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Submitted URL: http://www.monday.com/
Effective URL: https://www.monday.com/
Submission: On April 08 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.monday.com/
Submission: On April 08 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Connect teams, bridge silos, and maintain one source of truth across your organization. “ We use monday.com for a plethora of use cases, the opportunities this platform provides are limitless.” Jane Tham|VP of Collaboration Technologies Universal Music Group BRING TEAMS TOGETHER TO DRIVE BUSINESS IMPACT Collaborate effectively organization-wide to get a clear picture of all your work. Stay in the loop with easy-to-use automations and real-time notifications. “ Since adopting monday.com, our global marketing department has seen a 40% improvement in cross-team collaboration.” Sarah Pharr|AVP Marketing Genpact STAY ON TRACK TO REACH YOUR GOALS, FASTER Get a high-level overview of your organization with customizable dashboards. Make confident decisions and easily scale workflows for your evolving needs. Get Started “ monday.com allows banks to be synchronized between the top-level management figures and local KPIs.” Baptiste Ancey|Head of Innovation Indosuez Wealth Management | | | STREAMLINE YOUR WORK FOR MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY Centralize all your work, processes, tools, and files into one Work OS. Connect teams, bridge silos, and maintain one source of truth across your organization. BRING TEAMS TOGETHER TO DRIVE BUSINESS IMPACT Collaborate effectively organization-wide to get a clear picture of all your work. Stay in the loop with easy-to-use automations and real-time notifications. STAY ON TRACK TO REACH YOUR GOALS, FASTER Get a high-level overview of your organization with customizable dashboards. Make confident decisions and easily scale workflows for your evolving needs. EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR ANY WORKFLOW Easily build your ideal workflow with monday.com building blocks. Boards Views Dashboards Integrations Automations Apps Docs BOARDS Everything starts with a visual board — the core of monday.com Work OS. Tailor it your way and manage anything from projects to departments. VIEWS Visualize and plan your work more efficiently with multiple views: Kanban board, calendar, timeline, Gantt chart, and more. DASHBOARDS Get the insights you need to make decisions with confidence. Keep track of progress, timelines, and budgets with custom dashboards. Learn more INTEGRATIONS Connect monday.com with all your favorite tools and get more work done. Integrate Slack, Dropbox, Adobe Creative Cloud, and more. Learn more AUTOMATIONS Streamline processes to focus on the work that matters. Choose from a variety of automation recipes or create your own in minutes. Learn more APPS Expand the capabilities of your Work OS with monday apps. Enhance your workflows with custom views, widgets, integrations, and more. Learn more DOCS Transform text into action items, in just a few clicks. Connect, collaborate, and execute ideas and workflows in real-time from any doc. Learn more Boards Views Dashboards Integrations Automations Apps Docs Everything starts with a visual board — the core of monday.com Work OS. Tailor it your way and manage anything from projects to departments. Visualize and plan your work more efficiently with multiple views: Kanban board, calendar, timeline, Gantt chart, and more. Get the insights you need to make decisions with confidence. Keep track of progress, timelines, and budgets with custom dashboards. Learn more Connect monday.com with all your favorite tools and get more work done. Integrate Slack, Dropbox, Adobe Creative Cloud, and more. Learn more Streamline processes to focus on the work that matters. Choose from a variety of automation recipes or create your own in minutes. Learn more Expand the capabilities of your Work OS with monday apps. Enhance your workflows with custom views, widgets, integrations, and more. Learn more Transform text into action items, in just a few clicks. Connect, collaborate, and execute ideas and workflows in real-time from any doc. Learn more END-TO-END PRODUCTS TO RUN THE CORE OF YOUR BUSINESS Tailored products designed for every aspect of your teams' needs. For professionals and teams managing tasks & workflows Manage tasks, projects, and processes to fuel collaboration and efficiency at scale. Top use cases: Project management Portfolio management Resource management Goals & strategy Get Started Learn more For sales professionals and customer-facing teams Track and manage all aspects of your sales cycle, customer data, and more in one place. Top use cases: Contact management Sales pipeline Post-sales management Lead management Get Started Learn more For product and development professionals and teams Build agile workflows to drive impact across your product, design, and R&D teams. Top use cases: Roadmap planning Scrum & Kanban Bug tracking Sprint dashboards Get Started Learn more Manage