast with Phil Rowley * The Traveled Podcast Presented by Yellowstone Teton Territory * Events * Win the Stillwater School with Phil Rowley * Steelhead School with Jeff Liskay and Rick Kustich * Skeena Spey School with Brian Niska * School of Fishing * Euro Nymphing School with Pete Erickson * Categories * Techniques * Dry Fly Fishing * Nymphing * Streamers * Wet Fly Fishing * Knots * Reading Water * Hatches and Bugs * Caddis * Casting * Perfecting the Cast * Spey * Destinations * Travel * Saltwater * Alaska * Ecuador * Great Lakes * Great Lakes Steelhead with Jeff Liskay * Streamer Fishing for Steelhead with Russ Maddin * Mexico * Montana * Fly Tying * Fly Tying Tools * Tying Tools with McFly Angler * Nymphs * Top Nymphs – Fly Fish Food * Gear * Fly Lines * Fly Reels * Fly Rods * Choosing a Fly Rod for Trout – Red Truck Fly Fishing * Accessories * Boats * Kayaks * WFS 248 – Choosing a Kayak * Rod Building * Fish Species * Aripaima * Bass * Panfish * Redfish * Steelhead * Trout * Walleye * Stillwater * Chironomids and Kamloops with Brian Chan * Drift Boats * Brands * Orvis * Fly Fishing Art with Derek DeYoung * Fly Shops * Oregon * Caddis Fly Shop * Authors * David Van Wie – Famous Fly Fishing Rivers * Larry Dahlberg and the Hunt for Big Fish * Resources * About * Contact Home Podcast WFS 514 – Wild Ideas Worth Living with Shelby Stanger – Will... * Podcast WFS 514 – WILD IDEAS WORTH LIVING WITH SHELBY STANGER – WILL TO WILD, REI CO-OP, OUTDOOR BOOKS By Dave - October 13, 2023 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Join us as we engage in an exciting conversation with our guest, Shelby Stanger, Host of the Podcast, Wild Ideas Worth Living and author of the book, Will to Wild. Shelby shares her unique journey from being an adventure columnist at 19 to creating a podcast that grabbed the attention of REI Co-op. Her passion for storytelling and engaging in in-depth interviews led to a partnership with REI Co-op, which purchased her podcast in 2020. Shelby’s love for podcasting isn’t just about telling stories; it’s about the conversations, the learning, and the opportunity to connect with people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW NOTES WITH SHELBY STANGER ABOUT WILD IDEAS WORTH LIVING. HIT PLAY BELOW! Find the show: iTunes | Stitcher | Overcast Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Google Podcasts Subscribe via RSS (Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post) SPONSORS AND PODCAST UPDATES Monthly Subscription of Fly Tying Goodness Smitty's Fly Box click here more Best Fly Fishing Starter Kits Drifthook click here more We also take the opportunity to share some of our own experiences in the podcasting world. Listen as we recount our own journey from being an adventure journalist, to running marketing and PR events for women, consulting with international surfing brands, and then finally launching our own podcast. We talk about the lessons we’ve learned from others’ wild ideas, our own struggles with writing a book, and share our advice for those who are considering going all in on their own wild ideas. We take a look at the importance of self-love and care, sharing inspiring stories from the podcast, and exploring the world of stand-up paddleboarding. Our conversation goes on to explore the technicalities of podcasting, the significance of engaging listeners with sponsors, and the impact of outdoor outreach. We discuss the changing landscape of media, the power of storytelling, and even our experience with TEDx Talks. We hope you find inspiration, motivation, and perhaps even your own wild idea to pursue. EPISODE CHAPTERS WITH SHELBY STANGER ON WILD IDEAS WORTH LIVING (0:00:05) – Podcasting and Partnership With REI Shelby started a podcast, which was bought by REI Co-op in 2020, to continue her passion for interviewing people and telling stories. (0:10:34) – Lessons From the Podcast I share lessons on facing fear, dealing with imposter syndrome, and staying focused while pursuing a wild idea, as well as my journey to writing my book, Will to Wild. (0:22:59) – Stories of Adventure and Inspiration Self-love, care, strong choices, wild ideas, stories from 91-year-old psychologist, 70-something with heart transplant, 80-something fisherman, and learning from those who have gone before. (0:32:36) – Stand-Up Paddleboarding Adventures and Stories From journalist to brand promoter, exploring courage, stand-up paddle boarding in Indonesia and Peru, and getting a paddleboard. (0:36:49) – Podcasting, Research, and Sponsorship Strategy We discuss researching and preparing for conversations, podcasting skills, engaging listeners with sponsors, pitching sponsorships, and providing value. (0:49:36) – Outdoor Outreach and Podcasting Awards We discuss podcasting, kids’ outdoor activities, and award-winning podcasts. (0:54:43) – Telling the Truth and TEDx Talks TEDx experience, storytelling, media landscape, humor, speaker coaching, and slides discussed. San Diego CA – June 11: Shelby Stanger, REI Co-Op Studio’s Wild Ideas Worth living Podcast host and author gives a speech called Will to Wild during the 13th annual TEDxSanDiego “Seeds of Change” event in La Jolla on Sunday, June 11, 2023. (K.C. Alfred / The San Diego Union-Tribune) (0:59:19) – The Power of Adventure and Awe Awe, nature, podcasting, storytelling, and media are discussed to explore how they can bring mindfulness and connection. (1:07:33) – Exploring Outdoor Adventure and Podcast Growth We discuss alcohol, outdoor brands, surfing, and podcast growth, emphasizing nature without substances. (1:13:23) – Promoting Your Podcast With Apple Podcasts Networking, Apple Podcasts, newsletters, and continuing the conversation are key to promoting a podcast. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Shelby on Instagram @shelbystanger Visit her website at ShelbyStanger.com Listen to Wild Ideas Worth Living Podcast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOURCES NOTED IN THE SHOW VIDEOS NOTED IN THE SHOW RELATED PODCAST EPISODES > WFS 030 – Anchored with April Vokey | Women in Fly Fishing, Sexism, Steelhead, > Conservation, Bulkley River READ THE FULL PODCAST TRANSCRIPT BELOW DS UPLOADS WFS 514 TRANSCRIPT 1.00X 00:00 -75:09 Dave 00:00:01 You found us through fly fishing. You'll stay for our passion and the community. Welcome to the Wet Fly Swing podcast. Snip Clip 00:00:09 Yeah, but he doesn't get it. How come fly fishermen don't get it? You only haul with the short power snap Look for where people walk and the insides of bends and hunt. those The Roof blew off and the interior walls got sucked out. And, the trees are just coming up and I mean he's clearly not gonna clear the trees. It is not a fly fishing story. It's a story about me trying to understand my brother through fly fishing Intro 00:00:42 Welcome to the Wet Fly Swing fly fishing show where you discover tips, tricks and tools from the leading names in fly fishing today. Dave 00:00:51 Before we get rolling here today, let's hear from our sponsor. Bear Vault has the perfect solution to keep your provision secure while heading into the backcountry. This season Bear Vault builds a rugged polycarbonate locking canister that keeps bears and other wild animals away from your food. Proper food storage is one key to an epic trip in the backcountry. Please head over to wetly Swing dot com slash bear vault to check out This must-have solution for the outdoors. Now. You support this podcast and your safety this season by clicking through that link right now. We've been waiting for you Follow, our guests, Follow us on Instagram and share this episode and the love if you enjoy this podcast. Dave 00:01:34 and we are live in 3, 2, 1. How's it going, Shelby Dave, Shelby 00:01:42 I'm so excited to talk to you. This show is so fun. Dave 00:01:45 Yeah, yeah. I love it. This is I mean podcasting. I think for you, you know, I mean you've got some awards and podcasting, which I wanna hear about, but also just, I feel like you're the same thing as me. You probably love podcasting even if you didn't have one. Would you be listening to podcasts all the time? Shelby 00:02:01 I think I would just be talking to people at coffee shops all the time. I like, just love people. you know, some people are animal people. I love animals, but I'm a people person. Like I just love talking to people and understanding why they do what they do and how they got there. And I'm specifically interested in people who've taken the path less traveled, like those that are kind of outliers that people say, oh, you're crazy for doing that, but it's really cool, whatever they do and they've done it anyway. And I'm specifically interested and adventures and people who just have used the outdoors as catalyst to improve their lives or have made a living in the outdoors. Dave 00:02:37 Right, right. Yeah. So you've heard some on your podcast. Let's, let's start there real quick on just talk about the podcast, the name of it, and then what you cover on on your podcast. Shelby 00:02:47 Yeah, so I should probably go back. Ever since I little was a little girl, I was obsessed with adventure and I went to journalism school in Atlanta, Georgia at Emory. And I had a teacher who was like, go get a job at your local newspaper. And I live in San Diego. So my local newspaper was a bunch of beach community newspapers and I wanted to cover adventures who were like surfing or biking across the world or doing crazy things. So I had this adventure column in a newspaper starting at age 19 in 1999. And then I've kind of figured out a way to sort of do this many years later. I took a very circuitous route, but in 2016 I started this podcast, wild Ideas Worth Living. Shelby 00:03:27 And the goal is like to interview people who are sailing across the country world, sorry, not the country, sailing across the world, running across the country, you know, doing these wild things as a way to improve their lives and inspire others. And I've been interviewing these types of people for magazines like outside and E S P N, but I just love conversations and I was having conversations with really interesting people and showcasing that conversation in the 500 Word magazine article wasn't doing it. Like I interviewed the guy, they call him the Iceman Wim Hoff. And he can, he has a record for submerging himself in Ice Longest. And he's kind of this breath guru, but I had an early interview with him and like, don don't know, the, the article now Outside magazine was just short and not exactly what I wanted it to be. Shelby 00:04:14 And I was like, I wish that whole interview with Whim could live. And then podcasting came around and let's be honest, as a journalist and a journalism major, I didn't actually love writing stories, I just loved interviewing people. And I was like, oh my God. Oh wow. So Dave 00:04:29 You didn't like writing, you didn't like writing the writing? Shelby 00:04:31 I hated writing. I hated the writing part. I just wrote a book. It was so hard. But I loved the interviewing part. I just, I could get a story out of anybody. And I also just love conversations. I feel like you, I learn better, you know, I, I'm not a very good learner when it's Zoom, but I can learn the classroom. Like if someone's interacting with me and telling me a story about it. Yeah. So yeah, I love that. That's how I learned the best. That's how I, so yeah, so I