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Submitted URL: http://truist.com/
Effective URL: https://www.truist.com/
Submission: On December 13 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.truist.com/
Submission: On December 13 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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Text Content
Skip to main content Truist Homepage Open Account * Featured accounts * Banking accounts * Savings accounts * Credit cards * Loans * Mortgages * Small Business * Investments * Wealth Sign in to Truist online banking and other accounts. * Personal * Small Business * Wealth * Commercial, Corporate & Institutional * Search * Locations * Contact * Español * More About Truist Care Disaster relief Fraud and security Payment relief Careers, opens in new tab Privacy Legal Truist Homepage * Checking & savings CHECKING * Truist One Checking * Truist Confidence Account * Visa® Debit cards * Visa® Gift card SAVINGS * View all savings options * Truist One Savings * Truist One Money Market Account * Truist CDs * Truist Confidence Savings BANKING SERVICES * Premier banking * Online & mobile banking * Zelle® * Paze℠ * Setting up your Truist Checking Account ADDITIONAL SERVICES * Health Savings Account (HSA) Truist One Checking Nav Promo TRUIST ONE CHECKING No overdraft fees. Practical perks. Never wonder if you're getting the most from your account. Discover Truist One Checking. * Credit cards OUR PRODUCTS * Credit cards * Truist Enjoy Cash * Truist Enjoy Travel * Truist Future Card * Truist Enjoy Beyond * Truist Enjoy Cash (secured) OFFERS * Check for Offers , opens in new tab Enjoy Cash Midnight Purple BG CASH BACK, WITH OPTIONS? YES, PLEASE. Your rewards, your choice. The Enjoy Cash card lets you decide how to earn. Pick your favorite and apply. For an Enjoy Cash card. * Loans PERSONAL LOANS AND LINES * Personal loans and lines overview * Unsecured personal loan * Personal line of credit * Truist Ready Now credit line * Physician line of credit VEHICLE LOANS * Auto loan * Boat & RV loans overview * RV loan * Boat loan * Marine loan HOME & OTHER LINES * Home Equity Line of Credit * Secured line of credit , opens in new tab RESOURCES * All loans * Personal loan vs line of credit * How (and when) to consolidate debt * HELOC Calculator A DEBT CONSOLIDATION LOAN PUTS YOU IN CONTROL. Trade higher-interest debt for one payment at a lower rate. Explore loans from Truist. * Mortgage FOR HOMEBUYERS * Personal mortgage * Current mortgage rates * Buy a home * Refinance MORTGAGE LOANS WE OFFER * Home Equity Line of Credit * Doctor Loan * FHA Loan * VA Loan * Construction to permanent loan * Affordable Lending Options MANAGE YOUR MORTGAGE * Getting started * Manage and pay * Escrow, taxes, and insurance * Mortgage statements * Mortgage assistance FOR BUSINESS PARTNERS * Builders * Real estate professionals * Correspondent lending * Warehouse lending Mortgage Midnight Purple BG HOW MUCH HOUSE CAN YOU AFFORD? Tell us your budget. We’ll show you expected payments—and all that goes into them. Calculate your mortgage. * Investing & retirement INVESTING * Investing services * Truist Invest * Truist Trade RETIREMENT * Retirement planning * Retirement accounts PREMIER BANKING * Financial Planning Navigation promos FIND AN ADVISOR. It's like a branch in your pocket. Find my fit. With an advisor. * Insurance * Money and Mindset * Life's moments overview * Taking charge of your money * Borrowing for a big purchase * Getting married or partnered * Paying for school * Starting a family * Buying a home * Money principles overview * The mind-money connection * Stress-free saving * Budgeting by values * Outsmarting debt * Protecting what matters * Investing in your values * * Homeowning happiness * Living and working my passion * Paying it forward * Overcoming overdrafts PODCAST: MONEY AND MINDSET WITH BRIGHT AND BRIAN Listen in * Open Account * Featured accounts * Banking accounts * Savings accounts * Credit cards * Loans * Mortgages * Small Business * Investments * Wealth PERSONAL & COMMERCIAL BANKING, CREDIT CARDS, LOANS & INVESTMENTS hp-sign-in-hero-personal-checking-400-promo-v2 New checking customer offer Earn $400 with Truist One Checking. Must open online and complete qualifying activities.footnoteDisclosure † Get offer for $400 Truist One Checking. Loading User ID Enter User ID Save user ID Forgot user ID? click here to reset your User ID. , opens in new tab Password Enter Password Reset password click here to reset , opens in new tab Sign in Need a user ID? Set up online banking Online security measures Sign in to another account , opens in new tab WHAT CAN WE HELP YOU WITH? Loading Previous slide to navigate through 7 clickable items * Checking * Savings * Credit Card * Small Business * Loans * Mortgage * Investing * Insurance Next slide to navigate through 7 clickable items View all products Enjoy Beyond CC Merchandising TRUIST ENJOY BEYOND NEW EXPERIENCES ARE WAITING. Pave your path to adventure with 30,000 bonus points after spending $1,500 within 90 days of opening a Truist Enjoy Beyond credit card account. See rates, fees, and rewards Apply now for a Truist Enjoy Beyond Credit Card. Learn more about Truist Enjoy Beyond Credit Card. LOANS WE HAVE LOANS TO HELP MAKE YOUR SPIRIT BRIGHT. Our fast decision-making process for Truist personal loans can make holiday wishes come true in minutes. Explore now to learn more about our loan options. TRUIST ONE CHECKING STUFF YOUR STOCKING WITH A TRUIST ONE CHECKING ACCOUNT. Enjoy a checking