tasks, projects, and processes to fuel collaboration and efficiency at scale. Top use cases: Project management Portfolio management Resource management Goals & strategy Get Started Learn more Track and manage all aspects of your sales cycle, customer data, and more in one place. Top use cases: Contact management Sales pipeline Post-sales management Lead management Get Started Learn more Build agile workflows to drive impact across your product, design, and R&D teams. Top use cases: Roadmap planning Scrum & Kanban Bug tracking Sprint dashboards Get Started Learn more EXPLORE PROVEN WAYS TO WORK MORE EFFICIENTLY Browse by use case Simplify OKR tracking 80% of goals achieved with OKRs on monday.com Learn more Onboard clients successfully 74% improvement in customer retention Learn more EXPLORE PROVEN WAYS TO WORK MORE EFFICIENTLY Browse by use case Simplify OKR tracking 80% of goals achieved with OKRs on monday.com Learn more Onboard clients successfully 74% improvement in customer retention Learn more * 1 * 2 * 3 SEE HOW OUR CUSTOMERS DRIVE IMPACT Read more success stories > “monday.com Work OS saves us about 1,850 hrs of staff time and somewhere in > the range of $50,000 a month.” Stefana Muller | Senior Director, CTO Product and Program Office > “Now that we have monday.com Work OS as the backbone of our organization I > feel that I have an overview I can trust.” Charlie MacGregor | Founder & CEO > “With monday.com, we’re 30% more efficient at delivering hundreds of campaigns > seen by millions of customers.” Tye Rapley-Hawkins | Head of Delivery > “monday.com Work OS has enabled our group to launch more product categories > and expand into more markets in way less time.” Chris Funk | Director of Product Innovation > “monday.com has given me the confidence because when I walk into the room I > know that when upper management asks for a certain piece of information I’m > able to quickly provide it for them.” Kenny Wallace | Vendor Tooling Engineer, Nissan North America SEE HOW OUR CUSTOMERS DRIVE IMPACT Read more success stories Stefana Muller | Senior Director, CTO Product and Program Office “monday.com Work OS saves us about 1,850 hrs of staff time and somewhere in the range of $50,000 a month.“ Charlie MacGregor | Founder & CEO “Now that we have monday.com Work OS as the backbone of our organization I feel that I have an overview I can trust.“ Tye Rapley-Hawkins | Head of Delivery “With monday.com, we’re 30% more efficient at delivering hundreds of campaigns seen by millions of customers.“ Chris Funk | Director of Product Innovation “monday.com Work OS has enabled our group to launch more product categories and expand into more markets in way less time.“ Kenny Wallace | Vendor Tooling Engineer, Nissan North America “monday.com has given me the confidence because when I walk into the room I know that when upper management asks for a certain piece of information I’m able to quickly provide it for them.“ * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 SUPPORTING YOUR GROWTH EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Our support superheroes are a click away to help you get the most out of monday.com, so you can focus on working without limits. 24/7 support anytime, anywhere Voted #1 Most Loved by customers on G2 2 hour average response time Visit our support center Get in touch SUPPORTING YOUR GROWTH EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Our support superheroes are a click away to help you get the most out of monday.com, so you can focus on working without limits. 24/7 support anytime, anywhere Voted #1 Most Loved by customers on G2 2 hour average response time Visit our support center Get in touch AN AWARD-WINNING PLATFORM. LOVED BY CUSTOMERS. Based on 10,000+ customer reviews. Voted best feature set, relationship and value “This is the best no-code platform I've ever seen.” Shortlisted in over 8 software categories “The perfect organizer and team builder.” Market leader across 18 categories "Flexible product with near endless possibilities." AN AWARD-WINNING PLATFORM. LOVED BY CUSTOMERS. Based on 10,000+ customer reviews. Voted best feature set, relationship and value “This is the best no-code platform I've ever seen.” Shortlisted in over 8 software categories “The perfect organizer and team builder.” Market leader across 18 categories "Flexible product with near endless possibilities." * 1 * 2 * 3 DELIVER YOUR BEST WORK WITH MONDAY.COM No credit card needed ✦ Unlimited time on Free plan Get Started Pricing Contact us Templates SMB Enterprise Nonprofits App marketplace 24/7 support Features Docs Integrations Automations Files Dashboards Kanban Gantt monday products monday work management monday sales CRM monday dev More by monday.com WorkCanvas WorkForms Use cases Marketing Project management Sales Developers HR IT Operations Construction Company About us Careers - We're hiring! monday-U Press Customer stories Become a partner Sustainability & ESG Affiliates Digital Lift Emergency Response Investor relations Resources Help Center Community