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Submitted URL: http://kilozava.com/products/crocheted-top-and-shorts-two-piece-set?aid=smart_recommend.5.362858136920433378&ifb=712...
Effective URL: https://www.pincosue.com/products/crocheted-top-and-shorts-two-piece-set?aid=smart_recommend.5.362858136920433378&ifb=712...
Submission: On November 01 via api from US — Scanned from CA
Effective URL: https://www.pincosue.com/products/crocheted-top-and-shorts-two-piece-set?aid=smart_recommend.5.362858136920433378&ifb=712...
Submission: On November 01 via api from US — Scanned from CA
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<h1 class="tw-m-0 md:tw-font-medium type-title-font-family tw-break-words product-title-transform product-info__header_title">Crocheted Top and Shorts Two-Piece Set</h1>
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To Extend the Life of Your Garment, We Suggest That You Do Not Machine Wash. Instead, Hand Wash Using Water at or Below 30℃ / 86°F. Shipping How can enjoy a free shipping policy? Free shipping on orders over $69. Both shipping costs and shipping method should be subject to what is stated on the Payment Page, and this may vary for different delivery destinations. How soon will I receive my package after my order placed? There are two key factors that will decide when you will receive your package. 1. Item Processing Time: The processing time is the time it takes for the seller to prepare the item(s) for shipment. There are different processing times for different items depending on product category and volume. Usually, it is around 5 to 7 working days to process. 2. Shipping Method: Delivery time varies with shipping method. Time in transit varies depending on where you're located and where your package is coming from. 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Due to a large number of new orders, our inventory is insufficient, so it takes some time to produce the goods, please understand. In order to enable you to receive the package as soon as possible, we will give priority to the goods in stock. The out-of-stock items will be sent to you immediately after the product arrives, so the order will be divided into multiple packages, please check! In addition, you don’t need to pay multiple shipping fees. Orders that meet the free shipping do not need to pay shipping fees, and orders that do not meet the shipping conditions only need to pay one shipping fee. Return Policy Thank you for shopping in pincosue. If you have any after-sales questions, you can contact us in the following ways : Email : pincosue@supporting-consumer.com Thank you for shopping at pincosue.com We're bummed if you're not 100% satisfied with the items you received, and we gladly accept returns within 30 days of receipt for most items in new condition. About Return: 1. Please contact Customer Service team, indicating the item(s) you would like to return and the reason. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Your patience will be highly appreciated. Please send your order number to our service Email: pincosue@supporting-consumer.com 2. After receiving return instructions from us, please package up the item(s) to be returned with the original packing. 3. We do not accept returned items that were sent back directly without notifying us first. Any addresses on the parcel are not approved as the return address. Returned packages without an authorized return address from customer service representatives will not be refunded. 4. Most returns are processed within 5 business days after we receive your package. We'll issue the refund to your Paypal or Credit card. Once your refund has been issued, you will receive a confirmation email. Return Conditions: 1. You have 30 days to decide if an item is right for you, if you would like to return or exchange the item please contact us within 30 days of delivery. 