started this podcast, wild Ideas Worth Living in 2016 because I was a little stuck and I either had to get another real job or don don't know, magazines were dying, everybody's like maybe a podcast. And so I started it kind of like a business at the time. Shelby 00:05:12 I was also reporting on the, out the business of the outdoor sports industry. So I was interviewing the CEOs and executives from every major surf and outdoor company. And it was a great job. But I learned a lot about business. I just had never started a business on my own. And at the same time I wanted to start the podcast. Someone's like, you should take this accelerator business course. It's only 12 weeks and day one you write your business plan and then on the last day of class, 12 weeks later, you have to present a tangible business to a team of investors. And I was like, well, maybe I could try it with my podcast. So I had to have three shows up and running and I used wild Ideas Worth Living as my test pilot. Shelby 00:05:53 And I wrote down, my goal is to sell to r e i co-op and I, I Aria, I pitched Aria I in those first 12 weeks. And they're like, yeah, nice to meet you. Yeah, you seem great, but we're not really in the podcast game. And then I went ahead and launched it, got other sponsors, interviewed some fascinating people, even Wim Hof was one of my early interviewees. And yeah, six months later I contacted r e i and they were actually getting into the podcast game. They were pretty early. They're pretty smart. And So, we did a partnership agreement together, stayed together for a few years and then they bought the podcast outright in 2020. And I still host it every week, so. Wow. Yeah, it's cool. Dave 00:06:33 Wow. That is cool. I was curious about that, how the, how the r e i, you know, how that worked with, because obviously R E I I I go there all the time, you know, we, we were just there. It's a great company, the co-op and all that. But yeah, so maybe we'll talk about that. I, I love, you know, your story because it's similar to mine. I mean, when I was getting into this and kind of the online space, I was doing a lot of blogging. Cool. And I just didn't like it. Yeah. I was thinking like, oh man, I'm gonna do the affiliate, I'm gonna do all this stuff. And I just realized, wow, it didn't, I wasn't loving. As soon as I started the podcast in 2017, it was the same thing. It was like, wow, okay, this is actually resonating with people And. we just kept, you know, doubling down. Is that, how's that look for you? Like you mentioned the business, you get into this, you sell it to r e I, do you love the business end or does r e I take that or how does that, how does all that work? Dave 00:07:17 Because that's not easy for a lot of people. Shelby 00:07:18 It was hard. I mean, when I started it, I'd invest in myself and like that was the hardest part. I had to throw it out money to like, I wasn't about to, I'm not a very tech savvy person and learning how to use just the handy recorder I'm recording on right now, I like had to hire somebody to teach me how to use it. 'cause I was so intimidated to buy it. And then the editing, I knew I wasn't gonna be able to figure that all out within 12 weeks and get guests and do marketing and a business plan and keep my day job, which I was doing journalism and PR and marketing for side clients. I still sometimes do it, but I had to hire someone. So I hired a producer who kind of could do all this and help me get going and could put my show. Back then it was like a little bit of rocket science to put your show Yeah. Shelby 00:07:59 Up, up on a platform. And so I hired someone, which meant I had to get sponsors. And so I decided to focus on what I was good at. I'm good at sales, I'm good at marketing, I'm good at hosting shows and getting guests and r e I didn't come on board full-time until 2020, so I was kind of doing most of it for many years. But I found producers that I would hire and train and some, you know, came with a ton of skills and I went through a few producers, but really the second one I hired stayed with me. And now r e I has hired her to host the show. So right now I have a really good setup. Do I like the business part of podcasting? I love pitching don don't know why, but like, it's just fun for me. Shelby 00:08:41 I love working with brands and providing them something that's meaningful for them, but working with them because I think brands, I used to be like a little bit elitist about how I told stories and I could only be a journalist, but you know what, know what, like the game has changed. And I don't think it matters how your story gets into the world. I think there's so many good stories they just need to get in the world. And we've now democratized journalism where anybody can tell stories through social media, through their websites, through podcasting. So I don't know, but, but the partnership with r e I right now, it's great. It, we've, we've kind of gone through a bunch of cycles, but yeah, right now I'm, I'm basically the host and that's my job and it's awesome. Shelby 00:09:25 And I don't do the rest of it. No, right. Dave 00:09:28 You don't, you don't. So, so talk about that. So what is your, what is your, I'm always interested the, the daily thing. 'cause we all have all these different, you know, daily, weekly stuff. What does it look like? Do you come in, do you just have, you know, tons of interviews, research? How does that look? Shelby 00:09:41 Yeah, I mean o often, we'll, we'll kind of work together to pick the guests for the year and you know, they bring guests to the table. Our production team who's based in Oregon, brings guests to the table. And then of course I get pitched every day on guests and you know, I used to pick all the guests and now I've kind of interviewed most of the people I've really wanted to interview. But they bring some fascinating people to me. And then I researched them and come up with questions and then show up to a microphone and interview them. And then right, it comes out. It's, it's pretty awesome. Dave 00:10:14 Yeah. So that's it. So you pretty much, and, and during a week, are you doing multiple interviews or do you have a day where you focus on that? Shelby 00:10:21 You know, I don't, I try to, I try, I'm trying right now to do one day a week where I do my interviews. It doesn't always work for my whole team. And so I'm part of a team, so I gotta be accommodating to them as well. Right now I came out with a book that is really based on these like lessons I learned from the podcast. Oh wow. So years since age 19, being an adventure journalist, I then ran women's marketing and PR vans and then I did international sales and marketing at Vans and went back into journalism for several years, consulted with brands like Prana, body, glove Reef, like all sorts of surf brands, the International Surfing Association. Then I kind of was writing for this business site that reports on the businesses of the industry. Shelby 00:11:06 I did tons of jobs, I was consulting with Nike, like all sorts of things. But, but when I went and did the podcast in 2016, I shuttered everything else down and I was like, I'm going in full time. It was the first thing I did that made me feel this like electric ping, like a bolt of lightning. And it lit me up and I just was like, this is it. I'm gonna go all in. I'm gonna give myself a full year and if I fail then I fail, but if I succeed I'm gonna go for it. And I'd never really done that in business. And it was a huge risk. And that was my wild idea, you know, starting the podcast about other people's wild ideas. And the cool thing about the podcast is I would, I would listen to other people who had to do all the same things I did just in different formats. Shelby 00:11:51 But they had to face fear, they had to deal with imposter syndrome, they had to deal with what happens when everything goes wrong, what to do when everybody told them they were crazy, how to lose, how to like, what to do when they actually failed, how what to do when they actually succeeded. And it was so helpful for me to keep me focused and staying in the game and pursuing my own wild idea. And it's, I've tried a lot of things in life and not all of them were easy. Many times I failed or hit roadblocks, but the signs to keep going when I'd started this podcast were so clear. And it was like the first time I really stopped and paid attention. And I was like, you know what event? And I always had in in mind, ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to write a book. Shelby 00:12:33 And I had tried to write a memoir three different times and I actually wrote a full memoir, but I'm like, I'm only like, at the time I was like 25, then I was 35 and I was like, this is no don don't have enough life experience. But you know, then I started doing presentations about lessons I learned from the podcast. And these themes kept reoccurring and no one had written, there was a lot of guidebooks out in the adventure space and a lot of books about adventure, but none really explored how to go out and pursue an adventure and make it happen. And there were like, no. And I read a lot of self-help books too, and there are no self-help books that talked about using the outdoors to change your life. A lot of them are talking about psychedelics or just meditating all day, which by the way, you're, you have a fly fishing podcast and let's be honest, like half of fishing is really just, it tricks you into meditating. Shelby 00:13:24 Like you're half the time you're meditating and it's really powerful. So I wanted to do something that was a little self-help, a little bit guidebook and also adventure story. And I wanted to combine these three things I loved and a little memoir into a book called Will to Wild about my story and why you should go pursue an adventure and how to do it, whether it's a big adventure or a small adventure. And then I wanted to talk about these things that kept coming up, like what to do when everything goes wrong. Which even Yvonne Chenard, the founder of Patagonia says it's not an adventure until something goes wrong. And then I wanted to talk about like fear and failure and humor and the power of laughing at ourselves when hits the fan, so to say. Shelby 00:14:08 And then what to do when you finish because don don't know about you. But I interview a lot of adventures that do these grand trips or grand adventures and then afterwards it's not all peaches and ice cream. Like a lot of times they hit roadblocks or they're depressed or there's some sort of fatigue. And I'm kind of in that now. Like the book came out in June, I hit the ground at like full speed a hundred miles an hour, didn't stop. Also did a TEDx talk, my first TED Talk ever that same week. And I was like on a stage pretty much every single week for like June and then some of July and now I'm starting to come down and I'm like, oh no, what's next? Shelby 00:14:51 And I have to take my own lessons from the book, which is to give yourself grace. So, so right now my day-to-day is a little all over the place to answer your question, it's right. Dave 00:15:00 But you got a book, which is huge. Yeah, Shelby 00:15:02 I got a book and then I'm doing some consulting, so people call me all the time and they're like, Shelby either help me with my podcast or help me pursue my wild idea. And I