Blog What's new Academy Global events monday spaces Startup for startup App development Find a partner Hire an expert Compare English English Español Français Deutsch Português Nederlands Italiano Pусский 日本語 한국어 Türkçe Svenska Polski 繁體中文 Security Terms and privacy Privacy policy Your privacy choices Status All Rights Reserved © monday.com Accessibility statement English English Español Français Deutsch Português Nederlands Italiano Pусский 日本語 한국어 Türkçe Svenska Polski 繁體中文 Products Work Management Sales CRM Dev Features Dashboard Integrations Automations Gantt Kanban Docs Files Forms Company About us Careers Investor relations Become a partner Resources Blog What's new monday spaces Teams Project management Marketing Sales Product development Operations IT HR Company size Enterprise Small business Nonprofit Pricing Contact sales Contact us All Rights Reserved © monday.com Accessibility statement Terms and privacy Your privacy choices About cookies on this site We use cookies to ensure you have the best experience on our site, to analyze traffic, and enhance our marketing activities. Learn more Accept Necessary Cookies OnlyCookie settingsAccept all cookies About cookies on this site ❮ ❯ * Categories * Cookie declaration Cookies used on the site are categorized and below you can read about each category and allow or deny some or all of them. When categories than have been previously allowed are disabled, all cookies assigned to that category will be removed from your browser. Additionally you can see a list of cookies assigned to each category and detailed information in the cookie declaration. Learn more Accept all cookiesAccept Necessary Cookies Only Necessary cookies These cookies enable essential website functions such as saving your login data and ensuring good performance on our site as you browse through it. Functional Cookies These cookies are set to support website functionality and features, as well as your preferences - such as selected currency, region, and language. Performance & analytics cookies These cookies help us understand and improve the use and performance of our services including what links visitors clicked on the most, and how they interact with the various areas and features on our website and apps. Targeting cookies These cookies assist us in providing advertising relevant to your interests on platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Cookies used on the site are categorized and below you can read about each category and allow or deny some or all of them. When categories than have been previously allowed are disabled, all cookies assigned to that category will be removed from your browser. Additionally you can see a list of cookies assigned to each category and detailed information in the cookie declaration. Learn more Necessary cookies These cookies enable essential website functions such as saving your login data and ensuring good performance on our site as you browse through it. Necessary cookiesNameHostnameVendorExpirycloudfront_viewer_country.monday.com365 daysbb_visitor_id.monday.com400 daysforce_currency_homepage.monday.com365 daysutm_cluster_id.monday.com365 daysmonday_has_free_tier.monday.com3650 daysmonday_has_free_tier_v2.monday.com3650 daysmonday_has_student_plan.monday.com3650 daysshould_see_purchase_now.monday.com3650 daysmonday_free_tier_account_creation_item_resource_cr.monday.com3650 daysplatform_hide_3_users_bucket.monday.com3650 daysuse_old_storage_settings.monday.com3650 dayscookiehub.monday.comCookieHub365 days Used by CookieHub to store information about whether visitors have given or declined the use of cookie categories used on the site. __cf_bm.hubspot.comCloudflare, Inc.1 hour The __cf_bm cookie supports Cloudflare Bot Management by managing incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. The cookie does not collect any personal data, and any information collected is subject to one-way encryption. _dd_s.monday.comDatadog1 hour This cookie is set by Datadog to group all events generated from a unique user session across multiple pages. It contains the current session ID, whether the session is excluded due to sampling, and the expiration date of the session. The cookie is extended for an extra 15 minutes every time the user interacts with the website, up to the maximum user session duration (4 hours). hp_pricing.monday.com90 days_cfuvid.hubspot.comSession Used by Cloudflare WAF to distinguish individual users who share the same IP address and apply rate limits is_in_crm_use_cases_test_variant.monday.com1 dayelevate_user_token.monday.com365 dayselevate_timezone_token.monday.com365 dayslast_navigation_event_session_idPersistentPHPSESSIDmonday.comSession Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages. __cf_bm.trustradius.comCloudflare, Inc.1 hour The __cf_bm cookie supports Cloudflare Bot Management by managing incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. The cookie does not collect any personal data, and any information collected is subject to one-way encryption. __cf_bm.monday.comCloudflare, Inc.1 