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American and Proud

Aaaand another conspiracy theory TRUE


BY ROBERT | JUNE 7, 2021

Faucci, the China Virus response architect experienced an email leak.

Shocker… Not to most of us who were labeled conspiracy theorists for not
believing the media/democrat hype. 

Also Covid death counts are being recounted. (stay tuned for that conspiracy
theory to be found to be true as well)

So to recap:
China unleashed the virus√

HCQ was and is effective against China Virus√

Covid deaths are being inflated for political gain√

Masks are ineffective√

A symptomatic transmission is very very low√

The 2020 Election was stolen, China and democrats colluded to fraudulently
install *Biden (In progress)


6 Months of *Biden aaaand…


BY ROBERT | JUNE 2, 2021

Here we are a mere 6 months after the election was stolen, the corrupt leftist
puppet was installed and here’s the results:

Gas is now $4.50 a gal in CA and rising daily. 

Lumber is 4x the cost it was just 6 months ago. A 2×4 stud was $2.50 to $3.00
now $8.30 A 4×8 sheet of 3/4 plywood is now $70.00+ for low end and up to 90 for
high end. 

Food costs have gone up by 10% or more for some staples.

Illegal Immigration is a disaster now, it went from crisis to catastrophe with
no end in sight. 

Hamas began firing rockets at Israel again, Israel struck back and leveled parts
of Gaza this went on for 3 weeks. A ceasefire was agreed too. Now Iran is
sending more Rockets to Gaza. (All this after *Biden cancelled Trump’s order to
not send money to Iran/Gaza, *Biden is also now buying Iranian oil instead of us
producing our own)

The China virus is being reported to have been created in a lab in Wuhan
(Shocker because Trump and 90% of Americans KNEW THIS LAST YEAR) The media all
the sudden cares about the truth of the virus origin. But still shelter *Biden
from his son’s laptop. Also media is ignoring the pedophile Joe comments to 12
yr old girls.. Corruption is on going in a way that 3rd world nations would be
proud of.

B(urn) L(oot)M(urder) crew is still protesting, media is all “Woke” Hollywood
has led the way while bending their knee to China. Merit based society now
racist. If you’re white it’s okay to hate you. If you’re a person who fits in
one of the boxes the democrat party has placed you in, you are allowed to speak
unless you speak about something the rest don’t agree with. This cancel culture
is dynamic and it’s fast moving. Eating their own often, chaos in the woke mob
expected to gain steam.

This summer in CA with the recall of Newsom (Gov CA) leading the way we expect
major power outages, crime rate rising by high double digits already, jobs
available but free money from gov is keeping people from having to get a job.

Red states opened up 2 months ago. Media said they were going to kill millions.
2 months later and Red states doing great. Blue states still acting as if
pandemic is full blown. 

Vaccines have helped, some take it, some don’t. Gov trying to figure out how to
force everyone to take it. Vaccine passports are trying to come to fruition. 

Getting closer to complete loss of America. 


January 22nd: Two Days after



On the 20th of January 2021 the stolen election was completed with the
inauguration of China Joe Biden in Washington DC. He was surrounded by all the
political powerhouses, the Hollywood elites and of course the 25,000 National
Guardsmen assigned to the ceremony to protect them. 

Behind high fences, barbed wire, barricades and heavily armed soldiers the
“Peaceful transfer of power” was granted to the man who supposedly got more
votes than any candidate ever in the history of the former USA.

They protected the white liberal elites, the powerful political class with all
the muscle needed to ensure that there’ll be no repeat of what happened when
Trump won.. You  remember that right? When the leftists went nuts on DC and
burned limo’s, destroyed buildings, assaulted people etc.

So after the circus.. Ooops the staged event, China Joe got to work on executive
orders. He signed 17 of them his first day, here’s the highlights:

Killed the Keystone Pipeline *over 8,000 direct jobs, up to 10K support jobs

Reversed Trump’s regulation reform from 4 years ago (Credited with helping to
create the lowest unemployment numbers in history) 

Re-joined the Paris accord and The W.H.O *China seen nodding in approval*

Paused Trump’s discount Insulin program which lowers cost for insulin for
consumers (Big Pharma happy)

Diversity programs (Effort, results, merit, integrity, honor not important it’s
your sex organs/preference or your race that’s the most important thing now)

Halted border wall construction *Thousands of jobs lost*

Halted deportations *2 caravans headed toward border from south America right
now to take advantage of the free stuff China is offering*

Rescinded travel bans from several terrorist/covid hot spots. (Middle east on
verge of exploding again. Already had 3 brand new terrorist attacks, got to
import those.. Just a note: NOT ONE in the last 3 years on American soil other
than a jihadi here and there attempting to or killing individuals, no bombing,
no planes flying into buildings, Trump actively sought them out, killed them and
made sure the world knew we didn’t play.. That was then, this is now)

Mask mandate on all federal land/buildings etc. (Which he broke immediately, at
the Lincoln Memorial. The media made excuses for him except Fox news reporter
who dared asked about it. We expect his suicide any day now.