was just doing it for free and going to a lot of coffee with people. And my partner Johnny, he was like, Shelby, stop. Like, just charge for it because one, you give good advice and two, you're more likely to pay attention when you pay someone else and show up. That's right. And so now it's just a little bit of a business. Yep. I make it affordable though. It's easy. Dave 00:15:33 Good, good. Well, we'll, we'll hope we'll get links to all this in the show notes for sure. Your book and everything, the TEDx talk and I think, you know, I think this is a good question, you know, for somebody here, you know, you talked about the signs to keep going. If, if somebody's listening here and they're on the cusp, they've really been wanting to go in on their thing. And I know everybody's different, right? You can't, what would you tell somebody that they're, they're like, they feel like they wanna quit the day job and go all in. What, what's your advice there? Shelby 00:15:58 You know, I, I, all of a sudden I told PE I stopped, I've stopped telling people to quit their day job because I think sometimes when you quit your J job, it can be really stressful, like more stressful than just staying and pursuing your wild idea on the side. So you have to be real honest with everybody comes from a different circumstance in life and you have to be real honest with yourself about where you are, whether you have kids or a family or not. Like at the time I quit my job, I didn't have anything. I was very free, so I didn't have a lot to lose. And other people aren't. And you know, my, my partner says, you should do what you love, but don't expect to get paid for it. Shelby 00:16:41 And I think in 2023 it's really hard to get paid to do what you love a hundred percent. Dave 00:16:46 Oh, you think it is. So even though with all these opportunities, the internet, everything, it's still hard to get paid for for doing what you love. Shelby 00:16:53 I don't think it's easy. No, I think it used to be a little bit easier, but don don't think it's easy. No, don don't. I think it's like a misconception that it's easy. If it was easy, everybody would do it. Let's be honest. That's true. And it takes work and it takes sacrifice. And I know a lot of really successful podcasters and they work all the time and I didn't want that life. So Right. I sold my podcast to r e i and I'm much happier, but I get the best of both worlds. But I think if, if you're listening and you're like, don don't know what to do, I say, you do what all hikers do when they're lost. And that is to look for the trail signs. And that could mean a lot of things. Shelby 00:17:34 I think signs are really personal and if you're an adventurer or a fly fisher woman or man, you're probably pretty sensitive and intuitive. And so signs will come to you in only the language you speak. And when you see them, they'll either point you to where you should keep going, whether you should quit your job or you're gonna hit roadblocks and it's gonna be painful. And you know, my book opens with like, I continued to hit roadblocks by not quitting my job. Like I Wet my bed at age 29, which was so embarrassing, but I, I was suffering from so much anxiety that I took like a herbal supplement and I was dream, I was dreaming of going surfing and put my wetsuit on in the parking lot. Shelby 00:18:17 And I started going into the bathroom and I realized I was in my bed. Oh wow. I wasn't drunk. And I was like, okay, this is a sign. And then I was stuck in traffic and literally like a semi-truck overturned on one of the busiest freeways in Los Angeles. And I couldn't move. And I was like, okay, I need to stop running and like surfing until my arms can't move or swimming in the open ocean and I need to get help and stop because I'm literally stuck in life. And I was 29, so, you know, 29 year old, 20 nine's a big transition year for lots of young women. But I think if you're stuck, you just need to pay attention and you need to start doing things that bring you joy and doubling down on that, but also giving yourself some grace. Shelby 00:19:05 A lot of times when we're stuck And, we don't know what to do. We beat ourselves up and that's like the last thing you should do. You have to give yourself love and grace to be able to see the signs and look for the next thing. And you have to be quiet. And that's really hard for a lot of people. Dave 00:19:23 Right, right. Quiet, just to, just to take it in and like think about where, like where that new idea or I find that sometimes where you're out running or you're, you're away from all the electronics and also the best ideas come there. Is that, is that kind of what you mean about being quiet? Shelby 00:19:37 Yeah, I think the best ideas happen when you're quiet, when you're still, and when, for me, when you're outside, sometimes they come and they shower, but my best ideas often come while I'm hiking, while I'm running or when I'm surfing, when I don't have a pen and paper. And it's super inconvenient. Oh, when I'm open ocean water swimming, which is also super inconvenient. And then I just repeat the idea to myself until I'm at shoal, I mean I've tried to write ideas down in sand, I've tried like, it's hilarious. But yeah, I mean I think ideas will come and you're often your most, your authentic self when you're outside in nature doing an adventure, whether you're fishing or hiking or running or surfing, you're kind of stripped away of all the bss. Shelby 00:20:28 You're not comparing yourselves to other people. You're, you're most alive and you're, you're most happy and that is where you make the best decisions. And even science, you know, I talk about it in my book, but there's so much science that supports this. you know, in nature our nervous systems relax, we're able to make better decisions, immunities boosted, we're calmer. And I definitely believe that's where the best ideas come from. Dave 00:20:55 Yeah, definitely. You mentioned the signs a couple times, what, you know, maybe talk about another sign, so you're on that track, you know, whoever it is and they're, they want to do this thing. What, what are those signs that let them know to keep going on that track? Whatever that thing is? Shelby 00:21:10 I think signs are either positive and feel good or they're painful. So for example, when I was really young and wanted to get a job at Vans, I was debating on taking it or not and I just said out loud like Universe give me a sign and it sounds so cheesy, it's about the cheesiest thing I've done right? But I looked down and the waiter was wearing a pair of van and I was like, okay, got it, I see it. There Dave 00:21:34 You go. Shelby 00:21:35 And you know, there's a girl in my book who's really cool, her name is Steph Jagger, she was working in Canada doing pr. She had just bought a house and she as a kid grew up skiing at Whistler and she was on the chairlift with her friends one weekend talking about how they used to ski and how fun it would be to ski on the weekdays again. She said, what if I could ski around the world? And her friends laughed and just as she was getting off the chairlift, she saw this sign, literally a sign and it said, lift your restraining device now it, it referred to the thing that we all see when we're getting off a chairlift at the ski slope. Shelby 00:22:16 So it's this metal bar, you have to lift up over your head and then ski back down. And she really took that sign home with her and she's like, what if I were to lift my own restraining device on my life? You know what if I were to shutter my job, take out a second mortgage on the house, get sponsors and do this. And it took her a year and a half to do it, but she did it and she ended up breaking the record for most vertical feet, skied in the year, met her husband along the way, several years later, wrote a book about it, didn't think she was going to, she thought she was gonna self-publish it. Her book crushed it. She wrote another book. Shelby 00:22:56 And so I think that's what signs can look like and I think they can make us feel really good or like they look like traffic. They could look at like fighting with customer service agents on the phone. you know, if you're doing that or you're grabbing a glass of wine every single night and taking a couple extra nips, like those are also signs to pay attention to. Dave 00:23:20 Right, right, right. I love this. This is awesome. So, so basically, yeah, there's no, everybody's on their own, you know, their own journey like we said, but it's more, yeah, just being aware of those signs. That's like the first starting point. Well, Shelby 00:23:32 To use a fishing example, like one one time, the one time I went fishing, so lucky I was in Costa Rica and everything just came together flawlessly. My friend's like, do you wanna go fishing? Like maybe you could do a story about it. I was like, sure, let's do it. And these guys took us out And, we dropped our poles in the water and every time we dropped our poles in the water, we caught like tuna or snapper. It was crazy. We came home with like 15 fish And. we just thought this was normal. And the fishermen were laughing, they were like, this is incredible. And I was like, okay. Well that trip was meant to be like everything just worked out. Dave 00:24:10 Today's episode is sponsored by Trestle who has earned an exceptional reputation over the past few years in the fly fishing industry due to the popularity of their telescopic fly rod Roof racks and statement making artist series apparel lines. Their latest release for 2023 is the Ion Universal Bike Rack packing system. A brand new way to transport your fly fishing and outdoor gear. The Geron will give any modern bike the ability to bring 30 pounds of gear with its front and rear articulated racks. Whether you ride a full suspension mountain bike, an e-bike, or even a carbon fiber road bike, the Geron will get you and your fishing gear further, faster and have much more fun along the way. Dave 00:24:54 I can tell you this has been a big struggle for me. I've been riding my bike both road bikes and mountain bikes and had lots of issues over the years packing my gear. Whether that's crappy storage on the back or a trailer that's just too big and bulky. So I'm excited to share this packing system, which is gonna make it way more convenient and accessible to get out to the places you need to go. You can learn more about how trestle is transforming the way you access your favorite water backcountry hunting zones and camping spots. Head over to wetly Swing dot com slash trestle right now and be the first on the water and the farthest upstream and away from the crowds. That's trestle. T R X SS t L e trestle Live Your Pursuit. Dave 00:25:38 So on your book you mentioned it, the Will to Wild, I wanna talk about some stories, you know, either from the book and or the podcast I mean. I know this is always a tough one. I get asked these questions too, you know, your favorite episodes or stuff and there you're so many, they're all like favorites. But I mean, do you have a few stories? Did you pick select stories for the book or talk about that? Shelby 00:25:58 I did. It was hard because you know, I've interviewed like 250 people on wild ideas worth living. My favorite people, this sounds biased, but old people, they're my favorite people to interview. Dave 00:26:09 Now what's your definition of old? Because there's different, Shelby 00:26:11 Like above 70 older people. Okay, about Dave 00:26:13 Seven. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, Shelby 00:26:15 So 91 years old my is probably my favorite interview and she's, her name is Dr. Edith Eger. She's a psychologist. She survived the Holocaust and her perspective on life was absolutely incredible. And so there's a whole chapter on finding your why and if you're stuck, this is a perfect segue. It's like you have to have a why for doing something. My why for starting a podcast was so big. One, I wanted my own business. I wanted to make money on my own. I was obsessed with people doing wild ideas and a why will keep you in the game and show you how and you'll be able to do anything, but if you don't have a strong why, you're kind of just fluttering around not knowing what to do. Shelby 00:26:54 And so Edith talks about that, but she also talks about something that I found interesting when it comes to adventurers. She said, self-love is self-care. It's not selfish. And I think a lot of us get a lot of shit forbid, adventures and probably taking time off to go fishing or hiking or running or surfing. And you know, she's like, no, like you get to take care of yourself first. Self-love is selfish. And then, you know, because she had been in Auschwitz, she said, you know, a lot of us have prisons in our own wines and the key, we all have choices. And the that key to those choices is often in our pocket. So it's just about making strong choices. She said so many wise things. Shelby 00:27:36 The other day for the podcast doesn't come out till September, but I got to interview a guy named Lonnie Thompson and he's one of these OG climatologists, he's a glaciologist and he takes samples of the the Earth's ice core inside glaciers and he's kind of like a real life Indiana Jones. And it's 70 something with a heart transplant that's been in there for 10 years. He is, or seven years he's going to the top of these glaciers where he has to climb like 18,000 feet and live there and take ice core samples, which he's doing as fast as he can because the earth is melting. It's pretty wild. But usually older people just have this perspective and calmness. Shelby 00:28:21 They're not like trying so hard. Yeah. That I find really refreshing, Dave 00:28:26 Right. They've already done it. We've, we've had a number of 90 year old and high levels. That's cool. One of my favorites is every one a hundred episodes. We do a, I find the most famous Angler, you know, out there and we've had some big ones and Joan Wolf is this, you know, she's just this bigger than life person, you know? Wow. She's, yeah, she's like, I can't, I think she's in her eighties now, maybe even nineties, but she's been there since longer than everybody, you know, and all these stories. And I remember it was just like talking to her, I felt like I was on another planet, you know? And she was telling me, giving me relationship advice and stuff. It was really, Shelby 00:28:57 Oh yes, that's the thing. That's what Eden eager did to me. She was, oh yeah, she got into the relationship advice and then she said, Shelby Lakita a relationship is a good orgasm. Wow. I was like, whoa. I did not expect that from a 91 year old. Broad, but right on. Dave 00:29:09 There you go. Shelby 00:29:10 It was so funny. Dave 00:29:12 So yeah, I mean these stories and I would like to put a few of these out there just so people can know if they're gonna pick up the book or your podcast, you know, what they can expect. So yeah, you've got a couple of people that have, you know, older people, I mean, what are some other stories that come to the top for you that you think about, you know, and, and that whole pro? Because it sounds like you're not choosing all your stories now either, so they just came to you. Shelby 00:29:32 No, it's great. It's great because I'm forced to interview people I wouldn't have interviewed in the first place, which has expanded my mind. So in the book there's these twins that are so hardcore and they paddled on paddleboards with their hands from Alaska to Mexico and no one had done anything even like that before. So I just thought the way they planned their adventure was pretty impressive. These kids are amazing. There's also a woman in her fifties who hiked across Antarctica with her husband and they became the first married couple that are American to do so unsupported and unaided. And she was going through menopause. So that made for some interesting tales of having hot flashes in the Arctic, Antarctica. Shelby 00:30:18 And I interviewed a guy who biked from Alaska to Mexico. Two people, one did it after he had retired from I B M and he'd never really ridden a bike with clipping pedals before. And he did it and he just has the funniest story and stuff goes wrong and he encounters bears. And there's another person in my book who started one of the most famous rock climbing bouldering gyms, at least in my area. There's some in San Diego, some in Seattle, some in New York. And he's just awesome. He did it at 19 having barely any camping experience or any biking experience. And almost at the end of his ride, seven months in, he came up for this idea to start this rock climbing gym. Shelby 00:30:58 His story is like so fascinating. There's an artist in my book that discovered that he wanted to go outside and draw a chalk and like literally became this famous TikTok star and gets paid by big cities from Tokyo to Laguna Beach to like do this amazing chalk art using, using features on the street in the city as part of his art. So like a manhole becomes like monster eyes or a cookie. Oh Dave 00:31:28 Right. That's cool. It's Shelby 00:31:30 Really cool. Sprinkler heads are eyes. He's, he's just a fascinating dude. I mean, I'm obsessed with every story. There's bird watchers, there's hardcore surfers, right? Alex Honnold, the famous rock climbers in there, Bethany Hamilton who's a surfer. Dave 00:31:45 So you never had a story when you get these stories, you never get on and because I, you know, think about that. You've never had a story that you're like, oh man, this is gonna be a boring, like it seems like they're, whether it's small scale or big scale, it seems like you like it all. Shelby 00:32:00 I like it all. I mean. I mean I've been bored. Yeah, once or twice, but like 99.9% of the time I'm excited. Dave 00:32:08 What's the tip? So, and I have my own tips, but so when you're on a podcast, I don't think it happens very often, but when you do get bored, what do you do as a host? Shelby 00:32:17 I ask 'em for a story. Like what's a story you tell at at a bar to friends that you tell over and over and over again? And I think stories hook people in. Like I've got my go-to story, I wanna hear their go-to story Dave 00:32:28 And your go-to story. Shelby 00:32:30 My go-to story is in the book and I'll, I'll just tell it to you like, it's in Indonesia, I quit my job the day I give notice, I get asked to go on a boat trip with like 12 guys and they're gonna be the first to stand up paddle, sorry, they're getting asked to stand up, paddle these waves in Indonesia, which are in this place called the mentor Wise, which is an archipelago of islands off of Indonesia. We're with this legendary boat captain who's like, just interviewing him is amazing. The guy's a full real life pirate. He's discovered all these waves. I'm sure he, there's all stories about his boat that are fascinating. The best surfers in the world have been there. I'm the only girl and eventually I have to get off a boat and stop saying I'm just a journalist and go surf waves. Shelby 00:33:12 The problem is, is for the last five years of my life at this time, I'd been working at a cube at Vans or an office and I'd been going to malls, looking at shoes. And so I hadn't been surfing that much and eventually I had to get off this boat and go surf these waves. And I have a story about, I'm with one of the guys that I'm with is this famous stunt man and he's a big time lifeguard. He's literally linked to Hawaiian royalty. His name is Brian Kayana, his daughter is actually in this new show on Amazon called Surf Girls. They're a fascinating family and everything he says is so amazing and he, he teaches me how to deal with my fear and then he teaches me how to catch a wave and I end up catching like this wave in my life. Shelby 00:33:58 But every time I fall I'm scared. And I asked him what to do and he's like, Shelby sing a song. Like he gives very simple advice, but the problem is on this boat, they're playing this song over and over and it's by Don McLean and it's, it's called American Pie. But the problem is, is the lyrics that gets stuck in my header and this will be the day that I die. Right. It's like a really bad song to Yeah. Get stuck. Anyway, so I have a whole story about that. I have a story about paddling down. So another standup I think as I was like a girl that got stuck on a standup paddle boarding trip. I then got asked to go standup paddle, a remote portion of the Amazon River in Peru and no one had standup paddled this part of the river. Shelby 00:34:42 And like we didn't know, it wasn't a hard paddle like a grandma could do this paddle, it's just standing up on a paddleboard, going down a stream. There were a couple little writ waves, but it was like class one, two. It was easy, but we didn't know what was below us and it was terrifying And. we just encountered all these animals and bugs and I came and chased our photographer off this paddleboard. Yeah, wow. I don know it's a lots of stuff. God, Dave 00:35:06 What's the stand a paddle for those that don't know. And I love the paddleboard. We haven't done a ton of it, but so standup meaning that, are you just trying to stand up through all white wall everything the whole time? And I mean, I imagine you're getting knocked Shelby 00:35:17 Off. Oh yeah. Just so a standup paddleboard, you know, when you take 'em on the river, they're inflatable and they're really durable and lightweight and you can just stand on them. They're pretty like sturdy and you paddle down a river, but it's like standing up on a raft. It's really not hard. It's like standing up on a coffee table. Right, Dave 00:35:37 Right, right. Versus say a paddleboard. I mean the, you hear the stand but just a paddleboard itself or is that a different sort Shelby 00:35:43 Of Yeah, so the boys that paddled on paddleboards, a paddleboard is like an oversized surfboard that you paddle lying down using your hands like you would a surfboard or on your knees. So Dave 00:35:54 A paddleboard is just the, yeah, you got the big, the surfboards, the surfboard, the big board and the paddle board's. Just a smaller board that you're still kind of like, you're surfing but you're laying, you're standing, you're laying on your sum stomach, surfing waves, Shelby 00:36:06 A paddleboard. You're actually just paddling is your hands. You're not, it's designed to be bigger than a surfboard and it's shaped kind of almost like a kayak. Dave 00:36:14 Oh, gotcha. Okay. Shelby 00:36:15 It doesn't keep gear inside but it's pointy at the each end. 