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Submitted URL: https://ctrk.klclick3.com/l/01HXZ0X7HMZZC0T1R5KP8VB66F_2
Effective URL: https://www.ejuices.com/products/lemon-twist-salt-series-60ml?_pos=6&_sid=37f947830&_ss=r&variant=43120581443763&_kx=Hqm...
Submission: On May 16 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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Home Lemon Twist Vape Juice 30mL x 2

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Lemon Twist Salts (2x30mL)

Who doesn't love a tall glass of lemonade on a hot day? Lemon Twist E-Liquid
gives you that fantastic lemon taste with add-ins that will rock your world.
Allow the fruity flavor to add a hint of zest and tartness to everything it
meets giving it extra interest.


• Pink No.1 (Pink Punch) - Pink Lemonade
• Pink 0° (Pink Punch ICED) - Pink Lemonade | Menthol
• Green No. 1 (Honeydew Melon Chew) - Honeydew Melon
• Red No. 1 (Watermelon Madness) - Watermelon
• Mango Cream Dream - Mango | Cream
• Crimson No. 1 (Strawberry Crush) - Strawberry | Lemonade
• Watermelon Madness Iced - Watermelon | Menthol
• Mint 0° (Arctic Cool Mint) - Mint | Menthol
• Dragonthol - Dragonfruit | Menthol
• Iced Apple Smash - Apple | Menthol
• Menthol No. 1 - Menthol
• Mint No. 1 - Mint | Menthol
• Pampaya - Papaya | Pomegranate
• Purple No. 1 - Mixed Berries | Lemonade

• Bottle Size - x2 30mL Unicorn Bottles
• Available Nicotine - 35mg | 50mg
• VG/PG Ratio - 50VG/50PG

Choose a variant 35mg / Rainbow No. 1 - $15.99 35mg / White No. 1 - $15.99 35mg
/ Dragonthol - $15.99 35mg / Yellow Peaches - $15.99 35mg / Space No.1 - $15.99
35mg / Blend No.1 (Pucker Punch) - $15.99 35mg / White Grape - $15.99 35mg /
Mint No.1 - $15.99 35mg / Crimson No.1 - $15.99 35mg / (Berry Twist) Berry
Medley Lemonade - $15.99 35mg / Grape Berry Mix - $15.99 35mg / Wild Red -
$15.99 35mg / Pampaya - $15.99 35mg / Sour Red - $15.99 35mg / Tobacco Gold No.1
- $15.99 35mg / Menthol No.1 - $15.99 35mg / Iced Apple Smash - $15.99 35mg /
Red 0 - $15.99 35mg / Pucker Punch Iced - $15.99 35mg / Honeydew Melon Chew -
$15.99 35mg / Mango Cream Dream - $15.99 35mg / Pink Punch - $15.99 35mg / Pink
Punch Iced - $15.99 35mg / Strawberry Crush Ice - $15.99 35mg / Watermelon
Madness - $15.99 35mg / Frosted Amber - $15.99 35mg / Arctic Cool Mint - $15.99
50mg / White No. 1 - $15.99 50mg / Yellow Peaches - $15.99 50mg / Space No.1 -
$15.99 50mg / White Grape - $15.99 50mg / Rainbow No. 1 - $15.99 50mg / Tobacco
Gold No.1 - $15.99 50mg / Menthol No.1 - $15.99 50mg / Wild Red - $15.99 50mg /
Sour Red - $15.99 50mg / Frosted Amber - $15.99 50mg / Dragonthol - $15.99 50mg
/ Arctic Cool Mint - $15.99 50mg / Pucker Punch Iced - $15.99 50mg / Honeydew
Melon Chew - $15.99 50mg / Mango Cream Dream - $15.99 50mg / Pink Punch - $15.99
50mg / Pink Punch Iced - $15.99 50mg / Strawberry Crush Ice - $15.99 50mg /
Watermelon Madness - $15.99 50mg / Red 0 - $15.99 50mg / (Berry Twist) Berry
Medley Lemonade - $15.99 50mg / Iced Apple Smash - $15.99 50mg / Blend No.1
(Pucker Punch) - $15.99 50mg / Mint No.1 - $15.99 50mg / Crimson No.1 - $15.99
50mg / Grape Berry Mix - $15.99 50mg / Pampaya - $15.99 20mg / Pink Punch -
$15.99 20mg / Honeydew Melon Chew - $15.99 20mg / Pink Punch Iced - $15.99 20mg
/ Watermelon Madness - $15.99 Nicotine Level: 35mg
Flavor: (Berry Twist) Berry Medley Lemonade
Rainbow No. 1
White No. 1
Yellow Peaches
Space No.1
Blend No.1 (Pucker Punch)
White Grape
Mint No.1
Crimson No.1
(Berry Twist) Berry Medley Lemonade
Grape Berry Mix
Wild Red
Sour Red
Tobacco Gold No.1
Menthol No.1
Red 0
Pucker Punch Iced
Honeydew Melon Chew
Pink Punch
Pink Punch Iced
Strawberry Crush Ice
Watermelon Madness
Frosted Amber
Arctic Cool Mint

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   Lemon Twist Salts (2x30mL) Who doesn't love a tall glass of lemonade on a hot
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