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A Type
Thing > CreativeWork

 * Canonical URL:
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The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs,
software programs, etc.

PropertyExpected TypeDescription Properties from CreativeWork about Thing The
subject matter of the content.
Inverse property: subjectOf abstract Text An abstract is a short description
that summarizes a CreativeWork. accessMode Text The human sensory perceptual
system or cognitive faculty through which a person may process or perceive
information. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
accessModeSufficient ItemList A list of single or combined accessModes that are
sufficient to understand all the intellectual content of a resource. Values
should be drawn from the approved vocabulary. accessibilityAPI Text Indicates
that the resource is compatible with the referenced accessibility API. Values
should be drawn from the approved vocabulary. accessibilityControl Text
Identifies input methods that are sufficient to fully control the described
resource. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
accessibilityFeature Text Content features of the resource, such as accessible
media, alternatives and supported enhancements for accessibility. Values should
be drawn from the approved vocabulary. accessibilityHazard Text A characteristic
of the described resource that is physiologically dangerous to some users.
Related to WCAG 2.0 guideline 2.3. Values should be drawn from the approved
vocabulary. accessibilitySummary Text A human-readable summary of specific
accessibility features or deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility
metadata but expressing subtleties such as "short descriptions are present but
long descriptions will be needed for non-visual users" or "short descriptions
are present and no long descriptions are needed". accountablePerson Person
Specifies the Person that is legally accountable for the CreativeWork.
acquireLicensePage CreativeWork  or
URL Indicates a page documenting how licenses can be purchased or otherwise
acquired, for the current item. aggregateRating AggregateRating The overall
rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item.
alternativeHeadline Text A secondary title of the CreativeWork. archivedAt URL 
WebPage Indicates a page or other link involved in archival of a CreativeWork.
In the case of MediaReview, the items in a MediaReviewItem may often become
inaccessible, but be archived by archival, journalistic, activist, or law
enforcement organizations. In such cases, the referenced page may not directly
publish the content. assesses DefinedTerm  or
Text The item being described is intended to assess the competency or learning
outcome defined by the referenced term. associatedMedia MediaObject A media
object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for encoding.
audience Audience An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was
created. Supersedes serviceAudience. audio AudioObject  or
Clip  or
MusicRecording An embedded audio object. author Organization  or
Person The author of this content or rating. Please note that author is special
in that HTML 5 provides a special mechanism for indicating authorship via the
rel tag. That is equivalent to this and may be used interchangeably. award Text
An award won by or for this item. Supersedes awards. character Person Fictional
person connected with a creative work. citation CreativeWork  or
Text A citation or reference to another creative work, such as another
publication, web page, scholarly article, etc. comment Comment Comments,
typically from users. commentCount Integer The number of comments this
CreativeWork (e.g. Article, Question or Answer) has received. This is most
applicable to works published in Web sites with commenting system; additional
comments may exist elsewhere. conditionsOfAccess Text Conditions that affect the
availability of, or method(s) of access to, an item. Typically used for real
world items such as an ArchiveComponent held by an ArchiveOrganization. This
property is not suitable for use as a general Web access control mechanism. It
is expressed only in natural language.

For example "Available by appointment from the Reading Room" or "Accessible only
from logged-in accounts ". contentLocation Place The location depicted or
described in the content. For example, the location in a photograph or painting.
contentRating Rating  or
Text Official rating of a piece of content—for example, 'MPAA PG-13'.
contentReferenceTime DateTime The specific time described by a creative work,
for works (e.g. articles, video objects etc.) that emphasise a particular moment
within an Event. contributor Organization  or
Person A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event. copyrightHolder
Organization  or
Person The party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork.
copyrightNotice Text Text of a notice appropriate for describing the copyright
aspects of this Creative Work, ideally indicating the owner of the copyright for
the Work. copyrightYear Number The year during which the claimed copyright for
the CreativeWork was first asserted. correction CorrectionComment  or
Text  or
URL Indicates a correction to a CreativeWork, either via a CorrectionComment,
textually or in another document. countryOfOrigin Country The country of origin
of something, including products as well as creative works such as movie and TV

In the case of TV and movie, this would be the country of the principle offices
of the production company or individual responsible for the movie. For other
kinds of CreativeWork it is difficult to provide fully general guidance, and
properties such as contentLocation and locationCreated may be more applicable.

In the case of products, the country of origin of the product. The exact
interpretation of this may vary by context and product type, and cannot be fully
enumerated here. creativeWorkStatus DefinedTerm  or
Text The status of a creative work in terms of its stage in a lifecycle. Example
terms include Incomplete, Draft, Published, Obsolete. Some organizations define
a set of terms for the stages of their publication lifecycle. creator
Organization  or
Person The creator/author of this CreativeWork. This is the same as the Author
property for CreativeWork. creditText Text Text that can be used to credit
person(s) and/or organization(s) associated with a published Creative Work.
dateCreated Date  or
DateTime The date on which the CreativeWork was created or the item was added to
a DataFeed. dateModified Date  or
DateTime The date on which the CreativeWork was most recently modified or when
the item's entry was modified within a DataFeed. datePublished Date  or
DateTime Date of first publication or broadcast. For example the date a
CreativeWork was broadcast or a Certification was issued. digitalSourceType
IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration Indicates an IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration code
indicating the nature of the digital source(s) for some CreativeWork.
discussionUrl URL A link to the page containing the comments of the
CreativeWork. editEIDR Text  or
URL An EIDR (Entertainment Identifier Registry) identifier representing a
specific edit / edition for a work of film or television.

For example, the motion picture known as "Ghostbusters" whose titleEIDR is
"10.5240/7EC7-228A-510A-053E-CBB8-J" has several edits, e.g.
"10.5240/1F2A-E1C5-680A-14C6-E76B-I" and "10.5240/8A35-3BEE-6497-5D12-9E4F-3".

Since types like Movie and TVEpisode can be used for both works and
their multiple expressions, it is possible to use titleEIDR alone (for a general
description), or alongside editEIDR for a more edit-specific description. editor
Person Specifies the Person who edited the CreativeWork. educationalAlignment
AlignmentObject An alignment to an established educational framework.

This property should not be used where the nature of the alignment can be
described using a simple property, for example to express that a resource
teaches or assesses a competency. educationalLevel DefinedTerm  or
Text  or
URL The level in terms of progression through an educational or training
context. Examples of educational levels include 'beginner', 'intermediate' or
'advanced', and formal sets of level indicators. educationalUse DefinedTerm  or
Text The purpose of a work in the context of education; for example,
'assignment', 'group work'. encoding MediaObject A media object that encodes
this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for associatedMedia. Supersedes
Inverse property: encodesCreativeWork encodingFormat Text  or
URL Media type typically expressed using a MIME format (see IANA site and MDN
reference), e.g. application/zip for a SoftwareApplication binary, audio/mpeg
for .mp3 etc.

In cases where a CreativeWork has several media type representations, encoding
can be used to indicate each MediaObject alongside particular encodingFormat

Unregistered or niche encoding and file formats can be indicated instead via the
most appropriate URL, e.g. defining Web page or a Wikipedia/Wikidata entry.
Supersedes fileFormat. exampleOfWork CreativeWork A creative work that this work
is an example/instance/realization/derivation of.
Inverse property: workExample expires Date  or
DateTime Date the content expires and is no longer useful or available. For
example a VideoObject or NewsArticle whose availability or relevance is
time-limited, a ClaimReview fact check whose publisher wants to indicate that it
may no longer be relevant (or helpful to highlight) after some date, or a
Certification the validity has expired. funder Organization  or
Person A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some
kind of financial contribution. funding Grant A Grant that directly or
indirectly provide funding or sponsorship for this item. See also
Inverse property: fundedItem genre Text  or
URL Genre of the creative work, broadcast channel or group. hasPart CreativeWork
Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in
some sense).
Inverse property: isPartOf headline Text Headline of the article. inLanguage
Language  or
Text The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Please use
one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard. See also
availableLanguage. Supersedes language. interactionStatistic InteractionCounter
The number of interactions for the CreativeWork using the WebSite or
SoftwareApplication. The most specific child type of InteractionCounter should
be used. Supersedes interactionCount. interactivityType Text The predominant
mode of learning supported by the learning resource. Acceptable values are
'active', 'expositive', or 'mixed'. interpretedAsClaim Claim Used to indicate a
specific claim contained, implied, translated or refined from the content of a
MediaObject or other CreativeWork. The interpreting party can be indicated using
claimInterpreter. isAccessibleForFree Boolean A flag to signal that the item,
event, or place is accessible for free. Supersedes free. isBasedOn CreativeWork 
Product  or
URL A resource from which this work is derived or from which it is a
modification or adaptation. Supersedes isBasedOnUrl. isFamilyFriendly Boolean
Indicates whether this content is family friendly. isPartOf CreativeWork  or
URL Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some
sense), is part of.
Inverse property: hasPart keywords DefinedTerm  or
Text  or
URL Keywords or tags used to describe some item. Multiple textual entries in a
keywords list are typically delimited by commas, or by repeating the property.
learningResourceType DefinedTerm  or
Text The predominant type or kind characterizing the learning resource. For
example, 'presentation', 'handout'. license CreativeWork  or
URL A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
locationCreated Place The location where the CreativeWork was created, which may
not be the same as the location depicted in the CreativeWork. mainEntity Thing
Indicates the primary entity described in some page or other CreativeWork.
Inverse property: mainEntityOfPage maintainer Organization  or
Person A maintainer of a Dataset, software package (SoftwareApplication), or
other Project. A maintainer is a Person or Organization that manages
contributions to, and/or publication of, some (typically complex) artifact. It
is common for distributions of software and data to be based on "upstream"
sources. When maintainer is applied to a specific version of something e.g. a
particular version or packaging of a Dataset, it is always possible that the
upstream source has a different maintainer. The isBasedOn property can be used
to indicate such relationships between datasets to make the different
maintenance roles clear. Similarly in the case of software, a package may have
dedicated maintainers working on integration into software distributions such as
Ubuntu, as well as upstream maintainers of the underlying work. material
Product  or
Text  or
URL A material that something is made from, e.g. leather, wool, cotton, paper.
materialExtent QuantitativeValue  or
Text The quantity of the materials being described or an expression of the
physical space they occupy. mentions Thing Indicates that the CreativeWork
contains a reference to, but is not necessarily about a concept. offers Demand 
Offer An offer to provide this item—for example, an offer to sell a product,
rent the DVD of a movie, perform a service, or give away tickets to an event.
Use businessFunction to indicate the kind of transaction offered, i.e. sell,
lease, etc. This property can also be used to describe a Demand. While this
property is listed as expected on a number of common types, it can be used in
others. In that case, using a second type, such as Product or a subtype of
Product, can clarify the nature of the offer.
Inverse property: itemOffered pattern DefinedTerm  or
Text A pattern that something has, for example 'polka dot', 'striped', 'Canadian
flag'. Values are typically expressed as text, although links to controlled
value schemes are also supported. position Integer  or
Text The position of an item in a series or sequence of items. producer
Organization  or
Person The person or organization who produced the work (e.g. music album,
movie, TV/radio series etc.). provider Organization  or
Person The service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods
producer. Another party (a seller) may offer those services or goods on behalf
of the provider. A provider may also serve as the seller. Supersedes carrier.
publication PublicationEvent A publication event associated with the item.
publisher Organization  or
Person The publisher of the creative work. publisherImprint Organization The
publishing division which published the comic. publishingPrinciples
CreativeWork  or
URL The publishingPrinciples property indicates (typically via URL) a document
describing the editorial principles of an Organization (or individual, e.g. a
Person writing a blog) that relate to their activities as a publisher, e.g.
ethics or diversity policies. When applied to a CreativeWork (e.g. NewsArticle)
the principles are those of the party primarily responsible for the creation of
the CreativeWork.