He also revoked the 1776 commission (You know that commission that was to
instill some patriotism into the nation about what GOOD has been done since we
fought a tyrant and gained our independence, it sought to educate and counter
the Anti-American democrat party education of “Everything American is bad”)

So to recap the last week:

Help for China and Illegal Immigrants but nothing for Americans. Thousands of
jobs deleted. Oh and all the sudden Hydrochloroquine is no longer illegal to
prescribe since it’s now okay.. 2 days after innauguration.

Twitter/Facebook/Youtube still banning conservatives, Parler down (Amazon killed
their servers) GAB and Mewe are becoming popular.


Hang on folks gonna be a rough ride.

January 12 2021 Update



The virtue signaling has reached a boiling point.

Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Google, Apple virtually all big tech entities have
banned, purged or suspended all conservative leaders who have refused to
sufficiently bend the knee to the mob of democrat rule.

Parler and Gab, the two most favored refuge for Americans who love their country
are either gone or so slow they are unusable. (They say they’re upgrading and
will get better and be back) 

The “Hag in the house” Nancy Pelosi is pushing through impeachment for “Inciting
a riot” on January 6th. A couple “R’s” are signing on to it.

Liz Cheney the biggest name in the House for R’s to do it. She will be branded a
traitor and her fate rests on the democrat voters in the next election.. Wait,
never mind. She may be saved as a token like they keep a few R’s in Sacramento
for appearance. 

Trump made a speech at the border wall in Texas. He made several good points and
made sure to let the border patrol know the next admin won’t be as friendly to
them so get ready.

The anger in this country is reaching a boiling point. The national guard is
putting up barriers all over DC for Bejing Biden’s inauguration in eight days.

The News media (Sorry the State run media) is falling all over itself to
congratulate Biden/Harris for winning the election…

Nobody has yet to answer the question: IF Joe Biden won the election with more
votes than any candidate before him, why are they censoring opposition?

Hang on folks going to be rough ride.

Jan 10th 2021 UPDATE



Update to previous post: 

So we all have gone through a rough time with this election. There is enough
doubt that the election was stolen that no election in the USA will be trusted
ever again. 

President Trump held a rally in DC on Jan 6th and after that all hell broke
loose. A group of people stormed the capitol building and scared the rulers. The
media has gone scorched earth on the Trump supporters, media and their democrat
masters have coordinated efforts with social media and have blocked, banned,
suspended accounts on Twitter, Facebook,Youtube and Google.. One day later they
are actively shutting down alternative sites like Parler, or any other platform
that doesn’t comply.

We are in the midst of the greatest public lynching ever in the history of the

Over the last 2 years, statues have been removed, books are being removed from
society, speech is only free if you follow the rules of the democrat party. 

We have had riots for the last year, here’s a list until they take it down SEE

Politicians from R to D have condemned the DC protest and have blamed Pres Trump
for it. They’re trying to impeach him with 12 days left in his term. They’ve
tried the 25th amendment and the media is not asking questions of their masters
in the democrat party. The USA has gone to full democrat rule and socialist
tactics to silence those of us who think for themselves.

People are trying to find other platforms to communicate with each other but the
“Minders” are now actively pressuring any contact with the 75 Million TRUMP
SUPPORTERS who are not complying with their rules.

In the mean time, we still have the China Virus to deal with, however; now that
Biden is (Illegitimately) president, NY is going to now start opening their
economy. CA will be right behind them. The two biggest economies in the country
were locked down in order to turn public opinion away from Trump. It didn’t
work, the election was stolen and the majority of Americans are not aligned with
the democrat party today. 

We are headed into a very dark time where the riots of the left are going to
look as peaceful as the democrat party said they were (They weren’t) 

This will serve as record so if the lights are still on in the USA in a couple
months/years we can look back and see it, IF the democrat party hasn’t purged
all opposing views from the internet. 




Where we are now



It is November 12th 2020. We have just had an election (9 days ago) and right
now, the mainstream media have determined that Joe Biden/Kamala Harris are going
to be President and Vice President respectively. However; Law suits are pending
regarding election fraud. President Trump was winning handedly in all the
battleground states until millions of ballots mysteriously showed up. This post
will serve as a historical marker as to where we are right now. I write this
post here because social media: Twitter and Facebook have been censoring any
opposing views to the democrat messages. They have censored a sitting POTUS,
they have suspended accounts of those who have information and are willing to
share the truth.

All that aside, this post will be used as a baseline should Biden/Harris be
crowned officially.