hour The __cf_bm cookie supports Cloudflare Bot Management by managing incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. The cookie does not collect any personal data, and any information collected is subject to one-way encryption. __cfruid.support.monday.comCloudflare, Inc.Session This cookie is set by Cloudflare for rate limiting policies. __cf_bm.vimeo.comCloudflare, Inc.1 hour The __cf_bm cookie supports Cloudflare Bot Management by managing incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. The cookie does not collect any personal data, and any information collected is subject to one-way encryption. wpEmojiSettingsSupportsSession This cookie is utilized to enable emoji support on pages using Wordpress. __cf_bm.dapulse.comCloudflare, Inc.1 hour The __cf_bm cookie supports Cloudflare Bot Management by managing incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots. The cookie does not collect any personal data, and any information collected is subject to one-way encryption. visitor_idmonday.comSessioncurrent_sessionSessionloglevel:c-form-hubspotPersistenth1_device_idhackerone.com366 days_cfuvid.hackerone.comSession Used by Cloudflare WAF to distinguish individual users who share the same IP address and apply rate limits _cfuvid.hsforms.comSession Used by Cloudflare WAF to distinguish individual users who share the same IP address and apply rate limits visid_incap_.comeet.co364 days, 7 hours Incapsula DDoS Protectiona and Web Application Firewall: cookie for linking certain sessions to a specific visitor (visitor representing a specific computer). In order to identify clients that have already visited Incapsula. incap_ses_.comeet.coSession Incapsula DDoS Protectiona and Web Application Firewall: cookie for linking HTTP requests to a certain session (AKA visit). Re-opening the browser and accessing same site are registered as different visits. In order to maintain existing sessions (ie, session cookie) nlbi_.comeet.coSession__Host-next-auth.csrf-tokenwww.monday.comSession__Secure-next-auth.callback-urlwww.monday.comSessionPHPSESSIDwww.monday.comSession Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages. Functional Cookies These cookies are set to support website functionality and features, as well as your preferences - such as selected currency, region, and language. Functional CookiesNameHostnameVendorExpirylidc.linkedin.comLinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company1 day Used by LinkedIn for routing. hubspot_id_sent.monday.com400 daysplatform_account_cluster.monday.com3650 daysplatform_account_sub_cluster.monday.com3650 daysplatform_account_id.monday.com1 dayplatform_user_id.monday.com1 dayli_gc.linkedin.comLinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company180 days Used by LinkedIn to store consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes clustersPersistentdrift_campaign_refreshmonday.com1 hour Used by Drift to provide Website Chat functionality. drift_aidmonday.com400 days Used by Drift to provide Website Chat functionality. driftt_aidmonday.com400 days This is the anonymous identifier token. It is used to tie the visitor on your website with the profile within the Drift system. utm_locale_idmonday.com1 daywp-wpml_current_languagemonday.comOnTheGoSystemsSession This cookie is set by WPML and it stores the current language settings. wpml_browser_redirect_testmonday.comWordpressSession WPML makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs. utm_locale_id.monday.com7 daysutm_locale_idwww.monday.com1 dayactive_stepmonday.com3 daysplayer.vimeo.com366 daysvuid.vimeo.com400 days These cookies are used by the Vimeo video player on websites. loomhq:thirdPartyCookieSupportedwww.loom.comSessiondrift_campaign_refreshwww.monday.com1 hour Used by Drift to provide Website Chat functionality. drift_aidwww.monday.com400 days Used by Drift to provide Website Chat functionality. driftt_aidwww.monday.com400 days This is the anonymous identifier token. It is used to tie the visitor on your website with the profile within the Drift system. _icl_visitor_lang_js.monday.comOnTheGoSystems1 dayalways_fs.monday.com3 days_fs_swan_songPersistentwpml_browser_redirect_testwww.monday.comWordpressSession WPML makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs. NID.google.comGoogle Advertising Products183 days A browser sends this cookie with requests to Google’s sites. The NID cookie contains a unique ID Google uses to remember your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language (e.g. English), how many search results you wish to have shown per page (e.g. 10 or 20), and whether or not you wish to have Google’s SafeSearch filter turned on. fs_enabledmonday.com1 daylang.linkedin.comSession Session-based cookie that remembers the user's selected language version of a website. Performance & analytics cookies These cookies help us understand and improve the use and performance of our services including what links visitors clicked on the most, and how they interact with the various areas and