While such policies are most typically expressed in natural language, sometimes
related information (e.g. indicating a funder) can be expressed using
terminology. recordedAt Event The Event where the CreativeWork was recorded. The
CreativeWork may capture all or part of the event.
Inverse property: recordedIn releasedEvent PublicationEvent The place and time
the release was issued, expressed as a PublicationEvent. review Review A review
of the item. Supersedes reviews. schemaVersion Text  or
URL Indicates (by URL or string) a particular version of a schema used in some
CreativeWork. This property was created primarily to indicate the use of a
specific release, e.g. 10.0 as a simple string, or more explicitly
via URL, There may be situations in
which other schemas might usefully be referenced this way, e.g. but this has
not been carefully explored in the community. sdDatePublished Date Indicates the
date on which the current structured data was generated / published. Typically
used alongside sdPublisher. sdLicense CreativeWork  or
URL A license document that applies to this structured data, typically indicated
by URL. sdPublisher Organization  or
Person Indicates the party responsible for generating and publishing the current
structured data markup, typically in cases where the structured data is derived
automatically from existing published content but published on a different site.
For example, student projects and open data initiatives often re-publish
existing content with more explicitly structured metadata. The sdPublisher
property helps make such practices more explicit. size DefinedTerm  or
QuantitativeValue  or
SizeSpecification  or
Text A standardized size of a product or creative work, specified either through
a simple textual string (for example 'XL', '32Wx34L'), a QuantitativeValue with
a unitCode, or a comprehensive and structured SizeSpecification; in other cases,
the width, height, depth and weight properties may be more applicable.
sourceOrganization Organization The Organization on whose behalf the creator was
working. spatial Place The "spatial" property can be used in cases when more
specific properties (e.g. locationCreated, spatialCoverage, contentLocation) are
not known to be appropriate. spatialCoverage Place The spatialCoverage of a
CreativeWork indicates the place(s) which are the focus of the content. It is a
subproperty of contentLocation intended primarily for more technical and
detailed materials. For example with a Dataset, it indicates areas that the
dataset describes: a dataset of New York weather would have spatialCoverage
which was the place: the state of New York. sponsor Organization  or
Person A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise,
or financial contribution. E.g. a sponsor of a Medical Study or a corporate
sponsor of an event. teaches DefinedTerm  or
Text The item being described is intended to help a person learn the competency
or learning outcome defined by the referenced term. temporal DateTime  or
Text The "temporal" property can be used in cases where more specific properties
(e.g. temporalCoverage, dateCreated, dateModified, datePublished) are not known
to be appropriate. temporalCoverage DateTime  or
Text  or
URL The temporalCoverage of a CreativeWork indicates the period that the content
applies to, i.e. that it describes, either as a DateTime or as a textual string
indicating a time period in ISO 8601 time interval format. In the case of a
Dataset it will typically indicate the relevant time period in a precise
notation (e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 would be written
"2011/2012"). Other forms of content, e.g. ScholarlyArticle, Book, TVSeries or
TVEpisode, may indicate their temporalCoverage in broader terms - textually or
via well-known URL. Written works such as books may sometimes have precise
temporal coverage too, e.g. a work set in 1939 - 1945 can be indicated in ISO
8601 interval format format via "1939/1945".

Open-ended date ranges can be written with ".." in place of the end date. For
example, "2015-11/.." indicates a range beginning in November 2015 and with no
specified final date. This is tentative and might be updated in future when ISO
8601 is officially updated. Supersedes datasetTimeInterval. text Text The
textual content of this CreativeWork. thumbnail ImageObject Thumbnail image for
an image or video. thumbnailUrl URL A thumbnail image relevant to the Thing.
timeRequired Duration Approximate or typical time it usually takes to work with
or through the content of this work for the typical or target audience.
translationOfWork CreativeWork The work that this work has been translated from.
E.g. 物种起源 is a translationOf “On the Origin of Species”.
Inverse property: workTranslation translator Organization  or
Person Organization or person who adapts a creative work to different languages,
regional differences and technical requirements of a target market, or that
translates during some event. typicalAgeRange Text The typical expected age
range, e.g. '7-9', '11-'. usageInfo CreativeWork  or
URL The usageInfo property indicates further information about a
CreativeWork. This property is applicable both to works that are freely
available and to those that require payment or other transactions. It can
reference additional information, e.g. community expectations on preferred
linking and citation conventions, as well as purchasing details. For something
that can be commercially licensed, usageInfo can provide detailed,
resource-specific information about licensing options.

This property can be used alongside the license property which indicates
license(s) applicable to some piece of content. The usageInfo property can
provide information about other licensing options, e.g. acquiring commercial
usage rights for an image that is also available under non-commercial creative
commons licenses. version Number  or
Text The version of the CreativeWork embodied by a specified resource. video
Clip  or
VideoObject An embedded video object. workExample CreativeWork
Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work.
E.g. the paperback edition, first edition, or e-book.
Inverse property: exampleOfWork workTranslation CreativeWork A work that is a
translation of the content of this work. E.g. 西遊記 has an English workTranslation
“Journey to the West”, a German workTranslation “Monkeys Pilgerfahrt” and a
Vietnamese translation Tây du ký bình khảo.
Inverse property: translationOfWork Properties from Thing additionalType Text 
URL An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific
types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship
between something and a class that the thing is in. Typically the value is a
URI-identified RDF class, and in this case corresponds to the use of rdf:type in
RDF. Text values can be used sparingly, for cases where useful information can
be added without their being an appropriate schema to reference. In the case of
text values, the class label should follow the style guide.
alternateName Text An alias for the item. description Text  or
TextObject A description of the item. disambiguatingDescription Text A sub
property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate
from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular,
name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.
identifier PropertyValue  or
Text  or
URL The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of
Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated
properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL
(URI) links. See background notes for more details. image ImageObject  or
URL An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
mainEntityOfPage CreativeWork  or
URL Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main
entity being described. See background notes for details.
Inverse property: mainEntity name Text The name of the item. potentialAction
Action Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in
which this thing would play an 'object' role. sameAs URL URL of a reference Web
page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the
item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website. subjectOf
CreativeWork  or
Event A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing.
Inverse property: about url URL URL of the item.

