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Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs Mitglied werden Einloggen BEITRAG VON STEPHEN GOLANT Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 2 Wochen Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden It is crucial to recognize that when young-old people judge the quality of life offered by different places, the factors they consider most salient for growing old successfully will unlikely be the same as those at advanced ages. This is not just an academic observation. Rather, it justifies a recommendation for re-engineering “best place to retire” quality of life assessments to tailor them more effectively to our aging populations' diverse health, care, and housing needs. See my thoughts on Booming Encore https://lnkd.in/evuExfU7 Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 3 Wochen Although useful, those “best place to retire” overviews don’t provide the info retirees require to make the hard decisions of where to live. Most importantly, retirees must decide whether they have short-term or long-term decision-making horizons. Do they expect this to be the last residential change they must make? See my thoughts on Booming Encore . https://lnkd.in/evuExfU7 #babyboomers#boomers#retirement#retirementplanning#aging#longevity#longevityplanning#housing#location#realestate#bestplacetolive MOVING TO THE RIGHT PLACE: WHY THE "BEST PLACES TO RETIRE" GUIDES FALL SHORT | BOOMING ENCORE BOOMINGENCORE.COM 9 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen RELEVANTERE BEITRÄGE * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 1 Tag Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Given our current shortage of residential and nursing home health aides, this story on the impact of immigration on the supply of foreign-born workers in the civilian labor force should be required reading. For my earlier perspective on how our immigration policies influence the well-being of middle-aged women, the preeminent caregivers of our vulnerable elders, see my earlier paper. https://lnkd.in/eWeQKBE. "Women Caring for Our Aging in Place Seniors Will Lose Out because of U.S. Immigration Policies." IMMIGRATION IS 'TAKING PRESSURE OFF' THE JOB MARKET AND U.S. ECONOMY, EXPERT SAYS CNBC.COM 7 3 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 3 Wochen * Diesen Beitrag melden Although useful, those “best place to retire” overviews don’t provide the info retirees require to make the hard decisions of where to live. Most importantly, retirees must decide whether they have short-term or long-term decision-making horizons. Do they expect this to be the last residential change they must make? See my thoughts on Booming Encore . https://lnkd.in/evuExfU7 #babyboomers#boomers#retirement#retirementplanning#aging#longevity#longevityplanning#housing#location#realestate#bestplacetolive MOVING TO THE RIGHT PLACE: WHY THE "BEST PLACES TO RETIRE" GUIDES FALL SHORT | BOOMING ENCORE BOOMINGENCORE.COM 8 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 3 Wochen Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden We must continually rebut these unsubstantiated claims, such as the simplistic link between home prices and older boomer homeownership reported in following Business Insider story: https://lnkd.in/gWpcTtwQ "Boomers are taking up a disproportionately large share of the housing supply compared with previous generations. That has been a pain for other homebuyers, as lower housing inventory has helped push up home prices." "Boomers also appear to be hogging the larger homes that millennials would otherwise be flocking to as they start families. In 2022, empty-nester baby boomers owned 28% of large homes in the US, a Redfin analysis found, double the share of millennial families." See my response in Booming Encore article: ARE OLDER HOMEOWNERS SELFISHLY LIVING IN HOMES THAT ARE TOO BIG? | BOOMING ENCORE BOOMINGENCORE.COM 10 11 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 1 Monat * Diesen Beitrag melden Are critics right to ask older boomers to move from their seemingly oversized dwellings to accommodate the homeownership needs of younger occupants? Do older people have good reasons to age in place? I consider these questions in my Booming Encore article, "Are Older Homeowners Selfishly Living in Homes That Are Too Big." https://lnkd.in/evURXNYq #babyboomers #boomers #retirement #aging #longevity #housing #realestate #aginginplace #downsizing #generations #homeownershipdreams ARE OLDER HOMEOWNERS SELFISHLY LIVING IN HOMES THAT ARE TOO BIG? | BOOMING ENCORE BOOMINGENCORE.COM 10 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 4 Monate * Diesen Beitrag melden It is challenging to interpret statistics reporting the growing number and share of older people living with unrelated persons. These relationships often include unrelated partners living together for romantic or related reasons—the fastest-growing group of shared households. These relationships also include same-sex romantic partners made possible by a more enlightened society. In both instances, they are not motivated by unmet caregiving needs. However, there is no question that these household relationships reduce the risk of loneliness and reduce affordability problems. Let’s remember, however, the consistent findings of life-span psychologists who emphasize how achieving control over one’s life and environment is essential to the majority of older people’s aging optimally. Sharing a dwelling with older or younger strangers with potentially incompatible habits and behaviors, who may be in transient and unstable stages in their lives, will not be a viable living arrangement pathway for most aging adults. Scott Fulton Keynote Speaker: Longevity Communities / President, Home Ideations / President, National Aging in Place Council / Author / American College of Lifestyle Medicine / Longevity UVA + UD / BOD Propion / Chair CAA Housing 4 Monate According to the 2021 Profile of #Older Americans, 27% (15.2 million) aged 65 and older lived #alone in 2021. This percentage increases with age and predominantly affects #women, 43% of whom live alone past age 75. Home sharing is an alternative housing option for people of any age, akin to roommates, where two or more people occupy the same living space and cohabitate in a mutually beneficial agreement. The concept of roommates is not new, but due to increasingly expensive housing costs and limited budgets for older adults, more retirees like Atchison are sharing their homes, allowing them to age in place at home while reducing housing costs and mitigating social isolation. https://lnkd.in/e5Wc8FNh HOME SHARING: A GROWING TREND FOR RETIREES TO REDUCE COSTS AND ISOLATION THESTREET.COM 15 2 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 5 Monate Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden The key takeaway from Karen Sands, MCC, BCC comments on the article below discussing the aging of older women are these words: "Whether you wear makeup or not, color your hair or not, go natural or high style or not, get face lifts or Botox or not —Who cares?! Bottomline: Just do it your way, and let us ALL age agelessly!" This was my article's message in Booming Encore, identifying the alternative ways that women cope with their physical aging. "There is no one correct pathway to aging optimally." https://lnkd.in/g-hGRvTy Natasha Ginnivan Researcher, Health, Mental Health, Ageing & Wellbeing | NSW Inspector of Custodial Services 5 Monate “There is a distinct move towards what is called “pro-ageing”, in which the ageing process is celebrated.” MAKEUP IS OUT, GREY HAIR IS IN: THE WEEK IT BECAME COOL FOR WOMEN TO LOOK THEIR AGE THEGUARDIAN.COM 5 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 5 Monate * Diesen Beitrag melden Thanks to Bob Kramer for drawing attention to my recent article on Booming Encore, recognizing not just the positive aspects of getting old, but also the downside realities of advanced old age. As emphasized, we can do much to reduce the healthspan-lifespan gap and reduce the number of years we will experience the less desirable events of growing old. But we must remember that the longevity economy is also driven by older people's demands for supportive services and long-term care. This means reducing the shortage of paid home care staff, improving their working conditions, and supporting family members in their often quiet anguish to assist their loved ones. We must also pay more attention to the potentials and limitations of the underground home care provider economy--to be addressed in a later article. https://lnkd.in/giT4nPZR Bob Kramer Founder & Fellow at Nexus Insights. Co-founder & Strategic Advisor, NIC 5 Monate Will your health span match your lifespan? That question is at the heart of the thoughtful piece Stephen Golant wrote recently in response to Age Wave’s “New Age of Aging” study. In his piece, Golant makes three points that deserve to be highlighted and examined more closely. 1) The Age Wave study shows that an increasing number of adults over the age of 65 are refusing to give up on their lives just because they’re “old.” As Golant writes, “They don’t feel over the hill but are just beginning to chart their best adventures and pursue new dreams — to start a new chapter in life.” That’s exciting, because if you change your expectations about getting older, you also change your lived experience. (And the opposite holds true, as well: If you expect the worst, you tend to get the worst.) In other words, if you start to imagine your later years as meaningful and satisfying, they’re more likely to be just that. 2) Golant asks, “Are those extra years of life worth celebrating if we must cope with health declines and losses over this period?” That’s a good question, and one that many older Americans already are asking themselves. Baby boomers have seen their parents live unexpectedly long lives and have an idea of what is in store for them. Most have come to the conclusion that it’s not attractive simply to have more years added to their lives — they want to have more life added to those years. They want what I call “purposeful longevity.” 3) Golant calls for realism, because “not all older people are motivated or able to fend off the scourges of old age.” That’s true. Some people — and a not insignificant percentage — are going to experience mobility or cognitive limitations in their later years. But that fact doesn’t mean that older people can’t do anything about it as a way of preparing. We know there are lifestyle changes that help delay or prevent physical and cognitive decline. For instance, a combination of diet and exercise, including brain exercise, and simply staying connected and engaged through activities like volunteer work can delay the onset of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. And when older people do experience some of the “scourges of old age,” they don’t have to throw in the towel. They can maintain a sense of meaning and purpose in the midst of those limitations. We do need to be realistic — the Age Wave study doesn’t show that the vast majority of us are going to live active and engaged lives into our 90s and then just drop dead in our sleep. But if we stay active and engaged longer, we can shorten the period where our health span doesn’t match our lifespan. It looks like more people are realizing this, and that’s encouraging. #PurposefulLongevity #HealthSpan #LifeSpan GETTING OLD - THE BEST OF TIMES AND THE WORST OF TIMES | BOOMING ENCORE BOOMINGENCORE.COM 7 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen * Stephen Golant Professor, University of Florida 5 Monate * Diesen Beitrag melden So true, Susan Williams. If we could reduce the incidence of chronic health diseases, we would go a long way to closing the healthspan-lifespan gap that I recently examined on Booming Encore. https://lnkd.in/giT4nPZR Susan Williams Founder of Booming Encore | Digital Media Hub and Global Social Media Influencer Focused on Longevity | Co-Author of Retirement Heaven or Hell: Which Will You Choose? | Longevity Lifestyle by Design Contributor 5 Monate Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and respiratory disease are at the crux of many of our challenges to our healthcare systems and are just poised for significant growth. It is estimated that by 2050, chronic diseases will be responsible for 86% of all deaths. In the following article written by Arianna Huffington and published in TIME, Arianna highlights how a shift to focus on behavior change and prevention of chronic disease could reverse some of these trends - and possibly be the miracle drug we're looking for. "According to the UN, the combination of maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, a healthy diet and not smoking can reduce the risk of developing the most common and deadly chronic diseases by as much as 80%.". So knowing that this healthcare crisis wave is coming, wouldn't it be much better to get in front of it rather than trying to swim out from under it? https://lnkd.in/ey7zkJZF #babyboomers #boomers #aging #longevity #chronicdisease #prevention #health #healthcare #behavior #behaviorchange BEHAVIOR IS A MIRACLE DRUG FOR OUR HEALTH TIME.COM 3 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Kopieren * LinkedIn * Facebook * Twitter Zum Anzeigen oder add a comment einloggen 795 Follower:innen * 110 Beiträge * 5 Artikel Profil anzeigen Folgen MEHR VON DIESEM:DIESER AUTOR:IN * HOW TO AGE WELL? Stephen Golant 6 Jahre * CAREGIVING FROM A DISTANCE ALWAYS DIFFICULT Stephen Golant 7 Jahre * SENIORS LIVING SEPARATELY FROM THE YOUNG CAN BE A GOOD THING! 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