'cause it's made to glide through water fast. A standup paddleboard looks a little bit more like a surfboard. Dave 00:36:26 Yeah. Yeah. It's bigger. No, I hear you. This is awesome. This is good. This is the stuff. So this we're, we've been talking about getting a standup where I just, you know, it's one of those things where, you know, we do a lot of boating and it's one of those things where you have certain number of things you can do on any, you know, throughout the year. But I think it's one that we wanna get into. You mentioned a few of these stories, so this is great because the book And, we can all follow up if we wanna go deeper on it. I'm curious on the Guest, because this is a, I think a struggle for some people, as you know and me too, as a host, you have your guests now, how do you do the research, the prep to get ready for that Guest? Is that like a long process? Is that something you do or does your team do? Or how do you do that? Shelby 00:37:03 I used to do it all and I would just listen or read about them. My team does it now, but I mean nobody can research for you. So I end up going back and listening to podcasts or reading articles. It's like, for example, I have Michael Veian who is a sports psychologist next tomorrow. And so I've been listening to podcasts that he's on and ones that he's done and don don't know, I just think about what sticks out and what I wanna learn from him and then I'm gonna focus on that. Dave 00:37:34 Perfect. Yeah, I've, on my other podcast I do, it's like more of a marketing business focus. It probably similar to maybe some of the stuff you've done in the past. But we had one of the, the person basically the, that invented podcasting for N P R. Cool. Yeah. And, and I asked him the same question, I said, what is the, the skills you need for, you know, being a good podcaster? And he said the number one thing is, you know, to be curious, you know? Exactly. That's it. Be curious. And I was like, oh yeah, okay, that's makes sense. That's why, you know, I do, I love this and it works well 'cause I'm curious. But that's the number one thing. Like if you, you can't fake it, that's the one thing you can't do in podcasting. You can't go in there and fake it. It sounds like you are the type of person that you just are curious, you're super interested about all these topics, so it's easy probably for you. Shelby 00:38:19 So one thing that comes easy to me. Dave 00:38:22 Yeah, you're not, you're not getting bored that often did the, during the podcast sounds like. So good. Well so talk about, so R e I, I'm, I'm interested in this because the sponsorship thing I, I think is another, people get into this and they think, they think I talked, I help a lot of podcasters get into podcasting and I think a lot of people don't do it very well. They think of it just as like, oh this is a podcast, I'm gonna make an ad and then somebody's gonna gimme money. But really I think podcasting, you gotta be able to kind of engage your listeners. Right. With the sponsors. I mean, how do you look at that? Is it easy for you to, you just kinda have r e i they do everything now or are you still doing a lot of work thinking about sponsorship and, and all that stuff? Shelby 00:38:59 I'm not thinking about sponsorship 'cause r e I owns the podcast so that's kind of on them. But I do think about it for vitamin joy and which brands I wanna work with. And I actually have helped r e I like if they, right now we have like a different model, but should we go down the sponsorship route? I have a couple brands in mind that I think would be cool to work with. Dave 00:39:18 Yeah. So you do, so you're still doing thinking about that a little bit. And I'm Shelby 00:39:22 Always thinking about sponsorship. I think it's like the most fun part about a podcast. you know, so many people would ask me, how, how did you sell your podcast? How do you get it sponsored? And for years as a magazine journalist, you pitch and you sell an article or you starve. Like, and I'd been pitched so many times when I was at Vans, I'd been pitched as a journalist, I had to pitch as a freelancer. So I'd been on both sides of the feds and you know, pitching is like dating, like you gotta make it good for both parties and sometimes it's just timing and sometimes it doesn't work out and you can't take it personally. But when it jives and it fits well, it's, it's a relationship and it's super fun and don don't know. Shelby 00:40:04 I like the first part about of dating people usually the best. It's so fun just like getting it, you know? So I enjoy going after sponsors and working with them. It's, it's exciting. Yeah. Dave 00:40:17 How do you keep 'em coming back? Well I guess again, thinking of your other podcast, 'cause that's your newer one, how do you, do you think of like, how do you get these sponsors in to come back year after year? Like maybe you just need a few or, or do you think like, I'm always trying to find new sponsors. Shelby 00:40:31 If I did it again from scratch, I tried to get one main sponsor. I think it's a lot easier than trying to pitch a bunch of sponsors. Yeah. What I tell people and, and I ended up teaching a class on this, I'm only gonna offer it till December, but it's, it's on demand and it's basically how to grow and monetize your podcast. But I think asking a pitch, asking for a dollar and asking for a hundred dollars and asking for a thousand dollars, it takes the same amount of breadth to ask that question. And so you have to provide value to this other person and their brand and, and it has to be something that they wanna do and they wanna reach. So if I was a fly fishing podcast, I would go after these companies that really wanna reach people who fish and it would be like the easiest sell to me and I would just say, Hey, do you wanna reach a bunch of fishermen with your hooks or whatever your beverages? Shelby 00:41:25 And then I would give them a lot more value. you know, I always try to over-deliver and under promise. Dave 00:41:31 Yep. I agree. Shelby 00:41:32 And the other thing is, is when you work with these brands, like it's not about you, it's about them. Like they're giving you money. And I think some people, a lot of the younger people I work with like expect to get paid and I'm like, no. Like it's their money. I've been on the brand side where we've paid athletes and you know, the athletes also have to deliver. It's a relationship. Yeah. They could, you know, there's a lot of people grinding at the company in a cube that aren't surfing that would want the same amount of money. And so I always tell people like, when you do get money from a sponsor, be super cool to work with. Like say yes and be easy to work with and have fun because they don't have to give you money. Shelby 00:42:18 Like no one owes you anything. And that's, that's a hard one. And I think it was harder for me when I was younger, but I've been on the other side, on the brand side. Like no one owes you anything. We're all really lucky to get to do. If you get to do what you love, you are super lucky and maybe you made it happen, but there's always some luck involved and you know, just be extremely grateful and cool to work with. Yeah, Dave 00:42:43 That's that's perfect. Yeah, I think the, yeah, and the sponsorship stuff, And, we can leave it, you know, here is that, you know, I mean it's value. Yeah. You're, you're working with 'em. I think it's easy to get a sponsor on for a year to make the sale, especially if you're good at sales, but to keep them coming back year after year, that's where you're showing, you're delivering on the value because you know, they see it. So this is good. What I'm gonna take a quick, we're gonna, we got a quick little listener shout out segment here in a second. I wanna do, but before I get into that, we've talked a few guests. I, this is always another tough one, but thinking about famous guests, we've had a few people on our podcast that have been really huge famous people. But for you, do you, do you look back and say, gosh, okay, that episode was unbelievable. I can't believe I did it and talk about that. Dave 00:43:25 Or do you just, does everybody meld together and the person you never heard of is equal as the person, the famous person Shelby 00:43:32 Don don't know I mean? There's definitely some interviews I've had where I'm like, that was so energizing and it, and it really came at a good time for me and I took so much from it. I take something from every single interview, but I think it's about being around certain people whose energy is really infectious and who are pushing themselves at such a high level that I can't help but push myself. And you know, there's that famous Jim Rohn quote that you're often the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. And I think what's so cool when you do a podcast is you get to spend time with these people that you might not normally have access to. Like Bethany Hamilton, who's this famous surfer, or Alex Honnold or I inter even interviewed and he's also in my book, a person named Wynn Wiley, who's also a famous outdoor drag queen named Pat Goia. Shelby 00:44:23 And they're pushing themselves at a level for activism that I just couldn't even fathom before. And really good to be around these people that are so focused on what they're doing and so sure of who they are. Like that's pretty infectious and contagious. Dave 00:44:40 Yeah. God, it's, that's the podcasting. I I'm the same way I mean, I think you're, you're with the adventure sports at another level because you're hearing some I mean, we hear some of these stories but not as much. We do a lot of tips and tricks as well. Shelby 00:44:51 I think that's great. I think people wanna take, I think people either wanna be entertained or they wanna learn, right? And so if you can teach people or entertain them, then you're winning. But for me at this point in my life, like I really wanna learn. And I think that's why I really enjoyed the interview with the Glaciologist the other day because he was teaching me things about science and our environment that I didn't even know existed. I also recently interviewed the woman who wrote the book, the Wave. She wrote a book about dolphins and she just wrote a book about the Deep Sea and her name is Susan Casey. She was one time an editor outside, she was the editor of Oprah Magazine and The Deep Sea, which I didn't know is like 95% of the sea. Shelby 00:45:35 And that means it's like, you know, the deepest part of our sea. So nobody Dave 00:45:39 Ever sees it. Shelby 00:45:40 Yeah, you don't see it. And I had no idea there was like all these underwater canyons and volcanoes. Oh yeah. And just all these fish that we didn't even know of. And she's gone in submersibles, which are super hot topic and she said they're actually really safe. That one was like totally not up to code. So sad, right? But, but she also talked to me about deep sea mining, which I didn't even know about. And it's a disaster and it might start happening in the next couple months. It's wild. Dave 00:46:10 Today's episode is sponsored by Choda Outdoor legendary comfort and equipment you can trust. Choda insists on the finest material and craftsmanship to assure you have the highest standards of quality you'll feel in control of the ailments in your choda gear. Every product is solidly backed with a no nonsense warranty against effects. And I have a family connection to Choda over the years back in the shop, the old shop, my dad carried Choda and he wore those proudly with confidence. And now I'm carrying on