Instances of CreativeWork may appear as a value for the following properties

PropertyOn TypesDescription acquireLicensePage CreativeWork Indicates a page
documenting how licenses can be purchased or otherwise acquired, for the current
item. actionableFeedbackPolicy NewsMediaOrganization  or
Organization For a NewsMediaOrganization or other news-related Organization, a
statement about public engagement activities (for news media, the newsroom’s),
including involving the public - digitally or otherwise -- in coverage
decisions, reporting and activities after publication. appearance Claim
Indicates an occurrence of a Claim in some CreativeWork. backstory Article For
an Article, typically a NewsArticle, the backstory property provides a textual
summary giving a brief explanation of why and how an article was created. In a
journalistic setting this could include information about reporting process,
methods, interviews, data sources, etc. cheatCode VideoGame  or
VideoGameSeries Cheat codes to the game. citation CreativeWork A citation or
reference to another creative work, such as another publication, web page,
scholarly article, etc. correctionsPolicy NewsMediaOrganization  or
Organization For an Organization (e.g. NewsMediaOrganization), a statement
describing (in news media, the newsroom’s) disclosure and correction policy for
errors. discusses UserComments Specifies the CreativeWork associated with the
UserComment. diversityPolicy NewsMediaOrganization  or
Organization Statement on diversity policy by an Organization e.g. a
NewsMediaOrganization. For a NewsMediaOrganization, a statement describing the
newsroom’s diversity policy on both staffing and sources, typically providing
staffing data. documentation WebAPI Further documentation describing the Web API
in more detail. encodesCreativeWork MediaObject The CreativeWork encoded by this
media object. ethicsPolicy NewsMediaOrganization  or
Organization Statement about ethics policy, e.g. of a NewsMediaOrganization
regarding journalistic and publishing practices, or of a Restaurant, a page
describing food source policies. In the case of a NewsMediaOrganization, an
ethicsPolicy is typically a statement describing the personal, organizational,
and corporate standards of behavior expected by the organization. exampleOfWork
CreativeWork A creative work that this work is an
example/instance/realization/derivation of. firstAppearance Claim Indicates the
first known occurrence of a Claim in some CreativeWork. fundedItem Grant
Indicates something directly or indirectly funded or sponsored through a Grant.
See also ownershipFundingInfo. gameTip VideoGame Links to tips, tactics, etc.
hasPart CreativeWork Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this
item, or CreativeWork (in some sense). isBasedOn CreativeWork A resource from
which this work is derived or from which it is a modification or adaptation.
isBasedOnUrl CreativeWork A resource that was used in the creation of this
resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example, isPartOf CreativeWork
Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some
sense), is part of. itemOffered Demand  or
Offer An item being offered (or demanded). The transactional nature of the offer
or demand is documented using businessFunction, e.g. sell, lease etc. While
several common expected types are listed explicitly in this definition, others
can be used. Using a second type, such as Product or a subtype of Product, can
clarify the nature of the offer. license CreativeWork A license document that
applies to this content, typically indicated by URL. lyrics MusicComposition The
words in the song. mainEntityOfPage Thing Indicates a page (or other
CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See
background notes for details. masthead NewsMediaOrganization For a
NewsMediaOrganization, a link to the masthead page or a page listing top
editorial management. messageAttachment Message A CreativeWork attached to the
message. missionCoveragePrioritiesPolicy NewsMediaOrganization For a
NewsMediaOrganization, a statement on coverage priorities, including any public
agenda or stance on issues. noBylinesPolicy NewsMediaOrganization For a
NewsMediaOrganization or other news-related Organization, a statement explaining
when authors of articles are not named in bylines. ownershipFundingInfo
NewsMediaOrganization  or
Organization For an Organization (often but not necessarily a
NewsMediaOrganization), a description of organizational ownership structure;
funding and grants. In a news/media setting, this is with particular reference
to editorial independence. Note that the funder is also available and can be
used to make basic funder information machine-readable. parentItem Answer  or
Comment  or
Question The parent of a question, answer or item in general. Typically used for
Q/A discussion threads e.g. a chain of comments with the first comment being an
Article or other CreativeWork. See also comment which points from something to a
comment about it. publishingPrinciples CreativeWork  or
Organization  or
Person The publishingPrinciples property indicates (typically via URL) a
document describing the editorial principles of an Organization (or individual,
e.g. a Person writing a blog) that relate to their activities as a publisher,
e.g. ethics or diversity policies. When applied to a CreativeWork (e.g.
NewsArticle) the principles are those of the party primarily responsible for the
creation of the CreativeWork.

While such policies are most typically expressed in natural language, sometimes
related information (e.g. indicating a funder) can be expressed using
terminology. recipeInstructions Recipe A step in making the recipe, in the form
of a single item (document, video, etc.) or an ordered list with HowToStep
and/or HowToSection items. recordedIn Event The CreativeWork that captured all
or part of this Event. sdLicense CreativeWork A license document that applies to
this structured data, typically indicated by URL. sharedContent Comment  or
SocialMediaPosting A CreativeWork such as an image, video, or audio clip shared
as part of this posting. softwareHelp SoftwareApplication Software application
help. step HowTo A single step item (as HowToStep, text, document, video, etc.)
or a HowToSection. steps HowTo  or
HowToSection A single step item (as HowToStep, text, document, video, etc.) or a
HowToSection (originally misnamed 'steps'; 'step' is preferred). subjectOf Thing
A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing. translationOfWork CreativeWork The
work that this work has been translated from. E.g. 物种起源 is a translationOf “On
the Origin of Species”. unnamedSourcesPolicy NewsMediaOrganization  or
Organization For an Organization (typically a NewsMediaOrganization), a
statement about policy on use of unnamed sources and the decision process
required. usageInfo CreativeWork The usageInfo property indicates
further information about a CreativeWork. This property is applicable both to
works that are freely available and to those that require payment or other
transactions. It can reference additional information, e.g. community
expectations on preferred linking and citation conventions, as well as
purchasing details. For something that can be commercially licensed, usageInfo
can provide detailed, resource-specific information about licensing options.

This property can be used alongside the license property which indicates
license(s) applicable to some piece of content. The usageInfo property can
provide information about other licensing options, e.g. acquiring commercial
usage rights for an image that is also available under non-commercial creative
commons licenses. verificationFactCheckingPolicy NewsMediaOrganization
Disclosure about verification and fact-checking processes for a
NewsMediaOrganization or other fact-checking Organization. workExample
CreativeWork Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this
creative work. E.g. the paperback edition, first edition, or e-book.
workFeatured Event A work featured in some event, e.g. exhibited in an
ExhibitionEvent. Specific subproperties are available for workPerformed (e.g. a
play), or a workPresented (a Movie at a ScreeningEvent). workPerformed Event A
work performed in some event, for example a play performed in a TheaterEvent.
workTranslation CreativeWork A work that is a translation of the content of this
work. E.g. 西遊記 has an English workTranslation “Journey to the West”, a German
workTranslation “Monkeys Pilgerfahrt” and a Vietnamese translation Tây du ký
bình khảo.


 * AmpStory
 * ArchiveComponent
 * Article
 * Atlas
 * Blog
 * Book
 * Certification
 * Chapter
 * Claim
 * Clip
 * Collection
 * ComicStory
 * Comment
 * Conversation
 * Course
 * CreativeWorkSeason
 * CreativeWorkSeries
 * DataCatalog
 * Dataset
 * DefinedTermSet
 * Diet
 * DigitalDocument
 * Drawing
 * EducationalOccupationalCredential
 * Episode
 * ExercisePlan
 * Game
 * Guide
 * HowTo
 * HowToDirection
 * HowToSection
 * HowToStep
 * HowToTip
 * HyperToc
 * HyperTocEntry
 * LearningResource
 * Legislation
 * Manuscript
 * Map
 * MathSolver
 * MediaObject
 * MediaReviewItem
 * Menu
 * MenuSection
 * Message
 * Movie
 * MusicComposition
 * MusicPlaylist
 * MusicRecording
 * Painting
 * Photograph
 * Play
 * Poster
 * PublicationIssue
 * PublicationVolume
 * Quotation
 * Review
 * Sculpture
 * SheetMusic
 * ShortStory
 * SoftwareApplication
 * SoftwareSourceCode
 * SpecialAnnouncement
 * Statement
 * TVSeason
 * TVSeries
 * Thesis
 * VisualArtwork
 * WebContent
 * WebPage
 * WebPageElement
 * WebSite


IPTC rNews properties
This class contains derivatives of IPTC rNews properties. rNews is a data model
of publishing metadata with serializations currently available for RDFa as well
as HTML5 Microdata. More information about the IPTC and rNews can be found at