2. All returns will be refunded via store credit in the form of a store cash code. 3. Returned items must be in their unused condition with the original packing. We do not accept a returned item that has been worn, damaged, washed, or altered in any way. 4. Items with non-returnable marks and free gifts cannot be returned. 5. We do not accept returned items that have been sent back without proper returns requests. 6. We do not offer Freight To Collect (FTC) service for the packages returned to us. The returns will be made at your own cost. 7. Please be sure to double-check your returns before shipping them out. We are not responsible for the return of non-viceall products. 8. Purchase Not Eligible for Return: -Final sale item(s) is not eligible for return or exchange. -Swimwear is not eligible for return or exchange. -Swimwear can only be returned/exchanged if it is defective/damaged or wrong item. -You must email us a picture showing the problem/defect when you submitting the return/exchange request. Order Cancellation: We offer you a full refund if your order cancellation within 24 hours of purchase. If you decide to cancel the order, you should send an order cancellation request to our customer service email >>>pincosue@supporting-consumer.com Please contact our Customer Service to get the return address and don't return the item to the address listed on our webiste . PARTY COSTUME View all * BLACK SILVER SHINE SKIRT DESERT GODDESS QUEEN SET $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * FESTIVAL CARNIVAL WESTERN COWGIRL SET OUTFIT $39.99 $69.99 -$30.00 * RHINESTONE SEQUIN SET $36.99 $59.99 -$23.00 * HOLIDAY CARNIVAL RHINESTONE LONG SLEEVE JUMPSUIT $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * BUTTERFLY HOODED FAIRY JUMPSUIT $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * FESTIVAL CARNIVAL EMERALD NEBULA JUMPSUIT $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 PARTY DRESSES View all * LUXURIOUS CRYSTAL EMBELLISHED PEARL GOWN $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * SEXY CRYSTAL-EMBELLISHED SEQUIN DRESS $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * LONG ORANGE DRESS WITH STONES $40.98 $57.78 -$16.80 * EMBROIDERED VIOLET LONG DRESS $40.98 $57.78 -$16.80 * MINI BRIDAL DRESS $36.99 $56.89 -$19.90 * LUXE CRYSTAL EMBELLISHED RHINESTONE SEQUIN BEADED MINI DRESS $38.99 $59.99 -$21.00 BEST SELLING View all * RAINBOW CROCHET TOP AND PANTS TWO-PIECE SET $37.99 $59.99 -$22.00 * MUSIC FESTIVAL HOLIDAY CARNIVAL MIRROR SEQUIN TURTLENECK TOP AND BOTTOMS SET $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * MUSIC FESTIVAL FEATHER TRIM TANK TOP MESH PANTSUIT $37.98 $62.68 -$24.70 * LUXE CRYSTAL EMBELLISHED RHINESTONE SEQUIN BEADED MINI DRESS $38.99 $59.99 -$21.00 * RAINBOW CROCHET KNITTED MINI DRESS $37.99 $59.99 -$22.00 * MUSIC FESTIVAL ELECTRO MUSIC FESTIVAL JUMPSUIT $36.68 $55.99 -$19.31 BOHEMIAN DRESSES View all * LUXE FLORAL EMBROIDERY LACE INSETS KIMONO SLEEVES MESH TULLE DRESS $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * SWEET FLORAL PRINT CHIFFON DRESS $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * LADIES FASHIONABLE AND ELEGANT DRESS $36.99 $46.99 -$10.00 * ROMANTIC PASTORAL FLORA GOWN $37.99 $59.99 -$22.00 * LUXE FLORAL EMBROIDERY LACE INSETS KIMONO SLEEVES MESH TULLE DRESS $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * LADIES FASHIONABLE AND ELEGANT DRESS $36.99 $46.99 -$10.00 NEW ARRIVALS View all * FESTIVAL CARNIVAL WESTERN COWGIRL SET OUTFIT $39.99 $69.99 -$30.00 * FUTURISTIC MIRROR SET $39.99 $55.89 -$15.90 * WOMEN'S STYLISH AND ELEGANT RHINESTONE TASSEL JUMPSUIT $36.99 $48.99 -$12.00 * PHOENIX CAPE LONG SLEEVE COSTUME BODYSUIT $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * MEN'S CASUAL KNITTED LARGE COLLAR COAT $38.99 $59.99 -$21.00 * MEN'S CASUAL KNITTED LAPEL COLLAR COAT $38.99 $59.99 -$21.00 CROCHET SERIES View all * RAINBOW CROCHET TOP AND PANTS TWO-PIECE SET $37.99 $59.99 -$22.00 * JASMINE TASSEL CROCHET JUMPSUIT $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * RESORT BEACH ONE-SHOULDER CROCHET