that tradition supporting Choda and I'm very excited about the new products coming out this year and working with Choda in 2023. Dave 00:46:50 I'm pretty rough in my gear and find myself putting a lot of miles on that gear and being pretty rough on it. So it's good to know that the Choda gear is durable, is bomber and I don't have to worry about it. And even on those long trips and you know, if you have a blowout, it's not going to be a good situation. So I'm excited to keep digging into this this year. Clean, comfortable, charismatic, and ready for any situation you can throw at it. You can head over right now to Choda Outdoor at wetly Swing dot com slash choda. That's C H O A to support this podcast in a great family company right now. Dave 00:47:33 Okay, now back to the show. We do, I think, I think this is a perfect segment. I'm gonna do our listener shout out that will segment into the conservation because you know, for us conservation is, is huge and I know for you and I mean you mentioned Yvonne Shenar, of course the Patagonia and it's an interesting time to be because of what's going on with everything. But I wanna read, let's do our listener shout out real quick and then this will take us into my next question. And so Glenna Morrie said, he said a Dave great podcast, been listening since almost the beginning. He lived in northeast Ohio for 30 years chasing steelhead. He said that he now lives in northern Michigan on the Sabel River and is the origin of Trout Limited. Dave 00:48:13 Keep up the great work Glen and I that got me thinking about Trout Unlimited. So talk about that. Who one of your, your sponsors, that's a big conservation group in our area focused on trout. Is there some conservation group you wanna highlight that? That you find important here? Shelby 00:48:29 That I find important in the outdoors? Dave 00:48:31 Yeah. I mean, I know there's so many, but is there one that you really think about a lot that you're involved with maybe r e i is involved with? Or, or you know, what's your take Just on conservation general? 'cause I know there's a lot of groups out there that are doing a lot of great things just to highlight somebody here. Shelby 00:48:44 Yeah, I, I did some work with Protect Our Winters and I think they're doing a lot of great work advocating for, you know, at the political level for laws to get made about climate change. I really love what they're doing. Snowboarder Jeremy Jones is at the front of it. Donna Burton. Donna Carpenter Burton, the founder of Burton's Burton is on the board. There's all sorts of amazing athletes. One of the things they talk about is imperfect, being an imperfect advocate. Meaning like, you know, you might drive a Prius and you might go get Starbucks and you know, it's okay. Shelby 00:49:24 Like you're not gonna be perfect, but you gotta do your best. I think we think about climate change, And, we just get so overwhelmed that we do nothing. you know, do your best. I think that's what it's about. I am actually involved with an organization called Outdoor Outreach and they don't do like necessarily conservation, but they get kids that are at risk or don't necessarily have easy access outdoors and they take 'em snorkeling, kayaking, and surfing. Dave 00:49:51 See, I think that's equal. I think that's almost equal, right? Yeah. Shelby 00:49:54 I think that like when you show someone the outdoors and they do conservation work as part of it, you know, they teach them Leave No Trace, they do cla trash cleanups, they do water cleanups and they take 'em surfing. But I think once you have a relationship with nature, you become invested in wanting to protect nature. And so I've always been, I've been involved with outdoor outreach for over 20 years and they're super important to me. I'm part of a foundation that is able to give them money. Every year I've been on the board, I've volunteered and don don't know. It's, it's just incredible when you can take someone outdoors and show them what else is out there. And there's a kid from Outdoor Outreach in my book, you know, he grew up homeless, living on the streets, went to high school for homeless teens, threw his high school, he went on a snowboard trip with outdoor outreach and it totally changed his life. Shelby 00:50:48 After he graduated, he moved to Alta Utah and you know, he actually became a sponsored snowboarder and that's part of his life. Like snowboarding is his passion. And he told me something really profound that he's like, you know, it's not about like how you can do nature, it's about having how you choose to have a relationship with nature that becomes really important. Dave 00:51:11 Right. God, that's great. Yeah, so, so I think, yeah, there's, you know, like for us, I said this is great. I'll, I'll put links to the show notes to both of the things you talked about here on some of the groups. I hadn't heard of those before, so this is great. And so just looking ahead, you know, we've talked about quite a bit here. you know, you mentioned the award-winning podcast. I gotta hear that because I think that a lot of people, I Shelby 00:51:32 Think the award was from my mom. Dave 00:51:34 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Now tell me about this. Was this a legit thing? 'cause I, you don't hear, I know there are podcasting awards out there, right? For like, you know, I think a smart list might've won the award for don. Don't even know. Right. So So, Shelby 00:51:43 We, we don't have any legit rewards. Does it still say that on my bio? Like we have right. A definitely best outdoor podcast. We've gotten that, we've gotten stuff from San Diego. I've gotten all sorts of awards, like best new podcast, God, when we started we were getting a lot of like awards. Okay. But we've never won. Like Dave 00:52:02 What are the awards though? don don't even know what the awards I mean. I know there's like, do you know much about that podcast space? Like Shelby 00:52:08 Yeah, so actually one of R e I R e I has a bunch of other podcasts. One is called Hello Nature, one is called Camp Monsters and iHeartRadio does like the big podcasting award. And Camp Monsters has been nominated for an iHeartRadio award several times. And those are the big ones. But an iHeartRadio podcast won in that category. I'm like, that's so lame. So I would say that 90, I don't know, maybe I shouldn't say this, but it feels like this award system is a little bit rigged. I was also recently nominated for an outdoor podcast award, but you had to vote and put it on Facebook. And I was like, that's bs. That's just like, yeah. Dave 00:52:44 Oh yeah. Facebook. Like I, I, we do, we do fate live Facebook and I get a lot of people like, man, I'm not even on Facebook. This is like Shelby 00:52:49 I've, I've got siblings who, I got one sibling who worked in Hollywood for a little bit and like her friend was one of the people that got to vote on the Oscars. So you know, when you see that world you realize it's just a bunch of people who make that decision. Dave 00:53:06 Yeah, yeah, Shelby 00:53:07 That's Dave 00:53:07 Right. That's probably the reason you don't hear much about the podcast award sort of thing. Yeah, because it's, I think more podcasting. A lot of people don't even monetize. Right. They do podcasts because they, they just enjoy doing the podcast. Shelby 00:53:18 I think podcasting is like a is often a business card to something else. Dave 00:53:22 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It depends on your, yeah, if you're, I think depends on what you wanna do. If you wanna build relationships, doing an interview show is great. If you want to showcase your expertise, probably do an epi solo episode is great 'cause people are learning that you're the expert, right. That's kind of, there's a lot of ways to do it. But this is good. So I love that we're digging into a little bit of the podcasting and business always because that's great. But talk about, I wanna hear a couple of things before we take it outta here. One just like on journalism and the other is on the TEDx talk. But you have that background in journalism and a lot of people I think come into podcasting maybe if they're new they don't have that. What's your take on on the journalism where we're at with it? Dave 00:54:02 'cause you hear both sides of it and you know like the fake news, right? There's all this crazy stuff. What's your take on the status? Like where we're at? Are we in a good place right now? Is this an awesome place where we're growing into Shelby 00:54:12 Don don't even know where to start. Dave 00:54:14 Or the opposite without getting too political, right? I don't know. Shelby 00:54:18 I mean I kind of exited out of journalism. I was like this Oh you did right. This is kind of weird. I was grew up in like a hard school journalistic, you know, you fact check, you don't insert your opinion. That was my background and it's like sort of depressing to watch the news. I was like wow, we were never allowed to do what these people are doing. At the same time, I think it's great that we are able to tell stories. I don't know, I have mixed feelings on it. I think, I think as humans we know And, we can feel it when it's the truth. And I think most of us have a high BSS barometer And. Shelby 00:55:02 we just have to be more discerning. And if you're someone who tells a story and you're lying, like that comes back as karma. So like I think you should always tell the truth and the truth is where the best stories lie. I can always tell if someone's lying to me, like I've definitely had subjects in life lie to me and it's about stupid stuff and you can tell when they just aren't telling the truth and it's a bummer. I think this truth is beautiful and I think when you're real and you're raw and you're honest, like you time I've shared something that's been hard. It's been really cool. I think the cool thing is is we don't have to have an article in the New York Times to like reach people. Shelby 00:55:44 We can have our own podcasts and you know, the New York Times obviously I still subscribe to, I still love it And you know, I worked at C N N so every now and then I tune in. But I try not to, I think CNN's quite different than when I was there. Fox News is different than when I was a little kid growing up. Everything is really different and yeah, don don't know. I, I think the cool thing is if you want information you can go get it right from the source. If you wanna hear from a scientist, sometimes that scientist has their own podcast like Andrew Huberman who is a neuroscientist at Stanford and has his own podcast. I think that's what's so cool, cool is that in some ways it's been democratized and I will say there's a lot of content out there and I think there's too much right now. Shelby 00:56:31 Which is why I am not like in a rush to start another podcast or write another book. Like I'm gonna give it some time and if I do my next thing, it's gonna be really specific or it's gonna be comedy. 