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Повернутися на мобільну версію ОСТАННІ НОВИНИ УКРАЇНИ search ВИБРАНЕ SinoptikОракулBooking RozetkaWork.uaProizd.ua АВТОСАЙТИ Машини продають на сайтi RST Шинний центр ГороШина ПАРТНЕРСЬКІ МАТЕРІАЛИ Новини компаній Асоціація операторів БПЛА ПОДОРОЖІ 100% турів на Otpusk.ua Автобусні квитки на BlaBlaCar Гарантовані автобусні тури Booking - бронювання житла НЕРУХОМІСТЬ DIM.RIA - новобудови України ЛУН - Всі новобудови FLATFY - Квартири шукай МЕДИЦИНА Масажні крісла Casada Медичний магазин Ортопедичний магазин Пульсоксиметри Товари для здоров'я Онлайн консультації лікарів Допомога психологів ІНТЕРНЕТ МАГАЗИНИ Лічильники води Goodmax Годинники і прикраси Люксхроно Постільна білизна 1+1=3 Країна казок - для дітей Натяжні стелі Art Decor Магазин електронiки РОБОТА ТА ОСВІТА WORK.ua – №1 в Україні ROBOTA.ua - перевірені вакансії Дистанційна освіта 1-11 клас Робота за кордоном - Layboard Курси для дітей і дорослих Курси програмування ЖІНКАМ Квіти - BuketLand Flowers-доставка квiтів Нумерологічний прогнози Автобусні тури в Європу ІНТЕРНЕТ Домени і Хостинг Hvosting.ua NIC.ua - домени і хостинг RX-Name домен com.ua 299 ₴ СМИ - InternetUA СПОРТ Футбол на Спорт.ua Великий теніс України ДЕРЖАВА Верховна Рада України Президент України Прес-центр судової влади Кабінет Міністрів України Нацбанк iGov - портал державних послуг купити квитки Месьє Азнавур купити квитки Гладіатор ІІ купити квитки Володар перснів : Війна рогіримів купити квитки Веном: Останній танець купити квитки Тільки я візьму новий рівень - повторне... купити квитки Батько року купити квитки Єретик купити квитки Ваяна 2 купити квитки Мати Христа купити квитки Граф Монте- Крісто купити квитки Потік. Останній кіт на Землі купити квитки Буча купити квитки Марія купити квитки Різдвяне бажання купити квитки Мертві землі купити квитки Wicked: чародійка купити квитки Ера перевертнів купити квитки Джонні Пафф: Секретна місія купити квитки Конклав купити квитки Дикий робот купити квитки Морена купити квитки Кодове ім'я "Червоний" купити квитки Мрійники ГОЛОВНЕ * Євросоюз сьогодні ухвалить новий пакет санкцій проти РФ, тема миротворців передчасна - Каллас (Укрінформ) * Нічна атака РФ: ППО України збила 27 з 49 дронів (Deutsche Welle) * За добу 228 боїв, найбільше ворог атакував на Времівському напрямку, - Генштаб (РБК-Україна) всі головні події дня ВІЙНА 11:10 ССО ліквідували ДРГ РФ під час спроби прориву в Сумську область (Новини Донбасу) 11:05 КНДР понесла втрати на Курщині: у ГУР пояснили, як Росія вирішує проблеми з доукомплектуванням (24 канал) 11:05 Українські FPV-дрони вразили рідкісні цілі — бомбомет "Смерч-2" і бронемашину "Выстрел" (відео) (Фокус) 10:56 Протягом доби поліція зафіксувала 2645 ворожих ударів по Донеччині (Східний варіант) 10:42 Стало відомо про загибель підлітка через обстріл у с.Шевченко Покровського району (Інтерфакс-Україна) Всі новини про російську агресію в Україні ПОЛІТИКА 11:09 Заяви чиновників із Білого дому не вплинуть на зниження мобілізаційного віку в Україні — Стефанішина (NV) 11:01 Зеленський поїде у Брюссель: які його плани (Gazeta.ua) 10:55 Литва закликає ЄС розробити спільну стратегію для боротьби з гібридними атаками Росії (Судово-юридична газета) 10:48 Блінкен обговорив посилення військової допомоги Україні із главою МЗС Британії Леммі (UA.NEWS) 10:42 Чому Фіцо виступає проти припинення транзиту російського газу через Україну (24 канал) всі політичні новини України ЕКОНОМІКА 11:13 Ощадбанк дає безвідсоткові кредити на купівлю житла — деталі (Новини.LIVE) 11:10 Кабмін продовжив на рік заборону на імпорт російських товарів (УкрАгроКонсалт) 11:05 Хто зможе не сплачувати ЄСВ у 2025 році (24 канал) 11:03 Одеська ОВА скасувала наказ, що обмежує експорт зерна під час воєнного стану (Інтерфакс-Україна) 11:00 До реєстру органічних операторів внесено майже 260 виробників (AgroPortal) всі новини економіки та фінансів ПОДІЇ 11:13 У Чернівцях військовий допомагав уникати ТЦК — що вирішив суд (Новини.LIVE) 11:10 Житель Чорнобаївки, який очолив КП в окупації, отримав 10 років ув’язнення (Україна кримінальна) 11:06 У Харкові затримали підлітків, які підірвали вибухівки біля райвідділів поліції (РБК-Україна) 11:02 ВАКС зняв браслет з голови Антимонопольного комітету Кириленка (Слово і Діло) 10:58 На Київщині БЕБ викрило чергові нелегальні “казино” (Хронікерс) всі новини подій, аварій, катастроф