Example 1
No Markup Microdata RDFa JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1. <div>
 2. Resistance 3: Fall of Man
 3. by Sony
 4. Platform: Playstation 3
 5. Rated: Mature
 6. <img alt="Fall of Man cover art" src="videogame.jpg" />
 7. </div>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1. <div itemscope itemtype="">
 2. <img itemprop="image" alt="Fall of Man cover art"
 3. src="videogame.jpg" />
 4. <span itemprop="name">Resistance 3: Fall of Man</span>
 5. by <span itemprop="author">Sony</span>,
 6. Platform: Playstation 3
 7. Rated:<span itemprop="contentRating">Mature</span>
 8. </div>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
 1. <div vocab="" typeof="CreativeWork">
 2. <img property="image" alt="Fall of Man cover art"
 3. src="videogame.jpg" />
 4. <span property="name">Resistance 3: Fall of Man</span>
 5. by <span property="author">Sony</span>,
 6. Platform: Playstation 3
 7. Rated:<span property="contentRating">Mature</span>
 8. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": "CreativeWork",
 5.    "author": "Sony",
 6.    "contentRating": "Mature",
 7.    "image": "videogame.jpg",
 8.    "name": "Resistance 3: Fall of Man"
 9.  }
 10. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "author": "Sony",
"contentRating": "Mature", "image": "videogame.jpg", "name": "Resistance 3: Fall
of Man" }
Example 2
No Markup Microdata RDFa JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1.  <div>
 2.     <dl>
 3.        <dt>Name:</dt>
 4.        <dd>Holt Physical Science</dd>
 5.        <dt>Brief Synopsis:</dt>
 6.        <dd>NIMAC-sourced textbook</dd>
 7.        <dt>Long Synopsis:</dt>
 8.        <dd>N/A</dd>
 9.        <dt>Book Quality:</dt>
 10.       <dd>Publisher Quality</dd>
 11.       <dt>Book Size:</dt>
 12.       <dd>598 Pages</dd>
 13.       <dt>ISBN-13:</dt>
 14.       <dd>9780030426599</dd>
 15.       <dt>Publisher:</dt>
 16.       <dd >Holt, Rinehart and Winston</dd>
 17.       <dt>Date of Addition:</dt>
 18.       <dd>06/08/10</dd>
 19.       <dt>Copyright Date:</dt>
 20.       <dd>2007</dd>
 21.       <dt>Copyrighted By:</dt>
 22.       <dd>Holt, Rinehart and Winston</dd>
 23.       <dt>Adult content:</dt>
 24.       <dd>No</dd>
 25.       <dt>Language:</dt>
 26.       <dd>English US</dd>
 27.       <dt>Essential Images:</dt>
 28.       <dd>861</dd>
 29.       <dt>Described Images:</dt>
 30.       <dd>910</dd>
 31.       <dt>Categories:</dt>
 32.       <dd>Educational Materials</dd>
 33.       <dt>Grade Levels:</dt>
 34.       <dd>Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade</dd>
 35.       <dt>Submitted By:</dt>
 36.       <dd>Bookshare Staff</dd>
 37.       <dt>NIMAC:</dt>
 38.       <dd>This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the
 39.       United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files
 40.       supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.</dd>
 41.    </dl>
 42.    <div class="bookReviews">
 43.       <h2>Reviews of Holt Physical Science (0 reviews)</h2>
 44.       <div class="bookReviewScore">
 45.          <span>0 - No Rating Yet</span>
 46.       </div>
 47.    </div>
 48. </div>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1.  <p>
 2.  This example shows the addition of Accessibility metadata. Although these properties are not
 3.  a formal enumeration, there is evolving consensus amongst accessibility experts for
 4.  appropriate values for these properties. This example shows simple text values,
 5.  as suggested by
 6.  </p>
 8.  <div itemscope="" itemtype="">
 9.     <meta itemprop="bookFormat" content="EBook/DAISY3"/>
 10.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="largePrint/CSSEnabled"/>
 11.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="highContrast/CSSEnabled"/>
 12.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="resizeText/CSSEnabled"/>
 13.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="displayTransformability"/>
 14.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription"/>
 15.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText"/>
 16.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
 17.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullMouseControl"/>
 18.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noFlashingHazard"/>
 19.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard"/>
 20.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noSoundHazard"/>
 21.    <meta itemprop="accessibilityAPI" content="ARIA"/>
 23.    <dl>
 24.       <dt>Name:</dt>
 25.       <dd itemprop="name">Holt Physical Science</dd>
 26.       <dt>Brief Synopsis:</dt>
 27.       <dd itemprop="description">NIMAC-sourced textbook</dd>
 28.       <dt>Long Synopsis:</dt>
 29.       <dd>N/A</dd>
 30.       <dt>Book Quality:</dt>
 31.       <dd>Publisher Quality</dd>
 32.       <dt>Book Size:</dt>
 33.       <dd><span itemprop="numberOfPages">598</span> Pages</dd>
 34.       <dt>ISBN-13:</dt>
 35.       <dd itemprop="isbn">9780030426599</dd>
 36.       <dt>Publisher:</dt>
 37.       <dd itemprop="publisher" itemtype="" itemscope=""><span itemprop="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
 38.       <dt>Date of Addition:</dt>
 39.       <dd>06/08/10</dd>
 40.       <dt>Copyright Date:</dt>
 41.       <dd itemprop="copyrightYear">2007</dd>
 42.       <dt>Copyrighted By:</dt>
 43.       <dd itemprop="copyrightHolder" itemtype="" itemscope=""><span itemprop="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
 44.       <dt>Adult content:</dt>
 45.       <dd><meta itemprop="isFamilyFriendly" content="true"/>No</dd>
 46.       <dt>Language:</dt>
 47.       <dd><meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en-US"/>English US</dd>
 48.       <dt>Essential Images:</dt>
 49.       <dd>861</dd>
 50.       <dt>Described Images:</dt>
 51.       <dd>910</dd>
 52.       <dt>Categories:</dt>
 53.       <dd><span itemprop="genre">Educational Materials</span></dd>
 54.       <dt>Grade Levels:</dt>
 55.       <dd>Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade</dd>
 56.       <dt>Submitted By:</dt>
 57.       <dd>Bookshare Staff</dd>
 58.       <dt>NIMAC:</dt>
 59.       <dd>This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the
 60.       United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files
 61.       supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.</dd>
 62.    </dl>
 64.    <div class="bookReviews" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">
 65.       <h2>Reviews of Holt Physical Science (<span itemprop="reviewCount">0</span> reviews)</h2>
 67.       <div class="bookReviewScore">
 68.          <span><span itemprop="ratingValue">0</span> - No Rating Yet</span>
 69.       </div>
 70.    </div>
 71. </div>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
 1.  <p>
 2.  This example shows the addition of Accessibility metadata. Although these properties are not
 3.  a formal enumeration, there is evolving consensus amongst accessibility experts for
 4.  appropriate values for these properties. This example shows simple text values,
 5.  as suggested by
 6.  </p>
 8.  <div vocab="" typeof="Book">
 9.     <meta property="bookFormat" content="EBook/DAISY3"/>
 10.    <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="largePrint/CSSEnabled"/>
 11.    <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="highContrast/CSSEnabled"/>
 12.    <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="resizeText/CSSEnabled"/>
 13.    <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="displayTransformability"/>
 14.    <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription"/>
 15.    <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText"/>
 16.    <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
 17.    <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullMouseControl"/>
 18.    <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noFlashingHazard"/>
 19.    <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard"/>
 20.    <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noSoundHazard"/>
 21.    <meta property="accessibilityAPI" content="ARIA"/>
 23.    <dl>
 24.       <dt>Name:</dt>
 25.       <dd property="name">Holt Physical Science</dd>
 26.       <dt>Brief Synopsis:</dt>
 27.       <dd property="description">NIMAC-sourced textbook</dd>
 28.       <dt>Long Synopsis:</dt>
 29.       <dd>N/A</dd>
 30.       <dt>Book Quality:</dt>
 31.       <dd>Publisher Quality</dd>
 32.       <dt>Book Size:</dt>
 33.       <dd><span property="numberOfPages">598</span> Pages</dd>
 34.       <dt>ISBN-13:</dt>
 35.       <dd property="isbn">9780030426599</dd>
 36.       <dt>Publisher:</dt>
 37.       <dd property="publisher" typeof="Organization"><span property="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
 38.       <dt>Date of Addition:</dt>
 39.       <dd>06/08/10</dd>
 40.       <dt>Copyright Date:</dt>
 41.       <dd property="copyrightYear">2007</dd>
 42.       <dt>Copyrighted By:</dt>
 43.       <dd property="copyrightHolder" typeof="Organization"><span property="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
 44.       <dt>Adult content:</dt>
 45.       <dd><meta property="isFamilyFriendly" content="true"/>No</dd>
 46.       <dt>Language:</dt>
 47.       <dd><meta property="inLanguage" content="en-US"/>English US</dd>
 48.       <dt>Essential Images:</dt>
 49.       <dd>861</dd>
 50.       <dt>Described Images:</dt>
 51.       <dd>910</dd>
 52.       <dt>Categories:</dt>
 53.       <dd><span property="genre">Educational Materials</span></dd>
 54.       <dt>Grade Levels:</dt>
 55.       <dd>Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade</dd>
 56.       <dt>Submitted By:</dt>
 57.       <dd>Bookshare Staff</dd>
 58.       <dt>NIMAC:</dt>
 59.       <dd>This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the
 60.       United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files
 61.       supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.</dd>
 62.    </dl>
 64.    <div class="bookReviews" property="aggregateRating" typeof="AggregateRating">
 65.       <h2>Reviews of Holt Physical Science (<span property="reviewCount">0</span> reviews)</h2>
 67.       <div class="bookReviewScore">
 68.          <span><span property="ratingValue">0</span> - No Rating Yet</span>
 69.       </div>
 70.    </div>
 71. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": "Book",
 5.    "accessibilityAPI": "ARIA",
 6.    "accessibilityControl": [
 7.      "fullKeyboardControl",
 8.      "fullMouseControl"
 9.    ],
 10.   "accessibilityFeature": [
 11.     "largePrint/CSSEnabled",
 12.     "highContrast/CSSEnabled",
 13.     "resizeText/CSSEnabled",
 14.     "displayTransformability",
 15.     "longDescription",
 16.     "alternativeText"
 17.   ],
 18.   "accessibilityHazard": [
 19.     "noFlashingHazard",
 20.     "noMotionSimulationHazard",
 21.     "noSoundHazard"
 22.   ],
 23.   "aggregateRating": {
 24.     "@type": "AggregateRating",
 25.     "reviewCount": "0"
 26.   },
 27.   "bookFormat": "EBook/DAISY3",
 28.   "copyrightHolder": {
 29.     "@type": "Organization",
 30.     "name": "Holt, Rinehart and Winston"
 31.   },
 32.   "copyrightYear": "2007",
 33.   "description": "NIMAC-sourced textbook",
 34.   "genre": "Educational Materials",
 35.   "inLanguage": "en-US",
 36.   "isFamilyFriendly": "true",
 37.   "isbn": "9780030426599",
 38.   "name": "Holt Physical Science",
 39.   "numberOfPages": "598",
 40.   "publisher": {
 41.     "@type": "Organization",
 42.     "name": "Holt, Rinehart and Winston"
 43.   }
 44. }
 45. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "Book", "accessibilityAPI": "ARIA",
"accessibilityControl": [ "fullKeyboardControl", "fullMouseControl" ],
"accessibilityFeature": [ "largePrint/CSSEnabled", "highContrast/CSSEnabled",
"resizeText/CSSEnabled", "displayTransformability", "longDescription",
"alternativeText" ], "accessibilityHazard": [ "noFlashingHazard",
"noMotionSimulationHazard", "noSoundHazard" ], "aggregateRating": { "@type":
"AggregateRating", "reviewCount": "0" }, "bookFormat": "EBook/DAISY3",
"copyrightHolder": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Holt, Rinehart and
Winston" }, "copyrightYear": "2007", "description": "NIMAC-sourced textbook",
"genre": "Educational Materials", "inLanguage": "en-US", "isFamilyFriendly":
"true", "isbn": "9780030426599", "name": "Holt Physical Science",
"numberOfPages": "598", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Holt,
Rinehart and Winston" } }
Example 3
No Markup Microdata RDFa JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1.  <div>
 2.    <h2>Shostakovich Leningrad</h2>
 3.    <div>
 4.      <div>May<span>23</span></div>
 5.      <div>8:00 PM</div>
 6.      <div>
 7.        <strong>Britten, Shostakovich</strong>
 8.      </div>
 9.    </div>
 10.   <div>
 11.     <p>Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.</p>
 12.   </div>
 14.   <div>
 15.     <h3>Program</h3>
 16.     <ul>
 17.       <li>
 18.         <link href="" />
 19.         <span><strong>Britten</strong> Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from <em>Peter Grimes</em></span>
 20.   </li>
 21.       <li>
 22.       <link href="" />
 23.       <span><strong>Shostakovich</strong> Symphony No. 7 <em>(Leningrad)</em></span>
 24.   </li>
 25.     </ul>
 26.   </div>
 28.   <div>
 29.     <h3>Performers</h3>
 30.     <div>
 31.       <img src="/examples/cso_c_logo_s.jpg" alt="Chicago Symphony Orchestra" />
 32.       <link href="" />
 33.       <link href="" />
 34.       <div>
 35.         <a href="examples/Performer?id=4434">Chicago Symphony Orchestra</a>
 36.       </div>
 37.     </div>
 39.     <div>
 40.       <link href="" />
 41.       <img src="/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg" alt="Jaap van Zweden"/>
 42.       <div>
 43.         <a href="/examples/Performer.aspx?id=11324">Jaap van Zweden</a>
 44.       </div>
 45.       <div>conductor</div>
 46.     </div>
 47.   </div>
 49. </div>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div itemscope="" itemtype="">
 3.    <div itemprop="location" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 4.      <meta itemprop="name" content="Chicago Symphony Center"/>
 5.      <link itemprop="sameAs" href=""/>
 6.      <meta itemprop="address" content="220 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA"/>
 7.    </div>
 9.    <div itemprop="offers" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 10.     <link itemprop="url" href="/examples/ticket/12341234" />
 11.     <meta itemprop="price" content="40"/>
 12.     <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD" />
 13.     <link itemprop="availability" href=""/>
 14.   </div>
 16.   <h2 itemprop="name">Shostakovich Leningrad</h2>
 17.   <div>
 18.     <div itemprop="startDate" content="2014-05-23T20:00">May<span>23</span></div>
 19.     <div>8:00 PM</div>
 20.     <div>
 21.       <strong>Britten, Shostakovich</strong>
 22.     </div>
 23.   </div>
 24.   <div>
 25.     <p>Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.</p>
 26.   </div>
 28.   <div>
 29.     <h3>Program</h3>
 30.     <ul>
 31.       <li itemprop="workPerformed" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 32.         <link itemprop="sameAs" href="" />
 33.         <span itemprop="name"><strong>Britten</strong> Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from <em itemprop="name">Peter Grimes</em></span>
 34.   </li>
 35.       <li itemprop="workPerformed" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 36.       <link itemprop="sameAs" href="" />
 37.       <span itemprop="name"><strong>Shostakovich</strong> Symphony No. 7 <em>(Leningrad)</em></span>
 38.   </li>
 39.     </ul>
 40.   </div>
 42.   <div>
 43.     <h3>Performers</h3>
 44.     <div itemprop="performer" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 45.       <img src="/examples/cso_c_logo_s.jpg" alt="Chicago Symphony Orchestra" />
 46.       <link itemprop="sameAs" href="" />
 47.       <link itemprop="sameAs" href="" />
 48.       <div>
 49.         <a href="examples/Performer?id=4434"><span itemprop="name">Chicago Symphony Orchestra</span></a>
 50.       </div>
 51.     </div>
 53.     <div itemprop="performer" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 54.       <link itemprop="sameAs" href="" />
 55.       <img itemprop="image" src="/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg" alt="Jaap van Zweden"/>
 56.       <div>
 57.         <a href="/examples/Performer.aspx?id=11324"><span itemprop="name">Jaap van Zweden</span></a>
 58.       </div>
 59.       <div>conductor</div>
 60.     </div>
 61.   </div>
 63. </div>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div vocab="" typeof="MusicEvent">
 3.    <div property="location" typeof="MusicVenue">
 4.      <meta property="name" content="Chicago Symphony Center"/>
 5.      <link property="sameAs" href=""/>
 6.      <meta property="address" content="220 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA"/>
 7.    </div>
 9.    <div property="offers" typeof="Offer">
 10.     <link property="url" href="/examples/ticket/12341234"/>
 11.     <meta property="priceCurrency" content="USD" />$
 12.     <meta property="price" content="40"/>40.00
 13.     <link property="availability" href=""/>
 14.   </div>
 16.   <h2 property="name">Shostakovich Leningrad</h2>
 17.   <div>
 18.     <div property="startDate" content="2014-05-23T20:00">May<span>23</span></div>
 19.     <div>8:00 PM</div>
 20.     <div>
 21.       <strong>Britten, Shostakovich</strong>
 22.     </div>
 23.   </div>
 24.   <div>
 25.     <p>Jaap van Zweden conducts two World War II-era pieces showcasing the glorious sound of the CSO.</p>
 26.   </div>
 28.   <div>
 29.     <h3>Program</h3>
 30.     <ul>
 31.       <li property="workPerformed" typeof="CreativeWork">
 32.         <link href="" property="sameAs"/>
 33.         <span property="name"><strong>Britten</strong> Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from <em property="name">Peter Grimes</em></span>
 34.   </li>
 35.       <li property="workPerformed" typeof="CreativeWork">
 36.       <link href="" property="sameAs"/>
 37.       <span property="name"><strong>Shostakovich</strong> Symphony No. 7 <em>(Leningrad)</em></span>
 38.   </li>
 39.     </ul>
 40.   </div>
 42.   <div>
 43.     <h3>Performers</h3>
 44.     <div property="performer" typeof="MusicGroup">
 45.       <img src="/examples/cso_c_logo_s.jpg" alt="Chicago Symphony Orchestra"/>
 46.       <link href="" property="sameAs"/>
 47.       <link href="" property="sameAs"/>
 48.       <a property="name" href="examples/Performer?id=4434">Chicago Symphony Orchestra</a>
 49.     </div>
 51.     <div property="performer" typeof="Person">
 52.       <link href="" property="sameAs"/>
 53.       <img src="/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg" alt="Jaap van Zweden" property="image"/>
 54.       <a property="name" href="/examples/Performer.aspx?id=11324">Jaap van Zweden</a>
 55.       <div>conductor</div>
 56.     </div>
 57.   </div>
 59. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": "MusicEvent",
 5.    "location": {
 6.      "@type": "MusicVenue",
 7.      "name": "Chicago Symphony Center",
 8.      "address": "220 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA"
 9.    },
 10.   "name": "Shostakovich Leningrad",
 11.   "offers": {
 12.     "@type": "Offer",
 13.     "url": "/examples/ticket/12341234",
 14.     "price": "40",
 15.     "priceCurrency": "USD",
 16.     "availability": ""
 17.   },
 18.   "performer": [
 19.     {
 20.       "@type": "MusicGroup",
 21.       "name": "Chicago Symphony Orchestra",
 22.       "sameAs": [
 23.         "",
 24.         ""
 25.       ]
 26.     },
 27.     {
 28.       "@type": "Person",
 29.       "image": "/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg",
 30.       "name": "Jaap van Zweden",
 31.       "sameAs": ""
 32.     }
 33.   ],
 34.   "startDate": "2014-05-23T20:00",
 35.   "workPerformed": [
 36.     {
 37.       "@type": "CreativeWork",
 38.       "name": "Britten Four Sea Interludes and Passacaglia from Peter Grimes",
 39.       "sameAs": ""
 40.     },
 41.     {
 42.       "@type": "CreativeWork",
 43.       "name": "Shostakovich Symphony No. 7 (Leningrad)",
 44.       "sameAs": ""
 45.     }
 46.   ]
 47. }
 48. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "MusicEvent", "location": {
"@type": "MusicVenue", "name": "Chicago Symphony Center", "address": "220 S.
Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA" }, "name": "Shostakovich Leningrad",
"offers": { "@type": "Offer", "url": "/examples/ticket/12341234", "price": "40",
"priceCurrency": "USD", "availability": "" },
"performer": [ { "@type": "MusicGroup", "name": "Chicago Symphony Orchestra",
"sameAs": [ "",
"" ] }, { "@type":
"Person", "image": "/examples/jvanzweden_s.jpg", "name": "Jaap van Zweden",
"sameAs": "" } ], "startDate": "2014-05-23T20:00",
"workPerformed": [ { "@type": "CreativeWork", "name": "Britten Four Sea
Interludes and Passacaglia from Peter Grimes", "sameAs":
"" }, { "@type": "CreativeWork",
"name": "Shostakovich Symphony No. 7 (Leningrad)", "sameAs":
"" } ] }
Example 4
No Markup Microdata RDFa JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1. <div>
 2.   <span>Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe</span>
 3.   <span>Wed 01 October 2014 19:30</span>
 4. </div>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div itemscope="" itemtype="">
 2.    <span itemprop="name">Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe</span>
 3.    <div itemprop="location" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 4.      <meta itemprop="name" content="Shakespeare's Globe"/>
 5.      <link itemprop="sameAs" href=""/>
 6.      <meta itemprop="address" content="London, UK"/>
 7.    </div>
 8.    <div itemprop="offers" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 9.      <link itemprop="url" href="/examples/ticket/0012301230123"/>
 10.   </div>
 11.   <span itemprop="startDate" content="2014-10-01T19:30">Wed 01 October 2014 19:30</span>
 12.   <div itemprop="workPerformed" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 13.     <link itemprop="sameAs" href=""/>
 14.     <link itemprop="sameAs" href=""/>
 15.     <div itemprop="creator" itemscope="" itemtype="">
 16.        <meta itemprop="name" content="William Shakespeare"/>
 17.        <link itemprop="sameAs" href=""/>
 18.     </div>
 19.   </div>
 20. </div>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div vocab="" typeof="TheaterEvent">
 2.    <span property="name">Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe</span>
 3.    <div property="location" typeof="PerformingArtsTheater">
 4.      <meta property="name" content="Shakespeare's Globe"/>
 5.      <link property="sameAs" href=""/>
 6.      <meta property="address" content="London, UK"/>
 7.    </div>
 8.    <div property="offers" typeof="Offer">
 9.      <link property="url" href="/examples/ticket/0012301230123"/>
 10.   </div>
 11.   <span property="startDate" content="2014-10-01T19:30">Wed 01 October 2014 19:30</span>
 12.   <div property="workPerformed" typeof="CreativeWork">
 13.     <link property="sameAs" href=""/>
 14.     <link property="sameAs" href=""/>
 15.     <div property="creator" typeof="Person">
 16.        <meta property="name" content="William Shakespeare"/>
 17.        <link property="sameAs" href=""/>
 18.     </div>
 19.   </div>
 20. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": "TheaterEvent",
 5.    "name": "Julius Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe",
 6.    "location": {
 7.      "@type": "PerformingArtsTheater",
 8.      "name": "Shakespeare's Globe",
 9.      "sameAs": "",
 10.     "address": "London, UK"
 11.   },
 12.   "offers": {
 13.     "@type": "Offer",
 14.     "url": "/examples/ticket/0012301230123"
 15.   },
 16.   "startDate": "2014-10-01T19:30",
 17.   "workPerformed": {
 18.     "@type": "CreativeWork",
 19.     "name": "Julius Caesar",
 20.     "sameAs": "",
 21.     "sameAs": "",
 22.         "creator": {
 23.       "@type": "Person",
 24.       "name": "William Shakespeare",
 25.       "sameAs": ""
 26.     }
 27.   }
 28. }
 29. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "TheaterEvent", "name": "Julius
Caesar at Shakespeare's Globe", "location": { "@type": "PerformingArtsTheater",
"name": "Shakespeare's Globe", "sameAs": "",
"address": "London, UK" }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "url":
"/examples/ticket/0012301230123" }, "startDate": "2014-10-01T19:30",
"workPerformed": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "name": "Julius Caesar", "sameAs":
"", "sameAs":
"", "creator": { "@type": "Person",
"name": "William Shakespeare", "sameAs":
"" } } }
Example 5
No Markup Microdata RDFa JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1. Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs
 2. by John Doe
 3. 5. If Not for You -- George Harrison
 4. 4. The Times They Are A-Changin' -- Tracy Chapman
 5. 3. It Ain't Me, Babe -- Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash
 6. 2. Don't Think Twice, It's Alright -- Waylon Jennings
 7. 1. All Along the Watchtower -- Jimi Hendrix