TOP AND FRINGED PANTS TWO-PIECE SET $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * RESORT BEACH ONE-SHOULDER CROCHET TOP AND FRINGED PANTS TWO-PIECE SET $39.99 $59.99 -$20.00 * FASHIONABLE MULTICOLOR CROCHETED CARDIGAN $36.99 $59.99 -$23.00 * RETRO COLORFUL GRANNY SQUARE CROCHET CARDIGAN $36.99 $59.99 -$23.00 Accessories Sexy Mini Dresses Swimwear Beach Linen Party Costume $9.99 Women's fashionable retro metal earrings $9.99 $16.99 Save $7.00 $13.68 Trendy Frosty Pearl Earrings $13.68 $20.89 Save $7.21 $25.68 Rhinestone Party Accessory Clavicle Chain $25.68 $35.89 Save $10.21 $28.68 Rhinestone Crystal Earrings Necklace Set $28.68 $39.89 Save $11.21 $9.99 Women's fashionable retro metal earrings $9.99 $16.99 Save $7.00 $13.68 Trendy Frosty Pearl Earrings $13.68 $20.89 Save $7.21 View more $36.99 Women's floral print mini dress $36.99 $59.99 Save $23.00 $36.99 Floral Mini Dress $36.99 $59.99 Save $23.00 $36.99 Blue Sparkles Mini Dress $36.99 $59.99 Save $23.00 $36.99 MINI BRIDAL DRESS $36.99 $56.89 Save $19.90 $36.99 Women's floral print mini dress $36.99 $59.99 Save $23.00 $36.99 Floral Mini Dress $36.99 $59.99 Save $23.00 View more $24.99 Women's resort casual beach knitted swimwear $24.99 $34.99 Save $10.00 $19.99 Ladies vacation casual beach bikini $19.99 $29.99 Save $10.00 $32.99 Women's Sexy Fashion Knitted Swimsuit Suit $32.99 $46.99 Save $14.00 $12.99 Women's Sexy Knitted Hollow Swimsuit $12.99 $18.99 Save $6.00 $24.99 Women's resort casual beach knitted swimwear $24.99 $34.99 Save $10.00 $19.99 Ladies vacation casual beach bikini $19.99 $29.99 Save $10.00 View more $38.98 Casual Cotton And Linen Long Drawstring Dress $38.98 $52.98 Save $14.00 $36.99 Ladies fashionable casual loose dress $36.99 $46.99 Save $10.00 $36.99 Ladies fashionable casual loose dress $36.99 $46.99 Save $10.00 $31.39 Temperament Solid Color Vacation Linen Women's Dress $31.39 $45.55 Save $14.16 $38.98 Casual Cotton And Linen Long Drawstring Dress $38.98 $52.98 Save $14.00 $36.99 Ladies fashionable casual loose dress $36.99 $46.99 Save $10.00 View more $39.99 Black Silver Shine Skirt Desert Goddess Queen Set $39.99 $59.99 Save $20.00 $39.99 Festival Carnival Western Cowgirl Set Outfit $39.99 $69.99 Save $30.00 $36.99 Rhinestone Sequin Set $36.99 $59.99 Save $23.00 $39.99 Holiday Carnival Rhinestone Long Sleeve Jumpsuit $39.99 $59.99 Save $20.00 $39.99 Black Silver Shine Skirt Desert Goddess Queen Set $39.99 $59.99 Save $20.00 $39.99 Festival Carnival Western Cowgirl Set Outfit $39.99 $69.99 Save $30.00 View more MEN'S VACATION View all * MEN'S CASUAL RESORT PRINTED SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT $24.99 $34.99 -$10.00 * FRINGED VEST FRAYED VINTAGE TOP $36.88 $55.68 -$18.80 * MEN'S CASUAL DESERT CLOAK $41.99 $69.00 -$27.01 * MEN’S CASUAL LINEN PANTS $28.99 $49.99 -$21.00 * MEN'S LINEN POCKET STRAIGHT LEG PANTS $29.89 $45.89 -$16.00 * MEN'S ALLOY RING SET $15.89 $25.89 -$10.00 CUSTOMER REVIEWS 4 Reviews Ângela Comprei propositalmente dois ternos em tamanhos diferentes porque parece muito atraente 🌈🌈 O tamanho S me cai perfeitamente, o tecido é leve, a estampa é bonita, a calça tem o comprimento certo e a blusa não é muito justa, mas não muito folgada, leve e fácil de usar. Posso usar o tamanho M quando sou casual e solto. Estou muito satisfeito com essas compras online. Esta é definitivamente uma roupa casual de verão com um lindo padrão. E comprei alguns fios de crochê pela internet e estou me preparando para fazer DIY um conjunto de cores exclusivas. Rainbow Crochet Top and Pants Two-Piece Set $37.99 $59.99 - $22.00 Jeanie I bought it for myself before my birthday and it looks really sparkly ✨✨ After opening the package, there are a lot of sequins decorating it. After wearing it, it looks sexy and elegant. I was a little worried about the price on their website because I didn't think it would be a high-quality product because it was so cheap, but I was defeated by the fact. It's a really cost-effective piece of