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(03) 9445 3535

200 Alexandra Parade,
Fitzroy VIC 3065

Book Storage (03) 9445 3535 Change location

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm

Sat: 9am - 2pm

Sun: Closed

Access Hours

Mon-Fri: 5am - 9pm

Sat: 5am - 9pm

Sun: 5am - 9pm

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SMALL - 1.5 × 1.7M -

Upper Level Upper level units are easily accessible with our industrial goods


25% off 1st Month

MEDIUM - 1.8 × 3.1M -

Upper Level Upper level units are easily accessible with our industrial goods


25% off 1st Month

LARGE - 3.4 × 6.2M -

Upper Level Upper level units are easily accessible with our industrial goods


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SMALL - 1 × 2M -

Upper Level Upper level units are easily accessible with our industrial goods


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MEDIUM - 2 × 3M -

Upper Level Upper level units are easily accessible with our industrial goods


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LARGE - 3 × 5M -

Upper Level Upper level units are easily accessible with our industrial goods


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Receipt & Dispatch

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Goods Lift

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1 of 4

Mark Moynihan

2 years ago

I've been using Fry's Storage Fitzroy for years and love it. Not only is it
conveniently located, but the staff are so super friendly and helpful.

Nadia Fedorenko

a year ago

First time storing here yet I've passed this storage facility for many decades
even prior to the National Storage Group taking it over and I have found my
experience excellent so far. It is so convenient for me. The staff are friendly.
The process is easy. It's secure and clean. There are lots of trolleys to use. I
wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

Kylie Travers

3 years ago

Amazing service! I booked the other day, moved my stuff in the next day and it
was the best experience. Staff were super friendly and helpful. Answered all my
questions easily and it was such a smooth transaction. I scored a storage unit
right near the lift too. The whole complex is super clean, easy to navigate and
completely secure. And of course, the location is great. I'd highly recommend

Retro Rescuers

2 years ago

We have been renting a unit from Frys for almost a year. Very accessible and
friendly staff. Today we needed to upgrade our unit for our growing business and
Gio was able to assist us. We secured our perfect unit with no hassle at all.
Very thankful to have Frys storage right around the corner from our house. Thank


Collingwood Storage

110 Wellington Street,
Collingwood VIC 3066

03 9419 4488 Find out more

Brunswick Storage

60 Dawson Street,
Brunswick VIC 3056

03 9388 0788 Find out more

Richmond Storage

Cnr River & Murphy Streets,
Richmond VIC 3121

03 9429 4759 Find out more


National Storage Fitzroy is located at 200 Alexandra Parade, within four
kilometres of the Melbourne CBD in North Fitzroy and at the base of the Eastern

Our self-storage facility in Fitzroy is perfect for locals and those who live in
any of the below suburbs:

 * Abbotsford
 * Brunswick East
 * Brunswick West
 * Burnley
 * Carlton
 * Cremorne
 * Fairfield
 * Fitzroy North
 * Flemington
 * Kensington
 * Kew
 * North Melbourne
 * Northcote
 * Parkville
 * Richmond
 * South Melbourne
 * Southbank

With over 800 units and 20 different sized units available, National Storage
Fitzroy will have you spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing the right unit
for your storage needs.


 * Brisbane Storage
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Caloundra Cannon Hill Capalaba Carrara Coolum Coorparoo Currajong Currumbin
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Noosa Noosa Business North Lakes Ormeau Oxley Robina Rothwell Slade Point
Springfield Springwood Strathpine Virginia Wynnum Yandina Yandina East Yandina
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Albury Storage Storage Sydney Blue Mountains Storage Mid North Coast Storage
Central Coast Storage Wollongong & Illawarra Storage Albion Park Rail Albury
Albury Airport Alexandria – Wine Artarmon Beresfield Berkeley Vale Blaxland
Camperdown Chatswood Chatswood – Wine Chinderah Bay Coffs Harbour Dee Why East
Albury Gladesville Glendenning Hornsby Kurnell Lawson Lisarow Maitland
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Wyong Penrith Pymble Queanbeyan Rutherford Seven Hills Springwood NSW St Marys
Thornton Toongabbie Tweed Heads Unanderra West Gosford
Adelaide Storage Aldinga Cheltenham Croydon Park Hindmarsh Klemzig Marion Mawson
Lakes Port Adelaide Reynella Salisbury
Perth Storage Bayswater Belmont Bibra Lake Butler Byford Canning Vale Cockburn
East Perth Embleton Forrestdale Fremantle Guildford Jandakot Joondalup Kelmscott
Landsdale Malaga Mandurah Martin O’Connor Osborne Park Perth Perth Airport Port
Kennedy Rockingham South Fremantle Subiaco Wangara Welshpool Yanchep
Wodonga Storage Storage Melbourne Geelong Storage Bayswater (VIC) Box Hill
Braeside Breakwater Breakwater South Brooklyn Brunswick Bundoora Canterbury
Chelsea Heights Clayton Clayton West Coburg Collingwood Croydon South Dandenong
South Fitzroy Frankston Glen Iris Glenferrie Hawthorn Highett Hoppers Crossing
Kilsyth Maidstone Moolap Moorabbin Mordialloc Mornington (VIC) North Geelong
North Melbourne Northcote Pakenham Port Melbourne Port Melbourne West Prahran
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Thomastown Tullamarine Tullamarine Airport Wodonga
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