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div itemscope itemtype="">
 2.    <h1 itemprop="name">Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs</h1>
 3.    <div itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">
 4.      by <span itemprop="name">John Doe</span>
 5.    </div>
 6.    <div itemprop="about" itemscope itemtype="">
 7.      <div itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">
 8.        <meta itemprop="name" content="Bob Dylan" />
 9.      </div>
 10.   </div>
 11.   <link itemprop="itemListOrder" href="" />
 12.   <meta itemprop="numberOfItems" content="5" />
 13.   <div itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
 14.     <span itemprop="position">5</span>
 15.     <div itemprop="item" itemscope itemtype="">
 16.       <span itemprop="name">If Not For You</span>
 17.       <div itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">
 18.         <span itemprop="name">George Harrison</span>
 19.       </div>
 20.     </div>
 21.   </div>
 22.   <div itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
 23.     <span itemprop="position">4</span>
 24.     <div itemprop="item" itemscope itemtype="">
 25.       <span itemprop="name">The Times They Are A-Changin'</span>
 26.       <div itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">
 27.         <span itemprop="name">Tracy Chapman</span>
 28.       </div>
 29.     </div>
 30.   </div>
 31.   <div itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
 32.     <span itemprop="position">3</span>
 33.     <div itemprop="item" itemscope itemtype="">
 34.       <span itemprop="name">It Ain't Me Babe</span>
 35.       <div itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">
 36.         <span itemprop="name">Johnny Cash</span>
 37.       </div>
 38.       <div itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">
 39.         <span itemprop="name">June Carter Cash</span>
 40.       </div>
 41.     </div>
 42.   </div>
 43.   <div itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
 44.     <span itemprop="position">2</span>
 45.     <div itemprop="item" itemscope itemtype="">
 46.       <span itemprop="name">Don't Think Twice It's Alright</span>
 47.       <div itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">
 48.         <span itemprop="name">Waylon Jennings</span>
 49.       </div>
 50.     </div>
 51.   </div>
 52.   <div itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
 53.     <span itemprop="position">1</span>
 54.     <div itemprop="item" itemscope itemtype="">
 55.       <span itemprop="name">All Along the Watchtower</span>
 56.       <div itemprop="byArtist" itemscope itemtype="">
 57.         <span itemprop="name">Jimi Hendrix</span>
 58.       </div>
 59.     </div>
 60.   </div>
 61. </div>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div vocab="" typeof="ItemList CreativeWork">
 2.      <h1 property="name">
 3.          Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs
 4.      </h1>
 5.      <div property="author" typeof="Person">
 6.          by <span property="name">John Doe</span>
 7.      </div>
 8.      <div property="about" typeof="MusicRecording">
 9.          <div property="byArtist" typeof="MusicGroup">
 10.             <meta property="name" content="Bob Dylan">
 11.         </div>
 12.     </div>
 13.     <link property="itemListOrder" href="">
 14.     <meta property="numberOfItems" content="5">
 15.     <div property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem">
 16.         <span property="position">5</span>
 17.         <div property="item" typeof="MusicRecording">
 18.             <span property="name">If Not For You</span>
 19.             <div property="byArtist" typeof="MusicGroup">
 20.                 <span property="name">George Harrison</span>
 21.             </div>
 22.         </div>
 23.     </div>
 24.     <div property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem">
 25.         <span property="position">4</span>
 26.         <div property="item" typeof="MusicRecording">
 27.             <span property="name">The Times They Are A-Changin'</span>
 28.             <div property="byArtist" typeof="MusicGroup">
 29.                 <span property="name">Tracy Chapman</span>
 30.             </div>
 31.         </div>
 32.     </div>
 33.     <div property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem">
 34.         <span property="position">3</span>
 35.         <div property="item" typeof="MusicRecording">
 36.             <span property="name">It Ain't Me Babe</span>
 37.             <div property="byArtist" typeof="MusicGroup">
 38.                 <span property="name">Johnny Cash</span>
 39.             </div>
 40.             <div property="byArtist" typeof="MusicGroup">
 41.                 <span property="name">June Carter Cash</span>
 42.             </div>
 43.         </div>
 44.     </div>
 45.     <div property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem">
 46.         <span property="position">2</span>
 47.         <div property="item" typeof="MusicRecording">
 48.             <span property="name">Don't Think Twice It's Alright</span>
 49.             <div property="byArtist" typeof="MusicGroup">
 50.                 <span property="name">Waylon Jennings</span>
 51.             </div>
 52.         </div>
 53.     </div>
 54.     <div property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem">
 55.         <span property="position">1</span>
 56.         <div property="item" typeof="MusicRecording">
 57.             <span property="name">All Along the Watchtower</span>
 58.             <div property="byArtist" typeof="MusicGroup">
 59.                 <span property="name">Jimi Hendrix</span>
 60.             </div>
 61.         </div>
 62.     </div>
 63. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": ["ItemList", "CreativeWork"],
 5.    "name": "Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs",
 6.    "author": "John Doe",
 7.    "about": {
 8.      "@type": "MusicRecording",
 9.      "byArtist": {
 10.       "@type": "MusicGroup",
 11.       "name": "Bob Dylan"
 12.     }
 13.   },
 14.   "itemListOrder": "",
 15.   "numberOfItems": 5,
 16.   "itemListElement": [
 17.     {
 18.       "@type": "ListItem",
 19.       "position": 5,
 20.       "item": {
 21.         "@type": "MusicRecording",
 22.         "name": "If Not For You",
 23.         "byArtist": {
 24.           "@type": "MusicGroup",
 25.           "name": "George Harrison"
 26.         }
 27.       }
 28.     },
 29.     {
 30.       "@type": "ListItem",
 31.       "position": 4,
 32.       "item": {
 33.         "@type": "MusicRecording",
 34.         "name": "The Times They Are A-Changin'",
 35.         "byArtist": {
 36.           "@type": "MusicGroup",
 37.           "name": "Tracy Chapman"
 38.         }
 39.       }
 40.     },
 41.     {
 42.       "@type": "ListItem",
 43.       "position": 3,
 44.       "item": {
 45.         "@type": "MusicRecording",
 46.         "name": "It Ain't Me Babe",
 47.         "byArtist": [
 48.           {
 49.             "@type": "MusicGroup",
 50.             "name": "Johnny Cash"
 51.           },
 52.           {
 53.             "@type": "MusicGroup",
 54.             "name": "June Carter Cash"
 55.           }
 56.         ]
 57.       }
 58.     },
 59.     {
 60.       "@type": "ListItem",
 61.       "position": 2,
 62.       "item": {
 63.         "@type": "MusicRecording",
 64.         "name": "Don't Think Twice It's Alright",
 65.         "byArtist": {
 66.           "@type": "MusicGroup",
 67.           "name": "Waylon Jennings"
 68.         }
 69.       }
 70.     },
 71.     {
 72.       "@type": "ListItem",
 73.       "position": 1,
 74.       "item": {
 75.         "@type": "MusicRecording",
 76.         "name": "All Along the Watchtower",
 77.         "byArtist": {
 78.           "@type": "MusicGroup",
 79.           "name": "Jimi Hendrix"
 80.         }
 81.       }
 82.     }
 83.   ]
 84. }
 85. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": ["ItemList", "CreativeWork"],
"name": "Top 5 covers of Bob Dylan Songs", "author": "John Doe", "about": {
"@type": "MusicRecording", "byArtist": { "@type": "MusicGroup", "name": "Bob
Dylan" } }, "itemListOrder": "",
"numberOfItems": 5, "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 5,
"item": { "@type": "MusicRecording", "name": "If Not For You", "byArtist": {
"@type": "MusicGroup", "name": "George Harrison" } } }, { "@type": "ListItem",
"position": 4, "item": { "@type": "MusicRecording", "name": "The Times They Are
A-Changin'", "byArtist": { "@type": "MusicGroup", "name": "Tracy Chapman" } } },
{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "item": { "@type": "MusicRecording",
"name": "It Ain't Me Babe", "byArtist": [ { "@type": "MusicGroup", "name":
"Johnny Cash" }, { "@type": "MusicGroup", "name": "June Carter Cash" } ] } }, {
"@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "item": { "@type": "MusicRecording", "name":
"Don't Think Twice It's Alright", "byArtist": { "@type": "MusicGroup", "name":
"Waylon Jennings" } } }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "item": {
"@type": "MusicRecording", "name": "All Along the Watchtower", "byArtist": {
"@type": "MusicGroup", "name": "Jimi Hendrix" } } } ] }
Example 6
No Markup Microdata RDFa JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1.  A CreativeWork and its translation.
 3.  <div>
 4.  <div>
 5.          <h1>Rouge et le noir</h1>
 6.      <div>Author: Stendhal</div>
 7.          <div>Language: French</div>
 8.          <div>Has Translation: Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism</div>
 9.  </div>
 11. <div>
 12.     <h1>Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism</h1>
 13.     <div>Author: Stendhal</div>
 14.         <div>Language: English</div>
 15.         <div>Subject: Psychological fiction, French</div>
 16.         <div>Translation of: Rouge et le noir</div>
 17.         <div>Translator: Robert Martin Adams</div>
 18. </div>
 19. </div>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div>
 2.  <div itemscope itemtype="" itemid="">
 3.          <h1><span itemprop="name">Rouge et le noir</span></h1>
 4.      <div>Author: <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="">Stendhal</span></div>
 5.          <div>Language: <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="fr" />French</div>
 6.          <div>Has Translation: <span itemprop="workTranslation" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="">Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism</span></div>
 7.  </div>
 8.  <div itemscope itemtype="" itemid="">
 9.      <h1><span itemprop="name">Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism</span></h1>
 10.     <div>Author: <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="">Stendhal</span></div>
 11.         <div>Language: <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en" />English</div>
 12.         <div>Subject: <span itemprop="about">Psychological fiction, French</span></div>
 13.         <div>Translation of: <span itemprop="translationOfWork" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="">Rouge et le noir</span></div>
 14.         <div>Translator: <span itemprop="translator" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="">Robert Martin Adams</span></div>
 15. </div>
 16. </div>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div vocab="">
 2.  <div typeof="Book" resource="">
 3.          <h1><span property="name">Rouge et le noir</span></h1>
 4.      <div>Author: <span property="author" typeof="Person" resource="">Stendhal</span></div>
 5.          <div>Language: <span property="inLanguage" content="fr">French</span></div>
 6.          <div>Has Translation: <span property="workTranslation" typeof="CreativeWork" resource="">Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism</span></div>
 7.  </div>
 8.  <div typeof="Book" resource="">
 9.      <h1><span property="name">Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism</span></h1>
 10.     <div>Author: <span property="author" typeof="Person" resource="">Stendhal</span></div>
 11.         <div>Language: <span property="inLanguage" content="en">English</span></div>
 12.         <div>Subject: <span property="about">Psychological fiction, French</span></div>
 13.         <div>Translation of: <span property="translationOfWork" typeof="CreativeWork" resource="">Rouge et le noir</span></div>
 14.         <div>Translator: <span property="translator" typeof="Person" resource="">Robert Martin Adams</span></div>
 15. </div>
 16. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.      {
 3.          "@context": "",
 4.          "@graph": [
 5.              {
 6.                  "@id": "",
 7.                  "@type": "Book",
 8.                  "author": {
 9.                      "@id": ""
 10.                 },
 11.                 "inLanguage": "fr",
 12.                 "name": "Rouge et le noir",
 13.                 "workTranslation": {
 14.                     "@type": "Book",
 15.                     "@id": ""
 16.                 }
 17.             },
 18.             {
 19.                 "@id": "",
 20.                 "@type": "Book",
 21.                 "about": "Psychological fiction, French",
 22.                 "author": {
 23.                     "@id": ""
 24.                 },
 25.                 "inLanguage": "en",
 26.                 "name": "Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism",
 27.                 "translationOfWork": {
 28.                     "@id": ""
 29.                 },
 30.                 "translator": {
 31.                     "@id": ""
 32.                 }
 33.             }
 34.         ]
 35.     }
 36. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ { "@id":
"", "@type": "Book", "author": {
"@id": "" }, "inLanguage": "fr", "name": "Rouge et le
noir", "workTranslation": { "@type": "Book", "@id":
"" } }, { "@id":
"", "@type": "Book", "about":
"Psychological fiction, French", "author": { "@id": ""
}, "inLanguage": "en", "name": "Red and Black : A New Translation, Backgrounds
and Sources, Criticism", "translationOfWork": { "@id":
"" }, "translator": { "@id":
"" } } ] }
Example 7
No Markup JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1. See JSON example.