СУСПІЛЬСТВО 11:13 Демографічна ситуація в Україні — що зміниться після війни (Новини.LIVE) 11:05 "Зрада скасовується": у "Кварталі 95" відреагували на скандал з картою "без Криму" (відео) (Фокус) 11:01 Загальна мобілізація: які види повісток зараз вручають (borg.expert) 11:00 Папа Римський вчергове оголосив українців і росіян “братами” та закликав “порозумітися” (Політарена) 10:58 Проєкт DCAF: для сержантського складу ЗСУ провели тренінги з міжнародного гуманітарного права. ФОТО (Інформаційний спротив) всі новини розділу Суспільство Київські новини КИЇВСЬКІ НОВИНИ Київ Вінниця Волинь Дніпро Донецьк Житомир Закарпаття Запоріжжя Івано-Франківськ Кропивницький Луганськ Львів Миколаїв Одеса Полтава Рівне Суми Тернопіль Харків Херсон Хмельницький Черкаси Чернігів Чернівці Крим 11:09 У Києві через сильний вітер тимчасово зняли найбільший прапор України (UA.NEWS) 11:00 У Броварах повідомлено про підозру директору-комунальнику, який закупив «золотий» асфальт (Магнолія-ТВ) 10:59 Уже понад 1000 замовлень на ліки доставили на Київщині поштою (Моя Київщина) 10:58 Київ отримає 85 нових автобусів із Туреччини (#ШоТам) 10:55 Час на заміну візків широкої колії для потяга Київ-Будапешт скоротили вдвічі (ЦТС) всі новини розділу ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ 11:08 Apple готує складаний iPad з гігантським 18,8-дюймовим екраном (iLenta) 11:03 Російська команда з українцем у складі перемогла на найбільшому турнірі з Counter-Strike 2 (Українські новини) 11:02 Bitcoin оновив історичний максимум (Gazeta.ua) 11:01 Як безпечно прискорити телефон, якщо він став гальмувати (internetua) 10:42 В Україні з’явився електронний Перелік автостанцій (Комерсант український) всі новини інформаційних технологій НАУКА 11:00 У Німеччині знайшли 1500-річний складний стільчик (Успіх) 10:45 Уперше виявлено рідкісне явище: історична величезна чорна діра здивувала вчених (фото) (Фокус) 10:40 Археологи дослідили унікальний метод ремонту кольчуги (Cikavosti.com) 10:40 Вчені виявили у близької до нас планети гігантський хвіст, що в 44 рази більший за Землю (YSTNews) 10:31 Сонцеподібні зірки кожні 100 років випускають потужні суперспалахи (Newsyou) всі новини науки АВТО 11:03 Фахівець розповів, що категорично не можна робити на мийці самообслуговування взимку (AMPERCAR) 11:02 Електромобілі стають доступнішими (360UA NEWS) 11:00 Nissan створив електричний варіант класичного Skyline GT-R (Newsyou) 11:00 Volkswagen представив новий Tiguan (Newsauto.com.ua) 10:57 Черги на кордоні України — затори можливі на кількох КПП (Новини.LIVE) всі автоновини СПОРТ 11:06 Коментаторка принесла вибачення, що назвала гравця збірної Індії з крикету приматом (Сhampion.com.ua) 11:05 Україна на Кубку Європи завоювала першу в сезоні медаль з лижної акробатики (Спорт 24) 11:05 Названо найталановитішого вихованця Динамо. Це не Мілевський і не Алієв (Sport.ua) 11:04 “Манчестер Юнайтед” підібрав нового нападника (Про футбол) 11:01 Ф'юрі поділився спогадами від першого бою проти Усика (Sport News) всі спортивні новини: футбол, бокс, хокей... ЗДОРОВ’Я 11:02 Як правильно прочищати ніс під час нежиті, щоб не спровокувати вушну інфекцію (RadioClub) 11:01 Прості поради для миттєвої втрати ваги (OBOZ.UA) 11:00 Спеціаліст назвала групи продуктів, які знижують рівень холестерину (Newsyou) 10:35 Прогноз магнітних бур з 16 по 22 грудня: чого очікувати від сонячної активності на цьому тижні (Ми-Україна) 10:32 Топ-5 видів листової зелені, які рекомендується їсти щодня (InfoRoom) всі новини медицини, краси та косметології ШОУ-БІЗНЕС 11:04 Євген Клопотенко потрапив у скандал через зйомки у Лаврі: кухар відповів (Глянець) 11:00 Ідріс Ельба хоче знятися з Кіану Рівзом в екранізації Cyberpunk 2077 (УНІАН) 11:00 Бебі-бум: знаменитості, які стали батьками у 2024 році (Joy-pup) 10:59 Від ролі Карпа Кайдаша до одного із найпопулярніших акторів: де зараз і як живе Тарас Цимбалюк (24 канал) 10:55 Melovin та Ассоль розповіли, що між ними відбувається насправді (1 хвилина) всі новини розділу Шоу-бізнес ЗА КОРДОНОМ 11:07 У ПАР кажуть, що не запросять Путіна на саміт G20 через ордер на його арешт (Радіо Свобода) 11:06 Представитель ХАМАСа: "Мы как никогда близки к соглашению с Израилем" (NEWSru.co.il) 10:59 FT: Центробанк Сирии в 2018-2019 годах отправил в Россию около $250 млн наличными (Настоящее время) 10:57 Британія спише останню атомну субмарину типу Trafalgar (internetua) 10:55 