account with automatic upgrades and no overdraft fees this holiday season. Open now to get started with a Truist One Checking account. , opens in new tab Learn more about a Truist One Checking account. Loading CREDIT CARD OFFERS A GREAT CREDIT CARD MAY BE WAITING FOR YOU. Cash back, travel rewards, or our lowest APR. You could find the credit card that fits just right in minutes. Check for offers to find the right credit card for you. , opens in new tab FRAUD AND SECURITY MAKE SECURITY A PRIORITY. Get tips on protecting your accounts. Learn more about how to help protect your accounts. ZELLE GIVE AND GO WITH ZELLE®. Use Zelle® to send money to the people you celebrate right from your phone.footnoteDisclosure 1 Sign in to use Zelle® , opens in new tab Learn more about Zelle®. MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT SLEIGH YOUR END-OF-YEAR SAVINGS GOALS. Cozy up to the Truist One Money Account today. Open now to get started with a Truist One Money Market account. , opens in new tab Learn more about a Truist One Money Market Account. HOME MORTGAGE REFINANCING NOW MIGHT SAVE YOU MONEY. Falling ratesfootnoteDisclosure 2 have opened the door to potentially lowering your mortgage Explore your options to refinance your mortgage. CRYSTAL CLEAR—CREATED WITH CARE. Meet the Truist app. Get super-fast access to your accounts and bright insights into your spending with our mobile app. Scan this code with your phone’s camera to download Truist Mobile. , opens in new tab , opens in new tab YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WANT TO GO. Use our knowledge and care to help you get there. Let's get started and reach our goals. Click for sound 0:30 Component ID : "accordionGridLayout-1946833208" Model : "disclaimer" Position : "left" Transcript Visual description: Truist logo Visual description: An athlete falls into a creek, water splashing him. His coach reaches down and pulls him up to his feet, and puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Coach: Let's go again. Visual description: The athlete tries running across a log that connects both sides of the creek, but he falls off again. The coach motions for him to keep going. Coach: Again. Visual description: The athlete runs across the log again. Music: Energetic music starts. Visual description: The athlete falls off the log again. During a break, the coach gives the athlete some inspiring wisdom. Coach: Don't look at the log. Look at where you want to go. Voice over: When you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... Athlete: I got this. Visual description: The athlete makes one final attempt to run across the log, giving it everything he's got. Voice over: You're unstoppable. Visual description: The moment the athlete is half-way across the log, we cut to the same athlete running in the exact same way down the sideline of a football field dodging defenders for a big play. The crowd goes wild. Music: I guess you're just what I needed. Visual description: We zoom in to see the coach celebrating on the sideline with the team. He's excited and proud, and he points towards the athlete. The athlete catches his coach's praise and smiles back, acknowledging the coach's unwavering support. Visual description: We see a Truist teammate and a professional-looking client standing at a communal working table in a place of business. The client points towards a computer screen. Client: Here's where I want to go. Visual description: The teammate turns towards her client, nods, and smiles affirmingly. Teammate: Great, let's get started. Voice over: At Truist, we believe the same is true for banking. Visual description: Truist logo Music: Just what I needed. Onscreen text: Leaders in banking. Unwavering in care. Onscreen text: Truist Bank, Member FDIC. © 2024 Truist Financial Corporation. Leading based on Truist ranking as a top 10 U.S. commercial bank as of 12/31/23. MONEY AND MINDSET Reach your goals. Feel good doing it. It’s time to upgrade your money mindset. Learn new skills, change your point of view, and take control of your finances. View Money and Mindset to learn more. YOUR GUIDE TO BECOMING A SUPER SAVER When it comes to saving, it’s OK to put yourself first. Because when you build money habits that align to your unique goals, it makes for a smoother and more rewarding journey. 7 TIPS FOR STARTING A SIDE HUSTLE Can you turn your skills into new income? These tips can help you start your side hustle journey. Go for it and start your side hustle. SEE THE POWER OF CARE. Football players are known for their strength and power. But what about the strength and power of care? See what happens when Kirk Cousins, Jaylen Waddle, and DeAndre Hopkins channel their energy into their communities. Watch Beyond the Field Eligibility requirements apply for the Negative Balance Buffer Component ID : "accordionGridLayout-2007570826" Model : "disclaimer" Position : "left" Disclosures † Terms and Conditions for the $400 Truist One Checking Online Only Offer 1: DC2425TR1400 Offer Information: Open a new Truist One Checking account online from 10/31/24 through 4/30/25 and receive at least 2 qualifying Direct Deposits* totaling $1,000 or more within 120 days of account opening and earn $400. Account must be opened online. Enrollment in the promotion is required at the time of account opening using promo code DC2425TR1400. Please refer to the Account Opening and Enrollment section below for full instructions. *A Qualifying Direct Deposit is an electronic credit (greater than $0.00) of your