'cause I think we need more of that in the world. Like humor is actually a really big part of Will to Wild. I think it's like this key ingredient and tool that you need to have to be an outdoor person and a really underrated tool. But like you are gonna fail and like something is gonna go wrong when you're on an adventure and you have to learn to be able to laugh at yourself. That is such a huge skill. Dave 00:57:05 Yeah, that, that's great. Well couple things, So, we mentioned the TEDx. Let, let's go there real quick. What was that like? Because it seems like that's just this giant stage now, you know, how'd that become, how'd that, and then what was it like when you got up there and did your first TEDx? Shelby 00:57:19 Oh my God, I'm so thrilling and nerve wracking and wanting to puke all at the same time. So in San Diego I've wanted to do a TED talk for years and there's a big one in San Diego and they had a new person running it and you had to try out, there was like 300 people trying out and there was like 10 really good people in the sports category that made it to the round. And I got a call on New Year's that I got picked and then for the next six months I worked with a speaker coach and had these amazing dinners with the other TEDx speakers who were so different than me. Like one was carrying homelessness, one was talking about sex trafficking King, another was had a female birth control pill that was not hard, sorry. Shelby 00:58:01 She had a female form of birth control that she created that was not a pill, it was on demand and it was like a cream that you could use when you were with your partner. I mean I was just on the stage with such players. And then when it got down to actually presenting at TEDx, it was this beautiful theater in La Jolla in San Diego, California. And I got to go first and I was happy to go first because I would've been a nervous wreck if I had to wait and watch other people go first. But I was, it was pretty nerve wracking like running out up to Dave 00:58:33 Stage. How long, how long were you up there? Shelby 00:58:34 The cool thing is each talk was only eight minutes. I think I was up there for like 10 minutes total. It's quick Dave 00:58:40 Eight minutes. So eight minutes you're up there and paint the picture. Are you sitting there? 'cause I haven't been to one, Shelby 00:58:45 I'm not sitting up there. You are standing in the middle room, there's a Ted X sign behind you. You're on a stage and there's a theater of like 600 to a couple thousand people. Right? Watching you all eyes, you got a spotlight on you and Dave 00:58:59 And clapping. Right. And they could, they could respond, right? There's people who are getting Shelby 00:59:03 Response, they're responding and, and you're trying to do this so that it's on demand and made for video because that's kind of what TEDx is known for. And so it's on YouTube and I wanted to have like a slide presentation 'cause I knew if I forgot my lines at least I could kind of like remember by pictures. And so I talked about the power of adventure and I really dug into this concept of awe, which to me is the most incredible emotion that you can't bottle up in a pill. If you could, everybody would take it and it has the best side effects, but it's abundant in nature. Dave 00:59:33 Hmm. And that an awe is what is, what is awe. Shelby 00:59:37 Awe is a feeling that happens, you know a lot in nature. It could happen when you hear a song or you see a baby for the first time or you're with your loved one. But like it happens when you see a dolphin leap and you look up and you see stars or you see an eagle swoop down or you see a fish that jumps outta the water and catches your bait Dave 00:59:57 Or or an osprey diving. Diving into the water to catch a fish. Exactly. Shelby 01:00:02 And it stops you in your track. You often forget about time. If you're in a bad mood before it goes away immediately. You often feel grateful when you experience awe. You sometimes as if you look up at the stars, you feel small but yet more connected to others and the greater world around you. And like I said, if you were in a bad mood, maybe you were stuck in traffic, maybe you had a long day at work, after you experience a moment of awe, you shift a immediately, you often soften, you become kinder, you're more full of gratitude. And I think the best part of it is your ability to get out of your own way so you can go pursue your own wild idea without resistance, it immediately increases. Shelby 01:00:46 And it happens, you know, at vistas, at mountaintops fishing, it happens so much in nature and so much of our life is predictable right now. you know, we have apps for everything. We know exactly how the world is gonna happen, but like when you go fishing, so much can happen that you could never predict. And it's the same way with all of nature sports. And that's kind of why I'm drawn to it. I went surfing today and I had no idea what the waves were gonna be. Dave 01:01:15 You didn't look, you didn't, you didn't even look, you just went out. I Shelby 01:01:17 Just went out and they were amazing and no wave was the same. And there was dolphins and there was like sea creatures below and I just felt so great after. Dave 01:01:26 That's per yeah, that's perfect. I love that. Well I think this is good. I think we, we definitely have some topics that, we'll, we'll dig back in I think to your book and, and the podcast you've got, you're gonna be, tell us how many episodes, what are you coming up to now? Currently? Shelby 01:01:41 Oh my gosh, I have no idea. Maybe two something, 2 50, 300. Dave 01:01:44 Yeah. Yeah. You're somewhere in that range. Yeah. So you've got a lot of episodes. And are you gonna, looking ahead, do you just see yourself continuing as you look out the rest of this year into 2024? Just same track, just doing the same thing? Or are you always thinking like, how do we tweak this thing to make it, you know, change it up a little bit? Shelby 01:02:01 I'm always trying to tweak it a little bit. Like I always wanna make it a better experience for our listeners Dave 01:02:06 And the production. Do you, do you find that the way you do it, that you like you found a, a sweet spot there? Or do you think the production of the podcast will evolve as you go? Shelby 01:02:16 I? don know I mean that's kind of for wild ideas worth living. That's up to, to r e i I mean, one thing we did this year was we cut the show so it was like 30 minutes And. we just found that people weren't listening for like a full hour. But I have heard that people want a little bit longer, so don don't know I mean our attention spans. We just, during Covid we were just so like bombarded with content that they think all of us were over it And, we just wanted to like know what people were saying. And now I think people might wanna go back to like longer format. I don don't know. Dave 01:02:47 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shelby 01:02:48 I think we gotta play with it. You Dave 01:02:50 Do. That's part of the numbers thing. I mean, I think that we always listen, try to listen to our listeners, right. And see what they think And, and I've asked that question a lot and I think that a lot of people say, Hey, I don't care how long it is. you know, just we love the content. Make it as long as it has to be. And so I don't have a cutoff on things. I think a Joe Rogan is a good example, right? He's got one of the largest podcasts out there and I listen to him occasionally. Yeah. Shelby 01:03:12 But you listen to a four hour show, I mean, let's be honest like that. That's like Joe Rogan is when I'm like, okay, I'm not gonna listen for four hours. But unless it was like don don't know, I mean it would have to be like Alex Honnold for me to listen for four hours. Dave 01:03:26 Well that's what it is. Yeah. Occasionally, or the topic or you. So, and I can't remember the one I listened to, but I listened to one that was three hours and I broke it up into six different sessions, you know, like was great. Well that's cool, right? Shelby 01:03:37 Driving. Yeah. And, Dave 01:03:38 And so I find that, I think people still, you know, are good. Our episodes are typically right around an hour, give or take. And, but, but no, this is great. So it sounds like, yeah, you basically just come in, you get the, the beauty of just being the host and you get to come into work and, and just do these great interviews and, and that's awesome. What, what do you think, just as we head outta here for, you know, the best place to find, just remind us again. If somebody wants to get your book, wants to connect with a podcast, where should we send them? Shelby 01:04:04 The best place is to go to shelby stanger.com. I've got my podcast. I also do one called Vitamin Joy that I may bring back. I'm really interested in intersection of mental health and adventure, which I kind of cover a lot on through wild ideas. But I'm also interested in the intersection of mental health and humor. And my mom's a really, she's like one of the top addiction specialists in the world. And I'm passionate about that topic. I think so many people are struggling right now with anxiety and depression, mostly anxiety. It's kinda like the great anxiety right now, not the great depression. I think we're gonna look back at this time. People are like W t F, you know, it's got so much on our plate. I live in southern California. It's expensive, it's busy, it's flashy, it's beautiful. Shelby 01:04:47 And there's a lot going on and a lot of people are suffering And. We often don't know the battle people are fighting and So. we have to choose to be kind And we have to choose to love. And that's just a topic I explore on both. But there's some things I wanna do. So you could find me, shelby stanger.com Will to Wild is available everywhere books are sold. Wild Ideas Worth Living is on all podcast platforms. Shelby Stanger is also my Instagram handle. I don't really do other social media stuff, but yeah, I'm, I'm easy to find. I'm easy to reach and I really love connecting with other podcasters because I've been so lonely this whole time and it's so, it's fun to meet these weirdos who it's equally curious as me, right? Shelby 01:05:32 Like you Dave, this is so cool Thanks for having me on. I was, I was a little shocked to hear from you. I'm like, how does this fly fisherman know who I am? So cool. Dave 01:05:40 Oh yeah, yeah, no, I, I definitely, yeah, I mean I've just learned about you more recently. But of course, you know, r e i I think that's the power of having r e i on as as your sponsor is that they're so, you know, they're out there, they're everywhere. So they're, they're, you know, you go into r e I just talk to somebody who was fly fishing and talking about how he was gonna r e i to get whatever his gear. But yeah, they have everything. They might not have a fly shop in there, but they do have all that gear that gets you outdoor to do a trip. Right. They've got everything you need. Which is, which is pretty awesome. And Shelby 01:06:08 They're cool company. Like they give so much money away to like good causes. I know they support I mean, they're just, they're cool. Like I've worked with a lot of companies 'cause I was a journalist who reported on companies and r e i is just, they're kind, you know, they actually like, don't email me on the weekends or super late at night. They take off, they respect their employees and their employees. Time Dave 01:06:31 Opt outside right? Opt outside. Shelby 01:06:33 Yeah, opt outside. Whereas it's like my, my publishers in New York, they're like emailing me at midnight all sorts of hours of the day. Like right. I'm like, you guys need to get a life. Like go hiking, go outside, stop emailing me, go