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": "Thing",
 5.    "name": " Ontology",
 6.    "subjectOf": {
 7.      "@type": "Book",
 8.      "name": "The Complete History of"
 9.    }
 10. }
 11. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": "
Ontology", "subjectOf": { "@type": "Book", "name": "The Complete History of" } }
Example 8
No Markup Microdata JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1. <div>
 2.   Name: Assorted collection of items<br/>
 3.   Extent: 285 A boxes, 8 OS boxes (plus 45 T boxes, 50 A boxes, 13 OS boxes / items uncatalogued)<br/>
 4. </div>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1. <div itemscope itemtype="">
 2.   <link itemprop="additionalType" href=""/>
 3.   Name: <span itemprop="name">Assorted collection of items</span><br/>
 4.   Extent: <span itemprop="materialExtent">285 A boxes, 8 OS boxes (plus 45 T boxes, 50 A boxes, 13 OS boxes / items uncatalogued)</span><br/>
 5. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1. <script type="application/ld+json">
 2. {
 3.   "@context": "",
 4.   "@type": ["CreativeWork","ArchiveComponent"],
 5.   "name": "Assorted collection of items",
 6.   "materialExtent": "285 A boxes, 8 OS boxes (plus 45 T boxes, 50 A boxes, 13 OS boxes / items uncatalogued)"
 7. }
 8. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type":
["CreativeWork","ArchiveComponent"], "name": "Assorted collection of items",
"materialExtent": "285 A boxes, 8 OS boxes (plus 45 T boxes, 50 A boxes, 13 OS
boxes / items uncatalogued)" }
Example 9
No Markup Microdata JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1. <div>
 2.   Name: Assorted collection of items<br/>
 3.   Extent: 1 folder containing 5 design drawings<br/>
 4. </div>