Орбан, Мелоні та Стармер: хто друг, а хто ворог Трампа в Європі (RIA-M.TV) всі новини з-за кордону КУРЙОЗИ 10:30 У Німеччині корів привчили до походів у вбиральню (Фото) (NNews) 10:30 Ведмідь влаштував заплив у басейні американців (відео) (Storinka.com.ua) 09:31 "Вийшов у магазин": у Києві біля станції метро помітили самотнього гусака (Новини N) 08:50 Брати зібрали найбільшу в світі колекцію карток Покемонів і потрапили до Книги рекордів Гіннеса (Фокус) 23:00 Ілона Маска викинуло з відеогри Path of Exile 2 за те, що він занадто майстерний (Newsyou) всі кумедні, курйозні новини ФОТОРЕПОРТАЖ 10:50 6-річний принц Луї порушив королівську традицію на концерті колядок (ТОнеТО) 10:43 Дружина Остапчука показала, як його мама допомагає їм з новонародженим сином (ФОТО) (Hochu.ua) 10:40 Святкове застілля: що їдять король Чарльз та його родина на Різдво (ТСН) 10:22 Миколаївська чемпіонка Ольга Харлан підірвала мережу ефектною фотосесією із шаблею (Новини N) 10:21 Був вірний присязі: стало відомо про смерть військового із Київщини Віталія Науменка. Фото (OBOZ.UA) всі фотоновини ВІДЕО 10:36 Літак American Airlines здійснив екстрену посадку через зіткнення з птахом (ВІДЕО) (Newsyou) 10:23 У застосунку Армія+ з’явилася нова функція для нацгвардійців (PaySpaceMagazine) 10:21 У РФ показали кадри підриву в Донецьку начальника "Оленівки" Євсюкова і знайшли винного. Відео (Криминал.TV) 10:13 Відео дня. «Є! Збили! Догнав!» Бойова робота мобільних вогневих груп зблизька (Texty.org.ua) 10:09 Російський танкер розколовся під час шторму, виливши нафту в Керченську протоку (ВІДЕО) (Велика Епоха) всі відео новини LIFESTYLE 11:02 Експерти розповіли незвичний спосіб відлякування комах з дому (Добрі Новини) 11:00 7 способів, як використати канцелярську гумку у побуті (Useti) 11:00 Чим відчистити пригоріле молоко зі склокерамічної поверхні (Newsyou) 10:57 Що категорично не можна виливати в унітаз (DAILY) 10:55 Кращий спосіб, щоб відмити сковорідку з антипригарним покриття (UA Новини) всі новини про подорожі, розваги, дозвілля КУЛІНАРІЯ 11:08 Як найпростіше приготувати печінку, щоб вона на смак не стала суха (Best-home-ideas.com) 11:03 Теплий салат з печінкою та грушею: коли набридли звичайні рецепти (OBOZ.UA) 11:02 Намазка для бутербродів зі шпротами: ідея закуски (Newsyou) 11:00 Як спекти тарталетки — рецепт для солоних і солодких начинок (shuba) 10:39 Готуємо смачний салат із курки з сиром (Glamour) всі новини про їжу, рецепти, правильне харчування САД-ГОРОД 10:13 Як у грудні подбати про нові кущі смородини (Newsyou) 10:08 Що робити з мокрою гортензією, яку не встигли вкрити до морозів (ProstoWay) 10:05 Які кімнатні рослини заборонено ставити на підвіконня та чому (Газета Свобода) 10:02 Експерти розповіли, які дерева не варто садити біля будинку (Добрі Новини) 09:49 Як захистити молодий садок від зайців (UA Вісник) всі новини про сад та город Українською Українською на Русском Вийти * Погода * Валюта * Пальне * Оракул * Кіно Київ Вінниця Волинь Дніпро Донецьк Житомир Закарпаття Запоріжжя Івано-Франківськ Кропивницький Луганськ Львів Миколаїв Одеса Полтава Рівне Суми Тернопіль Харків Херсон Хмельницький Черкаси Чернігів Чернівці Крим сьогодні о 10:14 Купівля Продаж НБУ USD 41.48 42.00 41.6070 EUR 43.62 44.31 43.7373 PLN 9.91 10.44 10.2518 Конвертер валют * грн * pln 9.91 * usd 41.48 * eur 43.62 Київ ВінницяВолиньДніпроДонецькЖитомирЗакарпаттяЗапоріжжяІвано-ФранківськКропивницькийЛуганськЛьвівМиколаївОдесаПолтаваРівнеСумиТернопільХарківХерсонХмельницькийЧеркасиЧернігівЧернівціКрим сьогодні о 10:14 Пальне Середня Ціна на заправках * A-95+ 58.99 * A-95 56.97 * A-92 52.99 * ДП 54.17 * Газ 35.59 * 52.99 Укрнафта * Овен * Телець * Близнюки * Рак * Лев * Дiва * Терези * Скорпiон * Стрiлець * Козоріг * Водолій * Риби Сонник Тлумачення імен Таро АВТО Шини для авто та диски Автозапчастини Авторезина та диски Акумулятори Electron Шини та диски Автошини та диски Фарбування дисків ТЕХНІКА ТА ПРИЛАДИ Тепловізори Мобільні аксесуари Оптика для полювання Тепловізори і оптика ВОЛОНТЕР Об'єднання волонтерів Свалявський рух опору Dovidka.info Права ветеранів Підтримка армії Житло біженцям Допомога ЗСУ Соціальний краудфандинг ОФІЦІЙНІ КАНАЛИ Офіс Президента Кабінет Міністрів Мін. внутрішніх справ ДСНС України ТерО ЗСУ СтратКом ЗСУ Держспецзвʼязок ЗС України Центр нац. спротиву Ген штаб ЗСУ Міністерство оборони Національна поліція ДПС України Нацгвардія України Центр