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Name: email-formPOST ./thankyou/

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      <div class="mt-4">
        <label for="use_product" class="block text-sm font-bold leading-5 text-gray-700"> Did you live, work, or spent time at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953 and December 31, 1987? </label>
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            <option value="" disabled="" selected="">Select</option>
            <option value="Adult leukemia">Adult leukemia</option>
            <option value="Aplastic anemia">Aplastic anemia</option>
            <option value="Bladder cancer">Bladder cancer</option>
            <option value="Breast cancer">Breast cancer</option>
            <option value="Esophageal cancers">Esophageal cancers</option>
            <option value="Female infertility">Female infertility</option>
            <option value="Kidney cancer">Kidney cancer</option>
            <option value="Leukemia">Leukemia</option>
            <option value="Liver cancer">Liver cancer</option>
            <option value="Miscarriage">Miscarriage</option>
            <option value="Multiple myeloma">Multiple myeloma</option>
            <option value="Non Hodgkins lymphoma">Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma</option>
            <option value="Parkinsons Disease">Parkinson's Disease</option>
            <option value="Renal toxicity">Renal toxicity</option>
            <option value="Neurological Conditions">Neurological Conditions</option>
            <option value="Other">Other (Please describe)</option>
            <option value="No Injury">No Injury</option>
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Text Content


After Decades Of Silence, Former Foster Children Allege Abuse At Maclaren
Children's Center


Did you live, work, or spent time at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953 and
December 31, 1987?
Select Yes No
Have been diagnosed with any of these medical conditions?
Select Adult leukemia Aplastic anemia Bladder cancer Breast cancer Esophageal
cancers Female infertility Kidney cancer Leukemia Liver cancer Miscarriage
Multiple myeloma Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Parkinson's Disease Renal toxicity
Neurological Conditions Other (Please describe) No Injury
First name

Last name

Email address


Zip Code

Please include additional details

   By checking this box and clicking the "Agree and Submit" button below, I
represent that I am 18+ years of age and have read and agreed to the National
Injury Bureau Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy; I consent to the transfer
of information that I provide on this site to third-party legal service
providers and non-legal service providers, third party partners and their
affiliates and service providers; I agree to be contacted by email & telephone,
which may include artificial or pre-recorded calls and/or SMS text messages,
delivered via automated technology, to the email and phone number that I have
provided. I agree to the terms below. By checking this box and clicking the
"Agree and Submit" button below, I represent that I am 18+ years of age and have
read and agreed to the National Injury Bureau Terms and Conditions and Privacy
Policy; I consent to the transfer of information that I provide on this site to
third-party legal service providers and non-legal service providers, third party
partners and their affiliates and service providers; I agree to be contacted by
email & telephone, which may include artificial or pre-recorded calls and/or SMS
text messages, delivered via automated technology, to the email and phone number
that I have provided.


MacLaren Children's Center (MacLaren Hall) opened in the 1940s in Los Angeles,
California as a place for non-delinquent minors to be housed separate and apart
from those youths who were guilty of crimes.

Over almost 4 decades, MacLaren Hall housed tens of thousands of children who
were waiting for placement with foster families. Like all foster youths,
MacLaren Hall residents required significant attention, including specialized
medical care. For example, an estimated 60 to 85% of children in the foster care
system throughout the United States have significant mental health problems.

As time went on and the county juvenile criminal facility became overcrowded,
the county probation department - which ran MacLaren Hall - began placing more
and more youths at MacLaren Hall, without regard for criminal background or any
of the childrens' needs. At its peak, in the 1960s, MacLaren Hall housed more
than 4,000 children each year.

But in 2003, following scathing sexual abuse claims, the institution shut its

Find Out If You Have a Case


As MacLaren Hall became more overcrowded and more foster childrens' needs went
unmet, the facility felt more and more like a prison.

Children often ran away in an attempt to escape the violence and overcrowding.
Former residents report over-medication, beatings, restraints, confinement to a
small punishment room, rape, and other forms of horrific sexual assaults and

Rather than providing these foster children with a home, comfort, and care, the
institution was underfunded and understaffed, which ultimately led to an
extremely dangerous and traumatic environment. Former youth residents are
alleged to have dealt with improper care, abusive discipline, overmedication,
and poor living conditions, and sexual and physical abuse.

In 2002, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued Los Angeles County for
failing to provide sufficient medical care for the foster children of MacLaren
Hall. In 2003, the institution shut its doors in disgrace after a former
resident and abuse victim filed a class action lawsuit seeking redress for the
horrific sexual and other abuses that took place there.


You don't have to suffer alone anymore. Our trained staff members are standing
by to help you determine whether you are eligible to file a claim.

Confidential Case Review


Our team of compassionate professionals is standing by to help.

We understand how traumatic this was for you. You may feel shame, anger,
sadness, guilt, or even fear. But you don't have to anymore.

We Believe You.
We Hear You.
We Are Here For You.


It's time to hold those responsible accountable for their actions, for the
heinous sexual abuses that took place at what was supposed to be a haven for
foster youths who were on the right path.

Click here to sign up - it's free and you don't owe any money unless we get you
financial compensation.


Did you experience any of the following:

 * Contact or touching of a sexual nature
 * Unsolicited or unwanted touching of genitals, buttocks, or private parts
 * Being forced against one's will to touch another in a sexual manner
 * Rape
 * Unsolicited or unwanted touching that involves physical harm or injury


Our team of compassionate professionals is standing by to help.

Fill out our qualification questionnaire to see if you qualify to file a claim
and get the justice you deserve.

Get Your Free Review

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