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1.  <div itemscope itemtype="">
 2.    <link itemprop="additionalType" href=""/>
 3.    Name: <span itemprop="name">Assorted collection of items</span><br/>
 4.    Extent: <div>
 5.              <div itemprop="materialExtent" itemscope itemtype="">
 6.                <span itemprop="value">1</span> <span itemprop="unitText">folder</span>
 7.                          </div>
 8.                          containing
 9.              <div itemprop="materialExtent" itemscope itemtype="">
 10.               <span itemprop="value">5</span> <span itemprop="unitText">design drawings</span>
 11.                         </div>
 12.           </div><br/>
 13. </div>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": ["CreativeWork","ArchiveComponent"],
 5.    "materialExtent": [
 6.            {
 7.              "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
 8.              "unitText": "folder",
 9.              "value": "1"
 10.           },
 11.           {
 12.             "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
 13.             "unitText": "design drawings",
 14.             "value": "5"
 15.           }
 16.        ]
 17. }
 18. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type":
["CreativeWork","ArchiveComponent"], "materialExtent": [ { "@type":
"QuantitativeValue", "unitText": "folder", "value": "1" }, { "@type":
"QuantitativeValue", "unitText": "design drawings", "value": "5" } ] }
Example 10
No Markup Microdata RDFa JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1.  <a href="category/books.html">Books</a> >
 2.   <a href="category/books-literature.html">Literature &amp; Fiction</a> >
 3.   <a href="category/books-classics">Classics</a>
 5.  <img src="catcher-in-the-rye-book-cover.jpg"
 6.    alt="cover art: red horse, city in background"/>
 7.  The Catcher in the Rye - Mass Market Paperback
 8.  by <a href="/author/jd_salinger.html">J.D. Salinger</a>
 9.  4 stars - 3077 reviews
 11. Price: $6.99
 12. In Stock
 14. Product details
 15. 224 pages
 16. Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company - May 1, 1991
 17. Language: English
 18. ISBN-10: 0316769487
 20. Reviews:
 22. 5 stars - <b>"A masterpiece of literature" </b>
 23. by John Doe. Written on May 4, 2006
 24. I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face
 25. as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.
 27. 4 stars - <b>"love it LOLOL111!" </b>
 28. by Bob Smith, Written on June 15, 2006
 29. Catcher in the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read.

Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
 1.  <body itemscope itemtype="">
 2.  ...
 3.  <div itemprop="breadcrumb">
 4.    <a href="category/books.html">Books</a> >
 5.    <a href="category/books-literature.html">Literature &amp; Fiction</a> >
 6.    <a href="category/books-classics">Classics</a>
 7.  </div>
 9.  <div itemprop="mainEntity" itemscope itemtype="">
 11. <img itemprop="image" src="catcher-in-the-rye-book-cover.jpg"
 12.      alt="cover art: red horse, city in background"/>
 13. <span itemprop="name">The Catcher in the Rye</span> -
 14.  <link itemprop="bookFormat" href="">Mass Market Paperback
 15. by <a itemprop="author" href="/author/jd_salinger.html">J.D. Salinger</a>
 17. <div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">
 18.   <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> stars -
 19.   <span itemprop="reviewCount">3077</span> reviews
 20. </div>
 22. <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="">
 23.   Price: $<span itemprop="price">6.99</span>
 24.   <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD" />
 25.   <link itemprop="availability" href="">In Stock
 26. </div>
 28. Product details
 29. <span itemprop="numberOfPages">224</span> pages
 30. Publisher: <span itemprop="publisher">Little, Brown, and Company</span> -
 31.  <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="1991-05-01">May 1, 1991
 32. Language: <span itemprop="inLanguage">English</span>
 33. ISBN-10: <span itemprop="isbn">0316769487</span>
 35. Reviews:
 37. <div itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="">
 38.   <span itemprop="reviewRating">5</span> stars -
 39.   <b>"<span itemprop="name">A masterpiece of literature</span>"</b>
 40.   by <span itemprop="author">John Doe</span>,
 41.   Written on <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2006-05-04">May 4, 2006
 42.   <span itemprop="reviewBody">I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential
 43.   challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.</span>
 44. </div>
 46. <div itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="">
 47.   <span itemprop="reviewRating">4</span> stars -
 48.   <b>"<span itemprop="name">A good read.</span>" </b>
 49.   by <span itemprop="author">Bob Smith</span>,
 50.   Written on <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2006-06-15">June 15, 2006
 51.   <span itemprop="reviewBody">Catcher in the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read.</span>
 52. </div>
 54. </div>
 55. ...
 56. </body>

Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
 1.  <body vocab="" typeof="WebPage">
 2.  ...
 3.  <div property="breadcrumb">
 4.    <a href="category/books.html">Books</a> >
 5.    <a href="category/books-literature.html">Literature &amp; Fiction</a> >
 6.    <a href="category/books-classics">Classics</a>
 7.  </div>
 9.  <div property="mainEntity" typeof="Book">
 11. <img property="image" src="catcher-in-the-rye-book-cover.jpg"
 12.     alt="cover art: red horse, city in background"/>
 13. <span property="name">The Catcher in the Rye</span> -
 14.  <link property="bookFormat" href="">Mass Market Paperback
 15. by <a property="author" href="/author/jd_salinger.html">J.D. Salinger</a>
 17. <div property="aggregateRating" typeof="AggregateRating">
 18.   <span property="ratingValue">4</span> stars -
 19.   <span property="reviewCount">3077</span> reviews
 20. </div>
 22. <div property="offers" typeof="Offer">
 23.   Price: $<span property="price">6.99</span>
 24.   <meta property="priceCurrency" content="USD" />
 25.   <link property="availability" href="">In Stock
 26. </div>
 28. Product details
 29. <span property="numberOfPages">224</span> pages
 30. Publisher: <span property="publisher">Little, Brown, and Company</span> -
 31.  <meta property="datePublished" content="1991-05-01">May 1, 1991
 32. Language: <span property="inLanguage">English</span>
 33. ISBN-10: <span property="isbn">0316769487</span>
 35. Reviews:
 37. <div property="review" typeof="Review">
 38.   <span property="reviewRating">5</span> stars -
 39.   <b>"<span property="name">A masterpiece of literature</span>"</b>
 40.   by <span property="author">John Doe</span>,
 41.   Written on <meta property="datePublished" content="2006-05-04">May 4, 2006
 42.   <span property="reviewBody">I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential
 43.   challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.</span>
 44. </div>
 46. <div property="review" typeof="Review">
 47.   <span property="reviewRating">4</span> stars -
 48.   <b>"<span property="name">A good read.</span>" </b>
 49.   by <span property="author">Bob Smith</span>,
 50.   Written on <meta property="datePublished" content="2006-06-15">June 15, 2006
 51.   <span property="reviewBody">Catcher in the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read.</span>
 52. </div>
 54. </div>
 55. ...
 56. </body>

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": "WebPage",
 5.    "breadcrumb": "Books > Literature & Fiction > Classics",
 6.    "mainEntity":{
 7.            "@type": "Book",
 8.            "author": "/author/jd_salinger.html",
 9.            "bookFormat": "",
 10.           "datePublished": "1991-05-01",
 11.           "image": "catcher-in-the-rye-book-cover.jpg",
 12.           "inLanguage": "English",
 13.           "isbn": "0316769487",
 14.           "name": "The Catcher in the Rye",
 15.           "numberOfPages": "224",
 16.           "offers": {
 17.             "@type": "Offer",
 18.             "availability": "",
 19.             "price": "6.99",
 20.             "priceCurrency": "USD"
 21.           },
 22.           "publisher": "Little, Brown, and Company",
 23.           "aggregateRating": {
 24.             "@type": "AggregateRating",
 25.             "ratingValue": "4",
 26.             "reviewCount": "3077"
 27.           },
 28.           "review": [
 29.             {
 30.               "@type": "Review",
 31.               "author": "John Doe",
 32.               "datePublished": "2006-05-04",
 33.               "name": "A masterpiece of literature",
 34.               "reviewBody": "I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood.",
 35.               "reviewRating": {
 36.             "@type": "Rating",
 37.             "ratingValue": "5"
 38.            }
 39.             },
 40.             {
 41.               "@type": "Review",
 42.               "author": "Bob Smith",
 43.               "datePublished": "2006-06-15",
 44.               "name": "A good read.",
 45.               "reviewBody": "Catcher in the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read.",
 46.               "reviewRating": "4"
 47.             }
 48.           ]
 49.         }
 50. }
 51. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "breadcrumb": "Books >
Literature & Fiction > Classics", "mainEntity":{ "@type": "Book", "author":
"/author/jd_salinger.html", "bookFormat": "",
"datePublished": "1991-05-01", "image": "catcher-in-the-rye-book-cover.jpg",
"inLanguage": "English", "isbn": "0316769487", "name": "The Catcher in the Rye",
"numberOfPages": "224", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "availability":
"", "price": "6.99", "priceCurrency": "USD" },
"publisher": "Little, Brown, and Company", "aggregateRating": { "@type":
"AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4", "reviewCount": "3077" }, "review": [ {
"@type": "Review", "author": "John Doe", "datePublished": "2006-05-04", "name":
"A masterpiece of literature", "reviewBody": "I really enjoyed this book. It
captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their
lives and grow to adulthood.", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating",
"ratingValue": "5" } }, { "@type": "Review", "author": "Bob Smith",
"datePublished": "2006-06-15", "name": "A good read.", "reviewBody": "Catcher in
the Rye is a fun book. It's a good book to read.", "reviewRating": "4" } ] } }
Example 11
No Markup JSON-LD Structure
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
 1. Example of Job markup for experience standing in place of formal qualifications.

Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
 1.  <script type="application/ld+json">
 2.  {
 3.    "@context": "",
 4.    "@type": "JobPosting",
 5.    "title": "Software Engineer",
 6.    "educationRequirements": {
 7.      "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
 8.      "credentialCategory": "bachelor degree"
 9.    },
 10.   "experienceRequirements": {
 11.     "@type": "OccupationalExperienceRequirements",
 12.     "monthsOfExperience": "60"
 13.   },
 14.   "experienceInPlaceOfEducation": true
 15. }
 16. </script>

Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "Software
Engineer", "educationRequirements": { "@type":
"EducationalOccupationalCredential", "credentialCategory": "bachelor degree" },
"experienceRequirements": { "@type": "OccupationalExperienceRequirements",
"monthsOfExperience": "60" }, "experienceInPlaceOfEducation": true }

Terms and conditions

• • V27.02 | 2024-07-01