features on our website and apps. Performance & analytics cookiesNameHostnameVendorExpiryexperiment_visitor_id.monday.com90 daysm_landing_page.monday.com365 daysYSC.youtube.comGoogleSession This cookie is set by YouTube video service on pages with YouTube embedded videos to track views. _ga.monday.comGoogle400 days Contains a unique identifier used by Google Analytics to determine that two distinct hits belong to the same user across browsing sessions. _gid.monday.comGoogle1 day Contains a unique identifier used by Google Analytics to determine that two distinct hits belong to the same user across browsing sessions. _gat_.monday.comGoogle1 hour Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate (limit the collection of data on high traffic sites) _dc_gtm_.monday.comGoogle1 hour Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager bcookie.linkedin.comLinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company365 days This is a Microsoft MSN 1st party cookie for sharing the content of the website via social media. fb_id_sent.monday.com400 days__hstc.monday.comHubSpot180 days This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. This is the main cookie for tracking visitors. It contains the domain, utk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session). hubspotutk.monday.comHubSpot180 days This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. This cookie is used to keep track of a visitor's identity. This cookie is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts. __hssrc.monday.comHubSpotSession This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. Whenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session. __hssc.monday.comHubSpot1 hour This cookie name is associated with websites built on the HubSpot platform. This cookie keeps track of sessions. This is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp. MUID.bing.comMicrosoft390 days Microsoft User Identifier tracking cookie used by Bing Ads. It can be set by embedded microsoft scripts. Widely believed to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking. _gd_visitormonday.com400 days 6sense cookie that collects visitor data related to the user’s visit to the website, such as number of visits, average time spent on the website and which pages have been loaded, for the purpose of serving targeted advertisements. _gd_sessionmonday.com4 hours 6sense cookie that collects visitor data related to the user’s visit to the website, such as number of visits, average time spent on the website and which pages have been loaded, for the purpose of serving targeted advertisements. _gd_svisitormonday.comGoogle400 days_event_tracker_queuePersistent_hjSessionUser_.monday.comHotjar365 days Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. _hjSession_.monday.comHotjar1 hour Used by Hotjar to hold current session data. ps_mode.monday.com90 dayslanding_pagePersistent_ga_.monday.comGoogle400 days Contains a unique identifier used by Google Analytics 4 to determine that two distinct hits belong to the same user across browsing sessions. DRIFT_visitCountsPersistentDRIFT_SESSION_STARTEDSessionDRIFT_SESSION_IDSessionutm_source.monday.comGoogleSessionutm_campaign.monday.comSessionutm_sub_cluster_id.monday.com365 daysuser_selected_locale_idmonday.com www.monday.com1 dayIR_gbd.monday.comSessionuser_selected_locale_idwww.monday.com1 daym_source.monday.com365 daysutm_sourcePersistentm_campaign.monday.com365 daysutm_campaignPersistentm_medium.monday.com365 days_gac_.monday.com90 daysutm_mediumPersistentajs_anonymous_id.loom.comTwilio Inc.365 days This cookie is used to aggregate and segment data to different data tracking tools by Segment loom_referral_video.www.loom.comSession Used by Loom to track referral paths of videos m_content.monday.com365 daysutm_contentPersistentfs_lua.monday.com1 hourfs_uid.monday.comFullStory, Inc365 days Used by FullStory to track the user across sessions and pages _fs_uidPersistent_fs_luaPersistent_fs_tab_idSessionreferrer41_00bmonday.com www.comeet.co30 daysreferrer41_00bwww.comeet.co30 days Targeting cookies These cookies assist us in providing advertising relevant to your interests on platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Targeting cookiesNameHostnameVendorExpiry_gcl_au.monday.comGoogle Advertising Products90 days Used by Google AdSense to understand user interaction with the website by generating analytical data. VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE.youtube.comGoogle180 days Set by YouTube and used for various purposes, including analytical and advertising. IDE.doubleclick.netGoogle Advertising Products390 days Used by Google's DoubleClick to serve targeted advertisements that are relevant to users across the web. Targeted advertisements may be displayed to users based on previous visits to a website. These cookies measure the conversion rate of ads presented to the user. _fbp.monday.comMeta Platforms90 days Facebook Pixel advertising first-party cookie. Used by Facebook to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. _uetsid.monday.comMicrosoft1 day This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. _uetvid.monday.comMicrosoft390 days This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. 