salary, pension, Social Security or other regular monthly income deposited into your new checking account by your employer or outside agency. Transfers made from one account to another, or deposits made via a branch, ATM, online transfer, mobile device, debit/prepaid card number or the mail are not eligible direct deposits. Offer Eligibility: Clients that are the primary account holder on an existing personal checking account with Truist or who have closed a personal checking account with Truist on or after 10/31/23 are not eligible to participate. Offer valid for Truist One Checking accounts only. Primary account holder must be 18 or older at the time of account opening. Truist employees, Directors, Officers, and Local Boards/Advisors are not eligible. Offer available only to US residents with a valid US taxpayer identification number. The qualifying checking account must be opened online and have a mailing address in: AL, AR, FL, GA, IN, KY, MD, MS, NC, NJ, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV or DC. Reward Processing: The reward will be deposited to the new checking account within 4 weeks after the qualification requirements have been met and verified. The new checking account must be open and in good standing with a balance of at least $0.01 at the time of Truist verification and until the reward is deposited to receive the reward. Truist verification will occur one time after the qualification requirements are initially met. Promotion is only applicable once per checking account and per client. Truist may report the value of any offer reward received to the IRS as required by law. Any applicable taxes are the responsibility of the recipient. Reward Forfeiture: Reward forfeiture will occur if: (1) the checking account is changed to an account type not included in this client offer, (2) the checking account is closed prior to the reward being deposited, or (3) the new checking account has a $0.00 or negative available balance at the time Truist verifies the qualification requirements have been met. Other Terms: Minimum opening deposit is $50. The offer is non-transferable, may not be combined with any other checking offers, is subject to change, and may be discontinued at any time. Truist reserves the right in our sole discretion to prohibit a reward payout to non-eligible individuals for any offers claimed through third-party websites with no affiliation or prior authorization from Truist. All promotional payouts will be processed no later than 1/31/26 at which point this promotion (and any related disbursements) will be considered final, and no further disbursements will be made. Account Opening & Enrollment Instructions: To open and enroll your new account in the promotion, visit the offer website and click on “Open an account online.” Enter DC2425TR1400 into the promo code field provided, review the offer Terms and Conditions, and then select “Accept Offer”. Accounts opened without the promo code applied will not be eligible to participate in the offer. Once enrolled in the promotion, clients may receive promotional updates via the email address provided or by calling 800.709.8700. Version 3 10092024 DC2425TR1400 Disclosure 1 For your protection, Zelle® should only be used to send money to friends, family, and other people or businesses you trust. Payments made with Zelle® are like sending cash and may not be able to be recovered. Enrollment with Zelle® through Truist Online or Mobile banking is required. A U.S. checking or savings account is required to use Zelle®. Transactions typically occur in minutes when the recipient’s email address or U.S. mobile number is already enrolled with Zelle®. To send and receive money with a small business, both parties must be enrolled in Zelle® directly through their financial institution's online or mobile banking experience. For more information, view the Truist Online and Mobile Banking Service Agreement or for small business clients, view the Truist Online and Mobile Banking for Business Service Agreement, opens in new tab There is no fee to send money with Zelle® through your enrolled Truist business bank account. However, Zelle® payments to your business account will be charged a 1.0% fee (maximum fee of $15 per transaction). See Truist's Business Deposit Accounts Fee Schedule, opens in new tab, for additional information. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier's coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. Disclosure 2 Boston, C. (Sept. 26, 2024) 30-year mortgage rate hits 2-year low. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/30-year-mortgage-rate-hits-2-year-low-161147933.html, opens in new tab DISCLOSURES Truist Bank, Member FDIC. © 2024 Truist Financial Corporation. Truist, the Truist logo and Truist Purple are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation. Equal Housing Lender INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE PRODUCTS: * Are Not FDIC or any other Government Agency Insured * Are Not Bank Guaranteed * May Lose Value TRUIST is a service mark of Truist Financial Corporation (Truist) and its affiliates. Services provided by Truist Financial Corporation (Truist) affiliates: Banking products and services, including loans and deposit accounts, provided by Truist Bank, Member FDIC. Trust and investment management services provided by Truist Bank. Securities, brokerage accounts and /or annuities offered by Truist Investment Services, Inc., an SEC registered broker-dealer, and member FINRA and SIPC, and a licensed insurance