www.fujibikes.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.fujibikes.com//usa//bikes//road//adventure/-and/-touring
Effective URL: https://www.fujibikes.com//usa//bikes//road//adventure/-and/-touring
Submission: On September 17 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

<form method="get" action="/search" autocomplete="off">
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    <button class="input-with-button__button button button--alt" type="submit">Go</button>

POST /contact#footer-signup-form

<form method="post" action="/contact#footer-signup-form" id="footer-signup-form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="contact-form"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="customer"><input type="hidden" name="utf8" value="✓">
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  <h2 class="footer-newsletter-heading">Sign up for our emails</h2>
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POST /contact#signup-form-response

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  </div><input type="submit" tabindex="-1" value="Submit" style="display: none;">

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