surfing. They're really cool though. I liked them. Just different level of work ethic. Dave 01:06:48 And so r e i, And, we mentioned Patagonia, who obviously is a great company, doing some great stuff. They're awesome. Give us another, on another great company for us to check out that you've maybe worked with or know of out there that maybe has s similar to like, I I stick with the conservation piece or you know, anybody out. Is there just so many out there Doing great things or it seems like, 'cause you hear about some of the negative stuff out there too, but do you feel like there's a lot of great companies doing good stuff there? I Shelby 01:07:11 Think the North Face actually does some good stuff. I mean, I was part of VF when I was at Vans. Like I think they really try to do good work and you know, people don't think of them as like a conservation company, but I think they're doing work. Good work. I don't know what they're doing, but I really like the beer company Athletic brewing because they don't have alcohol in their beer. Oh yeah. And adventures and alcohol sometimes go hand in hand. And I think it's really cool for people to explore more outside without alcohol. I think like, yes, you know, yes, people are often experimenting with psychedelics right now, but I've been outside in nature and had experiences that felt like I was on psychedelics and I wasn't like, you can have these really wi rich experiences outside without drugs or alcohol. Shelby 01:07:57 I'm not, you know, I'm not sober, but like I, I have a glass of wine or a beer every now and then. But like, you know, addiction is a part of all parts of life and I like companies that are doing that. I have to think about that one. What companies do I love? I like Elle. There's a couple running companies that I like. There's two wom, there's a, they're owned by the same company, JJI, J A N G I and Elle o i ss e l l e I think they're doing some cool stuff with like inclusivity and diversity and just showcasing athletes that you might normally see outside. Lululemon sponsors one of my favorite people. Shelby 01:08:38 And you know, there's a, there's a brand right by me that I have a lot of friends who work at, it's called Vui, v u o r I don don't know what they're doing as far as conservation, but they make cool stuff that get you outside. They make really comfortable athleisure stuff. But yeah, we, we do need more companies kind of like doing stuff outside and yeah, it's all good. Dave 01:09:02 Yeah, I didn't know about the, the athletic brew. That's great because I'm actually on a, a beer, I p a break too, you know, Don no alcohol challenge. Whatever you wanna do. Well Shelby 01:09:09 They, they have like this non-alcoholic I p A. That's pretty good. Dave 01:09:12 Yeah, I have one, I have, I have some in right now with me. I'm, yeah, so it's, it's good. I think that's always the thing. You get to those places you're on the river, which we're, which we're heading and you know, going back to the old thing, you gotta realize it's good to change it up sometimes and take a break and you know, mixed up a little bit. So this is, this is amazing. Dean, where Shelby 01:09:31 Are you based? Dave 01:09:31 Yeah, so I'm, I'm actually in Oregon on the coast. Oh Shelby 01:09:35 Cool. Dave 01:09:36 Yeah, so about two hours west of Portland. But our podcast, you know, has become a national podcast. So we've got listeners just as you know, many in New York as we do out here. So it's been pretty cool. Yeah, we started, we started niched out and then just grew into everything. Our Shelby 01:09:50 Production team is based in Oregon. Oh, nice. Yeah. Puddle creative. But the coast is really cool. So where on the coast are you? Dave 01:09:57 Alem? So just basically it's a tiny little town just west of, west of Portland, two hours west of Portland. That's cool. Shelby 01:10:04 Is there surfing? Dave 01:10:05 Oh yeah. Yeah. I got a surfboard. I'm a weak surfer though, so I'm like, I've got a surfboard though. It's one of those things where it's this another Is that, yeah. Shelby 01:10:13 Is that where like Ben Moon lives? you know him? Dave 01:10:16 Oh you know, it might be, I know Seaside, Oregon is known as a, a serious, there's this wave out there off of the south break. It's this known, it's really local wave, but I think a lot of people around the world know about it. So Yeah, seaside does. Yeah, we have some waves. We're, I don't think we're, yeah, we're not at the level with some, but there's definitely people that are hardcore surfers out there. Shelby 01:10:36 You know who else does good stuff? There's a company called Prana. Oh yeah, Dave 01:10:39 Yeah, I know. Yeah, yeah, Shelby 01:10:40 They're local in San Diego, but there's also a company called Tote and Co. They're in Santa Barbara. But they do great stuff and they actually have really quality gear. I like them a lot. I mean Patagonia though. I just went to two events at their store this week. It's an incredible brand and it's really become even more incredible as the brand has grown, which, you know, a lot of times when brands grow, they water down and not them. Dave 01:11:04 Oh right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And have they done that just on the, the R E I I I I I I'm curious about that because the co-op right? I mean, how have they kept it? Is it just 'cause they are, they're the owners or how is that different than any other, say don don't know, whatever Bass Pro shop or something like that, that maybe it's more corporate or something. Shelby 01:11:21 I have no idea how r e I does it. Yeah, Dave 01:11:23 Okay. They won't Shelby 01:11:24 Bring, my business model is really different than any other business model I've worked with, I've worked with companies that are licensing brands. I worked with Body Glove, I worked with Vans that was acquired by vf and Vans is an amazing brand that does a lot Yeah. Vans for skateboarding and surfing. So they're another one that I really believe in. And I would've worked there forever if I could have, if I could have worked from home and didn't have to go to an office. But at the time that was not an option. And don don't know I mean the r d I call up model is really interesting. I mean it's inclusive, it's, you know, it's pretty interesting. Dave 01:11:58 Everybody doesn't own it, but everybody has a part of Yeah. You get your dividend and it just makes you feel like, oh, this is a, a unique thing don don't get from everybody. Yeah, Shelby 01:12:06 It's pretty cool. But I have not, I, I'm not gonna lie that I haven't really paid attention to their business model. Right. That's right. I just work with them and I love them and I know that I've worked with so many companies in the outdoor industry and they're like doing, they give their money away. Yeah. Like it's incredible. Yeah. Dave 01:12:22 Yeah. Well, and one more, I just think, because again, there's a lot of, there's podcasters, people that wanna get into podcast. Do you have a tip on like growth I mean, I'm sure r e I does a lot of the growth strategy, but if somebody's thinking like, man, they want to keep growing their show, make it bigger and bigger and they wanna, what do you, what do you tell somebody? Shelby 01:12:37 Well, I actually resisted this for many years, but I mean you gotta go on other podcasts yourself or work with them or buy an ad with them. And then I actually used to do this gorilla approach that I think worked really well. I would put flyers up in coffee shops and just no one else is doing it. And with QR codes, I think it's smart and it's attractive. I think making a video trailer for your podcasts that's like titillating and exciting is really good. There's a girl who just put out this podcast called Old Money Podcast and her video trailer that's on Instagram is so cool. And for my book, I made a video trailer and I was like, you know, this is, I kind of made it look like a little movie. Shelby 01:13:19 I think that that kind of stuff works. The biggest thing is figure out a way to work with Apple Podcasts if they feature you. you know, it used to used to be more meaningful, but it still is really meaningful. And the other tip I say is like, if you can get in people's newsletters and have them link to your podcast, that is huge. Yep. Newsletters are powerful, but other people's newsletters not yours. No, Dave 01:13:44 Not yours. Exactly. Shelby 01:13:45 Everybody's heard of you. Dave 01:13:47 That's right. Those are great tips. Awesome. Well, we'll put all this in the show notes and we'll get a nice blog post to wrap it up around the podcast. And Dave, Shelby 01:13:54 You're great. Yeah, I'm really excited that we connected. I wanna talk more. I wanna hear about your business and your other business podcast and more Dave 01:14:00 For sure. All right, Shelby, well, excited to keep in touch with you and we'll look forward to talking to you soon. Shelby 01:14:05 Awesome. Well thank you again for having me. Dave 01:14:08 That is a wrap. You can grab all of the show notes at wetly Swing dot com and please follow us on Instagram and share this episode out with someone you love. Please send me an email Dave at wetly Swing dot com if you have any feedback or want us to put together an episode on this podcast for you. Check in anytime. I hope you enjoyed this podcast and would love to meet up with you on the water. We have new fly fishing schools going all year long and all around the country, so if you want to connect, let's do it right now. Alright, time to get outta here. I hope you have a great evening. I hope you have a great morning or great afternoon wherever in the world you are. And I appreciate you for stopping by and checking out the show today. Dave 01:14:50 We'll talk to you soon, 4 01:14:51 Thanks for listening to the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing show. For notes and links from this episode, visit Wet fly Swing dot com. CONCLUSION WITH SHELBY STANGER ON WILD IDEAS WORTH LIVING Our conversation with Shelby Stanger and our own podcasting journey has been a remarkable exploration of passion, storytelling, and the pursuit of wild ideas. Shelby’s inspiring path from adventure columnist to podcast host exemplifies the power of following one’s passions, while our own experiences underscore the diverse opportunities within the podcasting world. We’ve touched on themes of self-love, outdoor adventure, and the technical aspects of podcasting, emphasizing the importance of engaging listeners and sponsors. Our discussion reminds us of the ever-changing media landscape and the enduring impact of storytelling. We hope that you, our listeners, have found inspiration and motivation in these conversations, and perhaps even discovered your own wild idea to pursue. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to continuing this journey together. SUBSCRIBE TO THE WET FLY SWING FLY FISHING PODCAST! Subscribe We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time. Powered By ConvertKit SHARE Facebook Twitter * * Previous articleWFS 513 – The Life and Works of Ernest Hemingway with Mark Cirino – One True Pod, One True Sentence, Mets Next articleWFS 515 – Mossy Creek Fly Fishing with Colby Trow – Fly Fishing School, Fly Casting, Trout Dave I'm Dave Stewart, a passionate fly-tying mentor, course teacher and writer. 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