6suuid.6sc.co400 days Registers user behavior and navigation on the website, and any interaction with active campaigns. This is used for optimizing advertisement and for efficient retargeting. _uetsid_expMicrosoftPersistent This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. _uetvidMicrosoftPersistent This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. _uetvid_expMicrosoftPersistent This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. _uetsidMicrosoftPersistent This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. wfivefivec.w55c.netRoku Advertising Services395 days, 10 hours Set by Roku and is used for advertising purposes. tuuid.company-target.comBIDSWITCH GmbH400 days This cookie is mainly set by bidswitch.net to make advertising messages more relevant to the website visitor. tuuid_lu.company-target.comBIDSWITCH GmbH400 days This cookie is usually provided by bidswitch.net and is used for advertising purposes. CMID.casalemedia.comCasale Media365 days Cookie is set by Casale Media. The main business activity is linked to advertising and tracking the products users are looking at. CMPS.casalemedia.com90 days Cookie is set by Casale Media. The main business activity is linked to advertising and tracking the products users are looking at. CMPRO.casalemedia.comCasale Media90 days Cookie is set by Casale Media. The main business activity is linked to advertising and tracking the products users are looking at. tvid.tremorhub.com365 days, 6 hours Presents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. tv_UIDM.tremorhub.com400 days Presents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. li_sugr.linkedin.com90 days Used by LinkedIn to make a probabilistic match of a user's identity outside the Designated Countries lastExternalReferrerPersistent Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address. lastExternalReferrerTimePersistent Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address. sa-user-idtags.srv.stackadapt.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id.srv.stackadapt.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v2tags.srv.stackadapt.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v2.srv.stackadapt.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v3tags.srv.stackadapt.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v3.srv.stackadapt.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-idmonday.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v2monday.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v3monday.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v3StackAdapt Inc.Persistent Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v2StackAdapt Inc.Persistent Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-idStackAdapt Inc.Persistent Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. MSPTC.bing.comMicrosoft390 daysTDID.monday.comThe UK Trade Desk Ltd365 days Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning visitor's device. The ID is used for targeted ads. bscookie.www.linkedin.comLinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company365 days Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services. equal_impact.monday.com30 days_gd_visitorwww.monday.com400 days 6sense cookie that collects visitor data related to the user’s visit to the website, such as number of visits, average time spent on the website and which pages have been loaded, for the purpose of serving targeted advertisements. _gd_sessionwww.monday.com4 hours 6sense cookie that collects visitor data related to the user’s visit to the website, such as number of visits, average time spent on the website and which pages have been loaded, for the purpose of serving targeted advertisements. _gd_svisitorwww.monday.comGoogle400 dayssa-user-idwww.monday.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v2www.monday.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. sa-user-id-v3www.monday.comStackAdapt Inc.365 days Stack Adapt advertising first-party cookie. Used by Stack Adapt to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. _gcl_aw.monday.comGoogle Advertising Products90 days_rdt_uuid.monday.com90 days Set by Reddit to help build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads. ad-id.amazon-adsystem.com216 days This cookie is generally provided by amazon-adsystem.com for advertising purposes. ad-privacy.amazon-adsystem.com400 days This cookie is generally provided by amazon-adsystem.com for advertising purposes. Other cookies These cookies have not yet been categorized yet and will be soon. Other cookiesNameHostnameVendorExpiryIR_22432monday.comSessiont_4465.monday.com1 hourt_4854.monday.com1 hourIR_22432.monday.comSessionli_adsIdPersistentt_4994.monday.com1 hour__Host-sessionhackerone.com14 dayst_4018.monday.com1 hourutm_entrywww.monday.com60 daysnextauth.messagePersistent Save settings