agency. Investment advisory services offered by Truist Advisory Services, Inc. and GFO Advisory Services, LLC, SEC registered investment advisers. Some insurance products offered by Truist Investment Services, Inc. Other insurance products offered by McGriff Insurance Services, LLC (McGriff), Kensington Vanguard National Land Services, LLC (Kensington Vanguard) and Crump Life Insurance Services, LLC (Crump). Truist Life Insurance Services (TLIS) is a division of Crump, Arkansas License #100103477. Variable insurance material is for broker-dealer or registered representative use only. Variable products distributed by P.J. Robb Variable (PJRV), LLC, Arkansas License #100110185. Member FINRA, opens in new tab. McGriff, Kensington Vanguard, Crump, TLIS, and PJRV are not affiliated with Truist Financial Corporation or any of its subsidiaries. Truist Securities is a trademark of Truist Financial Corporation. Truist Securities is a trade name for the corporate and investment banking services of Truist and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Securities and strategic advisory services are provided by Truist Securities, Inc., member FINRA, opens in new tab and SIPC, opens in new tab. Lending, financial risk management, and treasury management and payment services are offered by Truist Bank. Mortgage products and services are offered through Truist Bank. All Truist mortgage professionals are registered on the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry (NMLS), which promotes uniformity and transparency throughout the residential real estate industry. Search the NMLS Registry, opens in new tab. Comments regarding tax implications are informational only. Truist and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your individual tax or legal professional before taking any action that may have tax or legal consequences. "Truist Advisors" may be officers and/or associated persons of the following affiliates of Truist, Truist Investment Services, Inc., and/or Truist Advisory Services, Inc. Truist Wealth, International Wealth, Center for Family Legacy, Business Owner Specialty Group, Sports and Entertainment Group, and Legal and Medical Specialty Groups are trade names used by Truist Bank, Truist Investment Services, Inc., and Truist Advisory Services, Inc. LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY SUPPORT: Applications, agreements, disclosures, and other servicing communications provided by Truist Bank and its subsidiary businesses will be provided in English. As a result, it will be necessary for customers to speak, read and understand English or to have an appropriate translator assisting them. Truist offers the following resources for consumers that have Limited English Proficiency: * Multilingual teammates available at our Multicultural Banking Centers * Materials for some products and services are available in Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Mandarin, and other languages spoken in the communities we serve. * Phone assistance in Spanish at 844-4TRUIST (844-487-8478), option 9. For assistance in other languages please speak to a representative directly. NEW YORK CITY RESIDENTS: Translation or other language access services may be available. When calling our office regarding collection activity, if you speak a language other than English and need verbal translation services, be sure to inform the representative. A description and translation of commonly-used debt collection terms is available in multiple languages at http://www.nyc.gov/dca., opens in new tab * Limited English Proficiency Support * New York City residents BORROWERS WITH LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (LEP) NEEDING INFORMATION CAN USE THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES: * The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) offers help in more than 180 languages, call 855-411-2372 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday for assistance by phone. * CFPB additional resources for homeowners seeking payment assistance in 7 additional languages: Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog, and Arabic. www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus/mortgage-and-housing-assistance/help-for-homeowners/, opens in new tab SITE FOOTER * Privacy * Limit the use of my sensitive personal information , opens in new tab * Fraud & security * Terms and conditions FOOTER NAVIGATION Banking products * Checking * Commercial * Credit cards personal * Loans personal * Mortgage * Online & mobile * Open an account * Savings personal * Small business * Wealth About Truist * About us * Care * Community * Purpose * Truist Foundation * Truist Leadership Institute , opens in new tab * Truist Securities , opens in new tab * Truist Ventures Resources * Careers , opens in new tab * Community Reinvestment Act * Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability * Diversity and inclusion * Facts about banking * Investor relations , opens in new tab * Money and Mindset * Newsroom , opens in new tab * Supplier diversity Support * Accessibility * Client emergency resources * Consumer payment relief hub * Find a banker or advisor * Find a branch or ATM * Help Center * Schedule a branch appointment , opens in new tab * 844-4TRUIST (844-487-8478) * AdChoices * Do not sell or share my personal information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * , opens in new tab * , opens in new tab * , opens in new tab * , opens in new tab * , opens in new tab © 2024, Truist. All Rights Reserved.