інф. безпеки ВМС ЗСУ Головнокомандувач РУХ ТРАНСПОРТУ ТА РОБОТА ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ Міністерство інфраструктури України Украерорух Адміністрація морських портів України Державна служба України з безпеки на транспорті (ДСБТ) Укрзалізниця Міжнародний аеропорт “Бориспіль” Міжнародний аеропорт “Львів” КОРИСНА ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ДЛЯ ФОПІВ ФОП 3-ї групи ЄП-5% ФОП 2-ї групи ЄП A painting of Russian terrorists blowing up a dam in 2023 Задонать на офіційний рахунок Міністерства оборони України UKR.NET +38 (044) 392-03-02 reklama@ukr.net UKR.NET * Новини •Підтримка користувачів•Конфіденційність•Про стрічку новин•Підключення до стрічки•Розміщення рекламних новин•Реклама на порталі•Про нас•Новини компаній Вход для пользователей Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript для успешного использования почты ukr.net. 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Регистрация word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 UKR.NET ASKS FOR YOUR CONSENT TO USE YOUR PERSONAL DATA TO: * Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development * Store and/or access information on a device Learn more * How can I change my choice? * What if I don't consent? * How does legitimate interest work? * Do I have to consent to everything? Your personal data will be processed and information from your device (cookies, unique identifiers, and other device data) may be stored by, accessed by and shared with 167 TCF vendor(s) and 68 ad partner(s), or used specifically by this site or app. Some vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can object to by managing your options below. Look for a link at the bottom of this page to manage or withdraw consent in privacy and cookie settings. Consent Manage options Data preferences MANAGE YOUR DATA You can choose how your personal data is used. Vendors want your permission to do the following: TCF vendors STORE AND/OR ACCESS INFORMATION ON A DEVICE Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here. View details Consent (148 vendors) USE LIMITED DATA TO SELECT ADVERTISING Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you). View details Consent (97 vendors)Legitimate interest (36 vendors) CREATE PROFILES FOR PERSONALISED ADVERTISING Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities. View details Consent (114 vendors) USE PROFILES TO SELECT PERSONALISED ADVERTISING Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. View details Consent (110 vendors) CREATE PROFILES TO PERSONALISE CONTENT Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests. View details Consent (38 vendors) USE PROFILES TO SELECT PERSONALISED CONTENT Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests. View details Consent (33 vendors) MEASURE ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns. View details Consent (101 vendors)Legitimate interest (53 vendors) MEASURE CONTENT PERFORMANCE Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you. View details Consent (40 vendors)Legitimate interest (17 vendors) UNDERSTAND AUDIENCES THROUGH STATISTICS OR COMBINATIONS OF DATA FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents). View details Consent (67 vendors)Legitimate interest (24 vendors) DEVELOP AND IMPROVE SERVICES Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers. View details Consent (79 vendors)Legitimate interest (43 vendors) USE LIMITED DATA TO SELECT CONTENT Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you). View details Consent (15 vendors)Legitimate interest (4 vendors) ENSURE SECURITY, PREVENT AND DETECT FRAUD, AND FIX ERRORS Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them. View details DELIVER AND PRESENT ADVERTISING AND CONTENT Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device. View details SAVE AND COMMUNICATE PRIVACY CHOICES The choices you make regarding the purposes and entities listed in this notice are saved and made available to those entities in the form of digital signals (such as a string of characters). This is necessary in order to enable both this service and those entities to respect such choices. View details MATCH AND COMBINE DATA FROM OTHER DATA SOURCES Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice. View details LINK DIFFERENT DEVICES In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices). View details