Gasoline is currently $2.89 per gallon In CA.
Interest rates are 2.375% for a 30 year VA mortgage.
The stock market closed at 28,390, even though we have been fighting COVID for 9
Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33%.
We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well.
We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years.
North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis
has not been heard from for over 3 years.
The housing market is the strongest in over 20 years.
We are in no wars and most of the troops are coming home.
Trump has had 4 major peace signings in the Middle East.
Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on
the market, with multiple offers.
401K almost doubled.
You can find a job anywhere.
Gas never passed 3.50 in CA.
No new federal taxes.
You don’t get penalized for not having Health insurance.
Interest rate at 2.5 – 3 %.
The Vets are getting the help they needed and in a timely manner and the one
that no one talks about is The Opioid war that was going on when Trump took
office 4 years ago.
Alternative social media has risen. Parler and GAB are becoming popular with
Fox news has lost MILLIONS of viewers other than Tucker and Hannity
Journalism has become a joke profession along with the pollsters.
CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS news have been negative for 4 years on anything Trump has
done and are already kneeling to Biden.
Freedom is being taken from Americans under the guise of a virus that is 98%
We are being forced to wear masks, we are being told how many people we can have
for holiday dinners, we are being told what businesses can open and which ones
must be closed. Protests are okay unless it is over our freedoms being stolen.
Black Lives matter and Antifa joined up to wreck cities this year and in
Portland/Seattle they’ve been under siege since March of 2020. You may celebrate
by the thousands a Biden “Win” however you may not attend a Trump rally.

This is where we are now. 11/12/2020.
Come back in 3yrs and see what has changed.


Sex, Sexual Assaults and Accusations..



Well well.. The news lately is absolutely hilarious. Its even funnier when you
look back to last years election and remember this:

“Donald Trump in an audio recording with Billy Bush said Grab em by the pussy”
The entire media played this on a loop for 2 weeks.

The outrage from EVERY ONE OF THE RECENTLY ACCUSED sexual abusers (Except for
Roy Moore which I’ll get to in a minute) were very loud.  Harvey Weinstein,
Kevin Spacey, Casey Afflek, Woody Allen, James Toback, Ben Afflek, Bryan Singer,
Brett Ratner, Roman Polanski, Jeremy Pivin, Dustin Hoffman, Oliver Stone, Louis
CK and a new one today none other than George Tekei. 

Now I could go on and add their tweets/statements and interviews where they were
just absolutely horrified over “Grab em by the pussy” …As I’ve always said. When
the left is accusatory, realize they are guilty of it and are projecting their
guilt on others to make them feel better. Almost 90% of the time this is an
accurate statement.

Now what is the motivation for these accusations against the Hollywood elite?
Why is it now coming out? What drove these people to all the sudden start
talking? Motivation is a very important part of this issue. I haven’t heard any
of these “Accusers” releasing a book, movie or running for office. So why? Are
the accusers Trump supporters? haven’t heard anything like that, matter of fact
most of the accusers are very far left. So why? There’s nothing in it for them
which makes them very credible.

Now lets move on to Roy Moore of Alabama who has been accused of asking out a
young girl 30yrs ago. He was 30+ she was between 14-17 depending on what news
channel you listen to. This story was in the Washington Post. “WAPO” has put out
several unfounded hit pieces on republicans and been unmasked as source of bogus
information during the election. To be completely fair, they’ve never put out a
hit piece on Democrats that was found to be baseless and unfounded. Odd huh?

Roy Moore faces a democrat in the special election in a couple weeks for the
seat Jeff Sessions held. Roy Moore was the anti-Establishment candidate. Even
Trump supported his opponent in the primaries. The GOP elites threw every dime
they could to Luther Strange. And Moore still won. He was on a path to a
landslide victory and a senate seat until this “Accusation”

So lets use the same “Motivation” argument we did for the Hollywood elites:

What is in it for the accusers? It has come to light today that one was an
interpreter for Hillary, All 4 of them are democrats, none of them mentioned
this in 40 years of Moore being in public office. Who benefits from this
accusation? Does Moore? Nope. Who benefits? The democrat party, the
establishment GOP/DNC the democrat opponent.

So who is most credible? As it stands now I’m firmly behind Roy Moore. Hell,
30yrs ago he was 30 or so, the girl being 17 (Rumor or true) being asked out on
a date.. Did he know she was 17 not 18? Also let me just throw this out there,
no touching had occurred. So the accusation even if he asked her out, did they
go out? NO? Mmmm.

This is a hit job just like WAPO did to Trump and you have to ask, where are the
accusers of Trump now? Crickets.



The Leftists are Funny…


BY ROBERT | JUNE 17, 2017

After 6 months: Trump is doing a hell of a job. I have never been so surprised
in my life.. Well, maybe once or twice but never by a politician. Trump isn’t a
politician, that’s probably why.

You know how you can tell he’s doing a great job? CNN, MSNBC are now neck and
neck for the “Tabloid Journalism award” CBS/NBC are competing for “Most
incompetent” news programs and New York Times, WAPO are officially “MAD
Magazine” competition. The democrat party has lost what little minds they had,
they’ve completely gone full on Marxist/Socialist/Communist depending on which
sect of the party you talk to.

Its a great time to be an AMERICAN!!! Not so much if you’re ISIS, Democrat,
Progressive or Antifa…

BTW, there’s a few changes coming to this page. I am going to revive it I
think.. There’s so many great things happening in the USA it seems a shame to
miss out on sharing it. The MSM sure as hell wont.





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 * Aaaand another conspiracy theory TRUE June 7, 2021
 * 6 Months of *Biden aaaand… June 2, 2021
 * January 22nd: Two Days after January 23, 2021
 * January 12 2021 Update January 13, 2021
 * Jan 10th 2021 UPDATE January 12, 2021


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