clothing! Also choose the size according to the sizes recommended on their website. I am also grateful for the surprise my friends came to prepare for my birthday! They also complimented me on how beautiful my clothes were! Really a great shopping experience! Ashley Several other pieces of clothing I bought from this store fit perfectly, including this dress, which I purchased based on their size recommendations. Their crochet threads are made of plenty of materials, and the colors and pattern designs are really great🥰 As you can see in the pictures, the size M skirt I bought fits perfectly. Height 167cm, weight 58kg. A great piece of crocheted art! Clara El vestido cuelga maravillosamente, el color es genial, el crochet está muy diseñado, el material es de buena calidad y el precio no es muy caro. Además lo recibí en unas dos semanas. Estoy muy satisfecho 💗💗 Get first access to special offers, free giveaways, and insider releases. 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By signing up you agree with our Privacy Policy. 111 GIFTS POINTS Item has been added ${(function(){ const products = data.products; const getDefaultVariant = function(product){ if (product.min_price_variant.available){ return product.min_price_variant; }else { const avail_variants = product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); if (avail_variants.length) { return avail_variants[0]; } } }; const toQuery = obj => Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v => `${k}[]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`).join('&') : `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); const getDefaultTrackParams = function(product, index){ const variant = getDefaultVariant(product); const params = { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + data.id, scm: product.scm || data.scm || '', spm: data.spmBase + '.' + index, ssp: data.ssp || '', }; const trackParams = Object.keys(params).map(function(key){ return params[key]; }).join('__'); return trackParams; }; const hasMore = (data.products.length - data.target_top_product_num - data.page * data.limit) === 0; 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}); }); variantsEl.forEach(function(el){ SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){ api.handleRender(product); }); }) }); } tranckAddToCart(detail) { if (window.$) { window.$(document.body).trigger('dj.addToCart', detail); } } trackPluginImpression_(rule){ if (window.sa && window.sa.track) { window.sa.track("module_impressions", { aid: `smart_recommend.2.${rule.id}` }); } } getBindDiscount_(carts) { let bundle_sale_ids = []; try { bundle_sale_ids = sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids'] && JSON.parse(sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids']).filter((item, index, arr) => arr.indexOf(item, 0) === index).slice(-5); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } if (!carts.length) { Promise.resolve(); } return fetch(`${window.C_SETTINGS.routes.root || ''}/api/bundle-sales/cart`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'store-id': window.C_SETTINGS.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ cart: carts, action_type: 'cart', bundle_sale_ids }) }).then(res => res.json()) } impressListen(selector, cb) { const el = document.querySelector(selector); 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"checked": ""; return ` ${value} ` }).join("") } ` })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return ` ${ variant.options.map(function(option){ return option.value; }).join("/") || 'Not exist' } `; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.data && data.data.variant; const defaultText = data.defaultText || 'Add To Cart'; const text = (!variant || variant.available) ? defaultText: data.soldOutText; return ` ${text} `; })()} ${(function(){ let cart = data; if(data.data) { cart = data.data; } return ` ${cart.item_count >=0 ? cart.item_count : '..'} `; })()} ${(function(){ return ` ${data.i18n.checkout} `; })()}