IDENTIFY DEVICES BASED ON INFORMATION TRANSMITTED AUTOMATICALLY Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice. View details USE PRECISE GEOLOCATION DATA With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice. View details Consent How this consent management platform (CMP) works: CMP privacy choices STORAGE, DURATION, AND USAGE DETAILS The choices you make with this CMP regarding the purposes and entities will affect how personalized advertising is presented to you. We need to store these choices to respect them on future visits, and they are stored differently based on the type of site or app you're using: * For sites, your choices are saved in a cookie named “FCCDCF” for a maximum duration of 390 days. * For apps, your choices are saved in device storage prefixed by “IABTCF_”. Your choices will be invalidated after 390 days and overwritten once you make new privacy choices on this app. * For accelerated mobile page (AMP) sites, your choices are saved in local storage prefixed by “amp-store”. Your choices will be invalidated after 390 days and overwritten once you make new privacy choices on this site. Vendor preferences Accept all Confirm choices Vendor preferences CONFIRM OUR VENDORS Vendors can use your data to provide services. Declining a vendor can stop them from using the data you shared. TCF vendors EXPONENTIAL INTERACTIVE, INC D/B/A VDX.TV Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent ROQ.AD GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ADMAXIM LIMITED Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent INDEX EXCHANGE INC. Cookie duration: 395 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent QUANTCAST Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest BEESWAXIO CORPORATION Cookie duration: 395 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent SOVRN, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent ADIKTEEV Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest RTB HOUSE S.A. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent THE UK TRADE DESK LTD Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest NEXXEN INC. Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest EPSILON Cookie duration: 184 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent YAHOO EMEA LIMITED Cookie duration: 397 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ADVENTORI SAS Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent TRIPLE LIFT, INC. Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest XANDR, INC. Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest NEORY GMBH Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent NEXXEN GROUP LLC Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest NEURAL.ONE Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent ADITION (VIRTUAL MINDS GMBH) Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ACTIVE AGENT (VIRTUAL MINDS GMBH) Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent TABOOLA EUROPE LIMITED Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent EQUATIV Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ADFORM A/S Cookie duration: 3650 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest MAGNITE, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest RATEGAIN ADARA INC Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent 33ACROSS Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent SIFT MEDIA, INC Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Precise location data more View details | Privacy policy Consent RAKUTEN MARKETING LLC Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest GUMGUM, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent LUMEN RESEARCH LIMITED Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data more View details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest AMAZON AD SERVER Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest OPENX Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent YIELDLAB (VIRTUAL MINDS GMBH) Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ROKU ADVERTISING SERVICES Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest NANO INTERACTIVE GROUP LTD. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data more View details | Privacy policy Consent SIMPLIFI HOLDINGS LLC Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Precise location data more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent PUBMATIC, INC Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest COMSCORE B.V. Cookie duration: 720 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent FLASHTALKING Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more View details | Privacy policy Consent PULSEPOINT, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent SMAATO, INC. Cookie duration: 21 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest SEMASIO GMBH Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent CRIMTAN HOLDINGS LIMITED Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest GENIUS SPORTS UK LIMITED Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent TEROA S.A. Cookie duration: 2555 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent CRITEO SA Cookie duration: 390 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ADLOOX SA Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest BLIS GLOBAL LIMITED Cookie duration: 400 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent LOTAME SOLUTIONS, INC Cookie duration: 274 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent LIVERAMP Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent GROUPM UK LIMITED Cookie duration: 395 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest SONOBI, INC Cookie duration: 60 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest RICH AUDIENCE TECHNOLOGIES SLU Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Non-precise location data more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent LOOPME LIMITED Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent DYNATA LLC Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ASK LOCALA Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent AZIRA Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest DOUBLEVERIFY INC. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more View details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest BIDSWITCH GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent IPONWEB GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent NEXTROLL, INC. Cookie duration: 183 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent ID5 TECHNOLOGY LTD Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent TEADS FRANCE SAS Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest STRÖER SSP GMBH (SSP) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest OS DATA SOLUTIONS GMBH Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest CONNECTAD DEMAND GMBH Cookie duration: 31 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent PERMODO GMBH Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent PLATFORM161 B.V. Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent MEDIA.NET ADVERTISING FZ-LLC Cookie duration: 2190 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest LIVEINTENT INC. Cookie duration: 731 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent BASIS GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest SEEDTAG ADVERTISING S.L Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent SMADEX, S.L.U. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent BOMBORA INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest OUTBRAIN UK LTD Cookie duration: 1825 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent EASYMEDIA GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent REMERGE GMBH Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest ADVANCED STORE GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest MAGNITE CTV, INC. Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest DELTA PROJECTS AB Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest ZEMANTA INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent USEMAX ADVERTISEMENT (EMEGO GMBH) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Users’ profiles more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent EMETRIQ GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent PUBLICIS MEDIA GMBH Cookie duration: 1825 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent M.D. PRIMIS TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Cookie duration: 25 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest ONETAG LIMITED Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES S.A. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent SMARTOLOGY LIMITED Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest IMPROVE DIGITAL Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest ADOBE ADVERTISING CLOUD Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest BANNERFLOW AB Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent TABMO SAS Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent INTEGRAL AD SCIENCE (INCORPORATING ADMANTX) Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more View details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest OPEN WEB TECHNOLOGIES LTD Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest WIZALY Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent WEBORAMA Cookie duration: 393 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest JIVOX CORPORATION Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent VISTAR MEDIA EMEA BV Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Non-precise location data more View details | Privacy policy Consent ON DEVICE RESEARCH LIMITED Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ROCKABOX MEDIA LTD Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest EXACTAG GMBH Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent CELTRA INC. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent MAINADV SRL Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent GEMIUS SA Cookie duration: 1825 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent THE KANTAR GROUP LIMITED Cookie duration: 914 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent MGID INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent NIELSEN MEDIA RESEARCH LTD. Cookie duration: 120 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent VIDOOMY MEDIA SL Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Non-precise location data more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent SOLOCAL SA Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest PIXALATE, INC. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent NUMBERLY Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent AUDIENCEPROJECT A/S Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest DEMANDBASE, INC. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent EFFILIATION / EFFINITY Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ARRIVALIST CO. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ADTELLIGENT INC. Cookie duration: 93 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent SEENTHIS AB Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics more View details | Privacy policy COMMANDERS ACT Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent TRAVEL AUDIENCE GMBH Cookie duration: 397 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent HUMAN Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Non-precise location data more View details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest BLENDEE SRL Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent INNOVID LLC Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest PAPIRFLY AS Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics more View details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest NEUSTAR, INC., A TRANSUNION COMPANY Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest MAGNITE, INC. (CARBON AI LIMITED) Cookie duration: 89 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest ADMIXER EU GMBH Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest VERVE GROUP EUROPE GMBH Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent SMARTYADS INC. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Non-precise location data more View details | Privacy policy Consent OTTO (GMBH & CO KG) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest ADOBE AUDIENCE MANAGER, ADOBE EXPERIENCE PLATFORM Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent LOCALSENSOR B.V. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent ONLINE SOLUTION Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent ONFOCUS (ADAGIO) Cookie duration: 60 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent RELAY42 NETHERLANDS B.V. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent GP ONE GMBH Cookie duration: Uses session cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest LIFTOFF MONETIZE AND VUNGLE EXCHANGE Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest THE MEDIAGRID INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent REPPUBLIKA RESEARCH & ANALYTICS AUSTRIA GMBH Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Users’ profiles more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent CINT AB Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent MONET ENGINE INC Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent GOOGLE ADVERTISING PRODUCTS Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest GFK GMBH Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent REVJET Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent PROTECTED MEDIA LTD Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data more View details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest CLINCH LABS LTD Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest ORACLE DATA CLOUD - MOAT Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data more View details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest ADTARGET TEKNOLOJI A.S. Cookie duration: 93 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent HEARTS AND SCIENCE MÜNCHEN GMBH Cookie duration: 60 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent AMAZON ADVERTISING Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent MOLOCO, INC. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest NOBID, INC. Cookie duration: 7 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ADTRIBA GMBH Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent GEOEDGE Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Non-precise location data more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest ENSIGHTEN Cookie duration: 1825 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Legitimate interest SPORTORITY UK LTD Cookie duration: 1 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest EBAY INC Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent METRIXLAB NEDERLAND B.V. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent EXOCLICK, S.L. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest HURRA COMMUNICATIONS GMBH Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Precise location data more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent NEXT MILLENNIUM MEDIA INC Cookie duration: 1 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policy Consent 152 MEDIA LLC Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent LUPON MEDIA Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Privacy choices more View details | Privacy policy Consent BIDMATIC INC Cookie duration: 93 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent ORANGE CLICK MEDIA & COMMERCE LTD Cookie duration: 400 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Probabilistic identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policy Consent ADS INTERACTIVE LTD. Cookie duration: 56 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Non-precise location data, Privacy choices more View details | Storage details | Privacy policy Consent ADVERTISING.TECH FZ-LLC Cookie duration: 731 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Probabilistic identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, Users’ profiles, Privacy choices more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policy ConsentLegitimate interest Ad partners AKAMAI Privacy policy Consent META Privacy policy Consent AUNICA Privacy policy Consent BOOKING.COM Privacy policy Consent C3 METRICS Privacy policy Consent IBM Privacy policy Consent EVIDON Privacy policy Consent ADACADO Privacy policy Consent INTELLIAD Privacy policy Consent DSTILLERY Privacy policy Consent MEDIAMATH Privacy policy Consent ZMS Privacy policy Consent OMNICOM MEDIA GROUP Privacy policy Consent RESONATE Privacy policy Consent SMART Privacy policy Consent SOJERN Privacy policy Consent TRADEDOUBLER AB Privacy policy Consent TRUSTARC Privacy policy Consent TRUEFFECT Privacy policy Consent TRAVEL DATA COLLECTIVE Privacy policy Consent ADVOLUTION.CONTROL Privacy policy Consent LIFESTREET Privacy policy Consent BATCH MEDIA Privacy policy Consent VODAFONE GMBH Privacy policy Consent MAGNITE Privacy policy Consent SCENESTEALER Privacy policy Consent NETQUEST Privacy policy Consent MANAGE.COM Privacy policy Consent CLOUDFLARE Privacy policy Consent SALESFORCE DMP Privacy policy Consent ORANGE ADVERTISING Privacy policy Consent NETFLIX Privacy policy Consent TRAFMAG Privacy policy Consent EBUILDERS Privacy policy Consent APPLOVIN CORP. 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